While the use of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) for IT security may not be new, the extent to which data-driven analytics can detect and thwart nefarious activities is still in its infancy.
As we’ve recently discussed here on BriefingsDirect, an expanding universe of interdependent application programming interfaces (APIs) forms a new and complex threat vector that strikes at the heart of digital business.
How will ML and AI form the next best security solution for APIs across their dynamic and often uncharted use in myriad apps and services? Stay with us now as we answer that question by exploring how advanced big data analytics forms a powerful and comprehensive means to track, understand, and model safe APIs use.
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To learn how AI makes APIs secure and more resilient across their life cycles and ecosystems, BriefingsDirect welcomes Ravi Guntur, Head of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at Traceable.ai. The interview is moderated by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.
Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. Sponsor: Traceable.ai.