The Five Best Livestock for the Small Homestead – Epi-3642

The Five Best Livestock for the Small Homestead – Epi-3642

The Survival Podcast

Today we are going to look at producing meat and eggs on the homestead. This was something not so uncommon in America just half a century ago. In that time, the practice dwindled as people had smaller families, many small-town Americans moved to larger cities, and fiat money made meat cheap for a time. Over those five decades, though, the quality of our animal-based foods continuously declined while the cost skyrocketed. Even traditionally “cheap” meat cuts have become expensive today. Chicken wings, chuck roast, pork ribs, etc., used to be hidden gems of value. Today, they sell for what ribeye Continue reading →


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The Survival Podcast • The Five Best Livestock for the Small Homestead – Epi-3642 • Listen on Fountain