146 Grafton - Vexl.it

146 Grafton - Vexl.it

Dabbling Path

I was so hyped to speak with @AshtheVexldog, Ash being Ash he didn't show up, so I had to settle for @satsdisco.

Grafton works on cypherpunks tools and aims to make P2P bitcoin more accessible

During this conversation, we discussed,

- His Background

- Origin of hardware wallets

- The significance of Peer-to-peer bitcoin

- The risk of using exchanges

- How Vexl is a solution

- The web of trust model

- How people are using Vexl









If you found this insightful/entertaining, all I ask is that you share it with 1 other person. Much love ✌️

Podcasting 2.0 apps

Fountain FM - https://fountain.fm/show/tPBWCEAPOojsErjvO110

Breez - https://breez.technology/

You can find Grafton on

Twitter: @satsdisco

You can find Vexl on

Twitter: @vexl

Wbsite: Vexl.it

Foundation: Vexl.foundation

Understanding Vexl : https://blog.vexl.it/understanding-vexl-security-privacy-and-building-a-web-of-trust-867710d4a6fe

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter - https://btchoneybadger.substack.com/subscribe

For me

Twitter - BTC_honeybadger https://twitter.com/BTC_honeybadger

Nostr - honeybadger@nostrplebs.com

My favourite Bitcoin Artist - https://asanoha.gold/



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