Maintaining Your Well Through Winter - EP 951

Maintaining Your Well Through Winter - EP 951

Living Free in Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Today, we discuss all the things I learned the hard way through my first two winters with a well system in Tennessee. We will also cover our usual Monday segments!

Featured Event:

Back to the Land Festival the weekend of Oct 18-20:

  • Use Coupon Code SRF to get 15% off

Sponsor 1:

Sponsor 2:

Listener Feedback from Brian

I wanted to let you know your episode resonated with me since I never know what to say on this subject of death either. Whenever we pass around a condolences card at work most people will write "Sorry for your loss." I prefer "Let the good memories get you through this tough time." I remember feeling exhausted after my mom's time on hospice. I hope you are getting some time to relax and reflect especially with the traveling you were having to do to support your family. 

On the subject of heart, I used one of my pig hearts in chili last year. I called it "Heartburn" the meat never got soft it was firm even after simmering overnight. Most of the kidneys I eat are from smaller animals which turn out awesome when cooked in a roasting pan. Pig kidneys deep fried while you are rendering lard is pretty good. Cubed up and lightly floured is good too.

Take care and keep up the great shows.

Livestream Schedule

Tuesday Live at 9:30AM Central

Friday 9:30AM Homestead Happenings with the Tactical Redneck

Tales from the Prepper Pantry

  • Holy cow
  • Fridge management on carnivore
  • Frozen tomatoes that need canning

Weekly Shopping Report

We skipped Home Depot this week, but the online price of a 2x4x8 has gone up 20c to $3.85.

Aldi had neither the old nor the new varieties of wet cat food. We'll just dip into our stock a little this week. We found everything else we wanted. Staple prices were: bread (20 oz. white): $1.39; eggs: $3.76 (-); whole milk: $2.92; heavy cream: $5.39; OJ: $3.45; butter: $3.99; bacon: $3.99; potatoes: $4.59; sugar: $2.99; flour: $2.35; and 80% lean ground beef: $4.39 (+).

A gallon of untainted regular gasoline remains at $3.599.

Frugality Tip

  • A thank  you to Margo

Operation Independence

  • THE POUR is Thursday

Main topic of the Show: Maintaining Your Well Through Winter

Someone asked how important a whole house generator is now that they live in the country on a well and power goes out.

Define your goal - is it having water or having running water because storage is practically free

Simple and cheap options

  1. Bottles - 2 gall per person per day for at least a week, include livestock
  2. The bathtub and toilet
  3. Is there a pool, creek or pond outside and can you carry baskets
  4. Repurposed rain water collection

Generator thoughts

  • Why power the whole house when you can just power the pump for much less money and effort?
  • Land level stored water plus a 12v pump back feeding your system can run off a battery and get you through on conservation mode
  • Have you done a power audit of your home to get a long term plan?

Winter Well Maintenance Considerations

  • Dripping water and keeping pipes flowing versus draining the whole house. Yes. I said draining the whole house. Related drain valves.
  • What keeps pipes and other essential things from freezing at your well head and what do you do if power goes out to keep things from freezing, then breaking
  • What about sediment?
  • Documentation of the components, learning what they do for troubleshooting problems, learn what a check valve i and does and what happens when they break what they do
  • Water testing and treatment
  • Integrating an automatic shut off to avoid burning up the pump
  • Some thoughts on naturally occurring fluoride
  • The local plumbing supply shop is a hidden gem

All in all what you do in year one depends on budget and priorities - but I find the problem isn't usually that power went out and I have no water. It is more that something happens in the system and when I did not understand the system, it could take days to remedy even with the help of a professional because a plumber/ electrician mix cant always drop everything and come to a place way out in the country. And all plumbers are not created equal.

So time to man up and learn about well systems this year while you also cover things you know can go wrong.

Welcome to country living!

Make it a great week!

GUYS! Don’t forget about the cookbook, Cook With What You Have by Nicole Sauce and Mama Sauce. 





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