How Work from Anywhere Holds the Secret to Unlocking Once-Hidden Productivity and Creativity Gems

How Work from Anywhere Holds the Secret to Unlocking Once-Hidden Productivity and Creativity Gems

BriefingsDirect Podcasts

Now that hybrid work models have been the norm for a year, what’s the long-term impact on worker productivity? Will the pandemic-induced shift to work from anywhere agility translate into increased employee benefits -- and better business outcomes -- over time?

The next BriefingsDirect workspace innovation discussion explores how a bellwether UK accounting services firm has shown how consistent, secure, and efficient digital work experiences lead to heightened team collaboration and creative new workflows.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy.

To learn more about the ways that distributed work models fuel innovation, please welcome our guests, Chris Madden, Director of IT and Operations for Kreston Reeves, LLP in the UK, and Tim Minahan, Executive Vice President of Business Strategy and Chief Marketing Officer at Citrix. The discussion is moderated by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. Sponsor: Citrix.


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