Intelligent spend management supports better decision-making across modern business functions

Intelligent spend management supports better decision-making across modern business functions

BriefingsDirect Podcasts

The next BriefingsDirect discussion on attaining intelligent spend management explores the findings of a recent IDC survey on paths to holistic business processes improvement.

We'll now learn how a long history of legacy systems and outdated methods holds companies back from their potential around new total spend management optimization. The payoffs on gaining such a full and data-rich view of spend patterns across services, hiring, and goods includes reduced risk, new business models, and better strategic decisions.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy.

To help us chart the future of intelligent spend management, and to better understand how the market views these issues, we are joined by Drew Hofler, Vice President of Portfolio Marketing at SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass. The interview is conducted by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. Sponsor: SAP Ariba.


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