More To Life
Rebecca Robinson
There's More to Life! Listen in to a new podcast featuring monthly guests that give us a slice of their life story in each interview. God impacts lives in many unique and personal ways. In the "More to LIfe" podcast we get to hear how everyday people invite God into their life full time and how it has since affected them! These interviews take place in Emmanuel Church in West Kelowna, British Columbia. Your host is Rebecca Robinson.
Rock Bottom to Recovery to Renewal
In this episode, we sit down with Nathan, a man whose journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Once an army reservist, he transitioned to life on the road as a long haul truck driver and then into the grueling world of the oil industry in Fort MacMurray. But for many years, beneath the tough exterior, he was battling demons - clinical depression, divorce, alcoholism, PTSD, and family loss. In his words, he 'hit rock bottom many times'.Then, one night, everything changed. The Holy Spirit came
From War to Service: A Ukrainian Refugee's Journey to Missions in Canada
Yevah fled Kharkiv, Ukraine one day as she awoke to the bombing of her beautiful city. The Russian invasion of her family’s home near the Eastern border of Ukraine had begun. She overcame numerous challenges as a modern refugee: leaving her home, finding love, dealing with loss, moving across Europe and then on to Canada. Pouring her heart into missions now is how all the changes in her life find a home – placing her trust and focus on her Lord.
Gavin's Freshman Faith: Experiencing God in College
Gavin Hewitt has watched his life change rapidly since becoming a follower of Jesus in his teens. Now in Bible College, Gavin relates how he has had a whirlwind transforming year with God since he went ‘all in’ and pursued a relationship with and a future serving Jesus.
Carson's U-turn Back to God
Carson Dutt, your motorcycle riding, truck driving, metal music listening Gen X’er avoidedreligion for most of his life. As he said, he thought Christianity was ‘whoo whoo’ spirituality –especially watching some televangelists in the 80s. With many opinions formed about hisrelationship with church and God, he was rather struck one Sunday when he realized how hehad it all wrong. This is his story.
Nicole's Redemption Story
You won't forget this testimony today. Nicole brings us into her life story, sharing bravely about a difficult childhood and immense challenges as she grew into a young adult. The best part is where God has brought her today. This is an amazing redemption story of rescue, love and healing.
A Pastor's life
Have you ever wondered what it's like being the pastor of a church? This is episode 1 and our first interview gets behind the scenes with Emmanuel Church's lead pastor - Jeff Bjorgan. Join us 'behind the podium' as Pastor Jeff opens up about his biggest challenges, the blessings of being a pastor, and also - what keeps him up at night these days!