The last few years have certainly highlighted the need for businesses of all kinds to build up their operational resilience. With a rising tide of pandemic waves, high-level cybersecurity incidents, frequent technology failures, and a host of natural disasters -- there’s been plenty to protect against.
As businesses become more digital and dependent upon end-to-end ecosystems of connected services, the responsibility for protecting critical business processes has clearly shifted. It’s no longer just a task for IT and security managers but has become top-of-mind for line-of-business owners, too.
Stay with us now as BriefingsDirect explores new ways that those responsible for business processes specifically in the financial sector are successfully leading the path to avoiding and mitigating the impact and damage from these myriad threats.
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To learn more about the latest in rapidly beefing-up operational resilience by bellwether finance companies, BriefingsDirect welcomes Steve Yon, Executive Director of the EY ServiceNow Practice, and Sean Culbert, Financial Services Principal at EY. The discussion is moderated by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. Sponsor: ServiceNow and EY.