Bitcoin Consciousness
Sama Katharo
Higher levels of consciousness are becoming accessible to the human race in an unprecedented rate. The internet, Nostr and Bitcoin can be seen as external representations of this shift in consciousness. These technologies are decentralizing forces in a centralized world.
In this podcast we explore connections between decentralized technology and higher consciousness. How the vibration of truth of decentralized entities shatters lies, corruption and manipulation in the macro environment as well as in individuals who try to understand it.
“B(eing) Reel” with Sourcenode
Sourcenode is a fellow podcaster and spiritual adventurer. In this episode, we (Caleb) talk about his podcast "The Holotropic Lecture Series", the new podcast he is starting with Tuur Demeester "B Reel", and the book he is writing. Creation from authenticity was the theme of this conversation, and I hope Sourcenode's story inspires you to authentically create as much as it did me.
Books mentioned in the pod:
1 The Presence Process by Michael Brown
2 Oneness by Rasha
3 The Teachings of Don
Expanding Modalities with Monika Bravo: Astrology, Human Design, and Caleb’s Personal Charts
Monika Bravo is a polymath with passions for art, Bitcoin, astrology, and spirituality. The conversation got really personal for me (Caleb) as I told Monika before our episode that I would be interested in exploring my birth chart if it came up in the flow of conversation. Well, it did, and let me tell you it DID NOT disappoint! While much of our conversation was focused on the current stage of my journey and some of my struggles as a stay-at-home dad, I think Bitcoiners, parents, and anyone int
Surrender to the Universe with Sama Katharo
This episode was originally published on Wild Life Unschooling Podcast on December 14th 2024. Tap here to visit the episode.
"Meet Sama, a transformative thinker who began breaking free from the matrix in 1999, embarking on a journey to transcend left-brain identification and embrace sovereignty across physical, spiritual, and digital realms - love it!
Sama is the anonymous founder of the Bitcoin Consciousness Community, podcast host, coach, and so much more. It's all about finding our tru
Absolute, Apparent, and Phenomenal Realities with Avi Burra
In this thought-provoking episode of the Decentralized Consciousness podcast, Avi joins Caleb for a follow-up conversation that goes even deeper into the realms of spirituality, source, and the nature of reality. Building on their previous discussion about happiness and freedom, Caleb and Avi explore profound concepts including the meaning of source, the role of spirituality in our lives, and the distinction between apparent, phenomenal, and absolute realities. Avi shares insights from his upbri
Active and Passive Nodes with Thursday
Thursday came on to talk about sacred geometry but we ended up flowing in a different direction. Being able to allow ourselves to be the 2023 version of us while being able to see other perspectives as well. To not control who we are in the moment according to mental constructs of dualistic nature but to play out the part that we are called to play. "All the world's a stage" as William Shakespeare put it and we are all taking turns in playing roles for each other. When we understand that we writ
Thailand retreat 3-6 January
Multi dimensional adventures are available to us everywhere all the time but some places and some times are windows into deeper adventures that can impact our life significantly. The upcoming in-person event in Thailand will be an unforgivable experience, the time and place where you surrender into the everlasting present moment and allow yourself to be guided minute by minute together with like-minded individuals.
Financial fear and peace with Zartok
Zartok is an anonymous succesful entrepreneur who has used his rational mind to create financial abundance for his family with homes around the world and a large audience. He comes on the podcast to talk about how he now wants to free himself from the financial fear that have guided him most of his life and start to live life in flow instead. We discuss the transition between these states of consciousness and what he experienced so far in this process.
Scams and Responsibility with Electric Meg
In 2017 Meg wrote an article called Bitcoin Consciousness. It turns out that she has changed her mind since then because of several bad experiences in the crypto space. Meg also talked about her experiences on wall street and in the music business where she could feel the evil forces of control disguised as profit. I told her about some of the positive things happening in the Bitcoin community to counteract the negative image she had gotten. We discussed how to raise the consciousness on this pl
Men’s group feedback with Cornpleb
A second round of the Men's Group for Self Actualizing Bitcoiners is coming up in September so I invited Cornpleb, who was part of the first round, to share his experiences. Cornpleb explains how he was able to resolve anxiety and anger patterns with the support of the group. He describes how the trust in a group like this can grow to a point where we are able to open up and share deeply hidden areas that hold us back in life. He also talks about how his work with LSD had helped him to understan
Christ Consciousness and Evolution with Chris
Chris is 'Citizen of Satoshi' on Twitter and he is combining spiritual concepts with Bitcoin. Since these are my favorite topics as well we decided to have a jam session :) A jam session in this sense is when we hook up our intuition to higher consciousness and are able to see, understand and explore new reference points of whatever we are focused on. As listeners, you can stay in your rational mind or attempt to connect to those same channels of consciousness and experience what we describe by
Ego-Death and Dharma with Andi Pitt
Andi is a founding partner at Ego-Death Capital, a Bitcoin centered investment fund, that fits into her spiritual path of self discovery, service to the world and following her intuition. I spoke with her about what types of start-ups they are keen to invest in and what qualities they look for in the entrepreneurs. We talked about spiritual principles in regards to Bitcoin content and sharing of information to the world. Andi also gave her thoughts on what it means to be blue-pilled versus red-p
Truth and Neutrality with Rob Brinded
Rob walked away from his job as one of the best sport physio therapists in the world when he understood that the industry was not aligned with truth. I talked with him about detecting truth, energy bodies, chakras, spiritual teachers, teamviewer, shortcuts, twitter and Bitcoin.
Find Rob on Twitter, and his website
You can find Sama Katharo here:
Website on Tor: http://7e
Intelligence of the Heart with Nozomi Hayase
I talk with Nozomi about her spiritual experiences and her latest article 'Bitcoin, the Networked Messiah' that discusses the shift in humanity towards the rational thinking from 2000 B.C. to this day and the need now for a shift back to the intuitive mind and the intelligence of the heart. Nozomi also explains how it is for her to live from the heart and how she see humanity moving in this direction because of Bitcoin.
You can find Nozomi on Twitter, her webs
Cryptosovereignty and Psychedelics with Erik Cason
Erik talks with me about the opportunity and responsibility we have to sort out the money, ourselves and the world for the coming generations in a way that our parents and grandparents did not do. We also talk about his psychedelic experiences in the spirit world and how the role of god can be seen in different ways. How the fall from force and authority can lead to a dark age or a light age and many more topics were covered in this inspiring conversation.
You can find Erik on twitter: https:
Debugging our Node with the ₿itcoin Poet
In this episode I talk with the Bitcoin poet about the parallels between nodes in the Bitcoin network and our souls/spirits in the creation network. We talked about how poetry and other art forms can help us break through the linear mind and enter our intuitive mind. We also discussed how we can reprogram / debug the programs in our node/mind and set ourselves free.
The Bitcoin Poet you can find here and his blog here
You can find Sama Katharo here
Website on Tor
Momentum Meditations Information with Caleb
Caleb joins me as a co-host in this episode to help me explain my upcoming meditation course. He give his views on personal development, spirituality and how he has experienced the 'Men's group for spiritual Bitcoiners'. Caleb also talks about the drive that got him both into Bitcoin and meditation.
I then talk about the structure of the course, what is different with these meditations compared to traditional meditations and how Bitcoiners would benefit from signing up to this course.
The June M
Power versus Force with Dawdu
I spoke with Dawdu about his journey from martial arts to Bitcoin to spirituality and higher consciousness. The book 'Power versus' Force by Dr David R. Hawkins and his Map of Consciousness underpins most of our discussion which includes topics like intentions behind actions, how the Bitcoin rabbit hole can be compared to evolution of consciousness, the 'frequency' of Bitcoin, how to raise our consciousness and how Bitcoin is changing the world.
You can find Dawdu on
Visions and Intuitive Flow with Gigi
I spoke with Gigi about his religious experiences and how he could not sleep for 3 days because of intense spiritual visions of Bitcoin. We also explored subjects like content creation from a rational mind versus intuition, Individual sovereignty on all levels as well as value 4 value.
You can find us on twitter: @SamaKatharo and @dergigi
You can also find Sama Katharo here:
Website on Tor: http://7enejnk4rowwioqe6ljwmsptehmmmjy2wfr