The S.O.A.P - The Slightly Offensive Australian Podcast.
Join us as we discuss games, pop culture, and other popular topics
The S.O.A.P Episode 51: Sniper Elite
Dan and Mick talk Sniper Elite
Learn about the game as Mick gives us the full run down, from gameplay, different versions , kill cam, novels and much much more!
The S.O.A.P Episode 50: Little Big Planet
Join Dan and Taylor on the latest episode bringing you the fun and loveable game Little Big Planet, bringing you the joy, creativity and loads and loads of fun. come join us and learn more about the game that everyone has a little soft spot for!
The S.O.A.P. Episode 49: Far Cry Primal
Dan brings Mike back to talk Far Cry: Primal.
Learn about the game as Mike gives us the full run down, from soundtrack, languages, mechanics, and much much more!
The S.O.A.P Episode 48 Doom Eternal
The S.O.A.P Episode 48 Doom Eternal by The SOAP
The S.O.A.P Episode 47: Our first christmas special!
The S.O.A.P. unites for our very first christmas special!
All the cast members are on, with Dan, Arthur, Aaron, Kav, Mike, Delphine and Brendan all talking about christmas in 2019!
Find out about our traditions, carols, presents and much more as we talk everything christmas!
The S.O.A.P Episode 46: Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix
Join Brendan, Delphine and Dan as they talk Kingdom Hearts!
Learn about the 1.5 remix, all the worlds, the disney and square cross overs, and how our members experienced it!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 45: Assassins Creed Black Flag
Join Captain Mike as he hosts with Dan and Delphine and they talk all things pirates in Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag!
Learn about sailing, islands to explore, quests to be had and bounty to be plundered in this episode, you won't regret it!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 44: WOW Classic
Join Kav, Arthur and Delphine as they unpack World of Warcraft Classic and dwelve into nostalgia. Is it worth your time and money? Find out in this episode
The S.O.A.P Episode 43: Borderlands
Join Dan, Brendan and Delphine as they talk about Borderlands! Previous games and what we can expect with Borderlands 3.
The S.O.A.P Episode 42: Pax Pamir Second Edition
Join Dan and Arthur as they talk all things Pax Pamir Second Edition. Learn all about the board and find out Arthurs thoughts as Dan interviews him to get you all you need to know!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 41: Final Fantasy Remasters! *Spoilers*
Join Dan, Delphine and Az as they talk all things Final Fantasy 7 & 8! With a lot of exciting news coming out, we talk about what to expect, and relive a bit of nostalgia about these past titles, in preparation for their return!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 40: Far from Home
Join Dan, Delphine and Kav as they talk all things Spiderman: Far from home (not homecoming as Dan keeps going to say). Discuss the themes, plot points and fun trivia, and learn that spiderman: into the multiverse is not on netflix.
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P episode 39 : Assassin's Creed Unity
Join Dan & Delphine as they unpack everything Assassin's Creed Unity.
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 38: Avengers Endgame *Spoilers*
**Spoiler Alert**
Join Daniel, Delphine and Mike as they discuss all things Avengers: End Game. With a click of your fingers you can be listening to the discussion on what works, what didn't work, and what might happen in the future!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 37 : Ironfest
Join Dan & Delphine as they discuss Ironfest!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 36: Year 3
Join Dan, Aaron and Mike as they battle technology to release the first podcast for the year! Lots of discussion, including Sekiro, Anthem, Fallout 76, Larping, Star wars, Donkey Kong, No Mans Sky, and whether Mike would break an Abacus.
The third year of the podcast is going strong, expect regular content as The S.O.A.P. has returned!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
The S.O.A.P. Episode 35: You wouldn't download this podcast?
Join Dan, Arthur and Az as they discuss piracy and downloading cars!
Is being a software/music/movie pirate worth it in the age of the on demand streaming service?
Who paid the iron price for game of thrones?
And.... you wouldn't shoot a policeman, would you?
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 34: Venom (Spoilers!)
Join Dan and Corey as they talk the venom movie! If you haven't seen it there is a few spoilers so listen at your own risk! They cover all the main plot points from Tom Hardy, venom, riot, that big plot hole and much more!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 33: Magic the Gathering and streaming
The S.O.A.P. Episode 33: Magic the Gathering and streaming! Join Dan as he interviews Shaun from MPNumbers as he talks Magic the Gathering in all its forms, the new expansion, and his streaming career so far!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 32: The One About Zelda!
The S.O.A.P. Episode 32: The One about Zelda! Join Dan and Greg as they go through the history of Zelda, from the NES to the switch and everything in between!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 31: Get to know us!
The S.O.A.P. Episode 31: Get to know us!
Dan interviews the S.O.A.P crew and finds out some very interesting things as you get to meet everyone!
Warning: multiple Dad jokes ahead!!!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Desmeon - Hellcat [NCS Release]
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 30: The Lost E3 Episode PT 2
Enjoy our lost E3 episode which we have recovered! Join Corey, Mike and Dan and explore everything you missed at E3 from Microsoft, Ea and Ubisoft!
The S.O.A.P. Episode 29: Warcraft
Join Dan, Arthur and Kav and enjoy our warcraft episode, as we take a brief (as brief as a game with a history as warcraft can be !) look at the history of warcraft and its latest expansion Battle For Azeroth.
The S.O.A.P. Episode 28: The Lost E3 Episode PT 1
Enjoy our lost E3 episode which we have recovered! Join Corey, Mike and Dan and explore everything you missed at E3 from Microsoft, Ea and Ubisoft!
The S.O.A.P. Episode 27: Supanova 2018
Join Dan and Mike as they discuss Supanova sydney in 2018! Relive the experience or find out what you missed!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 26: Avengers
Join Dan, Corey and Delphine as they discuss the Avengers! Learn the differences between the comics and the movie, the history that started it all and everything you missed!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 25: Ready Player One
Join Dan, Kav and Corey as they discuss Ready Player One! Learn the differences between the book and the movie, the history that started it all and all the easter eggs you missed!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 24 - Getting Medieval with it!!
Join Az and Mike as they get medieval on the Battle of the Nations - the biggest full metal battle in the world. Also plenty of talk about hitting each other with large objects, and maybe hunting a man down in the bush wearing a onsie...
Find out here!!!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 23: God of War 4
Join the S.O.A.P. as we look at the recently released God Of War 4 game for the playstation 4. Learn about the history of the games, what the new one brings, and the mythology around it.
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 22: Hearthstone Witchwood Update
The Soap crew return this time with our Hearthstone expert, Kav.
Join us for a preview of the new expansion to the game, the WitchWood, and a run-down for new starters as well. Get your deck, gather your mana and prepare to battle!!!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 21: Retro Console Collecting
Join the S.O.A.P. as we interview Retro Console Collecting enthusiast Greg as he explains how to collect, what to look for, and great ideas for your collection!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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Episode 20: Classic Nintendo Retro Goodness
This time, Dan and Aaron chat about the rise of "Classic" console reboots and all things retro and nostalgic.
Crack out the controller, put on your Mario hat and get ready for a "Classic" epsiode!!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Nintendo Corporation
Youtube for the classic TV advertisment
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P. Episode 19: Year In Review 2017
The Soap return for 2018 with a review of themselves!
We discuss all things related to our journey as we learnt the ropes in 2017. Listen to this ep as we discuss editing, equipment, general tips for starting your podcast, and Mike does some voices!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 18: Crowdfunding
Join The S.O.A.P. as they discuss all things Crowdfunding!
Learn about:
- Kickstarter
- Go fund me
- Indiegogo
- Kickfails
- and much more!
The SOAP Episode 17 : Oz Comic-Con and others!
Join The SOAP as we discuss the growing "con" scene in Australia.
Also find out what happened at the Medical fair!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 16: Virtual Reality
Join Dan and Aaron from The S.O.A.P. along with special guest Mick as they discuss all things Virtual Reality, looking at the Google Cardboad, Daydream, HTC Vive, Sony VR and the Occulus Rift!
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The S.O.A.P Episode 15 - Horror
The Horror! The Horror!
Join the team as we wade through the bodies and get to the meat of some horror games and movies
It will be a Scream! (apologies)
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 14: Killing Floor
Join Dan and Mike from The S.O.A.P. as they discuss all things Killing Floor, including both 1 &2 and covering both PC and PS4
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The S.O.A.P Episode 13
Join The Soap as they talk all things supanova! Relive the experience or catch up on what you missed.
Enjoy some nice bloopers at the end to finish off the ep!
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The S.O.A.P Episode 12
Join The Soap as they talk all things sequels (or as much as you can fit in an hour)
Also we confirm half life 3. We confirm we have no idea about it.
But come join us anyway, and enjoy our chat about sequels.
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As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, m
The S.O.A.P Episode 11
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only The SOAP!
Aaron, Arthur and Mike discuss the Warhammer universe and preview some new stuff too, like the new Intel i9, Far Cry 5 and lots more.
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As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 10
Holy double digits Batman!
Join us on our 10th episode as we discus Injustice 2 and the DC Universe.
Break out the spandex and capes and get all superpowered with us!
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As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 9
Answer the call and fulfil your duty! Listen to this ep for the run down of call of duty, from beginning up to the latest world war 2 episode!
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As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 8
It'sa Me! The Mario Podcast!
The Soap return for a Mario Extravaganza
We discuss all things related to our favorite plumber
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 4
The S.O.A.P Episode 4
The Board Games Episode!
Arthur breaks down the modern board game, while Az talks about pokemon go hats and Mike gets into X-men games!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 3
The S.O.A.P episode 3!
This week:
Mass Effect old and new
AMD Ryzen
and much more!!!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 1
The first episode of the S.O.A.P
Featuring Dan, Kav, Az, Mike and Arthur
- For Honor
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Million Dollars But...
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 2
Episode #2 -
Join us as we review Horizon Zero Dawn, Discuss Hearthstone updates, Nvidia 1080ti, Pokemon go and much more!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 7
The SOAP return for episode 7!
This time Dan and Az take you way back with a retro special:
The Commodore 64:
Why was it the most popular computer of all time?
Gaming on 8-bit and what made it so good?
How would 8-bit gaming translate today?
Get retro and sit back for the answers and so much more goodness!!!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 6
The S.O.A.P Episode 6!
Plenty of juiciness with Yooka-Laylee and Jontron! United airlines and hearthstone!!!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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The S.O.A.P Episode 5
The S.O.A.P Episode 5!!!
Jam packed with goodness!
Ghost in the Shell Preview
Lego Worlds
World of Warcraft updates
And heaps more!!!
As Always Our Thanks To:
Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart
Music Provided NoCopyrightSounds, music without limitations.
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