Longbox Crusade
Longbox Crusade
What do you want from a podcast network? Comic book talk? Check. Movie talk? Check. Fun and games? Absolutely! Add vintage serials, fan films, and a whole lot of fun and you have yourself The Longbox Crusade! Welcome to the show!
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 059 - Special Missions #7 (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 059Issue: Special Missions #7 (Marvel)Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: Special Missions #7, Jarrod & Pat quietly sneak in! Join the lads as they check in on what Chuckles and Psych-Out have cooked up for the Cobra consulate.Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at:
Celluloid Heroes - Episode 2: Star Wars
Celluloid Heroes: Episode 2Film: Star Wars1977 is forever enshrined as the year that saw the birth of the Star Wars saga. But what did seeing Star Wars in the theater when it was just Star Wars feel like? What did it mean to our then four year-old host? And what does the journey of Luke Skywalker have to say about life in suburbia? Host Brad Abraham takes you back to a long time ago in a suburb far, far away, and explains why.Follow Celluloid Heroes on INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/TheCell
Best Under 5 - Episode 03 : THE FEAR (1983)
Best Under 5: Episode 03Film: THE FEAR (1983)Welcome to Best Under 5! On this episode Jarrod & Chris take a look at 1995's "THE FEAR!" At the time of recording it's IMDb score sits at 3.9/10. Is that too low? Too high? Accurate? The boys of Best Under 5 will let you know!Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.comLet us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.comThis podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:Visit the WEBSITE: https://www
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 091: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - A Husband for Marian
Saturday Matinee TheatreEpisode 091: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - A Husband for MarianA HUSBAND FOR MARIAN?!? Let’s hope it’s ROBIN HOOD she’s getting hitched with or this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE is gonna get AWK-warrrd…AD Break: 1955 Commercial: - Aunt Jemima Pancakes - https://youtu.be/YNnk-oBwInM?si=3ZDwKrCg9UvCtiOk#ImFollowingRobinHoodLet us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.comThis podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:V
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 41: Casey Jones
Fan Film FridaysEpisode 41: Casey JonesJon and Layne, like two shell-shocked delivery guys, brave the depths of Clinton's basement. Pizza? Check. A Fan film called “Casey Jones”? Double-check. Prepare for a cinematic experience that's 'Cowabunga!'The film can be found online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJCp80BmS1w&t=3sCommentary edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MqP3jsEfMIFind Jon on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonreadscomics#FanFilmFridaysLet us know what you think!Email the sh
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade - Episode 09: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #9 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 09Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #9 (Marvel)Welcome to the 9th episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!" On this episode: Rick from Unpacking the Power of Power Pack, stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #9!Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtistCheck out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.comLet us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longbo
Longbox Crusade - Episode 048: X-Force (May 2019)
Longbox CrusadeEpisode 048: X-Force (May 2019)Jason brings X-FORCE? From the 90’s! Ok, it’s from MAY 2019, but we ask you to listen to this LONGBOX CRUSADE anyway 😂Let us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.comThis podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusadeVisit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusadeFollow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 40
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 40Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #40Jarrod (Death Probe) and Delvin (Dark Web) do some easy math: SuperNova over Nova...but what does that mean for Nova and the New Warriors? The Starlost begins!#ComeOutToPlayBe sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4LkhovLet us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.comThis podcast is a member o
Celluloid Heroes - Episode 1: 2001 A Space Odyssey
Celluloid Heroes: Episode 1Film: 2001: A Space OdysseyIn which our intrepid host details the events that led him to seeing Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey at the Ontario Place Cinesphere IMAX in 1982, and how that one key moment shaped the life to follow. Plus, we detail the Celluloid Heroes Podcast's plan for going forth as we examine 50 key films of the GenX era.Follow Celluloid Heroes on INSTAGRAMhttps://www.instagram.com/TheCelluloidHeroesPodFollow Brad Abraham at www.bradabraham.com
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 14 - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - #24-27 (1983-1984)
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 14Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - Issues: 24-27 (1983-1984)Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day. Join Jim The Joe Junkie, Pat "DJ Kristatos" Sampson and Special Guest, Doug Dellow as they expl
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 78: Revenge of the Ninja (1983) vs Escape from New York (1981)
Action Film Face-OffEpisode 78: Revenge of the Ninja (1983) vs Escape from New York (1981)Welcome to the 78th episode of Action Film Face-Off! Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2024 - selected 1983 & 1981, so here are our contestants:Revenge of the Ninja (1983) vs Escape from New York (1981)Who will win - Cannon or Carpenter? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.comLet us know
The Forgotten Beatles - Episode 06: Garry & Gentle
The Forgotten BeatlesEpisode 06: Garry & GentleWelcome to the sixth episode of Before They Were Beatles presents: The Forgotten Beatles in which we turn the spotlight on Quarrymen’s Len Garry, and singer Johnny Gentle*******Links mentioned in this episodeBooks:The Quarrymen by Hunter Davis - https://www.amazon.com/Quarrymen-Hunter-Davies/dp/071198526XBefore They Were Beatleshttps://www.amazon.com/Before-They-Were-Beatles-1956-1960/dp/1413430562 John, Paul & Me: Before The Beatles - Len Garry -
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 056
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 056Issue: Transformers #56 (Marvel)The SIMON FURMAN era begins! Jon and Maggie return and so does…ah ah ah that would be telling 😊 You gotta listen to TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES to find out!Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.comLet us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.comThis podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxc
Celluloid Heroes - Episode 0: The Prologue Episode
Celluloid Heroes: Episode 0Title: The Prologue EpisodeGreetings and salutations and welcome to the Special Prologue Episode of The Celluloid Heroes Podcast.In this short and sweet episode host Brad Abraham welcomes you to the beginning of a 50-year/50 movie/50 episode journey through the best of GenX Cinema, the podcast's mission statement, a preview of movies to be covered, and other ephemera.Follow Celluloid Heroes on INSTAGRAMhttps://www.instagram.com/TheCelluloidHeroesPodFollow Brad Abraham
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 058 - G.I. Joe: America's Elite #7
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 058Issue: G.I. Joe: America's Elite #7Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: America's Elite #7, Jarrod & Pat dive in! Join the lads as they check in on what's the latest with the undersea rescue mission of Scarlett!Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCr
Comics To Console Crusade - Episode 10: Deadpool (2013)
Comics To Console CrusadeEpisode 10: Deadpool (2013)We’re proud to bring you episode 10 of Comics to Console Crusade! Jarrod & Pat break the fourth wall! Of podcasting... What? Anyway, they review — Deadpool (2013). Is it more comic book Deadpool? More cinematic Deadpool? Perhaps the perfect bridge between the two...?Check out Joe November's soundcloud at:https://soundcloud.com/joseflin99Leave a comment by sending an email to:contact@longboxcrusade.comThis podcast is a member of theLONGBOX CRUS
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 081: October & November 1981
Amazing Spider-Man ChroniclesEpisode 081:October & November 1981Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #225, Uncanny X-Men #154You’d be a fool not to listen to this Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles with guest Gene Hendricks! (Spidey 225 & X-MEN 154)Let us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to:contact@longboxcrusade.comThis podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:LINKTREE:https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusadeVisit the WEBSITE:https://longboxcrusaderchronicles.blogspot.com/ orhttp://w
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade - Episode 08: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #8 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 08
Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #8 (Marvel)
Welcome to the 8th episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!"
On this episode: author, Brad Abraham, stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #8!
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 090: I Bury the Living (1958)
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 090: I Bury the Living (1958)
Jarrod provides the movie for this 90th episode of SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE so the lads have to figure out the mystery of I BURY THE LIVING!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymatineetheatre.longboxcrusade.com/ or http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee
Longbox Crusade - Episode 047: Centurions #1 (June 1987)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 047: Centurions #1 (June 1987)
Jarrod brings to the crew the defenders of air, land, and sea: the CENTURIONS for this episode of the LONGBOX CRUSADE (JUNE 1987)!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
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G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 13: G.I. Joe Toys: G.I. Joe Vehicles and Video Games of 1984
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 13
Title: G.I. Joe Toys: G.I. Joe Vehicles and Video Games of 1984
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
On this Episode of the G.I.Joe Chronicle: Outpots, Join Jim the Joe Junkie and Jarrod Alberich, as they d
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 77: Firepower (1979) vs Black Dynamite (2009)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 77: Firepower (1979) vs Black Dynamite (2009)
Welcome to the 77th episode of Action Film Face-Off!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2024 - selected 1979 & 2009, so here are our contestants:
Firepower (1979) vs Black Dynamite (2009)
Who will win - 70's grit, or faux 70s grit? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what y
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 011: Howard the Duck (1986)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 011
Movie: Howard the Duck (1986)
In this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Howard the Duck (1986)! Is it as bad as some say? Did this movie ruin George Lucas' legacy? Is there anything good in the movie? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: I've Seen That
You can check out our entire network of shows by subscribing to the "Longbox Crusade" on you
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 057 - Issue: Special Missions #6 (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 057
Issue: Special Missions #6 (Marvel)
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: Special Missions #6, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guests, Matt & Lissy Paisso, Codenames: Serpy Matt & Cross County's Girl! Join the lads (and lass) as they check in on what's the latest with
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 055 - Issue: Transformers #55 (Marvel)
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 055
Issue: Transformers #55 (Marvel)
The MICROMASTERS & Jon from Jon Reads comics return and we say goodbye to a legend on this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Episode 14: “The Hound of the Baskervilles”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 14: “The Hound of the Baskervilles”
This episode Kathy welcomes back the original host of the show Gene Hendricks. We are joined by our all things British expert Alan J Porter.
Come join us to find out if Kathy’s cooking is better or worse than Sherlocks, if Alan can survive another trip to an English moor, and if Gene will ever find his missing boot.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 07 - Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #7 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 07
Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #7 (Marvel)
Welcome to the 7th episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!"
On this episode: Aaron "Head" Moss, stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #7!
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.co
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 089: Zorro Rides Again (1937): Chapter 4 - Unmasked
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 089: Zorro Rides Again (1937): Chapter 4 - Unmasked
Jarrod, Pat, & Kathy sit down with some Aeroplane Jelly to watch ZORRO: Unmasked for this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: 1930’s Commercial: Aeroplane Jelly - https://youtu.be/dJZ2w6Q_Uww?si=7O5G9RI2SXg6YnbB
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http:
Rogue Agents - Episode 022: The James Bond Trailers 01 - Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger
Rogue AgentsEpisode 022: The James Bond Trailers 01 - Dr. No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on July 16, 2022.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - Pat Sampson - & Alan
Longbox Crusade's New Year's 2025 Countdown Special - Top 20 Favorite 80's Movies
Longbox Crusade's New Year's 2025 Countdown Special - Top 20 Favorite 80's Movies
Welcome to the Longbox Crusade's New Year's 2025 Countdown Special #6 - Top 20 Favorite 80's Movies
Join DJ Death Probe, DJ DJ Kristatos, DJ Dark Web, and DJ Weasel Skull as they count down the TOP 20 Movies of the 1980's as voted on by the masses on social media! Will your favorite toy make the list?
PLAY ALONG THIS YEAR! Death Probe is hosting a challenge along with a countdown to see who can identify the most
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 054: Transformers #54 (Marvel)
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 054
Issue: Transformers #54 (Marvel)
Come spend a little time with us & Jon from Jon Reads comics and the teeniest Transformers yet: the MICROMASTERS for this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/l
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 76: Valley of Gwangi (1969) vs King Solomon's Mines (1950)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 76: Valley of Gwangi (1969) vs King Solomon's Mines (1950)
Welcome to the 76th episode of Action Film Face-Off - RETRO REWIND SPECIAL!
Our RETRO REWIND randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1950-1969 - selected 1969 & 1950, so here are our contestants:
Valley of Gwangi (1969) vs King Solomon's Mines (1950)
Who will win - Harryhausen Claymation or Gorgeous Africa? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the ot
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 12: Thundercats #1 (2024)
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 12: Thundercats #1 (2024)
Merry Christmas, everyone! It’s the BIG DAY, and time to hand the reins to the LBC founder, DJ Kristatos. Pat decides to challenge Santa Claus’ ho-ho-hos with a Thundercats HOOOOOOO!!!! Join us for Day 12 as the crew discusses Thundercats #1!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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This podcast is a
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 11: Batman Beyond #1 Vol.2 (1999)
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 11: Batman Beyond #1 Vol.2 (1999)
It’s the Penultimate Day before the BIG DAY, and the lads are handing the wheel over to Dark Web to handle Day 11 of Crusadmas 2024. Dee Dubs decides to mix a little Ghost of Batmans Past with a little Ghost of Batmans Future and keeps the action going with Batman Beyond (vol II) #1!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 10: Richard Dragon #2 (2004)
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 10: Richard Dragon #2 (2004)
DICK DRAGON! We’re down to three days before we hand the show to Saint Nick, and Death Probe is bringing some martial arts mayhem on Day 10 of Crusademas with Richard Dragon #2!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://link
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 09: Tom Strong #1
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 09: Tom Strong #1
For Day 9 of Crusademas, the lads start to settle in for some intimate conversation with the Core Four and bring some stock from their private reserves. Weasel Skull kicks it off with some fun, futuristic, family adventure and brings Tom Strong #1 to the show.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This po
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 08: Nightwing #1
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 08: Nightwing #1
Each year, the lads pick one lucky Crusader’s Club member to join us in our festivities. This year’s winner, Gene “The Podcast Machine” Hendricks joins the crew for Day 8 and takes the listeners on a tour of Bludhaven with Nightwing #1.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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This podcast is a member of the
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 07: These Savage Shores #1
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 07: These Savage Shores #1
It is simply not a show without our special guest for Crusademas, Day 7. That’s right! It’s Professor Frenzy and he is bringing These Savage Shores #1. When a vampire is the SECOND scariest creature in a comic book, you know you’re in for a good time.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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This po
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 06: Velvet #1
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 06: Velvet #1
Day 6’s Crusademas guest needs no introduction. You know him. You love him. It’s the Battle Wagon himself, Dave Collins, and Dave is bringing some gritty spy noir with Velvet #1.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxc
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 05: Shadowman #10
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 05: Shadowman #10
Day 5 of Crusademas brings us special guest, Matt Paisso, and he’s getting us in touch with our shadow sides with Shadowman #10!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 04: Duke #1
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 04: Duke #1
Special friend of the show, Ryan Daly, joins the LBC for Day 4 of Crusademas! Do you think he brought GI Joe? Of course he brought GI Joe! Join us for Duke #1 from Skybound. Oh, Duke!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longb
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 03: Pinocchio Vampire Slayer and the Vampire Zoo
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 03: Pinocchio Vampire Slayer and the Vampire Zoo
Michael Gordon visits the lads from his Earth Station One Podcast for Day 3 of Crusademas. He takes the crew on a trip to the zoo…a vampire zoo!..with Vampire Slayer vs. The Vampire Zoo!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade N
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 02: Blade of the Immortal #10
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 02: Blade of the Immortal #10
Day Two’s guest is the irreplaceable MVP herself, Kathy Bright, and she’s bringing the swordplay with Blade of the Immortal #10
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: https://t
12 Days of Crusademas 2024 - Day 01: Transformers & G.I. Joe #1 (2003)
12 Days of Crusademas 2024
Day 01: Transformers & G.I. Joe #1 (2003)
It’s DAY ONE of the 12 Days of Crusademas, and who better to kick off the festivities than special guest, Jim Miel! He’s both a real American hero AND more than meets the eye, and proves it by bringing G.I. Joe/Transformers #1 (2003)
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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This podca
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 40: Home Movie: The Princess Bride
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 40: Home Movie: The Princess Bride
Sean visits a sick Clinton, bringing him fruit pies and reading him the story "Home Movie: The Princess Bride" to cheer him up. The visit, food, and story provide a comforting escape and lift Clinton's spirits.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/lR8pA_WV9QI?si=cvC3pMN8reizpQBC
Find Sean on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sean42AZ
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 088: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - The Ordeal
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 088: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - The Ordeal
Come get a whiff of the bouquet that Jarrod, Delvin, and Pap are giving you when the lads present ROBIN HOOD: THE ORDEAL for this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: - Maxwell House - https://youtu.be/FCS-VU0NFqA
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Rogue Agents - Episode 021: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. - S01 - E02: The Iowa-Scuba Affair
Rogue Agents - Episode 021: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. - S01 - E02: The Iowa-Scuba Affair
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on May 30, 2022.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - Pat Sampson - & Alan J. Porter
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade - Episode 06: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #6 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 06
Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #6 (Marvel)
Listen here: Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 06
Watch here: Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 06
Welcome to the 6th episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!"
On this episode: Alan Porter, stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #6!
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: ww
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 75: Telefon (1977) vs. Extraction 2 (2023)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 75: Telefon (1977) vs. Extraction 2 (2023)
Welcome to the 75th episode of Action Film Face-Off!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-Current Year - selected 1977 & 2023, so here are our contestants:
Telefon (1977) vs. Extraction 2 (2023)
Who will win - Bronsan's Mustache or Hemsworth's Pecs? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us kn
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 39
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 39
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #39
Jarrod and Delvin sitting in a tree watching Nova & Nita K-I-S-S-I-N-G OOOooOooOOOO! Come out to play with us!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 14: The Out of Date Murder
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 14: The Out of Date Murder
Welcome to the 14th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Out of Date Murder from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 6, Episode 03.
This episode's guest(s): Pat "
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 053
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 053
Issue: Transformers #53 (Marvel)
Who’s the NEXT guest for TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES? Layne from Ninjas and Bots (@jonreadscomics) to wrap up the PRETENDERS (& Madballs & SKY LYNX & DREADWING) saga!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
The Forgotten Beatles - Episode 05: Davis, Day & Douglas
The Forgotten Beatles
Episode 05: Davis, Day & Douglas
Welcome to the fifth episode of Before They Were Beatles presents: The Forgotten Beatles in which we turn the spotlight on The Quarrymen’s Rod Davis, and singers Tanya Day, and Craig Douglas
Links mentioned in this episode
The Quarrymen by Hunter Davis - https://www.amazon.com/Quarrymen-Hunter-Davies/dp/071198526X
Before They Were Beatles
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 056 - G.I. Joe: America's Elite #6
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 056
Issue: G.I. Joe: America's Elite #6
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: America's Elite #6, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guests, Matt & Lissy Paisso, Codenames: Serpy Matt & Cross County's Girl! Join the lads as they check in on what's the latest with Destro, Alexander, D
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 05: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #5 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 05
Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #5 (Marvel)
Welcome to the 5th episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!"
On this episode: Jim the Joe Junkie, stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #5!
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 080: October 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 080: October 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #224, Uncanny X-Men #153
It’s child’s play when Rick from Jeff & Rick Present visits with this Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles: picture day (Spidey 224) and story time (X-MEN 153)!
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcr
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 39: Zatanna
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 39: Zatanna
The official LBC Entertainment Director Laurel stops by the basement to say “I ma eht CBL RH evitatneserper!” and show Clinton some magic tricks and also talk about a Zatanna fan film.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/YwqkGLzm_CU?si=vDHVol2Nu1OzjJCg
Find Laurel on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mtnflw1
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a m
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 74 - Horror Film Face-Off 2024: Lord of Illusions (1995) vs. REC (2007)
Action Film Face-Off - Horror Film Face-Off 2024
Episode 74: Lord of Illusions (1995) vs. REC (2007)
Welcome to the 74th episode- HALLOWEEN SPECIAL - Horror Film Face-Off!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-Current Year - selected 1995 & 2007, so here are our contestants:
Lord of Illusions (1995) vs. REC (2007)
Who will win - Dark Magic or Zombie Contagion? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade sh
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 38
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 38
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #38
Jarrod (Death Probe) and Delvin (Dark Web) reach the end of Poisoned Memories storyline and they're fortunate unlike somebody in the book (insert ominous emoji here)!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This po
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 052
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 052
Issue: Transformers #52 (Marvel)
What happens when Derek from the Fanholes Podcast meets Madballs? TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES, that’s what! Oh yeah, the PRETENDERS are there too!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcr
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 9 - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Sunbow G.I.Joe Cartoon: S1.E20 - E24
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 12
Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Sunbow G.I. Joe Cartoon: S1.E20 - E24
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his Brother George the Quartermaster of the Outpost as they Dis
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 04 - The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #4 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 04
Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #4 (Marvel)
Welcome to the 4th episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!"
On this episode: Delvin "The Dark Web" Williams, stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #4!
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@lon
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 087: Zorro Rides Again (1937): Chapter 3 - Juggernaut
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 087: Zorro Rides Again (1937): Chapter 3 - Juggernaut
The lads watch ZORRO fight CAIN MARKO! (Checks notes) Our bad. ZORRO RIDES AGAIN, but the episode itself? THE JUGGERNAUT! SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: 1930’s Commercial: Pepsi - https://youtu.be/cvKBIEwYISA?si=LDD3G0QCSk_bXXb9
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Rogue Agents - Episode 020: BBC Radio Drama ”Live and Let Die”
Rogue AgentsEpisode 020: BBC Radio Drama ”Live and Let Die”
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on April 18, 2022.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
Alan J. Porter officially
Best Under 5: Episode 02 - JAWS 3-D (1983)
Best Under 5: Episode 02
Film: JAWS 3-D (1983)
Welcome to Best Under 5! On this episode Jarrod & Chris take a look at 1983's "JAWS 3-D!" At the time of recording it's IMDb score sits at 3.7/10. Is that too low? Too high? Accurate? The boys of Best Under 5 will let you know!
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSI
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 73: The Mechanik (2005) vs. Black Water (2018)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 73: The Mechanik (2005) vs. Black Water (2018)
Welcome to the 73rd episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-Current Year - selected 2005 & 2018, so here are our contestants:
The Mechanik (2005) vs. Black Water (2018)
Who will win - Dolph Lundgren or Dolph Lundgren? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 37
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 37
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #37
Come Play with Jarrod (Death Probe) and Delvin (Dark Web) as they watch the Poison Memories put the New Warriors through. The. Ringer!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 055 - Special Missions #5 (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 055
Issue: Special Missions #5 (Marvel)
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: Special Missions #5, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, Micheal Minton, Codename: J-Freak! Join the lads as they check in on Ace, Slipstream, and Strato-Viper! Remember: it doesn't cost you a thing to be
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 051
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 051
Issue: Transformers #51 (Marvel)
Be careful when you go skiing…you might lose your head!
Jim the Joe Junkie joins us for a FORTRESS MAXIMUS adventure of TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longbo
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 11 - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - Issues: 20-23 (1983-1984)
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 11
Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - Issues: 20-23 (1983-1984)
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Join Jim “the Joe Junkie” and Pat "DJ" Kristatos Sampson as they discuss Clutch&
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 38: In Blackest Night Out
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 38: In Blackest Night Out
Clinton and Delvin keep talking about GREEN LANTERN as they bring @bzthevoice and IN DARKEST NIGHT OUT to the basement!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/zF4zRMhetHQ?si=QaqgIb26KLKArLUP
Find Delvin on Twitter at https://twitter.com/dee_ray1977
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Rogue Agents - Episode 019: ”Moneypenny” from Dynamite Comics
Rogue AgentsEpisode 019: ”Moneypenny” from Dynamite Comics
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Feb 28, 2022.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
The lads welcome guest
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 03 - Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #3 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 03
Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #3 (Marvel)
Welcome to the 3rd episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!"
On this episode: Musical genius, Joe November, stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #3!
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
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LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 13 - Colonel Warburton's Madness
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 13: Colonel Warburton's Madness
Welcome to the 13th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: Colonel Warburton's Madness from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 6, Episode 02.
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 36
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 36
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #36
Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod are in a prison uprising! Can Vance Astrovik help bring about a sense of...JUSTiCE?
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 72: Kidnapped (1971) vs. Harry Brown (2009)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 72: Kidnapped (1971) vs. Harry Brown (2009)
Welcome to the 72nd episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-Current Year - selected 1971 & 2009, so here are our contestants:
Kidnapped (1971) vs. Harry Brown (2009)
Who will win - Michael Caine or Michael Caine? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a co
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 050
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 050
Issue: Transformers #50 (Marvel)
BIG things happen in this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES 50! Maggie Returns! STARSCREAM goes wild! And oh yeah, AN INTERVIEW WITH BOB BUDIANSKY!!!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusa
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 054 - G.I. Joe: America's Elite #5
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 054
Issue: G.I. Joe: America's Elite #5
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: America's Elite #5, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, Micheal Minton, Codename: Razorpack! Join the lads as they check in on what's next, now that Vance Wingfield has been defeated!
Be sure to
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 10 - G.I. Joe Figures and Vehicles of 1984
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 10
Title: G.I. Joe Toys: G.I. Joe Figures and Vehicles of 1984
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
On this Episode of the G.I.Joe Chronicle: Outpots, Jim The Joe Junkie and Jarrod Alberich the Yard Sale Arti
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 086: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Checkmate
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 086: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Checkmate
With guest Gene Hendricks we got a Lucky Strike, so we got together and watched ROBIN HOOD in CHECKMATE! Enjoy this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: - Lucky Strikes - https://youtu.be/c9or3KCrgQM
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: h
Rogue Agents - Episode 018: Ian Fleming’s Short Story ”From a View to a Kill”
Rogue AgentsEpisode 018: Ian Fleming’s Short Story ”From a View to a Kill”
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Jan 18, 2022.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 02: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #2 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 02
Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #2 (Marvel)
Welcome to the 2nd episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!"
On this episode: Pat "DJ Kristatos" stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #2!
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
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Longbox Crusade - Episode 046: Blue Beetle #22 (March 1988)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 046: Blue Beetle #22 (March 1988)
Take us away (to MARCH 1988), we don’t mind, but you gotta promise me we’ll be back in time to read BLUE BEETLE!
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
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Best Under 5: Episode 01 - FANGS (2002)
Best Under 5: Episode 01
Film: FANGS (2002)
Best Under 5 is a movie review show where all the movies reviewed must have a 4.9 or lower rating on IMDb. Jarrod and Chris will discuss the films and then determine whether the IMDb score is too low, too high, or accurate. Drop any movie recommendations you have on X, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube @LongboxCrusade - and be sure to tag @YardSaleArtist & @BlackbeltX21 (X only).
Welcome to the PREMIER EPISODE of Best Under 5! On this episode Jarro
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 71: Hunter Killer (2018) vs. Kelly's Heroes (1970)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 71: Hunter Killer (2018) vs. Kelly's Heroes (1970)
Welcome to the 71st episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-Current Year - selected 2018 & 1970, so here are our contestants:
Hunter Killer (2018) vs. Kelly's Heroes (1970)
Who will win - James Bond villain Gustav Graves, or James Bond villain Ernst Blofeld? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: ww
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 35
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 35
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #35
Jarrod (Death Probe) and Delvin (Dark Web) are Air Force veterans? Do they think the New Warriors' foe, Air Force, passes inspection? Come play with us and find out!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 053 - Special Missions #4 (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 053
Issue: Special Missions #4 (Marvel)
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: Special Missions #4, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, Jason Lady, Codename: Ladybug! Join the lads as they check in on Lifeline, the Oktober Guard, and sexy river pirates!
Be sure to check out all the oth
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 049
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 049
Issue: Transformers #49 (Marvel)
Jon returns to the show and STARSCREAM? Heist of the century! Son of a biscuit, I’m in for this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTE
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast Episode 13: “Wisteria Lodge” and “The Bruce Partington Plans”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 13: “Wisteria Lodge” and “The Bruce Partington Plans”
This episode Kathy & Jarrod are joined by writer & podcaster Michael Gordon.
Will Jarrod add a throne to his podcast room or will Kathy spend all the Patreon funds on a train ride across Europe? Does Michael have the stolen plans…for a secret subway sandwich? Make sure to listen to this quarter's LBC Irregulars episode, you might get ALL the answers.
Let us know
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 9 - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Sunbow G.I.Joe Cartoon: S1.E13 - E19
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 9
Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Sunbow G.I.Joe Cartoon: S1.E13 - E19
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his Brother George, the Quartermaster of the Outpost. As they disc
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 079: September 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 079: September 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #223, Uncanny X-Men #152
One issue was sticking up for the little man and the other had the little man sticking…ahem, just listen to Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles 😂Spidey 223 & X-MEN 152! (ft Rob Morgan)!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit t
Rogue Agents - Episode 016: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. - S01 - E01
Rogue AgentsEpisode 016: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. - S01 - E01
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Oct 18, 2021.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
The lads welcome ba
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 01: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #1 (Marvel)
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 01
Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #1 (Marvel)
Welcome to the 1st episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!"
On this episode: Jason "The Weasel Skull" Alberich takes the premier adventure into the Temple of Longbox, and the lads cover issue #1 - January, 1983.
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 10 - Movie Theater Closing...
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 10 - Movie Theater Closing...
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: Movie Theater Closing...
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a mem
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 34
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 34
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #34
Jarrod and Delvin conclude the Force of Darkness, Forces of Night storyline! Wait, does that mean talking about New Warriors Annual 3? Of course it does! You think this is a game? Wait, it is. That's why we want you to Come Out to Play!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 21: A Modern Knight
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 21
Title: A Modern Knight
Death Probe shot Weasel Skull!?! Clearly he’s guilty, right?
Not quite A quiet MODERN NIGHT is it? (And is Jarrod doing a Kyra Sedgwick impression?)
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcru
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 70: Dawn of the Dead (2004) vs. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 70: Dawn of the Dead (2004) vs. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Welcome to the 70th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-Current Year - selected 2004 & 1978, so here are our contestants:
Dawn of the Dead (2004) vs. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Who will win - Mall Zombies or Mall Zombies? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 048
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 048
Issue: Transformers #48 (Marvel)
What IS the Underbase? Why do we flashback 4 million years to find out? And who is filling in as a guest this month? It’s Jarrod The Yardsale Artist for this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWOR
The Forgotten Beatles - Episode 04: “Eddie Clayton” aka Eric Clapton
The Forgotten Beatles
Episode 04: “Eddie Clayton” aka Eric Clapton
This month we turn the spotlight on on the man on the weeping guitar originally credited as “Eddie Clayton” perhaps better known as Eric Clapton
Thanks for listening to this episode of Before They Were Beatles presents: The Forgotten Beatles. If you would like to leave a rating or review on your favorite podcast platform that would be great and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes.
If you
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 052 Issue: G.I. Joe: America's Elite #4 & Joe Casey interview
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 052
Issue: G.I. Joe: America's Elite #4 & Joe Casey interview
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: America's Elite #4, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, Jason Lady, Codename: Ladybug! Join the lads as they check in on the latest happenings with Destro & Vance Wingfie
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 8: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - Issues: 14-19 (1983)
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 8
Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - Issues: 14-19 (1983)
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Jason Alberich, the Weasel Skull, visits Jim the Joe Junkie at the Outpost. Join them as they di
Comics To Console Crusade - Episode 09: Batman Vengeance (2001)
Comics To Console Crusade
Episode 09: Batman Vengeance (2001)
We’re proud to bring you episode 9 of Comics to Console Crusade!
Jarrod, Pat, & Joe get animated! Batman animated, that is! They review -- Batman Vengeance (2001).
Is it another disappointing non-Arkham-series Batman game? Or does it rise above? Let's find out!
Check out Joe November's soundcloud at: https://soundcloud.com/joseflin99
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This podca
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 078: August 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 078: August 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #222, Uncanny X-Men #151
Pull over y’all and get your comics right! Which ones? Spidey 222 & X-MEN 151! What show? Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles (ft Jason Lady)!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcrusaderchronicles.b
Rogue Agents - Episode 015: ”Service” from Dynamite Comics
Rogue Agents
Episode 015: ”Service” from Dynamite Comics
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Sep 13, 2021.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
The lads welcome back B
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 12 - The Limping Ghost
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 12: The Limping Ghost
Welcome to the 12th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Limping Ghost from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 6, Episode 1.
This episode's guest(s)
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 085: Zorro Rides Again (1937): Chapter 2 - The Fatal Minute
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 085: Zorro Rides Again (1937): Chapter 2 - The Fatal Minute
What’s feistier, the action from Zorro (THE FATAL MINUTE) or Snap, Crackle, and Pop? Intrigued? Good! Come join us for SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: 1939 Commercial: Rice Krispies Cereal - https://youtu.be/l5QtwnfKi8E?si=lM_Bb7Ap9rLYkMit
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSA
Longbox Crusade - Episode 045: DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #6 (April 2023)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 045: DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #6 (April 2023)
The way back machine was near dead so the lads only go back to APRIL 2023 to read about Earth 2 in DCeased: War of the Gods!
Let us know what you think!
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrus
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 69: Equilibrium (2002) vs. Pitch Black (2000)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 69: Equilibrium (2002) vs. Pitch Black (2000)
Welcome to the 69th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-Current Year - selected 2002 & 2000, so here are our contestants:
Equilibrium (2002) vs. Pitch Black (2000)
Who will win - Statham or Statham? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 051 - Special Missions #3 (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 051
Issue: Special Missions #3 (Marvel)
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: SPECIAL MISSION #3, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, Jim the Joe Junkie! Join the lads as they check in on Stalker, Crank Case, Leatherneck, Slip Stream, & Deke! Deke? Who's Deke?
Be sure to chec
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 33
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 33
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #33
Jarrod and Delvin are in the middle of the Forces of Darkness, Forces of Light storyline! Will the Darkforce take them over like it has Namorita and half of Manhattan?
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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This p
The Forgotten Beatles - Episode 03: Calandra, The Chants, and Chapman
The Forgotten Beatles
Episode 03: Calandra, The Chants, and Chapman
This month we turn the spotlight on n Vince Calandra, The Chants, and Norman Chapman
If you want to know more about Vince Calandra he did a four-hour interview for the Television Academy on his career which is available in their online archives. There are a few extracts from it on YouTube that refer to the Beatles' Ed Sullivan appearance.
For info on The Chants, I recommend the Sixties City website which includes links t
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 047
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 047
Issue: Transformers #47 (Marvel)
TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES visits Club Con with Anthony and runs into a SEACON or three! The Underbase Saga begins (but where does it end 👀)
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusad
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 084: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Queen Eleanor
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 084: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Queen Eleanor
Come join us for SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE where the lads meet the lovely, the memorable, the effervescent QUEEN ELEANOR!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Gibbs SR Toothpaste - https://youtu.be/ucrqRsrNKW8
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 7 - G.I. Joe Toys: Sub-Teams of G.I.Joe and Cobra from 1982-1989
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 7
Title: G.I. Joe Toys: Sub-Teams of G.I.Joe and Cobra from 1982-1989
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Join Jim The Joe Junkie and Jarrod Alberich the Yard Sale Artist as they Venture off of the Chronologi
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Episode 12: "The Devil's Foot" and “Silver Blaze”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 12: "The Devil's Foot" and “Silver Blaze”
This episode we are joined by the battle wagon himself Dave Moriarty Collins.
Will Kathy’s racing tips win her millions of dollars?
Will Jarrod come down on these criminals?
Will Dave ever recover from his 80’s fever dream of life on the road with Curried Mutton?
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGB
Longbox Crusade - Episode 044: Squadron Supreme:Hyperion Vs. Nighthawk #4
Longbox Crusade
Episode 044: Squadron Supreme:Hyperion Vs. Nighthawk #4
SQUADRON SUPREME (from JUNE 2007) shows up for this LONGBOX CRUSADE so you KNOW there’s going to be some controversy! Come see how we deal with it!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitt
Rogue Agents - Episode 014: Your Eyes Only - The Fleming Short Story
Rogue Agents
Episode 014: Your Eyes Only - The Fleming Short Story
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on August 09, 2021.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
The lads j
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 68: The Italian Job (2003) vs. Killer Elite (2011)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 68: The Italian Job (2003) vs. Killer Elite (2011)
Welcome to the 68th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2023 - selected 2003 & 2011, so here are our contestants:
The Italian Job (2003) vs. Killer Elite (2011)
Who will win - Statham or Statham? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 32
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 32
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #32
Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) are thrown full force in the Forces of Darkness, Forces of Light storyline! Will they be the same on the other side?
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podc
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 046 - G.I. Joe: America's Elite #3
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 050
Issue: G.I. Joe: America's Elite #3
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: AMERIC'S ELITE #3, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, Jim the Joe Junkie! Join the lads as they check in on Snake-Eyes & Firefly fighting in the sewers, and Destro doing Destro things!
Be sure t
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 046
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 046
Issue: Transformers #46 (Marvel)
Come to this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES and see SCORPONOK (and the SPARKABOTS) get their butts beat by…a WWE superstar? Soundtrack by the Backstreet Boys!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/
Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 083: Zorro Rides Again (1937): Chapter 1 - Death from the Sky
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 083: Zorro Rides Again (1937): Chapter 1 - Death from the Sky
SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE begins its run of the ZORRO RIDES AGAIN serial! Will the lads take to all the new fangled technology from 1937?
AD Break: 1937 Commercial: His Master's Voice Radios - https://youtu.be/II4KGzaO9-U?si=cS-LoWrpi6Iop57c
Let us know what you think!
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CR
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 37: Black Sand - A Sandman Story
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 37: Black Sand - A Sandman Story
Clinton has visions of producing a stage play and gets his star of the play Steve Givens to stop by and run some lines, hang the stage lights and take a break to watch the Fan Film “Black Sand - A Sandman Story”.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/pv1UwI5Zw0A?si=6dGIA7wvwvu3fdnY
Find Steve on Twitter at https://twitter.com/itsagivensblog
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
Rogue Agents - Episode 013: Casino Royale (1967)
Rogue Agents
Episode 013: Casino Royale (1967)
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on June 21, 2021.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
Special Glutton for Punishment..
Longbox Crusade - Episode 043: Kickers, Inc. #7 (May 1987)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 043: Kickers, Inc. #7 (May 1987)
What did you think about Marvel’s New Universe? Join the lads as we discuss KICKERS, INC from MAY 1987 for this LONGBOX CRUSADE!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
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Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 31
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 31
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #31
Delvin brings along a special guest, Corey Blake (New Warriors Talk) to talk about the Warriors saying goodbye to some old enemies...
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 049 - Special Missions #2 (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 049
Issue: Special Missions #2 (Marvel)
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE SPECIAL MISSION #2, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, Jason "Weasel Skull" Alberich! Join the lads as they check in on Larry Hama's writing style, when he doesn't necessarily have to sell t
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 045
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 045
Issue: Transformers #45 (Marvel)
TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES goes to the basement and talks with Clinton to talk about SKULLGRIN and his big Hollywood circuit breaking (sorry, CIRCUIT BREAKER) debut!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https:/
The Forgotten Beatles - Episode 02: Ken Brown
The Forgotten Beatles
Episode 02: Ken Brown
This month we turn the spotlight on guitarist Ken Brown of The Quarrymen and The Blackjacks
If you want to know more about Ken Brown’s story I recommend, The Beatles: The True Beginnings, published by Thomas Dunne Books in 2003
Thanks for listening to this episode of Before They Were Beatles presents: The Forgotten Beatles. If you would like to leave a rating or review on your favorite podcast platform that would be great and don’t forget to
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 67: Extreme Job (2019) vs. My Lucky Stars (1985)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 67: Extreme Job (2019) vs. My Lucky Stars (1985)
Welcome to the 67th episode! It's MARCHial ARTS MADNESS!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2023 - selected 2019 & 1985, so here are our contestants:
Extreme Job (2019) vs. My Lucky Stars (1985)
Who will win - Chicken or Chan? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 6 - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Sunbow G.I.Joe Cartoon: S1.E6 - E12
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 6
Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Sunbow G.I.Joe Cartoon: S1.E6 - E12
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
What do Jungle Traps, Mind Controlled Animals, A Deadly Funhouse and Fast Food Restaurants with
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 082: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - The Challenge
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 082: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - The Challenge
No matter the name or version of Robin Hood episode, enjoy this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE: THE CHALLENGE! With Alan J Porter? Oh yeah!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Kool-Aid - https://youtu.be/yKY2O4KFmMU
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://satur
Rogue Agents - Episode 012: James Bond, Jr.#1 from Marvel Comics
Rogue AgentsEpisode 012: James Bond, Jr.#1 from Marvel Comics
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on May 18, 2021.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
The lads read and re
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 010: Green Lantern (2011)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 010
Movie: Green Lantern (2011)
On this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Green Lantern (2011)! Is it as bad as some say? Did this movie ruin the future of DC films? Is there anything good in the movie? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: I'm Just Honest.
You can check out our entire network of shows by subscribing to the "Longbox Crusade" on your f
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 077: July 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 077: July 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #221, Uncanny X-Men #150
Sure, for this Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles the Spidey (221) comic might take a backseat to the double sized X-MEN 150 but it doesn’t mean we leave it by its lonesome (Pincus) 🥺
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
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The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 20: An Easy Combination
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 20
Title: An Easy Combination
Professor Dark Web is on the case because Jarrod, his Sean Connery impression, and crime make AN EASY COMBINATION!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitte
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 30
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 30
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #30
Jarrod and Delvin deal with the continuation of the Trans Sabal saga...will they, or the Warriors, be forever changed by the experience?
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longb
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 66: A Force of One (1979) vs. MegaForce (1982)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 66: A Force of One (1979) vs. MegaForce (1982)
Welcome to the 66th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2021 - selected 1979 & 1982, so here are our contestants:
A Force of One (1979) vs. MegaForce (1982)
Who will win - Chuck's Force or Barry's Force? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 044
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 044
Issue: Transformers #44 (Marvel)
TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES goes to the circus with SKY LYNX and the kiddos (and Daisy!) Come with us and see what happens (but watch out for Rorza!)
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longbo
The Forgotten Beatles - Episode 01: Pete Best
The Forgotten Beatles
Episode 01: Pete Best
Welcome to the first episode of Before They Were Beatles presents: The Forgotten Beatles in which we turn the spotlight on drummer Pete Best
If you want to know more about Pete Best’s story I recommend,
Beatle! The Pete Best Story - Plexus Publishing - Pete’s autobiography (although it is going for crazy money these days - if you can find a copy it is well over $200 for the paperback)
The Beatles: The True Beginnings is a nice illustrated hard
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 046 - G.I. Joe: America's Elite #2
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 048
Issue: G.I. Joe: America's Elite #2
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: AMERICA'S ELITE #2, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, Jason "Weasel Skull" Alberich! Join the lads as they try to keep up all the intriguing, dangling threads that are laid out in this new
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 5: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Marvel Comics - Issues: 8-13 (1983)
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 5
Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - Issues: 8-13 (1983)
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Join Jim The Joe Junkie as he and his Co-Host Pat Sampson, Oh yeah and some guy Named Jarrod Albe
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 076: June 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 076: June 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #220, Uncanny X-Men #149
Hitch a ride along with Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles! We hope the action doesn’t give you a heart attack 😬 Spidey 220! X-MEN 149!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcrusaderchronicles.blogspot.com
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 36: James Bond: In the Blink of an Eye
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 36: James Bond: In the Blink of an Eye
Jason and Kathy (his trainer) take time out of their bear fighting training to watch and talk about the James Bond fan film called “In the Blink of an Eye”
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/ZSmTDv1zAXs?si=wljp9jnHMx-AHqJr
Find Kathy on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AUKathy2418 and Jason on Threads at @JasonAlberich
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or conta
Rogue Agents - Episode 011: Solstice from Dynamite Comics
Rogue Agents
Episode 011: Solstice from Dynamite Comics
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Apr 12, 2021.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode: The lads read and review
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Episode 11: “The Six Napoleons” & “The Sign of Four”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 11: “The Six Napoleons” & “The Sign of Four”
This episode we are joined by professor, podcaster, and award winning author Van Allen Plexico.
Will Kathy learn Italian and figure out what happened? Will Jarrod survive the intense boat chase? Will Van start a new career as a freeze frame model? Listen in and you could possibly win a trip to the exotic Andaman Islands with our podcast trio!
Let us know what you think!
Email the
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 081: 1943: Batman - Chapter 15 - The Doom of the Rising Sun
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 081: 1943: Batman - Chapter 15 - The Doom of the Rising Sun
We have it all for this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE: Alan Porter, Crusader Club members, and the end of the BATMAN series with DOOM OF THE RISING SUN!
AD Break: Airwick: https://youtu.be/oTxWbCxa6B0
Watch along here: Batman (1943) Chapter 15: https://youtu.be/YonDSFeozfs
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a
Longbox Crusade - Episode 042: Deadpool #44 (June 2000)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 042: Deadpool #44 (June 2000)
We were two lads shy for this LONGBOX CRUSADE so Jarrod and Delvin had a mini #Auburn reunion with Ezra to talk DEADPOOL from SEPTEMBER 2000!
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 19: Death Back-Stage
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 19
Title: Death Back-Stage
There has been a DEATH BACKSTAGE! It’s MJ 😭 Can Professor Dark Web and Sgt Kristatos find out whodunnit??
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Longb
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 65: The 64-Film Bracket Showdown!
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 65: The 64-Film Bracket Showdown!
Welcome to the 65th episode!
It's an all-out brawl as EVERY SINGLE PREVIOUS EPISODE CHAMPION gets put into a 64-team, single-elimination bracket to find out who is the going to be the ULTIMATE ACTION FILM FACE-OFF CHAMPION from the first 64 episodes of the show! These selections were voted on by folks over on X (formerly Twitter) and our beloved CRUSADERS CLUB members at www.Patreon.com/LongboxCrusade.
Be sure to check out all
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 29
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 29
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #29
Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) and Delvin (Dark Web) find themselves embroiled in a battle in Trans-Sabal! And they find time beforehand to talk about Night Thrasher: Four Control!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
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G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 047 - Special Missions #1 (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 047
Issue: Special Missions #1 (Marvel)
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: SPECIAL MISSIONS #1, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, and Serpentor super-fan, Serpy Matt! Join the lads as they try to contain their nostalgia for this classic issue!
Be sure to check out all the other
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 26: Red & Blue
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 26: Red & Blue
In this episode, Alan shares some thoughts on the recently released, remixed, and remastered extended Red and Blue albums, and wrap things up with Alan’s reactions to the “last Beatles song” Now & Then
Thank you for joining us over the last three seasons and listening to the story of John, Paul, George, and Ringo - Before They Were Beatles.. - and I hope you also enjoyed this bonus episode.
But there are other tale
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 080: Superfly (1972)
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 080: Superfly (1972)
It’s another tenth episode of Saturday Matinee Theatre so it’s movie time! Have a coke and a smile and enjoy the #SMTMovie that Delvin has brought for the lads: SUPERFLY, for this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymatineetheatre.longboxcrusade.com/ or ht
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 4 - G.I. Joe Figures and Vehicles of 1983
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 4
Title: G.I. Joe Figures and Vehicles of 1983
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Join Jim the Joe Junkie and Jarrod Alberich as they discuss the G.I.Joe Toys of 1983. This 2nd Year brought some Fan Favorite
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles Episode 075: May 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 075: May 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #219, ROM #21
What’s on deck for this 75th (!) Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles? Who wants to know? Fine, there’s Spidey 219 and there’s also Jamie Ray from Fave Five From Fans to talk about ROM 21!
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://
Rogue Agents - Episode 010: Risico
Rogue Agents Episode 010: Risico
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Mar 08, 2021.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
The lads read and review the Ian Fleming short
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 09 - Mall Culture of the 80s & 90s
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 09 - Mall Culture of the 80s & 90s
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: Mall Culture of the 80s & 90s
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
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Longbox Crusade's New Year's 2024 Countdown Special - Top 20 NES Games!
Longbox Crusade's New Year's 2024 Countdown Special - Top 20 NES Games!
Welcome to the Longbox Crusade's New Year's Countdown Special #5 - Top 20 NES Games!
Join DJ Death Probe, DJ DJ Kristatos as they count down the TOP 20 NES Games as voted on by the masses on social media!
Will your favorite toy make the list?
THE BEST WAY TO LISTEN: If you want this episode to sync up with your New Year's countdown-to-midnight, the instructions are at the beginning of the episode - ju
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 64: Action Jackson (1988) vs The Mechanic (2011)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 64: Action Jackson (1988) vs The Mechanic (2011)
Welcome to the 64th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2021 - selected 1988 & 2011, so here are our contestants:
Action Jackson (1988) vs. The Mechanic (2011)
Who will win - Carl or Jason? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 28 - New Warriors Vol.1 #28
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 28
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #28
Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) and Delvin (Dark Web) meet Turbo for the first time! Oh yeah and Cardinal. Turbo's prettier.
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Net
12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 12: ShadowHawk #1
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 12: ShadowHawk #1
Merry Christmas, everyone! Please join Longbox Crusade founder, Pat Sampson, and the crew as we explore the world of Shadow Hawk. It’s action-packed! It’s mysterious! It’s safer to say than “Black Hawk” on a family friendly podcast!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a
Twas The Night Before Crusademas (2022)
Twas The Night Before Crusademas (2022)
Merry Christmas eve, everyone! Please enjoy this full reading of “Twas The Night Before Crusademas” that was part of the 12 Days of Crusademas for 2022. Merry Crusademas to all! And to all a good night!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https:/
12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 11: Bruce Lee #3
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 11: Bruce Lee #3
It’s Christmas Eve and time to reflect on the greats who have left us too soon. And who was greater than the immortal Bruce Lee? Join us as Jarrod leads the crew in discussion of “Bruce Lee #3” in an episode full of laughter, martial arts action, and bits!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 10: Airboy #1
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 10: Airboy #1
Take to the skies with Jason and rest of the Crusaders as we check out “Airboy #1”. It’s high adventure and high-octane action brought to you Longbox Crusade style.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longb
12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 09: Kingdom Come #1
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 09: Kingdom Come #1
Admittedly, this might not be a “hidden gem” of a comic, but 27-years later the Dark Web has determined it’s time to remember this “forgotten gem” classic of “Kingdom Come #1”. It’s Waid. It’s Ross. It’s hosted by Delvin. You’re welcome.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcas
12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 08: Rising Stars #1
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 08: Rising Stars #1
Crusader’s Club winner brings the super-hero firepower to the lads with “Rising Stars #1”. Join the crew as we discuss this epic from legendary screenwriter J. Michael Stra…Strac…JMS!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 07: ROM #49
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 07: ROM #49
Jamie “Ray-gun” Ray brings some sci-fi to the crew for the holiday season with “ROM #49”. This “Knight before Christmas” is packed with action, horror, and, of course, mega-”bits” of entertainment.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 06: Tales of Robin Hood #12
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 06: Tales of Robin Hood #12
The lads go on the lam and join special guest, Alan Wright, as we rob from the rich and give to the poor with “Robin Hood #12”. Sherwood Forest isn’t big enough to contain all of these bits!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Ne
12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 05: Astro City ½
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 05: Astro City ½
Long-time friend of the show, David Collins, returns to take the crew on a tour of “Astro City 1/2”. We hope you enjoy your stay.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
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12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 04: Dr. Strange: The Oath #1
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 04: Dr. Strange: The Oath #1
Luis Pachon from the 007 Vintage YouTube Channel joins the crew to take us to the mystic realm with “Dr. Strange: The Oath #1”. Let us cast a spell on you and take you along on the adventure.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade
12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 03: Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #9
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 03: Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #9
It’s a sweet Christmas, indeed, as the boys team up with Nick Jones from Focused on Comics to discuss “Luke Cage: Hero for Hire #9”.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Longbox
12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 02: Parker Graphic Novel “Slayground”
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 02: Parker Graphic Novel “Slayground”
Delvin’s the third-story man, Jason’s the getaway driver, Pat’s the safe-cracker, and special guest Van Plexico from White Rocket Entertainment is the mastermind. Join the crew and ride along for the heist as we discuss the Parker Graphic Novel “Slayground”.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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12 Days of Crusademas 2023 - Day 01: Star Spangled War Stories #101
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2023
Day 01: Star Spangled War Stories #101
The lads rumble in the jungle in a war that time forgot. Join the crew and guest Billy D. as they face war, dinosaurs, and robots, Oh, my, in “Star Spangled War Stories #101”.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 3 - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Sunbow G.I.Joe Cartoon: The First 3 Mini-series
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 3
Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero - Sunbow G.I.Joe Cartoon: The First 3 Mini-series
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Join Jim The Joe Junkie he takes a trip down Memory lane with His Brother George Mi
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 074: April 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 074: April 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #218, Uncanny X-Men #147
Forces of nature at play for this Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles: sand, water, lightning, but definitely not lava 😂 Spidey #218 & X-Men #147
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcrusaderchronicle
Rogue Agents - Episode 008: "M" by Dynamite Comics
Rogue Agents
Episode 008: "M" by Dynamite Comics
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Dec 14, 2020.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
The lads review "
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast Radio Show - Episode 11: The Paradol Chamber
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 11: The Paradol Chamber
Listen here: LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 11 - The Paradol Chamber
Watch here: LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 11 - The Paradol Chamber
Welcome to the 11th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-time
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 043
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 043
Issue: Transformers #43 (Marvel)
It’s a “one off” issue so that means Jarrod Alberich The Yardsale Artist comes aboard for this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES featuring JUNKIONS, GALVATRON, & RODIMUS PRIME (and hijinx. And chaos. And Sledge Hammer!)
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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This podcast is a member
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Episode 10: “The Man with the Twisted Lip” and “The Priory School”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 10: “The Man with the Twisted Lip” and “The Priory School”
This episode we reached out a bit further in the podcast family and welcome writer, speaker and podcaster extraordinaire Mr Alan J Porter.
Will Kathy enjoy a prison spa treatment? Will Jarrod get far with a new bicycle tire? Will Alan decide to move back to England and take Kathy & Jarrod with him? Join us for the episode to see if these questions get answered.
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 63: The Detonator (2006) vs Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 63: The Detonator (2006) vs Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987)
Welcome to the 63rd episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2021 - selected 2006 & 1987, so here are our contestants:
The Detonator (2006) vs. Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987)
Who will win - Wesley or Rutger? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 27
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 27
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #27
Dark Web and Dark Jason Lady cover New Warriors 27 and the craziness of the Infinity War!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee
Comics To Console Crusade - Episode 08: WOLVERINE (NES - 1991)
Comics To Console Crusade
Episode 08: WOLVERINE (NES - 1991)
We’re proud to bring you episode 8 of Comics to Console Crusade!
Jarrod, Pat, & Joe tap into their berserker rage! And maybe they'll pop their claws...if they can figure out how... They review -- WOLVERINE (NES - 1991).
It's LJN so it's automatically under suspicion...but will the coolness of 1990's comic books win the day? Let's find out!
Check out Joe November's soundcloud at: https://soundcloud.
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 046 - Issue: America's Elite #1
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 046
Issue: America's Elite #1
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring G.I. JOE: AMERICA'S ELITE #1, Pat & Jarrod welcome our guest, and Serpentor super-fan, Serpy Matt! Join the lads as they try to keep up all the intriguing, dangling threads that are laid out in this new storyline by
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 073: March 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 073: March 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #217, Uncanny X-Men #146
Lots to unpack here: Sandman! Hydro Man! Arcade! Dr. Doom! Aaaaaaaand Rick from Jeff and Rick Present! It’s Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles! Spidey #217 and X-Men #146
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://lo
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 2 - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - Issues: 1-7 (1982)
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 2
Title: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Marvel Comics - Issues: 1-7 (1982)
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
Join Jim The Joe Junkie as he and his Co Host Pat Sampson Discuss the first 7 Issues of the Marvel
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 009 - Movie: Water World (1995)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 009
Movie: Water World (1995)
On this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: WATERWORLD! Is it as bad as some say? Did it deserve to flop as hard as it did? Is there anything good in the movie? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: Maybe It's You?
You can check out our entire network of shows by subscribing to the "Longbox Crusade" on your favorite podcatch
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 079: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - A Guest for the Gallows
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 079: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - A Guest for the Gallows
A live Crusaders Club audience was all the lads needed to ramble like Nash as they watch GUEST FOR THE GALLOWS for this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Nash Rambler - https://youtu.be/8W9BDAy-16A
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Rogue Agents - Episode 007: Disney's James Goof!
Rogue Agents
Episode 007: Disney's James Goof!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Nov 02, 2020.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
Special Guest: Alan J. Porter
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 62: Warlock (1989) vs. Warlock: The Armageddon (1993)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 62: Warlock (1989) vs. Warlock: The Armageddon (1993)
Welcome to the 62nd episode!
The Annual HORROR FILM FACE-OFF Halloween Special, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2021 - selected 1989 & 1993, so here are our contestants:
Warlock (1989) vs. Warlock: The Armageddon (1993)
Who will win - Julian Sands or Julian Sands? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: ww
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 045 - Special Missions #0 from G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #50 (Marvel)
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 045
Issue: Special Missions #0 from G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #50 (Marvel)
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, featuring issue #50 of the 1980's Marvel run, Pat & Jarrod KICK OFF "Special Missions!" Join the lads (and the Crusaders Club members in the super-secret chat) as we dive
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 26
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 26
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #26
Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) and Delvin (Dark Web) are reeling from the fallout of the Nothing But the Truth storyline! What will they and the Warriors do next? Come out to play with us and find out!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
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Longbox Crusade - Episode 041: Herc #1 (June 2011)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 041: Herc #1 (June 2011)
It’s no labor to listen to LONGBOX CRUSADE because we’re talking about HERC(ULES) from JUNE 2011!
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/long
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 042
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 042
Issue: Transformers #42 (Marvel)
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Lon
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 25: Beginnings and Endings
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 25: Beginnings and Endings
In this episode, we complete our journey as The Beatles return to the recording studio, make their TV debut, and say goodbye to Hamburg.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Money (Intro from Decca auditions)
The Beatles - How Do You Do It (Anthology)
The Beatles - Love Me Do (Single)
The Beatles - PS I Love You (Single)
The Beatles - Love Me Do (People and Places - Granada TV)
Mike Berry - Lonelines
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 078: 1943: Batman - Chapter 14 - The Executioner Strikes
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 078: 1943: Batman - Chapter 14 - The Executioner Strikes
A little silly, a little Batman & Robin, a few crusaders club members listening live to THE EXECUTIONER STRIKES and you have SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: Women at Work: https://youtu.be/WhswqZh2Rc4
Watch along here: Batman (1943) Chapter 14: https://youtu.be/6-uIFufuTJw
Let us know what you think!
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This pod
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 1 - G.I. Joe 1982 Figures and Vehicles
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 1
Title: G.I. Joe 1982 Figures and Vehicles
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
In this Episode Jim Miel and Jarrod Alberich discuss the Figures and Vehicles of 1982, as well as the Amazing Box art that Hasbr
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 61: Double Team (1997) vs Exit Wounds (2001)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 61: Double Team (1997) vs Exit Wounds (2001)
Welcome to the 61st episode!
Our randomizer selected 1997 & 2001, so here are our contestants:
Double Team (1997) vs Exit Wounds (2001)
Which later-in-their-career action star will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade
Rogue Agents - Episode 006: Matt Helm in "The Silencers"
Rogue Agents
Episode 006: Matt Helm in "The Silencers"
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Sep 14, 2020.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
The lads dip a t
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 10 - In Flander's Field
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 10: In Flander's Field
Welcome to the 10th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: In Flander's Field from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 5, Episode 82.
This episode'
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 044 - America's Elite #0 25-Cent Adventure
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Episode 044
Issue: America's Elite #0 25-Cent Adventure
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through G.I. Joe comics of the past!
On this episode, Pat & Jarrod KICK OFF THE Devil's Due run of "America's Elite!" Join the lads (and the Crusaders Club members in the super-secret chat) as we dive into the 25-cent special kickoff #0 issue!
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 25
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 25
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #25
On this very special livestream Jarrod and Delvin have reached the end of the landmark "Nothing But the Truth" Storyline...what better time than to have on the writer of the New Warriors, Fabian Nicieza!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
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Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 072: February 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 072: February 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #216, Uncanny X-Men #145
Sit a spell and listen to Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles! By spell we mean “a while” and not “a thing a magical entity might cast”! Amazing Spider-Man #216 & Uncanny X-Men #145
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEB
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast Radio Show - Episode 09: The Purloined Ruby
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 09: The Purloined Ruby
Welcome to the 9th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Purloined Ruby from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 5, Episode 81.
This episode's guest(
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 24: Farewell Pete, Hello Ringo
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 24: Farewell Pete, Hello Ringo
In this episode, we will take a deep dive into the events surrounding Pete Best’s departure and Ringo’s arrival as a member of The Beatles.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Money (Intro from Decca auditions)
You can find full versions of the music heard in this episode in the dedicated Before They Were Beatles Podcast YouTube channel - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP0CDQdLe-G141LlqyBu8rC8ap6voBhZe
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 077: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Maid Marian
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 077: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Maid Marian
It’s always a great time when Ruth and Darrin come to SATURDAY MATINEE THEATER but add MAID MARIAN to the mix and you have a Sherwood Forest party 🎉 !
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Gleem Toothpaste - https://youtu.be/JNwmCd-T3Lo
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit t
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 0
G.I. Joe Chronicles - Outpost: Episode 0
Title: Joe Origins and Podcast Scope
Fall-in Troops and Welcome to G.I.Joe Outpost. Join Jim the Joe Junkie and his rotating cast of co-hosts, which includes Death Probe and DJ Kristatos. Beginning in 1982 they will explore many aspects of the World(s) of G.I.Joe. They will Discuss the Toys, Comics, Cartoons and other Peripheral items from each year to current day.
In Episode Zero of G.I.Joe Outpost, Jim the Joe Junkie, relives his Joe Origins. He also
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 60: Night Passage (1957) vs The Violent Men (1955)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 60: Night Passage (1957) vs The Violent Men (1955)
Welcome to the 60th episode!
Our RETRO REWIND randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1950-1969 - selected 1957 & 1955, so here are our contestants:
Night Passage (1957) vs The Violent Men (1955)
Which classic western film will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Rogue Agents - Episode 005: OK Connery
Rogue Agents
Episode 005: OK Connery a.k.a. Operation Kid Brother a.k.a Double Double-O Seven...
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Aug 03, 2020.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson
Longbox Crusade - Episode 040: X-Men Hidden Years #1 (December 1999)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 040: X-Men Hidden Years #1 (December 1999)
The lads party like it’s 1999, December specifically, in this (X-Men) FIRST CLASS episode of LONGBOX CRUSADE!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
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Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
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Fan Film Fridays - Episode 35: Star Trek: First Frontier
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 35: Star Trek: First Frontier
Shag beams down to the basement to watch and talk about a Star trek fan film called Star Trek: First Frontier
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/SAlGf5Wfe4g
Find Shag on Twitter at https://twitter.com/onceuponageek
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longb
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 041
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 041
Issue: Transformers #41 (Marvel)
GRIMLOCK vs BLASTER! AUTOBOTS vs DECEPTICONS, like, ALL of them!?! It is battle royale time for this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 043
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 043
Issue: G.I. Joe #43
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #43, Pat & Jarrod FINISH THE INITIAL DEVIL'S DUE RUN! And series creator, Josh Blaylock, joins the boys to talk about it. So, strap in for the Red Shadows, the end of the f
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 24
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 24
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #24
Come watch Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) and Delvin talk about an old Cambodian lady's plan to take over the world! What, is there something important going on today? The hell you say!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
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Before They Were Beatles - Episode 23: I'm With The Band
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 23: I'm With The Band
In this special episode we take a look at what it takes to start a new Beatles tribute band with interviews with the folks behind The Savage Young Beatles and the organizers of the Abbey Road on the Road Festival.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Money (Intro from Decca auditions)
Tom Hamilton - Rock-n-Roll Music
Little Triggers - High Time
The Savage Young Beatles - Some Other Guy
Links mentioned in
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 59: Blood & Bone (2009) vs The Big Boss (1971)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 59: Blood & Bone (2009) vs The Big Boss (1971)
Welcome to the 59th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 2009 & 1971, so here are our contestants:
Blood & Bone (2009) vs The Big Boss (1971) (a.k.a. Fists of Fury)
Which non-stop-fight-fest film will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us kno
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Episode 09: “The Musgrave Ritual” and “The Second Stain”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 09: “The Musgrave Ritual” and “The Second Stain”
The final piece of the LBC puzzle has joined us...This episode Kathy & Jarrod are joined by none other than Mr Delvin Williams.
Will Kathy finally find her charming butler? Will Jarrod get those stains out of his newly gifted rug? Will Delvin survive this roller coaster of an episode? Join us as we find out the answers to these most intriguing questions.
Let us know what yo
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 040
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 040
Issue: Transformers #40 (Marvel)
OPTIMUS PRIME IS BACK for this TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES! Ok, we’re definitely PRETENDERS about that but please listen anyway!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
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Rogue Agents - Episode 004: James Bond Origin #1
Rogue Agents
Episode 004: James Bond Origin #1
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on Jun 29, 2020.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
Special Guest & comic book a
Longbox Crusade - Episode 039: Tomb Raider #2 (January, 2000)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 039: Tomb Raider #2 (January, 2000)
On this LONGBOX CRUSADE the lads cover 2TOMB 000RAIDER from January! Oops, Y2K glitch! I’m sure you can figure it out 😉
Let us know what you think!
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
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Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 23
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 23
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #23
Forces are gathering! Jarrod is back! And we all are coming out to play with the Nothing But the Truth storyline, New Warriors #23! (vol 1)
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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This podcast is a member of the Lo
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 042
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 042
Issue: G.I. Joe #42
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #42, Pat & Jarrod take a look at the penultimate issue of this amazing run. So much going on in this one, including the death of a beloved Joe...
Be sure to check out all the ot
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 18 - Bloody Murder
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 18
Title: Bloody Murder
Death Probe, Dark Web, and Kristatos view a BLOODY MURDER! Will Duran Duran take issue with this? Probably not. This time 😏
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: https://tw
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 22: Studio Two
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 22: Studio Two
The Beatles make their first visit to Studio Two at Abbey Road, continue to expand their gig schedule, make their final line-up change, and attract the attention of a local TV station.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Money (Intro from Decca auditions)
The Beatles - Love Me Do (Anthology 1)
The Beatles - Ask Me Why (Teenager’s Turn radio show)
Bruce Channel - Hey Baby
Joe Brown - A Picture of You
Johnny Kid
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 076: 1943: Batman - Chapter 13 - Eight Steps Down
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 076: 1943: Batman - Chapter 13 - Eight Steps Down
BATMAN is just EIGHT STEPS DOWN from DAKA! We know what Dave wants BATMAN to do…”Come down on ‘em,” but will he on this next SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE?
AD Break: : War Bonds Commercial with Bette Davis: https://youtu.be/Oj1pApagBh4
Watch along here: Batman (1943) Chapter 13: https://youtu.be/mLjabPqQmhI
Let us know what you think!
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Action Film Face-Off - Episode 58: U-571 (2000) vs Shout at the Devil (1976)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 58: U-571 (2000) vs Shout at the Devil (1976)
Welcome to the 58th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 2000 & 1976, so here are our contestants:
U-571 (2000) vs Shout at the Devil (1976)
Which sinking-German-ships film will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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Fan Film Fridays - Episode 34: One on One
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 34: One on One
Clinton gets Super reporter Matthew to help him write his human interest story about hanging out in the LBC basement and maybe play a game of One on One or watch a fan film called One on One.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/BngcLnLZgA8
Find Matthew on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RadioSuperman
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a mem
Rogue Agents - Episode 003: The Octopussy Comic Book Adaptation (Marvel Super Special #26)
Rogue AgentsEpisode 003: The Octopussy Comic Book Adaptation (Marvel Super Special #26)
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on May 18, 2020.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This e
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast Radio Show - Episode 08: The Unfortunate Tobacconist
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 08: The Unfortunate Tobacconist
Welcome to the 8th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Unfortunate Tobacconist from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 5, Episode 80.
This ep
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 071: January 1981
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 071: January 1981
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #215, Uncanny X-Men #144
Warning: Look, we’re talking about MAN-THING and one of the most hilarious Spidey panels you’ll ever find! Do NOT expect maturity within (but do expect Tim Price)! (Amazing Spider-man #215 & X-Men #144)
Chapter Times:
00:01:02 - Opening
00:08:43 - 1st Featured Comic Issue
00:09:41 - 1st Comic Cover Description/Discussion/Rating
00:19:58 - 1st Comic Synopsis//Discussion/Rating
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 22
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 22
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #22
Delvin brings Jason Lady along as they talk about the beginning of the "Nothing But the Truth" Storyline! Are the New Warriors ready to handle it?
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 041
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 041
Issue: G.I. Joe #41
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.On this episode, featuring issue #41, our Special Ops guest is Gary V, Codename: Iron Monger! There'sSTILL so much going on! Cobra's plot: foiled! General Rey: still awesome! Scanner: RIP! All this and some t
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 17
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 17
Title: Too Clever
That Jarrod and Jason… just think they’re TOO CLEVER! But don’t worry, Delvin is on the case! So is Pat! Will you be?
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
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Before They Were Beatles - Episode 21: Suits and Star Club
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 21: Suits and Star Club
The Beatles make their radio debut, change leather for suits, and make a return to Hamburg.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Money (Intro from Decca auditions)
The Beatles - Dream Baby (How Long Must I Dream)
Royal Waterford Showband - Hucklebuck
Emile Ford & The Checkmates - What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For?
Roy Young - Hey Little Girl
Gene Vincent - Be Bop Lula ‘62
Tony Sherida
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 075: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Friar Tuck
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 075: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Friar Tuck
Alan from The Bold Outlaw came along to see if the FRIAR TUCK episode of ROBIN HOOD was as good as the Little John (what?!) episode for this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Winston Cigarettes - https://youtu.be/apD9_hLxqE0
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This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 039
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 039
Issue: Transformers #39 (Marvel)
We promise you that listening to this episode of TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES is definitely less painful than, say, a projectile through your chest 🙂 Come listen!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://lin
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 57: Deja Vu (2006) vs. Source Code (2011)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 57: Deja Vu (2006) vs. Source Code (2011)
Welcome to the 57th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 2006 & 2011, so here are our contestants:
Deja Vu (2006) vs. Source Code (2011)
Which trippy-time-travel film will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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Rogue AgentsEpisode 002: Find Your Fate Special - Win, Place, or Die!
Rogue AgentsEpisode 002: Find Your Fate Special - Win, Place, or Die!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the original posted information from when this episode originally aired on May 11, 2020.
The Rogue Agents return! Starring Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - Jason Alberich - Delvin Williams - and Pat Sampson.
This episode:
A quick
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 08 - Galaxy Express 999
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 08 - Galaxy Express 999
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where a Longbox Crusade host shares their memories of days gone by...
This episode Clinton reminisces about: Galaxy Express 999
Find Clinton on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoffeeComicsBlg
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 070: December 1980
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 070: December 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #214, Uncanny X-Men #143
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles! Featuring (in no particular order: a frightful foursome, a creepy alien, a destroyed mansion, and a fishy villainess! (#Spiderman 214 & #X-Men 143)
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the
Comics To Console Crusade - Episode 07: BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM (2009)
Comics To Console Crusade
Episode 07: BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM (2009)
We’re proud to bring you episode 7 of Comics to Console Crusade!
Jarrod, Pat, & Joe check-in as inmates of Arkham Asylum! They should have taken the plea deal that DA Harvey Dent offered them, I guess...but while they're in the clink, they review -- BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM (2009).
Is it as good as they say it is? Does it hold up 14 years later? Let's find out!
Check out Joe November's soundcloud at: https:/
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 07 - Public Library
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 07 - Public Library
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: The Public Library
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 040
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 040
Issue: G.I. Joe #40
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #40, our Special Ops guest is Gary V, Codename: Iron Monger! There's so much going on! Cobra Island: nuked! General Rey: charming! Overlord: forgettable! All this and some tal
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 21
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 21
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #21
Big things happening in the Warrior-verse! Can Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) keep up with all the changes? Probably not, that's why we need the audience's help! Come out to play with us!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
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Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 074: 1943: Batman - Chapter 12 - Embers of Evil
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 074: 1943: Batman - Chapter 12 - Embers of Evil
Come for the lads talking about Batman and EMBERS OF EVIL but stay for all the talk about Mr. Potato Head in this SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: Potato Head (tenth commercial): https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturd
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 20: Decca Demos
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 20: Decca Demos
It’s early 1962 and John, Paul, George, and Pete, are headed down to London to audition for a major record label. Will they land that much desired recording contract?
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Money (Intro from Decca auditions)
Beatles - Memphis Tennessee (Decca auditions)
Brian Poole & The Tremeloes - Do You Love Me
The Beatles - Like Dreamers Do
The Beatles - Hello Little Girl
Dick James - Th
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 56: The Getaway (1972) vs. Speed (1994)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 56: The Getaway (1972) vs. Speed (1994)
Welcome to the 56th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 1972 & 1994, so here are our contestants:
The Getaway (1972) vs. Speed (1994)
Which "mad dash" film will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
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Longbox Crusade - Episode 038: Brave and the Bold #12 (June, 2008) JLMAY 2023
Longbox Crusade
Episode 038: Brave and the Bold #12 (June, 2008) JLMAY 2023
It’s JLMAY 2023 and the lads take on BRAVE AND THE BOLD (JUNE 2008)…and how to pronounce “Megistus” for this episode of LONGBOX CRUSADE!
Follow the JLMay 2023 Event with Participating Podcasts:
Overlooked Dark Knight
Dial F for Flanger
The Bat-Pod
The Legion Project
Teal Productions
Wright On Network
Justice Trek
Popculture Affidavit
It All Comes Back to Superman
Long Box Crusade
Resurrections An
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles Episode 069: November 1980
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 069: November 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #213, Uncanny X-Men #142
DAYS OF FUTURE PAST conclusion? Wingless Wizard attacking? Niiiiiice! Just another great episode of Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles! (Spidey 213/X-Men 142)
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcrusa
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 33: In Brightest Day Off
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 33: In Brightest Day Off
Delvin’s DAY OFF and he spends time to BRIGHTen up Clinton's basement with these simple words “Life is Jiu Jitsu and Jiu Jitsu is Life”
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/WKwLnULEzck
Find Delvin on Twitter at https://twitter.com/dee_ray1977
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 028: MI6 Rookie Agents ep26: Rookies No More! Graduation Special!
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 028: MI6 Rookie Agents ep26: Rookies No More! Graduation Special!
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Episode 08: “The Empty House” & “The Abbey Grange”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 08: “The Empty House” & “The Abbey Grange”
The Game is afoot in this episode as Kathy & Jarrod are joined in the LBC garage by Jason “The Weasel Skull” Alberich to discuss The Return of Sherlock Holmes.
Will Kathy be fooled by the bust of Sherlock? Will Jarrod join Sherlock & Watson in an afternoon nap? Will Jason sell any books outside of the court house? Give the episode a listen and those questions just might get answered.
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 073: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Dead or Alive
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 073: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - Dead or Alive
Little John is introduced to the series and he is here to seek out Robin Hood DEAD OR ALIVE in this latest SATURDAY MATINEE THEATRE!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Ad - https://youtu.be/qYaPgHVwN9s
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymati
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 20
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 20
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #20
Join Jarrod and Delvin for a few New Warriors insights, laughs, and live interaction with folks in the chat!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 19: Mr Epstein
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 19: Mr Epstein
The Beatles' wild ride continues with the formation of a one-off Liverpool ‘supergroup,’ and a momentous lunchtime visit to the Cavern by a local record store owner
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Cry For A Shadow
Johnny Hallyday - Tout Bas-Tout Bas (All Low, All Low)
The Beatles - A Taste of Honey
The Beatles - Twist & Shout
Davy Jones - Amapola
Danny Williams - Moon River
You can find full vers
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 07: The Notorious Canary Trainer
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 07: The Notorious Canary Trainer
Welcome to the 7th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Notorious Canary Trainer from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 5, Episode 79.
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 027: MI6 Rookie Agents ep25: Never Say Never Again BONUS
Episode 027: MI6 Rookie Agents ep25: Never Say Never Again BONUS
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Pod
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 039
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 039
Issue: G.I. Joe #39
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #39, our Special Ops guest is, Jim the Joe Junkie! The randomizer gets stuck on Orsted! The Baroness is killed! And we talk about the various versions of the PITT, in toy form!
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 32: Street Fighter High: The Musical
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 32: Street Fighter High: The Musical
Clinton and Jarrod try out for the school play STREET FIGHTER HIGH: THE MUSICAL. Break a leg!
The film can be found online at:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/JTCutUi2kaY
Part 2: https://youtu.be/LyW9lCVvsvM
Credits Fights: https://youtu.be/5kG7CzfbDHE
Jace Hall music video: https://youtu.be/gywlI2J9I44
Find Jarrod on Twitter at https://twitter.com/yardsaleartist
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 008 - Movie: Batman & Robin (1997)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 008
Movie: Batman & Robin (1997)
On this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Batman & Robin! Is it as bad as some say? Does Batman & Robin have a place in the Batman movie franchise? Is there anything good in the movie? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: Don't Let Anger Steal from You.
You can check out our entire network of shows by subscribing to the "Longb
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 55: Hard Boiled (1992) vs. Sholay (1975)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 55: Hard Boiled (1992) vs. Sholay (1975)
Welcome to the 55th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 1992 & 1975, so here are our contestants:
Hard Boiled (1992) vs. Sholay (1975)
Which MARCHial Arts film will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an em
Longbox Crusade - Episode 037: Green lantern Vol.3 #54 (August 1994)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 037: Green lantern Vol.3 #54 (August 1994)
Come along & ride as we hear Jarrod’s friendship with DARRYL BANKS as Pat brings a chilling tale from GREEN LANTERN AUGUST 1994! OG LONGBOX CRUSADE!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitte
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 06 - The Viennese Strangler
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 06: The Viennese Strangler from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 5, Episode 77
Welcome to the 6th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Viennese Strangler from "The New Adventures of Sherloc
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 038
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 038
Issue: G.I. Joe #38
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #38, our Special Ops guest is, Jim the Joe Junkie! Cobra Commander escapes! Or escaped? Long ago. Who was posing as Cobra Commander? Lots going on!
Be sure to check out all the other
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 19
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 19
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #19
Delvin and Jarrod follow the New Warriors to Vail, Colorado to catch some killer snow but definitely not any W's...no sir. No ma'am. Come play with us and see how crazy it gets!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 18: The Savage Young Beatles
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 18: The Savage Young Beatles
The leather-clad “Savage Young Beatles” continue to take Liverpool by storm.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Cry For A Shadow
Bobby Day - Rockin’ Robin
Cilla Black - Love of The Loved
Kenny Ball and His Jazz Men - Rampart Street Blues
Acker Bilk - Strangers on the Shore
Ray Charles - What I’d Say
Ken Dodd - We Are The Diddymen
You can find full versions of the music heard in this episode in the d
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 072: 1943: Batman - Chapter 11 - A Nipponese Trap
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 072: 1943: Batman - Chapter 11 - A Nipponese Trap
Dr Daka has set A NIPPONESE TRAP for Batman! We think. We’ve been fooled before. Is this a magic trick? Possibly. Listen to Saturday Matinee Theatre? Of course 😊
AD Break: 1943 Commercial Party Magic (ninth commercial): https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETW
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 16 - Murder at Coney Island
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 16
Title: Murder at Coney Island
There has been a MURDER AT CONEY ISLAND! Was it Death Probe? Maybe. Will Professor Dark Web get to the bottom of things? Will you?
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 54: Westworld (1973) vs. Universal Soldier (1992)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 54: Westworld (1973) vs. Universal Soldier (1992)
Welcome to the 54th episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 1973 & 1992, so here are our contestants:
Westworld (1973) vs. Universal Soldier (1992)
Which "programming gone wrong" film will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 038
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 038
Issue: Transformers #38 (Marvel)
Not to get a-head of ourselves, we introduce FORTRESS MAXIMUS and crew to the main title of TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER:
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 068: October 1980
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 068: October 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #212, Uncanny X-Men #141
Hydro Man? Yeah, gonna play second fiddle to DAYS OF FUTURE PAST storyline on this Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles (Spidey 212/X-Men 141)!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcrusaderchronicles.blogspo
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 31: Street Fighter High
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 31: Street Fighter High
Aloha, Professor Chun-Li. Clinton and Jarrod take some gym classes to get ready for their enrollment at Street Fighter High!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/SweRREumJEI
Find Jarrod on Twitter at https://twitter.com/yardsaleartist
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 025: MI6 Rookie Agents ep24: Spectre
Episode 025: MI6 Rookie Agents ep24: Spectre
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Here's the
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 06 - Tomb Raider
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 06 - Tomb Raider
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: Tomb Raider memories.
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast Radio Show - Episode 05: The Amateur Mendicant Society
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 05: The Amateur Mendicant Society from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 5, Episode 14
Welcome to the 5th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Amateur Mendicant Society from "The New Adventu
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 037
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 037
Issue: G.I. Joe #37
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #37, our Special Ops guest is, once again, Jason "The Weasel Skull" Alberich! The Jugglers? Blackmailed by Duke! The Joe team? Officially reduced! Snake-Eyes? Jail-b
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 18
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 18
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #18
Jarrod & Delvin start the march to issue 25 here with Dwayne finding out something just ain't right with the Taylor Foundation! (oh yeah and we talk New Warriors Annual 1, by popular demand!)
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@l
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 071: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - The Moneylender
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 071: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - The Moneylender
Come learn the differences in British currency (among other things) as the lads and Alan Porter visit Sherwood Forest and ROBIN HOOD in ep 2, The Moneylender!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Texaco - https://youtu.be/7OPSfh-Ay6M
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 15: A Yachtsman’s Alibi
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 15
Title: A Yachtsman’s Alibi
Death Probe has A YACHTSMAN’S ALIBI but will Dark Web fall for it? Will you!?!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 53: Mad Max Fury Road (2015) vs Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 53: Mad Max Fury Road (2015) vs Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Welcome to the 53rd episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 2015 & 1986, so here are our contestants:
Mad Max Fury Road (2015) vs Maximum Overdrive (1986)
Which Max will take it to the max? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you t
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 17: Top Ten
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 17: Top Ten
The Beatles return to Hamburg under promises to behave, take up residence at a new venue, make a record, sack their manager, and discover a haircut.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Cry For A Shadow
Donna Lynn - My Boyfriend Got A Beatle Haircut
Bert Kaempfert - Wonderland By Night
Elvis Presley - Wooden Heart
Tony Sheridan and The Beat Brothers - My Bonnie
Tony Sheridan and The Beat Brothers - The Saints
The B
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 067: September 1980
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 067: September 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #211, Uncanny X-Men #140
Come along for the latest Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles while the lads play bit bingo and get to meet Namor and Wendigo! (Spidey 211 & X-Men 140)
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longboxcrusaderch
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 30: Spider-Man Fun Times!
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 30: Spider-Man Fun Times!
Tim swings by the LBC basement and has a web of a good time talking about two short Spider-Man fan films.
The film can be found online at:
Spider-Man: Villains for Hire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAMZAxlN4hU
Spider-Man: Web Mods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efFMUjVQFAM
Find Tim on Twitter at https://twitter.com/timprice17
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at:
FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 025: MI6 Rookie Agents ep23: Skyfall
Episode 025: MI6 Rookie Agents ep23: Skyfall
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Longbox Crusade - Episode 036: Avengers Vol.1 #221 (July 1982)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 036: Avengers Vol.1 #221 (July 1982)
Jarrod auditions to be a member of the team, will he make the cut? Van Allen Plexico is in and the lads talk AVENGERS from JULY 1982 for this OG format LONGBOX CRUSADE!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https:
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 036
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 036
Issue: G.I. Joe #36
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #36, our Special Ops guest is Jason "The Weasel Skull" Alberich! It looks like Cobra and Joe are both re-organizing...but one is doing much better than the other!
Be sure to che
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 17
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 17
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #17
It's Delvin. And Jarrod. And the New Warriors of course but now there's the FANTASTIC FOUR and...I can't tell you everybody! Come play with us!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Lo
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Episode 07: “The Red Headed League” & “The Final Problem”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 07: “The Red Headed League” & “The Final Problem”
As we wrap up The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Season 2 we welcome the one and only founding member of The Longbow Crew…Pat aka DJ Kristatos.
This episode Kathy, Jarrod & Pat talk burglaries, pipes, lederhosen, and the importance of naps.
Will Jarrod get past the letter A? Will Kathy travel by train through the Swiss Alps? Will Pat survive Reichenbach Falls?
Will Holmes and W
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 070: Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 070: Night of the Living Dead (1968)
It’s a tenth episode of Saturday Matinee Theatre so it’s movie time! Jason brings the genre defining NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymatineetheatre.longboxcrusade.com/ or http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcr
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 037
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 037
Issue: Transformers #37 (Marvel)
Decepticons are on a rampage and there’s nothing but toy race cars to defend against them, what the!?! Listen to TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES, we’ll sort it out!
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://lin
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 16: Three Gigs A Day
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 16: Three Gigs A Day
In this episode - The experience of playing extended sets in Hamburg pays off as The Beatles chase every opportunity to play in front of the newly appreciative Liverpool audiences. Soon they are playing as many as three gigs in a single day including kicking off their legendary run at The Cavern.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Cry For A Shadow
The Olympics - Hully Gully
Stuart Sutcliffe? - Love Me Tender
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 04: The Book of Tobit
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 04: The Book of Tobit from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 5, Episode 75
Welcome to the 4th episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Book of Tobit from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Seaso
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 066: August 1980
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 066: August 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #210, Uncanny X-Men #139
We can see the future: you will listen to Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles, follow us on YouTube, and give us a retweet on Twitter! (Amazing Spider-Man 210 / X-Men 139)
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the WEBSITE: https://longb
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 52: Taken (2008) vs. Big Jake (1971)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 52: Taken (2008) vs. Big Jake (1971)
Welcome to the 52nd episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 2008 & 1971, so here are our contestants:
Mission: Taken (2008) vs. Big Jake (1971)
Which proving-they-still-got-it action hero will win? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - ep24: MI6 Rookie Agents ep22: Quantum of Solace
Episode 024: MI6 Rookie Agents ep22: Quantum of Solace
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 58: The Apartment (1960)
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 58: The Apartment (1960)
Oh, you know that it’s a show when Professor Frenzy (@ProfessorFrenzy) and Rick sit in THE APARTMENT and talk about a movie while playing cards.
Find Professor Frenzy on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ProfessorFrenzy
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Visit the W
Longbox Crusade's New Year's 2023 Countdown Special - Top 20 Toys!
Longbox Crusade's New Year's 2023 Countdown Special - Top 20 Toys!
Welcome to the Longbox Crusade's New Year's Countdown Special #4 - Top 20 Toys!
Join DJ Death Probe, DJ DJ Kristatos and Weasel Skull as they count down the TOP 20 TOYS as voted on by the masses on social media! Will your favorite show make the list?
THE BEST WAY TO LISTEN: If you want this episode to sync up with your New Year's countdown-to-midnight, the instructions are at the beginning of the episode - just make sure you l
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 036
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 036
Issue: Transformers #36 (Marvel)
TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES 36 see GRIMLOCK go cray cray (with a LBC t-shirt to sell that proves it!) but you’ll want to stick around for the @RitzTravers email to us 🥰
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 16
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 16
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #16
Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) and Delvin (Dark Web) are at it again and boy are they in over their heads as they and the New Warriors take on Terrax!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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This podcast is a member of
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 12
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 12: Maze Agency #1
Merry Christmas! Pat brings Chris Sheehan, THE MAZE AGENCY, and lots of joy and sunshine (not pain and rain)! Plus appearances by the LBC Network family and more!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/lo
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 11
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 11: Crimson #1
Day 11 of CRUSADEMAS is no time for daywalkers; it’s time for CRIMSON (and Delvin dodging any pun shenanigans that may bring)!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: https://
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 10
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 10: The Lion and the Eagle #1
Day 10 of CRUSADEMAS has Jason bringing a macabre tale of historical fiction, not fishing, in THE LION AND THE EAGLE!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Follow on TWITTER: ht
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 09
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 09: Man From UNCLE #1
It’s day 9 and Jarrod sneaks in Alan Porter as a guest, which makes sense because he brought THE MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E (accept no substitutes!)
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusade
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 08
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 08: BRZRKR #1
Day 8 of CRUSADEMAS brings our CRUSADERS CLUB CONTEST WINNER, Joe Thomas (musical genius, if you didn’t know) who brings halfsies, but no vowels, in BRZRKR!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/longboxcrusad
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 07
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 07: Booster Gold #1
Day 7 of CRUSADEMAS and Jason Lady brings the four wise men a gift of BOO$TER GOLD!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/longbox
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 06
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 06: Hercules vol.2 #1
Day 6 of CRUSADEMAS and Paul Spataro comes, not with a regift, but with volume 2 of HERCULES! Lucky for him, we almost turned him into dust!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Long
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 05
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 05: Lone Wolf and Cub #1
Day 5 of CRUSADEMAS has Tim Benson of Omaha Bound binding bringing TWO gifts for the gang: LONE WOLF & CUB, but only if fate wills it so!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Longbo
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 04
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 04: Myth Adventures #1
Old friend Tim Price brings a new tale to the entire crew for Day 4 of CRUSADEMAS: MYTH ADVENTURES!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.in
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 03
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 03: Highlander The American Dream #1
So here we are…it’s CRUSADEMAS 2022! (day 3!) With Kevin Reitzel, no podcast is our equal! It’s HIGHLANDER, no trepidation required!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Lon
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 02
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 02: Star Trek The Next Generation Mirror Broken #1
Day 2 of CRUSADEMAS and Aaron Henley brings… a broken mirror? It’s STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION y’all! Come along!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Longb
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022 - Day 01
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2022
Day 01: Transformers UK #204
It’s CRUSADEMAS 2022 and times and comic books are a-changing as Jon Wilson starts us off with TRANSFORMERS UK!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
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Action Film Face-Off - Episode 51: Mission: Impossible III (2006) vs. Predator (1987)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 51: Mission: Impossible III (2006) vs. Predator (1987)
Welcome to the 51st episode!
Our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-present day - selected 2006 & 1987, so here are our contestants:
Mission: Impossible III (2006) vs. Predator (1987)
Who will win - Tom or Arnold? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you thi
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - ep23: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 21: Casino Royale
Episode 023: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 21: Casino Royale
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Networ
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 57: US
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 57: US
Musical genius Joe November joins Rick to talk about horror, terror, half-star ratings, and how it all affects US.
Find Joe on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Joseflin99
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Longbox Crusade - Episode 035: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis #2 (May 1991)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 035: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis #2 (May 1991)
MAY 1991! INDIANA JONES! DARK HORSE COMICS! LONGBOX CRUSADE! (And Jason Lady, who we’re excited to have on!)
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/lon
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast Radio Show - Episode 03: The Night Before Christmas
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 03: The Night Before Christmas from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 6, Episode 17
Welcome to the 3rd episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Night Before Christmas from "The Adventures of Sherl
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Episode 06: “The Norwood Builder” and “The Resident Patient”
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Episode 06: “The Norwood Builder” and “The Resident Patient”
This episode Kathy & Jarrod talk hip injuries and the impressive new doctor in town.
Will grumpy old Jarrod be coaxed out of his hidey hole, will Kathy be murdered by her old thieving gang members? Tune in to find out...
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 065: July 1980
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 065: July 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #209, Uncanny X-Men #138
You shouldn’t be goaded into doing crazy things like, say, fighting or idk, leaving your team but you absolutely should be goaded into listening to Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles ft Spidey 209 & X-Men 138!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: https://long
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - ep22: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 20: Die Another Day
Episode 022: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 20: Die Another Day
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Netw
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 15: Hamburg Days
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 15: Hamburg Days
Welcome to Season Two of the Before They Were Beatles podcast. This season we take a look at the group's first few trips to Hamburg, Germany, and their rise to the most popular band in Liverpool.
As we start Season Two - John, Paul, George, Pete, and Stuart have arrived in Hamburg, Germany. But what awaits these young men from Liverpool?.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Beatles - Cry For A Shadow
Judy Garland - Somewhere Over
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 035
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 035
Issue: G.I. Joe #35
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #35, it's just Death Probe & DJ Kristatos...with a dash of internet-troubled Jason "The Weasel Skull" Alberich! New Moon? Blow'd Up. Hawk? Cranky. Snake-E
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 15
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 15
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #15
Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) are back at it again and so is Psionex! Aaaaannndd Terrax? We'll get to that, we promise!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Long
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 069: 1943: Batman - Chapter 10 - Flying Spies
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 069: 1943: Batman - Chapter 10 - Flying Spies
Will Pat change his name to Golden Throat? Will Laurel from HR approve that? Will Batman and Robin finally notch a “W” in a fight? Tune in to SMT to find out in FLYING SPIES!
AD Break: 1943 Commercial RCA Radio (eighth commercial): https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
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This podcast is
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast Radio Show - Episode 02: The Bruce Partington Plans
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 02: The Bruce Partington Plans from "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 1, Episode 06
Welcome to the 2nd episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Bruce Partington Plans from "The Adventures of Sherl
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 56: The Public Enemy
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 56: The Public Enemy
Rick is joined by a coworker Angela to try and figure out who is really THE PUBLIC ENEMY. Hint, it may actually be Rick.
Find on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ReelFilmSnobs
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 035
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 035
Issue: Transformers: #35 (Marvel)
TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES 35 is go and we see DEFENSOR, BRUTICUS, BLASTER, and GRIMLOCK giving the team a golden t-shirt opportunity 😮
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/L
Action Film Face-Off - Horror Film Face-Off 2022 - Episode 50: Brainscan (1994) vs. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Action Film Face-Off - Horror Film Face-Off 2022
Episode 50: Brainscan (1994) vs. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Welcome to the 50th episode - HORROR FILM FACE-OFF 2022!
The Annual HORROR FILM FACE-OFF Halloween Special, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2021 - selected 1994 & 1996, so here are our contestants:
Brainscan (1994) vs. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
Who will win - The ER Doctor or the kid from T2? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodom
Longbox Crusade - Episode 034: Mask #3 (February 1986)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 034: Mask #3 (February 1986)
Jarrod’s gonna lead the mission, and Kristatos’ got such super vision (couldn’t fit Jason into that bit, ah well)! The lads cover MASK on this FEB 1986 version of LONGBOX CRUSADE!
Opening Comments [0:01:01]
Podcast promo: The James Bond Lexicon [0:06:56]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:58]
Podcast promo: Film and Water Podcast [0:39:37]
Add It Up [0:40:21]
Way Back In Time [0:46:53]
Podcast promo: Quarterbin Podcast
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 05 - Mortal Kombat
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 05 - Mortal Kombat
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: Mortal Kombat memories.
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGB
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 034
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 034
Issue: G.I. Joe #34
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #34, it's just Death Probe & DJ Kristatos. Exciting things are happening in New Moon, Arizona!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.co
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 14
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 14
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #14
It's Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist)! It's Delvin (Dark Web)! It's a guest host (Jason Lady)! It's New Warriors 14! Come Out to Play with us!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbo
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 14: Hamburg Bound
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 14: Hamburg Bound
With their first tour behind them, the Silver Beatles start to get regular gigs in and around Liverpool leading to an invitation to play in Hamburg, Germany; but first, the boys must find that most elusive of creatures, a permanent drummer.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
Royston Ellis & The Shadows
Paul McCartney - Michelle
Gerhard Gschossmann - Summertim
Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 068: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - The Coming of Robin Hood
Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 068: 1955: The Adventures of Robin Hood - The Coming of Robin Hood
1955’s ROBIN HOOD on Saturday Matinee Theatre starts here and Pat plays a ukulele! No, really!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Nestlé Chunky Candy Bar What A Chunk Of Chocolate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_xf-MPKLf0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 29: The Order - Episode One: Rosier
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 29: The Order - Episode One: Rosier (Harry Potter)
The official LBC Fortune Teller Laurel stops by the basement to say: You're a Wizard Clinton! And also talk about a Harry Potter fan film called The Order - Episode One: Rosier.
The film can be found online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XToSLQGTF0E
Find Laurel on Twitter at https://twitter.com/mtnflwr1
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrus
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast - Radio Show - Episode 01: The Double Zero
LBC Irregulars: A Sherlock Holmes Podcast
Radio Show - Episode 01: The Double Zero from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Season 6, Episode 12
Welcome to the 1st episode of our coverage of Sherlock Holmes as he appeared on vintage radio shows!
Join your host, Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, and friends, as we listen to an actual old-timey radio show together and then chat about it afterward.
This episode's feature: The Double Zero from "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" -
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - ep21: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 19: The World Is Not Enough
Episode 021: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 19: The World Is Not Enough
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podc
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 55: Dr. Strangelove
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 55: Dr. Strangelove
Grab your cowboy hat, hold onto the nuke tightly, and let’s keep the fighting to a minimum in the War Room, cause Rick and David are going to talk about Dr. Strangelove.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Action Film Face-Off - Episode 49: Goldfinger (1964) vs. The Searchers (1956)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 49: Goldfinger (1964) vs. The Searchers (1956)
Welcome to the 49th episode!
RETRO REWIND, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1950-1969 - selected 1964 & 1956, so here are our contestants:
Goldfinger (1964) vs. The Searchers (1956)
Who will win - 007 or the Duke? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 14: A Question of Identity
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 14
Title: A Question of Identity
#LBCCrew has A QUESTION OF IDENTITY and it looks like one of us won’t survive!*
*don’t worry, we’re all just reading roles. We all survive
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxC
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 13
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 13
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #13
Jarrod and Delvin have reached the end of the Forever Yesterday storyline...but will all the New Warriors! Tune in and find out!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusa
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 13: First Tour
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 13: First Tour
Ringo gives up the day job, while the Silver Beetles find another drummer, fail a major audition, but still end up going on their first tour.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
Gene Vincent - Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Casey Jones & The Governers - Dizzy Miss Lizzie
Kingsize Taylor & The Dominies - Clarabella
Sensational Alex Harvey Band - Boston Tea Party
Johnny Gentle -
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles - Episode 064: June 1980
Amazing Spider-Man Chronicles
Episode 064: June 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #208, Uncanny X-Men #137
The Alberich bros fuse together to try and stop the Phoenix. Will their combined force be enough? Tune in to find out as the LBC Crew reviews Amazing Spider-Man #208 and X-Men #137.
Opening [0:00:47]
Podcast promo - Action Film Face-Off - [0:05:01]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:19]
Podcast promo - AnimaFreaks - [0:41:21]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:43:21]
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 48: Extraction (2020) vs. Superman (1978)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 48: Extraction (2020) vs. Superman (1978)
Welcome to the 48th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 2020 & 1978, so here are our contestants:
Extraction (2020) vs. Superman (1978)
Who will win - Thor Hemsworth or Kal Reeve? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you thin
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - ep20: MI6 Rookie Agents ep18: Tomorrow Never Dies
Episode 020: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 18: Tomorrow Never Dies
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 54: Gravity
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 54: Gravity
Laurel (@MtnFlwr1) may feel alone in the void of space (AKA the attic of the LBC headquarters), but she has to face the GRAVITY of recording with Rick.
Find Laurel on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MtnFlwr1
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Longbox Crusade - Episode 033: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #43 (January 1986)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 033: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #43 (January 1986)
Pat brings a GI JOE Vietnam era tale to 3 veterans…think that will generate discussion? That and much more from LONGBOX CRUSADE 33 January 1986!
Opening Comments [0:01:04]
Podcast promo: Action Film Face-Off [0:07:51]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:10:10]
Podcast promo: Hostess Ad 2- Spider-Man - Longbox Crusade [0:50:13]
Add It Up [0:51:17]
Way Back In Time [1:00:06]
Podcast promo: Comics For
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 04 - NFL
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 04 - NFL
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: early NFL football memories
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRU
LBC Irregulars - Episode 05: The Copper Beeches & The Greek Interpreter
LBC Irregulars
Episode 05: The Copper Beeches & The Greek Interpreter
"The Copper Beeches" & "The Greek Interpreter ". No special quest this episode, just Kathy & Jarrod chillin’ at the Diogenes Club with their dead bird, and their ravenous mastiff. Shhh!!!
Will Kathy agree to cut her hair for the price of £130 a year? Tune in and find out.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETW
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 067: 1943: Batman - Chapter 9 - The Sign of the Sphinx
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 067: 1943: Batman - Chapter 9 - The Sign of the Sphinx
Jason Lady joins the lads and they talk about which Keds go best with kicking Batman’s butt in THE SIGN OF THE SPHINX!
AD Break: 1943 Commercial: Ked's (seventh commercial): https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Agents of LBC - Mission 16
Agents of LBC - Mission 16
Mission: Final Wrap Up
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this Final mission episode and find out who the winner is. Thank you everyone that played along and joined in on the fun!
Mission 16: Final Wrap Up
Thank you, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a membe
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 12
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 12
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #12
Delvin and Jarrod are right in the middle of Forever Yesterday and the New Warrior poop is about to hit the New Warriors fan! You gotta hear us talk about it!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 033
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 033
Issue: G.I. Joe #33
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #33, the lads are joined by Jason Keen, Codename: Weazel Zkull. A somewhat serious and surrealistic issue as we take a peek into the inner mind of General Hawk.
Be sure to che
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 034
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 034
Issues: Transformers: Headmasters #1 - #4 (Marvel)
Knowing what stories are coming up, the TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES crew reads the HEADMASTERS series guaranteed to be more than meets the…head 🥴
Check out the Married with Cartoons Podcast at: marriedwcomics.libsyn.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
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Before They Were Beatles - Episode 12: A Man On A Flaming Pie
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 12: A Man On A Flaming Pie
The first half of 1960 turned out to be a significant one for John, Paul, and George as they find a new bandmate, a manager, and even a new name for their band.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
Eddie Cochran - Come On Everybody
The Crickets - I Fought The Law
The Beatles (with Stuart Sutcliffe) - Hallelujah I Love Her So / You’ll Be Mine / Cayenne
You can find full versions
Crusader Chronicles Episode 063: May 1980
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 063: May 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #207, Uncanny X-Men #136
One book has you juggling balls. One book has you crying 96 tears! You COULD guess based off the covers, but we’d rather you listen to Crusader Chronicles!
Opening [0:00:48]
Podcast promo - Longbox Crusade Network - [0:05:15]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:15]
Podcast promo - Hostess Ad - Spider-Man - Longbox Crusade - [0:41:24]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:42:57]
Podcast p
Agents of LBC - Mission 15
Agents of LBC - Mission 15
Mission: James Bond
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 15: James Bond
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCru
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 47: Passenger 57 vs. The Taking of Pelham 123 (1974)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 47: Passenger 57 vs. The Taking of Pelham 123 (1974)
Welcome to the 47th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 1992 & 1974, so here are our contestants:
Passenger 57 vs. The Taking of Pelham 123 (1974)
Who will win - Train Highjack or Plane Highjack? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 28: Batgirl vs Lady Shiva
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 28: Batgirl vs Lady Shiva
Clinton is going solo as he battles the heat in the basement. Speaking about battling he decides to watch the fan film Batgirl vs Lady Shiva.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/FWDOYsDSs24
Find Clinton on Twitter at https://twitter.com/CoffeeComicsBlg
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 019: MI6 Rookie Agents - Episode 17: Goldeneye
Episode 019: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 17: Goldeneye
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!&n
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 53: Parasite
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 53: Parasite
Rick tries out a new con by convincing Cullen that he needs a chauffeur, and then tricks him into watching PARASITE.
Find Cullen on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Bearhair2000
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 066: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Tyrant's Daughter
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 066: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Tyrant's Daughter
The lads say goodbye to 221B but get to reminisce with friends on memories made in this extra sized Saturday Matinee Theatre!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Revlon Lipstick - https://youtu.be/OgzT9oyVE98
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 13: A Hot Pursuit
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 13
Title: A Hot Pursuit
#LBCCrew is in A HOT PURSUIT that has literally nothing to do with Roscoe P. Coletrain…we think. We never get them right either 😝
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on I
Crusader Chronicles Episode 062: April 1980
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 062: April 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #206, Uncanny X-Men #135
The lads get a case of Harrow madness that has them as high as the Phoenix! Not nearly as bad as it sounds, trust us (or listen to Crusader Chronicles)!
Opening [0:00:49]
Podcast promo - Longbox Crusade - [0:05:59]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:06:54]
Podcast promo - The James Bond Lexicon - [0:41:17]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:42:19]
Podcast promo - Hostess Ad - Hulk - L
Agents of LBC - Mission 14
Agents of LBC - Mission 14
Mission: Mission 14:City Limits
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 14: City Limits
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.c
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 11
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 11
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #11
Jarrod (Death Probe) is CONFUUUUSSSSED and Delvin (Dark Web) better have some answers! It's New Warriors 11 and the Forever Yesterday storyline has begun!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a m
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 11: Rocking The Casbah
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 11: Rocking The Casbah
It’s late 1959 and The QuarryMen have a new gig, but not for long, while Ringo continues to rock the joint with The Hurricanes. The Quarry Men transform into The Moondogs and John gets persuasive with his friend Stuart.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
Acker Bilk & The Paramount Jazz Band - Ackers Away
Rory Storm & The Hurricanes (feat Ringo Starkey) - Something Else&n
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 03 - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 03 - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 033
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 033
Issues: Transformers #33 & #34 (Marvel)
TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES goes to the UK for the MAN OF IRON storyline and we owe you a farthing for every bad British pun we make!
Opening [0:00:14]
Podcast promo - Longbox Crusade Network - [0:08:59]
Transformers Spotlight - Marvel UK [0:12:00]
Comic Issues Review/Discussion [0:32:14]
Who had the touch? [0:52:27]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:55:55]
Podcast promo - The Rod Pod - [1:05:
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 52: Paint Your Wagon
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 52: Paint Your Wagon
Rick checks in with basement dweller Clinton (@fridays_fan) to see what he feels about heading out to California to find gold, sing songs, and of course, PAINT YOUR WAGON.
Find Clinton on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/fridays_fan
or https://twitter.com/CoffeeComicsBlg
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 46: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) vs. Mission: Impossible II (2000)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 46: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) vs. Mission: Impossible II (2000)
Welcome to the 46th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 2011 & 2000, so here are our contestants:
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) vs. Mission: Impossible II (2000)
Who will win - Tom Cruise or Tom Cruise? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the othe
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 27: Sandman: 24 Hour Diner
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 27: Sandman: 24 Hour Diner
Sean stops by to drop off some cheese for Pat and also help Clinton get out of the basement.
Will Clinton get out?
“No, no, no, no, only in his dreams
As real as it may seem
It was only in his dreams”
The trailer can be found online at: https://youtu.be/S2vAYF2551g
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/5kIP70LAIBI
Find Sean on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Sean42AZ
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at
Agents of LBC - Mission 13
Agents of LBC - Mission 13
Mission: Post Office
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 13: Post Office
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxC
LBC Irregulars - Episode 04: The Speckled Band & The Blue Carbuncle
LBC Irregulars
Episode 04: The Speckled Band & The Blue Carbuncle
"The Speckled Band" & "The Blue Carbuncle". No special quest this episode, just Gene & Jarrod relaxing at 221B, listening to audio books on cassette and swapping Christmas goose recipes.
What should you know before going on an overnight stakeout? Will we find out what an irascible poulterer is? Tune in and find out!
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
Find G
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 032
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 032
Issue: G.I. Joe #32
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #32, the lads are joined by Aaron Moss, Codename: Brother Head. A TON going on in this issue, but there's definitely some Baroness betrayal, and Hawk getting mortally wounded!
Agents of LBC - Mission 12
Agents of LBC - Mission 12
Mission: Tractor
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 12: Tractor
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 10
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 10
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #10
Night Thrasher did some digging into the White Queen's computers and she ain't happy! Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod (Death Probe) discuss New Warriors issue 10! Come play with us!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 10: Three Cool Cats
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 10: Three Cool Cats
We pick up our journey in early 1959 when we find “Three Cool Cats” anxious to find somewhere to continue playing, while some other guy with a drum set finds himself in high demand.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
Anthony Newley - Personality
Gene Vincent - Wedding Bells
Paul McCartney - I’ll Follow The Sun
The Clash - Rock The Casbah
The Beatles - Three Cool Cats (from Antholog
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 065: 1943: Batman - Chapter 8 - Lured by Radium
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 065: 1943: Batman - Chapter 8 - Lured by Radium
Try SMT! Doctors say it’s their podcast of choice when they take a break! Side effects include being LURED BY RADIUM & a debilitating cough…tune in!
AD Break: 1943 Commercial: Camel Cigarettes (sixth commercial): https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 061: March 1980
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 061: March 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #205, Captain America #246
Anything can happen recording live: moms may show up, cats might be in cradles, but since it’s Crusader Chronicles you know Spidey (205) is there and Captain America comes along too!
Opening [0:00:52]
Podcast promo - Hamilton vs. Burr: A Werewolf Tale - [0:10:22]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:11:51]
2nd Co
Agents of LBC - Mission 11
Agents of LBC - Mission 11
Mission: Waffle House
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 11: Waffle House
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Longbo
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 51: Harvey
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 51: Harvey
Rick, Rob Kelly, and HARVEY walk into a bar to have a drink and talk about this Jimmy Stewart masterpiece…..And how are you Mr. Wilson?
Find Rob on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/kellycreative
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 45: Highlander (1986) vs. Spider-Man (2002)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 45: Highlander (1986) vs. Spider-Man (2002)
Welcome to the 45th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 2002 & 1986, so here are our contestants:
Highlander (1986) vs. Spider-Man (2002)
Who will win - The Immortal or The Spider? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you t
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 007: Toy: Gobots - The Toys
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 007
Toy: Gobots - The Toys
On this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Gobots! The toys! Are they as bad as some say? Are they just knock-off Transformers? Is there anything good about them? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: Express Your Boundaries
You can check out our entire network of shows by subscribing to the "Longbox Crusade" on yo
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 031
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 031
Issue: G.I. Joe #31
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #31, the lads are joined by Rick Heinichen, Codename: Not Romeo Jeff Team?! A TON going on in this issue, but Destro blackmailing the entire world was a highlight!
Be sure to
Agents of LBC - Mission 10
Agents of LBC - Mission 10
Mission: Blue Car
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 10: Blue Car
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 09
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 09
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #9
It's your boys, Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod (Death Probe) coming out to play for New Warriors 9 and they brought THE PUNISHER and a host of others with them...come play with us, won't you?
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longb
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 02 - Batman 89
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 02 - Batman 89
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: Batman in 1989
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NE
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 064: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Diamond Tooth
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 064: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Diamond Tooth
Don’t go chasing waterfalls, just creep right over to 221B with the lads, Tim Price, some Ovaltine, and THE CASE OF THE DIAMOND TOOTH (that you scrub, obviously)!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Ovaltine https://youtu.be/cocaFUmqf0k
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 12
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 12
Title: Class Day
CLASS DAY can be MURDER for the LBC Crew and we aren’t talking about bowl haircuts! Tune in!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/longbo
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 09: A “Get Back” Special
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 09: A “Get Back” Special
In this episode, we take a break on our journey through the Beatles’ past and jump ahead to 1969 and the tail end of the group’s creative output as we will discuss the “Get Back” project.
We’ll be dividing the discussion into three parts:
The TV documentary series
The “Let It Be / Get Back” vinyl box set
The “Get Back” book
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
Paul McCartney -
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 060: February 1980
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 060: February 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #204, X-Men #133
Crusader Chronicles 60 turns back the time dial where Pat and Jarrod end up manning the show all. By. Themselves! How did that happen? Gotta listen to find out! (Featuring Amazing Spidey 204 and X-Men 133!)
Opening [0:00:49]
Podcast promo - Fan Film Fridays - [0:07:05]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:09]
Podcast promo - Days of High Adventure - [0:33:41]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion
Agents of LBC - Mission 09
Agents of LBC - Mission 09
Mission: AU Flag
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 09: AU Flag
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 032
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 032
Issue: Transformers #32 (Marvel)
Come for TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES, stay to find out why you don’t cross GRIMLOCK or trust used car salesmen from the 80s! Let’s go!
Opening [0:00:17]
Podcast promo - Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - [0:08:29]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:41]
Who had the touch? [0:39:33]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:43:51]
Transformers Spotlight - Onslaught [0:48:50]
Podcast promo - Dial F for Flanger - [0:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 44: Batman Returns (1992) vs. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 44: Batman Returns (1992) vs. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Welcome to the 44th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 1992 & 1981, so here are our contestants:
Batman Returns vs. Raiders of the Lost Ark
Who will win - The Bat or The Hat? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us kno
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 018: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 16: License To Kill
Episode 018: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 16: License To Kill
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 50: Let the Right One In
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 50: Let the Right One In
To celebrate 50 episodes, Rick questions if he LET THE RIGHT ONE IN as Jarrod takes over the attic to talk about vampires.
Find Jarrod on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/yardsaleartist
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Longbox Crusade - Episode 032: Battle Chasers #1 (April 1998)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 032: Battle Chasers #1 (April 1998)
What podcast is in your feed that features BATTLE CHASERS but wants you to call their hotline with your best Batman joke? Well, ours. You’re on our page, silly 🤪
Opening Comments [0:01:02]
Podcast promo: Comics For Courage [0:07:38]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:10:40]
Podcast promo: Straight out of the Federation [0:42:26]
Add It Up [0:43:50]
Way Back In Time [0:52:17]
Podcast promo: The Monsters
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 08
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 08
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #8
Who's here this episode? Night Thrasher. Punisher. Force of Nature. Delvin (Dark Web)...anyone else? Guess you'll have to find out for yourself!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of th
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 030
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 030
Issue: G.I. Joe #30
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #30, the lads are joined by Jeason Keen, Codename: Weazel Zkull! A lot going on in this issue, but Copperhead getting a jet-ski dropped on his head was a highlight!
Be sure to
Agents of LBC - Mission 08
Agents of LBC - Mission 08
Mission: Real Estate
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 08: Real Estate
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxC
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 08: Tragedy & First Recording
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 08: Tragedy & First Recording
In this episode, we enter 1958, a year of personal tragedy and the first few steps towards recording for The Quarrymen.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
Quarrymen ‘58 - Raunchy
Buddy Holly & The Crickets - Live - Peggy Sue
Paul McCartney - Cats Walk
John Lennon - Julia
Quarrymen - First recording - That’ll Be The Day
Quarrymen - First recording - I
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 063: 1943: Batman - Chapter 7 - The Phoney Doctor
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 063: 1943: Batman - Chapter 7 - The Phoney Doctor
Kevin teaches the lads pinochle while Batman and Robin need a heck of a lot of Scotties Tissue (to clean up the blood…their own) in The Phoney Doctor!
AD Break: 1943 Commercial: Scotties Tissues (fifth commercial): https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 01 - Kay-Bee Toys
Nostalgia Talk: Episode 01 - Kay-Bee Toys
Nostalgia talk is an occasional podcast where Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist, shares his memories of days gone by...
This episode Jarrod reminisces about: KAY-BEE TOYS
Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist
Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE N
Comics To Console Crusade - Episode 06: Silver Surfer (NES) (1990)
Comics To Console Crusade
Episode 06: Silver Surfer (NES) (1990)
We’re proud to bring you episode 6 of Comics to Console Crusade!
Our on-staff musical genius, Joe November, joins our on-staff Yard Sale Artist, Jarrod Alberich, and our on-staff DJ,DJ Kristatos, for some 8-bit superhero shooter action! It's Silver Surfer from 1990! Join the lads as they review the game, and give it historical context by painting a pop-culture picture for you - including video game news, music chart-t
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 26: Interview: Trigger Mortis Productions - Red Right Hand
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 26: Interview: Trigger Mortis Productions - Red Right Hand
Talking with Cast and Crew of “Red Right Hand: A Scream Fan Film”
The concept film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/ePlTsovRCeM
Find Matt and Trigger Mortis on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MetalreduX
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://
Agents of LBC - Mission 07
Agents of LBC - Mission 07
Mission: Arcade
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 07: Arcade
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 017: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 15: The Living Daylights
Episode 017: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 15: The Living Daylights
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podca
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 49: Elf
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 49: Elf
Santa is going to be so surprised when he finds Rick and Mark Russell in his sack. They just wanted to meet an ELF in the North Pole.
Find Mark on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Manruss
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 059: January 1980
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 059: January 1980
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #203, X-Men #132
Life is full of light & dark…this Crusader Chronicles is no different plus Yardsale Artist likes the X-book of the month?!?!? Listen to find out why! How would you rate the covers? Let us know!
Opening [0:00:49]
Podcast promo - Come Out To Play - A New Warriors Podcast - [0:07:11]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:16]
Podcast promo - Who’s Editing - [0:45:44]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Disc
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 43: Who Am I? (1989) vs. Time & Tide (2000)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 43: Who Am I? (1989) vs. Time & Tide (2000)
Welcome to the 43rd episode - MARCHial ARTS Madness!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 1989 & 2000, so here are our contestants:
Who Am I? (1989) vs. Time & Tide (2000)
Who will win in this year's MARCHial Arts Madness? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxC
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 48: Shaun of the Dead
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 48: Shaun of the Dead
Rick and Conner are searching for brains in the LBC Headquarters, and are coming up empty. But they did find SHAUN OF THE DEAD to watch.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 029
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 029
Issue: G.I. Joe #29
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #29, the lads do another live recording - AND they're joined by Dark Web & Weasel Skull! And this issue is all about Destro being one baaaaaad Melon Farmer!
Be sure to check out
Agents of LBC - Mission 06
Agents of LBC - Mission 06
Mission: Taco Bell
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 06: Taco Bell
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusa
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 07
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 07
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #7
Jarrod (Death Probe) and Delvin (Dark Web) are back at it again to discuss New Warriors issue 7 with the Bengal and...the Punisher!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Cru
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 07: Changes
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 07: Changes
In this episode, we look at a vital three months in our story as the boys face changes in their lives, and John and Paul start their songwriting partnership.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
John Lennon - Hound Dog
The Beatles - Bye Bye Love
The Beatles - Long Tall Sally
Les Paul - Guitar Boogie
The Goons - Eh! Ah! Oh! Ooh!
You can find full versions of the music heard in this episode
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 058: December 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 058: December 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #202, Flash #283
Our disguises may be flimsy but don’t run away so fast! We’ll have you shouting WOO HAH in no time, guaranteed! (SPIDEY 202 & FLASH 283)!
Opening [0:00:47]
Podcast promo - The LBC Crew! Show - [0:06:15]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:14]
Podcast promo - Weird Warriors Podcast - [0:42:41]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:44:09]
Podcast promo - A World On Fire - [1:19:32]
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 11
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 11
Title: Upstairs and Down
The LBC Crew goes UPSTAIRS AND DOWN to provide you with these mysteries! Have you solved one yet?
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagr
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 062: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Unlucky Gambler
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 062: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Unlucky Gambler
LEGO back to 221B where we say farewell to Wilkins with THE CASE OF THE UNLUCKY GAMBLER!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Lego: https://youtu.be/0aGLzfZ3HJU
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymatineetheatre
Agents of LBC - Mission 05
Agents of LBC - Mission 05
Mission: VHS Tape
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 05: VHS Tape
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 42: Cold Sweat (1970) vs. Blade II (2002)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 42: Cold Sweat (1970) vs. Blade II (2002)
Welcome to the 42nd episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 1970 & 2002, so here are our contestants:
Cold Sweat (1970) vs. Blade II (2002)
Who will win in this battle of bulging biceps? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you t
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 028
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 028
Issue: G.I. Joe #28
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #28, the lads welcome special guest Joe November! New Joes join the team! Destro leaves Cobra! And is this the end for Hawk & Lady Jaye?
Be sure to check out all the other
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 25: Big Barda of Suburbia
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 25: Big Barda of Suburbia
Clinton is glad he asked Laurel to help him with a project which just turns out to be them watching and talking about the fan film Big Barda of Suburbia.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/eSwPf2_fsR0
Find Laurel on Twitter at https://twitter.com/mtnflwr1
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 015: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 14: A View To A Kill
Episode 015: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 14: A View To A Kill
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast N
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 031
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 031
Issue: Transformers #31 (Marvel)
THE CAR WASH OF DOOM? That sells itself faster than a stroboscopic opticon! It’s TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Opening [0:00:16]
Podcast promo - Come Out To Play… A New Warriors Podcast - [0:11:30]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:12:41]
Who had the touch? [0:54:24]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:59:15]
Transformers Spotlight - Ratbat [1:06:06]
Podcast promo - The Rod Pod - [1:09:20]
Transmissions [1
Agents of LBC - Mission 04
Agents of LBC - Mission 04
Mission: Freezer
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 04 - Freezer
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 06
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 06
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #6
Delvin, Jarrod, and special guest Jason "Weasel Skull" Alberich discuss 1990's New Warriors, issue 6! Will half the team get back from the moon? Will the other Warriors contain an out of control Nova? And who is the mysterious Egyptian lady who keeps popping up?
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 06: The Day Paul Met John
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 06: The Day Paul Met John
For this episode, we focus on one single day. The date is 6th July 1957 - some say the most important day in the Beatles story. The day that Paul McCartney was introduced to John Lennon.
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
The Original Quarrymen (2017) - Midnight Special
John Lennon - Blue Suede Shoes
Quarrymen (recreation from the movie Nowhere Boy) - Maggie Mae
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 061: 1943: Batman - Chapter 6 - Poison Peril
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 061: 1943: Batman - Chapter 6 - Poison Peril
Lethargic? Run down? First, have some Sunbeam bread! Then come back and listen to SMT where we cover Batman and a tale of POISON PERIL!
AD Break: 1943 Commercial: Sunbeam Bread (fourth commercial): https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NE
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 10
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 10
Title: The Professor Gives a Lesson
The LBC Crew is back and why is Kristatos so angry at Death Probe? Find out as THE PROFESSOR GIVES A LESSON!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRA
LBC Irregulars - Episode 03: The Solitary Cyclist & The Crooked Man
LBC Irregulars
Episode 03: The Solitary Cyclist & The Crooked Man
"The Solitary Cyclist" & "The Crooked Man" with guest: Pat "DJ Kristatos" Sampson! How will the lads react to this episode? Will Holmes engage in fisticuffs? When should an episode only be 30 minutes? Tune in and find out!
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
Find Gene Hendricks on Twitter:
The Hammer Strikes! - Random Geeky
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 41: Big Trouble in Little China (1986) vs. Krull (1983)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 41: Big Trouble in Little China (1986) vs. Krull (1983)
Welcome to the 41st episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 1986 & 1983, so here are our contestants:
Big Trouble in Little China (1986) vs. Krull (1983)
Who will win - Urban Chinese fantasy or British SciFi fantasy? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.Long
Agents of LBC - Mission 03
Agents of LBC - Mission 03
Mission: Fire Hydrant
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 03 - Fire Hydrant
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Longb
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 47: Die Hard
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 47: Die Hard
Rick and Steve are falling from the top of the Nakatomi Tower, having a nice chat about DIE HARD. Thankfully, it is a tall building, because it takes us a while.
Find Steve on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/itsagivensblog
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on T
Longbox Crusade - Episode 031: Tarzan #11 (April 1978)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 031: Tarzan #11 (April 1978)
KREEGAH BUNDOLO! Jason takes the crew back to April 1978 for this Longbox Crusade and if you haven’t guessed we’re talking TARZAN you might want to get checked for Night Fever!
Opening Comments [0:01:02]
Podcast promo: Action Film Face-Off [0:06:53]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:12]
Podcast promo: James Bond Lexicon [0:048:46]
Add It Up [0:49:48]
Way Back In Time [0:59:25]
Podcast promo: A World On Fire an All-Sta
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 24: Batman: Death Wish
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 24: Batman: Death Wish
Clinton is joined by MVP Kathy Bright to watch Batman: Death Wish, and also to scope out some space for the Kathy Cave.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/6yEtRZwHdww
Find Kathy on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/AUKathy2418
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.lo
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 015: MI6 Rookie Agents - Episode 013: Octopussy
Episode 015: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 013: Octopussy
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!&
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 006: Dark Tower (2017)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 006
Movie: Dark Tower (2017)
On this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: The Dark Tower (2017 film). Is it as bad as some say? Is it an insult to the book series? Is there any good in it? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: How to Make Time Your Greatest Ally.
You can check out our entire network of shows by subscribing to the "Longbox Crusade" o
Agents of LBC - Mission 02
Agents of LBC - Mission 02
Mission: Speed Limit
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 02 - Speed Limit
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/L
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 05
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 05
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #5
Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod (Yard Sale Artist) are at it again with Come Out to Play Episode 5! What happens in this issue? A lot! Star Thief, Stane International, Mandroids and much more!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longb
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 05: The Boys Began To Play
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 05: The Boys Began To Play
It's 1957 and the boys start to take the stage with the first public performances by the Quarrymen (John), The Rebels (George), and the Eddie Clayton Skiffle Group (Ringo).
The music heard in this episode includes:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
The Merseysippi Jazz Band - Snake Rag
George Harrison & Eric Clapton - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
The New Rebels - Young Blood
Elvis Presley
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 027
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 027
Issue: G.I. Joe #27
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #27, the lads did it in front of a live studio audience, so our special guests were the folks in the chat!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCr
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 060: 1945: Sherlock Holmes: The House of Fear
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 060: 1945: Sherlock Holmes: The House of Fear
Saturday Matinee Theater hits 60 & Pat chooses the one Sherlock Holmes pip the Crew hasn’t covered: Rathbone/Bruce, in THE HOUSE OF FEAR!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymatineetheatre.longboxcrusade.com/ or http://www.long
Agents of LBC - Mission 01
Agents of LBC - Mission 01
Mission: Mailbox
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to listen to this mission episode and join in on the fun!
Mission 01 - Mailbox
Good luck, Agents!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCr
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 030
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 030
Issue: Transformers #30 (Marvel)
RATBAT, well, he has a plan. THROTTLEBOTS, on Earth they land. SCRAPLETS getting out of hand but TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES? You will love ❤️
Opening [0:00:20]
Podcast promo - The Rod Pod - [0:06:39]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:06]
Who had the touch? [0:40:14]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:43:58]
Transformers Spotlight - Chase [0:47:30]
Podcast promo - Transformers University - [0:52:46]
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 40: RoboCop (1987) vs. The Terminator (1984)
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 40: RoboCop (1987) vs. The Terminator (1984)
Welcome to the 40th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 1987 & 1984, so here are our contestants:
RoboCop (1987) vs. The Terminator (1984)
Who will win in the CYBORG FACE-OFF? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 014: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 012: For Your Eyes Only
Episode 014: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 012: For Your Eyes Only
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 46: The Shawshank Redemption
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 46: The Shawshank Redemption
Rick and Miles are taking a walk through the yard and chatting about THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION while looking for rocks.
Find Miles on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MJSchneiderman
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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New Year's 2022 Countdown Special
Welcome to the Longbox Crusade's New Year's Countdown Special #3 - TV Theme Songs!
Join DJ Death Probe and DJ DJ Kristatos as they count down the top 20 TV Themes as voted on by the masses on social media! Will your favorite show make the list? Well, even if it doesn't, you're definitely going to hear some of the best music that TV shows can offer - enjoy!
THE BEST WAY TO LISTEN: If you want this episode to sync up with your New Year's countdown-to-midnight, the instructions are at the beginni
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 12
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 12: Twelve Cobras Cobraing
Issue: G.I. Joe: Cobra #1
Merry Christmas! While we are sad it's the last day of CRUSADEMAS Pat Sampson brings us a tale full of Chuckles with GI JOE: COBRA!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 11
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 11: Eleven Spidey’s Girling
Issue: Spider-Girl #1
Day 11 of CRUSADEMAS starts with a tribute & ends with the lovely Mayday as Delvin brings SPIDER-GIRL to the crew!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Long
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 10
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 10: Ten Ladies Baltimoreing
Issue: Lady Baltimore #1
You’ll have a blast on Day 10 of CRUSADEMAS or(iole) you’ll be raven as Jason provides the crew with LADY BALTIMORE! (Yes, that’s 3 sports team references, we googled it!)
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crus
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 09
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 09: Nine Quantum Leap
Issue: Quantum Leap #1
Day 9. Theorizing that one could time travel within CRUSADEMAS, Jarrod The Yardsale Artist stepped into LBC HQ…and shared QUANTUM LEAP with the crew!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
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12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 08
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 08: Eight Spidey Foes Foeing
Issue: The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #5
Day 8 of CRUSADEMAS brings our CRUSADERS CLUB CONTEST WINNER, Rob Morgan, who takes on one heck of a bull ride with SUPERIOR FOES OF SPIDER-MAN!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Netwo
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 07
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 07: Seven Defenders Defending
Issue: Defenders Vol.1 #84
Day 7 of CRUSADEMAS brings John Ringer and one whopper of a DEFENDERS tale…but where’s Pat? Pat?!? PAT!! Eh, I’m sure he’ll be fine 🤷
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
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12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 06
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 06: Six Madman Madding
Issue: Madman #1
Day 6 of CRUSADEMAS has Dr. G , Jon Hamm, and MAD MEN! Wait, what? Ah. MADMAN. Also, no Jon Hamm. But LBC still 😀
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 05
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 05: Five Shirtless Bears
Issue: Shirtless Bear-Fighter! #1
Day 5 of CRUSADEMAS has Huey of Blast It or Stash It Podcast and an unbelievable amount of pixelation with SHIRTLESS BEAR FIGHTER!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: htt
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 04
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 04: Four Jimmy’s Jimmying
Issue: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olson #82
Day 4 of CRUSADEMAS with Aaron Bossig guesting and, if for some reason you are slow on the uptake with liking SUPERMAN’S PAL, JIMMY OLSON, don’t worry. It just takes some time 😉
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member o
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 03
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 03: Three Miracles Maning
Issue: MiracleMan #1
Day 3 of CRUSADEMAS and Chris Sheehan brings us a Christmas MIRACLEMAN! (Pauses) Trust me, there are worst puns awaiting you in this episode 😜
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: ht
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 02
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 02: Two Next Mens Nexting
Issue: Next Men #29
Day 2 of CRUSADEMAS brings NEXT MEN, which Alan J Porter had awesome reasons to share with our crew of turtle doves! (Or is it turtles and doves? We may have been duped)
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Netwo
12 Days of Crusademas 2021: Day 01
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2021
Day 01: An Atomic Robo Roboing
Issue: Atomic Robo vol 4 #3
It’s CRUSADEMAS 2021 and we couldn’t start with a finer guest, the lovely Laurel, or a finer comic book, ATOMIC ROBO!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
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Before They Were Beatles - Episode 04: Quarrymen
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 04: Quarrymen
It's fall 1956 and a return to school means new friends and new ideas for John Lennon - and one idea, in particular, that will be the catalyst for everything that follows - the formation of a schoolboy skiffle group - The Quarrymen.
The music heard in this episode included:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
The Vipers - Don’t You Rock Me Daddy’O
The Stanley Brothers and the Clinch Mountain Boys - Worried Man Blues
Paul McCartney -
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 39: Hidden Assassin (1992) Vs. Expendables 2 (2012
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 39: Hidden Assassin (1992) Vs. Expendables 2 (2012)
Welcome to the 39th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 1992 & 2012, so here are our contestants:
Hidden Assassin
Expendables 2
Who will win in the DOUBLE DOSE of DOLPH? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know wha
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 029
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 029
Issue: Transformers #29 (Marvel)
Just your normal Jon, Delvin, and Pat episode of TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES...fine, you got us! It's Jon Wilson, not Jon Schafer-Hames, who joins us to talk about TRIPLE CHANGERS & the SCRAPLETS!
Opening [0:00:16]
Podcast promo - Return to Cybertron - [0:012:01]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:12:58]
Who had the touch? [0:50:37]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:53:25]
Transformers Spotlight - Astrot
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 45: Blade Runner
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 45: Blade Runner
Rick is taking LBC superfan Kathy Bright on a replicant hunt as a BLADE RUNNER in-training.
Find Kathy on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/AUKathy2418
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Crusader Chronicles - Episode 057: November 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 057: November 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #201, X-Men #130
Be frank, can you remember what you were doing 5 weeks ago? Losing yourself at a club, maybe? Crusader Chronicles can relate, oh boy, can we relate (AMAZING SPIDEY 201 & UNCANNY X-MEN 130)!
Opening [0:01:02]
Podcast promo - Comics for Courage - [0:07:10]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:10:13]
Podcast promo - Charlie’s Geekcast - [0:51:27]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:52:33]
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 23: Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 23: Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special
Crusademas is around the corner, so no better time for Clinton and Al to talk LOBO and the Paramilitary Christmas Special, ya bastiches!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/PuRIJA7KyHE
Find Al on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/AdamThanosPod
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 013: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 011: Moonraker
Episode 013: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 011: Moonraker
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!&
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 059: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Neurotic Detective
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 059: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Neurotic Detective
You don’t have to disguise your love for The Case of The Neurotic Detective, just sit down with some pie made with Golden Fluffo and enjoy yourself!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Golden Fluffo: https://youtu.be/On7OFQTp4lM
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LO
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 04
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 04
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #4
In this episode Delvin, Jarrod and The New Warriors are introduced to the Psionex team who were bred for one purpose. To destroy the New Warriors! Will they succeed? Tune in and find out!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longbox
Longbox Crusade - Episode 030: Detective Comics #610 (January 1990)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 030: Detective Comics #610 (January 1990)
We started with a Longbox Crusade episode (featuring DETECTIVE COMICS from 1990) & a whole Norm Breyfogle tribute broke out! Come along and reminisce with us about Norm and so much more!
Opening Comments [0:01:08]
Podcast promo: Come Out To Play a New Warriors Podcast [0:05:45]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:06:50]
Podcast promo: JLMay 2018 [0:43:59]
Add It Up [0:47:13]
Way Back In Time [0:58:46]
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 09
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 09
Title: They Usually Forget Something
You know, the thing with #LBCCrew is THEY USUALLY FORGET SOMETHING, but our listeners don’t…they’re too smart! Or are they? Come find out!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Lo
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 03: George, Paul, & Richie
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 03: George, Paul, & Richie
Our journey continues as we meet the teenage George Harrison, James Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey, plus take a side trip to discuss the impact on British rock of guitar virtuoso Bert Whedon.
The music heard in this episode included:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger (Harrison & McCartney)
Burt Weedon - Guitar Boogie Shuffle
The Beatles - extract from A Day in the Life (Lennon & McCartney)
Louis Armstr
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 026
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 026
Issue: G.I. Joe #26
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #26, the lads welcome back Delvin "The Dark Web" Williams, Codename: Homescapes! And we officially begin the Brandon Jerwa era of the run!
Be sure to check out all the other L
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 058: 1943: Batman - Chapter 5 - The Living Corpse
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 058: 1943: Batman - Chapter 5 - The Living Corpse
It’s Alan J Porter’s first trip to Gotham where there’s some close shaves and trouble at the docks for Batman Chapter 5: THE LIVING CORPSE!
AD Break: 1943 Commercial: https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Visit the WEBSITE:
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 22: Truly Outrageous: A Jem Fan Film
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 22: Truly Outrageous: A Jem Fan Film
Clinton, along with Maggie and Jon, are very special. JEMs, you might say (the creator of this will not apologize for that pun). TRULY OUTRAGEOUS, even! FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/oS_zRhaX1Wk
Q&A: https://youtu.be/k1MO9Tf-yTA
Find Maggie and Jon on Twitter at https://twitter.com/maggientherain and https://twitter.com/MWC_Podcast
Let us know what you think!
Email the sho
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 012: MI6 Rookie Agents - Episode 010: The Spy Who Loved Me
Episode 012: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 010: The Spy Who Loved Me
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcas
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 44: Sabrina
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 44: Sabrina
Mephisto, the Lord of Lies, has crashed into the LBC Attic to watch SABRINA with Rick. No, we are not kidding...Mephisto is on this episode.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Action Film Face-Off - Horror Film Face-Off 2021 - Episode 38: 2015’s Howl Vs. 1981’s An American Werewolf in London
Action Film Face-Off - Horror Film Face-Off 2021
Episode 38: 2015’s Howl Vs. 1981’s An American Werewolf in London
Welcome to the 38th episode - HORROR FILM FACE-OFF 2021!
For this "Halloween Special" episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-2020 - selected 2015 & 1981, so here are our contestants:
Howl (2015)
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Who will win? 1981 Old Werewolf movie or New Werewolf movie? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our vid
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 028
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 028
Issue: Transformers #28 (Marvel)
A new buddy cop show, a double Delvin podcast (with Delvin Cox), a return of THE MECHANIC…many reasons to listen to this episode of TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Opening [0:00:49]
Podcast promo - Mephisto Verses The Podcasters 4 - [0:015:50]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:17:17]
Who had the touch? [0:48:32]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:54:17]
Transformers Spotlight - Goldbug [1:04:41]
Podcast promo
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 010
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 010
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope you enjoy Grab Bag Surprise Attack, Episode 10. This episode features Van Allen Plexico!
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Longbox Crusade - Episode 029: Blue Beetle #1 (September 2011)
Longbox CrusadeEpisode 029: Blue Beetle #1 (September 2011)The Longbox Crusade travels alllll the way up to 2011 to talk BLUE BEETLE and a whole debate about old vs new broke out! What side are you on? Let us know! Opening Comments [0:01:07] Podcast promo: Action Film Face-Off [0:10:34] Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:12:53] Podcast promo: Fade Out [0:52:52] Add It Up [0:53:17] Way Back In Time [1:01:04] Podcast promo: ??? [1:09:30] Crusader Comments [1:11:25] Closing [1:18:47]
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 03
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 03
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #3
The debut of “Hot Nuts” and probably more importantly, the debut of the MAD THINKER in Come Out to Play (New Warriors 3)!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Netwo
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 02: Elvis, Lonnie & John
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 02: Elvis, Lonnie & John
We begin our journey in January 1956, with the rise of Elvis and the beginnings of rock-n-roll, the British skiffle craze, and the impact they had on the young John Winston Lennon.
The music heard in this episode included:
The Quarrymen - In Spite of All The Danger
Bill Haley - Rock Around The Clock
Lonnie Donegan - Rock Island Line
Elvis Presley - Heartbreak Hotel
Fats Domino - Ain’t That A Shame
Little Richard - Long Ta
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 025
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 025
Issue: G.I. Joe #25
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #25, the lads welcome Aaron Henley, Codename: Dead Meat! And we officially wrap up the Josh Blaylock era of the run after a fun-filled 25 issues!
Be sure to check out all the other
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 37: 1951’s The Thing from Another World vs. 1956’s Forbidden Planet
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 37: 1951’s The Thing from Another World vs. 1956’s Forbidden Planet
For this "Retro Rewind" episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1950-1969 - selected 1951 & 1956, so here are our contestants:
The Thing from Another World (1951)
Forbidden Planet (1956)
Who will win? 1951 North Pole Horror or 1956 Sci-Fi Epic? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 21: Star Trek vs Batman
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 21: Star Trek vs Batman
Clinton is allowed a visitor to the basement? (Said in husky voice) ENGAGE! Derek of the Fanholes Podcast co-hosts STAR TREK vs BATMAN for this FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The film can be found online at:
Part 1: https://youtu.be/5wjdCB4VdnQ
Part 2: https://youtu.be/aWHoYVHCy-s
Part 3: https://youtu.be/KCurNmI8bbc
Behind the Scenes: https://youtu.be/AMrL0TQluOo
Find Derrek on Twitter at https://twitter.com/HOCOF
Let us know what you thi
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 011: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 009: The Man With The Golden Gun
Episode 011: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 009: The Man With The Golden Gun
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 43: Stargate
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 43: Stargate
Rick is taking Jeremey through the STARGATE to discuss why a silly sci-fi romp from the 90’s became such a monster franchise.
Find Jeremey on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/2231975
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Crusader Chronicles Episode 056: October 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 056: October 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #200, Spider-Woman #22
We made it! Spidey 200! Come join us for old bits, new bits, songs, laughs, and for the first time on the show… SPIDER-WOMAN for this milestone episode of Crusader Chronicles!
Opening [0:00:53]
Podcast promo - DCOCD podcast - [0:06:08]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:14]
Podcast promo - Strangers In Paradise Audio Adaption - [0:54:10]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:55:02]
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 08
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 08
Title: Death In The Office
Work can be hell, but for Kristatos it’s MURDER 😱 …or is it? Either way it’s A DEATH IN THE OFFICE for this #LBCCrew ☠️
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTA
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 009
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 009
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope you enjoy Grab Bag Surprise Attack, Episode 9. This episode features Clinton Robison!
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 024
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 024
Issue: G.I. Joe #24
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode DJ Kristatos is on a special mission, but Bravo Team Commander, Weasel Skull, steps in! And this episode was recorded in front of a live YouTube audience, so the folks in the chat got to toss i
Before They Were Beatles - Episode 01: Strawberry Fields - Introduction
Before They Were Beatles
Episode 01: Strawberry Fields - Introduction
In Liverpool , England, October 1956. Schoolboy John Lennon and his best friend, Peter Shotton, decide to start a skiffle group as “a bit of a lark.” Four years later John, now accompanied by Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe, and Pete Best, left Liverpool to start a series of near-legendary gigs in Hamburg, Germany. His group now performing under their newly acquired name – THE BEATLES.
This is the story of
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 057: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Haunted Gainsborough
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 057: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Haunted Gainsborough
Crusaders Club member Rob Morgan & the lads ride a classic Cadillac to 221B to cover The Case of the Haunted Gainsborough! What, Cadillacs can't drive across water? Shaddap, this one totally can!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: Cadillac - https://youtu.be/uwYbLazKV7A
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.co
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 02
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 02
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #2
Second episode where the Longbox Crusade boys Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod (Death Probe) cover the original New Warriors series issue #2!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longb
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 027
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 027
Issue: Transformers #27 (Marvel)
It’s not every day the Autobots crown a brand new leader AND we get to see TRYPTICON, so listen to Jon, Maggie, and Delvin and DEFINITELY check out this Transformers Chronicles!
Opening [0:00:57]
Podcast promo - [0:06:57]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:50]
Who had the touch? [0:36:37]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:40:10]
Transformers Spotlight - Tripicon [0:46:40]
Podcast promo - Cheerscast
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 20: Tomb Raider: Voice from Beyond
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 20: Tomb Raider: Voice from Beyond
While Jarrod is raiding the LBC basement for a nostalgic treasure from his past. Clinton doesn’t let him leave without watching the fan film Tomb Raider: Voice from Beyond.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/GB33L9c1PHs
Find Jarrod on Twitter at https://twitter.com/yardsaleartist
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a mem
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 42: The Postman Always Rings Twice
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 42: The Postman Always Rings Twice
Ruth and Darrin find Rick at their doorstep with murder and deceipt with THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE.
Find Ruth and Darrin on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/RaD_Adventures
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 36: 1996’s Tiger Claws II vs. 1979’s Warriors
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 36: 1996’s Tiger Claws II vs. 1979’s Warriors
Welcome to the 36th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1996 & 1979, so here are our contestants:
Tiger Claws II vs. The Warriors
Who will win? 1996 Martial Arts Bonkersness or 1979 Gang Film? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 010: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 008: Live And Let Die
LBC: ELSEWORLDS!Episode 010: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 008: Live And Let DieWelcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network! Her
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 023
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 023
Issue: G.I. Joe #23
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #23, the lone of Death Probe returns, & Dave Collins (Codename: Battlewagon) joins the fray! SerPANTor begins making his strategic moves to get Joe & Cobra to eliminate each
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 056: 1943: Batman - Chapter 4 - Slaves of the Rising Sun
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 056: 1943: Batman - Chapter 4 - Slaves of the Rising Sun
With no Pat and no Delvin, the brothers Alberich back up the battle wagon, Dave Collins to discuss Batman: Chapter 4 for this Saturday Matinee Theatre!
AD Break: 1943 Commercial: https://youtu.be/IFrkSiCvBo0
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 008
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 008
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope you enjoy Grab Bag Surprise Attack, Episode 8. This episode features Joe November!
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 07: Strangled
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 07
Title: Strangled
Somebody has STRANGLED Mary Jane and the LBC Crew can't let it go! (Wait, that's Frozen. Which is not Tangled...we'll throw that bit away) The crew gets to the bottom of this dastardly affair!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 41: Citizen Kane
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 41: Citizen Kane
Rick and Al gather up their trust fund money to buy a paper and talk about CITIZEN KANE. This is not an episode of Citizen Kane Minute.
Find Al on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/AdamThanosPod
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 35: 2020’s Bad Boys For Life vs. 2000’s Get Carter
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 35: 2020’s Bad Boys For Life vs. 2000’s Get Carter
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 2020 & 2000, so here are our contestants:
Bad Boys For Life (2020) vs. Get Carter (2000)
Who will win? Mike and Marcus, or Sly? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 01
Come Out to Play… A New Warriors Podcast: Episode 01
Issue: New Warriors Vol.1 #1
First episode where the Longbox Crusade boys Delvin (Dark Web) and Jarrod (Death Probe) cover the original New Warriors series!
Be sure to check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel for live streams of this show and much more at: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Netw
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 055: September 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 055: September 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #199, X-Men #128
On the eve of Amazing Spider-Man Spidey 200 (Spidey 199), the lads use their illusions, debate motives, & fight against an immensely powerful foe (X-Men 128) for this episode Crusader Chronicles!
Opening [0:00:53]
Podcast promo - Come Out To Play… New Warriors Podcast - [0:06:39]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:45]
Podcast promo - DC 50 years Ago - [0:54:18]
2nd Comic Issue Review/D
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 19: Von Doom
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 19: Von Doom
In his ambassadorial role Alan Middleton stopped by to discuss freeing Clinton from the basement, as well as VON DOOM for FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/RXVJfBnG0bw
Find Alan on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Relatively_Geek
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: h
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! Episode 009: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 007: Diamonds Are Forever
Episode 009: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 007: Diamonds Are Forever
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podc
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 40: The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 40: The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
Rick is joined by his friends Chris and Tanya to talk about monkey boys and cowboy suits in BUCKAROO BANZAI.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Longbox Crusade - Episode 028: Web of Spider-Man 39 (June 1988)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 028: Web of Spider-Man 39 (June 1988)
It’s Delvin’s choice for Longbox Crusade episode 18 (featuring WEB OF SPIDER-MAN from June 1988) & we guarantee you’ll remember the colorist from this issue, anytime. Any place, we don’t care who’s around 😂
Opening Comments [0:01:10]
Podcast promo: Longbox Crusade [0:11:16]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:14:15]
Podcast promo: James Bond Lexicon[0:53:51]
Add It Up [0:53:54]
Way Back In Time [1:00:33]
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 026
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 026
Issue: Transformers #26 (Marvel)
Ratchet learns that if you don’t give up, you don’t give in, you may just be ok as he faces the menace of THE MECHANIC in this episode of Transformers Chronicles!
Opening [0:02:19]
Podcast promo - Action Film Face-Off - [0:10:55]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:13:18]
Who had the touch? [0:50:33]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:54:05]
Transformers Spotlight - First Aid [1:01:44]
Podcast promo - Mo
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 06
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 06
Title: A Valuable Formula
Add Pat, Jarrod, Delvin, Jason, and a #LBCCrew mystery and what do you have? A VALUABLE FORMULA! Come solve the mystery!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 022
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 022
Issue: G.I. Joe #22
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #22, Death Probe is away on a secret mission, so Weasel Skull sits in for him. And it's all about the return of Serpantor...or Serpentor. However you want to pronounce it
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 39: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 39: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Rick and Miles ride up a river of pure imagination while watching WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY. Who will survive?
Find Miles on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/@XPlaintheXmen
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:&
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 054: August 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 054: August 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #198, X-Men #127
Booyakah! Although the team wasn’t operating normally on all cylinders, team LBC will still warp your reality in just the right way 😊 Got both the issues in on that bit…maybe we ARE operating on all cylinders!
Opening [0:00:55]
Podcast promo - The Batgirl Cassandra Cain Podcast - [0:06:06]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:24]
Podcast promo - Longbox Crusade - [0:46:03]
2nd Comic Issu
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 34: 1981’s My Young Auntie vs. 2008’s Chocolate
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 34: 1981’s My Young Auntie vs. 2008’s Chocolate
Welcome to the 34th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1981 & 2008, so here are our contestants:
My Young Auntie vs. Chocolate
Who will win the 1st ever "Enter the Siskoid?" Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you t
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 055: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Royal
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 055: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Royal
SMT travels to Gotham for The Case of the Royal Murder!
Correction. Gautum Sheoran joins the lads for a Sherlock Holmes adventure! You can see how we got mixed up 😊
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: https://youtu.be/zz3BKb_HRms
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUS
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 008: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 006: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Episode 008: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 006: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 38: Pan’s Labyrinth
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 38: Pan’s Labyrinth
Kit and Rick are armed with a piece of chalk, some fairy and bug lore, and grapes, and are trying to make it out of PAN’S LABYRINTH.
Find Kit on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/DreadKithulhu
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 025
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 025
Issue: Transformers #25 (Marvel)
All Predacons and no Optimus Prime makes Megatron something something...go crazy? Don't mind if we do! Transformers Chronicles!
Opening [0:00:15]
Podcast promo - Longbox Crusade - [0:7:54]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:11:00]
Who had the touch? [0:39:06]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:42:01]
Transformers Spotlight - Predaking [0:48:08]
Podcast promo - Voyagerscast - [0:51:45]
Transmissions [0
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 18: Batman: Dying is Easy
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 18: Batman: Dying is Easy
The lovely Laurel comes to set the record straight with the Alberich brothers...again...but also covers the star studded BATMAN: DYING IS EASY with Clinton for FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/K0x_YjkgFjc
Find Laurel on Twitter at https://twitter.com/mtnflwr1
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 37: The Count of Monte Cristo
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 37: The Count of Monte Cristo
Rick and his sister Teresa go cliff diving and hunting for revenge treasure with THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Subscribe to t
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 054: 1943: Batman - Chapter 3 - The Mark of the Zombies
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 054: 1943: Batman - Chapter 3 - The Mark of the Zombies
Come for Jason’s victory garden but stay for Huey of Blast It Or Stash It and Batman: Chapter 3!
AD Break: 1943 Commercial: https://youtu.be/4ZgXsXIavPI
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturdaymatineetheatre.longbo
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 36: Grave of the Fireflies
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 36: Grave of the Fireflies
NOT a cute and happy children’s animation. This is GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES by Studio Ghibli. Rick and his friend Roy tackle this sad film.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Crusader Chronicles - Episode 053: July 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 053: July 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #197, The Flash #278
Don’t blink or you might miss an epic fight, (that’s a clever way to get both books in your tagline, no?) perhaps a whodunit mystery with this Crusader Chronicles (SPIDEY 197 and FLASH 278)!
Opening [0:00:57]
Podcast promo - Longbox Crusade - [0:06:51]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:51]
Podcast promo - The Batgirl: Cassandra Cain Podcast - [0:52:22]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 35: Train to Busan
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 35: Train to Busan
ALL ABOARD!!!! This ain’t no crazy train with Ozzy, it is a zombie TRAIN TO BUSAN. Rick and Chad try to survive the experience.
Find Chad on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Yellowstone_BoC
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 021
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 021
Issue: G.I. Joe #21
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #21, our ranks are joined by FIRST-TIME G.I. JOE READER Shawn Urbanski, Codename: Sooner! Let's get silent! Shhhhhh.....
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade sho
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 34: This is Spinal Tap
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 34: This is Spinal Tap
Rick and his friend Rachel feather their hair, put on their best metal shirts, and turn the volume up to 11 to watch THIS IS SPINAL TAP.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 33: 1996’s Broken Arrow vs. 1980’s The Final Countdown
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 33: 1996’s Broken Arrow vs. 1980’s The Final Countdown
Welcome to the 33rd episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1996 & 1980, so here are our contestants:
Broken Arrow vs. The Final Countdown
90's John Woo or Naval Time Travel? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know w
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 33: The Lost Boys
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 33: The Lost Boys
Leather, bad boy attitude, music video atmosphere, non-sparkly vampires! What else could Rick and Claire be talking about except THE LOST BOYS.
Find Claire on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/clairemulkerin
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: 
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 053: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Baker Street Bachelors
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 053: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Baker Street Bachelors
Jarrod is a bit hoarse and that won’t look good on ye old dating profile as SMT and the lads examine The Case of the Baker Street Bachelors!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: https://youtu.be/wibHcZ4FNbU
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Netwo
Longbox Crusade: Promo 05 - Road Trip
Longbox Crusade: Promo 05 - Road Trip
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/longboxcrusade
Like the FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/LongboxCrusade
Subscribe to the YOUTUBE Channel: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov
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Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 32: The Maltese Falcon
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 32: The Maltese Falcon
Rick and his new friend Devin (The Big Film Show) dress up in overcoats and fedoras to hunt down a mysterious mcguffin, THE MALTESE FALCON. It is the stuff dreams are made of.
Find on Devin Twitter at: https://twitter.com/justdevin
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longbo
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 052: June 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 052: June 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #196, X-Men #125
This Crusader Chronicles sees a rise and it sees a fall, but really, did we see them at all? That rhyme, lots of blue jeans talk, and Boris Maurice Feldman Korpse awaits! What are you waiting for? Start listening!
Opening [0:00:57]
Podcast promo - James Bond Lexicon - [0:05:06]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:06:08]
Podcast promo - It All Comes Back to Superman - [0:50:58]
2nd Comic Issue Revie
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 31: Philadelphia
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 31: Philadelphia
Rick and Paul Hix take a walk on the streets of PHILADELPHIA and ponder how this pivotal movie about HIV/AIDS holds up 30 years later.
Find Paul on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Reading_Hix
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 32: 2017’s Kong: Skull Island vs. 1985’s Invasion USA
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 32: 2017’s Kong: Skull Island vs. 1985’s Invasion USA
Welcome to the 32nd episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 2017 & 1985, so here are our contestants:
Kong: Skull Island vs. Invasion USA
It's a battle of the furry chests! Giant ape or 80's action icon? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows a
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 30: Mad Max: Fury Road
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 30: Mad Max: Fury Road
Rick and his friend Rob Earhart are chromed up, running the engines to red, and looking for Valhalla while chatting about Mad Max: Fury Road!
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 024
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 024
Issue: Transformers #24 (Marvel)
It’s Delvin’s first comic book EVER, but for a SEMINAL CHARACTER in the book it may be their last! Who is it? The cover may be a hint and it generates a LOT of discussion within the team 😯
Opening [0:03:41]
Podcast promo - Weird Warriors Podcast - [0:09:04]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:11:01]
Who had the touch? [0:52:43]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:56:01]
Transformers Spotlight - Many Deaths
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 17: Spider-Man: Eclipse
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 17: Spider-Man: Eclipse
Penance comes in many forms. For Peter Parker it’s a lifetime of never making up for his uncle’s death. For Tim Price? For crashing into LBC HQ he has to watch SPIDER-MAN: ECLIPSE for this episode of FAN FILM FRIDAYS!!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/xwx98s4og1s
Find Tim on Twitter at https://twitter.com/TimPrice17
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusad
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 29: The Running Man
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 29: The Running Man
Rick and Jeff Polier are trying to escape from the 1980’s into 2019 through a live action TV show that is not Survivor, it is THE RUNNING MAN. They’ll be back!!!
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 020
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 020
Issue: G.I. Joe #20
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #20, our ranks are joined by fan-favorite - Bravo Team Leader - It's Jason "Weasel Skull" Alberich! And everybody loves some ninja action! Well....everyone but Scarlett,
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 28: The Evil Dead
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 28: The Evil Dead
While we do not recommend the Book of the Dead for Reading Rainbow, Rick and his guest Jessie Cooper do find it a comforting compendium to THE EVIL DEAD.
Find Jessie on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/AlphabetFlight
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWI
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 052: 1943: Batman - Chapter 2 - The Bat's Cave
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 052: 1943: Batman - Chapter 2 - The Bat's Cave
SMT takes a tour of Gotham City once more and finds Chris Sheehan selling papers, high wire acts gone awry, Robin at a nightclub (which may or may not be illegal), and The Bat's Cave!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://saturday
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 27: Highlander
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 27: Highlander
Rick, who may have used one of his movie inspired katanas, finally convinces Ryan Daly to watch the greatest movie of all time, HIGHLANDER! There can be only one!!!
Find Ryan on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ryandaly01
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on T
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 31: 2013’s Oblivion vs. 2008’s Alan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 31: 2013’s Oblivion vs. 2008’s Alan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls
Welcome to the 31st episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 2013 & 2008, so here are our contestants:
Oblivion vs. Alan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls
Tom Cruise sci-fi, or low-budget B-film? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade sh
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 26: The Martian
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 26: The Martian
We temporarily put the attic on Mars while Rick and Auburn Elvis get very, very technical in their contemplation on THE MARTIAN! Can you even play football on Mars?
Find Auburn Elvis on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/auburnelvis
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 019
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 019
Issue: G.I. Joe #19
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #19, our ranks are joined by Michael Wagner, Codename: Ice Panther! He's a big Flint/Lady Jaye fan, so I hope this issue has some of that! Who knows? Anything GOES!
Be sure to check
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 16: Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Furtive Festivity
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 16: Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Furtive Festivity
Clinton and Sean share a piece of cake while watching SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE ADVENTURE OF THE FURTIVE FESTIVITY.
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/TQaoCdh7q6I
Find Sean on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Sean42AZ
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWOR
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 25: Dave Made a Maze
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 25: Dave Made a Maze
tuobakcuM eivoM yadnoM ylhtnoM!
Wait! What happened! Jeff Dodd is giving Rick a movie to watch. What insanity is this? And he put him in a labyrinth to watch DAVE MADE A MAZE? Listen to find out!
Find Jeff on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/JeffRickPresent
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WE
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 051: May 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 051: May 1979
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #195, X-Men #124
Here at Crusader Chronicles you will never have your worst day ever, everyone has a day according to the needs of the state, da? Spidey 195! X-Men 124! Let’s go!
Opening [0:00:57]
Podcast promo - Merry Marvel Marching Society 2021 - Acts of Vengeance - [0:05:48]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:10:06]
Podcast promo - LBC Crew Show - [0:46:06]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:47:05]
Podcast p
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! Episode 007: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 005: You Only Live Twice
Episode 007: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 005: You Only Live Twice
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podca
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 24: The Blues Brothers
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 24: The Blues Brothers
Rick: There's 133 minutes in THE BLUES BROTHERS, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark out, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Siskoid: Hit it!
Find Siskoid on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/siskoid
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Longbox Crusade - Episode 027: Uncanny X-Men 256 (December 1989)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 027: Uncanny X-Men 256 (December 1989)
As a part of the Merry Marvel MARCHing Society we break out our original format to cover the ACTS OF VENGEANCE of UNCANNY X-MEN 256! What did we think about the issue? Wellllll....
Opening Comments [0:01:32]
Podcast promo: Merry Marvel Marching Society 2021 - Acts of Vengeance [0:15:37]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:19:55]
Podcast promo: [0:54:53]
Add It Up [0:57:12]
Way Back In Time [1:08:51]
Podcast promo
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 23: Taxi Driver
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 23: Taxi Driver
Are you talking to us? You must be, cause there ain’t nobody else here! You must be talking to Rick and Patrick Devins about Robert DeNiro in TAXI DRIVER.
Find Patrick on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/drpoddevlo
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 30: 1975’s Bullet Train vs. 1984’s Last Starfighter
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 30: 1975’s Bullet Train vs. 1984’s Last Starfighter
Welcome to the 30th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1975 & 1984, so here are our contestants:
Bullet Train vs. Last Starfighter
Japanese Action Thriller, or 1980's Sci-Fi fun? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know w
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 023
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 023
Issue: Transformers #23 (Marvel)
Transformers Chronicles is on a road trip and like any good road trip there are anecdotes, the main journey, and of course...the BATTLE CHARGERS RUNABOUT AND RUNAMUCK...you know. Just like childhood!
Opening [0:00:17]
Podcast promo - Not Your Fathers Autobot - [0:04:35]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:06:29]
Who had the touch? [0:45:23]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:49:27]
Transformers Spotlight -
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 22: Double Indemnity
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 22: Double Indemnity
Rick and Matt Lazorwitz go oldschool with insurance policies and murder while talking about the classic film noir, DOUBLE INDEMNITY. This ain’t no absent minded professor.
Find Matt on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/mattlaz1013
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.co
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 018
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 018
Issue: G.I. Joe #18
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #18, our ranks are joined by Paul Hicks, Codename: Baron VonBeardhead! Lots of Baroness talk & 2 people escape the bad guys!...but they capture like 5 other people!
Be sure to c
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout Episode 21: Memento
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 21: Memento
MEMENTO decipher, Jason Bouley, coworker and Rick this week. And if that did not make sense, watch the film.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode - 051: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Impromptu Performance
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 051: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Impromptu Performance
The new - era specific ad breaks featuring a commercial from the 1950s!! The returning - Alan J Porter! The mystery - Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Impromptu Performance! The show? Saturday Matinee Theatre, I’m glad you asked!
AD Break: 1955 Commercial: https://youtu.be/MPyIeS6SPGM
Let us know what you think!
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Fan Film Fridays Episode 15: Arbuckle: A Garfield Fan Film
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 15: Arbuckle: A Garfield Fan Film
Al Sedano and Clinton sound like they have a case of the Mondays when they discuss ARBUCKLE (of Garfield the cat) on FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/GpbpTVu-KaU
Find on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AdamThanosPod
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 05
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 05
Title: Poison Murder Case
The LBC Crew is back at it again with POISON MURDER CASE...can you help them solve this mystery?
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagr
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 20: The Fly
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 20: The Fly
Rick and Matt Johnson, a friend of his from high school, discuss the importance of clean rooms while talking about THE FLY from 1986. Jeff Golblum, man, Jeff Goldblum!
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Crusader Chronicles - Episode 050: April 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 050: April 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #194, Elfquest #4
Crusader Chronicles promises to be a great time as we get to 50 episodes! We have songs, puns, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN and for the first time to the show, both Chris Sheehan of The Cosmic Treadmill and ELFQUEST!
Opening [0:01:01]
Podcast promo - Merry Marvel Marching Society 2021 - Acts of Vengeance - [0:10:51]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:15:10]
Podcast promo - Hostess Ad - Spider-Man - Longbox
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 19: Aliens
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 18: Aliens
Rick is back with the first return guest, Delvin. The dark webs were a flutter over the Alien movie review, so he had to come back to talk about ALIENS! And yes, we could hear him scream.
Find Delvin on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/dee_ray1977
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcr
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 017
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 017
Issue: G.I. Joe #17
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #17, our ranks are joined by Bravo Team Captain, Jason Alberich, Codename: Weasel Skull! How are the lads feeling about the kidnapping of Flint & the Baroness? And, hey! &n
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 29: 1976’s Assault on Precinct 13 vs. 1998’s Soldier
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 29: 1976’s Assault on Precinct 13 vs. 1998’s Soldier
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1976 & 1998, so here are our contestants:
Assault on Precinct 13 vs. Soldier
John Carpenter classic, or Kurt Russell on the top of his game? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you thin
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 18: Logan
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 18: Logan
Their names are Rick and Jon. They are the best at what they do, and what they do is watch and talk about LOGAN.
Find Jon on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MWC_Podcast
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Crusader Chronicles - Episode 049: March 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 049: March 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #193, Star Wars #24
It’s Jonathan‘s first ever comic so he’s a shoo (Fly) in for this Crusader Chronicles as we do our best to put out a show with style, lest Leia might be disappointed!
Opening [0:01:14]
Podcast promo - Merry Marvel Marching Society 2021 - Acts of Vengeance - [0:10:36]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:14:54]
Podcast promo - The Rod Pod - [0:58:30]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:59:56]
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 005: Conan the Adventurer (1997 TV series)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 005
TV: Conan the Adventurer (1997 TV series)
On this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Conan the Adventurer, the 1997 live-action TV series. Is it as bad as some say? Is it the unwanted child of Hercules & Xena? Is there any good in it? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: How to Make Social Media Work for You.
You can check out our entire
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 17: Full Metal Jacket
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 17: Full Metal Jacket
Rick and his friend, Diana DeHaven, talk about FULL METAL JACKET. By the time they are done, they will have peace buttons, weapons, and will be singing the Mickey Mouse club song.
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 050: 1959: The Alligator People
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 050: 1959: The Alligator People
SMT turns 50! To celebrate we have the normal crew plus Gerry Green (Professor Frenzy) (making it officially a show), a possible replacement for Sean Connery (RIP) and lest we not forget Jarrod’s choice, THE ALLIGATOR PEOPLE!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Become a Crusade
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 14: Batman City of Scars
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 14: Batman City of Scars
The lovely Laurel doesn’t find vengeance against brothers Alberich but yet she does find Clinton, and BATMAN in CITY OF SCARS on FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The film can be found online at: https://youtu.be/0nCcdec8WdM
HD version: https://youtu.be/mL73pGQFXV0
Find Laurel on Twitter at https://twitter.com/mntnflwr1
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a mem
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 022
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 022
Issue: Transformers #22 (Marvel)
Transformers Chronicles goes to the movies as the team watches MENASORS TO SOCIETY! What, you can come up with a better pun? Listen to the show, THEN comment 😂
Opening [0:00:17]
Podcast promo - Monthly MOnday Movie Muckabout - [0:06:35]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:51]
Who had the touch? [0:40:46]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:45:24]
Transformers Spotlight - Motormaster [0:52:39]
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 16: Young Frankenstein
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 16: Young Frankenstein
Rick is really shocked to discover Sean Ross has never seen YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN. Well, pull out the top hat and freshen up the hay, this may be an Aby-Nomal episode!
Find Sean on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Sean42AZ
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 049: 1943: Batman - Chapter 1 - The Electrical Brain
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 049: 1943: Batman - Chapter 1 - The Electrical Brain
Saturday Matinee Theatre begins our run of 1943’s BATMAN and what better guest to start us off than Bill Bere? Plus, how old IS Robin?
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Become a Crusaders Club Member:
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 15: Chinatown
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 15: Chinatown
Chaos in the road, police everywhere, and a crashed car, Rick looks over at Jason Alberich and says,
“Forget it, Jason, it’s CHINATOWN.”
Find Jason on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/WeaselSkull
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Longbox Crusade - Episode 026: Uncanny X-Men #183 (July 1984)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 026: Uncanny X-Men #183 (July 1984)
Longbox Crusade 26 has a lot — Delvin in stereo (w/ surprise guest Delvin Cox!), Jarrod‘s all time favorite artist (if you see the year you might guess what movie and song was popular that year), and Jason‘s selection: UNCANNY X-MEN #183 from 1984!
Opening Comments [0:01:14]
Podcast promo: Action Film Face-Off [0:18:03]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:20:22]
Podcast promo: Merry Marvel Marching Society 2021 - Acts of V
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 14: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 14: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Don’t worry about learning how to swim or ride a bike, Rick and Hub from Titan Up the Defense watch and review BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID.
Find Hub on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ttwasteland_
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 048: February 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 048: February 1979
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #192, Daffy Duck #121
At Crusader Chronicles we know Spidey is a tasty dish but DAFFY DUCK?!? Yum yum! You know you want to listen!
Opening [0:00:54]
Podcast promo - Merry Marvel Marching Society 2021 - Acts of Vengeance - [0:06:27]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:10:46]
Podcast promo - Longbox Crusade - [0:50:42]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:52:54]
Podcast promo - Zero Hour Strikes - [1:16:09]
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 13: We've Got Pac-Man Fever
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 13: We've Got Pac-Man Fever
Clinton & Jonathan have a fever and the only cure...more PAC-MAN! Two Pac-Man shorts coming up in the newest FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The films can be found online at:
Find Jonathan on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MWC_Podcast
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LON
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 13: Blade
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 13: Blade
This week Rick asks the owner of Comic Cave in Portland, Doug O’Loughlin to watch BLADE. Not only as a comic film, but an educational film on how to fight vampires.
Find Doug on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ComicCavePDX
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow o
Comics To Console Crusade - Episode 05: Justice League Task Force (1995)
Comics To Console Crusade
Episode 05: Justice League Task Force - Sega Genesis (1995)
We’re proud to bring you episode 5 of Comics to Console Crusade!
Our on-staff musical genius, Joe November, joins our on-staff yard sale artist, Jarrod Alberich, and our on-staff Jason, Weasel Skull, for some 16-bit superhero fighting action! It's Justice League Task Force from 1995! Join the lads as they review the game, and give it historical context by painting a pop-culture picture for you - i
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Episode 006: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 004: Thunderball
Episode 006: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode - 004: Thunderball
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Netwo
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 12: John Wick
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 12: John Wick
Rick and his guest from the Worst Comic Podcast Ever, Jerry McMullen (@EssentialShowca), pull out the chest of gold coins to explore the dark world of JOHN WICK. No animals were harmed in the making of this podcast.
Find Jerry on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/EssentialShowca
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 016
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 016
Issue: G.I. Joe #16
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #16, our ranks are joined by guest Josh Blaylock, writer of the comic! - Codename: Jailbreak! Get Josh's updates and insights as we begin a new story arc that looks like it might be
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 12.5: Interview - John Galligan of Indiana Jones And The Secret Of The Queens Giant
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 12.5: Interview - John Galligan of INDIANA JONES AND THE SECRET OF THE QUEENS GIANT
The films can be found online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TChb0DmB69k
Find John on Instagram @johnny_bombs
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSI
New Year's 2021 Countdown Special - Episode 02
Welcome to the Longbox Crusade's New Year's Countdown Special #2 - Video Game Music!
Join DJ Death Probe and DJ DJ Kristatos as they count down the top 20 video game tunes as voted on by the masses on social media! Will your favorite game make the list? Well, even if it doesn't, you're definitely going to hear some of the best music that video games can offer - enjoy!
THE BEST WAY TO LISTEN: If you want this episode to sync up with your New Year's countdown-to-midnight, the instructions are at
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 11: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 11: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Rick and his longtime friend TJ discuss THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING in a review considerably less long than the movie itself in the latest Monday Monthly Movie Muckabout!
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 021
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 021
Issue: Transformers #21 (Marvel)
Fret not, dear listeners, Michael Bailey is here to help Pat and Delvin overcome any existential crisis, be it from themselves, himself, or perhaps Silverbolt and the AERIALBOTS? It’s a new Transformers Chronicles!
Opening [0:03:34]
Podcast promo - It All Comes Back To Superman - [0:15:05]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:16:37]
Who had the touch? [0:53:23]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:55:46]
12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 12
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 12: Twelve Ruse a Ruseing
Issue: Ruse #1
It's the last day of CRUSADEMAS sadly. We wouldn’t joke with you about that. Pat would RUSE us though! Plus: a drop in from everyone else at LBC HQ! Merry Christmas everyone!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Netwo
12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 11
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 11: Eleven Authority’s Authoritying
Issue: Authority #3
You may not like it, but learn to respect it, Day 11 of CRUSADEMAS brings Dark Web (Delvin), Midnighter, Jenny Sparks, and THE AUTHORITY!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
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12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 10
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020Day 10: Ten Victorians VictorianingIssue: Victorian Undead #1Not a creature is stirring on Day 10 of CRUSADEMAS so Jason brings up some Holmes and Watson and some zombies (what the !?!) in VICTORIAN UNDEAD!Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.comLet us know what you think!Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.comThis podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:Follow on TWITTER:
12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 09
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 09: Nine Crystars Crystaring
Issue: Crystar #2
Day 9 of CRUSADEMAS. No more guests but plenty of toys...well, toy properties, as Jarrod brings us a classic story of rock vs lava with CRYSTAR!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
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12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 08
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 08: Eight Hercs a Hercing
Issue: Hercules #1 (1982)
Day 8 of CRUSADEMAS brings our CRUSADERS CLUB CONTEST WINNER, Max Traver, who brings us a comic book any mom can be proud of clapping her hands the entire way, HERCULES!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade
12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 07
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 07: Seven Ticks a Ticking
Issue: The Tick #7
Day 7 of CRUSADEMAS brings Brad Morin and by spoon did he come prepared with wit, pop quizzes, and THE TICK!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 06
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 06: Six Bones a...
Issue: Bone #14 (1994)
Day 6 of CRUSADEMAS has both Jon and Maggie Schafer-Hames show up with BONE and...pretty much every pun with that word you can think of. Except that one. We are gentlemen at the LBC!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crus
12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 05
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 05: Five Quantum bands
Issue: Quasar #2 (1989)
Day 5 of CRUSADEMAS has the lads talking QUASAR with Gene Hendricks....and possibly a Uranus joke or two (or twelve) 😂
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Longbo
12 Days Of Crusademas 2020: Episode 04
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 04: Four Comets Cometing
Issue: The Comet #1
Day 4 of CRUSADEMAS has a tribute to Tom Lyle, Michael Bailey, and THE COMET from Impact Comics!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade
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12 Days Of Crusademas 2020: Episode 03
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 03: Three Wolf-mans Wolfing
Issue: Astounding Wolf-man #1
Day 3 of CRUSADEMAS and no halfsies here folks, it’s November in December as we have musical genius Joe November here to talk to us about Robert Kirkman’s WOLF-MAN!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusad
12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 02
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 02: Two Starman Starring
Issue: Starman #2 (1988)
Day 2 of CRUSADEMAS brings long time friend Dave “Old Ben One”, who hitched his Battle Wagon to a star, wait, a STARMAN! Plus, a Tom Lyle tribute, may he rest in peace.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Ne
12 Days of Crusademas 2020: Episode 01
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2020
Day 01: And a Spider-Man 2099
Issue: Spider-Man 2099 #3
It’s CRUSADEMAS 2020! We’re just getting warmed up, so we go to the LBC basement where Clinton dwells then jump 79 years in the future for SPIDER MAN 2099!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
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Action Film Face-Off - Episode 28: 1980’s Mad Max vs. 1992’s Under Siege
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 28: 1980’s Mad Max vs. 1992’s Under Siege
Welcome to the 28th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1980 & 1992, so here are our contestants:
Mad Max vs. Under Siege
Mel Gibson's breakout role, or Seagal on the top of his game? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jar
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 10: Pulp Fiction
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 10: Pulp Fiction
Rick (Not Jeff) hosts Gene of The Hammer Strikes and Random Geeky Stuff to discuss a movie Gene has never seen before...Pulp Fiction!
Find Gene on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/PodcastnMachine
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 015
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 015
Issue: G.I. Joe #15
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #15, our ranks are joined by guest, Delvin Cox - Codename: Old-Eyes! It's the wrap-up to this 2-issue story arc featuring Alpine, Bazooka, Rock N Roll, and Mutt! Also: What kin
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 12: Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Queens Giant
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 12: Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Queens Giant
Seeking a lost treasure of untold fortunes, Pat ventures to the basement and finds...Clinton 🤷🏾♂️ but also INDIANA JONES: Secret of the Queens Giant for FAN FILM FRIDAYS 😀! I’d say we’re all winners!
The films can be found online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TChb0DmB69k
Find Pat on Twitter @Kristatos01
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@long
LBC Irregulars - Episode 02: The Dancing Men - The Naval Treaty
LBC Irregulars
Episode 02: The Dancing Men - The Naval Treaty
2X Episode! "The Dancing Men" & "The Naval Treaty" with guests: Delvin "The Dark Web" Williams & Jason "Weasel Skull" Alberich! How will the lads react to this episode? Which one of the lads can crack a code? How long is too long for a nervous breakdown? Tune in and find out!
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
Find Gene Hendricks on Twitter:
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 020
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 020
Issue: Transformers #20 (Marvel)
Solo time as SKIDS...throw in RAVAGE, ROBOT MASTER, and a few humans and we have us a showdown for Transformers Chronicles!
Opening [0:01:55]
Podcast promo - Unpacking The Power of Power Pack - [0:08:23]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:00]
Who had the touch? [0:34:36]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:38:23]
Transformers Spotlight - Omega Supreme [0:43:24]
Podcast promo - Resurrections A Adam War
Crusader Chronicles Episode 047: January 1979
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 047: January 1979
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #191, Ghost Rider #35
Chained to bombs and battling demons? Thankfully the crew is born to race death! Crusader Chronicles talks both Spidey and GHOST RIDER for the first time!
Opening [0:01:02]
Podcast promo - Action Comics Weekly - [0:07:18]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:29]
Podcast promo - Voyagercast - [0:43:01]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:44:22]
Podcast promo - The Batgirl Cassand
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 09: Goonies
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 09: Goonies
Wait, Maggie hasn’t watched THE GOONIES? She’s cold busted! Rather than pull a Rambo, Rick chills and they watch for Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout!
Find Maggie on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/maggientherain
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 048: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Exhumed Client
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 048: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Exhumed Client
Like a burning candle, our time with Sherlock is drawing nigh so watch The Case of the Exhumed Client with us and LET’S. GET. BUSY!!
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Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 004: Superman 3 (1983)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 004
Movie: Superman 3 (1983)
On this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Superman III. Is it as weak as some say? Is there such a thing as too much Richard Pryor? Is there any good in it? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: Giving feedback - both positive & negative - and how to make it valuable.
You can check out our entire network of shows
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 014
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 014
Issue: G.I. Joe #14
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #14, our ranks are joined by return guest, Ryan Daly -- Codename: Battle Balls! It's kind of a quieter, reset issue so naturally we brought Ryan back to discuss issues he doesn't lik
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 11: Spawn: The Recall
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 11: Spawn: The Recall
In an attempt to gain full access to LBC HQ, Clinton seeks out Paul Hix! Will he be successful? (Nah) Will they watch SPAWN: THE RECALL for FAN FILM FRIDAYS? (Yep!)
The films can be found online at: https://youtu.be/f5tCbd4fgkw
Find Paul on Twitter @Reading_Hix
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the W
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 08: Alien
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 08: Alien
Rick, with an assist from Jarrod The Yardsale Artist, finds the one person who hasn’t watched ALIEN, that would be Delvin, in Monday Monthly Movie Muckabout!
Find Delvin on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/dee_ray1977
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Horror Film Face-Off - Episode 27: 1973’s And Now the Screaming Starts vs. 2013’s Frankenstein's Army
Horror Film Face-Off
Episode 27: 1973’s And Now the Screaming Starts vs. 2013’s Frankenstein's Army
Welcome to the 27th episode - the 2nd Annual HALLOWEEN SPECIAL - Horror Film Face Off!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1973 & 2013, so here are our contestants:
And Now the Screaming Starts vs. Frankenstein's Army
Which one is the spookiest? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 047: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 13 - Rocketing To Earth
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 047: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 13 - Rocketing To Earth
SMT is Rocketing To Earth which means our time on Planet Mongo has come to an end (for now) ☹️ but don’t fret! The lads reminisce on the awesome times we’ve had on the trip back...
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: ht
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 046: December 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 046: December 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #190, Star Wars #21
SPIDEY 190 finds us snarling, STAR WARS 21 finds us dream sequencing (it is a word, I promise), add a double rainbow and you have your latest Crusader Chronicles!
Opening [0:00:54]
Podcast promo - 2 Old 2 New - [0:6:09]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:06:37]
Podcast promo - [Promo] - [0:50:03]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:51:31]
Podcast promo - [Promo] - [1:25:10]
Crusader Co
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 04
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 04
It's not a FATAL ERROR to take a small bit of your time to listen to the latest #LBCCrew ! I mean, come on, Pat's jingle is worth the listen alone 😊
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.com/
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 07: The Big Lebowski
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 07: The Big Lebowski
Rick is ok by himself but Max Traver? He really puts the attic together! Yup, it’s THE BIG LEBOWSKI for this Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout!
Find Max on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ComicsReads
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 013
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 013
Issue: G.I. Joe #13
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #13, our ranks are joined by G.I. Joe aficionado & Pint O' Comics contributor, Gary Viola -- Codename: Iron Monger! And there's a whole lot of Firefly love as the "Malfunction" s
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 019
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 019
Issue: Transformers #19 (Marvel)
While this issue is not our last, it may certainly be our best (Hi, Maggie!) as we discuss the introduction of OMEGA SUPREME and a contrast of command performances for this episode of Transformers Chronicles 19!
Opening [0:01:48]
Podcast promo - Into The Night - [0:05:39]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:06:20]
Who had the touch? [0:36:11]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:39:28]
Transformers Spotlight
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 26: 1973’s Enter the Dragon vs. 2008’s IP Man
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 26: 1973’s Enter the Dragon vs. 2008’s IP Man
Welcome to the 26th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1973 & 2008, so here are our contestants:
Enter the Dragon vs. Ip Man
Will the student surpass the master? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Ya
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 06: Seven Samurai
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 06: Seven Samurai
The basement & the attic of the LBC meet, we cannot help it, when Clinton from Coffee & Comics (and Fan Film Fridays) watches the mad film SEVEN SAMURAI!
Find Clinton on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/CoffeeComicsBlg
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Longbox Crusade - Episode 025: Incredible Hulk #215 (September 1977)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 025: Incredible Hulk #215 (September 1977)
The Incredible 25th episode! We have a smashing good time covering the Incredible Hulk #215 and the movies and top songs from September 1977.
Opening Comments [0:01:13]
Podcast promo: Waiting For Doom [0:15:09]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:16:32]
Podcast promo: DCOCD [0:58:11]
Add It Up [1:00:16]
Way Back In Time [1:09:13]
Podcast promo: The Gary Show [1:17:37]
Crusader Comments [1:18:29]
Closing [
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 10: Predator: Dark Age
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 10: Predator: Dark Age
Who wears short shorts? Clinton and Rick Heinichen wear short shorts! They also watch Predator: Dark Ages for another exciting episode of FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The films can be found online at: https://youtu.be/YRD8jAk274I
Find Rick on Twitter @JeffRickPresent
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSI
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 046: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Eiffel Tower
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 046: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Eiffel Tower
Saturday Matinee Theatre road trip! The lads go to visit Paris and happily cause a riot and pick up on the ladies in The Case of the Eiffel Tower!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
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Action Film Face-Off - Episode 25: 1994’s True Lies vs 1983’s Return of the Jedi
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 25: 1994’s True Lies vs 1983’s Return of the Jedi
Welcome to the 25th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1994 & 1983, so here are our contestants:
True Lies vs. Return of the Jedi
Will Arnold be able to muscle in on Lucas? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarro
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 05: Fargo
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 05: Fargo
Rick and his lifelong friend Steve have watched hundreds of movies together, don’t cha know? But they have not watched FARGO, until now, in the latest Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout!
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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Crusader Chronicles - Episode 045: October 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 045: October 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #189, X-Men #118
A White Rocket flies over luxurious LBC HQ and Van Allen Plexico drops by for Crusader Chronicles (Spidey 189/X-Men 118)! Join us for some Man-Wolf and Moses Magnum!
Opening [0:01:04]
Podcast promo - Supermates - [0:10:43]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:12:27]
Podcast promo - Hamilton vs. Burr: A Werewolf Tale - [0:58:33]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [1:00:03]
Podcast promo - Cold Li
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 003: Zardoz (1974)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 003
Movie: Zardoz (1974)
In this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Zardoz. Is it as nuts as some say? What's up with that costuming? Is there any good in it? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: The supply & demand theory and how it applies to your opinion. How to make it more valuable!
You can check out our entire network of shows by
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 018
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 018
Issue: Transformers #18 (Marvel)
Although there is a My Chemical Romance reference in this Transformers Chronicles, maybe we should have used Dave Matthews instead? Because of the space (bridge) between (if you like that reference Delvin wrote this, if you didn’t Jon did)... Maggie stays, Pat returns!
Opening [0:02:32]
Podcast promo - Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - [0:09:47]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:11:02]
Who had the tou
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 04: Knives Out
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 04: Knives Out
Who hasn’t watched a movie with waffles? Rick hasn’t, now that he’s watched KNIVES OUT with New Zealand’s own Waffles!
Find Waffles on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/wafflesthemagic
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
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G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 012
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 012
Issue: G.I. Joe #12
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #12, our ranks are joined by fellow podcaster, Brad Johnson from the "Another World Audiobooks" podcast. -- Codename: Red Eagle...Ka-KAW! And that B.A.T. is still ON THE LOOSE!
Be s
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 09: Animation Shorts Special
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 09: Animation Shorts Special
Clinton has no hosts. Sorry. Wait, upstairs is LBC headquarters, where Jarrod Alberech The Yard Sale Artist, who isn’t an essential employee, is around to view 3 animated shorts featuring INDIANA JONES, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, and BATMAN v TERMINATOR!
The films can be found online at:
https://youtu.be/iE8v5WDbbC4 (The Adventures of Indiana Jones)
https://youtu.be/nYWddYdtD7U (Sonic the Hedgehog FanFilm)
http://tinyurl.com/zvdypn6 (Batman vs Ter
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 045: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 12 - Trapped in the Turret
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 045: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 12 - Trapped in the Turret
Considering there are four of us, let’s hope there’s a lot of space as the lads, and Flash Gordon, are Trapped in the Turret for the penultimate episode of the Flash Gordon series of Saturday Matinee Theatre!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard S
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 03
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 03
Don’t blink! You have about 6 minutes to solve the latest mystery with the LBC Crew! Come on, get involved!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.com/
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the Longbox Crusade Network:
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Action Film Face-Off - Episode 24: 1980’s North Sea Hijack vs 1989’s Blind Fury
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 24: 1980’s North Sea Hijack vs 1989’s Blind Fury
Welcome to the 24th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1980 & 1989, so here are our contestants:
North Sea Hijack vs. Blind Fury
Will kind-of-007 be able to defeat kind-of-Daredevil? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout Episode 03: Labyrinth
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 03: Labyrinth
If Tim Price crashes a podcast and no one hears it, did it make a sound? This question will hopefully not be answered today as Rick and he cover Jim Henson’s LABYRINTH!
Find Tim on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/timprice17
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 017
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 017
Issue: Transformers #17 (Marvel)
What does this episode of Transformers Chronicles have in common with Bo Derek? Maggie from married with comics joins to find out! No, Jon is not in a bikini. Sorry to disappoint!
Opening [0:01:36]
Podcast promo - The Outcasters - [0:07:53]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:9:13]
Who had the touch? [0:42:35]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:46:02]
Transformers Spotlight - Blaster [0:53:06]
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 007
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 007
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope you enjoy Grab Bag Surprise Attack, Episode 7. This episode features Aaron "Head" Moss from the Headcast Network!
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at:
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 044: October 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 044: October 1978
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #188, X-Men #117
We cover all villains from the harmless (Jigsaw) to the dangerous (Shadow King) here on our 44th issue of Crusader Chronicles, featuring Spidey 188/X-Men 117! Give us a listen, won’t you?
Opening [0:00:55]
Podcast promo - Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - [0:05:08]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:06:20]
Podcast promo - What The Frell - [0:44:54]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:45:33]
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 08: Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 08: Sherlock Holmes: The Dying Detective
The matter of Clinton leaving the basement? Elementary! Professor Alan joins to watch SHERLOCK HOLMES: DYING DETECTIVE!
The film can be found online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDoxZD6E_88
Find Alan on Twitter @ProfessorAlan and @Relatively_Geek
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 02: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 02: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Jarrod The Yard Sale Artist wanders into Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout rather innocently but Rick...jades him as the two of them watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington!
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.com/
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit t
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 011
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 011
Issue: G.I. Joe #11
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #11, our ranks are joined by fellow Joe podcaster, Joe Slepski from the "Joe on joe" podcast...AGAIN! -- Codename: Old Style. And DJ Kristatos is MIA, forcing Jason "Weasel-Skull" Al
LBC Irregulars - Episode 01: A Scandal in Bohemia
LBC Irregulars
Episode 01: A Scandal in Bohemia
Holmesians Jarrod Alberich and Gene Hendricks tackle "Sherlock Holmes" - the 1980's Jeremy Brett show, produced by Granada Television, episode by episode. Join them, and various guests, as Gene (the experienced viewer) guides Jarrod (who has never seen this incarnation) through 10 years of Holmes stories. Do they like the dramatizations? How do they compare to the originals? Who is the better Watson? Listen and find out!
Time for the premiere! &n
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 044: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Impostor Mystery
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 044: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Impostor Mystery
Saturday Matinee Theatre time, don’t be fooled by look-a-like podcasts...the real deal is right here, accordions in hand! Give us a listen, today if you please, in The Case of the Impostor Mystery!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 002: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 002
Movie: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
In this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Is it as boring as some say? Is it the worst Star Trek film? Is there any good in it? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: The supply & demand theory and how it applies to your opinion. How to make it more valuable!
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 043: September 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 043: September 1978
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #187, X-Men #116
Signs of listening to Crusader Chronicles may include coughing, patriotism, burning, petrification, way too much singing, and definitely an overall good time while we cover Spidey 187/X-Men 116!
Opening [0:00:56]
Podcast promo - The Huntress Podcast - [0:06:13]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:32]
Podcast promo - Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - [0:37:14]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussi
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 016
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 016
Issue: Transformers #16 (Marvel)
For this Transformers Chronicles, Delvin and Jon go on the road to pick up Anthony from Transformers University (@TFU_INFO on Twitter)! Jarrod, the Yard Sale Artist, came along as backseat driver 🥴
Opening [0:02:54]
Podcast promo - Hamilton vs. Burr: A Werewolf Tale - [0:10:25]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:11:58]
Who had the touch? [0:36:50]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:40:11]
Transformers Sp
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 043: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 11 - The Claws of Tigron!
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 043: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 11 - The Claws of Tigron!
We are getting close to the end of the Flash Gordon series for our Saturday Matinee Theatre. As for Dale Arden? She may be getting close to the end of her life...”In The Claws of Tigron!”
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website &nb
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 010
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 010
Issue: G.I. Joe #10
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
In this episode, our ranks are joined by Joe Slepski from the “Joe on Joe” Podcast, Codename: Old Style.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Joe’s podcast
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - Episode 01: The Crow
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout
Episode 01: The Crow
NEW SHOW! Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout!
Rick of “Jeff and Rick Present” hosts Nicholas Prom of Comic Reflection to discuss a movie Nicholas has never seen before...THE CROW!
Find Nicholas on Twitter @ComicReflection
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITT
Longbox Crusade - Episode 024: Batman Legends of the Dark Knight #3 (Jan 1990)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 024: Batman Legends of the Dark Knight #3 (Jan 1990)
4 years! We made it! And if you’re expecting us to mature in our old age, well...we have some BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK NIGHT for you at least (from January 1990)!
Opening Comments [0:01:11]
Podcast promo: Action Comics Weekly [0:13:40]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:15:53]
Podcast promo: Everybody Loves The Drake [0:56:39]
Add It Up [0:58:35]
Way Back In Time [1:04:02]
Podcast promo: Batman:
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 07: 007 JAMES BOND - OPERATION FIREBALL
Fan Film Fridays
Clinton wants more (to escape from the basement) but Jason gives less as the two STRIKE (da da dadada) at the Fan Film James Bond: Operation Fireball!
The film can be found online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlH6eumxF2Q
Find Jason on Twitter @WeaselSkull
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NE
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 23: 2015’s Survivor vs. 2013’s 47 Ronin
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 23: 2015’s Survivor vs. 2013’s 47 Ronin
Welcome to the 23rd episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 2015 & 2013, so here are our contestants:
Survivor vs. 47 Ronin
Will alternate-James Bond be able to defeat alternate-John Wick? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarr
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! Episode 005: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 003: Goldfinger
Episode 005: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 003
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network!
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 015
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 015
Issue: Transformers #15 (Marvel)
Whoa, who was that? But yeah, listen to the show please? Thanks!
(Sigh) Yes, there are chips in the pantry...
You’re welcome, Robot Master.
Opening [0:01:55]
Podcast promo - Starbright Project - [0:06:11]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:00]
Who had t
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 009
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 009
Issue: G.I. Joe #9
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
In this episode, our ranks are joined by Longbox Crusade member, Jason Alberich. -- Codename: Weasel Skull.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alber
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 042: August 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 042: August 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #186, X-Men #115
If we didn’t really care for one of the episodes of Crusader Chronicles featuring Spidey 186 / X-Men 115 as much as the other, do you really want to hurt us? Come on! Look at these pork faces 🐷!
Opening [0:00:50]
Podcast promo - [2 Old 2 New Podcast - [0:05:58]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:06:25]
Podcast promo - Zero Hour Strikes - [0:37:15]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:38:06]
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 22: 1995’s Desperado vs. 1971’s The Omega Man
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 22: 1995’s Desperado vs. 1971’s The Omega Man
Welcome to the 22nd episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1995 & 1971, so here are our contestants:
Desperado vs. The Omega Man
Will El Mariachi be able to take down the last man on Earth? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Comics To Console Crusade - Episode 04: Punisher - NES (1990)
Comics To Console Crusade
Episode 04: Punisher - NES (1990)
We’re proud to bring you episode 4 of Comics to Console Crusade!
Our on-staff musical genius, Joe November, joins our on-staff yard sale artist, Jarrod Alberich, and our on-staff Pat, Pat Sampson, for some classic NES bullet-blasting action! It's Punisher from 1990! Join the lads as they review the game, and give it historical context by painting a pop-culture picture for you - including video game news, music chart-topper
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 042: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Jolly Hangman
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 042: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Jolly Hangman
What podcast has 4 men in their 40s who all love tale? Saturday Matinee Theatre! Come join us as we return to 221B Baker Street for The Case of the Jolly Hangman.
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Become a Crusaders Club Member:
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 06: TROOPS
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 06: TROOPS
Fan films (Friday’s)?! Whatcha want? Whatcha gonna do? When Jonathan and Maggie Schaefer-Hames come for you! The two of them discuss (Troops) with Clinton... the three of them discuss with no breaks...yeah yeah, will Clinton escape from the basement? Will Clinton see the light of day?
Fan films Fridays, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for youuuuu...
The writer of this promo may have gotten carried away 🚓
The films can be found online at
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 001: Dark Phoenix (Movie 2019)
Pop Culture Posi-Cast - Episode 001
Movie: Dark Phoenix (2019)
On this episode, Pat and Jarrod will look at: Dark Phoenix - the 2019 X-Men film. Was it as bad as everyone said it was? Is there any good in it? Well, if there is good in it, you can bet that Peppy Pat and Jazzy Jarrod will find it!
This episode's self-improvement topic: What are you putting into the world? ...and how does it reflect back on you?
You can check out our entire network of shows by subscribing to th
Longbox Crusade - Episode 023: JLMay 2020 - Nightwing #110 (Sept 2005)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 023: JLMay 2020 - Nightwing #110 (Sept 2005)
Things we know for this Longbox Crusade: it’s #JLMAY2020! Things we don’t? Well...everything else 😂Anyway, it’s NIGHTWING from September 2005!
Opening Comments [0:01:09]
Podcast promo: JLMay 2020 [0:11:48]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:14:51]
Podcast promo: Hostess Ad - Spider-Man [0:50:33]
Add It Up [0:52:15]
Way Back In Time [1:00:57]
Podcast promo: Longbox Crusade [1:10:33]
Crusader Comments [1:12
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 006
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 006
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope you enjoy Grab Bag Surprise Attack, Episode 6. This episode features the Irredeemable Shagg from the Fire & Water Podcast Network!
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check out all the other Longb
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 041: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 10 - The Unseen Peril
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 041: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 10 - The Unseen Peril
It smells like teen spirit, possibly chicken lobster, and definitely Zarkov day as Dave Collins joins the crew with Flash Gordon Chapter 10: The Unseen Peril on Saturday Matinee Theatre!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 008
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 008
Issue: G.I. Joe #8
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #8, our ranks are joined by fellow Joe pocaster, Kyle Benning. -- Codename: King-Size. STORMSHADOW BATTLES KAMAKURA!
Check out Kyle’s podcast website at: http://kscgsf.libsyn.com/
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 041: July 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 041: July 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #185, X-Men #114
Pete graduates college, at least 5 X-Men die, and Tim from Omaha Bound (our sponsor), co-hosts with the lads...only one of these actually occurs in Crusader Chronicles (featuring Spidey 185 and UNCANNY X-Men 114)!
Opening [0:01:12]
Podcast promo - JLMay 2020 - [0:09:39]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:12:44]
Podcast promo - Fan Film Fridays - [0:48:15]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:49:19
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 21: 2019’s John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum vs. 1983’s Lone Wolf McQuade
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 21: 2019’s John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum vs. 1983’s Lone Wolf McQuade
Welcome to the 21st episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 2019 & 1983, so here are our contestants:
John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum vs. Lone Wolf McQuade
Will the Texas Ranger be able to put a dent into the Bobayaga? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Lo
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 014
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 014
Issue: Transformers #14 (Marvel)
In no particular order, this episode features the megawatt stars of @maggientherain , Hoist, and BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN! (Checks notes) BRICK SPRINGSTERN! Come dancing in the night with us!
Opening [0:02:30]
Podcast promo - JLMay2020 - [0:08:09]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:11:19]
Who had the touch? [0:43:34]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:46:27]
Transformers Spotlight - Hoist [0:50:46]
Podcast p
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 02
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 02
The main mystery to solve besides the two minute mystery contained within is how the heck did the LBC Crew put out a podcast that’s less than 10 minutes? You’ll come for the Walker but you’ll stay for the Shatner 😂 #LBCCrew
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.com/
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email
Longbox Crusade Episode 022: Firestorm #65 (Nov 1987)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 022: Firestorm #65 (Nov 1987)
What’s all new, all different about this Longbox Crusade? John Beatty talks to Jarrod for starters but there’s also FIRESTORM from November 1987! The jokes and callbacks? Come on, two outta three ain’t bad 😂
Opening Comments [0:01:24]
Podcast promo: JLMay 2020 [0:12:53]
Interview with John Beatty [0:17:45]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:32:58]
Podcast promo: Robin: Everyone Loves the Drake [1:02:09]
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! Episode 004: Comics with Normies 002: Uncanny X-Men 140
Episode 004: Comics with Normies 002: Uncanny X-Men 140
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the White Rocket Entertainment Network!&nbs
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 013
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 013
Issue/s: Transformers #13 (Marvel)
We are bringing out the big guns for this one! Megatron returns, yes, but also Jarrod Alberich The Yardsale Artist comes to the show for the very first time on TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Opening [0:01:41]
Podcast promo - Action Film Face-Off - [0:12:01]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:14:25]
Who had the touch? [0:36:46]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:39:37]
Transformers Spotlight - Optimus Prime [0
Pat's Pull List: Episode 02 - April 1978
Pat's Pull List: Episode 02 - April 1978
Issues: Flash #263, All-Star Comics #73
It's another episode of the spin-off show from Crusader Chronicles... Pat's Pull List!
Join Pat and his guest Clinton as they do a shorter Crusader Chronicles style review of two comics from April 1978.
Flash #263
All-Star Comics #73
Pull'Um If You Got'Um!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at:
Check out Clinton’s website at:
Action Film Face-Off Episode 20: 1975’s The Wind and the Lion vs. 1996’s The Rock
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 20: 1975’s The Wind and the Lion vs. 1996’s The Rock
Welcome to the 20th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1975 & 1996, so here are our contestants:
The Wind and the Lion vs. The Rock
Will the desert warrior be able to capture the aging, British special agent? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.Lo
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! Episode 003: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 002: From Russia with Love
Episode 003: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 002: From Russia with Love
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podca
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 040: 1966 - Batman: The Movie
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 040: 1966 - Batman: The Movie
With Jason away in Scotland, the other three get their kicks with Batman '66 (that's exactly how that saying goes. No, don't double check) for the #SMTMovie special!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Become a Crusaders Club Member:
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 007
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 007
Issue: G.I. Joe #7
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #7, our ranks are joined by fellow Joe podcaster, Brad Abraham. -- Codename: Jarrod 2.0/Sexy Jarrod. IT'S THE FIRST APPEARANCE OF BEACHHEAD & WETSUIT IN THE DD RUN!!
Be sure to c
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 012
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 012
Issue: Transformers #12 (Marvel)
Delvin, Jon and Pat are back to talk Transformers issue #12, Optimus Prime and everything else that is more than meets the eye. Till all are one!
Opening [0:01:19]
Podcast promo - Action Film Face-Off - [0:05:41]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:59]
Who had the touch? [0:29:52]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:32:05]
Transformers Spotlight - Optimus Prime [0:39:52]
Podcast promo - Fan Film Friday
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 05: Hang Em Hyrule
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 05: Hang Em Hyrule
Zelda. Link. Ganondorf. Spaghetti Western? Are you not already sold? Hang ‘Em Hyrule is the film! Clinton (@CoffeeComicsBlg) & Jarrod Alberich, the Yard Sale Artist, discuss on FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The films can be found online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmDYsc7jbKA
Find Jarrod on Twitter @yardsaleartist
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is
Action Film Face-Off Episode 19: 1971’s Shaft vs. 1976’s Rocky
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 19: 1971’s Shaft vs. 1976’s Rocky
Welcome to the 19th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1971 & 1976, so here are our contestants:
Shaft vs. Rocky
Will the street-wise private detective be able to topple the Italian Stallion? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod A
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 039: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Perfect Husband
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 039: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Perfect Husband
Saturday Matinee Theatre in The Case of the Perfect Husband, one of the most thrilling episodes of the Holmes canon! Will the lads all rate it a 5? Here for the joke instead? Fine. Stick around for an excellent singing promo and an awesome partridge joke then!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.co
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 006
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 006
Issue: G.I. Joe #6
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #6, our ranks are joined by fellow Joe (and Highlander, and Hair-Metal, and more) podcaster, Kevin Reitzel, from the Fandom Podcast Network. -- Codename: Raider Nerd. IT'S THE FIRST A
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 005
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 005
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope you enjoy Grab Bag Surprise Attack, Episode 5. Find out what happens when a friend of the show, Delvin Cox, get's surprise attacked!
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox
Longbox Crusade - Episode 021: Phantom Stranger #8 (Aug 1970)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 021: Phantom Stranger #8 (Aug 1970)
Blackjack, baby! We're not just sitting on our hands for this one, we take the time machine back to August 1970, before any of us were born, and we talk about PHANTOM STRANGER! It's Longbox Crusade 21!
Opening Comments [0:01:12]
Podcast promo: Robin: Everyone Loves the Drake [0:10:04]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:12:00]
Podcast promo: It All Comes Back To Superman [0:41:08]
Add It Up [0:42:47]
Way Back In Time
Action Film Face-Off Episode 18: 1982 First Blood vs. 1973 Magnum Force
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 18: 1982 First Blood vs. 1973 Magnum Force
Welcome to the 18th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 2006 & 2004, so here are our contestants:
First Blood vs. Magnum Force
Will the battle-hardened Vietnam soldier be able to topple San Francisco's toughest cop? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.Longbo
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 038: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 9 - Fighting The Fire Dragon
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 038: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 9 - Fighting The Fire Dragon
Arboreal Orgies and Orangopoid pits! Where else but Saturday Matinee Theater? Alan J Porter joins the lads for Flash Gordon Space Soldiers Chapter 9: Fighting the Fire Dragon! Don't sleep on it 😴
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 005
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 005
Issue: G.I. Joe #5
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #5, our ranks are joined by fellow Joe (and Batman, and Cheers, and Star Wars, and more) podcaster, Ryan Daly, from the Fire & Water Podcast Network. -- Codename: Battleballs.
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 040: June 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 040: June 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #184, X-Men #113
WHAT!?! Get your games together, bunkies, it's Crusader Chronicles 40 featuring Spidey 184 and X-Men 113, featuring a special Joe November rating, Pat's hair style critique, and a sneak preview into the Amazing Aunt May (BOOGITY BOOGITY! Dooooooot ☠️)
Opening [0:01:08]
Podcast promo - IT ALL COMES BACK TO SUPERMAN - [0:07:12]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:51]
Podcast promo - Hamilton vs. Burr: A We
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 011
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 011
Issue/s: Transformers #11 (Marvel)
Delvin returns with all of his stuff moved around and the gents talk Optimus Head, Army ineptness, coming of age, and the introduction of JETFIRE! TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES is go!
Opening [0:02:25]
Podcast promo - FW TEAM-UP - [0:08:34]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:37]
Who had the touch? [0:34:59]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:38:27]
Transformers Spotlight - Jetfire [0:43:34]
Podcast prom
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 037: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Baker Street Nursemaids
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 037: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Baker Street Nursemaids
An offbeat Saturday Matinee Theatre story deserves and offbeat crew, hence, Dave Collins & Alan J. Porter replace Delvin and Pat for The Case of the Baker Street Nursemaids! Rule Britannia!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Networ
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 04: TRANSFORMERS GENERATION 1 HERO
Fan Film Fridays
Delvin Williams joins Clinton as they learn some prisons are all in your mind. Or basement. More importantly, they decide to watch Transformers: Generation One Hero for the newest episode of FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The films can be found online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQUG3oawBbs
Find Delvin on Twitter @dee_ray1977
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusad
Action Film Face-Off Episode 17: 2006 Casino Royale vs. 2004 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 17: 2006 Casino Royale vs. 2004 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Welcome to the 17th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 2006 & 2004, so here are our contestants:
Casino Royale vs. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Will the coolest secret agent ever be able outwit the charming Sky Captain? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the othe
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 039: May 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 039: May 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #183, X-Men #112
Journey 4000 miles with us for this Crusader Chronicles featuring Amazing Spider-Man 183 and X-Men 112 where you’re treated to a lot of three’s company AND dramatic reading from none other than Mary Jane 🤭
Opening [0:00:52]
Podcast promo - FW TEAM-UP - [0:04:51]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:05:47]
Podcast Break: The-Voice-of-Steve - THE JOHN RAMBO CHRISTMAS DECORATING COMPANY - [0:42:31]
New Year's Day Special 2020
Welcome to the Longbox Crusade's New Year's Day Special: 2019 Review & 2020 Look-Ahead
Join the LBC Crew of Pat "DJ Kristatos" Sampson, Jarrod "Death Probe" Alberich the Yard Sale Artist, Jason "Weasel Skull" Alberich, & Delvin "The Dark Web" Williams a.k.a. Felix Leiter a.k.a. Silver Hands, a.k.a. Pop Pop Hiss, a.k.a. Hot Thing.
We're looking back at all we've accomplished over 2019 - and giving plenty of well-deserved thanks to all our friends and fans along the way! We'll cove
New Year's 2020 Countdown Special - Episode 01
Welcome to the Longbox Crusade's New Year's Eve 2020 Special: Comic Book Music Countdown!Join DJ Deathprobe & DJ DJ Kristatos (see what we did there?) as they count down the top 20 Comic Book-related music tracks of all time! ...with a few bonus tracks thrown in for good measure. All these tracks were voted on by tons of folks on social media and we think it's a great list, so get ready to party with us!THE BEST WAY TO LISTEN: The podcast itself will tell you when to pause and when to unpause
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 004
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 004
Issue: G.I. Joe #4
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, featuring issue #4, our ranks are joined by fellow Joe podcaster, Aaron Moss. -- Codename: Brother Head.
And VERY SPECIAL GUEST (sorry, Aaron): Josh Blaylock! -- Codename: The Writer of These Comics
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 12
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 12: Twelve Indiana Jones Jonesing
Issue: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis #1
It's the last day of CRUSADEMAS ☹️ but we all get something: Jason gets a Scottish Sky Striker, Delvin gets to sing a song and a kiss from MJ, Jarrod gets to riff on jokes Delvin doesn't get, and Pat gets to share INDIANA JONES: THE FATE OF ATLANTIS! Stick around for appearances by Jon and Maggie Schafer-Hames and Clinton Robison!
Be sure to check out all the ot
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 11
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 11: Eleven Darkhawks hawking
Issue: Darkhawk #1
Penultimate CRUSADEMAS brings Delvin the Dark Web, the 90s with all of its edge, and DARKHAWK! Dark. Hawk. I'm not certain how anyone could get that confused 🤔
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 10
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 10: Ten Hammerheads Hammering
Issue: Hammerhead #1
Not to be outdone by his brother mine on Day 10 of CRUSADEMAS, Jason dips back into the Dynamite Comics well and pulls out JAMES BOND: HAMMERHEAD, making Jarrod and Jason each other's ringers on giving out the candy canes...
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.big
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 09
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 09: Nine Felix’s Leitering
Issue: Felix Leiter #2 (2017)
Day 9 of CRUSADEMAS. The guests? All gone. The comic books? Still here! Jarrod comes bringing the (silverhands) ringer of a comic book that the LBC crew is sure to love, Dynamite Comics’ FELIX LEITER! And yes, Delvin is the main star of the book*!
*that’s not true
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale A
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 08
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 08: Eight Masters Kung-Fuing
Issue: Master of Kung-Fu #29
Day 8 of CRUSADEMAS brings old friend to show Ryan Daly and he has expert timing, yes sir, with Shang Chi, the MASTER OF KUNG FU...no matter if you get your words mixed up a time or two the action is still the same 😊
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.big
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 07
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 07: Seven ‘Nams a ‘Namming
Issue: The 'Nam #8
Day 7 of CRUSADEMAS brings our CRUSADERS CLUB CONTEST WINNER, Derek Byers, in his podcasting debut! The comic book? THE 'NAM, glad you asked! Will the lads give this book a Beatty Bump?
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know what you think!
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 06
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 06: Six Damage Controllers Controlling
Issue: Damage Control #2 (1989)
Day 6 of CRUSADEMAS with Rick Heinichen of Unpacking the Power of the Power Pack and he unpacks not only the most alliterative summary you'll ever hear but he also brings alone the hilarious DAMAGE CONTROL!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.b
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 05
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 05: Five Vampires Vampiring
Issue: Planet of the Vampires #1
Day 5 of CRUSADEMAS brings just us nuts rolling back to the 70s with Chris (@btoandbatbooks) and the early work of Larry Hama and Pat Broderick with Atlas Comics’ PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know wha
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 04
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 04: Four She-Hulks Hulking
Issue: She-Hulk #16 (2007)
For Day 4 of CRUSADEMAKAH as Sean Ross of Secret Wars and Beyond Podcasts brings multitheism (Jason word) to the show and the SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK! Written by Dan Slott! The second run. So you're not confused as to which run. We digress.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theya
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 03
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 03: Three Warlords Warlording
Issue: Warlord #32
Day 3 of CRUSADEMAS has a couple of couples: the lovely Ruth and handsome Darrin of RaD Adventures who bring along the lovely Shakira and the fearsome WARLORD! Jason brings Sean Connery and Jarrod brings Chris Walken, but that's normal.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsa
12 Days of Crusademas 2019: Episode 02
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 02: Two Hitman Hitmaning
Issue: Hitman #34
Day 2 of CRUSADEMAS has our sleigh in a land down under with Paul Hix and Tommy Monaghan, the HITMAN! We made no mistakes with this one, unlike a certain flagship character who shall remain nameless 😳
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know
12 Days Of Crusademas 2019: Episode 01
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2019
Day 01: One Dark Shadows Shadowing
Issue: Dark Shadows #16
It’s here! CRUSADEMAS 2019 is here! Professor Frenzy is first to the party, and brings Barnabas Collins & DARK SHADOWS for a wonderfully macabre first day! It’s a show!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know what you think!
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 03: Star Trek Tales Of The Seventh Fleet
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 03: Star Trek Tales Of The Seventh Fleet
Clinton from Coffee and Comics builds a machine to escape the basement!
Correction: he invites Gene (Gene the podcasting machine) Hendricks to discuss 3 films which Gene helped created about STAR TREK called TALES OF THE SEVENTH FLEET on FAN FILM FRIDAYS!
The films can be found online at https://vimeo.com/channels/totsf
Find Gene on Twitter @PodcastnMachine or @Hammer_Strikes
Let us know what you think!
Action Film Face-Off Episode 16: 1983 Nate & Hayes vs. 2013 Star Trek: Into Darkness
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 16: 1983 Nate & Hayes vs. 2013 Star Trek: Into Darkness
Welcome to the 16th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1978 & 2014, so here are our contestants:
Nate & Hayes vs. Star Trek: Into Darkness
Will the criminally overlooked 1983 swashbuckler be able to steal victory from one of the greatest sci-fi franchises ever? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 004
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 004
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope you enjoy Grab Bag Surprise Attack, Episode 4, featuring Dave "Battle Wagon" Collins! Thanks again for being loyal listeners!
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox
Comics To Console Crusade Episode 03
Comics To Console Crusade
Episode 03: Spider-Man - PS1 (2000)
We’re proud to bring you episode 3 of Comics to Console Crusade!
Our on-staff musical genius, Joe November, joins our on-staff yard sale artist, Jarrod Alberich for some PlayStation 1 web-slinging action! It's Spider-Man from the year 2000! Join the lads as they review the game, and give it historical context by painting a pop-culture picture for you - including video game news, music chart-toppers, and popular films dur
Longbox Crusade Episode 020: Action Comics #666 (June 1991)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 020: Action Comics #666 (June 1991)
What the devil? It’s Longbox Crusade 20! See if you can spot references of Space Ghost, Bryan Adams, Flo-rida, and since we do talk comic books...ACTION COMICS 666 from June 1991!
Opening Comments [0:01:44]
Podcast promo: Action Comic Weekly Podcast [0:10:19]
Featured Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:13:41]
Podcast promo: It All Comes Back To Superman [0:43:24]
Add It Up [0:44:50]
Way Back In Time [0:49:37]
Podcast promo:
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 003
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 003
Issue: G.I. Joe #3
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, our ranks are joined by Longbox Crusade member, Delvin Williams -- Codename: Dark Web.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, Th
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 036: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 8 - Tournament Of Death
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 036: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 8 - Tournament Of Death
Pull the string and hitch a ride on our battle wagon to Planet Mongo as the offbeat crew of Jarrod, Delvin, and Dave (Old Ben) battle internet connections, freedom, the right to see who can steal Pat and Jason’s bits, and more to the point, the TOURNAMENT OF DEATH 😬
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@l
Action Film Face-Off Episode 15: 1978’s Drunken Master vs. 2014’s John Wick
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 15: 1978’s Drunken Master vs. 2014’s John Wick
Welcome to the 15th episode!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1978 & 2014, so here are our contestants:
Drunken Master vs. John Wick
Will the 1978 breakout performance for Jackie Chan be able to topple the action juggernaut that is John Wick? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longb
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 038: April 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 038: April 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #182, Star Wars #13
For this Crusader Chronicles we have a black male (2, I suppose), blackmail, and a black smith (not for long!) We know you’re intrigued so go ahead, press play and come along for the fun!
Opening [0:01:54]
Podcast promo - From Crisis To Crisis - [0:06:59]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:21]
Podcast promo - Tome of Ideas - [0:39:04]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:40:29]
Podcast promo - Film
Pat's Pull List: Episode 01 - March 1978
Pat's Pull List: Episode 01 - March 1978
It's here! The spin-off show from Crusader Chronicles... Pat's Pull List!
Join Pat and his first guest Jarrod as they do a quick Chronicles style review of two comics from March 1978.
Firestorm #3
Star Wars #12
Pull'Um If You Got'Um!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know what you think!
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 003
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 003
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope that you enjoy episode 3, featuring Delvin "Dark Web Felix Leiter Silver Hands Pop Pop Hiss Hot Thing" Williams. Thanks again for being loyal listeners!
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check
Horror Film Face-Off Episode 14: 1986’s The Hitcher vs. 1996’s Vampirella
Horror Film Face-Off
Episode 14: 1986’s The Hitcher vs. 1996’s Vampirella
Welcome to the fourteenth episode!
It's a HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: Horror Film Face-Off!
For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1986 & 1996, so here are our contestants:
The Hitcher vs. Vampirella
Will the 1986 stress-inducing thrill ride be able to topple the vampiric charms of the gorgeous Talisa Soto? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our vi
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 035: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Violent Suitor
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 035: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Violent Suitor
We don't mean to toot our own horn, but it's a brand new SMT with the lads and Ryan Daly who steals as many gimmicks as he can...don't go down after the first punch, stick around for the likes/comments section in "The Case of the Violent Suitor"!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 02: X-MEN: District X
Fan Film Fridays
Episode 02: X-MEN: District X
In this episode of FAN FILM FRIDAYS, Clinton asks Sean Ross for help in escaping the basement and instead talks of battle vans, NOT wagons, and X-MEN: DISTRICT X!
The film can be found online at https://youtu.be/RTzTri4jqQE (subtitled) or https://youtu.be/aez0khZ0sPI (raw Italian)
Find Sean on Twitter @Sean42AZ
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 002
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 002
Issue: G.I. Joe #2
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join codenames DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they continue their mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
On this episode, our ranks are joined by Longbox Crusade member, Jason Alberich. -- Codename: Weasel Skull.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 034: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 7 - Shattering Doom
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 034: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 7 - Shattering Doom
Rick of Unpacking the Power of the Power Pack comes to Planet Mongo for Saturday Matinee Theatre with the lads for the second time which means 2X the hijinx, 2X mispronouncing “Aura”...and gosh damn outtakes? There are no outtakes on SMT!?! Come along!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 002
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 002
It's back! Another Grab Bag Surprise Attack made exclusively for early release for our Crusaders Club members! We hope that you enjoy episode 2, featuring Weasel Skull.
This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the public.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yar
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 01
The LBC Crew Show! - Episode 01
Have you ever wanted to hear more of the Crusaders hot takes? Have you ever wanted to hear Pat sing a kooky theme song to these hot takes? No? Well, here's THE LBC CREW SHOW! Who had the damn ice?!?
Listen in and cast your vote on the polls posted on Longbox Crusade Twitter and Facebook pages for who you think was the mysterious ice clinker.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard
Action Film Face-Off Episode 13: 1979’s The Black Hole vs. 2011’s The Raid
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 13: 1979’s The Black Hole vs. 2011’s The Raid
Welcome to the thirteenth episode! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1979 & 2011, so here are our contestants:
The Black Hole vs. The Raid
Will the 1979 underrated space adventure be able to defeat the high-octane martial arts masterpiece? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade s
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 010
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 010
Issue/s: Transformers #10 (Marvel)
Jason the Weasel Skull trades places with Delvin the Dark Web and Jon, Pat, and he go from the existential (Turing test) to the hilarious (what an intro!) to the huge (Devastator!) to...sigh...Huffer in the latest installment of TRANSFORMERS CHRONICLES!
Opening [0:02:20]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:13:00]
Who had the touch?
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 037: March 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 037: March 1978
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #181, X-Men #111
Boys and Girls! Come one, come all! Step right up for the next Crusader Chronicles! We have a yard sale artist! We have a Mary Jane impersonator! We have a DJ on the ones and twos! We have the guy who created Silverhands! Don't worry if you've heard this a million times before, this is some tasty filler 😋
Opening [0:00:50]
Podcast promo - DCOCD - [0:06:02]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:10]
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 001
G.I. Joe Chronicles: Devil’s Due Years - Episode 001
Issue: G.I. Joe #1
Attention new recruits! Welcome to Fort Longbox. Join code-names DJ Kristatos and Death Probe as they begin the mission to chronicle their way through the post-2000 G.I Joe comics from the Devil’s Due run.
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know what you think!
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Ep 002 - Comics with Normies 001: Amazing Spider-Man 394
Episode 002: Comics with Normies 001: Amazing Spider-Man 394
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the White Rocket Entertainment Network
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 033: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 033: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Night Train Riddle
Let it roll! Down the railway! Not quite? Well...can't blame us for trying 😊 Chris of @btoandbatbooks comes to England with the lads for The Case of the Night Train Riddle. No, really, we wouldn't clown ya!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 001
Grab Bag Surprise Attack! - Episode 001
A mini-podcast with exclusive early-release for our Crusaders Club members? Yes! It's true! Join Death Probe on his new mini-show: Grab Bag Surprise Attack! His first guest is, of course, Pat "DJ Kristatos" Sampson! This is a "thank-you" podcast for our awesome club members. This and every episode (yes, there are more) of Grab Bag Surprise Attack will drop here on the Club page WEEKS before we make them available to the
Action Film Face-Off Episode 12: 2007's War vs. 2018's Mission Impossible: Fallout
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 12: 2007's War vs. 2018's Mission Impossible: Fallout
Welcome to the twelfth episode!! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 2007 & 2018, so here are our contestants:
War vs. Mission Impossible: Fallout
Will the 2007 martial arts-fueled rampage be able to overcome the stuntacular action of Ethan Hunt & his awesome crew? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check
Longbox Crusade Episode 019: G.I. Joe ARAH #91 (October 1989)
Longbox Crusade
Episode 019: G.I. Joe ARAH #91 (October 1989)
We present Longbox Crusade 19, where we helicopter into your brain and put in all sorts of goodies from October 1989, including GI JOE 91...you might want to tell your high school sweetheart to watch out for their tummy feathers, though...😬
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.c
Chubbins & Sweetums - One Two One Two
Chubbins & Sweetums - One Two One Two
Have you ever wondered what a “Chubbins & Sweetums” rap song might be like? Hmmmm... I wonder.....
Well thanks to Jarrod (Death Probe) and his multitude of hit & miss impressions, WONDER NO LONGER!
Thank you, Crusader Club Members and listeners! We hope you enjoy this bit of silliness!
Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sendi
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 009
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 009
Issue/s: Transformers #9 (Marvel)
Come on baby, dry your eyes: it's Transformers Chronicles 9! Pat is introduced to the deadly CIRCUIT BREAKER while Delvin and Jon do their best to fill Pat's void of knowledge. So to speak! Family show, people!
Opening [0:00:17]
Podcast promo - Comic Reflections - [0:06:58]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:48]
Who had the touch? [0:41:07]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:43:19]
Transformers Spotli
LBC: ELSEWORLDS! - Ep 001 - MI:6 Rookie Agents Ep 01 - Dr. No
Episode 001: MI6 Rookie Agents Episode 001: Dr No
Welcome to Longbox Crusade: ELSEWORLDS! On Elseworlds we are releasing some podcasts that some (or all) of our members have been on, but these podcasts were originally released on other networks. So, yes this is partly an easy way to get more content on our feed, but also: we'd really appreciate it if you gave these other networks a try!
This episode is a retro-rewind from the On Her Majesty's Secret Podcast Network! 
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 032: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 6 - Flaming Torture
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 032: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 6 - Flaming Torture
Do you remember ska music? By the end of this podcast you will. Oh, you will! Bradford William of Cast Dice joins the lads for Flash Gordon Space Soldiers: Chapter 6! Sell out with us oh yeah!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 036: February 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 036: February 1978
Issues: Amazing Spider-Man #180, Star Wars #11
Whether you listen to Sonic Frog or Ewok Jerky, play Mortal Kombat or battle Sea Serpents or Pat's XL Pull List...It's Crusader Chronicles time! It's also time for Crusader Chronicles! Amazing Spider-Man 180 and Star Wars 11! Listen to it twice! Twice!
Opening [0:00:51]
Podcast promo - Fan Film Fridays - [0:10:07]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:11:11]
Podcast promo - DC 50 Years Ago  
Fan Film Fridays - Episode 01: BATMAN DEAD END
Fan Film Fridays
It’s the first episode! Trapped in the Longbox Crusade basement, Clinton has managed to recruit Gerry Green to help. Well, to help discuss a fan film anyway.
Listen in as they talk about BATMAN: DEAD END.
The film can be found online at https://youtu.be/bhEcP86cGt8
Find Gerry on Twitter @ProfessorFrenzy
Let us know what you think!
Email the show at FanFilmFridays@gmail.com or contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a me
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 11: 1985’s Commando vs. 2001’s The One
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 11: 1985’s Commando vs. 2001’s The One
Welcome to the eleventh episode!! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1985 & 2001, so here are our contestants:
Commando vs. The One
Will Arnold save the day or does Jet Li win in every dimension? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jarrod Alberich
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 031: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 031: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Christmas Pudding
The Case of the Christmas Pudding is afoot...with Ryan Daly and Dave Collins, B-Team extraordinaire, joining the crew for an episode featuring Harry Crocker! Which is totally his real name. Delvin may or may not be writing these.
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a me
Fan Film Fridays - Promo
Join Clinton Robison and a rotating series of guests as they sit in the Longbox Crusade basement to watch and discuss online fan films. Fan Film Fridays: an occasional podcast from the Longbox Crusade network of shows.
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK:
Visit the WEBSITE: http://www.longboxcrusade.com/
Follow on TWITTER:
Send in a voice message: https://podc
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 008
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 008
Issue/s: Transformers #8 (Marvel)
Maggie had more truth bombs in her ordnance so she joins the boys again as the DINOBOTS debut (kinda ignominiously), we learn how to pronounce “Chudleigh” and debate if #MegatronCanFly in Transformers Chronicles!
Opening [0:02:02]
Podcast promo - The Rod Pod - [0:07:02]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:28]
Who had the touch? [0:41:32]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:44:16]
Transformers Spotlight
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 035: January 1978
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 035: January 1978
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #179, X-Men #110
Jay Sandlin of What Happens Next podcast joins the lads minus Delvin (sort of...it was a whole bit), bringing along Shortlandia and the Warhawk Fan Club as they cover Amazing Spider-Man #179 and X-Men #110!
Opening [0:00:50]
Podcast promo - Jay Sandlin’s What Happens Next - [0:06:30]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:07:06]
Podcast promo - Squadron SupremeCast - [0:41:18]
2nd Comic Issue Revi
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 030: 1956 - Godzilla, King of the Monsters!
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 030: 1956 - Godzilla, King of the Monsters!
Our minds are set on overdrive. The clock? It’s laughing in our faces! Crooked spine...you guessed it! It’s Godzilla, King of the Monsters, for a very special 30th Saturday Matinee Theater! Now do your best Godzilla noise!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE Network:
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 034: December 1977
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 034: December 1977
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man # 178, Star Wars #9
The mailbag was full for episode 34 and we were elated! Amazing Spider-Man #178 was outstanding! Star Wars #9? 😬 Cue that Meatloaf song, folks, cuz two outta three ain’t bad 😂! It's Chronicles time!
Opening [0:00:58]
Podcast promo - Waiting For Doom - [0:08:42]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:10:05]
Podcast promo - The Rod Pod - [0:41:26]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:42:47]
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 10: 1977’s Sorcerer vs. 1993's Demolition Man
Action Film Face-Off
Episode 10: 1977’s Sorcerer vs. 1993's Demolition Man
Welcome to the tenth episode!! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1977 & 1993, so here are our contestants:
Sorcerer vs. Demolition Man
Will Sorcerer deliver the goods or does the future belong to Sly? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome!
Be sure to check out all the other Longbox Crusade shows at: www.LongboxCrusade.com
Check out Jar
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 029: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 5 - The Destroying Ray
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre
Episode 029: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 5 - The Destroying Ray
Pat's "business" on Planet Mongo continues to burgeon (yes, that is a word...we checked) as we figure out what the heck is Aura's purpose...and Vultan's purpose is with her, and what IS that creepy animal he has, in the 5th episode of Flash on SMT!
Let us know what you think!
Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 09: 1988’s They Live vs. 1997’s Tomorrow Never Dies
Action Film Face-Off
episode 09: 1988’s They Live vs. 1997’s Tomorrow Never Dies
Welcome to the ninth episode!! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1988 & 1997, so here are the contestants who will be entering our videodome arena to battle for your pleasure:
They Live vs. Tomorrow Never Dies
Will it be aliens & sunglasses, or the dangerous double-o? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in the videodome!
Be sure to check ou
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 033: November 1977
Crusader Chronicles
Episode 033: November 1977
Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #177, X-Men #109
Hope. It's a powerful thing. It's a hot thang! We hope you enjoy Chronicles 33, featuring Amazing Spider-Man 177 & X-Men 109 as well as way too many chances for the boys to sing Bon Jovi 😊! Come along!
Opening [0:00:50]
Podcast promo - Cheers Cast - [0:07:55]
1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:04]
Podcast promo - TREASURYCAST - [0:44:49]
2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:45:33 ]
Longbox Crusade - Promo 4
Longbox Crusade - Promo 4
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/longbox-crusade/message
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 007
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 007 Issue/s: Transformers #7 (Marvel) Listen Here: Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 007 Truth bombs: Ratchet faces the unstoppable Megatron, this is the last issue in which “O” ever appears, Buster has a headache THIS BIG 🤯, and best of all: the greater half of Married with Comics Podcast, Maggie, joins the crew to discuss it all! Transformers Chronicles is go! Opening [0:01:20] Podcast promo - Coffee and Comics - [0:07
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 028: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 028: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Deadly Prophecy Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 028 This SMT was unique--it was done WITHOUT Pat for the first time 😱 & also done LIVE in front of our YouTube Do It Livestream audience! See the rest of team LBC try to get through alive and make do without our fearless leader in "The Case of the Deadly Prophecy"! #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you t
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 08: 1977’s Star Wars vs. 1983’s Never Say Never Again
Action Film Face-Off Episode 08: 1977’s Star Wars vs. 1983’s Never Say Never Again Listen here: Action Film Face-Off - Episode 08: 1977’s Star Wars vs. 1983’s Never Say Never Again Welcome to the eighth episode!! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year - selected 1977 & 1983, so here are our contestants: Star Wars vs. Never Say Never Again Will it be OG Bond or the power of the force? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome! B
Longbox Crusade Episode 018: JLMay 2019 - Blackest Night #6 (December 2009) - 3 year Anniversary of the Longbox Crusade
Longbox Crusade Episode 018: JLMay 2019 - Blackest Night #6 (December 2009) - 3 year Anniversary of the Longbox Crusade Listen here: Longbox Crusade Episode 018: JLMay 2019 - Blackest Night #6 (December 2009) It's our 3 year anniversary! Yes! After we all give our thanks and gratitudes we pull out the original Longbox Crusade format, collaborate with the JLMAY 2019 crossover event, and give you Blackest Night 6! More fun than you can shake a dead stick at! Opening Comments [0:01:12] Podcast
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 032: October 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 032: October 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #176, All-Star Comics #70 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 032: October 1977 Jason, Weasel Skull, is away but the Chronicles must continue as the rest of team LBC tries not to live in ignominy (dah dahhh da da da) as we discuss Amazing Spider-Man 176 and (for the first time!) All-Star Comics #70! Opening [0:00:048] Podcast promo - JLMay 2019 Blackest Night - [0:06:22] 1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 027: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 4 - Battling the Sea Beast
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 027: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 4 - Battling the Sea Beast Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 027 That Aura, let me tell you, she is a disrupter! So team LBC, a perfectly fitting acronym by the way, got a disrupter of our own, Paul Hix, to join us for Saturday Matinee Theater! #ImFollowingFlash Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.c
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 006
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 006 Issue/s: Transformers #6 (Marvel) Listen Here: Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 006 We have Shockwave living his best life. Megatron is blowing a gasket, or eight. Ratchet is way in over his head and Buster dang near loses his...Transformers Chronicles 6 is here to give you both the nitty and the gritty! Opening [0:01:27] Podcast promo - JLMay 2019 - Blackest Night - [0:05:29] Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:06]
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 031: September 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 031: September 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #175 and X-Men #108 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 031: September 1977 Crusader Chronicles 31 is all about duality. Is it a podcast or an extended Patreon plea (only $1 a month! Join us!). Who is behind the Green Goblin mask (Amazing Spider-Man 175)? What in the world is happening in Uncanny X-Men 108? Don't worry, team LBC is here to help! Opening [0:00:50] Podcast promo - JLMay 2019 Bl
Action Film Face-Off - episode 07: 2010’s Book of Eli vs. 2002’s Brotherhood of the Wolf
Action Film Face-Off episode 07: 2010’s Book of Eli vs. 2002’s Brotherhood of the Wolf Listen here: Action Film Face-Off episode 07: 2010’s Book of Eli vs. 2002’s Brotherhood of the Wolf Action Film Face-off #7! 📖 Book of Eli vs. 🐺 Brotherhood of the Wolf Will post-apocalyptic Denzel lay waste to your typical supernatural mystery kung-fu art film? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome! Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bi
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 026: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 026: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Reluctant Carpenter Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 026 We are all set to reveal what this show is about! Here we go... .... .... .... BOOM! Gene Hendricks from the Hammer Strikes joins the lads as we cover switched identity and other shenanigans in the The Case of the Reluctant Carpenter! #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sen
Longbox Crusade Presents - Lost Episode 05: Marvel Cinematic Universe Bracket Phase 1 & 2
Longbox Crusade Presents Lost Episode 05: Marvel Cinematic Universe Bracket Phase 1 & 2 Did you think we were out of Lost Episodes? Well, we’re not! Listen here: Longbox Crusade Presents - Lost Episode 05: Marvel Cinematic Universe Bracket Phase 1 & 2 Did you ever wonder what Delvin’s first-ever podcast appearance was? Wonder no more! Have you ever wondered what a WORLD CUP-style tournament for the MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE Phases 1 & 2, to determine what the best movie wa
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 030: August 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 030: August 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #174 and Star Wars #5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 030: August 1977 WATCH OUT (for the Hitman!) It's Crusader Chronicles dirty 30, baby! We're talking featuring Spider-Man #174 and Star Wars #5, make sure you're on the right side of the rainbow for this one...unlike a certain Dark Web who will remain nameless 😔 Opening [0:00:58] Podcast promo - All the Pouches - [0:06:47] 1st Comic Issue Review
Action Film Face-Off - episode 06: 1991’s Point Break vs. 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok
Action Film Face-Off episode 06: 1991’s Point Break vs. 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok Listen here: Action Film Face-Off - episode 06: 1991’s Point Break vs. 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok Action Film Face-off 6th ep! Point Break vs. Thor: Ragnarok Will a 90’s surfer-action-adventure-skydiving-cop film dethrone the god of thunder? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome! Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/ Let us know what you thi
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 025: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 3 - Captured by the Shark Men
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 025: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 3 - Captured by the Shark Men Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 025 We get to Planet Mongo & no Dark Web? No Weasel Skull? We gotta call up some talent from our farm teams! Ryan Daly & Dave Collins step up, sell pants, & start knife fights! Watch out for Shark Men! Mainly because they don’t look like sharks! #ImFollowingFlash Let us know what y
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 005
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 005 Issue/s: Transformers #5 (Marvel) Listen Here: Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 005 Here's a spoiler for Transformers Chronicles 5: everyone rated the cover a perfect 10! Who wouldn't? Have you seen it? As for the rest? Clinton from Coffee & Comics joins Pat, Jon, and Delvin and we all just try to keep our heads on straight with all the action going on! ...maybe that's a spoiler too 😉 Opening [0:01:23] Podcast p
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 029: July 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 029: July 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #173 and X-Men #107 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 029: July 1977 If musical genius Joe November were on this episode he might say this Crusader Chronicles, featuring Spider-Man 173 and Uncanny X-Men 107, is on fire! Alas, Joe isn't here. You're stuck with team LBC, not a bad 2nd place if you ask us...good enough for $10 if you're playing Monopoly (and pull the community chest card...We digre
Comics To Console Crusade Episode 02
Comics To Console Crusade Episode 02: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time - Arcade - 1991 (SNES - 1992) Listen here: Comics To Console Crusade Episode 02 We’re proud to bring you episode 2 of Comics to Console Crusade, and after a 2 year hiatus the team of Pat, Jarrod, and Joe November couldn’t pic a more apt choice: TMNT: Turtles in Time! Get those quarters ready! Let us know what you think of this pilot episode in the comments below. Should we make more? Check out Jarrod Alberic
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 024: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 024: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Careless Suffragette Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 024 You take a new SMT "The Case of the Careless Suffragette", add team Longbox Crusade, throw in some RaD Adventures and you have one EXPLOSIVE episode... results of the explosion may vary by listener 😬 #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: cont
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 05: 2010’s Expendables vs. 2016’s Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Action Film Face-Off episode 05: 2010’s Expendables vs. 2016’s Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Listen here: Action Film Face-Off - Episode 05: 2010’s Expendables vs. 2016’s Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Action Film Face-off 5th ep! ☠️ Expendables vs. 🤜🏻 Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Will ensemble cast & mass carnage defeat Reacher’s grit & determination? Find out as they battle for 6 rounds in our videodome! Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://they
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 028: June 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 028: June 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #172 and Star Wars #3 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 028: June 1977 Heavens to Mergatroid it's Crusader Chronicles! We got afros and other assorted hair puns! We got Spider-Man 172 ! We got Star Wars 3! We got synopses for both but Jason didn't want to write the Star Wars one...apparently only Delvin needs it. Padawans, am I right 🙄 Come along for the ride! Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale
Longbox Crusade - Episode 017: Flash #207 (April 2004)
Longbox Crusade Episode 017: Flash #207 (April 2004) Listen here: Longbox Crusade - Episode 017: Flash #207 (April 2004) It’s been a long time, but we came back in a ⚡️FLASH⚡️! It’s an actual LONGBOX CRUSADE! And we’re traveling back to April 2004 to look at Flash #207! And, of course, ads, movies, & music of the time. On your mark. Get set.... 💥 Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/ Let us know what you think! Leave
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 023: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 2 - The Tunnel of Terror
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 023: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 2 - The Tunnel of Terror Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 023 There was a lot to unpack on this Saturday Matinee Theatre trip to Planet Mongo so the team brought along Rick Heinichen of the Unpacking the Power of the Power Pack Podcast as we covered Chapter 2 of Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers! #ImFollowingFlash Let us know what you think! Leave a co
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 004
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 004 Issue/s: Transformers #4 (Marvel) Listen Here: Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 004 Look. We don’t want you to have a heart attack or anything, but Transformers Chronicles 4 is live and lighting a wall of flame directly in front of you! It’s Pat, Delvin, Jon from Married With Comics Podcast to talk about the end...of the beginning! It’s gonna be a blast! Opening [0:01:16] Podcast promo - Everyone Loves Young Justice
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 027: May 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 027: May 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #171 and X-Men #106 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 027: May 1977 It's Crusaders Chronicles 27, where you'll come for #spiderman 171 and #X-Men 106 but you'll stay for Pat's Pull List and Jason's EPIC rant! We encourage talking with speaking for this one and definitely both hearing and listening! Opening [0:00:55] Podcast promo - The Bat Pod [0:07:23] 1st Comic Issue Review/Disc
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 04: 1982’s Conan the Barbarian vs. 1991’s Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Action Film Face-Off episode 04: 1982’s Conan the Barbarian vs. 1991’s Terminator 2: Judgement Day Listen here: Action Film Face-Off - Episode 04: 1982’s Conan the Barbarian vs. 1991’s Terminator 2: Judgement Day Welcome to the fourth episode!! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year selected 1982 & 1991, so here are our contestants: Conan the Barbarian vs. Terminator 2: Judgement Day Will sword & sorcery Arnold defeat sci-fi robot Arno
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 022: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 022: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Vanished Detective Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 022 Saturday Matinee Theatre: The boys return to London with Jarrod, Jason, and Pat. But wait, Delvin who has... disappeared?!?Sadly, only Pat is truly fooled in "The Case of the Vanished Detective"! #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcr
Longbox Crusade - Lost Episode 03: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #18 (June 1984)
Longbox Crusade Lost Episode 03: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #18 (June 1984) Listen here: Longbox Crusade - Lost Episode 03: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #18 (June 1984) THIS EPISODE BELONGS IN A MUSEUM! Well...it’s a LOST EPISODE anyway. Our team of archeologists have painstaking unearthed the Longbox Crusade that we recorded almost 2 years ago, featuring THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF INDIANA JONES #18 from June of 1984. As a bonus, this is actually Delvin’s first appear
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 026: April 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 026: April 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #170 and Star Wars #1 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 026: April 1977 All of the Longbox Crusade are VERY excited for this Chronicles as we cover, for the first time, Marvel Comics’ Star Wars! (checks notes) 3/4 of us are VERY excited for Star Wars! We also see Dr. Faustus play Laser Tag as we cover Amazing Spider-Man #170! Opening [0:00:49] Podcast promo - Coffee & Comics Podcast - [0
Longbox Crusade - Lost Episode 02: Action Comics #413 (June 1972)
Longbox Crusade Lost Episode 02: Action Comics #413 (June 1972) Listen here: Longbox Crusade - Lost Episode 02: Action Comics #413 (June 1972) Welcome to a lost episode from the Longbox Crusade! Almost TWO YEARS AGO Pat, Jarrod, & Jason did a deep dive into one of Pat’s oldest comic books: ACTION COMICS #413 from 1972. In the dark ages before the...dark web... (what?)...we discuss some Man of Steel, Eclipso, Metamorpho, and a dash of Super Turtle! Lots of oddness to be found! Check out
Chubbins & Sweetums
Chubbins & Sweetums Have you ever wondered what a “Chubbins & Sweetums” movie might be like? Hmmmm... I wonder..... Well thanks to Jarrod and his multitude of hit & miss impressions, WONDER NO LONGER! Listen here: Chubbins & Sweetums Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/ Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE N
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 021: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 1 - The Planet of Peril
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 021: 1936 - Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers - Chapter 1 - The Planet of Peril Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 021 Get ready to fire your laser pistols ( Pew Pew Pew)! Join the Longbox Crusade Crew as they travel to the Plant Mongo to begin their space adventure through the 13 episodes of the 1936 Flash Gordon serial: Space Soldiers. Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: cont
Longbox Crusade - Lost Episode 01: Justice League Europe #12 (March 1990)
Longbox Crusade Lost Episode 01: Justice League Europe #12 (March 1990) Listen here: Longbox Crusade - Lost Episode 01: Justice League Europe #12 (March 1990) Pat, Jason and Jarrod The Yard Sale Artist take a look at Justice League Europe #12 in an age before we had Dark Web access! Travel back with us to 1990 to talk JLE, Green Arrow, movies, music and more! Check out Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist website at: https://theyardsaleartist.bigcartel.com/ Let us know what you t
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 025: March 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 025: March 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #169 and X-Men #105 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 025: March 1977 Tim Price, a Crusader Club member, comes on down and joins us in body, Simply Red shows up and joins us in songs, and Pat finds himself on an island needing help from the audience as Crusader Chronicles reaches its 25! episode while covering Amazing Spider-Man #169 and Uncanny X-Men #105! Opening [0:00:47] Podcast promo - Bat
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 03: 1998’s Blade vs. 2004’s Man on Fire
Action Film Face-Off episode 03: 1998’s Blade vs. 2004’s Man on Fire Listen here: Action Film Face-Off - Episode 03: 1998’s Blade vs. 2004’s Man on Fire Welcome to the third episode!! For this episode, our randomizer - set to pick years in the range of 1970-current year selected 1998 & 2004, so here are our contestants: Blade vs. Man on Fire Will the candle-lighter of the Marvel movie phenomenon defeat the unstoppable determination of Man on Fire? Or will a rage-fueled Denzel just keep
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 020: 1947 - Sinbad the Sailor
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 020: 1947 - Sinbad the Sailor Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 020 All of the LBC are well adjusted lads with wives who love them dearly...and if you believe that tall tale then you'll love our #SMTMovie feature for our 20th Saturday Matinee Theatre episode, "Sinbad the Sailor" from 1947, with special guest Julie, wife of Weasel Skull! Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: 
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 003
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 003 Issue/s: Transformers #3 (Marvel) Listen Here: Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 003 Transformers issue 3 is go! Ryan Daly joins Pat, Delvin, Jon from Married with Comics podcast to discuss the most offbeat Transformers story, perhaps EVER, featuring SPIDER-MAN! Gears is in it too. Oh, that's not a selling point? My bad. Listen anyway! Opening [0:00:15] Podcast promo - Cheers Cast - [0:07:59] Comic Issue Review/Discus
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 024: February 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 024: February 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #168 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 024: February 1977 We’re pleased to tell you that Spidey’s greatest foe, Will O’ The Wisp, is the feature star of Amazing Spider-Man 168! Or, we’re bummed to tell you that. Or something. We are super conflicted! You should definitely listen. Or not. We don’t care. We do care. This is a bit. We do bits. We also digress a lot. Come listen! Opening [0:00:49
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 019: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 019: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Thistle Killer Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 019 Saturday Matinee Theatre brings you "The Case of the Thistle Killer" from London. Kentucky or England? Both! Listen/like/repost then drop thistle tweets and posts all day after you own people on the internet! #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@
Lost Episode: Comics To Console Crusade Episode 01
Lost Episode: Comics To Console Crusade Episode 01: Batman - NES - 1990 Listen here: Lost Episode: 01 - Comics To Console Crusade Episode 01 Welcome to a lost episode from the Longbox Crusade! Almost TWO YEARS AGO Pat & Jarrod teamed up with musical genius Joe November and made a show taking a deep dive into the world of video games - more specifically, video games based off of our favorite comic characters. We called his experiment: COMICS TO CONSOLE CRUSADE! And our first (and so far
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 023: January 1977
Crusader Chronicles Episode 023: January 1977 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #167, X-Men #104 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 023: January 1977 What podcast do you go to that shows you the money, gives you mediocre villains, drops you in the middle of the action and turns you into a baby without warning? Crusader Chronicles! We're covering Amazing Spider-Man 167 and Uncanny X-Men 104! Opening [0:00:50] Podcast promo - Everyone Loves The Young Justice - [0:04:33] 1st Comic
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 02: 1974's Three the Hard Way vs. 2018's Black Panther
Action Film Face-Off Episode 02: 1974's Three the Hard Way vs. 2018's Black Panther Listen here: Action Film Face-Off - Episode 02: 1974's Three the Hard Way vs. 2018's Black Panther Two films enter. One film leaves. Action Film Face-Off is a show where the Alberich brothers - two brothers who are both military combat veterans - are each assigned a random year between 1970 and present. Each brother then brings an action film from their year to the show. The two films are then co
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 018: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 018: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Laughing Mummy Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 018 SMT. LBC! Blinko. Sardines. Haters Club! Alcoholic (well, sort of). Sarcophagi. Curses! Brandy! Pipes! Case? Laughing Mummy. Holmes! Listen ;) #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE
Longbox Crusade - New Years Special 2019
Longbox Crusade - New Years Special 2019 Listen here: Longbox Crusade - New Years Special 2019 It's been a banner year & the team wants to celebrate with: thanks for likes/comments on Crusademas, a special thanks to #CrusadeWarriors (and more), and a VERY special announcement! Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.com/ Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com This podcast is a member of the
Action Film Face-Off - Episode 01: 1976’s The Enforcer vs. 1985’s Silverado
Action Film Face-Off Episode 01: 1976’s The Enforcer vs. 1985’s Silverado Listen here: Action Film Face-Off - Episode 01: 1976’s The Enforcer vs. 1985’s Silverado Two films enter. One film leaves. Action Film Face-Off is a show where the Alberich brothers - two brothers who are both military combat veterans - are each assigned a random year between 1970 and present. Each brother then brings an action film from their year to the show. The two films are then compared and contraste
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 12
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 12: Twelve Usagi Yojimbo Yojimboing Issue: Usagi Yojimbo Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 12 MERRY CHRISTMAS! It’s the last day of the 12 Days of Crusademas and, silly rabbit, comics are for….rabbit’s? Well, they are when that rabbit is Usagi Yojimbo. DJ Kristatos brings us Stan Sakai’s anthropromethic...amthrothermatic...amfromantastic...HUMAN LIKE samurai rabbit, Usagi! Will Delvin enjoy the extra page co
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 11
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 11: Eleven Thunderstrikes striking Issue: Thunderstrike 1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 11 THUNDER! aaaaaAAAAAaaa! THUNDER! aaaaaAAAAAaaa! THUNDER! aaaaaAAAAAaaa! Delvin brings….THUNDERSTRIKE!!!! Straight from the 1990’s, the Dark Web brings us Thunderstrike #1. Pat brings us all some British baked goods, Jason scores the book high and yet still somehow gets another Bah-Humbug Award, and Delvin brings us
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 10
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 10: Ten Baltimore's Baltimoring Issue: Baltimore: The Red Kingdom #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 10 It’s Weasel Skull’s special day & in the spirit of Christmas, he brings us a tale of the Earth being dominated by witches, vampires, and werewolves! It’s Baltimore and the Red Kingdom! If only it had been Baltimore and the Red & Green Kingdom… But the crew still brings the cheer & has plenty of songs on their heart that they’ll DEFI
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 09
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 09: Nine Groos a Grooing Issue: Groo the Wanderer #22 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 09 No more guests - it’s just the Longbox crew for the last stretch of Crusademas. It’s quiet & intimate in the warmly lit, festively decorated Longbox Crusade Studios, and the handsomest Crusader of all - Jarrod Alberich, The Yard Sale Artist - has brought Groo from Marvel’s Epic imprint. Will the book be too “kiddy” for the high class Crus
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 08
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 08: Eight Black Hoods Hooding Issue: Black Hood #2 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 08 It’s all good in the hood. The BLACK HOOD that is! As our favorite Canadian podcaster, Siskoid, brings us Black Hood #2 from the Impact Comics line. Is Jason’s hatred from Crusademas 2017’s coverage of The Shield going to carry over into this Impact title? Will Pat drink an entire bottle of maple syrup? Will Pat & Jas
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 07
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 07: Seven Tomahawks Tomahawking Issue: Tomahawk #131 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 07 Just when you think you’re going to settle in for a nice, quiet, Crusademas evening… Rob Kelly from the Fire & Water Podcast Network shows up and starts throwing his tomahawk around the room! So the lads check out DC’s classic frontier book: “Tomahawk”, just as it is changing its focus to “Son of Tomahawk.” So journey back with
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 06
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 06: Six Eternity Smiths Smithing Issue: Eternity Smith #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 06 We’re happy to announce the the guest for this episode is none other than PROFESSOR FRENZY….’s friend, Professor Alan. And the host of the Relatively Geeky Podcast Network brings some 1980’s obscurity in the form of Eternity Smith. Time travel! Rock bands! White skunk streaks in hair! It’s all here! And
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 05
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 05: Five Nexuses Issue: Nexus #6 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 05 This episode is the nexus of all things crusademas, but mainly because celebrated author, Van Allen Plexico, brings us the comic book series: Nexus. Relive the tale of how Van acquired his Nexus collection...which was definitely not the easy way. And then stay through the outtakes to get a rare, vocals-only track of the Crusaders singing their much-loved parts of the
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 04
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 04: Four G.I. Joes Special Missioning Issue: G.I. Joe Special Missions #5 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 04 It’s that special missions time of the year! No, that’s not a typo because guest host, Aaron “Head” Moss, is in the festively decorated Longbox Crusade studios with his pick of the season: G.I. Joe Special Missions. So, get your battle gear ready to explore this microcosm of the 1980’s Joe boom. But be careful!
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 03
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 03: Three Falcons Falconing Issue: Falcon #3 (2017) Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 03 Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.com/ Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com This podcast is a member of the CRUSADECAST Network: Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/longboxcrus
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 02
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 02: Two Ant-Mans Anting Issue: Ant-Man #1 (2015) Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 02 It’s the second day of Crusademas and Ryan Daly stops by for some small talk. We’re talking 2015’s Ant-Man! Get it? “Small talk?” Right? Also, Jason explores and relives his painful G.I.Joe-related Christmas mornings....again. And speaking of Jason’s pain - he takes on hosting duties for this one and is quickly reminded why
12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 01
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 Day 01: A Blue Devil Devilling Issue: Blue Devil Annual #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2018 - Day 01 If you could pick just one person to kick off the first day of Crusademas, who would you get to be the special guest? If your answer was: The Irredeemable Shag...that’s pretty weird...but it’s also correct! Shagg brings some summer fun to our Christmas season (what?) with DC’s overlooked classic: The Blue Devil! Delv
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 017: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 017: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Greystone Inscription Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 017 Weasel Skull's son, Drake, joins us as team LBC tries to keep Kristatos out of the liquor cabinet so he's ready for his erotic voiceover debut! Join us for Saturday Matinee Theatre- The Case of the Greystone Inscription! #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an emai
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 022: December 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 022: December 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-man #166 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 022: December 1976 We are the championssss for Crusader Chronicles 22 and are ready to walk the dinosaur with Amazing #Spidey 166! Unless it's really cold. Then, never mind, we'll catch you in the summertime! Come catch the hot lizard on lizard action! Opening [0:00:54] Podcast promo - [Promo] - [0:03:32] 1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:05:32] Podcast pro
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 016: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 016: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Singing Violin Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 016 If you don't like "The Case of the Singing Violin" team Longbox Crusade will declare you mad and beat you to within an inch of your life! It's another, gulp, fun filled Saturday Matinee Theatre! #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@lo
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 002
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 002 Issue/s: Transformers #2 (Marvel) Listen Here: Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 002 We have a seeker of knowledge in Pat Sampson, a power hungry co-host in Jonathan Schafer-Hames (Married With Comics Podcast), and a host badly needing fuel in Delvin Williams: it’s Transformers Chronicles & the boys are covering Transformers (US) Issue 2! Opening [0:00:17] Podcast promo - Longbox Crusade - [0:06:37] Comic Issue Re
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 021: November 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 021: November 976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #165, X-Men #103 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 021: November 1976 Speaking of Facebook, it's Crusader Chronicles 21! If the main bad guy Stegron from Amazing Spider-man #165 or the leprechauns in X-Men #103 aren't your favorite, look folks, sometimes you gotta eat the filler! Also, please participate in our aptly named #5starchallenge, where you go to iTunes podcasts and rate us 5 stars! Bonus p
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 015: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 015: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the French Interpreter Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 015 Team LBC covers "The Case of the French Interpreter" and we do so very. Quietly! Shhhh! We also answer some pressing @yardsaleartist questions, one addressing last episode's fun facts and one addressing where in the world was he? Let us know we did in the comments: tres bien or comme si comme sa? #ImFoll
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 014: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 014: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Split Ticket Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 014 In a SMT first, Bobby Wilkins (Delvin) leads the LBC Crew & returning guest Dave Collins in The Case of the Split Ticket! Where is Jarrod for this episode? Please give us a reason why in the comments. Don’t just stand there staring at pastries, help us out! #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Le
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 020: October 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 020: October 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #164 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 020: October 1976 It's Crusader Chronicles 20! Spoiler alert: at the end we pay respects to the late Norm Breyfogle (rest in peace), at the start we pay respects to Little Richard (at least 3 different times and 2 different ways), and oh yeah! Amazing Spider-Man 164 (that's the comic book we're covering since we're over explaining)! Come listen! Opening [0:00:4
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 013: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 013: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Shoeless Engineer Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 013 It’s ‘The Case of the Shoeless Engineer”, a case that we guarantee will render you speechless! And once you listen to the violin debut of Jarrod you will regain your voice, begging him to stop! Come join us for Saturday Matinee Theater and #ImFollowingHolmes along with the LBC crew! Let us know what you t
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 019: September 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 019: September 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #163, X-Men #102 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 019: September 1976 We at the Longbox Crusade don't like to name call, but if you don't listen to our show you're a Sillyhead! For Crusader Chronicles 19 Sean Ross and 3/4 of the LBC crew talk Amazing Spider-Man 163 and Uncanny X-Men 102 and do some childhood reminiscing, while Delvin walked in the rain a bit too long without his $3700
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 018: August 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 018: August 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #162 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 018: August 1976 What podcast treats you to a musical outro of Oran "Juice" Jones? US GUYS! For Crusader Chronicles 18 features Amazing Spider-Man #162 and we need your help: the boys were split down the middle with voting it either a 3 or 4 so help us break the tie! Vote for team Yard Sale Artist if ASM #162 was a 3 or team Cool Dudes (Pat and Jason) if the iss
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 012: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 012: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Red Headed League Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 012 We checked the encyclopedia - P is for Podcast and S is for Saturday Matinee Theatre! Join special guest Alan Porter and Team LBC as they laugh along merrily (maybe forcefully at the end) through the Case of the Red Headed League! #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to:&
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 001
Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 001 Issue/s: Transformers #1 (Marvel) Listen Here: Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 001 It's a podcast transformed where things are not what they seem: Pat Sampson begins his journey into the world of Marvel and Marvel UK Transformers guided along the way by his Longbox Crusade comrade, Delvin Williams and One Half of Married With Comics: Jonathan Schaefer Hames. It’s a pilot full of unexpected twists and turns th
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 011: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 011: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Mother Hubbard Case Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 011 Oh, fudge, it's time for another Saturday Matinee Theater as the Longbox Crusade crew follows Sherlock Holmes in the Mother Hubbard case! We are lost, won't you please take us back to our flat on 221B Baker Street? #ImFollowingHolmes Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@l
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 017: July 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 017: July 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #161, X-Men #101 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 017: July 1976 Crusader Chronicles 17 rises from the ashes like a Jean Grey! I'm pretty sure that's how the saying goes. No? We've heard it both ways. Join the LBC crew and special guest host Ryan Daly from the Fire and Water Podcast Network as they tackle Amazing Spider-Man #161 (featuring Nightcrawler) and X-Men #101 (featuring St
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 010: 1954 TV’s Climax - Casino Royale
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 010: 1954 TV’s Climax - Casino Royale Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 010 For a very special 10th episode, Pat, Jarrod, and Jason bring along Alan Porter of On Her Majesty’s Secret Podcast and James Bond Lexicon to discuss the 1954 version of Casino Royale! Don't miss it, which places you at a higher level of proficiency than a sniper in front of a casino, apparently. Delvin was mysteriously
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 016: June 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 016: June 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #160 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 016: June 1976 Join us for Crusader Chronicles 16! Pat, Jarrod, Jason, and special guest Chris Karnes from from the podcasts Bat Books for Beginners and The Professor Frenzy (but also is a veritable encyclopedia of knowledge about Spidey!) discuss Charo, Decker and Decker, Donnie and Marie and pet the fur together while covering Amazing Spider-Man 160! Where's Delvin?
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 009: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee TheatreEpisode 009: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of Harry Crocker Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 009 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, Delvin WIlliams, & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. This episode, the lads are joined by friend of the s
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 015: May 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 015: May 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #159, X-Men #100 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 015: May 1976 It's a two issue Crusader Chronicles that is chock full of hi-jinx and fun from your friends at the Longbox Crusade: Pat, Jarrod, Jason, and Delvin! Included inside: the Chronicles' first ever one rating (GASP), the first ever Chronicles haiku-off (WOW), the first ever villain scared away by a trash can (UGH), and the first incapacitated C
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 008: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 008: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Blind Man’s Bluff Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 008 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. This episode, the lads are joined by friend of the
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 014: April 1976
Longbox Crusade: Crusader Chronicles Episode 014: April 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #158 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 014: April 1976 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist, Jason Alberich and Delvin Williams. Opening [0:00:48] Podcast promo - Hamilton vs Burr: A Werewolf Tale [0:02:55] Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:04:23] Podcast promo - Married With Comics [0:47:00] Crusader Comments [0:48:59] Closing [0:51:15]
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 007: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 007: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Winthrop Legend Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 007 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, Delvin WIlliams, & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. This episode, the lads are joined b
Longbox Crusade - Episode 016: G.I. Joe and the Transformers #2 (December 1986) - LBC 2 Year Anniversary
Longbox Crusade Episode 016: G.I. Joe and the Transformers #2 (December 1986) - 2 year Anniversary of the Longbox Crusade podcast Issues: Fantastic Four Versus The X-Men #2, Secret Wars #2 Listen here: Longbox Crusade - Episode 016: G.I. Joe and the Transformers #2 (December 1986) - LBC 2 Year Anniversary Join Pat, Jarrod Alberich, Jason Alberich, Delvin Williams as they take a look at the featured issue G.I. Joe and the Transformers #2 from December 1986. They also find out what number two issu
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 006: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 006: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Shy Ballerina Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 006 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. This episode, the lads are joined by friend of the sho
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 005: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 005: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Belligerent Ghost Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 005 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. This episode, the lads are joined by friend of the
Longbox Crusade - Episode 015 - JLMay - Silver Age Flash #1 (July 2000)
Longbox Crusade Episode 015: JLMay 2018 - Silver Age Flash #1 (July 2000) Issues: Deadpool #42, Impulse #62 Listen here: Longbox Crusade - Episode 015 - JLMay - Silver Age Flash #1 (July 2000) Join Pat, Jarrod Alberich, Jason Alberich, Delvin Williams as they take a look at the featured issue Silver Age Flash #1 cover dated July 2000 as part of the JLMay 2018 podcast crossover event. They also find out what’s in the longboxes of Jarrod and Delvin from this time. Later on in the podcast they
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 004: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 004: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Texas Cowgirl Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 004 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. This episode, the lads are joined by friend & fellow po
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 003: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 003: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Pennsylvania Gun Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 003 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. This episode, the lads are joined by friend & fellow
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 002: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 002: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of Lady Beryl Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 002 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, & Jarrod Alberich as they podcast from their flat at 221B Baker Street & continue their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. In this episode, the lads will see if the love of the
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 013: March 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 013: March 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #157, X-Men #99 Rating: 3/5Rating: 4/5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 013: March 1976 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist and Delvin Williams. Opening [0:00:36] Podcast promo - JLUCAST - [0:04:13] 1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:05:12] Podcast promo - RaD Adventures Network - [0:43:25] 2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:45:08] Podcast promo -&
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre - Episode 001: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes
Longbox Crusade Presents: Saturday Matinee Theatre Episode 001: 1954 TV’s Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Cunningham Heritage Listen Here: LBCP - Saturday Matinee Theatre: Episode 001 Join super-sleuth podcasters Pat Sampson, Jason Alberich, & Jarrod Alberich as they make their journey through all 39 episodes of the “Sherlock Holmes” television series that aired from 1954-1955. In this premiere episode, the lads will look at the very first episode and see if this vintage TV serie
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 012: February 1976
Longbox Crusade: Crusader Chronicles Episode: 012 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #156 Rating: 2.5/5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 012: February 1976 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist, Delvin Williams and Glenn Percival (Torgo) from the podcast and website PlayStation Nation. Opening [0:00:37] Podcast promo - DCOCD [0:06:46] Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:48] Podcast promo - Bat-Books for Beginners [1:02:16
Longbox Crusade - Episode 014: Checkmate #15 (May 1989)
Longbox Crusade Episode 014: Checkmate #15 (May 1989) Issues: Daredevil #266, Starman #10, Transformers #52 Listen here: Longbox Crusade - Episode 014: Checkmate #15 (May 1989) Join Pat, Jarrod Alberich, Jason Alberich, Delvin Williams and guest Arron Head Moss as they take a look at the featured issue Checkmate #15 from May 1989. They also find out what’s in the longboxes of Jarrod, Pat and Delvin from this time. Later on in the podcast they have some fun going over some history notes on m
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 011: January 1976
Crusader Chronicles Episode 011: January 1976 Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #155, X-Men #98 Rating: 3/5Rating: 4/5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 011: January 1976 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist, Jason Alberich, Delvin Williams and Huey from the Blast It Or Stash It it YouTube channel. Opening [0:00:42] Podcast promo - Headspeaks - [0:08:12] 1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:09:33] Podcast promo - Robin: Every
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 010: December 1975
Crusader ChroniclesEpisode 010: Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #154 Rating: 3/5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 010: December 1975 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist, Jason Alberich, Delvin Williams and Clinton Robison from the blog and podcast Coffee & Comics. Opening [0:00:58]Podcast promo - Coffee & Comics Podcast [0:06:54]1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:08:05]Hostess Ad [0:48:41]Podcast promo - Comics With Normies [0:50:16]Crusader Comm
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 009: November 1975
Longbox Crusade: Crusader ChroniclesEpisode 009: Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #153, X-Men #97 Rating: 3/5Rating: 4/5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 009: November 1975 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist and Jason Alberich. Opening [0:00:49]Podcast promo - TBU Bat-Books for Beginners [0:02:27]1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:03:30]Podcast promo - DCOCD [0:31:05]2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:33:07]Podcast promo - FIRST STRIKE: THE INVASION! P
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 12
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 12: Twelve Avengers AvengingIssue: Avengers Arena #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 12 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! The Dark Web has the great honor of closing out the 12 days of Crusademas with the gift of Avengers Arena #1. Is it the the official Daisy model 1938 Red Ryder BB gun, or just a lame advertisement for Ovaltine? Will Kristatos shoot his eye out? Will the neighborhood bully, Weasel Skull, and his
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 11
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 11: Eleven Agents Atlasing Issue: Agents of Atlas #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 11 IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE! On this 11th day of Crusademas, Weasel Skull gives the gift of Agents of Atlas from Marvel Comics. WOO!!!! (It'll make sense if you listen.) Find out whether this reindeer team of reviewers thinks this is chocolate-covered cherries, or is it last year's fruitcake? Speaking of "last year's fruitc
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 10
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 10: Ten Nth Man NthingIssue: Nth Man the Ultimate Ninja #2 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 10 Stop...Hama time! Larry Hama's way-under-the-radar Nth Man book is the centerpiece of our Christmas Season banquet for this tenth day of Crusademas. Will Nth Man make the Naughty List or the Nice List? Tune in to find out! At the very least, you get to hear Professor Weasel Skull use the phrase "post-nuclear-age ph
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 09
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 09: Nine ElfQuest QuestingIssue: ElfQuest #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 09 It's an Elf on the Shelf special! Well....it's ElfQuest #1 for this ninth day of Crusademas, brought to you by Kristatos. The Pinis are pretty well known in the comic book community for this fantasy book creation. We're all aware of it...so why haven't many people actually read it? The lads will discuss that phenomenon and reveal once
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 08
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 08: Eight Transformers TransformingIssue: Transformers #75 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 08 The eighth day of Crusademas finds the boys tackling probably the most well-known title from under the Longbox Tree: Transformers. But we're going back the early days to a Transformers tale you may have missed from the bygone Marvel era - issue #75. We’ll give you a hint: it's a big climactic battle. Will talking robots
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 07
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 07: Seven Sojourn SojourningIssue: Sojourn #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 07 Starting the back-half of Crusademas, Jason brings the Crossgen classic "Sojourn" to our gift-giving session. Straight from the early 2000's, Ron Marz teamed up with artists Greg Land & Drew Garaci to bring us some sword & sorcery. Will the D&Dishness tickle Pat's tummy feathers? Will Jarrod's natural disdain of fantasy m
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 06
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 06: Six Spyboy SpyingIssue: Spyboy #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 06 The sixth day of Crusademas, brought to you by the Longbox Crusade, was a treat brought to you in a way only Jarrod Alberich can deliver, regaling us with the well penned Spyboy! Will we have a Grinch for this day or will the entire team be grateful for the gift bestowed upon us today? We definitely enjoyed the Yard Sale Artist’s choice of music f
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 05
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 05: Five Warlands! Issue: Warlands #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 05 We have reached day 5 of The 12 Days of Crusademas, brought to you by those crazy guys from the Longbox Crusade. DJ Kristatos, aka Pat, shares with the crew the beautifully drawn fantasy land of Warlands, and then brings some Christian rock of the Casting Crowns for the outro, “I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day”! How many candy canes will the team give
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 04
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 04: Four Warriors Waring Issue: New Warriors #25 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 04 The 12 Days of Crusademas has reached day 4! The Longbox Crusade’s dweller of the DarkWeb, Delvin Williams, shares with the group (and all the awesome listeners!) the wonder that isNew Warriors (vol1) as well as the soulful outro of “Silent Night”, by the Temptations! Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 03
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 03: Three Red Star ShiningIssue: Red Star #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 03 The 12 Days of Crusademas, brought to you by the Longbox Crusade, soldiers on with a reviewof “Red Star”, presented by the notorious Jason Alberich, aka Weasel Skull! Being a fan ofthe classics he chooses Queen for his Christmas jam, “Thank God It's Christmas”! Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http://www.theyardsaleartist.com/ Let us know
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 02
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 02: Two Slingers SlingingIssue: Slingers #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas - Day 02 Welcome back to the 12 Days of Crusademas, brought to you by the Longbox Crusade! ForDay 2 of the festivities we have resident superstar, Jarrod Alberich, aka “The Yard Sale Artist”,taking the team of misfits through the lost gem of “Slingers”. His selection for the song outro?“Last Christmas” by Wham! Check out Jarrod's website The Yard Sale Artist at: http
12 Days of Crusademas 2017 - Day 01
Longbox Crusade: 12 Days of Crusademas 2017Day 01: And a Legend of the Shield in the LongboxIssue: Legend of the Shield #1 Listen here: 12 Days of Crusademas - Day 01 Ho! Ho! Ho! We at the Longbox Crusade would like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone inpodcast land! Our gift to you: the 12 Days of Crusademas! Each day one of our merry hosts willpresent to you a comic book that maybe didn't get to join in any of your reindeer games the firsttime around with the hopes of sparking your interes
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 008: October 1975
Crusader ChroniclesEpisode 008: October 1975Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #152 Rating: 3/5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 008: October 1975 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist, Jason Alberich and Delvin Williams. Opening [0:00:41]Podcast promo - WHO’S WHO – THE DEFINITIVE PODCAST OF THE DC UNIVERSE [0:02:39]1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:03:41]Podcast promo - Comics For Courage [0:52:42]Crusader Comments [0:55:45]Closing [1:06:11]Outtakes [1:12:0
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 007: September 1975
Crusader ChroniclesEpisode 007: September 1975Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #151, Uncanny X-Men #96 Rating: 3/5Rating: 3/5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 007: September 1975 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist and Delvin Williams. Opening [0:00:45]Podcast promo - TREASURYCAST [0:01:53]1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:02:38]Podcast promo - Krypton Podcast [0:31:37]2nd Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:33:54]Podcast promo - Back to the Bins [1:09:05]C
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 006: August 1975
Crusader ChroniclesEpisode 006: August 1975Issue/s: Amazing Spider-Man #150 Rating: 3/5 Listen here: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 006: August 1975 Joining Pat this episode are Jarrod Alberich the Yardsale Artist, Jason Alberich and Delvin Williams. - Opening - begins at 0:00:53- Podcast promo - DONE-IN-ONE WONDERS PODCAST WONDER SHOW - begins at 0:02:21- 1st Comic Issue Review/Discussion - begins at 0:03:32- Podcast promo - G.I Joe A Real American Headcast - begins at 0:56:21- Crusader Com
Longbox Crusade - Episode 13: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #3 (Sept 1982)
Longbox Crusade Episode 13: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #3 (Sept 1982) Listen here: Longbox Crusade - Episode 13: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #3 (Sept 1982)Join Pat Sampson, Jarrod Alberich and Jason Alberich as they take a look at the third issue of G.I. Joe A Real American Hero.Later on in the podcast they have some fun going over some history notes on major news, popular films and music from September 1982.- Opening Comments - begins at 0:00:34- Current Crusades - begins at 0:04:57-
Longbox Crusade - Episode 12: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #2 (August 1982)
Longbox Crusade PodcastEpisode 12Take a listen here: Longbox Crusade Episode 12: G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #2 (August 1982) Join Pat Sampson, Jarrod Alberich and Jason Alberich as they take a look at the second issue of G.I. Joe A Real American Hero. Later on in the podcast they have some fun going over some history notes on major news, popular films and music from August 1982.- Opening Comments - some G.I. Joe memories- begins at 0:00:26- Current Crusades begins at 0:15:19- Podcast promo -
Crusader Chronicles - Episode 001: April 1972
Longbox Crusade: Crusader ChroniclesEpisode 001: April 1972Issue/s: Action Comics #413 Listen here: Longbox Crusade: Crusader Chronicles - Episode 001: April 1972 Join Pat Sampson on the first episode of the spin-off podcast from the Longbox Crusade called Crusader Chronicles. Crusader Chronicles is a spin-off podcast that will journal the comic book issues read chronologically by their release date from Pat’s comic book collection either in digital, in a trade or from the many longboxes st