Bitcoin Sermons

Bitcoin Sermons

On Bitcoin and the return of Jesus

An opinion on Bitcoin's relation to the return of Jesus Christ as explained in the Bible.

Y2 #01 Teaser + Bitcoin does what God promised

Y2 #01 Teaser + Bitcoin does what God promised

Go to for NEW CONTENT! But if you’re not ready… simply enjoy the review: Welcome to the introductory episode! It explains the motivation for the whole podcast and delves right into the topic of how “Don’t Trust, Verify” is a biblical principle, how Bitcoin performs for the world what the Bible said God would do to the shepherds of His people, and why the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream speaks of the fiat financial collapse (and where Bitcoin fits into it). This is a publ

Jun 7, 2024 • 1:14:49

#52 Reflections on Why Churches Need Bitcoin

#52 Reflections on Why Churches Need Bitcoin

This is the final episode of the first year: a “grand finale” as a parting salvo. This episode is my springtime version of the 95 theses that Martin Luther nailed to the door of the castle church of Wittenberg in the autumn of the year 1517. In the same way that his theses concerned the question of indulgences, which were a form monetizing human behavior, my theses concern the same issue in its present form: behavioral control through monetary policy. As the church door is concerned, this weekly

May 25, 2024 • 1:16:00

#51 Bitcoin: The Door to a Better World

#51 Bitcoin: The Door to a Better World

This episode follows up on the topic of the golden measuring reed, bridging the gap between the measuring of time and the measuring of money. It identifies the link to the physical world that makes bitcoin valuable in contrast to inferior monies. Along the way, it explains the changes that will be coming in Season 2 of this podcast, and closes with the invitation to enter through the door of bitcoin into a new world of spiritual buildings that are being built on a better foundation than those of

May 18, 2024 • 37:31

#50 Bitcoin and the Golden City

#50 Bitcoin and the Golden City

This episode explores how Bitcoin is terraforming our world by first reviewing the relationship between monetary policy and governmental principles. It then examines Revelation's description of the financial crisis, the fall of the dollar empire, and ultimately the coming of the eternal city. It calls the listener—whether Bitcoiner or Christian or both—to face the final judgment with full responsibility. This episode conveys that Bitcoin is the financial system of pure, transparent gold upon whi

May 11, 2024 • 1:30:29

#49 Jacob's Ladder and the Difficulty Adjustment

#49 Jacob's Ladder and the Difficulty Adjustment

This densely packed episode explains how Bitcoin's proof-of-work mechanism called the difficulty adjustment is of divine origin. In personal terms, it shows how Bitcoin connects earth to heaven like Jacob's ladder, as a way of character development. It explains the importance of the integrity of the human DNA and shows what role Bitcoin will have in the final judgment. Like Jacob's seed, your twelve words represent your future prosperity. This episode is full of thought-provoking concepts! This

May 4, 2024 • 1:16:36

#48 Bitcoin Renews the Pentecostal Blessing

#48 Bitcoin Renews the Pentecostal Blessing

This episode recaps the nature of spiritual money and the properties that make Bitcoin “heavenly.” It reviews how Bitcoin's time clock links heaven and earth, and explains many aspects of how the Holy Spirit must dwell within each believer in order for one to be a sovereign child of King Jesus. It closes with a bold observation concerning the conquest of the heavenly Canaan and the necessity of staying faithful to Bitcoin without backsliding into fiat slavery until we reach the earth made new. T

Apr 27, 2024 • 1:01:13

#47 The Halving Spirt: How Consensus Kills

#47 The Halving Spirt: How Consensus Kills

This episode reviews how bitcoin's distributed consensus mechanism is similar to the working of the Holy Spirit in the church. The halving on the day of this episode is a prime example of the laws in force that have been agreed upon by the individual participants, which also marks the turning point when bitcon became the hardest money in the world. This episode also answers the question of how bitcoin, a secular system, can represent the outpouring of the divine Spirit upon “all” flesh. This is

Apr 20, 2024 • 1:14:10

#46 Bitcoin Solar Eclipse: I Come as a Thief

#46 Bitcoin Solar Eclipse: I Come as a Thief

This episode covers the amazing turn of events for Bitcoin in Paraguay on the day of the total solar eclipse over North America. It is an omen of what is to come this year, and it reaffirms the change of venue for the court proceedings of the great day of judgment that has begun. There are no holds barred as the appropriate consequences of the misuse of power are discussed in this episode. “Vengeance is mine, and recompense, At the time when their foot shall slide: For the day of their calamity

Apr 13, 2024 • 59:00

#45 Bitcoin and the Sabbath Rest Remaining

#45 Bitcoin and the Sabbath Rest Remaining

This episode follows the Easter topic of Christ's sacrifice, taking the listener into the tomb where He rested on the Sabbath day. It draws from the stories of Creation and of Joshua's leading the children of God into the Promised Land of Canaan. Finally, it culminates with the unveiling of what the mark of the beast actually is—a topic of great interest to many people, but also one whose exact meaning has remained elusive, until now! Don't overlook this message of utmost importance. This is a p

Apr 7, 2024 • 1:03:43

#44 Easter Sacrifice and Bitcoin Blessing

#44 Easter Sacrifice and Bitcoin Blessing

This episode brings together the topic of sacrifice from one end of Scripture to the other and reveals its timeless significance, offering practical guidance for how to thrive with the blessing of God in today's modern world with Bitcoin. As the world is celebrating the Easter holiday, this episode explains how the victory of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross can become your own personal and practical victory over the dragon today. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss

Mar 30, 2024 • 57:53

#43 The Last Countdown Begins: My Testimony

#43 The Last Countdown Begins: My Testimony

This unique episode kicks off the last countdown of the last ten episodes remaining to complete the first year of this podcast. In this episode the author and speaker tells his story of how he encountered Bitcoin, what Bitcoin means to him, and how Bitcoin gave him a new life. It is a story that includes aspects that are sure to resonate with many, especially as fiat moneys continue to fail the people who rely on them. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscr

Mar 24, 2024 • 1:27:54

#42 Bitcoin's Wind, Wings, and Wheels

#42 Bitcoin's Wind, Wings, and Wheels

This episode walks through the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel, comparing Ezekiel's description of the living creatures under the throne of God with their counterpart in the world of Bitcoin. The result, which might be surprising, offers a wealth of new avenues to explore in the word of God in relation to Bitcoin. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Mar 17, 2024 • 1:09:01

#41 Bitcoin and the Way, the Truth, and the Life

#41 Bitcoin and the Way, the Truth, and the Life

In this episode, the three doors of the earthly sanctuary are compared with three stages of progression involved when approaching the Bitcoin network. Many fascinating parallels and insights await the listener in this excellent overview of how the mechanisms of Bitcoin work together to change the world for good. This listener-suggested topic provides a compelling example of how Bitcoin fulfills the purposes of God as explained in the Bible from the mouth of the Savior Himself. This is a public e

Mar 10, 2024 • 1:20:03

#40 Habakkuk and the Chaldean Captivity

#40 Habakkuk and the Chaldean Captivity

Many amazing topics come together in the prophecy and prayer-song of Habakkuk which support the notion that Bitcoin has come at the right time as God's weapon of judgment against the nations and of corrective punishment and salvation for His people. We are living through amazing times in world history, and this prophecy brings many elements of today's time of trouble into the context as God's purposes and goodwill for His people is revealed. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss

Mar 2, 2024 • 1:09:56

#39 Babylon Fell and Bitcoin Repeats the Conquest

#39 Babylon Fell and Bitcoin Repeats the Conquest

Further thoughts on the timeframe of the dollar collapse and some strategies for facing the coming three months with the stability and constancy exhibited by Daniel on the night in which ancient Babylon was overtaken by the invading army. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Feb 24, 2024 • 1:01:41

#38 BlackRock: Drinking from the Holy Vessels

#38 BlackRock: Drinking from the Holy Vessels

This power-packed episode unmasks the powers behind the court system and the fiat financial system, explains where we are in the course of the fall of mystical Babylon, and hastens the listener to urgent action to align loyalties to the kingdom of heaven. As the meaning of BlackRock's Bitcoin ETF is explored, and as the principles of bitcoin custody are discussed, the listener will gain new insights into the meaning of God's word. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with

Feb 17, 2024 • 1:13:34

#37 One World Government: Not If, Not When, but “Form”

#37 One World Government: Not If, Not When, but “Form”

This episode reviews the great controversy theme from beginning to end, highlighting man's present-day role in resolving the age-old conflict. It explores the nature of God's developing government and the debunking of Lucifer's theory of freedom. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Feb 10, 2024 • 56:31

#36 Bitcoin: the Social Contract in Practice, Part II

#36 Bitcoin: the Social Contract in Practice, Part II

In this second part, we continue the exploration of civil contract theory by examining Locke’s contributions, which formed the Protestant pillar on which the United States of America was originally founded. He identified the protection of property rights as key—also one of the tenants of Bitcoin. He also foresaw the need to dissolve and renew the social contract in the case that the existing government ceases to protect private property. Jean Jacque Rousseau recognized the need for perfect democ

Feb 3, 2024 • 1:09:34

#35 Bitcoin: the Social Contract in Practice, Part I

#35 Bitcoin: the Social Contract in Practice, Part I

In this first of two parts, we explore the origins of civil authority and the basics of social contract theory as articulated by Socrates and Thomas Hobbes. It is observed that the social contract brings us into obedience to the law of God, and that even the sinful human nature has an inclination toward establishing the social contract on the basis of his own best interests. Arising out of this analysis is the question as to the character of the government that is called upon to enforce the soci

Jan 28, 2024 • 1:06:44

#34 Depopulation vs. Bitcoin and the Bible

#34 Depopulation vs. Bitcoin and the Bible

This episode explores how finite block size is a figure for the fixed quantity of earth's resources. As such, it offers perspectives on the divine mandate to "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth." God packaged a special blessing for the generation of humanity that accomplishes what He instructed mankind to do. Are you receiving the blessing of the millennial Sabbath? This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, v

Jan 20, 2024 • 1:04:51

#33 Bitcoin and the Net Worth of Jesus Christ

#33 Bitcoin and the Net Worth of Jesus Christ

A spiritual milestone is reached in this episode as we explore the amazing implications of the fact that Jesus was the security for this whole planet, as discovered in the previous episode. His infinite net worth sheds light on the value of Bitcoin and turns our financial thinking on its head. To the believer, there is no longer any doubt about the fact that Bitcoin is the currency of the kingdom of God, because it is finally explained how and why Bitcoin is divine, despite its secular origin. T

Jan 13, 2024 • 46:51

#32 Biblical Bailouts: Bitcoin is Mercy with Merit

#32 Biblical Bailouts: Bitcoin is Mercy with Merit

This is another amazing episode with very deep insights into how Bitcoin's hard cap is connected to God and makes it the ideal currency for His kingdom. By contrast, a purely debt-based system in which debt has no cost (i.e. bank bailouts) is indicative of the kingdom of the dead, because the cycle of debt cannot sustain itself. These two systems have emerged nearly simultaneously in recent years, kicking off the great showdown between good and evil, freedom and slavery, life and death. This is

Jan 6, 2024 • 1:00:42

#31 Did God do the First Financial Transaction?

#31 Did God do the First Financial Transaction?

This is a fascinating look at the very first "fiat" money transaction and how it points to Bitcoin as the only worthy form of money. Did God create money? Does money influence character? Do we even need money? This episode addresses some misconceptions and answers important questions that are often dismissed by Christians out of hand. In this episode, you will learn why you need to sacrifice to God, and how to make sure your offering is acceptable in His sight. This is a public episode. If you w

Dec 30, 2023 • 1:01:54

#30 Bitcoin as the Spirit of Christmas

#30 Bitcoin as the Spirit of Christmas

This episode takes the listener on a journey in which the true meaning of Christmas is first lost and then later rediscovered, finally bringing back the joy and the hope of the season with a story full of the old traditional meaning yet brought to new life in the fresh setting that Bitcoin affords. It includes a call to dedicate yourself as a clean vessel for the purposes of the kingdom of God. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bo

Dec 23, 2023 • 1:26:44

#29 Artificial Intelligence in the Plan of God

#29 Artificial Intelligence in the Plan of God

This episode is an amazing exploration of the role of Artificial Intelligence in biblical prophecy. Would God have overlooked this world-changing invention in the divine plan? What is the role of Bitcoin in the relationship between humanity and AI? This is perhaps the most crucial episode of the podcast to date! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 16, 2023 • 1:13:51

#28 The Foundations of the Kingdom of Justice

#28 The Foundations of the Kingdom of Justice

This power-packed episode studies the foundations of Bitcoin and the kingdom of God. It debunks Bitcoin's so-called scaling problem as a misnomer, reveals the secret of Bitcoin's power as being the law it has in common with God (which also makes it a suitable foundation for His kingdom), debunks big-blockers as rebels against Bitcoin's most fundamental property, and much, much more! Don’t miss this wide-ranging episode! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subsc

Dec 9, 2023 • 1:20:43

#27 Mining Pools and the Holy City’s Missing Sea

#27 Mining Pools and the Holy City’s Missing Sea

This is an episode focused on bitcoin mining and the basis for the launch of the Ocean mining pool. Despite the clear topic, however, this episode is wide-ranging and touches on many interesting points, including financial justice, the Eternal City, the need for character development, the wall that secures the New Jerusalem, the attempted coup d’état in heaven, how Bitcoin relates to the final judgment of God, and many other topics. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this wit

Dec 2, 2023 • 1:28:20

#26 Anarcho-Capitalism: What Milei Wants

#26 Anarcho-Capitalism: What Milei Wants

This episode is a deep dive into what anarcho-capitalism is. Can Javier Milei salvage Argentina? What tools are available to him, and can he be trusted to turn the country in a better direction? Many relevant topics are discussed in this fascinating episode. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 25, 2023 • 59:06

#25 The Devil in the Tether Debacle

#25 The Devil in the Tether Debacle

This episode takes a look at the debate over Tether and its potential role in the undoing of all cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. Is it true? Is the risk real? It turns out that the answer is bifurcated and depends less on the facts surrounding Tether's ethics and more on you and your ethics. If you just want the juicy part, jump into the middle of this episode where the analysis begins. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus

Nov 18, 2023 • 50:27

#24 Four-letter Words Connect: LGBT and CBDC

#24 Four-letter Words Connect: LGBT and CBDC

This episode reconciles the discoveries of the previous episode with the best of existing understanding of the prophecy concerning the image of the beast. It includes many insightful remarks on practical issues of the day, including homosexuality and the war in Israel. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 11, 2023 • 1:01:18

#23 Canadian Truckers 2.0: Banks Strike Again

#23 Canadian Truckers 2.0: Banks Strike Again

This episode begins an amazing dive into the present state of world governance-by-bank and how today's bank rules enable do-or-die tyranny, just as it is described in the book of Revelation. Don't fail to heed what is arguably the greatest warning God has ever given mankind! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 4, 2023 • 1:05:43

#22 The 51% Attack Against the Kingdom of God

#22 The 51% Attack Against the Kingdom of God

This episode takes the listener on an incredible journey ranging from the origin of iniquity in the heart of the first dictator to the final eradication of those who oppose what is good and noble and true. It includes many insights about Bitcoin and the spiritual realm that follow from the topic of rebirth explored in the previous episode. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 28, 2023 • 47:39

#21 Labor Pains, Rebirth, and Bitcoin

#21 Labor Pains, Rebirth, and Bitcoin

Feel the leading of the Holy Spirit in real time in this episode as we explore the theme of childbirth in connection to the destruction of the world and the entrance into the kingdom of God. Deep and fascinating insights are revealed through childbirth, one of the most amazing and memorable of all human experiences. This is a timely message from the Lord that marks a turning point in this podcast and probably also in human history. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with

Oct 21, 2023 • 1:03:47

#20 Fighting Violence like the Prince of Peace

#20 Fighting Violence like the Prince of Peace

This episode takes a detailed look at the contrast between war and peace and what influence the underlying currency of society has on the society itself. It explains how the Prince of Peace laid the groundwork for a kingdom that conquers without violence, and shows how Bitcoin follows that same pattern. It closes with a call to repentance, because at the end of the day, to be right with God is the only way. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get

Oct 14, 2023 • 55:41

#19 Bitcoin Keys and Your New Heavenly Name

#19 Bitcoin Keys and Your New Heavenly Name

In this episode, special focus is given to the subject of how Bitcoin grants to the individual all the powers which have traditionally been held by banks and those with influence over financial policy. Are you ready for that kind of self-responsibility? It also demystifies how asymmetric cryptography works in Bitcoin in simple enough terms that virtually anyone can understand. It might be the most practical episode to date, explaining basic concepts around how to secure your keys. Perhaps best o

Oct 10, 2023 • 1:09:26

#18 On Intrinsic Value, Faith, & Demon Possession

#18 On Intrinsic Value, Faith, & Demon Possession

This episode is an interesting exploration of the experiences of Jesus in dealing with various people, and how we can apply it to the financial challenges facing the world today. Should not the Bible give counsel for the great perplexities of the world? This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 1, 2023 • 1:18:25

#17 Merkel Trees: The Great Teacher Explains

#17 Merkel Trees: The Great Teacher Explains

In this episode we examine the words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 7, focusing on how the Golden Rule applies to money, understanding the correct way to judge others as explained by Jesus, and the great irrecoverable mistake that everyone should be advised to avoid at this particular point in the history of humanity. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Sep 23, 2023 • 54:09

#16 Bitcoin vs. Communism: Tucker Carlson Exposes Pope Francis

#16 Bitcoin vs. Communism: Tucker Carlson Exposes Pope Francis

This episode continues the exploration of the words of Jesus on the topic of the kingdom of heaven and how Bitcoin fulfills His description of it. It also examines Tucker Carlson's report from Argentina and his interview with Javier Milei. Finally, it reflects on F2Pool's actions in response to the half-million-dollar mistake made by Paxos, and shows how infinite justice promotes grace and mercy on the part of humanity, in contrast to how the fiat monetary system does the opposite. This is a pub

Sep 16, 2023 • 45:07

#15 Bitcoin, Pentecost, and the Millennium

#15 Bitcoin, Pentecost, and the Millennium

The great and terrible day of the Lord has many surprises, and Bitcoin's role in the outpouring of the spirit of God on all flesh is one of them. This episode explores one of the ways that the blueprint for Bitcoin can be found in the heavens, what it has to do with the biblical millennium, why Bitcoin is spiritual, and that God is to be praised for it. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit bitcoinsermons.substac

Sep 10, 2023 • 1:13:44

#14 The Non-Profits’ Warning to Bitcoiners

#14 The Non-Profits’ Warning to Bitcoiners

This episode offers some words of caution to Bitcoiners who are seeking tax advantages. Churches are suffering many things that Bitcoiners are advised to avoid by wise choices on organizational structure. This episode contains valuable practical information for those who are forming Bitcoin organizations. It also provides insights on the importance of consensus, the meaning of the name Satoshi, and much more. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or g

Sep 2, 2023 • 1:10:48

#13 Noisy Mining and the Voice of Many Waters

#13 Noisy Mining and the Voice of Many Waters

This episode takes a close look at how Jesus appears on Judgment Day, what He looks like, and how the symbolism points to Bitcoin mining moving to Paraguay. It contemplates what role the upcoming halving has in the judgment, its relation to the block size wars, and how those wars are a reflection of the war that originated in heaven between Christ and Satan. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Aug 26, 2023 • 1:06:00

#12 Bitcoin and the Divine Change of Venue

#12 Bitcoin and the Divine Change of Venue

A fascinating turn of events in the realm of bitcoin mining has signaled the return of Jesus Christ. This education-packed episode shows how God is at work and urges everyone in the world to pay attention. Bitcoin is inevitable; nobody can silence the voice of the Almighty when He speaks, nor can anyone prevent His words from coming to pass! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Aug 19, 2023 • 59:56

#11 Bitcoin Answers the Most Famous Prayer

#11 Bitcoin Answers the Most Famous Prayer

This episode examines Bitcoin in light of the words of Jesus when He said He didn’t come to destroy the law or the prophets, but to fulfill them. It takes a fascinating journey through the Lord’s prayer—the prayer which He taught every one of us to pray—and shows how Bitcoin is the answer to that very prayer that millions of Christians have been praying for two millennia since. You won’t pray it the same way after this episode! This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with oth

Aug 12, 2023 • 1:15:54

#10 Bitcoin, the Law of God, and the Jury

#10 Bitcoin, the Law of God, and the Jury

Another episode that touches a wide range of topics, following the theme of the Law of God and its heavenly pattern, the wisdom of God expounded on the harp, the resurrection of the upright and the gift of eternal life, the battle between good and evil and humanity’s role in it as the jury to decide the fate of the universe, millennial week, and Bitcoin’s role in all of the above. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes,

Aug 5, 2023 • 1:25:47

#09 Bitcoin vs. the Root of All Evil

#09 Bitcoin vs. the Root of All Evil

Another fascinating episode that delves into topics such as how to think about and live the principles of the kingdom of God, what violence and slavery looks like today, how Bitcoiners are in many ways unwittingly doing God's will, the pitfalls of electronic wallets and virtual NFC cards, the place of altcoins in comparison to Bitcoin, and more. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jul 29, 2023 • 1:14:28

#08 Bitcoin vs. the Beast: The AI Tug of War

#08 Bitcoin vs. the Beast: The AI Tug of War

En exploratory look at high-level world leaders' decisions, the role of AI in social media's influence on the masses, what ethical AI development means, and how Bitcoin could rein in the overpowering influence of bots funded by powerful entities. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jul 22, 2023 • 48:35

#07 Jesus and John the Baptist on Bitcoin

#07 Jesus and John the Baptist on Bitcoin

Another favorite episode! This one discovers the overall thrust of Jesus' preaching, as well as that of John the Baptist's, and how their preaching applies to the condition of the world today and the emergence of Bitcoin. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jul 16, 2023 • 1:04:17

#06 Bitcoin Incentives and Animal Sacrifices

#06 Bitcoin Incentives and Animal Sacrifices

This episode summarizes the Global Digital Compact and touches on other news of the week while deep diving into how Bitcoin’s incentives work like the sacrificial system of the sanctuary in ancient Israel. It explains how the sanctuary was God’s response to Israel’s golden calf, and it shows His intention for the sacrifices of the people—both then and now. The new lows in France this week led to a comparison between the fall of ancient Babylon and the present day, complete with a rediscovery of

Jul 9, 2023 • 1:05:19

#05 Bitcoin’s 21 Million on Judgment Day

#05 Bitcoin’s 21 Million on Judgment Day

This episode explains the meaning of Bitcoin's hard cap of 21 million coins and shows why Bitcoin's existence means that the day of judgment has arrived and that Jesus is returning. Many topics are included, such as Jesus’ famous answer to give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, the difference between true and false philanthropy, how Bitcoin relates to Christians’ becoming kings and priests, and how the Holy Spirit brings unity in the body of Christ without the detriments of a human central authority

Jul 1, 2023 • 1:05:35

#04 Bitcoin’s Redistribution of Wealth

#04 Bitcoin’s Redistribution of Wealth

This episode touches on several exciting topics of the week including what implications a future Bitcoin ETF might have, how taking one's coins to the grave highlights Bitcoin’s inherent mechanism for redistribution of wealth (and how it compares to the martyrdom of the book of Revelation), how the fiat power structures have set a one-year death sentence on Christians like in the time of Esther, and how Bitcoin is God's answer for the salvation of the last generation of natural humans. This is a

Jun 29, 2023 • 1:00:06

#03 CBDCs and the Golden Image

#03 CBDCs and the Golden Image

The anointing of King Charles III calls to mind the gathering of Nebuchadnezzar's leaders in the plain of Dura to worship the golden image, a scenario that is repeating today according to the prophecy of Revelation 13. This episode explores how Bitcoin offers divine protection against CBDCs and how God is using it to deliver His people from slavery again today. Other interesting bits of insight are dropped along the way.Articles mentioned in this episode:

Jun 23, 2023 • 59:06

#02 Bitcoin defeats the Tower of Babel

#02 Bitcoin defeats the Tower of Babel

This episode delves into the origins of Babylon going back to the Tower of Babel, how decentralization was the solution then and now, and how Bitcoin’s design aligns with God’s methods to limit centralized control structures. It includes a fascinating survey of many related present-day issues and how Bitcoin and the Bible address them. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jun 14, 2023 • 58:20

#01 Bitcoin does what God promised

#01 Bitcoin does what God promised

Welcome to Bitcoin Sermons, the podcast that preaches how Bitcoin is connected to the coming of Jesus Christ. It’s a fascinating subject, and whether you’re a Bitcoiner or a Christian or both, this podcast is sure to find common ground that can help build bridges in your thinking (or the thinking of those you orange pill). In this introductory episode, the mantra of “Don’t Trust. Verify” is compared to what the Bible teaches, the punishment of the Shepherds is compared to what Bitcoin is doing i

Jun 8, 2023 • 1:09:09

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