153 Scott Dedels  - Dao of Bitcoin

153 Scott Dedels - Dao of Bitcoin

Dabbling Path

Scott is the author of the Dao of Bitcoin, he is also the CEO of Block Reward
During this conversation, we discussed, 
  • Petro Dollar
  • Whats is the Dao
  • Flow state
  • Block Reward 
  • Collective consciousness

My article on Pyramids and Bitcoin -https://thebtchoneybadger.medium.com/yugas-pyramids-and-bitcoin-bff2f83cb8f2 

If you found this insightful/entertaining, all I ask is that you share it with 1 other person. Much love ✌️

Podcasting 2.0 apps Fountain FM - https://fountain.fm/show/tPBWCEAPOojsErjvO110 Breez - https://breez.technology/

You can find Scott on Twitter:
Website: https://lanternbitcoin.com/ 

Secure you Bitcoin with The Bitcoin Adviser - https://content.thebitcoinadviser.com/dabbling 

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter - https://btchoneybadger.substack.com/subscribe

For me Twitter - BTChoneybadger https://twitter.com/BTChoneybadger
Nostr - honeybadger@nostrplebs.com

My favourite Bitcoin Artist - https://asanoha.gold/


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