E1: Spring into Mixology: Strawberry-Infused Vodka Tonic and Mixology Fundamentals

E1: Spring into Mixology: Strawberry-Infused Vodka Tonic and Mixology Fundamentals

Jen's Cocktail Creations: A Home Mixologist's Journey

In this inaugural episode of "Jen's Cocktail Creations: A Home Mixologist's Journey", we embark on an exciting journey through the world of mixology. We cover everything from basic techniques to the creation of a delightful spring cocktail.

  1. Introduction: We delve into the host's mixology journey, from childhood fascination with food and drink to a passion for creating amazing cocktails at home.

  2. Spring Cocktails: We celebrate the arrival of spring with a refreshing, vibrant cocktail. We discuss how the season's fresh produce and herbs can be used to experiment with new flavors.

  3. Mixology Basics: We break down the fundamental formula of a good cocktail: a base spirit, a modifier or liqueur, and a mixer. We also discuss the importance of using fresh, high-quality ingredients, the right type of ice, and the power of garnishing.

  4. Strawberry-Infused Vodka Tonic: We introduce a cocktail that embodies the vibrant season of spring. We guide you through the process of making a strawberry-infused vodka and using it to create a delightful vodka tonic.

Whether you're a seasoned mixologist or a beginner, we invite you to join us on this journey. Experiment with flavors and techniques, personalize your cocktails, and most importantly, enjoy the process. Stay tuned for our next episode where we'll explore another spring favorite, the Rhubarb Gin Fizz. Until then, happy mixing, and cheers to a glorious spring!

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