FPL Family

FPL Family

FPL Family

Husband & Wife, Lee & Sam talk #FPL! @OfficialFPL Show, #FPLFYI, #FPLPod. #FPLFamily LIVE on YouTube every Sunday - go Subscribe! 👍 | Enqs: familyfpl@gmail.com _________________________ 📊 Join the FPLFamily FPL Mini-League! lhszjd __________________________ 🚀 Support FPL Family on Patreon: - Manager of the Month competitions, and Prizes - Zoom Video Chats with Lee and Sam - Slack Chat community with other FPL Managers - Exclusive Podcasts every week looking ahead to the next GW https://www.patreon.com/fplfamily (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblU4R3J2b0VFbEZnNGRjcEhPZ01qLThrZVhQUXxBQ3Jtc0tsWEtvNlFrdFBnYVZfRUZ4YnZzZVYwcWxQWEFoZzhIMTRsN3JsR1oxNXowaUJEbVk1c3NmRjdqbThQbThfMzh4VE1HamREZnFlRm9JMi1hQmdJUF94...

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