Like many businesses, innovators in higher education have been transforming themselves for the digital age for years, but the COVID-19 pandemic nearly overnight accelerated the need for flexible new learning models.
As a result, colleges and universities must rapidly redefine and implement a new and dynamic balance between in-person and remote interactions. This new normal amounts to more than a repaving of centuries-old, in-class traditions of higher education with a digital wrapper. It requires re-invention -- and perhaps new ways of redefining – of the very act of learning itself.
The next BriefingsDirect panel discussion explores how such innovation today in remote learning may also hold lessons for how businesses and governments interact with and enlighten their workers, customers, and ultimately citizens.
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Here to share recent experiences in finding new ways to learn and work during a global pandemic are Chris Foward, Head of Services for IT Services at The University of Northampton in the UK; Tim Minahan, Executive Vice President of Business Strategy and Chief Marketing Officer at Citrix, and Dr. Scott Ralls, President of Wake Tech Community College in Raleigh, North Carolina. The discussion is moderated by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solution.
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. Sponsor: Citrix.