No Man‘s Land
No Mans Land
3 guys talking about anything others wont!
Episode #153 - Rangas
If you like this episode head over to our patreon where you can find more content!
Episode #152 - Too big to rig
First time in a long time things seem to be looking up!
Episode #151 - Tump 2024!
We're getting settled into the new studio!
Episode #150 - GAY
We made it to 150 episodes! Follow us on Patreon for more content.
Episode #149 - The new studio
We have a new home! first episode in the new studio.
Episode #148 - the return of the rip starts
We make our triumphant return!
Episode #147 - On the starts
We're back from hiatus! heaps to talk about, conspiracies, ripstarts and general nonsense.
Episode #146 - Roosters
Another remote episode! we are returning to the studio this week. Follow us on Patreon for more.
Episode #145 - Searching for gay bars
Follow us on Patreon for more!
Episode #144 - Clogs
another remote podcast! we will be back in the studio soon. Follow our Patreon for extra content.
Episode #143 - Russian thots
check out our patreon for more content!
Episode #142 - The shit show continues no matter what!
Subscribe to our patreon for an extra house every week
Episode #141 - Warheads
In this episode we talk about getting banned for memes, Drews rip start lampshade, national cash day, warheads and oldschool candy like 'fags' and heaps more.
Episode #140 - Thailand Ripstarts
Check out our Patreon for an extra hour of pod every week!
Episode #139 - Surprised the podcast still going
With special guest Kyle Legacy.
Episode #138 - Mormons at Normans
In this episode we do the longest episode we've ever done, almost 4 hours! Drew's away, Normy gets a house call from Mormons and a heap more nonsense. If you haven't already subscribe to our Patreon to get a weekly extra hour of pod.
Episode #137 - Chicken wings ruthlessly rimmed
In this episode we talk about a lot of things but its from 2 weeks ago so we've completely forgotten already. Better late than never!
Episode #136 - The Bee Keeper
In this episode we talk about how boring running is, NPC's wearing the apple goggles, when owning a mobile phone was gay, what magazine you jacked off to as a kid, going to peep shows, only 7.5% of Australians being up to date with their boosters, reviewing the Bee Keeper movie and a heap more nonsense.
Episode #135 - Jap Eye Jones vs Mid Pede
In this episode we ask the question, if you had to would you rather fuck a dude or a have a dude fuck you? we talk about climate change being linked to pregnancy complications, the Texas border, who you would bring to build the new world, chicken burgers, to catch a predator and way more nonsense.
Episode #134 - Terms that need to exist
In this episode we talk about how shit gluten free bread is, the Tartarian empire, Sean Strickland roasting reporters, trying to understand the mindset of an NPC, how bad the construction of new homes is, a list of all the vaccines you're supposed to get, discussing the new lists and plenty more!
Episode #133 - New year, same horseshit
In this episode we talk about the alien invasion in a Miami mall, Peruvians flying jetpacks, the Jeoffrey Epstein list, the new feminist star wars director, music talk, Josh becoming a dad and a heap more.
Episode #132 - Christmas shenanigans
In this episode we talk about the connections gay bar, lesbian porn, sending nudes, humans causing global warming by breathing, Venus was like earth until climate change, the new zealand whistleblower, being an NPC is less stressful, society becoming cashless, more Palestine vs Israel talk and a heap more.
Episode #131 - penguin intercourse
In this episode we have tech issues again, talk about Drews Thailand adventures, people not talking into mics properly, Josh's school reunion, what it's like living in South Africa, cooking up drugs, uber stories, fucking a penguin, the KYS list for 2023 and a whole lot more.
Episode #130 - Cold baked beans
In this episode we talk about whistleblowers, the new cybertruck, Drew's annual pilgrimage to Thailand, the KYS trophy, Mike Mentzer training regime, steroids, cold baked beans and bananas, 90's fashion and a whole lot more.
Episode #129 - Christmas Covid
In this episode we talk about surf culture being terrible, leavers week, toolies, Elon Musk roasting advertisers, every tv show and movies having gay and trans, Islam destroying everything in the west, the media trying to bring covid back for Christmas, it being impossible to eat healthy, grounding and a heap more.
Episode #128 - The return of the masks
In this episode we talk about that extra bit of pee that comes out once you've already finished, which part of Australia has the best wine, the media wanting face masks to return because of covid, Palestine vs Israel, did Drew sleep with a ladyboy? Normy being on holidays so we rip into him, what animal would you be if you could be reincarnated, how much our trolls get paid and and a bunch more.
Episode #127 - Trolling the trolls
In this episode we screw around for 20 minutes trying to get the setup working, we talk about the trolls in our comments section, people still wearing masks, the mainstream news being irrelevant, controlled opposition online, is Andrew Tate good or bad? Israel vs Palestine propaganda and people choosing sides, being stalked by online trolls, has aussie cossack sold out? Overseas nurses and police coming to work in Australia and a heap more.
Episode #126 - Psychopathic necrophiliac water baboon
In this episode we talk about pop punk singers being pedophiles, chemtrails in Perth, weather manipulation, Korean or down syndrome, high school reunions, mr olympia 2023, Joe Biden talking gibberish to Albo, Bruce Willis movies, otters being the biggest rapists in the animal world, water baboons and a lot more stupidness.
Episode #125 - Monkey Magic
In this episode we talk about the tv show 'Monkey Magic', which countries have the best looking women, more new gun restrictions, the aftermath of 'The Voice' referendum, Palestine vs Israel, the problem with the muslim religion and a bunch more.
Episode #124 - Quad Amputee
In this episode we talk about steroids and their benefits and drawbacks, Palestine vs Israel, girls with massive clits, doctors not knowing anything about health, the police shutting down the gun ranges in Perth, having sex with fat girls and a lot more.
Episode #123 - A change is coming
In this episode we talk about trolling the people that troll us, how to educate NPC's about all the government corruption, the vote yes campaigns trickery, trying to balance having a laugh with serious issues on the podcast, Trudeau getting caught with a nazi in parliament, the trans agenda in music and a heap more.
Episode #122 - The vax
In this episode we talk about the Thy Art Is Murder dramas, the Russel Brand controversy, suffering from vaccine side effects, the vast majority of doctors being terrible, a nazi getting a standing ovation in canadian parliament, trying to explain things to NPC's and lots more.
Episode #121 - The voice
In this episode we talk about bucks parties, strippers being annoying, the dirtiest strippers in Australia, not being able to understand some people who butcher the english language, Corey White getting a patron triggered and writing an angry letter, Russel Brand getting cancelled, a woman naming her baby methamphetamine rules and a whole bunch more nonsense.
Episode #120 - Stezzas
In this episode we talk about our new podcast sponsor: steroids, feeling guilty after a wank, bringing bullying back, the holocaust conspiracy, trolling people online, tinder girls being horrible, dating women with kids, mosquito burgers in Africa, turduckens and a bunch more.
Episode #119 - Maccas or Hungry Jacks?
In this episode Josh and Normy fight over insignificant things, would you rather maccas or hj's? the current fuel prices, banks going cashless, CJ from Thy Art Is Murder apologising for ripping on trannies, Covid restrictions supposedly coming back, Hot Ladyboys that you cant tell are men, India's fake moon landing, Normy having to do jury duty and a bunch more.
Episode #118 - foreskins
In this episode we talk about foreskins, rock climbing being the best sport in history, the matildas, some women's sports being ok to watch, manipulating the weather, direct energy weapons, metal guys being the biggest pussies, The Voice, Taylor Swift being not that great a singer and a bunch more.
Episode #117 - Blue tongue, Yellow jacket
In this episode we stitch up Normy and add blue food dye to his beer making his whole mouth blue, we give our Indian guest Raks a yellow jacket as is the cultural norm, the guys talk about their trip to Argentina and how cheap food and cigarettes are, an indonesian women getting 5 years jail for eating pork, indestructible toilets in India, Indian metal bands, The Aussie Matildas being a shit team and soccer all around being boring, we get banned off tiktok live in 2 minutes and heaps more nonse
Episode #116 - AI is taking over
In this episode we talk about homeless people in perth not actually being homeless, each generation being tougher than the next, how long it used to take to download porn in the 90s, what milfs we would bang, the crazy things people did during covid, generating AI images, overly produced metal not sounding human, water in perth tasting horrible and heaps more.
Episode #115 - Drew’s right, Normy’s wrong
In this episode we talk about eating maccas every day, Indians not being able to swim, the FIlipino squat toilet, Asians not being able to tell their nationalities apart, midgets, getting eaten by a shark, doing 400km/h on a motorbike, stupid things we did when we were younger, fake Kung Fu, a guy getting kicked off a plane, arguing about weight distribution on planes and a bunch more.
Episode #114 - Whiteness is a pandemic
In this episode we talk about getting decapitated, whiteness being a pandemic, the algorithms that feed you videos online, Joe Biden being a pedo again, People hijacking the sound of freedom movie theaters, chivalry being dead, alternative medicine and a lot more.
Episode #113 - sound of freedom
In this episode Drew has covaids so we're not in the studio, we talk about the sound of freedom, a trans person winning miss universe, there always being gay people in every movie, the failing mainstream media, sending more bushmasters to Ukraine and more mindless drivel
Episode #112 - Sean and Marley (and Normy)
In this episode we talk about our new sponsors Winfield cigarettes and Walther firearms, Normy gets a new Sean and Marley t shirt, solar and wind farms being useless, banning gas and wood ovens, how good a wood fire is, bush fires, Tash Peterson being an annoying vegan, vaccine talk, TV ads that are now banned, woke bands making terrible songs and a whole lot more.
Episode 111 - Anyhow, have a winfield
In this episode we talk about our new sponsors Winfield cigarettes and Walther firearms, we have technical issues, euthanasia advert featuring only white men, people not crossing the road unless the little man is green, getting in fights in bars, the angry sound engineer at Amplifier bar, the news becoming more and more irrelevant, science confirming right wing women are hotter than left, technology going in the wrong direction and a bunch more dribble.
Episode #110 - Penuma
In this episode we talk about a red rooster sign up for grabs, Josh's rental house of debauchery, people starting to tell others to kill themselves, Josh getting psychoanalysed by a psychologist, Jeff Watson our new troll, asian girls not having tight vaginas, the deadly rise of anti-science, science is becoming a religion, going to a comedy singles event, Mark Normand in Perth, Tasmania and a shitload more.
Episode #109 - The female delusion calculator
In this episode we talk about losing a listener for talking about child rape, constantly getting banned online, Russians in Bali, Npc's, the pandemic waking people up to other issues, the female and male delusion calculator, playing the race card, politicians and hollywood are all reptilians and a bunch more.
Episode #108 - The earth is flat
In this episode we welcome Normy back, talk about a pub basing free drinks on womens bra size, Hanna Gadsby saying Picasso was a misogynist, a guy stuttering like a motorbike, a 40 year old man pretending to be a 6 year old, micro penises, what our favourite conspiracies are, tony galati's giant eyebrows, the earth being flat and a way too much more nonsense.
Episode #107 - The Dictator has fallen
In this episode we talk about if Andrew Norman is still alive, Epstein's Island flight list, Mcgowan stepping down as premiere, why do we need guns?, Daniel Andrews still pushing the vaccine, not trusting doctors any more, heading to Argentina for a holiday, men dancing being gay and a lot more nonsense.
Episode #106 - Milfs
In this episode we talk about where Andrew Vivian Norman is, milfs that still look bangable in their 70's, ungenderwear for sale online, cancelling products for going woke, blackwashing actors in movies like Cleopatra, Egyptian hieroglyphics found in the grand canyon and in Australia, Michelle Obama being a man and lots more silliness.
Episode #105 - Where is Andrew Vivian Norman?
In this episode we call Andrew Norman to find out where he is. We talk about the Mcgowan government limiting how many firearms we can own, covid talk, the rising death rates from the vaccine, Drew having a drought and needing to get laid, grooming children and cross dressers, teaching girls how to deepthroat, messing around on chat GPT, Whether Trump is going to win the next election and heaps more nonsense!
Episode #104 - stuck in a stairwell
In this episode we talk about getting chased by homeless people, using toilets in Greece, the bum gun, sweaty men in saunas, the most inbred family in the USA, travelling to Mecca, Josh does the pod solo for 10 minutes, Drew gets stuck in the lift then Dre gets stuck in the stairwell with Drew, not being allowed to eat certain foods if you're religious, people still wearing masks and so much more!
Episode #103 - I deserve to be blown!
In this episode we talk about cum in my ass, The Dalai Lama being a pedo, a down syndrome barbie doll, 20% of gen z identifying as lgbtq, onlyfans girls earning too much money, Mel Gibson ripping his ex wife, crazy women we have dated, Justin Trudeau trying to backpedal on covid and a lot more nonsense.
Episode #102 - Pedo or nice old man?
in this episode we talk about how women hate other women, we play the game Pedo or nice old man?, attending a trans lunch, onlyfans girl on a billboard, Ace ventura being homophobic and transphobic, Elon Musk slapping 'government funded media' on the ABC, to catch a predator, the Australian government still pushing vaccines, the power struggle between USA, China and Russia and a shit tonne more!
Episode #101 - Better late than never!
In this episode we pull together a show from Josh's place and have a whole range of tech issues, we play the game 'real or AI', getting a nice message from a listener, people not listening to medical experts on both sides, giving a troll shit for calling us cookers, suceeding from the government and declaring independence, dodgy builders in perth, undercover cops being terrible at blending in, labelling people 'far right' because they dont agree with you and heaps more stupidity.
Episode #100 - The shit show
In this episode we talk about the tranny on the bud light can, hipsters only skill being making coffee, Trump being indicted, Kate gives us presents, we hit 100 episodes, Normy goes too hard on mushrooms, we have a bunch of different friends take over the mics, someone kills themselves because AI told them it will help the climate, Jordan or Lebron debate, scammers on facebook marketplace, Italian talk and a whole load more.
Episode #99 - why are you gay?
In this episode we talk about cookers calling people cookers, Left wingers being pro big government, upsetting lesbians, ways to overcome our current corrupt government, the meaning of the red Australian flag, being pedophobic, the African language having clicks as words, Faucci getting roasted by people on the street and a bunch more.
Episode #98 - Mc Cafe
In this episode we talk about our new cartoon that is being worked on, getting banned again, the Mcgowan covid inquiry, the crazy trolls messaging us constantly, appreciating Donald Trump, Arguing over whether Mcdonalds coffee is good or not, why we are importing Police from overseas, traditional dinner dates being boring, onlyfans girls earning 100k and a stupendous amount more!
Episode #97 - Dave ’Guru’ Graham
In this episode we talk with Dave 'Guru' Graham about all things corrupt in Australia and what we can do about it, Exposing the pedos in Australian parliament, the NSW upcoming elections, trolls commenting on our live feed, Mcgowan watering down gold, changing the political system in Australia, more gun banning in WA, trolls getting paid to comment on Dave's live streams, AI generating news stories and a whole bunch more!
Episode #96 - Steam Works
In this episode we talk about the new Epstein documents, shooting down Chinese balloons, the Ukraine proxy war, time to get your 5th booster, tipping in the USA, Coles and Woolworths being shit, Dr Karl spewing propaganda, rating men and women out of 10 and a tonne more.
Episode #95 - No more guns
In this episode we talk about Chinese balloons, the Epstein list, rich people fucking kids, more firearm bans in WA, Post Malone being denied entry into a Perth bar, Joe Biden's pants on backwards, kids that can't read analogue clocks, Unvax being at a higher risk of diabetes, Madonna's alien face, how friendly americans are and a whole lot more nonsense!
Episode #94 - Cookers!
In this episode we talk about inserting lgbtq into movies, food shopping costing too much, Bill Gates in Australia, calling people 'cookers', people taking their 5th dose, systemic oppression, stealing jet skis, 'that 90's show', getting suspended from tiktok live and a lot more nonsense!
Episode #93 - Never change the date
In this episode we talk about people wanting to change the date of Australia day, how shit jjj and the 'hottest 100' is, the recent WEF meeting, the new covid variant 'The Kraken', people having periods, girls filming themselves at the gym, women not being allowed in bars in the 70's and a lot more dribble.
Episode #92 - Oh you work with retards?
In this episode we talk about Jacinda Ardern stepping down, we have technical issues (standard), down syndrome children, gambling, vandalising artwork, costco, being 'progressive', Greta Thunberg being fake arrested, playing table tennis with no arms, slap fights and a lot more rambling!
Episode #91 - Becoming Australian
In this episode we talk about banning red shoes, Eshays, gay marriage, getting divorced, spending too much on a wedding ring, Teslas and Ev's, fake ID's, becoming an Australian citizen, Ronnie Coleman, Thailand dropping covid restrictions, what porn different generations watch, the changes to the public health act, epic practical jokes, singers having too much confidence and a sh*t tonne more!
Episode #90 - rape jokes
In this episode we talk about Corey getting a restraining order for being on our podcast, Kate having to cover up a face tattoo to get into a night club, people in geraldton being tall, 20 minute cities, Tash Petersons pussmunji, Andrew Tate and whether he is good or bad, womens body count, Joe Biden plagiarising speeches, we announce the winners of the lists for 2022, people still wearing masks, Corey taking on Triple M hosts, rape talk and heaps more!
Episode #89 - tits and cocks
In this episode we give each other christmas presents, we play with dildos and fake tit sex toys, people getting butthurt by what we say, the soccer world cup, how soccer could be a better game, Joe biden being joe biden, drag shows and people taking their kids, having your first beer, our new shirt design and a bunch more!
Episode #88 - You will own nothing and you will be happy
In this episode we talk about the Shooting in Queensland, Drew gets anal beads for christmas, letting people be racist online, the new term for conspiracy theorist 'cooker', having kids too late in life, drinking breast milk, drawing dicks on things, women shouldn't be allowed out of the kitchen and plenty more!
Episode #87 - Reddies does not protect you from Covid, ripstarts do.
In this episode we talk about Normy being off sick with Covid for a second time, Pantera playing a reunion show, Josh going to the USA for a holiday, Indonesia banning sex outside of marriage, archeologists dismissing Graham Hancock, being indoctrinated into religion, coming off antidepressants, Zelinski being person of the year and a whole lot more!
Episode #86 - Wednesday night, whaaaat?
In this episode we talk about getting cancelled, how smart dogs are, Dan Andrews winning re election, covid fines being thrown out as invalid, down syndrome drag, Elon Musk changing twitter for the better, Small personal trainers, weddings being only for the bride, South East asian people being tougher than western, the net zero hoax and a lot more dribble!
Episode #85 - 70 virgins? give me 70 wh*res
In this episode we talk about teslas blowing up, Muslim women being oppressed, the upcoming victorian elections, ancient civilisations, archeologists not being open minded, preparing for fire season, banning smoking in certain areas of Perth, the new lgbtq flag, a suicide bomber and a whole ripstart more.
Episode #84 - The earth is flat
In this episode we talk about getting older and grumpier, musicians selling out, the lower testosterone levels in men, diets and what we should be eating, the almost 0 birth rate in Victoria, life in jail, butt chasing, did we land on the moon? meeting jekel for the first time, how bad tiktok is and a bunch more!
Episode #83 - the return of the ripstart
In this episode we talk about computer games killing you, learning to control your erections, covid theater on an airplane, peep shows, social anxiety, Melbourne cafe apology to the unvaccinated, your mum jokes, online dating sites finding unvaccinated in demand, more vaccine talk, coles roast chicken with vegemite stuffing and too much more!
Episode #82 - Terms that need to come back
In this episode we talk about the covid amnesty, getting hit with a hammer, Elon Musk roasting AOC, Australian girls punching on, Hooters hiring men, stolen valor, the new list 'terms that need to come back', MWFM new film clip and a whole bunch more. We do an extended hour on our patreon, if you're interested sign up!
Episode #81 - Check out my Quantum dot
In this episode we talk about getting old and not being able to drink as much, Nanotech in the vaccine, grabbing a ladyboys balls, Quantum dots, two AI's talking about love, low testosterone and beta men, NPC's that still don't know the repercussions of the vaccine and plenty more!
Episode #80 - the failing covid narrative
In this episode we talk about nuking the planet to save the climate, the failing covid narrative, 'far right terrorists', phuket being a sh*thole after covid, making more mrna vaccines for other illnesses like cancer and injecting animals, Josh's new red dot on his firearm, metric vs imperial and a bunch more!
Episode #79 - Down with Mcgowan
In this episode we talk about Mcgowans new 'permanent pandemic legislation' which is basically the most authoritarian overreach Australia has ever seen. Pooing your pants on a plane, Changing the mindset of Australians that want to be 'safe', Joe Biden gaffs. AI taking over the world and a sh*t tonne more!
Episode #78 - back in the studio
In this episode we talk about getting banned from youtube, the Thai mass shooter, people that kill innocent kids, the new 'R' plates for drivers, sunning your testicles to boost testosterone, how long can you last? technical issues, Jekel getting roasted by Frenchy and a bunch more.
Episode #77 - The Josh & Drew show
In this episode we talk about Mark Mcgowans new 'emergency powers', vaccine aids, globalists and billionaires wanting to reduce the population, getting STD's in Thailand, paying hookers to do ripstarts, the new Italian prime minister and a heap more!
Episode #76
in this episode we barely get going with poor internet, blow darts shooting dogs, Jekel being roasted, the completed Perth covid camp, the queen dying, Normys terrible internet in Sydney and more!
Episode #75 - We’re back!
In this episode we talk about rip starts, Drew in Pattaya, our new patreon, white people being bad for the environment, doctors that deserve retribution from forcing the vaccine on people, strippers performing in an old person home, the covid narrative shifting and lots more!
Episode #74 - Monkeypox
In this episode we talk about monkeypox and the gays, Tash Peterson, strongmen and deadlifts, Normy being in Sydney, smoking weed and how Josh hates it, Drew trying to get a ladyboy on the podcast, 9/11 conspiracies, trying to escape tyranny and too much more.
Episode #73 - Young Boys
In this episode we talk about the man who has recorded the largest turd, nanotech in the covid vaccines, Kate's trip to the USA, freedom in Australia or lack thereof, Josh talking about young boys, Teachers being docked pay for not being vaccinated, thai ladyboys, rip starts and a bunch more.
Episode #72 - eating bugs
In this episode we have tech issues, as per usual. the Digital id coming into fruition, trans cops, monkeypox, legal weed in thailand, gun propaganda in Australia, Shirley Temple being sexualised at 5 years old, eating bugs and a bunch more!
Episode #71- Rip Start
In this episode we talk about our holidays, rip starts in Thailand, the covid narrative falling apart, monkeypox, rainwater vs tap water, new guns, cops arresting an atf agent and a whole bunch more.
Episode #70 - Holiday time
In this episode we talk about Jacinda Arderns abortion laws, anti depressants and studies on Serotonin not contributing to depression, getting out in nature, AFL footy being soft, rugby, women getting sexually assaulted in mosh pits, more life hacks, we go on holidays and as usual a whole lot more nonsense.
Episode #69 - Life hacks
In this episode we talk about human lampshades, fuel prices, Hunter Bidens laptop, light up butt plugs, making sex and gender your identity, Trans woman impregnating two women in prison, a drag queen reading books to kids, Lefties not having kids, a guy shooting a mass shooter before he killed more people, Canberra banning petrol cars, more life hacks and a whole bunch more.
Episode #68 - The Reddies challenge
In this episode we do the Reddies challenge, we talk about Colombian men sleeping with donkeys, milking chickens, onlyfans not allowing animals, Bambis breasts on channel 10, sleeping with your chiropractor, gay guys giving pap smears , Kiwi jokes, Bambi jerking off her dog and a lot more rambling.
Episode #67 - The Italian hour
In this episode we talk about all things wog, Italian pizza vs American pizza, Pompeii, massaging cows, lifestyle diseases, chemicals in our food, plastics everywhere and living a more natural life, Drew growing weed at his mums house and a heap more.
Episode #66 - what an abortion
In this episode we have a technical issue right out of the gate, we talk about abortions because we're men and its your body our choice, smelling your own farts, people that need to be in jail for life, our new podcast sponsors, girls who like to be roughed up in the bedroom, hardcore dancers and crowd killing, fat girls that give better head and a whole lot more!
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Episode #65 - The New Studio
In this episode we rearranged the studio and added some new posters, we celebrate our new LGBTQ flag, Dan Andrews bans Nazi Symbols, people seeing science and government as a religion, Joe Biden falls off his bike, getting your car yellow stickered, Josh shows off his new hunting rifle, electric cars, the crazy diseases in Asia and heaps more!
Give us a share and a Like on our socials! we get shadow banned constantly.
Episode #64 - Hot gummies & conspiracies
In this episode Josh & Normy take over the technical side of things and surprisingly it goes well. Jekel tries to big note himself on our podcast again, musicians being over dramatic, more vaccine talk, signs you're gay, Tom Cruise and Top Gun, our guest Rosco eats a hot chilly gummy and vomits, we talk conspiracies and a whole bunch more!
Episode #63 - Trans or real man?
In this episode we talk about our guest having no foreskin, mma fights and injuries, we play the game 'trans or real man', Ben o'shea's article about unvaccinated returning to work, another episode of 'get down with Normy', another instalment of 'Josh's conspiracy truths, depression and taking anti depressants and heaps more!
Please subscribe and follow our socials, we get shadow banned, blocked, reported, suspended, deleted constantly and it's hard to get any reach.
Episode #62 - testing d*ldos & cum cooking
In this episode we talk about how often tiktok censors people, a transgender actress getting herself made into a barbie doll, the over the top surveillance in China, belle delphine selling her farts and another woman selling her boob sweat, scorpions, insects and animals in jungles, the division in the public from covid mandates and policies, gay guys trying out dildos, another gay guy cooking with cum and much more!
Episode #61 - Climate change
In this episode we whinge about the fact the Greens and 'Climate Change' independents did well in the election, why we can't defend ourselves in our home with a firearm in Australia, the latest shooting of children in the USA, changing the Australian flag, beta males that voted for the greens, tiktok 'stars' that are useless and much more!
Episode #60 - The Liberal Democrats
In this episode we talk about the firearms laws in WA and Australia, how poorly the government handled the pandemic, voting in the upcoming election, giving minor parties a chance this election, the liberal Democrats, their policies and what they stand for, Nuclear energy, the WHO and their overreach. Our guest for the episode is Kate Fantinel, a member of the Liberal Democrats.
Episode #59 - covaids
In this episode we are all in isolation due to having the covaids. We call in on zoom and technical issues are rife. We talk about jerking off on zoom, Josh does a conspiracy truth episode, we talk about abortions and sex strikes and we battle to keep things on track!
Episode #58 - The Penis Arm
In this episode we welcome Josh back to the studio, we talk about abortion, a man with a penis on his arm, the upcoming federal election, 502.5kg deadlift, Sean & Marley, which political parties we are voting for and way more!
Episode #57 - The Emu War
In this episode we have technical difficulties, we get banned on facebook for supporting trans athletes, fat camp for kids, pool parties always being just full of guys, Mike Tyson punching a guy on a plane, going over the top with plastic surgery, In Hearts Wake being the wokest band in existence, people with Tourettes, the Johnny Depp trial, Men getting screwed over in relationships, NFT's and how useless they are and heaps more!
Episode #56 - Shayler sh*t name
In this Episode we talk about penis enlargement techniques, Drew trying to get a Thai visa, mandates being dropped around the country, people still trying to enforce mask rules and lying about having an exemption, learning how to transition from male to female, the state propaganda road signs in China, and the lockdowns trying to achieve Covid 0, voting Liberal & Labor dead last at the upcoming election, the next episode of 'Get down with Normy', gaming and woke culture and a whole lot more!
Episode #55 - Get down with Normy
In this episode Normy gets a 'reddies' shirt as a present, we talk about a Perth man facing 400 charges of child sex abuse, the government trying to take firearms off West Australians, Normy does the first segment of 'Get down with Normy', we argue about whether we are boobs or ass men, we talk about when the government and media are going to get retribution for two years of abuse, Josh's conspiracy truths tackles remdesivir and its ties to snake venom in respect to coronavirus, we talk about ma
Episode #54 - The Echo Chamber
We're going to be honest, the first hour is probably unlistenable, its kind of like you're down a well that's in a canyon next to a mountain range using a delay pedal. Josh is on skype from Adelaide where he's enjoying not being a dirty Jew anymore. We do another instalment of 'Conspiracy Truths' where we talk about cloud seeding and it happening in Australia to control the weather. We talk about the highest cliff dive, Tash Peterson being found guilty in court of all her antics, trans people in
Episode #53 - Because rape never goes out of fashion
In this episode we talk about cows in New Zealand, classic rape movies, some guy getting caught jerking off on google maps, Chris Rock vs Will Smith, naked women in the Perth CBD, dating a down syndrome girl, doing comedy shows in the USA, a Christian vegan door knocker, the Satan The Devil facebook page and heaps more!
Episode #52 - Guns, lots of guns
In this episode we talk about the West Australian posting the locations of gun owners and the fear mongering the media have incited, our parents that had it easy in regards to owning a house and just the cost of living being so cheap, Mark Mcgowans net worth increasing from 1.5 mil to 8 mil in a year and a half, our internet being terrible and having tech issues again, nurses and doctors being complicit in allowing people to get major vaccine injuries, trans swimmer Lia Thomas absolutely smoking
Episode #51 - Foreskin man & the c*ck blocker
In this episode we talk about getting the shits from hot food, shooting camels down south, a girl with three boobs, guys rating girls out of 10 at the beach, Nick Slav's dog Bronson, party houses, Mat Jekel being a douche, The Tom Green show, America and a whole lot more.
Episode #50 (Mushies)
In this episode we take mushies, things go a little off the rails.... enjoy!
Episode #49
In this episode we talk about Kyle doing a comedy set at a funeral, the Paralympics and racing with no legs, dentists and doctors being overrated, people finally turning on McGowan, Chinas 'nail houses', the Spanish flu conspiracy, selling stud bulls cum, being denied permission to leave the country by the government, miscarriages, talking about our haters and more! our guest for the episode is comedian Kyle Legacy.
Episode #48
In this episode we talk about Melbourne and whether its a good place or a sh*t hole, our trip down south going hunting, the Proud Boys, Aboriginal outback communities, woke white people, religion and whether it is useful, bush mechanics, Make Them suffer booting out their keyboardist, Josh getting raped down south and a heap more.
Episode #47
In this episode we talk about how long our intro is, the Sydney man being eaten by a shark, Bambi doing isolation after returning to WA, The Taliban beating their wives, Women rapists, we name and shame business's that are doing the vax certificates, talk about Bambis boobs, Try and find Bambi a Boyfriend and take some calls from listeners.
Episode #46
In this episode we discuss vomiting because two of us got food poisoning, how hard it is to leave the country if you're unvaccinated, escaping the city to get away from the vax mandates, Thor vs Eddie hall boxing match and their 500kg deadlifts, cutting your wife's head off in the middle east, monkeys throwing dogs off buildings, porn actors not being hot and more corona talk!
Episode #45
In this episode, Covid, we always talk about covid, we're sick of talking about covid. We talk about the food shortages in WA, Stripper stories, Stallone in Over the Top, the Australian government and their corruption, the wiggles doing cover songs, Jesus is a friend of mine, the Canadian truck convoy and heaps more!
Episode #44
In this episode we talk about Australia day and how hung over we still all were, 'Invasion day', rub and tug massage shops, how boring the outback is, more mask and corona talk, the religious camps down south in WA, getting caught by someone jerking off, driving too far just to get laid, how bad the west Australian roads are, Steven Segal and lots more!
Episode #43
In this episode we draw comparisons between Australia and communist Poland with our guests both having lived through the Soviet occupied era. We talk about Normy finally visiting a gym, being abused for not wearing a mask, Novak Djokovic getting the boot from Australia, people vaccinating their children, the mindset of collectivism in regard to the pandemic, what life was like in Poland and a whole lot more.
Episode #42
In this episode we talk about Mark Mcgowans latest mandates and the two tiered society he is creating, Novak Djokovic and the federal government losing, people leaving WA because they have had enough, people who commentate on youtube videos, whether animals can be trans, what woman you would be if you had to be and a heap more.
Episode #41
In this episode we talk about mates that sleep with your ex girlfriend, a woman giving birth and abandoning a baby on an airplane mid flight, women with large clitoris's and fake boobs, Joe Biden saying 'Lets go Brandon', more masks and coronavirus talk, Novak Djokovic not being allowed into Australia and more. We also unveil the new kill yourself, legends and extinction lists.
New years episode
This episode is a short and sweet one. Normy had a new years party and we decided to get a few guys down to the studio for some chats. We discuss the mask mandate and how none of us are doing it, Josh tells a story about the police trying to intimidate him in a bar and we do the kill yourself final for 2021.
Episode #40
In this episode we talk about Mark Mcgowan and his current vaccine mandates and restrictions, people trying to tell others to wear a mask or sign in to private businesses, our new MaoGowan mugs arrive, We take some calls from listeners, talk about drinking breast milk, Josh lays some conspiracies on us, Normy and Josh have an argument over food and we talk about a whole lot more.
Episode #39
In this episode we celebrate having new chairs, fairy lights and Josh's new beer brand he's starting. We talk about our shirt sales and new designs that are causing controversy. Our guest Clint tells stories about his trans next door neighbour, we try to find the wokest comic, watch Aggros cartoon connection, Joe Biden gaffes, Perth Now and mainstream media being terrible and a whole lot more.
Episode #38
In this episode we talk about our brand new podcast table, people getting triggered over our Mao Gowan shirt design, New Zealand trying to eradicate cigarettes, Mark Mcgowan 'state daddy o's' breakfast cereal, Ben shapiro roasting woke tiktok videos and we try a new segment called 'guess the pussmanji' and it gets us a ban on both facebook and youtube.
Episode #37
In this episode we talk about Normy chosing to be gay and start vaping, some girl telling the whole of facebook they had a miscarriage, people getting banned by facebook in our private group, vaccines making people sick, people sending us angry messages for selling our 'Mao Gowan' merch, late night tv hosts being unfunny and Normy has a dead animal in his asshole and keeps farting.
Episode #36
In this episode we talk about mainstream news media losing their viewers through bias journalism, the use of the N word, wog and derogatory words and how they evolve, Express VPN, a gay sauna in Perth called steam works, the Northern Territory premiere being an absolute flog, Aboriginals in remote parts of the NT and how they are being allegedly vaccinated against their will, school leavers and more. The cams in the studio all stop working because we always have to have tech issues and Nish Ragh
Episode #35
In this episode we talk about doing comedy gigs up on the mines, Tash Petersons flaps, Onlyfans, Sean & Marleys music video, bouncers being wankers and more. Our guest for the episode is Emo, a local Perth comic who comes back in to the podcast studio for the second time.
Episode #34
In this episode we talk about our new sponsor Express VPN and we talk about how it's an invaluable tool if you watch kid porn and don't want to be caught. We talk about our haters and how they help promote us, we all eat on the podcast at the same time, we chat to some guys high on mushrooms from the Gold Coast, we talk about Tash Petersons nudes and a whole lot more!
Episode #33
In this episode we talk about Incels, no nut November, the mile high club, smuggling drugs on planes, heckling Mcgowan at the races, covid safety marshals, charities being corrupt and more.
Episode #32
In this episode we talk about Tom cruise, Steven Seagal vs Van Damme, snapchat and onlyfans whores and trolling people talking about covid vaccines. We talk about Dave Chapelle and the controversy of his latest special, Jacinta Ardern being basically the devil, The view being the worst program in existence and a lot more. Rate and review us so we can climb the podcast ranks! we want to get to top 20 in Australia.
Episode #31
In this episode we talk about MaoGowan and his ridiculous new mandates that require workers to be vaccinated and pay ludicrous fines for disobeying., podophiles, Dave Chapelle protests, some guy stealing a front end loader, ISIS fails and heaps more. We torment some live stream commenters and josh does another instalment of 'Conspiracy Truths'.