₿HS016:  Odell Opens the Door for Bitcoin Homeschoolers

₿HS016: Odell Opens the Door for Bitcoin Homeschoolers

Bitcoin Homeschoolers


Today, with Matt Odell’s permission, we’re re-publishing Citadel Dispatch 84.  Matt gave us the opportunity to join him on his podcast exactly one year ago.  That really opened up our minds to what was possible and, consequently, we did more than we ever thought was possible.  Now we’re more inspired than ever to give back to others, e.g., more podcasts with “Bitcoin Homeschoolers” and “Orange Hatter”; more bitcoin games, more in-person events, etc.


  • Breaking one’s podcast virginity
  • Why should we care about homeschooling?  Why is it important?
  • Let the child lead.  Don’t hold their education back.
  • Let kids move around when they study.
  • Using grades can make kids feel labelled.
  • Let children have freedom to make mistakes and learn.  School systems teach kids to be afraid of making mistakes instead of embracing them.
  • Almost all of our pain points in society go back to education.
  • Instead of getting kids to an average level in every subject, let them pick an area to go deep with and excel in.
  • You do not need a teaching degree to homeschool.
  • Homeschooled kids are more comfortable with social interactions, not less.
  • Teaching self-discipline is a critical life skill.
  • Taking responsibility, how to handle difficult times, and other frameworks are things you, as a parent, choose to teach.
  • Biggest hurdles for young parents that want to homeschool
  • You can outsource teaching almost any subject
  • Homeschooling is 365.  Take care of yourself first.
  • You don’t have to be perfect.  
  • Homeschooling is taking self-custody of your (kids’) education. 
  • Spending time with your kids shows them they matter to you.
  • Separation of government and education 
  • Parents have the strongest incentive alignment possible with their children
  • Homeschooling kids are taught to think for yourself versus the conformity-driven woke agendas in state schools
  • Kids pick up things that not formally taught to them
  • At some point you have to trust your kids to make decisions on their own when you’re not there.  You have to let go.
  • Don’t be afraid.  There are so many resources.



  • Tali's Twitter @OrangeHatterPod
  • Scott's Twitter @ScottLindberg93
  • Scott's nostr npub19jkuyl0wgrj8kccqzh2vnseeql9v98ptrx407ca9qjsrr4x5j9tsnxx0q6
  • Free Market Kids' Twitter @FreeMarketKids
  • Orange Pill App @FreeMarketKids
  • Free Market Kids' games including HODL UP https://www.freemarketkids.com/collections/games


We are essentially our own sponsors and are so grateful for all of you who support this show.  Thank you!

  • Subscribe, like and


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