The Dangerous History Podcast
The Dangerous History Podcast covers the history that the Establishment would rather you NOT know, helping you learn the past so you can understand the present and prepare for the future.
Reissue: DHP Ep. 0198: Fµ©!≤ Daylight Savings! (The DHP vs DST)
Subtitle: “Daylight Savings as a Rebellion Against Nature.”
This is a reissue of DHP episode 198, which was originally published back in early March 2020, only about a week before the covid crap hit the fan.
Join CJ as he discusses:
Where the idea of biannual time changes & Daylight Savings Time (DST) came from historically. (Hint: As is often the case, Woodrow Wilson bears some of the blame.)
Some of the problems, costs, and even dangers of DST
The origin of standardized time z
Ep. 0277: Californication Conflagration (w/Alex Von Sternberg)
For this DHP episode, CJ was joined by Alex Von Sternberg of History Impossible, who lives in the LA area & recently put out an episode about natural disasters & their significant-but-oft-overlooked social & political effects.
Join CJ & Alex as they discuss natural disasters in general, the California wildfires in particular, California’s oligarchical corruption, Hollywood’s continuing problems, & more!
Save 25% on EVERYTHING in CJ’s Patreon Shop during Feb
Ep. 0276: Back in the USSA
This DHP episode features an interesting conversation CJ had with a listener named Frank (who’s a physicist currently working in academia) in the aftermath of the 4th & final session of CJ’s recently-concluded DHP Live-ceum course “The Decline & Fall of the Soviet Empire,” in which, following some discussion of details about the end of the USSR, they discuss some of the ways in which US institutions (especially – though not exclusively – academia) have
Archetopical Ep. 4: A Book of Job Survival Manual
CJ has had a particularly difficult last 5 years or so, including battling alcoholism & depression, only to have his wife become disabled just as he was starting to come out of those struggles, which gave him & his family a bunch of new stresses, including severe financial ones that he’s still trying to battle at the moment.
In this episode of Archetopical, he shares some of that story, followed by a discussion of the things that he has found most helpful to him in getting through
Vintage DHP Reissue: Ep. 131: Opening Gambits: The Not-So-Civil War, Part 1
CJ has recently started making his highly acclaimed series on the US Civil War available as collected volumes of approximately 4-5 hours apiece, with all the ads & announcements/housekeeping stuff from the original episodes cut out.
These can be purchased a la carte from CJ’s Patreon Shop, or you can get access to them at no extra charge if you sign up to support CJ via Patreon for $25/month or more.
For your listening pleasure, here’s the very first episode of that series, first
Vintage DHP Reissue: Ep. 89: The Christmas Truce
This episode was originally recorded & released in Dec. 2014, the first Christmas after I started doing the Dangerous History Podcast. Here it is, reissued with a new intro, 10 years later.
One-hundred-and-one Christmases ago, in the cold, damp, muddy ditches of the Western Front, the rank-and-file of the Allied and German armies spontaneously set aside their hatreds to take a break from mass-murdering each other, much to the dismay of their so-called ‘leaders.’
Join CJ as he dis
Ep. 0275: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 13
Join CJ as he continues his coverage of the life & career of Woodrow Wilson through 1916, culminating in Wilson’s successful-but-close reelection campaign that November.
(Apologies for the not-pristine audio — there’s some clipping I didn’t notice during recording. I did my best to clean it up in post, but it’s still a little distorted here & there. I’m using some new hardware — acquired thanks to the generosity of listeners — and am still
Ep. 0274: Election Reflections
Join CJ as he shares some thoughts & analysis about how the 2024 election played out, its significance in the context of American political history, and some historical parallels.
Sign up to take CJ’s “Decline & Fall of the Soviet Empire” Dangerous History Live-Ceum Course (which will start on Tues, 12/3)
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Ep. 0273: Civil Religion, Party Systems, & the 2024 Election
Unfortunately, CJ did not have time to do both an election episode & a Halloween episode this year, so he opted for the latter. (Next October, assuming the DHP is still around & CJ isn’t a homeless beggar, and assuming World War 3 and/or Civil War 2 aren’t disrupting everything, CJ will do Halloween DHP episodes again!)
In this off-the-cuff episode, CJ shares some thoughts and historical perspective on the imminent presidential election, viewed primarily through the lens of t
Archetopical Ep. 1: The Hero’s Journey
A few weeks ago, CJ FINALLY won the War of Art when it came to starting a second podcast, something he’s been seriously thinking about & planning for over 5 years.
The podcast is called Archetopical, and has its own separate podcast feed from the DHP. You can find it here, or search for it wherever you consume your audio podcasts. (And if you can’t find it on your favorite podcatcher, shoot CJ an email to let him know where you can’t find it & he’ll try to rectify
Ep. 0272: Young Kamala & the Rainbow Sign
Join CJ as he discusses the real political origin story of Kamala Harris, which is Establishment-approved Corporatist Progressivism (NOT communism!)
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DHP Special: Revisiting “The Iron Law of Oligarchy”
In this episode, CJ revisits DHP Episode 34, “The Iron Law of Oligarchy,” from 2014, in preparation for an upcoming mini-series on oligarchy & CJ’s argument that modern democracy is just oligarchy with extra steps.
Join CJ as he discusses:
A little bit about German sociologist Robert Michels, who first described this law
The Iron Law of Oligarchy as described by Michels in his early-20th century book Political Parties
The Iron Law of Oligarchy in other contexts
Some notewo
DHP Special: A Cowboy in the Jungle Looks at 43/”Knowledge is Power”
Yesterday CJ turned 43. Unfortunately, he was sick on his birthday (and still is today), but he decided to look into the vault of vintage DHP episodes to see what DHP Ep. 43 was, and lo & behold, it was a Fun-Size Silver Bullet episode from 2014 that’s quite evergreen & may be even more relevant today than ever, so he decided to reissue it on the podcast feed along with a new intro & some important announcements
“Knowledge is power”: There’s more depth to the old cl
Ep. 0271: Schencking the First Amendment
In 1919, the Supreme Court of the United States voted unanimously to uphold the conviction of Socialist Party activists whose only crime was distributing a pamphlet critical of conscription during American participation in the First World War, even though the pamphlet did not advocate any lawbreaking — not even civil disobedience. Links Support the Dangerous […]
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Ep. 0270: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 12
In this dozenth episode in the Wilson series, join CJ as he discusses the ways in which the Wilson administration & Corporate America (especially the House of Morgan) was decidedly un-neutral in regard to the First World War over the course of 1915. Links Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon Other ways to support the […]
The post Ep. 0270: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 12 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0269: Woodrow Wilson’s Eugenicist: The Curious Case of Dr. Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen
What if I told you that we can connect Woodrow Wilson to the Nazis in a single degree of separation? No, this is not the zillionth illustration of Godwin’s Law that you’ve seen this week; it is simply little-known historical fact. In this dose of Dangerous History, we’ll talk about the little-known eugenicist psychiatrist who […]
The post Ep. 0269: Woodrow Wilson’s Eugenicist: The Curious Case of Dr. Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0268: The Praetorians Strike Back? (Thoughts on the Trump assassination attempt)
(Originally published Aug., 2024) Join CJ on 2 work commutes in Silver Bullet v.3.0 as he discusses his provisional thoughts on the near-assassination of Donald Trump that took place in July of 2024, as well as some historical precedents and context for it. Links Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon Other ways to support the […]
The post Ep. 0268: The Praetorians Strike Back? (Thoughts on the Trump assassination attempt) first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0267: A Study of Assassination
(Originally published Feb., 2024) No, you’re NOT hallucinating — after the longest hiatus between episodes since I started the Dangerous History Podcast back in 2014, I FINALLY managed to record & publish a new DHP episode. Join CJ as he shares reads excerpts from & discusses a very interesting CIA manual on assassinations from the […]
The post Ep. 0267: A Study of Assassination first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0266: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 11
(Originally published Oct., 2023) This installment in the Woodrow Wilson series covers the period of the Wilson presidency from the summer of 1914 through the end of that year, when he said he wanted to keep the US neutral & out of the war, & still seemed to at least kinda mean it. (*Apologies for the lackluster […]
The post Ep. 0266: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 11 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0259: A Butterfly Saves the World…from Woodrow Wilson?: An Alt-Hist DHP Microdose
(Originally published June, 2023) We’ve all heard of the famous ‘butterfly effect.’ But is there a plausible, realistic, alternative historical scenario in which the US & the world could’ve been spared the worst aspects of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency merely by altering one seemingly minor detail of the 1912 election? Yes there is. Join CJ in […]
The post Ep. 0259: A Butterfly Saves the World…from Woodrow Wilson?: An Alt-Hist DHP Microdose first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0258: DHP Heroes: Osceola (CJ’s talk from the 2023 Florida LP Convention)
(Originally published May, 2023) Join CJ as he discusses the life & death of the Seminole leader Osceola, who was a key resistance leader in the early stages of the Second Seminole War (1835-42), the longest & costliest Indian war in US history, in which the US government was using force to ethnically cleanse the […]
The post Ep. 0258: DHP Heroes: Osceola (CJ’s talk from the 2023 Florida LP Convention) first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0257: What to Expect When Your Empire’s Collapsing
(Originally published May, 2023) This DHP episode features CJ’s talk from the March, 2023 Self Reliance Festival in Tennessee, in which he discusses some of the most common unfortunate historical phenomena that tend to occur when empires are declining & falling. Links Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon Other ways to support the show Subscribe […]
The post Ep. 0257: What to Expect When Your Empire’s Collapsing first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0251: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 10
(Originally published Feb., 2023) CJ returns to the story of the man he loves to hate! This time, we’re going to take a detour from the chrono-narrative of Wilson’s presidency; this one is going to focus on Wilson’s beliefs, statements & actions on race throughout his career as an academic & politician. Was Woodrow Wilson […]
The post Ep. 0251: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 10 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0242: Hays Codes, Part 1: The Old Hays Code
(Originally published Oct., 2022) In part 1 of 2, join CJ as he discusses the Motion Picture Association of America’s so-called “Hays Code” (officially: “A Code to Govern the Making of Motion Pictures”), which rigidly controlled the content of most American movies from the early-1930s to the late-1960s. Links Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon […]
The post Ep. 0242: Hays Codes, Part 1: The Old Hays Code first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0236: WWI Propaganda in the US Part 1: Perfidious Albion’s Propaganda
(Originally published July, 2022) Finally! Here it is – the longest and, I believe, the most important Dangerous History Podcast episode I’ve done to date! (I recorded the first of many segments for this episode all the way back in April, and had been researching & composing notes for it for many months before that!) […]
The post Ep. 0236: WWI Propaganda in the US Part 1: Perfidious Albion’s Propaganda first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0229: The Dirty Baker’s Dozen, Part 1
(Originally published Dec., 2021) Harkening back to a DHP series on important concepts & theories from 5 years ago, CJ decided to put together another such series for 2021, this time zeroing in on 13 concepts & theories that have been on display in a big way since the beginning of Covid Madness (and all […]
The post Ep. 0229: The Dirty Baker’s Dozen, Part 1 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0227: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 9
(Originally published Nov., 2021) Finally, here it is: The ninth installment in CJ’s meticulous & merciless dissection of the life & career of Woodrow Wilson Join CJ as he discusses some of Wilson’s major speeches & domestic policy achievements, as well as some of his major personal/family changes, which took place during 1914, his second […]
The post Ep. 0227: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 9 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0222: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 8
(Originally published July, 2021) For this 8th installment in the Wilson series, we will focus on the beginning of Wilson’s presidency, including his Cabinet selections, inauguration, and early successes in pushing his agenda through Congress in his first year in office, especially in regard to the passage of the 1913 Revenue Act and the Federal […]
The post Ep. 0222: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 8 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0217: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 7
(Originally published Feb., 2021) Here’s the seventh installment in the DHP’s ongoing coverage of the life & career of Woodrow Wilson. Join CJ as he discusses the 1912 election, which resulted in Woodrow Wilson’s election to the presidency. Links Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon Other ways to support the show Subscribe to the Dangerous […]
The post Ep. 0217: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 7 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0210: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 6
(Originally published Oct., 2020) Links Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon Other ways to support the show Subscribe to the Dangerous History Podcast Youtube Channel Get CJ’s Dangerous American History Bibliography FREE Hire CJ to speak to your group or at your event Like this episode? You can throw CJ a $ tip via […]
The post Ep. 0210: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 6 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0207: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 5
(Originally published Aug., 2020) Here it is, the giant deep dive overview episode of Woodrow Wilson’s decades of academic output! (Remember, I dive down these nightmarish rabbit-holes so you don’t have to!) Here CJ dissects Woodrow Wilson’s beliefs in painstaking detail, using the mountain of of essays, articles, books, speeches & lectures produced by the […]
The post Ep. 0207: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 5 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0197: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 4
(Originally published Feb., 2020) In this fourth installment in the epic DHP Villains Woodrow Wilson series, we’re detail-stripping what CJ considers to be perhaps the single most important piece of writing in Woodrow Wilson’s career, the essay “The Study of Administration,” which was published in the July 1887 issue of Political Science Quarterly, when Wilson was […]
The post Ep. 0197: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 4 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0192: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 3
(Originally published Dec., 2019) In this third instalment in the DHP coverage of Woodrow Wilson, we focus on Wilson’s years as President of Princeton University, 1902-1910. Join CJ as he discusses: The changes and reforms Wilson implemented at Princeton, and others he tried (but failed) to implement His increasingly contentious relationship with some of the […]
The post Ep. 0192: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 3 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0187: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 2
(Originally published Sept. 2019) Part 2 of CJ’s deep dive into the life & career of Woodrow Wilson covers most of Wilson’s career in academia, stopping just as he’s about to become president of Princeton University. Join CJ as he discusses: Woodrow Wilson’s time as a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University Woodrow Wilson’s time […]
The post Ep. 0187: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 2 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0186: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 1
(First published Aug., 2019) Here it is, the first installment in CJ’s DHP Villains hit-piece on The Worst President (So Far!) in US History, Woodrow Wilson. (And that’s no small matter considering how badly CJ thinks of most American presidents!) In this first installment, we’re covering Wilson’s early life & education, stopping just before his […]
The post Ep. 0186: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 1 first appeared on The Dangerous History Podcast.
Ep. 0270: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 12
In this dozenth episode in the Wilson series, join CJ as he discusses the ways in which the Wilson administration & Corporate America (especially the House of Morgan) was decidedly un-neutral in regard to the First World War over the course of 1915.
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Ep. 0269: Woodrow Wilson's Eugenicist: The Curious Case of Dr. Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen
What if I told you that we can connect Woodrow Wilson to the Nazis in a single degree of separation?
No, this is not the zillionth illustration of Godwin's Law that you've seen this week; it is simply little-known historical fact.
In this dose of Dangerous History, we'll talk about the little-known eugenicist psychiatrist who drafted the eugenics sterilization bill that Woodrow Wilson signed into law in 1911 (during his brief tenure as Governor of New Jersey), and who later collaborated with the
Ep. 0268: The Praetorians Strike Back? (Thoughts on the Trump Assassination Attempt)
Join CJ on 2 work commutes in Silver Bullet v.3.0 as he discusses his provisional thoughts on the near-assassination of Donald Trump that took place in July of 2024, as well as some historical precedents and context for it.
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Ep. 91 Reissue: Assassination Ruminations
Please enjoy this reissued vintage DHP episode. Made all the way back in January of 2016, it suddenly has renewed relevance today!
Join CJ back in 2016 as he discusses:
An overview of all presidents who’ve died in office, whether from natural, unnatural, or disputed causes
A few words about other assassinations of important people in relatively recent history, such as Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.
A few words about recent deaths of important media figures that at least some peopl
"Lose, and start again at your beginnings": A 10 Year Anniversary DHP Special
Join CJ as he commemorates 10 years of Dangerous History podcasting on a commute to his job as an underwater marine services diver in Silver Bullet V.3.0 (a silver 2020 Kia Soul that recently replaced his 2014 silver Hyundai Accent.)
In this episode he gives updates about his family's ongoing struggles, and speaks "on mic" about his new job for the first time.
(Note: I recorded this update episode 2 weeks ago but have been so busy & exhausted that I only now got it processed & published.)
Ep. 0267: A Study of Assassination
No, you're NOT hallucinating -- after the longest hiatus between episodes since I started the Dangerous History Podcast back in 2014, I FINALLY managed to record & publish a new DHP episode.
Join CJ as he shares reads excerpts from & discusses a very interesting CIA manual on assassinations from the 1950s.
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Bonus Ep. 10 Reissue: The War Prayer
This episode is a reissue (for a limited time on the public feed) of DHP Bonus Ep. 10: "The War Prayer" by Mark Twain, produced back in 2017.
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Ep. 0266: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Pt. 11
This installment in the Woodrow Wilson series covers the period of the Wilson presidency from the summer of 1914 through the end of that year, when he said he wanted to keep the US neutral & out of the war, & still seemed to at least kinda mean it.
(*Apologies for the lackluster audio quality in some of the middle segments - I accidentally used my laptop's crummy integral mic instead of my usual podcasting mic for those.)
DHP Ep. 0236: WWI Propaganda in the US Part 1: Perfidious Albion's
Bonus Ep. 32: Orange Marches of the Woke Progressives
CJ recently recorded this DHP Bonus Episode during one of his long drives that he's been doing as part of some of the non-DHP-related work he's been doing lately to make ends meet, and he decided to share it with "gen-pop" -- ie, freeloading, non-supporting listeners ;) -- on the public DHP feed for a limited time, too.
Join CJ as he discusses so-called "Orange Marches" in the context of Irish history, and how Woke Progressives' appropriation, deconstruction & vandalization of beloved fictional
Ep. 0265: DHP Heroes: Bill Killmer (1929-2023)
Join CJ for a Silver Bullet episode as he discusses his paternal grandfather, Bill "Poppi" Killmer (1929-2023).
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Ep. 0264: The Most Important Topic on Earth
This episode features CJ's reading of large excerpts from a speech JFK gave at American University just 5 months before he was assassinated.
Join CJ as he discusses:
His upcoming DHP JFK assassination mini-series (set to debut this November, which is the 60th anniversary of JFK's death), a likely speaking gig in November, and a possible DIY/DHP road tour of the American Sunbelt this Fall.
The historical context of JFK turning increasingly against the Pentagon & CIA over issues of war and peace
Ep. 0263: Oppenheimer: A Dangerous History Movie Review
Join CJ for a review & discussion of Oppenheimer, the 2023 historical biopic about J. Robert Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan & starring Cillian Murphy.
DHP Ep. 72: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki (From all the way back in 2015!)
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Ep. 0262: In Defense of Normalcy (w/Ryan S. Walters)
This DHP episode features CJ's recent interview with historian Ryan S. Walters about his most recent book, The Jazz Age President: Defending Warren G. Harding, which was recently released in paperback.
Join CJ & Ryan as they discuss Warren Harding, his presidency, and how, in contrast to the Establishment's take, Harding was actually a very good president, and far, far superior to his immediate predecessor, Woodrow Wilson - at least, if you actually value things like peace, freedom, civil libert
Ep. 0261: CJ's Intro to Three Books That Changed The World (A DHP Microdose)
Recently, Sal Mayweather (aka, Sal the Agorist) asked CJ to write the intro to his new book, Three Books That Changed the World, which discusses three highly influential novels from the early 20th century "Progressivism 1.0" era. The audio version of that intro (as read by CJ for the audio version of the book) is the heart of this DHP Microdose episode.
Hire CJ for freelance work (such as the book intro you heard in this episode)
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Ep. 0260: Straight Outta the Woodshed: 9 Years of the DHP
Join CJ as he discusses a look back on 9 years of doing the Dangerous History Podcast, what he's been going through & working on lately, and some miscellaneous updates & thoughts, including some unsolicited advice about giving unsolicited advice.
DHP Ep. 0258: Depropagandizing the Highly Blue-Pilled (CJ's talk from the Feb. 2023 Tom Woods School of Life event, in which, among other things, he explains why aggressively pushing your beliefs & preferences on others in the form of vehement u
Ep. 0259: A Butterfly Saves the World...from Woodrow Wilson?: An Alt-Hist DHP Microdose
We've all heard of the famous 'butterfly effect.' But is there a plausible, realistic, alternative historical scenario in which the US & the world could've been spared the worst aspects of Woodrow Wilson's presidency merely by altering one seemingly minor detail of the 1912 election?
Yes there is. Join CJ in this super-concise DHP episode as he discusses just such a scenario, whereby changing only one seemingly humble variable in 1912 would probably have given the US a POTUS who would've kept th
DHP Bonus Ep. 18: Demolition Man: A Dangerous History Review (2023 Reissue)
Way, way back in 2018, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of one of his all-time favorite films, CJ recorded a discussion & review of the excellent 1993 Dystopian scifi/action/comedy film Demolition Man with Joshua Perry, who was then still doing his now-late, lamented Dusty Den podcast. This was a bonus episode only for financial supporters of the DHP or the Dusty Den, & was not published on any public feed for either show.
Now, in 2023, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the release of th
Ep. 0258: DHP Heroes: Osceola (CJ's talk from the 2023 Florida Libertarian Party convention)
Join CJ as he discusses the life & death of the Seminole leader Osceola, who was a key resistance leader in the early stages of the Second Seminole War (1835-42), the longest & costliest Indian war in US history, in which the US government was using force to ethnically cleanse the Seminole people out of Florida.
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Ep. 0257: What to Expect When Your Empire's Collapsing
This DHP episode features CJ's talk from the March, 2023 Self Reliance Festival in Tennessee, in which he discusses some of the most common unfortunate historical phenomena that tend to occur when empires are declining & falling.
For a MUCH more detailed dive into this topic, sign up to watch the 3-part/over-6-hour-total course CJ taught on the Decline & Fall of Empires for Renegade University!
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Ep. 0256: Power Kills (w/Gregory Zink)
This DHP episode features a recent conversation between CJ & Gregory Zink, host of the true political crime podcast Smoke Filled Rooms, about an episode of SFR Greg did covering the historical phenomenon of democide.
Join CJ & Greg as they discuss "democide," the term coined by R.J. Rummel to denote any and all instances of governments deliberately killing their own citizens on a large scale.
Smoke Filled Rooms
The University of Hawaii's Democide Page (which looks like it hasn't been up
Ep. 0255: De-Propagandizing the Highly Blue-Pilled
This DHP episode features the audio of CJ's presentation from the January 2023 Tom Woods School of Life in-person event in Orlando, FL.
Join CJ as he discusses strategies for trying to reach highly propagandized people in one-on-one conversations in order to help undo their programming.
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DHP Special: Three Years to Flatten the World: A Personal History
Join CJ as he discusses his experience of the last three years, including the big-picture insanities we've all been dealing with, how they've exacerbated his own mental health challenges that he's still grappling with today, & his ongoing road to recovery.Links
Come meet CJ & hear him speak about the decline & fall of empires at the 2023 Self Reliance Festival in Camden, TN 3/25-26.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon or SubscribeStar!
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Ep. 0254: Talking Tom Paine (w/Dave Benner)
For this DHP episode, CJ was very happy to be joined by Dave Benner, who is the author of a recently published biography of Thomas Paine entitled Thomas Paine: A Lifetime of Radicalism.
Join CJ & Dave as they discuss Thomas Paine's life & career, & the excellent, impressively researched book Dave wrote about them.
Purchase Thomas Paine: A Lifetime of Radicalism!
Attend the 2023 Self Reliance Festival (at which CJ will be a speaker!)
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Ep. 0253: "Academia is a Racket": 13 Problems with Conventional Academia
From segments recorded during multiple drives, CJ pieced together his first Silver Bullet episode in over 6 months (and his longest Silver Bullet episode ever), in which he goes over in detail 13 of his biggest complaints about academia, based on his observations & experience from having been a student in it for 6 years & a teacher in it for 16 years.
Join CJ as he discusses the following problems with modern conventional academia:
No real market feedback mechanism to indicate whether a "good e
Ep. 0252: Stakeholder Neofascism & the Professional Managerial Class (w/Alex Von Sternberg)
For this DHP episode, CJ was happy to be joined again by Alexander Von Sternberg to talk about a recent episode Alex did on his show, History Impossible, called "Stakeholder Naziism."
Join CJ & Alex on a wide-ranging, freewheeling conversation about "stakeholder capitalism," its methodological similarities to fascism, the modern American "professional managerial class," how Wokeism fits into this, how these phenomena manifest in various institutions (including Hollywood & academia), and potentia
Ep. 0251: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 10
Finally, more than a year after Woodrow Wilson Part 9, CJ returns to the story of the man he loves to hate!
This time, we're going to take a detour from the chrono-narrative of Wilson's presidency; this one is going to focus on Wilson's beliefs, statements & actions on race throughout his career as an academic & politician.
Was Woodrow Wilson a racist? The short answer is yes, without a doubt. But as is so often the case with history, the details are more complicated & more interesting than most
Ep. 0250: 12 Writers Every Libertarian (Including Me) Should Read More
In this episode, CJ discusses 12 authors who (in his opinion) deserve to be more widely known & read among libertarian/anarchist/etc type people. Most of these authors would not actually identify as "libertarians" or "anarchists," but all have a strong independent streak & have at least some views & attitudes that overlap with libertarianism and/or anarchism. Furthermore, all of them are great writers in their respective genres.
Join CJ as he discusses:
Alexis de Tocqueville
Ep. 0249: Chasing Ghosts w/Bill Buppert
For this DHP episode, CJ was delighted to be joined by retired Army officer, military contractor, and irregular warfare expert Bill Buppert. Long-time DHP listeners (& those who've gone through the back catalogue) may recall that Bill was the very first guest CJ ever had on the DHP, all the way back in 2015. A few months ago, Bill launched a podcast of his own, Chasing Ghosts, in which he covers the history, theory & practice of irregular warfare, and the shortcomings of its alleged antidote, co
Ep. 0248: "Led to Commit an Overt Act of War": A Fun-Size DHP Pearl Harbor Day Special
Join CJ as he discusses the so-called "McCollum Memo" from the Office of Naval Intelligence, written by ONI officer Arthur McCollum & dated October 7th, 1940, which served as the blueprint for the FDR Administration's strategy of deliberately provoking Japan, a strategy that culminated in the Pearl Harbor attack 14 months later.
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Full Text of the McCollum Memo
Ep. 0247: Reckless Provocations (w/Scott Horton)
For this episode, CJ was very happy to welcome back foreign policy expert Scott Horton to the Dangerous History Podcast. Scott is the Director of the Libertarian Institute, host of the Scott Horton Show, Editorial Director at, host of Antiwar Radio on 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles, and is the author or editor of 4 books (available here.) He's also currently working on his next book - on the Russo-Ukraine War - which will be co-authored with Darryl Cooper of the Martyrmade podcast.
Ep. 0246: Woke Liberalism's War on Art (w/Jack the Perfume Nationalist)
For this episode, CJ was very happy to be joined by Jack Mason of The Perfume Nationalist podcast.
Join CJ & Jack's free-ranging discussion as they discuss: the Perfume Nationalist's origin story; fragrances; Covidian insanity (especially the horrors of masking); and, last but not least, Woke Liberalism's war on art, entertainment & aesthetics for the last decade.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon or SubscribeStar.
Please consider chipping in to CJ's still-ongoing Indiegogo campa
Ep. 0245: What Shall We Ask of Actors? (w/Clifton Duncan)
For this episode, CJ was delighted to be joined by classically trained, award-winning actor Clifton Duncan.
Join CJ & Clifton as they discuss Clifton's career, why he got disillusioned with & ultimately left Broadway, why show business is so ideologically straightjacketed, the state of the arts & entertainment industries today, why arts & entertainment matter deeply to society, possible "white pills" on the horizon, & lastly, some tips for people considering an acting career (or the parents of s
Ep. 0244: Ep. 0244: DHP 2022 Halloween Special: Part 1
Since Fall is CJ's favorite time of year & Halloween is his favorite holiday: This year, we return to classic DHP format for Halloween specials -- spooky/Halloween/Autumnal-themed poems & stories read to you by CJ. (Part 1 is available to everyone, while part 2 will only be available to those who support the Dangerous History Podcast at $5/month or higher.)
Join CJ as he shares the following poems & stories:
"A Dark Day" by Madison Julius Cawein
"The Haunters and the Haunted; or, The House and
Ep. 0243: Two Cheers for Classical Republicanism (Fun-Size DHP)
CJ took a brief break from slaving away at the next Woodrow Wilson episode to make this Fun-Size DHP episode, talking about a political idea known as 'classical republicanism,' which has been on his mind a lot lately, & which he has always found to be interesting & potentially useful. (Think of this as a 'silver bullet' DHP episode, just minus the silver bullet & with concurrently better audio quality, because CJ no longer commutes daily an hour each way, so he recorded this one at the home stud
Ep. 0242: Hays Codes, Part 1: The Old Hays Code
In part 1 of 2, join CJ as he discusses the Motion Picture Association of America's so-called "Hays Code" (officially: "A Code to Govern the Making of Motion Pictures"), which rigidly controlled the content of most American movies from the early-1930s to the late-1960s.
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Ep. 0241: Unforgiven: 30 Years Later (w/Joshua Perry)
August 2022 was the 30th anniversary of the release of the award-winning film Unforgiven, directed by & starring Clint Eastwood. To commemorate this film's anniversary, CJ talked about it with his old pal (and fellow Western enthusiast) Joshua Perry, the former host of the late, lamented Dusty Den podcast.
Join CJ & Josh as they discuss Unforgiven, why it's such a great film, and how Hollywood mostly "don't make 'em like they used to."
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon or Subscri
Ep. 0240: Lessons for the Modern Propagandist
This DHP episode is the audio of CJ's presentation delivered at the first live event for Tom Woods' School of Life (of which CJ is a member) in Orlando, FL in July of 2022.
Join CJ as he discusses some of the many things he's learned from nearly two decades of studying the history & techniques of modern propaganda.
Hire CJ to speak at your event!
Join Tom Woods' School of Life!
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Ep. 0239: Establishment Court Historians Pander to Sock Puppet-in-Chief
Join CJ as he shares some very important announcements about the DHP, and then digs into a recent meeting between President Biden and some Establishment Court (Propagandist) "Historians."
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DHP Ep. 200: Honest History
DHP Ep. 207: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson Part 5 (this was the giant episode in which I dissected Wilson's academic writings, including his concept of "modern democracy," which is basically what we're living
Vintage DHP Ep. 41 (Reissue): Cointelpro
(*Note: This is a Vintage Dangerous History Podcast from 2014, reissued on the public DHP feed for a limited time. Please cut the poor audio quality some slack!)From 1954 to 1971, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI ran a “Counterintelligence Program” (“Cointelpro”) that targeted such diverse people as communists, civil rights activists, antiwar groups, black power leaders, and the Ku Klux Klan for illegal and unconstitutional surveillance, harassment, defamation, and even physical attack.Join CJ as he discus
Ep. 0238: Revisiting the Great Awokening (w/Alex Von Sternberg)
It's been a little over a year since CJ talked with Alexander Von Sternberg of the podcast History Impossible about 'the Great Awokening') in back DHP Ep. 220, so, in light of recent developments (both good & bad) they decided to revisit the topic, especially in regard to the Awokening's continuing-but-possibly-peaking influence on film & television.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast on a monthly basis via Patreon or SubscribeStar, & please consider chipping in to CJ's Indiegogo Campaign (wh
The Last Commute
Join CJ on his last drive home from the job he just left in order to pursue podcasting & other independent content-creation endeavors full-time!Kick in to CJ's still ongoing Indiegogo campaign!Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon or SubscribeStar. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Death Ground
In this DHP special, join CJ as he discusses the success of his (still ongoing) Indiegogo campaign to liberate him from his teaching dayjob, his resignation (just a few days ago) from the teaching job that he has held for the last 15 years, the strange mix of emotions this is causing him, his gratitude to all who've contributed to this campaign, and some historical illustrations of the situation in which he currently finds himself: On what Sun Tzu called "death ground," in which an army has no r
Ep. 0237: Theaters of War (w/Matt Alford & Tom Secker)
Recently CJ was delighted to talk with Matt Alford & Tom Secker, two of the producers & researchers behind the 2022 documentary Theaters of War.
Join CJ, Matt & Tom as they discuss Theaters of War, and the various ways in which the Pentagon, CIA, FBI & other US government institutions exert control and influence on the content of movies and television shows in order to propagandize viewers in the US and around the world.
Please consider chipping in to CJ's Indiegogo campaign to get those perks w
An Appeal to Heaven
This is an extremely important episode that CJ intended to record about a week ago, but has been unable to due to being very sick. If you're a fan of this show, please listen to this ASAP!Join CJ as he discusses some of his recent hardships (especially terrible depression), his efforts to overcome them, his reasons for wanting to walk away from his dayjob, his ongoing Indiegogo campaign to do just that, and why the success of this campaign would be a great thing not just for him, but for you, th
Ep. 0236: WWI Propaganda in the US Part 1: Perfidious Albion's Propaganda
Finally! Here it is - the longest and, I believe, the most important Dangerous History Podcast episode I've done to date! (I recorded the first of many segments for this episode all the way back in April, and had been researching & composing notes for it for many months before that!)
Join CJ as he discusses the massive British propaganda operation in the US that ran from 1914-1917 (during the period of American "neutrality"), which was a crucial factor in eventually bringing the US into World Wa
Ep. 0235: Monsters to Destroy: A Fun-Sized Fourth of July DHP Special
Despite being in the process of getting over Covid (which didn't hit him particularly hard overall, but did hit his voice pretty badly), and despite still being up to his eyeballs on the forthcoming DHP episode about British propaganda ops in the US during WWI, CJ decided to put out a Fun-Sized DHP Independence Day special about a great speech given on a Fourth of July 201 years ago.
Join CJ as he discusses John Quincy Adams, his famous speech from July 4th, 1821, the Monroe Doctrine, and how US
Ep. 0234: Busy Giddy Minds With Foreign Quarrels
CJ continues to slog away on the first installment in the upcoming World War I Propaganda in the US mini-series, but he recently decided to take a brief break from that to talk about some historical tendencies that, unfortunately, seem to be repeating themselves in real time.
Join CJ as he discusses the various ways that economics & the desire to distract from political problems at home often cause unnecessary wars, plus a few noteworthy examples of American leaders who resisted the urge to go t
Vintage DHP Ep. 52 (Reissue): A History of the US Dollar, Part 5
(*Note: This is a Vintage Dangerous History Podcast from 2014, reissued on the public DHP feed for a limited time. Please cut the poor audio quality some slack!)Finally, we conclude our non-consecutive series on the history of the history of the US dollar with part 5, looking at the story of the dollar following the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system. (This podcast was actually recorded over the course of 2 commutes — the first half in the morning commute to work, and the second one in the af
Vintage DHP Ep. 35 (Reissue): A History of the US Dollar, Part 4
(*Note: This is a Vintage Dangerous History Podcast from 2014, reissued on the public DHP feed for a limited time. Please cut the poor audio quality some slack!)Here it is, another installment in our non-consecutive mini-series on the tumultuous history of the United States Dollar.Join CJ (in 2014) as he discusses:
The Bretton Woods system, set up in 1944 as the framework for the international monetary order
The roots of the Great Inflation (c. mid-1960s-early-1980s) that would end Bretton Woods
Vintage DHP Ep. 33 (Reissue): A History of the US Dollar, Part 3
(*Note: This is a Vintage Dangerous History Podcast from 2014, reissued on the public DHP feed for a limited time. Please cut the poor audio quality some slack!)Here it is, another installment in our non-consecutive mini-series on the tumultuous history of the United States Dollar.Join CJ as he discusses:
How hard money was eventually restored after the Civil War
The Mint Act of 1873 (called the “Crime of ’73” by its opponents)
The Populists’ (unsuccessful) challenge against the Gold Standard
Vintage DHP Ep. 26 (Reissue): A History of the US Dollar, Part 2
(*Note: This is a Vintage Dangerous History Podcast from 2014, reissued on the public DHP feed for a limited time.)We continue with our non-consecutive mini-series on the history of the US dollar, which has changed repeatedly over the centuries.Join CJ as he discusses:
How, in the aftermath of the Revolutionary War Continental Dollar inflation, most of the Founding Fathers were soured on paper money, and took the opportunity of writing a new Constitution to reinstate a hard money (specie) standa
Vintage DHP Ep. 21 (Reissue): A History of the US Dollar, Part 1
(*Note: This is a limited-time reissue of a 2014 Dangerous History Podcast episode.)Why cover this topic? First off, because the history of money is a lot more interesting than you might think, and it’s absolutely crucial to understanding the world, past, present, and future.This will be part 1 of a multipart series (right now I estimate it will probably be around 4 parts) covering the history of the United States dollar. The series will be non-contiguous — ie, interspersed with episodes on othe
Ep. 0233: CJ's Top 10 War Propaganda Techniques
Join CJ as he first gives an update on a few recent personal difficulties, and then goes over the following war propaganda techniques:
Demonize the enemy's leader.
Dehumanize the enemy's people.
Turn the conflict into a super-simplistic morality play.
Fabricate heroic stories about your side.
Fabricate and/or exaggerate enemy atrocity stories.
Exaggerate the enemy's intentions and/or capabilities.
Lie by omission/Cherry-pick.
Crop the story/truncate the antecedents.
Give your people emp
Ep. 0232: The Great Realignment? (w/Alex Von Sternberg)
Recently, CJ had a long & interesting conversation with Alexander Von Sternberg of the podcast History Impossible, to discuss recent & current events and try to analyze them through a historical lens.
Join CJ & Alex as they discuss the major realignment currently taking place in the US, some historical parallels, and some potential ways (good and bad) things might play out in the medium-to-long run.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon or SubscribeStar.
History Impossible
Ep. 0231: Rallying Rhetoric
CJ is FINALLY getting settled in from his move, and getting his new home/office studio sufficiently set up, that he was able to record a new, non-silver bullet DHP episode for the first time in nearly 2 months. Given all the shit that we've all been through over the past two years, he decided to do something he's been thinking about for a while - a DHP episode consisting of some of his favorite pieces of inspiring historical rhetoric, to buck up our spirits (including his own), and hopefully giv
Ep. 0230: Florida Man on Florida
Because he just moved (and it'll be a little while before the new home studio/office/Batcave is fully operational), CJ decided to record a Silver Bullet Episode (ie, one recorded during his commute to his teaching dayjob) to elaborate a bit more on some of the highlights, history, & culture of Florida in the wake of his recent appearance on the Tom Woods Show. In this episode he digs more into the Sunshine State, including some literary, artistic, cultural, and cuisine recommendations that anyon
Ep. 0229: The Dirty Baker's Dozen, Part 1
Harkening back to a DHP series on important concepts & theories from 5 years ago, CJ decided to put together another such series for 2021, this time zeroing in on 13 concepts & theories that have been on display in a big way since the beginning of Covid Madness (and all that has come along with it) in spring of 2020. This first episode in the series will cover the first 4 concepts & theories.
Join CJ as he discusses:
Crisis & Leviathan
Tacit Collusion (or 'SIgnalling')
Libido Dominandi
Ep. 0228: Imperial Decline is a Helluva Drug (w/Clint Russell)
Recently, CJ was delighted to be a guest on Liberty Lockdown with Clint Russell.
Join CJ & Clint as they discuss the decline & collapse of various historical empires, and what lessons & insights can be gleaned that might be relevant to the current state of the American Empire. (*Note: This is a crossover episode featuring the same conversation as Liberty Lockdown Ep. 131.)
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Ep. 0227: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 9
Finally, here it is: The ninth installment in CJ's meticulous & merciless dissection of the life & career of Woodrow Wilson
Join CJ as he discusses some of Wilson's major speeches & domestic policy achievements, as well as some of his major personal/family changes, which took place during 1914, his second year as President.
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Ep. 0226: Emergent Order vs. Imposed Order (A Fun-Size Silver Bullet DHP episode)
School's back in session, and for the first time in over a year I'm going in to campus 5 days a week, so I did something I haven't done in a while: I recorded a "silver bullet" DHP episode (meaning one recorded during my commute to work.)
Join CJ as he contrasts emergent order with imposed order, with many contrasting examples of each.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark My
Ep. 0225: Better Dead than Red, w/Darryl Cooper
Recently, CJ was very happy to have a conversation with Darryl Cooper of the podcast Martyrmade, about the recent Martymade episode "The Anti-Humans," in which Darryl described (in excruciating detail) many of the horrific crimes committed by Soviet Communists and some of their Eastern European proxies from the 1920s to the 1940s.
Join CJ & Darryl as they discuss "The Anti-Humans" episode of Martyrmade and a variety of related issues & topics, past & present.
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Ep. 0224: Grateful That You Cared Enough to Make It (w/Brett Veinotte)
Recently, CJ was very happy to get a chance to have another conversation with Brett Veinotte, who is about to finish up his 12-year run as the host of the School Sucks podcast.
Join CJ & Brett as they discuss:
How CJ & Brett have been reacting to & coping with recent developments in the world, especially in regard to Covid madness & related issues
A look back at some of the highlights and lessons learned from Brett's 12 years of hosting School Sucks
A little bit about what's next for Brett
Ep. 0223: Singing in the Dead of Night (w/James Jenneman)
Recently, CJ was a guest on James Jenneman's podcast, Blackbird; that conversation is rebroadcast here as a DHP episode. Enjoy!
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark Myths Podcast Collective &’s podcast roster.
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Ep. 0222: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 8
For this 8th installment in the Wilson series, we will focus on the beginning of Wilson's presidency, including his Cabinet selections, inauguration, and early successes in pushing his agenda through Congress in his first year in office, especially in regard to the passage of the 1913 Revenue Act and the Federal Reserve Act.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark Myths Podca
Ep. 0221: True Believers? w/Joshua Perry
For this DHP episode, CJ was very happy to be joined by Joshua Perry, former host of the late, great Dusty Den podcast, to discuss the classic book The True Believer by Eric Hoffer, which has a LOT of relevance to recent events in the US, as well as to many different historical topics. Join CJ & Josh as they discuss this important book and some of its implications.
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Ep. 0220: Awakenings & Awokenings, w/Alexander von Sternberg
For this DHP episode, CJ was happy to be joined by Alexander Rader von Sternberg of History Impossible, to discuss a very interesting essay Alex published several months ago analyzing the 'woke' phenomenon through the lens of religious revivals (or 'Great Awakenings') in American history.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded Histor
'Merica Does Mengele Part 2: CIA Mind Control Experiments
Here you go - available again for a limited time on the public DHP podcast feed, another blast from the past (all the way back in 2014!) is Vintage DHP Episode 38.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The origins and motivations behind the CIA’s mind-control experiments
How the experiments that used subjects who had not given informed consent violated the Nuremberg Code, as well as other laws and codes of conduct
The first CIA mind control experiment programs, Project Bluebird and Project Artichok
Vintage DHP: 'Merica Does Mengele Part 1: Radiation Experiments
Boom! - Dropped back on the Gen-Pop feed (reissued for a limited time) from almost 7 years ago, here comes another vintage DHP episode! This one was about the US government's horrific radiation experiments on human test subjects in the mid-20th century.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The Nuremberg Code, and its relevance to these experiments
The first experiments carried out by Manhattan Project doctors between 1945 and 1947, including one on a 4-year-old Australian boy dying of cancer
The creation
Ep. 0219: Gray Champions
Join CJ as he:
Reviews the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory (which was covered in much greater detail way back in 2017 on DHP Episode #140),
Explains the concept of the 'gray champion' who emerges to lead during a crisis
Compares & contrasts Ron Paul and Joe Biden as Gray Champions
And concludes with a reading of Nathaniel Hawthorne's story "The Gray Champion"
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Ep. 0218: Fun-Size DHP: Let Them Be Kept Ignorant
Here's another micro-dose of Dangerous History. This one takes a look at the true motives of late-19th and early-20th century Progressive education reformers in America. Join CJ as he shares & analyzes statements from Charles Sanders Pierce, John Dewey, William Torrey Harris, Woodrow Wilson, Frederick Taylor Gates, and Ellwood P. Cubberly.
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The Dangerou
Ep. 0217: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 7
Here's the seventh installment in the DHP's ongoing coverage of the life & career of Woodrow Wilson.
Join CJ as he discusses the 1912 election, which resulted in Woodrow Wilson's election to the presidency.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark Myths Podcast Collective &’s podcast roster.
Ep. 0216: Fun-Size DHP: An Act for Establishing Religious Freedom
Join CJ for this pint-sized dose of Dangerous History, as he shares the backstory, text, meaning, and implications of the 1786 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark Myths Podcast Collective &’s podcast roster.
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Ep. 0215: The "Spanish" Flu Pandemic, w/Alexander Von Sternberg
In this DHP episode, CJ talks to Alexander Von Sternberg, host of the podcast History Impossible, about the epic 6-hour+ episode Alex released last month on the 1918-1919 killer influenza pandemic. CJ & Alex as they discuss the pandemic, as well as its massive psychological & political effects, and interesting similarities and differences when compared to 2020.
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Ep. 0214: A Civil-Religious Civil War?
Is the USA currently in the early stages of sectarian conflict over its civil religion?
In this episode of the DHP, CJ rebroadcasts his 2016 Election Special on America's Civil Religion (in order to review the concept of civil religion & its manifestation in the United States); this is followed by new material, reflecting on how CJ's understanding of the American civil religion has changed somewhat since 2016. He then goes on to compare and contrast the current political conflicts in the US to t
Ep. 0213: The Shining: Exoteric & Esoteric, w/Brett Veinotte
In this second 2020 DHP Halloween episode, CJ spoke to Brett Veinotte of the School Sucks Project about Stanley Kubrick's classic 1980 horror film, The Shining.
Join CJ & Brett as they dig into some of the exoteric & esoteric elements of The Shining.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark Myths Podca
Ep. 0212: Talking 80s Horror Flicks w/Pete Quinones
For this DHP episode, CJ had a freewheeling discussion with Pete Quinones (who's the host of the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast & one of the producers of the documentary film The Monopoly on Violence) about a couple of mid-Eighties cult classic horror/comedy films.
Join CJ & Pete as they discuss Fright Night (1985) and Return of the Living Dead (1985), as well as a whole bunch of other stuff along the way.
(*Note: This is a crossover episode featuring the same conversation as Free Man Beyond t
Ep. 0211: Bacon's Rebellion
This concise DHP episode features CJ's segment on Bacon's Rebellion from Episode 67 of Daniele Bolelli's History on Fire podcast.
Join CJ as he discusses Bacon's Rebellion and its impact on American history down to the present era.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark Myths Podcast Collective & LRN
Ep. 0210: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 6
This sixth installment in the DHP coverage of Woodrow Wilson's life & career centers around his entry into politics and time as governor of New Jersey
Join CJ as he discusses:
Woodrow Wilson's entry into politics
His nomination & campaign for governor of NJ
His mostly successful political battles & quick passage of series of progressive reforms in the state, including a eugenics sterilization bill, whose author later ended up collaborating with the Nazis at Buchenwald
Wilson's preparations t
Ep. 0209: Divided we Fall (for the Oldest Trick in the Book)
This is the second part of CJ's recent conversation with Brett Veinotte of the School Sucks Project.
Join CJ & Brett as they discuss some of the history of divide & conquer and divide & rule strategies, as well as those strategies being used by various factions against the population today.
(Note: This is a crossover episode featuring the same conversation as School Sucks Episode 678.)
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
CJ’s official DHP Amazon Wish L
Ep. 0208: Teaching & Working Out In the Mouth of (Covid) Madness
CJ recently had another conversation with Brett Veinotte of the excellent School Sucks Project. This is part 1 of that conversation.
Join CJ & Brett as they discuss CJ's recent experiences this semester teaching college history all-online, and both of their experiences with putting together home gyms to stay fit despite the gym closures.
(Note: This is a crossover episode featuring the same conversation as School Sucks Episode 677.)
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A History of the US Dollar Part 5
Another Vintage DHP episode from 2014, reissued on the public DHP feed for a limited time!
Finally, we conclude our non-consecutive series on the history of the history of the US dollar with part 5, looking at the story of the dollar following the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system. (This podcast was actually recorded over the course of 2 commutes — the first half in the morning commute to work, and the second one in the afternoon commute home.)
Join CJ as he discusses:
How the ending the ‘g
A History of the US Dollar Part 4 - The Bretton Woods System
Dusted off from the darker recesses of the DHP Vault, yet another 2014-vintage installment in the History of the US Dollar series, reissued on the Gen-Pop feed for a limited time!
Join CJ as he discusses:
The Bretton Woods system, set up in 1944 as the framework for the international monetary order
The roots of the Great Inflation (c. mid-1960s-early-1980s) that would end Bretton Woods & any link between the US dollar and specie (gold & silver), including the rise of the so-called “New Economi
A History of the US Dollar Part 3: From Reconstruction through the New Deal
All the way back from 2014, another blast-from-the-past Vintage DHP episode, reissued on the public feed for a limited time only!
Join CJ in 2014 as he discusses:
How hard money was eventually restored after the Civil War
The Mint Act of 1873 (called the “Crime of ’73” by its opponents)
The Populists’ (unsuccessful) challenge against the Gold Standard
The establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and its effect on US money
Inflation/devaluation during the First World War
The actions of
Ep. 0207: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 5
Here it is, the giant deep dive overview episode of Woodrow Wilson's decades of academic output! (Remember, I dive down these nightmarish rabbit-holes so you don't have to!) Here CJ dissects Woodrow Wilson's beliefs in painstaking detail, using the mountain of of essays, articles, books, speeches & lectures produced by the man over the course of his nearly three-decade-long career as an intellectual.
Join CJ as he discusses:
Wilson's overall ideology in regard to history and politics
A History of the US Dollar part 2
All the way back from 2014, another blast-from-the-past Vintage DHP episode, reissued on the public feed for a limited time only!
Join CJ as he discusses:
How, in the aftermath of the Revolutionary War Continental Dollar inflation, most of the Founding Fathers were soured on paper money, and took the opportunity of writing a new Constitution to reinstate a hard money (specie) standard
The loopholes that remained within the system even after hard money was written into the Constitution that all
A History of the US Dollar, Part 1: Origins Through the Revolution
*Note: This is a "Vintage DHP Episode" from all the way back in 2014 that (like the rest of the first 52 episodes of the show) normally resides behind my paywall on Patreon & Subscribestar. However, as I did a few months ago with the Vintage DHP Bronze Age Collapse series, I'm going to be sharing this series on the public feed over the next few weeks & then leaving it up for a limited time, so enjoy this reissued episode while you can! (And if you want access to all the Vintage episodes, plus mo
Ep. 0206: The Monopoly on Violence w/Pete Quinones
Recently, CJ got a chance to speak with Pete Quinones, host of the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast, about a new documentary film he was involved with making -- The Monopoly on Violence -- a film which explores the history and characteristics of the state as an institution, the problems it creates, and criticisms & alternatives to it, from a libertarian anarchist perspective. (This film features commentary from many of the leading anti-statist intellectuals of today, including James C. Scott, Th
Ep. 0205: Divide & Conquer, Divide & Rule
Join CJ as he discusses various historical instances of elites using strategies of 'divide and rule' and 'divide and conquer' in order to take over, rule, and exploit groups of people that vastly outnumber the elites.
External Links
"It's Time for Guillotines" by Trevor Moore
"Only a Pawn in Their Game" by Bob Dylan
CJ’s Picks: Amazon Affiliate Links
The Conquest of Gaul (Penguin Classics) by Julius Caesar
American Slavery, American Freedom by Edmund Morgan
Divide and Rule: The Partition of A
Ep. 0204: Decentralized Revolution
Recently, CJ was a guest on the Decentralized Revolution podcast, a show put on by the Libertarian Party's Mises Caucus & hosted by Aaron Harris; it was a great conversation, so CJ decided to rebroadcast it as a DHP episode.
Join Aaron & CJ as they discuss a wide variety of topics, including CJ's background, thoughts on war movies, teaching vs. podcasting, thoughts on education & the effects of covid on it, some recent & upcoming DHP episodes, how to critically read & evaluate history books, and
Ep. 0203: 36 Documentary Films to Watch During TEOTWAWKI, Part 2
Join CJ as he discusses the following documentary films:
National Bird (2016)
Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia (2013)
Best of Enemies: Vidal vs. Buckley (2015)
Detropia (2012)
Burn (2012)
Soaked in Bleach (2015)
I am Fishhead (2011)
Atari: Game Over (2014)
1971 (2014)
The Eugenics Crusade (2018)
The Fog of War (2003)
Cocaine Cowboys (2006)
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Ep. 0202: Dangerous Game Entrepreneurs
In this DHP episode, CJ is joined by Ole, Alex, & John from Story Games, a new app that's currently in beta form, which serves as a platform for graphics-infused, choose-your-own-adventure-type story games with unconventional subject matter & themes designed to stimulate real critical & independent thinking.
Join CJ, Ole, Alex & John as they discuss the origins and development of this project, how each of them got involved in it, what they hope to achieve with it, some of the individual stories
Ep. 0201: It's TEOTWAWKI & I Feel Fine (w/Brett Veinotte)
Recently CJ spoke with Brett Veinotte of the School Sucks podcast as part of Brett's "Hi. How Are You?" series, in which Brett has been speaking to friends of his from different corners of the country about all things related to the Covid craziness.
Join CJ & Brett as they discuss how they've been dealing with & responding to all the insanity surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. (This is a crossover episode featuring the same conversation as "Hi. How Are You? Conversation #4" from School Sucks.
Ep. 0200: Honest History
For the 200th episode of the Dangerous History Podcast, CJ decided to take a step back and get a bit 'meta,' taking a journey into the belly of the whale on trying to figure out what history is and how one might think about it.
Join CJ as he discusses:
What history really is
Fact, Truth, & Meaning
Objectivity, Ideology, & History
Honest History
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Ep. 0199: 36 Documentary Films to Watch During TEOTWAWKI, Part 1
Now that we all have a LOT more time to watch streaming videos than we normally would, CJ thought it would be helpful to put out a list of three dozen interesting documentary films that he highly recommends for the DHP audience's viewing pleasure. This will be done in 3 parts, with a dozen films each. (Parts 1 & 2 will be available to gen-pop, but part 3 will be for supporters of the DHP on Patreon & Subscribestar.) This is the first installment.
Join CJ as he discusses a recent personal anecdot
Ep. 0198: Fµ©!≤ Daylight Savings! (The DHP vs DST)
Subtitle: "Daylight Savings as a Rebellion Against Nature."
Join CJ as he discusses:
Where the idea of biannual time changes & Daylight Savings Time (DST) came from historically. (Hint: As is often the case, Woodrow Wilson bears some of the blame.)
Some of the problems, costs, and even dangers of DST
The origin of standardized time zones (which originated more in the private sector) as a contrasting case study
The idea of DST as a rebellion against nature
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Ep. 0197: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 4
In this fourth installment in the epic DHP Villains Woodrow Wilson series, we're detail-stripping what CJ considers to be perhaps the single most important piece of writing in Woodrow Wilson's career, the essay "The Study of Administration," which was published in the July 1887 issue of Political Science Quarterly, when Wilson was only 30 years old and just 2 years into his professional academic career. Wilson never significantly deviated from the ideas laid down in this essay over the remainder
Ep. 0196: Agents Unknown, w/John Murphy & Michael Reiter
In this DHP episode, CJ is joined by John Murphy and Michael Reiter, who are, respectively, the star and director of the extremely interesting documentary film Agents Unknown: A Vietnam War Intelligence Officer's Story, which tells the story of John's experience as a military intelligence officer in the Vietnam War.
Join CJ, John, & Mike as they discuss John's experiences in Vietnam and reflections on them, as well as the making of the film and the takeaways to be gleaned from it.
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Ep. 0195: The Manichean Temptation
Here's something we haven't seen in a while -- a 'Silver Bullet DHP Episode' (ie, one in which CJ records a mostly-extemporaneous discussion of a concept from his mobile podcasting studio, the Silver Bullet, while commuting.) Kicking it Old School DHP on this one!
Join CJ on a couple of morning commutes to work for a freewheeling discussion on the Manichean Temptation, some of its dangers and problems, some real-world manifestations of the phenomenon, and related issues like the problem with 'e
Ep. 0194: Richard Jewell: A Dangerous History Movie Review
Richard Jewell is a 2019 historical drama film directed by Clint Eastwood about events surrounding the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing case, focused around the figure of Richard Jewell, the security guard who discovered the bomb and helped evacuate people away from it, but who was soon thereafter implicated by the FBI and elements of the media as a prime suspect.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The basics of the Atlanta bombing/Richard Jewell story
A little info about the production of the film and a b
Ep. 0193: A State of Freedom w/Jason Sorens
In this episode of the Dangerous History Project, CJ is joined by Jason Sorens, the political scientist who devised and founded the Free State Project, an intentional migration enterprise designed to entice large numbers of liberty-minded people from across the United States to move to New Hampshire in order to use their concentrated numbers to build a freer society.
Join CJ & Jason as they discuss:
Jason's academic work related to modern secessionist and decentralist movements
How Jason devis
Ep. 0192: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 3
In this third instalment in the DHP coverage of Woodrow Wilson, we focus on Wilson's years as President of Princeton University, 1902-1910.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The changes and reforms Wilson implemented at Princeton, and others he tried (but failed) to implement
His increasingly contentious relationship with some of the trustees, alumni, and administrators, particularly regarding his Quad Plan and the location of the Graduate School
A possible affair with Mrs. Mary Allen Peck
Support th
Ep. 0191: Aftershock: The Human Toll of War w/Mark Jacob
In this episode, CJ talks with Mark Jacob, one of the three co-authors of the recently published book Aftershock: The Human Toll of War (published by CityFiles Press).
This book presents an extensive collection of photos from the last year of World War II (many of which have never been seen before by the public) taken by US military photographers, scanned from the original negatives to give amazing picture quality, providing a unique, unfiltered, and often disturbing glimpse of what the latter p
Ep. 0190: 2019 DHP Halloween Special Part 2
Here is part 2 of the 2019 DHP Halloween Special!
Join CJ & Joshua as they discuss each of their top 5 picks, plus a variable number of runners-up/honorable mentions, in each of the following categories:
Favorite Horror Novels
Favorite Horror Short Stories
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark My
Ep. 0189: 2019 DHP Halloween Special Part 1
Join CJ & Joshua as they discuss each of their top 5 picks, plus a variable number of runners-up/honorable mentions, in each of the following categories:
Favorite/Best Horror Films
Favorite Unsung/Underappreciated Horror Films (somehow, CJ skipped over his own #3 -- it was The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016), if you're curious)
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The Dangerous History Podc
Ep. 0188: Introducing the Dangerous History Lyceum: Rise of the American Empire
I am super-excited to announce that the first lecture of Rise of the American Empire, the first Dangerous History Lyceum course, is now available!
This podcast episode is centered on a segment from the first lecture in that course (slightly over half of the lecture, to be precise), so that DHP listeners will get a little preview of what is going to be covered in it, and (hopefully) will decide to support the show at $15 per month (or higher) in order to get access to the course as I create it.
Ep. 0187: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 2
Part 2 of CJ's deep dive into the life & career of Woodrow Wilson covers most of Wilson's career in academia, stopping just as he's about to become president of Princeton University.
Join CJ as he discusses:
Woodrow Wilson's time as a graduate student at Johns Hopkins UniversityWoodrow Wilson's time as a college professor, starting at Bryn Mawr and continuing at Weselyan and PrincetonSupport the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
CJ’s official DHP Amazon Wish Li
Ep. 0186: DHP Villains: Woodrow Wilson, Part 1
Finally, after a LONG time of researching, planning, etc, here it is, the first installment in CJ's DHP Villains hit-piece on The Worst President (So Far!) in US History, Woodrow Wilson. (And that's no small matter considering how badly CJ thinks of most American presidents!)
In this first installment, we're covering Wilson's early life & education, stopping just before his entry into the Ph.D. program at Johns Hopkins University in the fall of 1883.
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Ep. 0185: The Limited Hangout (w/Brett Veinotte)
This crossover episode features the conversation CJ had with Brett Veinotte of the School Sucks Project on the last day of the 2019 Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest.
Join Brett & CJ as they discuss a wide variety of topics, including (but not limited to) Harry Anslinger, conspiracy theories, critical thinking, human scale, and the rigidification of institutions over time.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
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Ep. 0184: DHP Villains: Harry Anslinger
At the 2019 Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest in Delton, Mich., CJ took the occasion of Michigan's recent legalization of marijuana to do a DHP Villains feature on the man who is arguably the most important of the Founding Fathers of the US government's war on drugs.
Join CJ as he discusses the career of Harry J. Anslinger, from his early life to working for the State Department, then the Treasury Department, culminating in his tenure as first Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930
Ep. 0183: The 5 Year Anniversary of the Dangerous History Podcast: A Soft Reboot
On June 5th, 2014, CJ published the first episode of the Dangerous History Podcast, and while it wasn't great, he kept plugging away at it, slowly getting better & better and now, here we are, five years later, and not only has the Dangerous History Podcast survived & endured, it's bigger & better than ever!
Join CJ as he discusses:
What he means by "soft reboot"Some changes he's gone through personally since he started this podcast back in 2014 (including some relatively recent major positive c
Ep. 0182: Cathal Nolan on the Allure of Battle
In this DHP episode, CJ talks with Cathal J. Nolan, associate professor of history at Boston University and author of the book The Allure of Battle: A History of How Wars Have Been Won and Lost.
Join CJ & Professor Nolan as they discuss:
How leaders & nations are often seduced by 'the allure of battle' and a 'short war delusion'The ways in which much existing historiography on warfare since ancient times have contributed to the glorification of the ideas of decisive battle and military genius, a
Ep. 0181: Place of the Slaughter
This Dangerous History Podcast episode covers a dramatic but very little-known conflict in the early history of colonial North America, which culminated in multiple mass murders of European colonists by other, rival European colonists.
Join CJ as he discusses:
An overview of early Spanish attempts at colonizing La Florida, which were a series of major failures running from Ponce de Leon in 1519 to Tristan de Luna in 1559, after which the Spanish Crown ended all attempts at colonizing the regionT
Ep. 0180: A Tale of Two Shilohs (w/Chris Calton)
This episode is a tag-team collaboration with Chris Calton, host of the Historical Controversies podcast, which is published by the Mises Institute.
Join Chris & CJ as they tell the story of the Battle of Shiloh as experienced by Henry Stanley (a young Confederate soldier) and John Cockerill (a young Union soldier.)
(This episode is a crossover episode with Historical Controversies season 3 episode 53.)
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The Dangerous
Ep. 0179: Exploring the Inward Empire with Sam Davis
This episode of the Dangerous History Podcast features CJ's recent conversation with Sam Davis, host of the Inward Empire podcast.
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CJ’s DHP Amazon Wish List
CJ’s Picks (Amazon Affiliate Links)Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600–1860The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800–1890Gunfighter Nation: Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America, TheThe Eastern Establishment
Ep. 0178: Considering Community College, Part 2
(This is a crossover episode, featuring the same discussion as School Sucks Episode 602.)
Join Brett & CJ as they discuss many of the negative trends that have been increasing among college students in recent years.
Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon, SubscribeStar, or Bitbacker.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark Myths Podcast Collective &’s podcast roster.
Ep. 0177: Considering Community College, Part 1
Another Dangerous History/School Sucks crossover episode!
Recently I was invited onto the School Sucks podcast with Brett Veinotte to discuss some of the negative trends I'm experiencing in my teaching dayjob; part 1 of that conversation is also the heart of this DHP episode. (This is a crossover episode, featuring the same conversation as School Sucks Episode #601.)
Join Brett & CJ as they discuss some of the negative institutional trends CJ has experienced, such as reduced course variety, prob
Ep. 0176: The Great Alibi & the Treasury of Virtue: The Not-So-Civil War Part 15
More than 2 years in the making, based on reading dozens (I never wanted to count) of books & dozens more articles, over 300 pages of typed notes, 15 episodes long, 28 hours total run-time.....
Boom - here it is, the end of the DHP's Not-So-Civil War series! What started over 2 years ago is finally done with -- took almost half as long to make as the war took to actually happen, it's done, here we are, one last big push to the finish line!
(Now you can binge the series all the way through, from
Ep. 0175: The Real George H.W. Bush with Russ Baker
In light of the recent death of former President George Herbert Walker "Poppy" Bush (1924-2018), CJ was very happy to speak to investigative journalist and author Russ Baker (author of Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years, and head honcho of WhoWhatWhy) about the reality of Poppy Bush, which is quite a contrast to the media hagiography that's been ongoing since his death.
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Ep. 0174: DHP Heroes: John Carpenter, Part 2
This episode is the conclusion of CJ's coverage of John Carpenter's filmmaking career.
[*Note: Since recording this episode, I did get a chance to watch Bodybags, which is actually a horror anthology movie rather than a series as I think I said in the episode. Long story short, I liked it a lot & would definitely recommend it for any fans of horror in general and/or Carpenter in particular.]
Join CJ as he discusses:
All the films Carpenter directed from Christine (1983) through The Ward (2010)Co
Ep. 0173: DHP Heroes: John Taylor Gatto (w/Richard Grove & Brett Veinotte)
John Taylor Gatto (1935-2018) was an award-winning public school teacher before leaving that career to become an outspoken critic of conventional schooling.
In this episode, CJ is very pleased to be joined by Richard Grove of Tragedy & Hope and Brett Veinotte of School Sucks to discuss Gatto's life, legacy, and influence.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History
Ep. 0172: The Voluntary Difference (What CJ said at Harvard)
This episode contains CJ's presentation from the Sound Education podcast conference held at the Divinity School of Harvard University in November, 2018.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The differences he's noticed (for both teacher & learner) between a conventional classroom setting on the one hand, and podcasting on the otherHis belief that these differences are largely due to the fact that a typical classroom setting is less voluntary and revolves around extrinsic motivations, whereas something like
Ep. 0171: DHP Heroes: John Carpenter, Part 1
Tis the season for some Halloween-related DHP -- specifically, part 1 of a 2-part DHP Heroes feature on filmmaker John Carpenter, perhaps best known for his work in the horror genre.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The concepts of 'auteur' and 'cult classic' or 'cult film,' and how they apply to Carpenter and his workA bit about Carpenter's early life, upbringing, and time at USC film schoolCoverage and commentary on most of Carpenter's early films, from Dark Star (1974) through The Thing (1982)Support
Ep. 0170: Johnny Comes Marching Home: The Not-So-Civil War part 14
This was originally going to be one giant episode to finish off the series, but then it grew into TOO giant of an episode, so I decided to divide it in order to conquer it.
Here's the beginning of the end of the Not-So-Civil War series.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The costs of the war in death & destructionChanges wrought by the warThe fate of the veterans in the decades following the warSupport the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon
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Ep. 0169: Autodidacts in History
This episode is the audio of CJ's talk at the 2018 Freecoast Festival in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on the topic of autodidacts in history.
Join CJ as he discusses autodidacts from a variety of fields from ancient to modern times, along with some thoughts on what it means to be an autodidact, and some of the potential benefits and pitfalls of it.
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The Dangerous History Podcast is a member
Ep. 0168: Mark Thornton on Red Tide & Skyscrapers
In this DHP episode, CJ talks to economist Mark Thornton. Mark is Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute. He serves as the Book Review Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. His publications include The Economics of Prohibition (1991), Tariffs, Blockades, and Inflation: The Economics of the Civil War (2004), The Quotable Mises (2005), The Bastiat Collection (2007), An Essay on Economic Theory (2010), The Bastiat Reader (2014), and his latest, The Skyscraper Curse and How Austrian E
Ep. 0167: Endgame: The Not-So-Civil War Part 13
In the Spring of 1865, the Confederate military & government began to rapidly crumble.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The Battle of Natural BridgeThe fate of John Bell Hood's command, including the disastrous Battles of Franklin & NashvilleThe Confederates' partial emancipation program, passed far too late to matter to the course of the warThe Hampton Roads ConferenceSherman's march through South Carolina, including the destruction of ColumbiaAbraham Lincoln's second inaugural address, probably his se
Ep. 0166: Suppressing Dissent, Reinforcing Belief: The Not-So-Civil War Part 12
Join CJ as he discusses:
A brief word on the concept of habeas corpusThe ways in which dissent was suppressed & civil liberties were abrogated in the Confederacy and in the UnionCivil religion in both the North & South in the latter part of the warSupport the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon
CJ’s DHP Amazon Wish List
CJ's Dangerous Amazon Bibliography
Other ways to support the show
The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network, the Dark Myths Podcast
Ep. 0165: History of Vikings with Noah Tetzner
In this episode, CJ speaks with Noah Tetzner of the History of Vikings Podcast (a show that is, like the Dangerous History Podcast, a member of the Recorded History Podcast Network.)
Join CJ & Noah as they discuss:
Noah's background, including his non-typical education & how he came to be hosting a podcast about Vikings at just 17 years of ageCommon misconceptions in the popular mind about the Norse peopleDepictions of Norsemen in popular entertainmentCulture, politics, society, and mythology of
Ep. 0164: School May Suck, But History Doesn't Have To
It happened: School Sucks & the Dangerous History Podcast collided!
At the 2018 Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest, CJ was interviewed by Brett Veinotte of the School Sucks Project. This episode is the audio of that conversation (also released by Brett as episode #569 of School Sucks.)
Join CJ and Brett as they discuss:
A bit about CJ's background, and how he came to be an anarchist historianCJ's approaches to studying & synthesizing history, including some nuts-and-bolts stuff like reading, note-taki
Ep. 0163: Avoiding Intellectual Inbreeding
Here is the audio of CJ's presentation delivered on Sunday, June 24th, 2018, at the 6th Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest in Michigan.
Join CJ as he discusses:
A little bit about his own personality and educational background that have led him to be more resistant to intellectual inbreeding than most people (but still prone to it to some extent, because all people are)One of the main problems with conventional academia, and how, if you insulate yourself too much from ideas that contradict your own, y
Ep. 0162: A Modern-Day Grunt's Perspective, Part 4
This is the final conversation between CJ & US Army Veteran BT about BT's military service and his ordeals since getting out. (Please excuse a little bit of minor audio issues. As you'll hear, we had some sporadic Skype hiccups, as well as a slightly-longer-than-usual delay, probably because BT has moved since our last conversation, and is now living a little more in the boonies than previously.)
Join CJ & BT as they discuss:
BT's physical & mental health issues since leaving the Army, and the
Ep. 0161: "Disregarding the Laws of God and Man": The Not-So-Civil War, Part 11
The end (of this non-consecutive series) is starting to come into sight, as the Union increasingly relies on 'total war' to completely crush the spirit of resistance among Southern civilians, regardless of any moral considerations.
Join CJ as he discusses:
Confederate General Jubal Early's raid into Union territory, which reached the outer defenses of Washington D.C. before being fought off and chased back into the Shenandoah ValleyPhilip Sheridan's decisive defeat of Early's forces, and Sherida
Ep. 0160: "Remember the Maine!" & The Pageantry of American Aggression
Here's a big beast of a DHP episode, dealing with the Deep History of the sinking of the USS Maine, the origins of the Spanish-American War, and what relevance this story might have to recent events.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The explosion of the USS Maine in Havana in 1898A brief description of the so-called "Large Policy" and its proponents in the late-19th century, especially its most influential members: Theodore Roosevelt & Henry Cabot LodgeThe so-called "Yellow Press," as exemplified by Wil
Ep. 0159: A Modern-Day Grunt's Perspective, Part 3
Once again, CJ is joined by US Army veteran BT to talk about BT's experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Join CJ & BT as they discuss:
Thoughts on various people using veterans (or "the troops") as pawns in their ideological narratives, such as the NFL/kneeling-during-the-anthem controversySome stories from BT's first deployment to Iraq, during which time he was a Cavalry Scout in and around MosulSome stories from BT's second deployment to Iraq, during which time he was a Blackhawk crew chief and
Ep. 0158: Talking National Security Cinema with Tom Secker
For this episode of the DHP, CJ is joined by researcher, writer, and podcaster Tom Secker, the man behind the website and the podcast Clandestime, in a conversation primarily about Tom's research into the national security state's massive influence on movies and television.
Join CJ & Tom as they discuss:
Being a 'moderate conspiracy theorist'A bit about Tom's background and how he got into researching these topics'Entertainment Liaison Offices' (or ELOs), and how these offices inf
Ep. 0157: "I was killed.": The Not-So-Civil War Part 10
I was originally going to do one massive episode on the coming of 'total war' in 1864, but it was getting too unwieldy so I decided to break it into 2 episodes, one covering Grant's campaign in Virginia and another covering Sherman's campaign in Georgia. Here is the first of those.
Join CJ as he discusses:
The Battle of OlusteeAttrition and trench warfareGrant's Overland campaign, including the Battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, and PetersburgThis episode of the Da
Ep. 0156: A Modern-Day Grunt's Perspective, Part 2
This is the second part of my conversation with BT, a US Army veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, about his experiences. (Be sure to check out last episode - #155 - for part 1 of this if you've not already done so.)
Join CJ & BT as they discuss:
BT's first deployment to Iraq, including the conditions in Mosul and surrounding areas where he was deployed and the shortcomings of his training relative to what he'd actually be dealing withProblems unique to dealing with a counterinsurgency situation in
Ep. 0155: A Modern-Day Grunt's Perspective, Part 1
This episode is part 1 of CJ's discussions with a longtime DHP listener & US Army veteran of the Iraq and Afghan Wars, a guy who goes by "BT" on the internet. Not only does BT himself have a lot of personal experiences in these conflicts, he's also done a lot of research about these wars and related issues. These conversations will cover BT's experiences in those wars, and the effects of those experiences, which he's still dealing with today. Along the way, we'll also cover the history of these
Ep. 0154: Orwell Your Orwell with David Ramsay Steele
In this episode of the DHP, CJ talks to David Ramsay Steele, author of many books including his most recent, Orwell Your Orwell: A Worldview on the Slab, which is the subject of this DHP episode. Dr. Steele is a libertarian speaker and writer, and is Editorial Director of Open Court Publishing Company. (Big thanks to DHP listener Lee for putting me in touch with Dr. Steele!)
Join CJ & David as they discuss:
How David challenges the standard view of Orwell & his beliefs in this bookHow Orwell’s b
Ep. 0153: Mike Resnick
In this episode of the DHP, CJ and Joshua of The Dusty Den Podcast talk to Mike Resnick, author of (among many, many other things) the novel Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future,which CJ & Joshua reviewed and discussed on the last DHP episode (#152). (Big thanks to DHP listener Jake for putting us in touch with Mike!)
Mike Resnick is (according to Locus) the all-time leading award winner, living or dead, for short fiction. He has won 5 Hugos (from a record 37 nominations), a Nebula, and other majo
Ep. 0152: Discussing Mike Resnick’s Santiago in the Dusty Den
In this episode of the DHP, CJ talks to Joshua of The Dusty Den Podcast about the excellent scifi Space Western novel Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future by author Mike Resnick (first published in 1986), a great book with a cult following that deserves to be much better known, especially among libertarianish types. […]
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Ep. 0151: American Public Schooling & Inner-City Schools with Mike K.
In this DHP episode, CJ talks to Mike K., a DHP listener and former teacher with extensive knowledge of inner-city education based on both research and firsthand, real-world experience. Join CJ & Mike as they discuss many topics related to education, including: Mike’s background, including his studies in education (through the Ph. D. level) and […]
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Ep. 0150: In the Shadows of the American Century with Alfred McCoy
CJ is joined in this episode by Professor Alfred McCoy, who holds a Ph. D. from Yale University in Southeast Asian history, and currently holds the Harrington Chair in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of many books, including The Politics of Heroin, Policing America’s Empire, and A Question of Torture, […]
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Ep. 0149: War Machine: A DHP Movie Review with Scott Horton
Scott Horton (author of Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan, host of the Scott Horton Show, and founder of the Libertarian Institute) returns for a third time to the DHP, this time to help CJ do a Dangerous History movie review of the 2017 Netflix film War Machine. Join CJ & Scott […]
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Ep. 0148: 2017 DHP Halloween Special, Part 1
Join CJ as he shares the following poems & stories: “Hallowe’en” by John Kendrick Bangs “The Outsider” by H.P. Lovecraft “Richard Cory” by Edward Arlington Robinson “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving “The Vampire” by Madison Julius Cawein “Winter’s End” by C.J. Killmer Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon CJ’s official DHP […]
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Ep. 0147: The Sparring of the Amateur Boxer: The Not-So-Civil War Part 9
This episode fills in the gap between Gettysburg/Vicksburg in the summer of 1863 and the beginning of Ulysses Grant & William T. Sherman’s total war campaigns of 1864, including some lesser-known (but still important) campaigns and battles. Join CJ as he discusses: William Rosecrans’ Tullahoma Campaign The Battle of Chickamauga The siege of Chattanooga Grant’s […]
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Ep. 0146: The Grunt’s-Eye Perspective: The Not-So-Civil War Part 8
We mostly get the view from the top when it comes to the American Civil War – that is, the view from the political leaders and generals. We usually get only scattered glimpses of what it was actually like to be an enlisted man or lower-level officer in a Civil War Army. In this episode, […]
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Ep. 0145: Fool’s Errand: Scott Horton on America’s War in Afghanistan
In this episode, I’m happy to welcome Scott Horton back to the Dangerous History Podcast. Scott is managing director of the Libertarian Institute, host of Antiwar Radio and the Scott Horton Show, and opinion editor at He has conducted more than 4,500 interviews since 2003. (BTW, My apologies for the audio quality of my […]
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Ep. 0144: Rise of the Cane Kingdom, Part 2
Join CJ as he discusses: An overview of American sugar politics since 1959. A detailed look at the Fanjul family, who escaped Castro’s revolution, came to Florida, and (with a LOT of political entrepreneurship) built a sugar empire that eventually overtook even the U.S. Sugar Corporation Big Sugar’s labor problems from the ’60s through the […]
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Ep. 0143: Rise of the Cane Kingdom, Part 1
Over the past century, large-scale sugar cane cultivation was developed in what became known as the Everglades Agricultural Area, the region just south of Lake Okeechobee, historically a part of the Everglades ecosystem which was drained in the early- to mid-twentieth century. However, making sugarcane cultivation in this area feasible & profitable has required massive […]
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Ep. 0142: History, Naked & Dangerous: A conversation with Bryce Blankenagel
In this episode, CJ talks to Bryce Blankenagel of the Naked Mormonism Podcast. (Note: This episode contains the majority — but not all — of the conservation, but Patreon supporters of either the Dangerous History Podcast or the Naked Mormonism Podcast will have access to the entire thing via the respective Patreon supporters’ feed.) Join […]
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Ep. 0141: Draining the Swamp: The War on the Everglades
Have you been sad that there hasn’t been a Dangerous History Podcast episode in a while? Well, here’s a gigantic plus-sized one that’s about 3x the size of the average DHP episode! (Sorry about republishing this one multiple times, dealing with some tech issues…) Join CJ as he discusses: An overview of the original greater […]
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Ep. 0140: Thoughts on Cyclical History & Generations
If you read widely enough in history, sooner or later you start to think there are some clearly repeating themes and problems and trends, and that there are pendulums in society that swing back and forth every few generations. You might get the sense that history might be more about cycles than about continuous progression in […]
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Ep. 0139: Gettysburg: The Not-So-Civil War Part 7
It was the largest battle ever fought in the Western Hemisphere, and the high tide for Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. Join CJ as he discusses: A little bit about Generals James Longstreet, George Pickett, and George Gordon Meade Robert E. Lee’s invasion of Pennsylvania, culminating in the Battle of Gettysburg on July […]
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Ep. 0138: Free State of Jones: A Dangerous History Movie Review
In this episode of the Dangerous History Podcast, we take a look at another film set in the American Civil War: the 2016 film Free State of Jones, directed by Gary Ross and starring Matthew McConaughey. This film tells the story of Confederate deserter Newton Knight, who led an insurgent force composed of escaped slaves and Confederate […]
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Ep. 0137: Gibraltar of the Confederacy: The Not-So-Civil War Part 6
Jeff Davis called it the nail that held the Confederacy together; Abe Lincoln called it the key to winning the war. It doesn’t get as much attention from people who aren’t well-versed in the history of this war, but the Vicksburg Campaign was at least as important as the battle of Gettysburg in bringing about […]
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Ep. 0136: Shenandoah: A Dangerous History Movie Review
In this episode, we take a look at the 1965 Civil War film Shenadoah, written by James Lee Barrett, directed by Andrew V. McLaglen, and starring Jimmy Stewart. Join CJ as he discusses: A synopsis and review of Shenandoahand its themes Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon CJ’s official DHP Amazon Wish List Other […]
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Ep. 0135: More Valor, Less Judgment: The Not-So-Civil War Part 5
Join CJ as he discusses: Lincoln’s General Orders No. 100, aka ‘the Lieber Code’ The Battle of Fredericksburg The Chancellorsville Campaign The Death of Stonewall Jackson & Southern Civil Religion Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon CJ’s official DHP Amazon Wish List Other ways to support the show The Dangerous History Podcast is covered […]
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Ep. 0134: Battle Cry of Freedomishness: The Not So Civil War Part 4
I was originally going to discuss the song “Battle Cry of Freedom” and the Emancipation Proclamation, and then cover another major battle or two at the end. However, by the time I got done talking about the Proclamation, I had more than enough material for an entire episode, so decided to just stop there for […]
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Ep. 0133: Crisis & Leviathans: The Not-So-Civil War Part 3
In this episode we’re talking about mobilization of manpower and resources for large-scale warfare and the resultant growth in the size and power of the central state, something that happened on a massive scale in the case of both the Union and the Confederate governments. Join CJ as he discusses: The mobilization of manpower, finances, […]
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Ep. 0132: Upping the Ante: The Not-so-Civil War Part 2
In this installment, we’re covering the major military developments in the war up through September of 1862. Join CJ as he discusses: A little bit of background on the 4 most important generals in this episode: Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson; George McClellan; and Ulysses Grant The Union’s campaign to control the Mississippi watershed […]
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Ep. 0131: Opening Gambits: The Not-So-Civil War Part 1
Drum roll please……………..Here we go — the first podcast installment in a monstrous enterprise, CJ’s White Whale: the Dangerous History Podcast’s coverage of the War Between the States! In this first installment, we’ll cover the opening moves, from December 1860 to November 1861. Join CJ as he discusses: The secession of the seven states of […]
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Ep. 0130: CJ’s 25 Favorite Antiwar Songs
Encompassing a variety of musical genres & a variety of wars, here they are, CJ’s favorite 25 antiwar songs. Links below on the song titles are to CJ’s favorite version that’s available on Youtube of each song. Some are versions by the original artist, and some are covers that CJ actually likes a little better than […]
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Ep. 0129: The Psychology of Power & Obedience with Jim Cunagin
On this episode of the Dangerous History Podcast, CJ talks with Dr. Jim Cunagin, a practicing psychiatrist, about the psychology of power and obedience and some of the experiments that can help us understand these phenomena. Join CJ & Jim as they discuss: Stanley Milgram’s experiments Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment The conformity experiments of Solomon Asch The Bystander […]
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Ep. 0128: Foundation of the Permanent Garrison State
Between 1946 and 1953, the cornerstones of a permanent garrison state were laid within the structure of the US government. Join CJ as he discusses: Henry Luce’s 1941 article “The American Century” & the construction of the Pentagon (begun on Sept. 11th, 1941 -the pic above shows the Pentagon under construction, BTW) as harbingers of this […]
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Ep. 0127: Breaker Morant: A Dangerous History Movie Review
Breaker Morant is an Australian movie released in 1980 that tells the true story of three Australian soldiers of the Bushveldt Carbineers on trial for war crimes near the end of the 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer War in South Africa. Join CJ as he discusses: A brief background on the Boer War A brief synopsis of Breaker Morant […]
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Ep. 0126: The Story of Squanto
Tisquantum (or Squanto, as he’s better known today) was a Patuxet Indian with an incredible, complex life story that very few people have an inkling of today; and when you look at the story of early seventeenth-century New England from his perspective, it’s a very different tale than what you get from standard American mythology. Join […]
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Ep. 0125: Listener Emails #6
LOOOOOOOOOONG overdue for one of these, so here it is, and extra-plus-sized to compensate for lost time. Join CJ as he shares & responds to messages from listeners on: More thoughts on the historical evolution of Islam Whether there’s any instance in which CJ might consider voting The electoral college The Republic of Cospaia Historical […]
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Ep. 0124: 2016 Election Day Special: The American Civil Religion
Ever get the sense that the government and politics in the United States is kinda cult-y? If so, CJ thinks your spidey sense is justifiably tingling, and what you’re picking up on is the phenomenon known as the civil religion. Join CJ as he discusses: The concept of civil religion The origins of the American […]
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Ep. 0123: 2016 DHP Halloween Special, Part 1
(BTW, the picture above is CJ’s Jack o’ Lantern from 2014, lovingly hand-carved using only good old-fashioned knives, no namby-pamby power tools.) I love holidays, and Halloween is probably my favorite holiday of all. To share the spirit of the season, I decided this year to do a 2-part Halloween special. I hope you’ll find this […]
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Ep. 0122: Principal Ruffian & Chief Among Plunderers: The Norman Conquest of England
In 1066, the course of English history was dramatically altered, as the realm was conquered by Normans from across the Channel. Join CJ as he discusses: Some backstory on Medieval England & Normandy The death of Edward the Confessor & coronation of Harold Godwinson William of Normandy’s preparations for invasion to seize the English crown […]
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Ep. 0121: Ravenous: A Dangerous History Movie Review
In the spirit of the season, in this episode CJ reviews the 1999 film Ravenous, a horror movie about cannibalism on the American frontier in the heyday of Manifest Destiny in the mid-nineteenth century. This film was directed by Antonia Bird and stars Guy Pearce, Robert Carlyle, and Jeffrey Jones. Join CJ as he discusses: […]
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Ep. 0120: DHP Heroes: Major General Smedley Butler
In this episode, CJ profiles Major General Smedley Darlington Butler of the United States Marine Corps, probably most famous for being a very highly decorated Marine (the most decorated at the time of his death in 1940), and for writing War is a Racket. Butler was a very complex man to say the least, and […]
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Ep. 0119: Party Systems in American History, Part II
Join CJ as he discusses: The latter Third Party System during the Gilded Age (c. 1870s-1890s) The 1896 election, which ended the Third Party System & ushered in the Fourth The characteristics of the Fourth Party System (1896-1932) The Fifth Party System (1932-1968?1980? The present?) The controversial Sixth Party system (which we may be in […]
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Ep. 0118: Party Systems in American History, Part I
In light of the currently ongoing freakshow — er, ‘campaign’ — I decided to talk a bit about the big-picture view of the history of American political party systems. (BTW, audio quality gets better about 2/3 of the through — I did the first part of the episode when I was a bit hoarse & it […]
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Ep. 0117: Operation Underworld
Did you know that the US government, in the form of the Office of Naval Intelligence in World War II & the Central Intelligence Agency in the Cold War, frequently made common cause with La Cosa Nostra & other organized crime syndicates? Join CJ as he discusses: How the alliance between the US Office of […]
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Ep. 0116: Abolitionism & Anarchism (CJ’s presentation from the Midwest Peace & Liberty Conference)
At high noon on Saturday August 27th 2016 I had the pleasure of speaking at the Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest. Here’s the audio of that presentation. Join CJ as he discusses: The different types of antislavery groups in Antebellum America The most radical part of the abolitionist spectrum, including the New England Non-Resistance Society, who […]
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Ep. 0115: Out with the Old Right, In with the New Right
Believe it or not, prior to about the mid-1950s, to be on the “Right” in American political discourse actually meant you opposed American wars & interventions abroad most of the time, and it meant you took seriously ideas of individual liberty, even if you weren’t always 100% consistent on them. Then there was a ‘revolution […]
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Ep. 0114: Three anti-Military-Industrial-Complex films from the 1980s
Join CJ as he discusses: WarGames (1983) Real Genius (1985) Short Circuit (1986) Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon The official DHP Amazon Wish List Other ways to support the show The Dangerous History Podcast is covered by a BipCot NoGov license; learn more at The Dangerous History Podcast is a member of […]
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Ep. 0113: The Porcellian Club: Harvard’s Skull & Bones?
Think the notorious Skull & Bones is the only secret, elite club at an Ivy League school? Think again. There are actually a bunch of such clubs found at the most elite universities, and the oldest one of its type (to CJ’s knowledge) is actually not the more famous Skull & Bones at Yale; it’s the […]
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Ep. 0112: Scott Horton on America’s post-Cold War Empire
Today CJ is joined by Scott Horton for a conversation about the recent history of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. Join CJ & Scott as they discuss: The book Scott is currently working on, to be coauthored with Tom Woods, about the so-called ‘War on Terror’ How much the Soviet […]
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Ep. 0111: Introduction to Power Elite Analysis
Join CJ as he discusses: What “power elite” and “power elite analysis” mean Power elite analysis is not “conspiracy theorizing” Some early practitioners of power elite analysis, such as C. Wright Mills, Carroll Quigley, and Murray Rothbard Ways of identifying & understanding the power elite in practice Things to keep in mind when studying the power […]
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Ep. 0110: Twenty-One Key Concepts & Theories, Part 2
In this second part of “Twenty-One Key Concepts & Theories,” we focus on seven concepts & theories related to economics. Join CJ as he discusses: 8. Public Choice Theory 9. Regulatory Capture 10. Austrian Business Cycle Theory 11. The Broken Window Fallacy 12. Opportunity Costs 13. The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility 14. The Sunk […]
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Ep. 0109: Twenty-One Key Concepts & Theories, Part 1
I’ve compiled a list of 21 concepts & theories that have helped me understand the world (both past & present) more clearly, and I’m going to do 3 episodes (two regular DHP episodes and one Patreon supporters-only Bonus DHP episode) covering 7 of these concepts & theories apiece. In this first installment, I’ve grouped together 7 […]
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Ep. 0108: “Edge Men” of the Power Elite
On the last leg of his return journey from New Hampshire, CJ was spontaneously inspired to do an off-the-cuff Silver Bullet mobile podcasting episode. Join CJ as he discusses: His amateur/layman’s understanding of the concept of ‘edges’ as used in permaculture The way in which individuals who work the edges of various institutions that make […]
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Ep. 0107: Applying Guerrilla Methods Beyond War (CJ’s talk at Porcfest XIII)
Join CJ as he discusses An overview of Michael Collins’ campaign to end British rule in Ireland 10 lessons one can learn from studying guerrilla warfare that apply to many other human endeavors: Don’t be afraid to start small & build up your resources from there Turn your weaknesses into strengths, and if you have […]
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Ep. 0106: A History of American Slavery Part VII: The End of Chattel Slavery
In this episode, we wrap up the DHP coverage of the history of American slavery with this seventh & final installment in the series. Join CJ as he discusses: How slavery was abolished in the US The aftermath and legacies of that abolition Some comparisons with the abolition of slavery in other parts of the […]
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Ep. 0105: Peeking Behind the Iron Curtain with Kristaps Andrejsons
Kristaps Andrejsons is a Latvian podcaster who hosts the Eastern Border podcast, a show about the history of the Soviet Union with an emphasis on what life was like for regular people who lived in it. Join CJ & Kristaps as they discuss a wide range of topics, including: Kristaps’ background and why he started his show An […]
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Ep. 0104: The Concept of Gross Human Product (GHP)
No, it’s not a euphemism for things that emit from your orifices when your gastrointestinal tract is unhappy. It’s a concept proposed by James C. Scott in Two Cheers for Anarchism, in answer to the question, “What if we were to ask what kind of people a given activity or institution fostered?” Join CJ from the cockpit […]
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Ep. 0103: Listener Emails #5
Finally back (and recovered!) from the trip to Ireland, so the DHP returns with a listener emails episode. Join CJ as he discusses: A few words about his recent trip to Ireland Thoughts on Islam SJW’s vs. the Alt. Right Parallels between the present-day US and Weimar Republic Germany The tendency of elites to want […]
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Ep. 0102: The Irish Easter Rising
This week marks the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Irish rebellion known to history as The Easter Rising. Join CJ as he discusses: A brief overview of the 800 years of oppression faced by Ireland prior to the Rising The Rising, its suppression, aftermath & legacies The Dangerous History Podcast is covered by a BipCot […]
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Ep. 0101: A History of American Slavery Part VI: Society & Culture in the Antebellum South
Join CJ as he discusses: A review of the difference between “a society with slaves” and “a slave society” A brief sketch of the concept of ‘cultural hegemony’ Slavery & the Southern legal system The concept of paternalism in the Antebellum South The social & cultural impact of slavery on the slaves themselves, the planter […]
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Ep. 0100: 100th Episode Miscellaneous Off-Topic Smorgasbord Spectacular
In keeping with the spirit of this show, for our 100th episode extravaganza, here’s a collage of somewhat-off-topic discussions pieced together in true guerrilla fashion from several commutes in the Silver Bullet, plus a little bit recorded from the (relative) comfort of the home office. Join CJ as he discusses: Reaching the 100 episode mark […]
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Ep. 0099: A History of American Slavery Part V: Economics & Politics of Antebellum Slavery
Join CJ as he discusses: Some of the economic aspects of Antebellum slavery An overview of the politics of slavery at the federal level during the Antebellum period [BTW: When I referenced the “presidential election of 1814” as being between Lewis Cass (Dem) & Zachary Taylor (Whig), I meant “presidential election of 1848.” Don’t know […]
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Ep. 0098: A History of American Slavery Part IV: Rise of the Cotton Kingdom
Join CJ as he discusses: The famous “Cotton is King” speech given by Sen. James Henry Hammond (D-SC) in 1858 A brief defintion of the term ‘Antebellum’ Slavery & the US Constitution Some major trends & patterns of Antebellum slavery How & why cotton became ‘king’ of the Southern economy in the Antebellum period The […]
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Ep. 0097: A History of American Slavery Part III: Slavery & the American Revolution
Join CJ as he discusses: How the American Revolution influenced the discourse on slavery British policies towards American slaves during the war American policies towards slaves & free blacks during the war Slavery in the South post-Independence The phasing out of slavery in the North post-Independence The Dangerous History Podcast is covered by a BipCot […]
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Ep. 0096: A History of American Slavery, Part II: Colonial Slavery in British North America
Join CJ as he discusses: Slavery as a solution to the labor shortages in the New World once enslaved Indians and white indentured servants proved to be inadequate for the purposes of large-scale staple crop agriculture The evolution of slavery in different parts of colonial North America, including the Chesapeake colonies, South Carolina & Georgia, […]
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Ep. 0095: A History of American Slavery, Part I: Origins of Atlantic Slavery
This is part one of a multi-part series on the history of chattel slavery in America. Join CJ as he discusses: Some basic introductions & things to keep in mind for this series A very brief overview of the prior history of slavery in history The origins of European involvement in the African slave trade, […]
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Ep. 0094: British Bric-a-brac (CJ’s grad school research project from 2005)
Several listeners have asked about work and research I did while in graduate school, so I decided to share with you one of the few things I wrote in grad school that A) I still have and B) I’m proud of & think is at least somewhat interesting. Between the World Wars, the British government […]
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Ep. 0093: 10 Books to Slay the State
Join CJ as he discusses: The Law by Frederic Bastiat The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse on Voluntary Servitude by Etienne de la Boetie The State by Franz Oppenheimer Inventing the People: The Rise of Popular Sovereignty in England and America by Edmund Morgan No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner Propaganda: The […]
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Ep. 0092: Top Ten Dangerous US History Books
Join CJ as he discusses: Crisis & Leviathan by Robert Higgs The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin The Tragedy of American Diplomacy by William Appleman Williams A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn The Triumph of Conservatism by Gabriel Kolko The Yankee and Cowboy War by Carl Oglesby The […]
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Ep. 0091: Assassination Ruminations
I’m back to work after Christmas break, and so fittingly I’ve got an episode recorded while commuting in The Silver Bullet (my silver Hyundai Accent hatchback.) How should we think about the deaths of famous and/or influential people? Are all deaths of such people suspicious? I don’t have all the answers, but here are some of […]
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Ep. 0090: Listener Emails #4
Alright, first episode of 2016 for the DHP & it’s going to be something I haven’t done in a criminally negligently long time: listener emails. Join CJ as he discusses: Monotheism vs. polytheism in relation to state power Psychology as a means of control Irish slavery in the British Empire & what to do about […]
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Ep. 0089: The Christmas Truce
One-hundred-and-one Christmases ago, in the cold, damp, muddy ditches of the Western Front, the rank-and-file of the Allied and German armies spontaneously set aside their hatreds to take a break from mass-murdering each other, much to the dismay of their so-called ‘leaders.’ Join CJ as he discusses: The context of the Christmas Truce How it happened […]
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Ep. 0088: Thaddeus Russell on Undermining Jihadists with Britney Spears & more
Thaddeus Russell is a historian and cultural critic and the author of A Renegade History of the United States. He holds a Ph D from Columbia University. He teaches American history and cultural studies at Occidental College and has taught at Columbia University, Barnard College, the New School for Social Research, and Eugene Lang College. […]
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Ep. 0087: Grain and the State
Join CJ as he discusses: How people lived in the Paleolithic Era, which actually encompasses the vast majority of human existence The Neolithic Revolution and the coming of agriculture The domestication of grains and their rise to dominate global food production The rise of “civilization,” including its downsides The characteristics of grains which make them […]
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Ep. 0086: DHP Heroes: George Carlin
George Dennis Patrick Carlin (1937-2008) was not just one of the greatest comedians of the last 50 years, he was also one of the most intelligent and, ultimately, dangerous. Join CJ as he discusses: George Carlin’s life & career Some of the major and/or recurring themes in his work Carlin’s significance & influence External Links “The […]
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Ep. 0085: Daniele Bolelli on Taoism, History, & other cool stuff
Daniele Bolelli is a writer, martial artist, university professor, and podcaster. He was born in Italy and currently lives in Los Angeles. His podcasts are The Drunken Taoist Podcast and History on Fire. His books include On the Warrior’s Path, 50 Things You’re Not Supposed to Know: Religion, Create Your Own Religion, and a new one […]
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Ep. 0084: DHP Villains: Robert Morris, Original Bankster
Robert Morris is one of the lesser-known “Founding Fathers” today, even though arguably he was one of the most important and influential. He served as a virtual chief executive of the country in the latter years of the Revolutionary war and was the father of the American Federal Leviathan and the crony capitalist system that lives […]
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Ep. 0083: History of Irregular Warfare with Bill Buppert (part 6)
Here it is — the sixth & final installment of the DHP History of Irregular Warfare series with Bill Buppert. Join CJ & Bill as they discuss: Circumstances in which insurgents do or do not have the moral high ground The impact of technologies on insurgency & 4GW The importance of narrative Alleged “best practices” for […]
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Ep. 0082: The Alliance of Throne & Altar
Here is the first mobile DHP episode in a while, recorded over the course of my commute to & from work. (BTW, the audio is much improved over previous in-the-car recordings!) Join CJ as he discusses: The basic concept of this alliance, including its origins and the symbiotic nature of it How religion most effectively fulfilled […]
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Ep. 0081: History of Irregular Warfare with Bill Buppert (part 5)
Join CJ & Bill as they discuss: Key factors that cause insurgencies to succeed or fail The importance of external help to guerrillas and insurgents The effects of terrain (including urban terrain) on irregular warfare Circumstances under which guerrillas and insurgents have or do not have an advantage Support the show via Patreon Other ways to […]
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Ep. 0080: History of Irregular Warfare with Bill Buppert (Part 4)
Join CJ & Bill as they discuss: Some of the post-WWII wars of ‘decolonization’ the British & French fought in places like Malaya, Kenya, & Algeria Vietnam, comparing the French performance there in the 19th century to the French & American performance there in the mid-20th century Some thoughts on the recent wars in the Middle […]
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Ep. 0079: History of Irregular Warfare with Bill Buppert (Part 3)
Join CJ & Bill as they discuss: Col. T.E. Lawrence’s operations in Arabia during the First World War The Anglo-Irish War and its primary mastermind, Michael Collins The concept of “peak guerrilla” or “peak G” in the West in the years 1916-1922 Mao Tse Tung as theorist and practitioner of guerrilla warfare in the Chinese Civil […]
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Ep. 0078: History of Irregular Warfare with Bill Buppert (Part 2)
Join CJ & Bill as they discuss: The 1807-1814 Peninsular War in Spain during the Napoleonic era (with a few remarks about the potential effectiveness of fighters with no prior military background, and some examples of this from the American Revolutionary War) Confederate partisans, ‘rangers’ and some of their precursors in the Kansas & Missouri […]
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Ep. 0077: History of Irregular Warfare with Bill Buppert (Part 1)
This episode is the first part of my conversation with Bill Buppert on the history of irregular warfare. Bill Buppert is a retired Army officer. He has been a writer for a number of publications including He is particularly interested in the issues of liberty, survival, shooting and history. He has made frequent media appearances. […]
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Ep. 0076: Listener Emails #3
Join CJ as he discusses: The intent and wording of the Second Amendment, and the utility of the Bill of Rights File-sharing, torrents, and other methods of information-sharing, and the ways in which industries are approaching these ‘Best’ (or least worst) presidents in recent US history & US history as a whole Thoughts on Ayn […]
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Ep. 0075: 3 Dystopia Scifi Novels
Today we’re talking scifi dystopia novels — stories that depict a fictional future world that is somehow ‘bad,’ or in other words, a negative utopia. Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World George Orwell’s 1984 Ira Levin’s This Perfect Day Support the Dangerous History Podcast via Patreon Other Ways to Help Support the […]
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Ep. 0074: The Western Way of War vs the Eastern Way of War
To begin laying some of the groundwork for the upcoming miniseries on the history of modern guerrilla and unconventional war, here’s a discussion of two different paradigms of what war is supposed to be and how it is supposed to be fought. One is the Western (or European) Way, which originated in Greece and from […]
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Ep. 0073: Listener Emails #2
(First off: Apologies in advance for the audio quality drop-off after about the first half-hour — had an equipment SNAFU but had to just go on with backup gear in order to get the episode recorded during the narrow window of time I had this week to do it! I’ve got it solved for next […]
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Ep. 0072: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
This month is the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, and the subsequent surrender of Japan to the United States, ending World War II. The standard mainstream American narrative about this portrays it as a no-brainer, a morally unquestionable & absolutely necessary decision that saved untold numbers of lives. This narrative […]
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Ep. 0071: The Calusa Indians
The Calusa were a fascinating Native American people who populated the southwestern coast of Florida. Despite having no real agriculture, they developed a dense, sedentary, complex society, with all the good & bad that entails. Join Prof CJ as he discusses: The origins of the Calusa Their physical description Their society, hierarchy, and religion The […]
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Ep. 0070: DHP Villains: Sargon of Akkad
Often described as the world’s first empire-builder, Sargon of Akkad may not entirely deserve that title. But he’s the earliest empire-builder to achieve lasting notoriety. Join Prof CJ as he discusses: A brief excerpt from “The Legend of Sargon” The historical context of ancient Mesopotamia and the Sumerians who peopled most of the southern part […]
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Ep. 0069: Listener Emails #1
Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Surprisingly subversive themes in fiction and cinema (Note: I recorded my response to this prior to doing my film review of 71, which is why that review wasn’t mentioned.) Whether an anarchistic society could have security from external threats How to design a history curriculum for school-age youths that […]
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Ep. 0068: 71: A Dangerous History Movie Review
Join Prof CJ as he discusses: A basic outline of the movies historical context — ie, the Northern Irish “Troubles” which occurred from the 1960s through the 1990s A basic synopsis summary (without much detail on the second half of the movie, in an effort to avoid too much plot spoilage) Prof CJ’s assessment of […]
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Ep. 0067: The New Counterculture?
Is there a New Counterculture movement? If so, what is it? Can we define it, or at least describe it? Might you be a part of it, even if in a small way, even if you don’t realize it? Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Why cultural, artistic, and/or intellectual movements are often hard to identify […]
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Ep. 0066: Revolutionary Aftershocks Part II: The Whiskey Rebellion
Today we cover the last blow in the American Revolution’s Thermidor: the Whiskey Rebellion of the early 1790s. Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Raising more questions about what history really is and what most historians really do, using Bentley Little’s short story “The Washingtonians” (which was also adapted into an episode of the TV series […]
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Ep. 0065: Revolutionary Aftershocks Part I: Shays’ Rebellion
Every revolution produces people (generally of the lower ranks within the revolutionary faction) who take the rhetoric & supposed ideology of the revolution at face value and expect that rhetoric & ideology to actually apply to them. But every revolution also produces people (generally of the elite within the revolutionary faction) who really just want to be the “new […]
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Ep. 0064: One Year Anniversary of the Dangerous History Podcast
On June 9th, 2014, the world changed in the profound way that it usually only does once every millennium or so, because this was the day that the Dangerous History Podcast was born. Today we turn retrospective & introspective and take a look at where this podcast has been & where it’s going. Join Prof CJ […]
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Ep. 0063: The American Revolution Part VI: Reflections on the Revolution
Finally -we wrap up our American Revolution coverage with a hodepodge grab-bag of thoughts & observations on the Revolution, what it was really about, how revolutionary it really was, and lessons we can learn from it today. Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Patriotism vs Nationalism Why you should avoid hero-worship Meet the new boss, same […]
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Ep. 0062: The American Revolution Part V: Ending the War, Winners & Losers
Join Prof CJ as he discusses: The British government’s cessation of hostilities following Yorktown The Paris Peace talks & the terms of Treaty of Paris, 1783 Why the British lost the war Winners & Losers as a result of this war, which is a more complicated topic than you might think External Links Prof CJ’s […]
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Ep. 0061: The American Revolution Part IV: 1778-81
Join Prof CJ as he discusses: The increasingly influential counterrevolutionary faction among the independence leaders, as exemplified by John Adams & his essay, “Thoughts on Government” The largely mythical “Conway Cabal” against George Washington The fate of radical & guerrilla warfare advocate Gen. Charles Lee The impact of French & Spanish intervention Baron Von Steuben’s effects (for […]
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Ep. 0060: The American Revolution Part III: 1776-1777
Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Thomas Paine & Common Sense The British evacuation of Boston The Declaration of Independence An overview of some of the military operations and battles of 1776-7, including Long Island, Trenton, Bennington, and Saratoga The winter of 1777-78 at Valley Forge A word about the 1777 British government document, “Considerations […]
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Ep. 0059: The American Revolution Part II: 1775
Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Some thoughts on Great Man historical narratives An overview of what was happening in terms of rising tensions in late-1774 and early-1775, much of which related to British attempts to limit colonists’ access to weapons and gunpowder A fairly detailed account of the Battle of Lexington & Concord on […]
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Ep. 0058: The American Revolution, Part I: 1763-1774
Since this April is the 240th anniversary of the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, Prof CJ has decided to do a multi-part Dangerous History Podcast series on this conflict, trying to focus as much as possible on the dangerous parts of the story, and the deeper implications of it, that the Man would rather […]
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Ep. 0057: Banksters & Control Freaks
Two distinct groups of people — banksters and control freaks — between them account for most, if not all, of the evil in the world in the past, present, and presumably (and unfortunately) for the foreseeable future as well. “Look Ma — no hands!”: This is a guerrilla episode done in the car with absolutely NO […]
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Ep. 0056: Fun with Fascism!
This is not a historical narrative of any particular fascist regime or regimes. Instead, it’s an exploration of what fascism — arguably the most slippery of modern “isms” to define — really is. Join Prof CJ as he discusses: Some quotes from the father of Fascism, Benito Mussolini, to get things started Why fascism is […]
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Ep. 0055: Save Yourself
Join Prof CJ as he discusses historical examples of people saving themselves, such as: The story of Xenophon and the Ten Thousand, a group of Greek mercenaries who were left stranded in the heart of the Persian Empire & had to fight their way home The story of Frederick Douglass, who liberated himself from slavery, […]
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Ep. 0054: Three Leftist Historians Every Libertarian Should Read
Join Prof CJ as he discusses the lives and work of the great 20th century leftist/revisionist American historians William Appleman Williams, Gabriel Kolko, and Howard Zinn. While Prof CJ doesn’t agree with them on every issue, nonetheless he agrees with them more often than not, especially on the subjects of war & peace, foreign policy, civil […]
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Ep. 0053: DHP Villains: William Stephenson
William Stephenson, codenamed “Intrepid” (at least according to some sources), was an Anglo-Canadian businessman and intelligence agent who operated illegally and unconstitutionally in the US with the active assistance of FDR in order to facilitate American entry into World War II on the side of the British. Join Prof CJ as he discusses: William Stephenson’s […]
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