The Write Talk Wednesday Show

The Write Talk Wednesday Show

MuseCharmer Network

Can’t watch the stream live on Wednesdays at 6pm central and don’t want to watch the replay on YouTube? Don’t worry! We have you covered. Listen to each show as a podcast on your favorite podcast platforms. If you do want to watch, you can check out the video on each show over at

Interview with Chuck Rothman

Interview with Chuck Rothman

About our Guest: I’ve been writing SF and fantasy since the 1980s, with two novels and over 50 short stories in places including Asimov’s, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Galaxy, and Analog. I recently received word that my third novel, The Cadaver Princess, will be published by Experimenter Publishing, part of Amazing Stories. The novel is set in London in 1831. Bodysnatching is common, as people sell them to anatomists at medical schools for teaching purposes. The latest shows up at one Dr. Shepp

Mar 26, • 37:28

Interview with AK Nevermore

Interview with AK Nevermore

About our Guest: AK Nevermore writes Sci-fi & dark romantasy with spice. She enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. I’m sending you my bio because it’s super early when I’m filling this out and my mind is a vacuum at the moment. A Jane-of-all-trades, AK’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks. Unable to ignore the voices in her he

Mar 19, • 31:26

Interview with Russell Nohelty

Interview with Russell Nohelty

About our Guest: I’m USA Today bestselling author Russell Nohelty. People generally know me as a fantasy author, comic book creator, and professional speaker, but I’m also a serial creative entrepreneur. Throughout my career, I have owned a movie production company, a photography studio, a Verizon dealership, and more. Currently, I own Wannabe Press and co-founded Writer MBA with my business partner Monica Leonelle. Together, we also co-founded the Future of Publishing Mastermind and cocreated t

Mar 12, • 39:30

Interview with Frances Billinghurst

Interview with Frances Billinghurst

From Frances Billinghurst: I am an author, metaphysician, and initiate of a modern Mystery spiritual path with ancient influences residing in the Antipodes, south of the equator. I have long been drawn to the Mysteries of the cosmos - regardless of how they have appeared through myth and legend, sacred symbolism or in the liminal dreamscape. This has led to the study of various esoteric and occult sciences, with being initiated into a number of traditions that focus around understanding these s

Mar 5, • 36:31

Interview with Elen Sentier

Interview with Elen Sentier

About our Guest: After a quarter of a century of working in corporate managerial and software engineering roles with the Ministry of Defence I knew I had to get out - but I can be very stubborn, and fearful of change. I hung on, waiting for a Round Tooit to come along but, as you know, they’re’ just about extinct! Eventually, it got so bad I ended up crippled by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis plus a whole set of add-on autoimmune conditions. I gave up my stubborn resistance and let otherw

Feb 26, • 32:48

Interview with Sandra Bond

Interview with Sandra Bond

About our Guest: When I was eleven, my school held a mock-census. One of the questions — a very obvious question to include — was “What do you want to be when you grow up?” There were the usual answers you’d expect; soldiers, firefighters, pilots, and the inevitable wit who put “A man”. Out of the whole school, over a hundred pupils, only one person put “Novelist”. (Not even “writer”, you’ll note. “Novelist”.) If you guessed that one person was me — well, you win a no-prize, I suppose. I bowed t

Feb 19, • 25:18

Interview with Taedis #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with Taedis #WriteTalkWednesday

Content Warning: This episode talks about erotic writing Books featured on our podcast: Skeleton Town: Author Amazon Link: Deviant Art: Anthology (Lulu): About our Guest: Metaphysical engineer (aka writer) focused on macrophilia and gender bending fiction. I’ve been trying to make Sizence Fiction a thing, but it isn’t happening. You may

Feb 12, • 35:10

Intervie with Aborigen #WriteTalkWednesday

Intervie with Aborigen #WriteTalkWednesday

Aborigen is a writer, editor, and author of Holiday Bonus, As for Ginny, and We Come From Somewhere This Was Real. With over two decades of dedicated experience, he has crafted and honed a unique niche within size fantasy, centering his stories on the fascinating dynamics between gigantic women, shrunken men, and tiny people. Through these narratives, Aborigen explores profound themes such as mercy, prejudice, and the complex relationships that arise from a world shared by both colossal and dimi

Feb 6, • 34:07

Interview with Morgan Diamler

Interview with Morgan Diamler

Morgan Daimler teaches classes and writes about Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects. Morgan’s writing has appeared in a variety of magazines including Pagan Dawn and Witches & Pagans, and anthologies including Naming the Goddess and Harp, Club, & Cauldron. Morgan is also the author of a variety of fiction books such as the urban fantasy/paranormal romance series Between the Worlds, and non-fiction through Moon Books including bestsellers Fairy Witchcraft, Pagan Portal

Jan 29, • 26:53

Interview with Ellen Evert Hopman

Interview with Ellen Evert Hopman

About our Guest: Ellen Evert Hopman, is the author of a number of books of Herbalism and Celtic lore and has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983 and of Druidism since 1990. She is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and has presented on Druidism, herbal lore, tree lore, Paganism and magic at conferences, festivals, and events in Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and in the United States. She has participated in numerous radio and television programs including Nat

Jan 22, • 31:02

Interview with Irisanya Moon

Interview with Irisanya Moon

Books featured on our podcast: Iris: The Norns: Gaia: Artemis: Author Amazon Link: About our Guest: I’m an author, Witch, priestess, international teacher, poet, and initiate in the Reclaiming tradition. I have served the godds, my community, and the Earth for 20+ years. I am a devotee of Aphrodite, Hecate, the Norns, and Iris. My pronouns are she/they. I am passionate about th

Jan 15, • 31:46

Interview with Laura Perry

Interview with Laura Perry

Books featured on our podcast: Ariadne’s Thread: or Labrys & Horns: or The Minoans (releases July 26, 2025): Author Amazon Link: About our Guest: Laura Perry is a Pagan creator who works magic with words, paint, ink, music, textiles, and herbs. She’s the founder and Temple Mom of Ariadne’s Tribe, a worldwide inclusive Minoan spiritual

Jan 8, • 31:18

Season 2 Announcement

Season 2 Announcement

Season 2 will launch on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8. I’ve done something a bit different and pre-recorded videos and I’m getting everything ready to go. Would you like to be a guest on Write Talk Wednesday? I love to talk to authors of all genres, and I’ve been told my interviews are fun. Fill out the form here: Show page: To see all the shows on the MuseCharmer Network,

Dec 28, 2024 • 1:55

Interview with Dharma Kelleher #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with Dharma Kelleher #WriteTalkWednesday

Join me this week as I talk with crime and thriller author Dharma Kelleher. We discuss her new book releasing in June, A Plague of Grackles, and all her series featuring kick ass queer women solving mysteries. Learn more about her and her work at our show notes: Our Sponsors: Epona Author Solutions: Epona Mail: Author Yogi: To see all the shows on the MuseCharmer Network, please Visit our

Mar 9, 2024 • 27:22

Interview with KC Walker #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with KC Walker #WriteTalkWednesday

KC Walker does her best to avoid meaningful employment. This often conflicts with her desire for the finer things in life, such as food and shelter. Writing novels seemed to be an acceptable compromise, since making up stories can hardly be called work. One day, KC took a look at her rescue dog Kit and thought, “Why isn’t this freeloader contributing to the household coffers?” Soon, the idea of a snarky yet (hopefully) lovable stuntwoman named Whit and her tiny demon dog came to mind and the fir

Feb 16, 2024 • 30:07

Interview with TJ Radcliffe #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with TJ Radcliffe #WriteTalkWednesday

TJ Radcliffe is a poet, engineer, actor, businessperson, writer, and scientist who lives in the Gulf Islands off Canada’s west coast with his wife and a couple of cats. A sailor between boats, he kayaks and hikes, and is involved in community theatre. His writing is focused on novels in formal verse. Learn more about TJ’s work and get all the links to purchase his book at our show notes. Our Sponsors: Epona Author Solutions: Epona Mail: https://eponamai

Dec 14, 2023 • 35:24

Interview with Alana Lorens #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with Alana Lorens #WriteTalkWednesday

Alana Lorens (aka Babs Mountjoy) has been a published writer for over 45 years, including seven years as a reporter and editor at the South Dade News Leader in Homestead, Florida. She writes non-fiction, romance, adventure, and suspense novels. Ahe also writes sci-fi and fantasy as Lyndi Alexander. She is the author of the Pittsburgh Lady Lawyers series, which draws on her years as a family law attorney in the state of Pennsylvania. . Alana resides in North Carolina, and she loves her time in th

Dec 1, 2023 • 32:53

Interview with Daniel Cross #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with Daniel Cross #WriteTalkWednesday

Our fourth #NaNoWriMo encouragement interview is a joyful one with Daniel Cross where we talk about how he turned a DND campaign into his book, the NPC author persona he created, and shared some love for his gorgeous cover. About the author I’m an electrical engineer / integrated circuit designer, tired of writing technical specifications. I’m also a game master for tabletop roleplaying games. I ran an adventure to introduce my children to the game, and it was so much fun I said “This would make

Nov 25, 2023 • 33:51

Interview with Zara West #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with Zara West #WriteTalkWednesday

Our third #NaNoWriMo author interview is with prolific fiction and nonfiction author, Zara West. About the Author In a life full of misadventures, award-winning author Zara West has had sunstroke on the top of a Greek mountain, been partially trampled by a herd of four hundred sheep, and while she has never been kidnapped, she has been marooned on an uninhabited island in the middle of the Canadian wilderness for longer than she wants to remember. When not chasing after Greek shepherds or stroll

Nov 25, 2023 • 34:56

Interview with WT Meadows #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with WT Meadows #WriteTalkWednesday

In our second interview with authors who have completed #NaNoWriMo I’m chatting with WT Meadows about his book Introduction Events and it’s ten-year journey from NaNo project to published, as well as his very successful Kickstarter campaign for it. About the Author WT Meadows is the best-selling co-author of The Shaman States of America: The South series beginning with The Mantle. He recently published the Young Adult novel Introduction Events about three teens who discover difficult-to-control

Nov 25, 2023 • 46:20

Interview with DV Stone #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with DV Stone #WriteTalkWednesday

In the first of our #NaNoWriMo 2023 interviews, I’m joined by multi-genre author D.V. Stone who will talk about how she successfully completed NaNoWriMo and offer encouragement to those participating this year. About Our Guest D. V. Stone is a multi-award-winning, multi-genre, traditionally and independently published author. She writes books people want to read. Her stories are about the importance of friends and family, regardless of genre. They are about overcoming obstacles, often with humor

Nov 25, 2023 • 33:54

Final Prep for #NaNoWriMo #WriteTalkWednesday

Final Prep for #NaNoWriMo #WriteTalkWednesday

Our final NaNoWriMo prep episode provides some last minute considerations, things to think about, and reminders about setting goals and how to bounce back when life happens. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series and it’s something you can come back to year after year. Watch episode or view full show notes Our Sponsors: Epona Author Solutions: Epona Mail: Author Yogi: To see all the shows on t

Nov 25, 2023 • 34:12

Zen and the Art of NaNoWriMo #WriteTalkWednesday

Zen and the Art of NaNoWriMo #WriteTalkWednesday

Life happens and it tends to really like to happen during the month of NaNoWriMo. In this episode I talk about some ways to regather, regroup, and even begin again should life happen to your NaNo project. There’s lots of encouragement and support so you know you’re not alone. This might be a great relisten to if you’re in the middle of NaNoWriMo, too! Watch this episode or view the full show notes Our Sponsors: Epona Author Solutions: Epona Mail: https:

Nov 25, 2023 • 31:17

What project should you choose for NaNoWriMo? #WriteTalkWednesday

What project should you choose for NaNoWriMo? #WriteTalkWednesday

In this second NaNoWriMo prep episode I share some considerations for choosing your NaNoWriMo project. We’ll discuss various writing styles and how they might, or might not work with NaNoWriMo, and then we’ll give some next steps for how to prep. Watch the episode or view the full show notes To see all the shows on the MuseCharmer Network, please Visit our Website Follow us on: Facebook | Mastodon | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube | Twitch Support us: Ko-Fi | LiberaPay | Patreon

Nov 24, 2023 • 27:46

Nano Prep 1 #WriteTalkWednesday

Nano Prep 1 #WriteTalkWednesday

Welcome to the very first episode of Write Talk Wednesday. I’m kicking off this livestream with a month of preparation for NaNoWriMo. Today’s topic? Should you even do #NaNoWriMo? Learn some considerations to think about before planning on doing #NaNoWriMo and learn about some “alternative” NaNoWriMo options. Think of it as a choose your own writing adventure. See full show notes or watch the video on our website Our Sponsors: Epona Author Solutions: Ep

Nov 24, 2023 • 28:43

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