BriefingsDirect Podcasts

BriefingsDirect Podcasts

Dana Gardner

BriefingsDirect(TM) sponsored podcasts provide deep-dive interviews and analysis on software infrastructure topics with moderator Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions.

How The Open Group Portfolio of Digital Open Standards supports your digital business transformation journey

How The Open Group Portfolio of Digital Open Standards supports your digital business transformation journey

The next BriefingsDirect enterprise architecture (EA) discussion explores how a comprehensive portfolio of open standards and associated best practices powerfully supports digital business transformation. As companies chart a critical course to adopt agility using artificial intelligence (AI)-driven benefits, they need proven and actionable structure to help deepen customer relationships, improve internal processes, and heighten business value outcomes. Accordingly, this latest BriefingsDirect

Aug 4, 2024 • 40:06

Make AI adoption a strategic, ROI-focused, and sustainable transformation

Make AI adoption a strategic, ROI-focused, and sustainable transformation

The next BriefingsDirect expert interview podcast explores best practices for deploying artificial intelligence (AI) with a focus on sustainability and strategic business benefits. As AI rises as an imperative that impacts companies at nearly all levels, proper concern for efficiency around energy use and resources management has emerged as a key ingredient of success -- or failure.  It’s becoming increasingly evident that AI deployments will demand vast resources -- energy, water, skills, and u

May 15, 2024 • 42:34

How a Minnesota law firm brings mission critical security to myriad mobile devices

How a Minnesota law firm brings mission critical security to myriad mobile devices

The next BriefingsDirect mobile devices security and privacy discussion examines how a new balance needs to be struck between giving users at the remote edge all the productivity they want, while protecting the most sensitive information. Listen to the podcast. Subscribe to it on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy.  Stay here to learn how a Minnesota law firm puts the power of diverse mobility to widespread use and keeps confidential and regulated data under strict control. Here

Feb 12, 2024 • 30:46

How IT security teams do more with less when economies rapidly change

How IT security teams do more with less when economies rapidly change

The next BriefingsDirect IT security best practices discussion examines how a leading German home builder has adjusted to a major economic market disruption. Germany’s home building demand has recently reversed, putting pressure on builders to reduce IT costs while remaining secure. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy.  Stay tuned here to learn how a large, distributed workforce can be best supported by IT -- even as business conditions change and budge

Jan 18, 2024 • 27:44

How accounts payable automation and agility drive long-term business productivity

How accounts payable automation and agility drive long-term business productivity

The next BriefingsDirect business modernization discussion focuses on how optimizing and automating accounts payable (AP) functions gives businesses improved insights and levers to better transform. We’ll examine how improved control and management over cash flow, payables, and related fiduciary functions elevate overall financial situational awareness. Via adoption of intelligent automation, such new awareness -- and the greater efficiency it produces -- will further support the expected consol

Nov 13, 2023 • 27:31

How dashboard analytics bolster security and risk management insights across IT supply chains

How dashboard analytics bolster security and risk management insights across IT supply chains

The next  BriefingsDirect security enhancement discussion examines how innovative managers are increasingly benefiting from interactive dashboard analytics. The resulting actionable knowledge elevates security situation awareness to the higher order value of overall business risk assessment and mitigation. Learn how Bruce Auto Group has gained such deep insights -- not only into how its distributed apps, systems, and data are secured, but also into the hidden risks that can develop across entire

Sep 28, 2023 • 34:37

How WFH accelerated IT and security transformation at global publisher HBG

How WFH accelerated IT and security transformation at global publisher HBG

The next  BriefingsDirect security innovations discussion examines how the rapid shift to remote work has accelerated a rethinking of security and IT processes at a New York-based publishing organization. Rearchitecting the security posture of a business means adjusting work patterns and IT in ways that both reduce risk and heighten performance. But the trick is to do so without alienating workers -- wherever they may be -- and maintaining strong productivity. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

Jul 11, 2023 • 32:32

Why hybrid IT complexity makes security as a service essential

Why hybrid IT complexity makes security as a service essential

Amid rapidly growing IT security costs and the added complexity of distributed workforces, the challenges facing IT services providers are clearly outrunning past practices. That’s why more automation, integration, and acquiring security “as a service” are in hot demand. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. Stay with us now as the next BriefingsDirect security innovations discussion examines how Heartland Business Systems is seeking such new ways and n

Apr 24, 2023 • 24:33

For UK MSP, optimizing customer experience is key to successful security posture and productivity

For UK MSP, optimizing customer experience is key to successful security posture and productivity

For managed service providers (MSPs), making the IT infrastructure as invisible as possible isn’t just a “nice-to-have" — it's also elemental to delivering the best customer experience. Securing IT for these tech services and support users is no different. The less complexity and interference with productivity from the underlying security apparatus — the better. The next BriefingsDirect security innovations discussion examines how Scottish MSP Grant McGregor Ltd. has taken the customer experienc

Mar 30, 2023 • 34:55

Defending the perimeter evolves into securing the user experience bubble for UK cancer services provider

Defending the perimeter evolves into securing the user experience bubble for UK cancer services provider

An underappreciated aspect of enhancing IT security is the impact on an end user’s comfort and trust in the services provided. In the case of health care services and support, making the patient feel welcome and safe can be a game-changer as they seek access to needed services and care.  The next BriefingsDirect security innovations discussion examines how Macmillan Cancer Support in the United Kingdom (UK) places the ease of use and sense of security in the services provided as a top IT -- and

Mar 1, 2023 • 29:11

How A-Core Concrete sets a solid foundation for preemptive security

How A-Core Concrete sets a solid foundation for preemptive security

A special breed of company -- even though it has a relatively small number of employees -- does very big jobs with those lean and often distributed workforces. A perfect example of such a concentrated and efficient business is A-Core Concrete Specialists, which builds large and complex structures across the Western United States. When it comes to managing IT, the lean-and-mean mantra also holds true. The jack-of-all-trades requirements means that the IT leadership of it is often the head of secu

Jan 25, 2023 • 30:03

Hybrid work is the future, and innovative technology will define it

Hybrid work is the future, and innovative technology will define it

We’re all now part of a massive worldwide experiment about the very definition of work. Remote, in-office — or tightrope walking along some sliding scale between the two? How each business and each worker finds the next new work-life balance remains an ongoing "work in progress." In the post-rapid adoption of remote work world -- a full two and half years after the onset of COVID -- there’s no definitive answer on which approach to hybrid work works best. And the technology tools and solutions —

Sep 28, 2022 • 41:18

How deep observability forms the gift that keeps giving for hybrid IT security

How deep observability forms the gift that keeps giving for hybrid IT security

For those tasked with delivering unwavering performance of their apps and data, there have never been more unknowns to account for and manage. That’s because today’s hybrid clouds and mixed-network environments come with a multitude of dynamic variables -- and an unprecedented degree of complexity. Yet modern digital business demands that the entire constellation of these far-flung cloud services, resources, and application constituent parts coalesce perfectly. The end result must be real-time a

Sep 13, 2022 • 41:39

How Deep Observability Powers Strong Cybersecurity and Network Insights Across Complex Cloud Environments

How Deep Observability Powers Strong Cybersecurity and Network Insights Across Complex Cloud Environments

The growing prevalence of complex multi- and hybrid-cloud environments has opened a Pandora’s Box of unseen risks around security and performance.  But unlike when IT and network operators had the tools and access to track their own internal systems and data, the mixed-cloud model of today is much harder to know and secure. Pandora’s Box is open but observing what’s going on in and around it is cloaked by inadequate means to gain actionable insights amid all the distributed variables. Enter deep

Aug 23, 2022 • 31:34

HPE accelerates its sustainability goals while improving the impact of IT on the environment and society

HPE accelerates its sustainability goals while improving the impact of IT on the environment and society

As businesses worldwide seek to maximize their value to their customers and communities, the total value equation has expanded to now include the impact on sustainability for the environment. The ways that companies, along with their partners, suppliers, and employees best manage and govern their resources and assets speaks volumes about their place among peers. And it allows them to take a leadership position as stewards and protectors of the future. The sooner the world’s industries develop a

Jun 22, 2022 • 28:21

It’s official—flexible and remote work are here to stay, say empowered employees

It’s official—flexible and remote work are here to stay, say empowered employees

The world’s office workers have more clout and influence now than ever over where and how they do their jobs. Those who have worked from home and want to continue are spurring on their employers to do more than just embrace hybrid work. They’re seeking to reinvent the very nature of employment. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. Stay with BriefingsDirect as we explore new research into how innovations such as contingent labor exchanges and intelligen

Mar 11, 2022 • 32:44

How low-code development has entered a maturity spurt thanks to new process-oriented capabilities

How low-code development has entered a maturity spurt thanks to new process-oriented capabilities

Closing the gap between the applications and services a company needs -- and the ones they can actually produce -- has long been a missing keystone for attaining digital transformation. For increasingly software-driven organizations, the speed by which developers produce the needed processes, data flows, and business transactions has been much too slow for much too long. Fast-forward to the pressing new requirements of pervasively digital business in 2022, and it’s abundantly clear that somethin

Feb 14, 2022 • 28:46

When it comes to API security, expect the whole world to be testing your mettle, says Twitter CISO

When it comes to API security, expect the whole world to be testing your mettle, says Twitter CISO

Just as cloud computing initially seeped into organizations under the cloak of shadow IT, application programming interface (API) adoption has often followed an organic, inexact, and unaudited path.  IT leaders know they’re benefiting from APIs -- internal, via third parties, and often outwardly exposed -- they just don’t know where they are, how much they support key services, and how they’re being used … or abused. As a result, developers and business architects alike don’t know how organical

Jan 12, 2022 • 30:40

2022--The Year Technology and New Work Models Come Together to Enable Continuous Innovation

2022--The Year Technology and New Work Models Come Together to Enable Continuous Innovation

Predicting the future took on a whole new degree of difficulty the past two years. And while we can’t always know what Mother Nature will throw our way, we can learn from what worked -- and what didn’t work -- in 2021.  Clearly, adjusting swiftly to persistent change and leveraging digital -- and often virtual -- tools, environments, and processes were major benefits. Now, how will 2022 shape up as we extrapolate on the trends around shifting work models? How will technology, both tactically an

Dec 14, 2021 • 39:16

How Houwzer speeds growth and innovation for online real estate by gaining insights into API use and behavior

How Houwzer speeds growth and innovation for online real estate by gaining insights into API use and behavior

Complexity and security challenges can hobble the growth of financial transactions for private-data-laden, consumer-facing software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. Add to that the need to deliver user experiences that are simple, intuitive, and personalized -- and you have a thorny thicket of software development challenges. So how did streamlined and cost-efficient home-brokerage-enabler Houwzer construct a resilient application programming interface (API)-based platform as the heart of its s

Dec 1, 2021 • 26:56

Working the great resignation: How employers can transform to a mutual advantage

Working the great resignation: How employers can transform to a mutual advantage

The so-called great resignation has anywhere from half to two-thirds of U.S. workers looking for something other than their current situation. Whatever the percentage, there’s no question that workers across the board have and continue to quit in droves. And whether the exit is due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the culmination of decades of various trends, or some combination, the bottom line is that employers need to give workers better reasons to remain. Stay with BriefingsDirect as we explore

Nov 1, 2021 • 36:13

The Open Group marks 25 years of working together to make successful standards

The Open Group marks 25 years of working together to make successful standards

Way back in 1996, when web browsing was novel and central processing still ruled the roost of enterprise IT, The Open Group was formed from the merger of the Open Software Foundation and X/Open. This October marks the 25th anniversary of remarkable achievements in the technology standards arena by The Open Group. Beginning with a focus as the publisher of the single UNIX specification technical standard and steward of the UNIX trademark, the organization has grown to more than 850 members in ov

Oct 27, 2021 • 39:13

Now’s the time for more industries to adopt a culture of operational resilience

Now’s the time for more industries to adopt a culture of operational resilience

In the last BriefingsDirect sustainable business innovation discussion, we explored how operational resiliency has become a top priority in the increasingly interconnected financial services sector. We now expand our focus to explore the best ways to anticipate, plan for, and swiftly implement the means for nearly any business to avoid disruption. New techniques allow for rapid responses to many of the most pressing threats. By predefining root causes and implementing advance responses, many b

Oct 26, 2021 • 40:35

How FinTech innovator Razorpay uses open-source tracing to manage fast-changing APIs

How FinTech innovator Razorpay uses open-source tracing to manage fast-changing APIs

The speed and complexity of microservices-intense applications often leave their developers in the dark. The creators too often struggle to track and visualize the actual underlying architecture of their distributed services. The designers, builders, and testers of modern API-driven apps, therefore, need an ongoing and instant visibility capability into the rapidly changing data flows, integration points, and assemblages of internal and third-party services. Thankfully, an open-source project t

Oct 19, 2021 • 38:39

Traceable AI platform builds usage knowledge that detects and thwarts API vulnerabilities

Traceable AI platform builds usage knowledge that detects and thwarts API vulnerabilities

The rapidly expanding use of application programming interfaces (APIs) to accelerate application development and advanced business services has created a vast constellation of interrelated services -- often now called the API Economy. Yet the speed and complexity of this API adoption spree has largely outrun the capability of existing tools and methods to keep tabs on the services topology -- let alone keep these services secure and resilient. Stay with us here as BriefingsDirect explores a ne

Oct 1, 2021 • 39:23

How HPE Pointnext Complete Care enables a warm blanket of support from edge to cloud

How HPE Pointnext Complete Care enables a warm blanket of support from edge to cloud

Today’s diversity of hybrid IT models and environments demands that IT services and support accommodate more digital variables than ever. This burgeoning complexity and the fast-changing dynamics of digital businesses are pushing enterprises to seek a complete and holistic way to support all their technology -- from every edge to every cloud -- in one bold stroke. That’s the market driver behind a new pan-IT services offering from Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Pointnext Services called HPE Po

Sep 9, 2021 • 33:45

How to migrate your organization to a more security-minded culture

How to migrate your organization to a more security-minded culture

Bringing broader awareness of security risks and building a security-minded culture within any public or private organization has been a top priority for years. Yet halfway through 2021, IT security remains as much a threat as ever -- with multiple major breaches and attacks costing tens of millions of dollars occurring nearly weekly. Why are the threat vectors not declining? Why, with all the tools and investment, are businesses still regularly being held up for ransom or having their data bre

Aug 30, 2021 • 28:46

Citrix research shows those ‘Born Digital’ can deliver superlative results

Citrix research shows those ‘Born Digital’ can deliver superlative results

Self-awareness as an individual attribute provides the context to better understand others and to find common ground. But what about self-awareness of entire generations? Are those born before the mass appeal and distribution of digital technology able to make the leap in their awareness of those who have essentially been Born Digital? Does the awareness gap extend to an even more profound disconnect between how today’s younger generations think and those more likely to be in the leadership posi

Jun 24, 2021 • 37:08

How financial firms are blazing a trail to more predictive and resilient operations come what may

How financial firms are blazing a trail to more predictive and resilient operations come what may

The last few years have certainly highlighted the need for businesses of all kinds to build up their operational resilience. With a rising tide of pandemic waves, high-level cybersecurity incidents, frequent technology failures, and a host of natural disasters -- there’s been plenty to protect against. As businesses become more digital and dependent upon end-to-end ecosystems of connected services, the responsibility for protecting critical business processes has clearly shifted. It’s no longer

Jun 22, 2021 • 45:37

How API security provides a killer use case for ML and AI

How API security provides a killer use case for ML and AI

While the use of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) for IT security may not be new, the extent to which data-driven analytics can detect and thwart nefarious activities is still in its infancy. As we’ve recently discussed here on BriefingsDirect, an expanding universe of interdependent application programming interfaces (APIs) forms a new and complex threat vector that strikes at the heart of digital business. How will ML and AI form the next best security solution for API

Jun 4, 2021 • 28:46

Securing APIs demands tracing and machine learning that analyze behaviors to head off attacks

Securing APIs demands tracing and machine learning that analyze behaviors to head off attacks

The burgeoning use of application programming interfaces (APIs) across cloud-native computing and digital business ecosystems has accelerated rapidly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Enterprises have had to scramble to develop and procure across new digital supply chains and via unproven business-to-business processes.Companies have also extended their business perimeters to include home workers as well as to reach more purely online end-users and customers. In doing so, they may have given short s

May 5, 2021 • 33:36

Rise of reliance on APIs brings new security vector -- and need for novel defenses

Rise of reliance on APIs brings new security vector -- and need for novel defenses

Thinking of IT security as a fortress or a moat around your compute assets has given way to a more realistic and pervasive posture. Such a cybersecurity perimeter, it turns out, was only an illusion. A far more effective extended-enterprise strategy protects business assets and processes wherever they are -- and wherever they might reach. As businesses align to new approaches such as zero trust and behavior-modeling to secure their data applications, infrastructure, and networks, there’s a new,

Apr 21, 2021 • 28:52

Creating business advantage with technology-enabled flexible work

Creating business advantage with technology-enabled flexible work

As businesses plan for a future where more of their workforce can be located just about anywhere, how should they rethink hiring, training, and talent optimization? This major theme for 2021 and beyond poses major adjustments for both workers and savvy business leaders. The next BriefingsDirect modern workplace strategies discussion explores how a global business process outsourcing leader has shown how distributed employees working from a “Cloud Campus”are improving productivity and their end u

Apr 19, 2021 • 28:21

Disaster recovery to cyber recovery -- What is the new best future state?

Disaster recovery to cyber recovery -- What is the new best future state?

The clear and present danger facing businesses and governments from cybersecurity threats has only grown more clear and ever-present in 2021. As the threats from runaway ransomware attacks and state-sponsored backdoor access to networks deepen, too many businesses have a false sense of quick recovery using traditional business continuity and backup measures. That’s because the criminals are increasingly compromising vulnerable backup systems and data first -- before they attack. As a result, vis

Apr 16, 2021 • 47:17

Rethinking employee well-being means innovative new support for the digital work-life balance

Rethinking employee well-being means innovative new support for the digital work-life balance

The tumultuous shift over the past year to nearly all-digital and frequently at-home work has amounted to a rapid-fire experiment in human adaptability. While there are many successful aspects to the home-exodus experiment, as with all disruption to human behavior, there are also some significant and highly personal downsides. The next BriefingsDirect work-from-home strategies discussion explores the current state of employee well-being and examines how new pressures and complexity from distance

Apr 13, 2021 • 33:37

How HPE Pointnext Tech Care changes the game for delivering enhanced IT solutions and support

How HPE Pointnext Tech Care changes the game for delivering enhanced IT solutions and support

The next BriefingsDirect Voice of Innovation discussion explores how services and support for enterprise IT have entered a new era. For IT technology providers, the timing of the news couldn’t be better. That's because those now consuming tech support are demanding higher-order value -- such as improved worker productivity from hybrid services delivered across many remote locations. At the same time, the underlying technologies and intelligence to enhance traditional help desk support are blos

Mar 29, 2021 • 34:22

Work from anywhere unlocks once-hidden productivity and creativity talent gems

Work from anywhere unlocks once-hidden productivity and creativity talent gems

Now that hybrid work models have been the norm for a year, what’s the long-term impact on worker productivity? Will the pandemic-induced shift to work from anywhere agility translate into increased employee benefits -- and better business outcomes -- over time? The next BriefingsDirect workspace innovation discussion explores how a bellwether UK accounting services firm has shown how consistent, secure, and efficient digital work experiences lead to heightened team collaboration and creative new

Mar 9, 2021 • 27:09

How to gain advanced cyber resilience and recovery across the IT ops and SecOps divide

How to gain advanced cyber resilience and recovery across the IT ops and SecOps divide

Cyber attacks are on the rise, harming brands and supply chains while fomenting consumer and employee distrust -- as well as leading to costly interruptions and service blackouts. At the same time, more remote workers and extended-enterprise processes due to the pandemic demand higher levels of security across all kinds of business workflows. Stay with us now as the next BriefingsDirect discussion explores why comprehensive cloud security solutions need to go beyond on-premises threat detectio

Mar 4, 2021 • 30:21

How HPE Pointnext ‘Moments' provide a proven critical approach to digital business transformation

How HPE Pointnext ‘Moments' provide a proven critical approach to digital business transformation

The next edition of the BriefingsDirect Voice of Innovation video podcast series explores new and innovative paths for businesses to attain digital transformation. Even as a vast majority of companies profess to be seeking digital business transformation, few proven standards or broadly accepted methods stand out as the best paths to take. And now, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for bold initiatives to make customer engagement and experience optimization an increasingly data-dr

Feb 18, 2021 • 43:12

How global data availability accelerates collaboration and delivers business insights

How global data availability accelerates collaboration and delivers business insights

The next BriefingsDirect data strategy insights discussion explores the payoffs when enterprises overcome the hurdles of disjointed storage to obtain global data access. By leveraging the latest in container and storage server technologies, the holy grail of inclusive, comprehensive, and actionable storage can be obtained. And such access extends across all deployment models – from hybrid cloud, to software-as-a-service (SaaS), to distributed data centers, and edge. Subscribe to the podcast on

Feb 16, 2021 • 19:09

How consistent storage services across all tiers and platforms attains data simplicity, compatibility, and lower cost

How consistent storage services across all tiers and platforms attains data simplicity, compatibility, and lower cost

This BriefingsDirect Data Strategies Insights discussion series, Part 2, explores the latest technologies and products delivering common data services across today’s hybrid cloud, distributed data centers, and burgeoning edge landscapes. New advances in storage technologies, standards, and methods have changed the game when it comes to overcoming the obstacles businesses too often face when seeking pervasive analytics across their systems and services. Stay with us now as we examine how IBM Sto

Feb 10, 2021 • 21:41

How storage advances help businesses digitally transform across a hybrid cloud world

How storage advances help businesses digitally transform across a hybrid cloud world

The next BriefingsDirect data strategies insights discussion explores how consistent and global storage models can best propel pervasive analytics and support digital business transformation. Decades of disparate and uncoordinated storage solutions have hindered enterprises’ ability to gain common data services across today’s hybrid cloud, distributed data centers, and burgeoning edge landscapes. Yet only a comprehensive data storage model that includes all platforms, data types, and deploymen

Feb 5, 2021 • 19:54

How Capgemini optimizes contingent workforce agility using SAP Fieldglass

How Capgemini optimizes contingent workforce agility using SAP Fieldglass

The next BriefingsDirect digital business innovation discussion explores the growing importance of contingent workforces.  As more businesses look to external workforces and services to satisfy their skills and information technology (IT) needs, the ability to manage those workers and services is lagging. Even as upward of 42 percent of workforce spend is now going to external workforces, many organizations lack visibility into the nature of that spend. As a result, they can’t manage the product

Jan 14, 2021 • 29:50

The future of work is happening now thanks to Digital Workplace Services

The future of work is happening now thanks to Digital Workplace Services

Businesses, schools, and governments have all had to rethink the proper balance between in-person and remote work. And because that balance is a shifting variable -- and may well continue to be for years after the pandemic -- it remains essential that the underlying technology be especially agile. The next BriefingsDirect worker strategies discussion explores how a partnership behind a digital workplace services solution delivers a sliding scale for blended work scenarios. We’ll learn how Uni

Dec 21, 2020 • 32:26

Why customer experience management has never been more important or impactful

Why customer experience management has never been more important or impactful

The next BriefingsDirect digital business innovation discussion explores how companies need to better understand and respond to their markets one subscriber at a time. By better listening inside of their products, businesses can remove the daylight between their digital deliverables and their customers’ impressions. Stay with us now as we hear from a customer experience (CX) management expert at SAP on the latest ways that discerning customers’ preferences informs digital business imperatives.

Dec 10, 2020 • 29:28

How to industrialize data science to attain mastery of repeatable intelligence delivery

How to industrialize data science to attain mastery of repeatable intelligence delivery

Businesses these days are quick to declare their intention to become data-driven, yet the deployment of analytics and the use of data science remains spotty, isolated, and often uncoordinated. To fully reach their digital business transformation potential, businesses large and small need to make data science more of a repeatable assembly line -- an industrialization, if you will -- of end-to-end data exploitation. The next BriefingsDirect Voice of Analytics Innovation discussion explores the lat

Dec 7, 2020 • 30:45

Transforming source-to-pay procurement delivers agility and improves outcomes at Zuellig Pharma

Transforming source-to-pay procurement delivers agility and improves outcomes at Zuellig Pharma

The next BriefingsDirect intelligent procurement discussion explores the rationales and results when companies transform how they acquire goods and services. By injecting intelligence, automation, and standardization into the source-to-pay process, organizations are supporting even larger digital business transformation efforts. Stay with us now as we hear from two pioneers in how to bring agility, resilience, and managed risk to the end-to-end procurement process for significantly better overa

Nov 30, 2020 • 38:23

Here to stay, remote work promises to deliver new levels of engagement, productivity, and innovation

Here to stay, remote work promises to deliver new levels of engagement, productivity, and innovation

The way people work has changed more in 2020 than the previous 10 years combined -- and that’s saying a lot. Even more than the major technological impacts of cloud, mobile, and big data, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly accelerated and deepened global behavioral shifts. The ways that people think about where and how to work may never be the same, and new technology alone could not have made such a rapid impact. So now is the time to take advantage of a perhaps once-in-a-lifetime disruption for

Nov 25, 2020 • 38:28

The journey to modern data management is paved with an inclusive edge-to-cloud Data Fabric

The journey to modern data management is paved with an inclusive edge-to-cloud Data Fabric

The next BriefingsDirect Voice of Analytics Innovation discussion focuses on the latest insights into end-to-end data management strategies. As businesses seek to gain insights for more elements of their physical edge -- from factory sensors, myriad machinery, and across field operations -- data remains fragmented. But a Data Fabric approach allows information and analytics to reside locally at the edge yet contribute to the global improvement in optimizing large-scale operations. Stay with us

Nov 20, 2020 • 28:18

COVID-19 teaches higher education institutes to embrace latest IT to advance remote learning

COVID-19 teaches higher education institutes to embrace latest IT to advance remote learning

Like many businesses, innovators in higher education have been transforming themselves for the digital age for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic nearly overnight accelerated the need for flexible new learning models. As a result, colleges and universities must rapidly redefine and implement a new and dynamic balance between in-person and remote interactions. This new normal amounts to more than a repaving of centuries-old, in-class traditions of higher education with a digital wrapper. It requir

Oct 29, 2020 • 33:40

The path to a digital-first enterprise is paved with an Emergence Model and Digital Transformation Playbook

The path to a digital-first enterprise is paved with an Emergence Model and Digital Transformation Playbook

The next BriefingsDirect digital business optimization discussion explores how open standards help support a playbook approach for organizations to improve and accelerate their digital transformation. As companies chart a critical journey to become digital-first enterprises, they need new forms of structure to make rapid adaptation a regular recurring core competency. Stay with us as we explore how standards, resources, and playbooks around digital best practices can guide organizations through

Oct 20, 2020 • 41:36

How The Open Group enterprise architecture portfolio enables an agile digital enterprise

How The Open Group enterprise architecture portfolio enables an agile digital enterprise

The next BriefingsDirect agile business enablement discussion explores how a portfolio approach to standards has emerged as a key way to grapple with digital transformation. As businesses seek to make agility a key differentiator in a rapidly changing world, applying enterprise architecture (EA) in concert with many other standards has never been more powerful. Stay with us here to explore how to define and corral a comprehensive standards resources approach for making businesses intrinsicall

Oct 12, 2020 • 41:48

The IT intelligence foundation for digital business transformation rests on HPE InfoSight AIOps

The IT intelligence foundation for digital business transformation rests on HPE InfoSight AIOps

The next BriefingsDirect podcast explores how artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly supports IT operations. One of the most successful uses of machine learning (ML) and AI for IT efficiency has been the InfoSight technology developed at Nimble Storage, now part of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Initially targeting storage optimization, HPE InfoSight has emerged as a broad and inclusive capability for AIOps across an expanding array of HPE products and services. Please welcome a Nimble S

Oct 8, 2020 • 40:02

How Unisys ClearPath mainframe apps now seamlessly transition to Azure Cloud without code changes

How Unisys ClearPath mainframe apps now seamlessly transition to Azure Cloud without code changes

When applications are mission-critical, where they are hosted matters far less than keeping them operating smoothly. As many organizations face a ticking time bomb to modernize mainframe applications, one solution is to find a dependable, repeatable way to transition to a public cloud without degrading these vulnerable and essential systems of record. The next BriefingsDirect cloud adoption discussion explores the long-awaited means to solve the mainframe to cloud transition for essential but a

Sep 23, 2020 • 36:41

Digital transformation benefits go beyond girding for COVID survival

Digital transformation benefits go beyond girding for COVID survival

The next edition of the BriefingsDirect Voice of Innovation podcast series explores architecting businesses for managing ongoing disruption. As enterprises move past crisis mode in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, they require a systemic capability to better manage shifting market trends. Stay with us to examine how Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Pointnext Services advises organizations on using digital transformation to take advantage of new and emerging opportunities. See the vide

Aug 27, 2020 • 35:11

How an SAP Ecosystem Partnership Reduces Risk and Increases Cost-Efficiency Around Tax Management

How an SAP Ecosystem Partnership Reduces Risk and Increases Cost-Efficiency Around Tax Management

The next BriefingsDirect data-driven tax optimization discussion focuses on reducing risk and increasing cost efficiency as businesses grapple with complex and often global spend management challenges. We’ll now explore how end-to-end visibility of almost any business tax, compliance, and audit functions allows for rapid adherence to changing requirements -- thanks to powerful new tools. And we’ll learn directly from businesses how they are pursuing and benefiting from advances in intelligen

Jul 29, 2020 • 36:05

AWS and Unisys join forces to accelerate and secure the burgeoning move to cloud

AWS and Unisys join forces to accelerate and secure the burgeoning move to cloud

A powerful and unique set of circumstances are combining in mid-2020 to make safe and rapid cloud adoption more urgent and easier than ever. Dealing with the novel coronavirus pandemic has pushed businesses to not only seek flexible IT hosting models, but to accommodate flexible work, hasten applications’ transformation, and improve overall security while doing so. This next BriefingsDirect cloud adoption best practices discussion examines how businesses plan to further use cloud models to cu

Jul 16, 2020 • 33:24

How REI used automation to cloudify infrastructure and rapidly adjust its digital pandemic response

How REI used automation to cloudify infrastructure and rapidly adjust its digital pandemic response

Like many retailers, Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) was faced with drastic and rapid change when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. REI’s marketing leaders wanted to make sure that their online e-commerce capabilities would rise to the challenge. They expected a nearly overnight 150 percent jump in REI’s purely digital business. Fortunately REI’s IT leadership had already advanced their systems to heightened automation, which allowed the Seattle-based merchandiser to turn on a dime and devote mu

Jul 1, 2020 • 30:11

How to gain insights and reassurance using data and AI on the path to a new normal

How to gain insights and reassurance using data and AI on the path to a new normal

The next BriefingsDirect Voice of AI Innovation podcast explores how businesses and IT strategists are planning their path to a new normal throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery. By leveraging the latest tools and gaining data-driven inferences, architects and analysts are effectively managing the pandemic response -- and giving more people better ways to improve their path to the new normal. Artificial intelligence (AI) and data science are proving increasingly impactful and indispensa

Jun 19, 2020 • 27:58

Data science helps hospitals improve patient payments and experiences while boosting revenue

Data science helps hospitals improve patient payments and experiences while boosting revenue

The next BriefingsDirect healthcare finance insights discussion explores new ways of analyzing healthcare revenue trends to improve both patient billing and services. Stay with us as we explore new approaches to healthcare revenue cycle management and outcomes that give patients more options and providers more revenue clarity. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. To learn more about the next generation of data-driven patient payments process imp

Jun 9, 2020 • 27:27

How IT modern operational services enables self-managing, self-healing, and self-optimizing

How IT modern operational services enables self-managing, self-healing, and self-optimizing

General digital business transformation and managing the new normal around the COVID-19 pandemic have hugely impacted how businesses and IT operate. Faced with mounting complexity, rapid change, and striking budgets, IT operational services must be smarter and more efficient than ever. The next BriefingsDirect Voice of Innovation podcast examines how Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Pointnext Services is reinventing the experience of IT support to increasingly rely on automation and analytics t

Jun 8, 2020 • 32:48

Work in a COVID-19 world--Back to the office won’t mean back to normal

Work in a COVID-19 world--Back to the office won’t mean back to normal

Businesses around the globe now face uncharted waters when it comes to planning the new normal for where and how their employees return to work. The complex maze of risk factors, precautions, constantly changing pandemic impacts -- and the need for boosting employee satisfaction and productivity -- are proving a daunting challenge. The next BriefingsDirect new normal of work discussion explores how companies can make better decisions and develop adept policies on where and how to work for safe

Jun 1, 2020 • 30:08

How HPE Pointnext ushers businesses to the new normal via an inclusive nine-step plan

How HPE Pointnext ushers businesses to the new normal via an inclusive nine-step plan

The next edition of the BriefingsDirect Voice of Innovation podcast series explores a new model of nine steps that IT organizations can take amid the COVID-19 pandemic to attain a new business normal. As enterprises develop an IT response to the novel corona virus challenge, they face both immediate and longer-term crisis management challenges. There are many benefits to simultaneously steadying the business amid unprecedented disruption -- and readying the company to succeed in a changed worl

May 7, 2020 • 33:58

International Data Center Day highlights how sustainability and diversity will shape the evolving modern IT landscape

International Data Center Day highlights how sustainability and diversity will shape the evolving modern IT landscape

The next BriefingsDirect panel discussion explores how March 25's International Data Center Day provides an opportunity to both look at where things have been in the evolution of the modern data center and more importantly -- where they are going. Those trends involve a lot more than just technology. Data center challenges and advancements alike will hinge around the next generation of talent operating those data centers and how diversity and equal opportunity best support that. Our gathered

Mar 25, 2020 • 32:01

Business readiness provides an agile key to surviving and thriving in these uncertain times

Business readiness provides an agile key to surviving and thriving in these uncertain times

Just as the nature of risk has been a whirling dervish of late, the counter-forces of business continuity measures have had to turn on a dime as well. What used to mean better batteries for servers and mirrored, distributed datacenters has recently evolved into anywhere, any-circumstance solutions that keep workers working -- no matter what. Out-of-the-blue workplace disruptions -- whether natural disasters, political unrest, or the current coronavirus pandemic -- have shown how true busi

Mar 9, 2020 • 35:12

As containers go mainstream, IT culture should pivot to end-to-end DevSecOps

As containers go mainstream, IT culture should pivot to end-to-end DevSecOps

Container-based deployment models have rapidly gained popularity from cloud models to corporate data centers. IT operators are now looking to extend the benefits of containers to more use cases, including the computing edge. Yet in order to push containers further into the mainstream, security concerns need to be addressed across this new end-to-end container deployment spectrum -- and that means addressing security during development under the rubric of DevSecOps best practices. Subscribe t

Mar 6, 2020 • 28:37

AI-first approach to infrastructure design extends analytics to more high-value use cases

AI-first approach to infrastructure design extends analytics to more high-value use cases

The next BriefingsDirect Voice of artificial intelligence (AI) Innovation discussion explores the latest strategies and use cases that simplify the use of analytics to solve more tough problems. Access to advanced algorithms, more cloud options, high-performance compute (HPC) resources, and an unprecedented data asset collection have all come together to make AI more attainable -- and more powerful -- than ever. Major trends in AI and advanced analytics are now coalescing into top competitive d

Feb 28, 2020 • 39:00

Automation and connectivity will enable the modern data center to extend to many more remote locations

Automation and connectivity will enable the modern data center to extend to many more remote locations

Enterprise IT strategists are adapting to new demands from the industrial edge, 5G networks, and hybrid deployment models that will lead to more diverse data centers across more business settings.  That’s the message from a broad new survey of 150 senior IT executives and data center managers on the future of the data center. IT leaders and engineers say they must transform their data centers to leverage the explosive growth of data coming from nearly every direction. Yet, according to the Fo

Feb 20, 2020 • 26:35

How Intility uses HPE Primera intelligent storage to move to 100 percent data uptime

How Intility uses HPE Primera intelligent storage to move to 100 percent data uptime

The next BriefingsDirect intelligent storage innovation discussion explores how Norway-based Intility sought and found the cutting edge of intelligent storage.  Stay with us as we learn how this leading managed platform services provider improved uptime -- on the road to 100 percent -- and reduced complexity for its end users. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. To hear more about the latest in intelligent storage strategies that lead to bette

Feb 14, 2020 • 12:00

A new status quo for data centers--seamless communication from core to cloud to edge

A new status quo for data centers--seamless communication from core to cloud to edge

As 2020 ushers in a new decade, the forces shaping data center decisions are extending compute resources to new places.  With the challenging goals of speed, agility, and efficiency, enterprises and service providers alike will be seeking new balance between the need for low latency and optimal utilization of workload placement. Hybrid models will therefore include more distributed, confined, and modular data centers at or near the edge. These are but some of a few top-line predictions on th

Feb 4, 2020 • 40:41

Intelligent spend management supports better decision-making across modern business functions

Intelligent spend management supports better decision-making across modern business functions

The next BriefingsDirect discussion on attaining intelligent spend management explores the findings of a recent IDC survey on paths to holistic business processes improvement. We'll now learn how a long history of legacy systems and outdated methods holds companies back from their potential around new total spend management optimization. The payoffs on gaining such a full and data-rich view of spend patterns across services, hiring, and goods includes reduced risk, new business models, and b

Jan 30, 2020 • 24:39

How an MSP brings comprehensive security services to diverse clients

How an MSP brings comprehensive security services to diverse clients

As businesses move more of their IT services to the cloud, reducing complexity and making sure that security needs are met throughout the migration process are now top of mind. For a UK managed services provider (MSP), finding the right mix of security strength and ease-of-use for its many types of customers became a top priority.  The next managed services security management edition of BriefingsDirect explores how Northstar Services, Ltd. in Bristol-area England adopted Bitdefender Cloud Sec

Jan 27, 2020 • 18:08

Better IT security comes with ease in overhead for rural Virginia county government

Better IT security comes with ease in overhead for rural Virginia county government

The next public sector security management edition of BriefingsDirect explores how managing IT for a rural Virginia county government means doing more with less -- even as the types and sophistication of cybersecurity threats grow. For County of Caroline, a small team of IT administrators has built a technically advanced security posture that blends the right amounts of automation with flexible, cloud-based administration. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download

Jan 23, 2020 • 22:37

How people, process, and technology lead to healthcare patient access best practices

How people, process, and technology lead to healthcare patient access best practices

The next BriefingsDirect healthcare finance insights discussion explores the rapidly changing ways that caregiver organizations on-board and manage patients. How patients access their healthcare is transitioning to the digital world -- but often in fits and starts. This key process nonetheless plays a major role in how patients perceive their overall experiences and determines how well providers manage both care and finances. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or do

Jan 21, 2020 • 41:08

How security designed with cloud migrations in mind improves an enterprise’s risk posture top to bottom

How security designed with cloud migrations in mind improves an enterprise’s risk posture top to bottom

The next BriefingsDirect data security insights discussion explores how cloud deployment planners need to be ever-vigilant for all types of cybersecurity attack vectors. Stay with us as we examine how those moving to and adapting to cloud deployments can make their data and processes safer and easier to recover from security incidents. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. To learn more about taking the right precautions for cloud and distributed

Jan 21, 2020 • 37:56

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