Towards Liberty and the Second Realm with Max Hillebrand

Towards Liberty and the Second Realm with Max Hillebrand

The Transformation of Value

Max Hillebrand is a Bitcoin builder, educator, and privacy advocate. 

Max has contributed to open-source Bitcoin projects including BISQ, JoinMarket, and Wasabi Wallet, while also talking about individual freedom and self-sovereignty.

We dive straight into the concept of The Second Realm, which is focussed on building parallel economic systems in which sovereign individuals are empowered to pursue life, liberty and happiness without the harassment of the State.

Along the way we discuss anarchy, agorism, praxeology, and natural law.

Max is a wealth of knowledge and I enjoyed this conversation with him, I hope you do too.


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Max's Website: Towards Liberty -

Max Hillebrand Nostr Npub -

The Second Realm -

Anarplex -

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