383 Keeping your staff from competing with you

383 Keeping your staff from competing with you

The Fitness Business Podcast

In this episode, our industry experts Jon Nasta, Allison Flatley and Seth Hazen will discuss their views on how covid has affected the fitness industry. Struggling to find staff seems to be top on the list of how covid has effected and altered the industry and this all-star panel discusses many ideas on best practices to fill your "help wanted" positions. Jon, Allison and Seth have not only worked in the industry for most of their careers, but have been long time supporters and advocates for the industry. Their wisdom certainly has been a leading force during these challenging times. All three are here today to give ideas and to produce thought provoking ideas to rebuild your team. Stop what you are doing and take a listen...it just might save your business.


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The Fitness Business Podcast • 383 Keeping your staff from competing with you • Listen on Fountain