Scott Wlaschin - Functional Programming and Domain-Driven Design (Small Talk)

Scott Wlaschin - Functional Programming and Domain-Driven Design (Small Talk)

Avanscoperta - Interviews with experts

This time we talk with Scott Wlaschin, author of a book and a workshop titled Functional Programming Made Functional.

Small Talk is a chance to go behind the scenes of our experts' work and get a sneak peek of what their workshop will be about and, as usual, you’ll be able to join the conversation by asking questions from home. Always wanted to ask a trainer that burning question about what they do? Now you have a chance!

We’ll discuss the origins of Scott's book, why DDD and Functional Programming work well together, what type of exercises we’ll be doing in the workshop, how opening a blog can be a great asset, Scott's first approach to DDD and much more.

Who: Scott Wlaschin is a developer, architect, and author. He is the author of the popular F# website, and the book Domain Modeling Made Functional, published by Pragmatic Bookshelf.

Workshop link:

#DomainDrivenDesign #FunctionalProgramming #FSharp #DomainModeling #Software #SoftwareDevelopment #ProgrammingLanguages #DDDesign #EventStorming


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