The Sword of the Spirit Podcast

The Sword of the Spirit Podcast

Joseph Russiello

Pre-Millennial, Pre-Tribulational, Dispensational, Independent, and standing on the inspired, preserved word of God, the King James Bible as our final authority. Support this podcast:

The Book of Daniel, pt. 7

The Book of Daniel, pt. 7

Daniel is one of those books that has just a good mix, it's not all prophecy, there are some excellent practical applications. Daniel chapter 4, is one of those chapters that has a real good mix of both, and so, we're going to take a little look at it tonight.So, grab your King James Bible and join us for our Thursday night Bible study.Don't forget...This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like, Podcast Guru, or CurioCaster.Or pick one fromEpisodes.FMModern P

Nov 22, 2024 • 1:41:19

Be Humble and Kind

Be Humble and Kind

You never know what God will use to feed you material for a sermon or a Bible study. Today's message was triggered by a conversation and a song. Webster's 1828 dictionary defines "Humble" as "lowly, modest, meek, submissive. Opposed to proud, haughty, arrogant or assuming. In an evangelical sense, having a low opinion of oneself, and a deep sense of unworthiness in the sight of God."There is a relationship between humility and kindness, scripturally speaking, and we are going to explore that rel

Nov 17, 2024 • 1:24:39

The Book of Daniel, pt. 6

The Book of Daniel, pt. 6

So far, we've studied Daniel 1, Daniel 2, and Daniel 7. And then, last week, we did a special study on the Antichrist. And now tonight, we come back to Daniel and chapter 3.Daniel chapter 3 is primarily a historical story, but there is a little prophecy in there in type. In type, it pictures Tribulation saints being persecuted because they will not bow down to the image of the Antichrist.So, grab your King James Bible and join us for our Thursday night Bible study.Don't forget...This is a

Nov 15, 2024 • 1:09:57

What Time is it?

What Time is it?

The sermon today is something that has been impressed upon me for the better part of last week.To my knowledge, I've never had God speak to me audibly. I'm not expecting that until I hear, “Come up hither.” But I do believe God can certainly impress you with things and put something in your mind and you can't shake it, you can't lose it, until you do something with it.Today, we'll be talking about time, these last days, indicators of the last days, and how to redeem the time we have left.So, gra

Nov 10, 2024 • 1:35:47

The Book of Daniel, pt. 5

The Book of Daniel, pt. 5

Tonight, we're going to talk about the devil. I never approach this subject without sensing a real sense or feeling of oppression. Satan does not want himself exposed. The less folks know about the real Satan, the better off he likes it. But we're going to do our best and see how it flies Don't forget...This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like, Podcast Guru, or CurioCaster.Or pick one fromEpisodes.FMModern Podcast AppsPodcast IndexWith one of these apps y

Nov 8, 2024 • 1:25:51

Vote your Conscience

Vote your Conscience

Back in colonial days, our colonial forefathers had a practice called Election Day sermons.And it was the practice of many, if not all, denominations to participate in that.They all believed that it was a very necessary thing, for the pastor of that church, to help people understand the issues of the day, and to preach accordingly.Our forefathers thought it was the job of the church, that it was absolutely necessary for people to be informed of the issues, particularly in the light of Bible prin

Nov 4, 2024 • 1:25:24

The Book of Daniel, pt. 4

The Book of Daniel, pt. 4

Last week we finished chapter 2, of the book of Daniel. Daniel 7 kind of runs hand in hand with Daniel chapter 2, and so it would be appropriate to study both of them together. Don't forget...This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like, Podcast Guru, or CurioCaster.Or pick one fromEpisodes.FMModern Podcast AppsPodcast IndexWith one of these apps you can:Tune in to the LIVE episodes!Enjoy chapters, transcripts, music references and more…Send me a boost (which

Nov 1, 2024 • 1:42:07

This World is Not My Home

This World is Not My Home

If you're a child of God, you have a home that's waiting for you somewhere else, and in our text today, the Lord is going to give us some pretty good information about your heavenly home.So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Don't forget...This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like, Podcast Guru, or pick one fromEpisodes.FMModern Podcast AppsPodcast IndexWith one of these apps you can:Tune in

Oct 27, 2024 • 1:34:15

The Book of Daniel, pt. 3

The Book of Daniel, pt. 3

Last week we started Daniel chapter 2. Daniel 2 is a long chapter, and we only got a part way through it.We studied the image that Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a little bit.This image that the king dreamed about was a head of gold, and chest and arms of silver, and brass belly and thighs, and legs of iron, and feet of iron and clay, mixed, and was representative of the future kingdoms of the world.Tonight, we'll finish chapter 2, and the outcome the interpretation of this dream.So, grab your King Jame

Oct 25, 2024 • 1:39:53

Why the World Thinks You're Strange

Why the World Thinks You're Strange

You're weird. Did you know that? In the eyes of the world, a Christian is strange. Especially if you're a Bible believing Christian. I wonder why that is?We'll answer that question today, so, grab your King James Bible, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Don't forget...This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like, Podcast Guru, or pick one fromEpisodes.FMModern Podcast AppsPodcast IndexWith one of these apps you can:Tune i

Oct 21, 2024 • 1:27:18

The Book of Daniel, pt 2.

The Book of Daniel, pt 2.

Tonight we move into chapter 2, and I hope you're ready. This chapter is loaded with some heavy prophecy, and there is a lot of ground to cover.So grab your King James Bible, some coffee, and join in our Thursday night Bible study, in Daniel chapter 2.Don't forget...This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like, Podcast Guru, or pick one from Episodes.FMModern Podcast AppsPodcast Index With one of these apps you can:Tune in to the LIVE episodes!

Oct 18, 2024 • 1:43:18

Why did God Choose to use a Bible?

Why did God Choose to use a Bible?

The Bible claims to be God's word. Not only does the Bible claim to be God's word, but God's words. There are countless scriptures that synonymously declare that the word of God is the scriptures, and the scriptures is the word of God. The Bible also declares that every word of God is pure. Today we're going to examine some Scriptures, laying a foundation, for the inspiration and preservation of the word of God, before we finally answer the question, Why did God use a Bible?This is a modern podc

Oct 13, 2024 • 1:32:23

The Book of Daniel

The Book of Daniel

The book of Daniel stands out as the Revelation of the Old Testament. Most people recognize the book of Revelation to be a book of prophecy, but not as many recognize Daniel to be a book that's so very similar, but it is.Daniel is also a great book in that it not only gives us some prophecy, but sprinkled in between are some historical, and practical things, that kind of spice it all up.Daniel stands out as one of the real men of God in history, and some of the reasons for that, and the foundati

Oct 11, 2024 • 1:29:40

The Return of Jared Michaud

The Return of Jared Michaud

On today's show, we'll be deviating from the usual Sermon Sunday, and we'll be running a conversation with that I had last week with Brightstar author Jared Michaud.Jared is a talented author and storyteller, drawing his style and inspiration from author’s like C.S. Lewis. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did. How to reach Jared: (His fiction) (His podcast) (Links to all his interviews)Instagram:htt

Oct 6, 2024 • 1:27:06

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, pt. 3

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, pt. 3

God says what he created, and put up in the heavens, is for signs. We are surrounded by information that God has put up there in the heavens, if we'll take a long look at it. On today's show, we'll be studying the phases of the moon, and how they are an indicator of things to come.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of these apps you can:Tune

Oct 4, 2024 • 1:37:21

What Really Happens at Salvation

What Really Happens at Salvation

What actually happens when a person is born again? When he repents of his sin, and he acknowledges to God that he is in need of his Savior, that Jesus Christ is his Savior?On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to examine scripturally, what actually happens, when a person gets saved.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of these apps you can:Tun

Sep 29, 2024 • 1:30:32

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, pt. 2

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God, pt. 2

The heavens declare the glory of God and everyone, regardless of where they live, how primitive or sophisticated that tribe of people may be, has been subjected to the testimony of what's in the heavens. Everyone can see it. And if you look carefully, there's a testimony of God at work, and God's primary plan.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from o

Sep 27, 2024 • 1:36:45

Eleventh Hour Workers

Eleventh Hour Workers

The emphasis of the the text we're going to examine today is on the 11th hour workers. That would be us. We're in the 11th hour. The bell's going to ring anytime, make no mistake about it. Having understood that, there are some things that we can extract from the text, that I think will be profitable.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of the

Sep 22, 2024 • 1:07:34

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

The heavens declare the glory of God and everyone, regardless of where they live, how primitive or sophisticated that tribe of people may be, has been subjected to the testimony of what's up there in the heavens. Everyone can see it. And if you look carefully up in the heavens, there's a testimony of God at work, and God's primary plan.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from https://e

Sep 20, 2024 • 1:41:53

Spiritual Blindness

Spiritual Blindness

A study of the Scriptures makes it clear that physical blindness, is a picture of a far greater blindness, a far more disastrous blindness, and that's a spiritual one.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of these apps you can:Tune in to the LIVE episodes!Enjoy chapters, transcripts, music references and more…Send me a boost (which is a small a

Sep 16, 2024 • 1:21:54

Get Wisdom, pt. 7 - Dealing with the Tongue

Get Wisdom, pt. 7 - Dealing with the Tongue

Tonight we wrap up our series on wisdom.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of these apps you can:Tune in to the LIVE episodes!Enjoy chapters, transcripts, music references and more…Send me a boost (which is a small amount of bitcoin, with a message. Don't worry, these apps make it easy)Enjoy, learn, and let me know what you think!You can als

Sep 13, 2024 • 1:18:54

What to Do if You Miss the Rapture

What to Do if You Miss the Rapture

This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of these apps you can:Tune in to the LIVE episodes!Enjoy chapters, transcripts, music references and more…Send me a boost (which is a small amount of bitcoin, with a message. Don't worry, these apps make it easy)Enjoy, learn, and let me know what you think!You can also find the vidcast version on Rumble.Thi

Sep 9, 2024 • 1:28:13

Get Wisdom, pt. 6 - Avoiding Fools

Get Wisdom, pt. 6 - Avoiding Fools

We’ve been studying Wisdom on our Thursday night’s for the last 5 weeks. The book of Proverbs is a book of wisdom. So far we’ve taught on the Biblical admonition, he that winneth souls is wise, talked a little bit about soul winning. We ‘ve talked about dealing with fear and dealing with money. Then, last week, we talked about dealing with death. Toight, we're we’re going to begin in Proverbs 14, and talk about dealing with fools, or avoiding fools.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a m

Sep 6, 2024 • 1:29:33

The Five Crowns

The Five Crowns

Last Sunday, we were preaching on Four Judgments, and we just briefly breached this message last week and said that we would continue with this particular thought.God says, at the Judgment seat of Christ, he's going to distribute different crowns, to the born again believer, according to the work that you have accumulated to earn those crowns.Now, there are five crowns that are listed in your New Testament, and each one of them break down the categories of Christian living, and behavior, and ser

Sep 2, 2024 • 1:58:57

Get Wisdom, pt. 5 - Dealing with Death

Get Wisdom, pt. 5 - Dealing with Death

This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of these apps you can:Tune in to the LIVE episodes!Enjoy chapters, transcripts, music references and more…Send me a boost (which is a small amount of bitcoin, with a message. Don't worry, these apps make it easy)Enjoy, learn, and let me know what you think!You can also find the vidcast version on Rumble.Thi

Aug 30, 2024 • 1:23:33

Four Judgments

Four Judgments

In the Bible, there are many judgments, but they're not all relevant to us, as New Testament Christians.What we need to do is study those that are particularly germane to what we are looking at, as far as our Christianity is concerned.A lot of people have the mistaken notion that there's this one judgment and, someday, they're going to stand before God, and God is going to weigh all their good works in a giant, balanced scale, and they're either going to be out of luck or in luck. It's either go

Aug 26, 2024 • 1:45:32

Get Wisdom, pt. 4 - Be a Soul Winner

Get Wisdom, pt. 4 - Be a Soul Winner

We’ve recently started a new series from the book of Proverbs. The first part was basically an introduction. We followed that by talking about dealing with fear, and last week, we talked about our attitudes toward money. Tonight, we're going to discuss the wisdom behind SOUL WINNING.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans…https://modernpodc

Aug 23, 2024 • 1:41:08

Are You Sick of the Wind?

Are You Sick of the Wind?

We all have storms that come up in our lives, that's just because that's the way life is.Do you think the Lord knew about those storms ahead of time?Would the Lord purposely put you in a position where the winds of life blow against you?Well, that’s something that we’re going to examine today, so grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans…https://mod

Aug 18, 2024 • 1:37:36

Get Wisdom, pt. 3 - Dealing with Money

Get Wisdom, pt. 3 - Dealing with Money

We’ve recently started a new series from the book of Proverbs. The first part was basically an introduction, last week we talked about dealing with fear, and tonight, we’re going to talk about everyone’s favorite subject, money.Money is a two-edged sword in the scripture, but we need it, and tonight we'll see some examples of how the scripture says we should deal with it.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.This is a modern podcast, best enj

Aug 16, 2024 • 1:23:58

Why the Hatred?

Why the Hatred?

If you have any awareness at all, of recent news, you're aware of the many protests on college campuses, and these protests are getting fairly radical. Some of them, ignorantly, are actually advocating the extermination of the Jewish race. They call themselves people of diversity, equity, acceptance. That is so incredibly hypocritical, when then you would turn around and say, we wish that every Jew on this planet was murdered, and killed, exterminated.And, as this wave of antisemitism continues

Aug 11, 2024 • 1:53:29

Get Wisdom, pt. 2 - Dealing with Fear

Get Wisdom, pt. 2 - Dealing with Fear

Last week, we began a new series of lessons from Proverbs focusing on WISDOM.Of course, that cross references to other passages besides Proverbs, as it will tonight.On tonight's show, we're going to examine FEAR and some things that most people are afraid of.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one f

Aug 9, 2024 • 1:35:51

God's Answer to your Problems

God's Answer to your Problems

Do you have troubles? Do you have difficulties? There are a lot of them out there. Today we’re going to examine six things that trouble people, and seek answers to those troubles from the word of God.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of these apps you c

Aug 4, 2024 • 1:42:32

Get Wisdom, pt 1

Get Wisdom, pt 1

How many of you think you're as smart as you need to be? Do you think you could gain a little more? Do you think you can learn a little more? I know I could. I know I need to.Learning is a lifetime project, and applying the learning is wisdom.Real wisdom, in the Bible, is set in distinct contrast against worldly wisdom. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain,

Aug 3, 2024 • 1:40:00

Out on a Limb

Out on a Limb

Have you ever gone out on a limb to investigate Jesus Christ, or do you fear ridicule too much?Have you ever gone out on a limb to really investigate Jesus Christ, and to see what he could do for you?Today we’re going examine the story of Zacchaeus, a man who, literally, went out on a limb to investigate Jesus Christ.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru

Jul 28, 2024 • 1:16:21

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 8

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 8

For the last seven weeks, we’ve been studying the spiritual side of our American History. I believe it's important, as Americans and as Christians, to understand that America has a spiritual history that few countries have ever had.What we're going to launch into tonight, is a study of God honoring his word when it says, righteousness exalteth the nation.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick

Jul 26, 2024 • 1:34:30

A View of What's Ahead

A View of What's Ahead

Biblical prophecy is a fascinating thing, and if you wanted evidence of the Bible’s, validity and accuracy, there's nothing in the world that you could study that would lend more credence to that, than biblical prophecy.We are at the threshold of a lot of events that are about to take place, and I want to go through a little bit of an overview to help you understand some of the things that I believe we are at the very cusp of. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Serm

Jul 22, 2024 • 1:33:04

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 7

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 7

For the last six weeks we’ve been studying the spiritual side of our American Heritage, and the Revolution.Last week, we talked a little bit about the movement westward and how that, immediately after the Constitution, there became a great movement across the Allegheny Mountains. These were rough individualists, pioneers, and hardy people. But in that westward movement, one thing they left behind, was a great religious influence...This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app

Jul 19, 2024 • 1:43:05

Being a Good Receiver

Being a Good Receiver

You have to learn to receive before you really learn how to give. That may be a strange thought and concept, but it's true. God really emphasized that to me, very early in my Christian walk, that you have to learn how to receive, if you're going to really learn all that God wants you to learn about giving.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans…https://

Jul 14, 2024 • 1:34:03

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 6

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 6

Last week we took a slight detour, but for the several weeks we’ve been studying the spiritual side of our American Heritage, and the American Revolution. Tonight we’re going to pick it post Constitution and talk about the expansion west and the creeping in of cults and groups with really bad doctrine. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFan

Jul 12, 2024 • 1:37:49

You MUST...

You MUST...

The 1828 Websters Dictionary defines MUST as, “To be obliged; to be necessitated. It expresses both physical and moral necessity. A man must eat for nourishment, and he must sleep for refreshment.” So, if something MUST happen, it MUST happen, all other options are excluded, there's no other alternative.Today we'll examine some of the MUST's found in your Bible. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern pod

Jul 7, 2024 • 1:43:24

Bible Conspiracies

Bible Conspiracies

Happy Independence Day. We’ve been studying America’s Christian Heritage for the last 5 weeks. I was prepared to continue on with that study tonight, but I believe the Lord gave me something else to talk about, so we're going to take a slight detour and discuss Bible Conspiracies.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans…https://modernpodcast

Jul 5, 2024 • 1:45:16

A Matter of Convenience

A Matter of Convenience

There's an unfortunate element involved in this great generation of convenience, and that is that thirst and desire for convenience has slipped into our spiritual lives as well.We look for a convenient way to pray, a convenient way to witness, and so on.Because of that, a lot of the church, and the attitudes that are connected to the church, and our Christianity, has become one that is dominated by a certain element of convenience.In thinking about it, I started to wonder what God has to say abo

Jun 30, 2024 • 1:32:03

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 5

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 5

Most American's are familiar with the 2nd amendment. It's the amendment that states the right to bear arms, and a free militia, shall not be infringed. Our purpose tonight, is not to study that so much historically, as to study the thing biblically. So grab your King James Bible, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study. This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from https

Jun 28, 2024 • 1:42:23

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 4

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 4

Tonight we continue our study of America's Christian Heritage with a look at the First Amendment to the united States Constitution.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick one from one of these apps you can:Tune in to the LIVE episodes!Enjoy chapters, transcripts, music references and more…Send me a boost (which is a small amount of bitcoin, with a message. Do

Jun 21, 2024 • 1:39:18

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 3

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 3

For the last few weeks, I've been doing a little short series on the spiritual side of the American revolution. There's a huge spiritual element to that which has been largely ignored in history books, and I think it’s important for God’s people to know something about their spiritual heritage and something about the history that helped found this country and put it together.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans…https://modernpo

Jun 14, 2024 • 1:30:11

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 2

America's Christian Heritage, pt. 2

Last week we took a trip back in early American history. It really is exciting, and when you seriously study it, and you can’t help but see the hand of God at work. So, tonight we’re going to continue our series on the spiritual side of the American Revolution, and the Christian Heritage of America, which is never taught in any public school, and unfortunately not even in a lot of the private schools.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or

Jun 7, 2024 • 1:53:57

Eternal Fellowship

Eternal Fellowship

Today's show is about four or five weeks of doctrine crammed into one message.This is actually something I put together a few years ago, because in counseling scenarios I kept hearing something in one form or another, and pretty soon it began to resonate, and I thought, “This is something that needs to be addressed.”So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us on our Sermon Sunday broadcast.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, o

Jun 2, 2024 • 1:41:46

America's Christian Heritage

America's Christian Heritage

We’re going to do something a little different tonight. Tonight, you're going to get a history lesson.One of my favorite subjects to study is early American history, our founding generation, who I think, and not to disrespect any others, is the greatest generation.Early American history is exciting, and when you really study the history, you cannot help but see the hand of God at work. Now, a lot of folks have heard about things like the Boston Massacre, and they’ve heard about the field of Lexi

May 31, 2024 • 1:55:19

Living Water

Living Water

There are many kinds of water. There's soft water, there's hard water, heavy water and polluted water, just mention a few. Jesus compared himself with living water.Living water, must be unique in a variety of ways, and that uniqueness is worthy of our searching.So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us on our Sermon Sunday broadcast.This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast Guru, or TrueFans… pick o

May 26, 2024 • 1:43:29

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 7

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 7

For the last seven weeks, we’ve been studying the whole armor of God, on our Thursday night’s.Each week, we examined one of these items.We talked about the loins being girt about with truth, the first week.The second week, we talked about the breastplate of righteousness, and we went down the entire list.Then last week, we talked about the Helmet of Salvation, and tonight, we’re gonna wrap up this whole thing by studying verse 17, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.So grab your KI

May 24, 2024 • 1:52:07

Four Doctrines that Liberals Hate

Four Doctrines that Liberals Hate

The Bible tells us there will come a time when the church of Jesus Christ would have greater, and greater difficulty dealing with SOUND DOCTRINE, and as a ministry, we want to major, first and foremost on sound doctrine.But there are certain sound doctrines that are under attack, and we certainly don’t have time to visit them all tonight, but we’re going to look at about four of them that are critical for us to understand.So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us on our Sermon Sund

May 19, 2024 • 1:47:11

Saturday Afternoon with author/podcaster Jared Michaud

Saturday Afternoon with author/podcaster Jared Michaud

Today, we'll have author Jared Michaud with us to discuss his testimony, his book, and his podcast. So, grab some coffee and join us on this Saturday edition of the SOTS Podcast.How to reach Jared: (His fiction) (His podcast) (Links to all his interviews)Instagram: (X):@modernapo

May 18, 2024 • 2:02:02

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 6

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 6

For the last six weeks we've examined, and we’ve talked about the armor of God from the standpoint of having our loins girt about with truth…Having on the Breastplate of Righteousness…And our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.And then, we looked at the last part of verse 16, and talked about an important piece of our defensive weapons, the shield of faith.Now tonight, we’ll continue on examining the whole armor of God, we'll pick it up in the first part of verse 17, the Helme

May 17, 2024 • 2:08:20

Mothering Folks to Jesus

Mothering Folks to Jesus

Mother’s Day isn’t a Bible holiday, but it’s a good holiday, because the Bible does put a great deal of emphasis on motherhood. In the Bible, wisdom is often put in the context of the feminine.Mother’s, if they're good mothers, have to be wise. Mother's are given the responsibility of guiding their children into the halls of wisdom, and nothing should concern a mother more than the souls of her children.And sometimes it takes wisdom, if not always, to guide them in that direction.Today’s message

May 12, 2024 • 1:54:09

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 5

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 5

These past five weeks we've examined and we’ve talked about the armor of God from the standpoint of having our loins girt about with truth, having on the Breastplate of Righteousness, and our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.Now today, as we continue to discuss the whole armor of God, we'll continue in verse 16 and talk about one of the most important pieces of our defensive weapons, the Shield of Faith.So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday

May 10, 2024 • 2:14:25

Live Long and Prosper

Live Long and Prosper

We’re going to do something today, you probably never thought you hear from me. Today, I’m going to preach my first ever Prosperity Gospel message.What is prosperity?Prosperity can touch a lot of different aspects of our lives, and in general, God enjoys prospering his servants. But we need to understand what and where we’re talking about here.So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us on our Sermon Sunday broadcast..This is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app l

May 5, 2024 • 1:52:52

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 4

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 4

For the last month already, we’ve been studying the whole armor of God, in Ephesians chapter 6.There are six pieces of armor the Christian soldier is told they ought to wear in this chapter, and we’ve been talking about each piece of the armor. So far, we’ve examined verse 14…6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;We’ve talked about having our loins girt about with truth…We've talked about having on the breastplate of righteo

May 3, 2024 • 1:56:06

Living with the Wrong Decision

Living with the Wrong Decision

Did you ever make a wrong decision?The Lord knows I've made my share of them. Making wrong decisions is just part of being human. Some of the wrong decisions we make bare little consequences, in the big picture, and some of them have GREAT consequences in the picture of life. On today's show, we're going to examine why we make wrong decisions, and learn how to live with making the wrong decision.So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for today's Sermon Sunday broadcast.This is a

Apr 28, 2024 • 1:54:03

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 3

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 3

Last week we began a new study on the whole armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6.We started off with a discussion of the spiritual warfare we find ourselves in, and defined those principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and the spiritual wickedness in high places that we face.Now, last week, we examined verse 14, having our loins gird about with truth.And we discussed that, in the Bible, when God speaks about the loins, he’s talking about what we would call our THIGHS.We di

Apr 26, 2024 • 2:02:00

The Power of the Word

The Power of the Word

What does God use to get you beyond the law of sin? Does he make anything available?Is there anything out there? Or, are we just doomed to live in the doldrums of, “Well, I guess it’s sin. I guess it is what it is…” Or can we be hopeful of something else?Surely there must be a power present, for God’s power knows no limits.What is the wind, or water, or fire, compared to the one who created them?We're going to answer all of those questions on today's show so, grab that KING JAMES BIBLE, some cof

Apr 21, 2024 • 1:59:43

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 2

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 2

This past Sunday, we launched our next series, which will carry on through our Thursday Night Bible studies. For the next several weeks, we're going to concentrate on the Armour of God, listed in Ephesians chapter 6. There are six different pieces of armour listed in this chapter and each week we'll consider one piece. On tonight's Bible study, we'll be talking about having our loins girt about with TRUTH. So, grab that KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study

Apr 19, 2024 • 2:04:52

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 1

The Whole Armour of God, pt. 1

Natural instinct is to put a human face on every policy, or position, or law, or untruth that's being propagated against truth and righteousness. There's a battle going on right now, all around us that you can't see. The Bible teaches that the real battle is on a different plane, which is invisible to the eyes of the flesh. Exactly what is it that we are in a struggle with? How do we fight this battle? On today's Sermon Sunday, we are going to examine the principalities and powers that are surro

Apr 14, 2024 • 1:52:25

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 8

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 8

We've been spending our Thursday evening's talking about some indicators of the last days. We’ve covered God’s numbering system, the present alignment of nations, the physical restoration of Israel, and God’s promises connected to that. We've discussed the acceleration of antisemitism, the resurgence of Babylon, and the rise of the Russian Bear. And then, last week we laid some groundwork to conclude this series tonight, with a more detailed look at the selfie generation. So, grab your KING JAME

Apr 12, 2024 • 1:43:51

Five Dark Valley's of Life

Five Dark Valley's of Life

Life is both sunshine and shadows. It has its light spots and its dark spots. It has its hills, its mountains and its valley's. Today we're going to examine some of the valley’s that we need to familiarize ourselves with, from the perspective of God’s holy word. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday message.Support this show: is a modern podcast, best enjoyed with a modern podcast app like Fountain, Podcast

Apr 8, 2024 • 1:35:15

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 7

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 7

For the last 6 Thursday nights, we’ve been talking about some of the indicators of the last days.We talked about God’s clock and his timetable.We talked about the land, and who the land is dedicated to.Then we talked a little bit about antisemitism, and how its increasing in these last days, just as the Lord Jesus said it would, and we talked about the ROOT of antisemitism.We covered the present alignment of the nations in these last days, and how significant it is.Then last week, we talked abou

Apr 6, 2024 • 1:30:17

What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel?

Do you believe in Easter?Do you believe in Easter beyond Easter egg hunts, and getting all dressed up, and going to church on Easter Sunday, and being religious?Do you know what Easter really is?Easter is the Gospel.And the gospel is Easter.But, what is the gospel?We’re going to answer that question in just a few moments…So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Resurrection Day Sermon Sunday message.Support this show: us fin

Apr 1, 2024 • 1:47:55

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 6

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 6

For the last five Thursday nights, we’ve been talking about some of the indicators of the last days.We talked about God’s clock and his timetable.We talked about the land, and who the land is dedicated to.Then we talked a little bit about antisemitism, and how its increasing in these last days, just as the Lord Jesus said it would, and we talked about the ROOT of antisemitism.Then on the last Thursday night Bible study we talked about the alignment of nations in these last days, and how signific

Mar 29, 2024 • 1:47:01

A Palm Sunday Sermon

A Palm Sunday Sermon

The story we’re about to examine today appears in all FOUR gospels, so we understand that the Lord puts a lot of emphasis on this wonderful story.We’re going to examine some of it DOCTRINALLY, and then we’re gonna draw some practical applications from it. I think and I pray that they will be a blessing to you on this Palm Sunday.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday message.Support this show: Damag

Mar 24, 2024 • 1:39:58

Does Truth Matter?

Does Truth Matter?

What are some of the most popular lies in America? There are many; more than we have time to go through today, but what are some of the most popular lies in America today?We’re going to examine several of them today as we attempt to figure out the answer to the question, Does Truth Matter? So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday message. This is a Value for Value production, and we value all donations! Feel free to support our effort here in monetary form: ht

Mar 18, 2024 • 1:44:32

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 5

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 5

For the last four Thursday nights, we’ve been talking about some of the indicators of the last days.We talked about God’s clock and his timetable.We talked about the land, and who the land is dedicated to.Then we talked a little bit about antisemitism, and how its increasing in these last days, just as the Lord Jesus said it would.And then last week, we talked about the ROOT of antisemitism.Tonight, we’re going to talk about the alignment of nations in these last days, and how significant it is.

Mar 15, 2024 • 1:52:30

Things of Which I am Not Ashamed

Things of Which I am Not Ashamed

It seems like things have flipped in modern day America. Things that people SHOULD be ashamed of, they’re not and that thing that they SHOULDN’T be ashamed of, they ARE. On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to examine 5 things of which we ought not to be ashamed of.So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join with us for today's study.Support this show by Claud Chereji(00:46:00) Trusting and calling upon God for salvation(00:

Mar 11, 2024 • 1:51:37

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 4

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 4

Last week, we talked about the Satanic plan to hinder God’s plan, and we worked our way through the OT a little bit and showed you how there has been an attack and then how God counterattacks to preserve his plan.Then, when we got to the NT, we see that God ceases the counterattack, and instead, he provides his people provisions to endure. And one of those provisions is the whole armor of God.Now, tonight, we’re going to talk about some other things and try to understand what's going on in the w

Mar 8, 2024 • 1:41:13

Spiritual Heartburn

Spiritual Heartburn

Have you ever had heartburn? It’s kind of a misnomer. As far as I know, it doesn’t have anything to do with your heart. Well, today we're going to examine another type of heartburn, SPIRITUAL Heartburn, and what that involves. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee , and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast. Produced by: Claud Chereji (Remember, blame him for the problems...)Support this show: The importance and value of the

Mar 4, 2024 • 1:49:02

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 3

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 3

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible study, we’re going to be getting into part 3 of our examination of the indicators of the last days. So far, we've isolated several things in this series about how you can KNOW we live in THE last days. One particular indicator is the rise of Antisemitism. Tonight we’re going to examine antisemitism, define it, explore the root cause of it, and look at examples from Genesis to Revelation. So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thur

Mar 1, 2024 • 2:08:34

The Security of the Believer, pt. 2

The Security of the Believer, pt. 2

Last week, on our Sermon Sunday, we started a series on the subject of Eternal Security. Some people wrestle with the doctrine of Eternal Security. They can’t figure out if they're really saved or if they're really lost. Then they worry about other people…Are THEY saved or are THEY lost…?Did I get it and lose it?Can I get it again?How many times do I have to lose it and get it?Today we’re going to conclude this series by looking at Eternal Security from a dispensational viewpoint, because I

Feb 26, 2024 • 1:39:22

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 2

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 2

Tonight, we’re going to talk about the physical restoration of Israel which, as far as I’m concerned, this has to be the greatest miracle in our lifetime! So grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support us: The obscured roots of the French Revolution and Napoleonic era(00:36:24) The physical restoration of Israel(00:43:23) The indicators of the last days(00:54:18) The significance of Jerusale

Feb 23, 2024 • 1:37:59

The Security of the Believer, pt. 1

The Security of the Believer, pt. 1

Some people wrestle with the doctrine of Eternal Security. They can’t figure out if they're really saved or if they're really lost. Then they worry about other people…Are THEY saved or are THEY lost…?Did I get it and lose it?Can I get it again?How many times do I have to lose it and get it?Today on our first Sermon Sunday of 2024, we're going to address Eternal Security. So, grab your KING JAMES Bible, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support This PodcastPre-order your cop

Feb 19, 2024 • 1:57:45

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 1

Indicators of the Last Days, pt. 1

Are we REALLY in the last days?Tonight, we are going to begin a new series where we’re going to study several indicators that tell us that, in fact, we are.So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Help support this ministry: your copy of Scipio Eruditis's Anatomy of a Revolution here.(00:39:54) God's clock and the possibility of a 7000-year plan(00:49:00) The indicators of the last days(00:53:10

Feb 15, 2024 • 1:33:28

The History of the Bible, pt. 4

The History of the Bible, pt. 4

Tonight we conclude our study of the History of the Bible by comparing verses from your old Authorized 1611 King James Bible and one of the most popular new, modern translations. You're going to see that not all Bibles say the same thing. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support us: Review of the history of the Bible(00:46:23) Comparison of the King James Bible and the NIV(00:54:21) I

Feb 9, 2024 • 1:37:17

The History of the Bible, pt. 3

The History of the Bible, pt. 3

Tonight, we continue our study of the History of the Bible by examining the Alexandrian texts, the basis of all the modern translations. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support us: Anatomy of a Revolution, by Scipio Eruditus Introduction to the history of the Bible(00:49:43) Corruptions of the word of God(00:54:05) The Alexandrian school

Feb 2, 2024 • 1:45:54

The History of the Bible, pt. 2

The History of the Bible, pt. 2

Last Thursday night, we started a new series on the History of the Bible. We spent a lot of time talking about INSPIRATION and PRESERVATION, the PURITY of the word of God, and much more. Tonight, we’re going to continue with our study of the history of the Bible by examining where your Authorized King James Bible came from.My goal is that when we finish this entire study, you’ll have a greater appreciation for the word of God, and what a lot of people have gone through to preserve it f

Jan 26, 2024 • 1:51:38

The History of the Bible, pt. 1

The History of the Bible, pt. 1

Tonight, we’ll be moving on to study a subject that I absolutely love, the History of the Bible.You know, the Bible claims to be divinely inspired and preserved.Is that right?Can we count on that?Can we depend upon that?Do we have THE word of God or just a book that contains the word of God?We'll find out as we work our way through this series. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this podcast:

Jan 19, 2024 • 1:46:01

The Dispensations, part 18 - Eternity

The Dispensations, part 18 - Eternity

Tonight, we’re going to wrap up our study of the Dispensations by studying Eternity. It’s not a dispensation that we know much about, but what we do know is thrilling. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this Podcast:

Jan 12, 2024 • 1:47:41

The Dispensations, part 18 - Eternity

The Dispensations, part 18 - Eternity

Tonight, we’re going to wrap up our study of the Dispensations by studying Eternity. It’s not a dispensation that we know much about, but what we do know is thrilling. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this Podcast:

Jan 12, 2024 • 1:53:44

The Dispensations, part 17 - The Millennium

The Dispensations, part 17 - The Millennium

Last Thursday night we concluded the Dispensation of the Tribulation by examining the last half of the Tribulation period known as the GREAT Tribulation Tonight, we’re going to study something that I love to talk about, the Dispensation of the Millennium or the Millennial Kingdom. This is the 1000 year period of time that the Lord Jesus Christ will be ruling and reigning, physically and visibly from Jerusalem. It’s an exciting period of time where the King of kings and Lord of lords sets all thi

Dec 29, 2023 • 2:08:12

The Dispensations, part 17 - The Millennium

The Dispensations, part 17 - The Millennium

Last Thursday night we concluded the Dispensation of the Tribulation by examining the last half of the Tribulation period known as the GREAT Tribulation Tonight, we’re going to study something that I love to talk about, the Dispensation of the Millennium or the Millennial Kingdom. This is the 1000 year period of time that the Lord Jesus Christ will be ruling and reigning, physically and visibly from Jerusalem. It’s an exciting period of time where the King of kings and Lord of lords sets all thi

Dec 29, 2023 • 2:01:09

Why Did the Wise Men Rejoice?

Why Did the Wise Men Rejoice?

On today's Sermon Sunday, our first ever Christmas Eve broadcast, we're going to examine three or four reasons why the wise men rejoiced when they found Jesus. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Christmas Eve edition of the Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Merry Chritsmas and all of God's blessings!Support this Podcast:

Dec 24, 2023 • 1:21:07

Why Did the Wise Men Rejoice?

Why Did the Wise Men Rejoice?

On today's Sermon Sunday, our first ever Christmas Eve broadcast, we're going to examine three or four reasons why the wise men rejoiced when they found Jesus. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Christmas Eve edition of the Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Merry Chritsmas and all of God's blessings!Support this Podcast:

Dec 24, 2023 • 1:24:39

The Dispensations, part 16 - The Great Tribulation

The Dispensations, part 16 - The Great Tribulation

Tonight, on our Thursday Night Bible study, we continue our study of the Dispensations, and the Tribulation period, by examining the second half of the Tribulation, the GREAT Tribulation. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us as we open, and study the word of God.Support this Podcast:

Dec 22, 2023 • 1:51:26

The Dispensations, part 16 - The Great Tribulation

The Dispensations, part 16 - The Great Tribulation

Tonight, on our Thursday Night Bible study, we continue our study of the Dispensations, and the Tribulation period, by examining the second half of the Tribulation, the GREAT Tribulation. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us as we open, and study the word of God.Support this Podcast:

Dec 22, 2023 • 1:57:30

The Silence of God

The Silence of God

One of the greatest arguments frequently presented is, Why do people suffer?" How many times have you heard someone say, "What did I do to deserve this?"What people are really saying is, if there is a a God, and if there is a loving God, then God is somehow obligated to create and perpetuate a perfect environment for us.Today, on our Sermon Sunday broadcast, we're going to examine those questions and more. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for or Sermon Sunday broadcast.Su

Dec 17, 2023 • 1:34:28

The Silence of God

The Silence of God

One of the greatest arguments frequently presented is, Why do people suffer?" How many times have you heard someone say, "What did I do to deserve this?"What people are really saying is, if there is a a God, and if there is a loving God, then God is somehow obligated to create and perpetuate a perfect environment for us.Today, on our Sermon Sunday broadcast, we're going to examine those questions and more. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for or Sermon Sunday broadcast.Su

Dec 17, 2023 • 1:40:01

Why Pray?

Why Pray?

Today, we’re going to talk about PRAYER. The Bible says that men ought always to pray. Prayer is valuable. Prayer is NOT a vain, empty effort and the apostle Paul wrote that we should pray without ceasing. But what is prayer? Does God always answer prayer? We’re going to examine those questions and more on our Sermon Sunday broadcast. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this Podcast:

Nov 19, 2023 • 1:53:49

Why Pray?

Why Pray?

Today, we’re going to talk about PRAYER. The Bible says that men ought always to pray. Prayer is valuable. Prayer is NOT a vain, empty effort and the apostle Paul wrote that we should pray without ceasing. But what is prayer? Does God always answer prayer? We’re going to examine those questions and more on our Sermon Sunday broadcast. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast..Support this Podcast:

Nov 19, 2023 • 1:59:52

The Dispensations, part 15 - The Tribulation

The Dispensations, part 15 - The Tribulation

Tonight we're going to begin our examination of the next Dispensation on God's plan for the ages, the Tribulation. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday NIght Bible study.Support this Podcast:

Nov 17, 2023 • 1:51:53

The Dispensations, part 15 - The Tribulation

The Dispensations, part 15 - The Tribulation

Tonight we're going to begin our examination of the next Dispensation on God's plan for the ages, the Tribulation. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday NIght Bible study.Support this Podcast:

Nov 17, 2023 • 1:54:54

Whom Does Jesus Seek?

Whom Does Jesus Seek?

Jesus sought out people who would be often overlooked by today’s average church. They wouldn’t be considered good, viable prospects because of their background or social status. Tonight, we're going to examine SEVEN types of people that Jesus sought after, in the word of God. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Support this Podcast:

Nov 13, 2023 • 1:45:27

Whom Does Jesus Seek?

Whom Does Jesus Seek?

Jesus sought out people who would be often overlooked by today’s average church. They wouldn’t be considered good, viable prospects because of their background or social status. Tonight, we're going to examine SEVEN types of people that Jesus sought after in the word of God. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Support this Podcast:

Nov 13, 2023 • 1:50:29

The Bible vs The Koran

The Bible vs The Koran

On this episode, we're going to examine several passages from the Koran and compare them with your King James Bible. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Support this Podcast:

Nov 6, 2023 • 1:52:32

The Bible vs The Koran

The Bible vs The Koran

On this episode, we're going to examine several passages from the Koran and compare them with your King James Bible. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Support this Podcast:

Nov 6, 2023 • 1:46:29

The Dispensations, part 14, The Church Age

The Dispensations, part 14, The Church Age

Tonight, we're going to try and get through the Church Age. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this Podcast:

Nov 3, 2023 • 1:47:06

The Dispensations, part 14, The Church Age

The Dispensations, part 14, The Church Age

Tonight, we're going to try and get through the Church Age. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this Podcast:

Nov 3, 2023 • 1:52:08

Demon Possession

Demon Possession

We hear a lot about demon possession these days. You can't turn on Netflix or any streaming service without being overwhelmed with the amount of movies and series about demons, exorcism or Satanism. As a result there's a lot of confusion about the subject. On today's episode we're going to look at the subject of Demons and Demon Possession. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2023 • 1:43:28

Demon Possession

Demon Possession

We hear a lot about demon possession these days. You can't turn on Netflix or any streaming service without being overwhelmed with the amount of movies and series about demons, exorcism or Satanism. As a result there's a lot of confusion about the subject. On today's episode we're going to look at the subject of Demons and Demon Possession. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast:

Oct 29, 2023 • 1:48:30

The Dispensations, part 13 - The Apostolic Age

The Dispensations, part 13 - The Apostolic Age

Tonight, we're going to examine the Apostolic Age, the Kingdom Message and the accompanying signs. We have a lot of ground to cover so, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this podcast:

Oct 27, 2023 • 2:09:49

The Dispensations, part 13 - The Apostolic Age

The Dispensations, part 13 - The Apostolic Age

Tonight, we're going to examine the Apostolic Age, the Kingdom Message and the accompanying signs. We have a lot of ground to cover so, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this podcast:

Oct 27, 2023 • 2:17:23

The Voice of the Lord

The Voice of the Lord

In Psalm 28, the psalmist said that Hell is silent as far as the voice of God is concerned. But there's much more to it than that. God's voice is in many things. On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to examine what the psalmist had to say about Hell and the voice of the Lord. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Support this podcast:

Oct 22, 2023 • 1:45:16

The Voice of the Lord

The Voice of the Lord

In Psalm 28, the psalmist said that Hell is silent as far as the voice of God is concerned. But there's much more to it than that. God's voice is in many things. On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to examine what the psalmist had to say about Hell and the voice of the Lord. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Support this podcast:

Oct 22, 2023 • 1:40:13

The Dispensations, part 12, Breaking the Ice

The Dispensations, part 12, Breaking the Ice

After 400 years of silence from God, a prophet appears on the scene, a voice of one crying in the wilderness, John the Baptist. John came preaching a message of moral reform and righteousness. Join us tonight as we examine John the Baptist, his message and the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast:

Oct 20, 2023 • 2:19:06

The Dispensations, part 12, Breaking the Ice

The Dispensations, part 12, Breaking the Ice

After 400 years of silence from God, a prophet appears on the scene, a voice of one crying in the wilderness, John the Baptist. John came preaching a message of moral reform and righteousness. Join us tonight as we examine John the Baptist, his message and the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast:

Oct 20, 2023 • 2:11:20

Which Rapture?

Which Rapture?

Rightly dividing your Bible is essential if you're going understand where, exactly we are, on God's prophetic timeline. Today we're going to examine Matthew 24 and the RAPTURE that takes place and properly assign it. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast:

Oct 15, 2023 • 1:50:58

Which Rapture?

Which Rapture?

Rightly dividing your Bible is essential if you're going understand where, exactly we are, on God's prophetic timeline. Today we're going to examine Matthew 24 and the RAPTURE that takes place and properly assign it. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast:

Oct 15, 2023 • 1:56:30

Friday Evening Coffee with Claud Chereji

Friday Evening Coffee with Claud Chereji

On a special BONUS edition of the SOTS Podcast, we sit down with Claud Chereji, host of the ClaudCast Podcast and producer of the Firmamental podcast.Support this podcast: to find Claud:Email: theclaudcast.proton.mehttps://theclaudcast.carrd.co

Oct 14, 2023 • 2:54:45

Friday Evening Coffee with Claud Chereji

Friday Evening Coffee with Claud Chereji

On a special BONUS edition of the SOTS Podcast, we sit down with Claud Chereji, host of the ClaudCast Podcast and producer of the Firmamental podcast.Support this podcast: to find Claud:Email: theclaudcast.proton.mehttps://theclaudcast.carrd.co

Oct 14, 2023 • 3:02:18

The Dispensations, part 11 - The Prophets

The Dispensations, part 11 - The Prophets

Continuing with our study of the Dispensations, tonight we're going to examine the PROPHETS from Hosea to the last of the Old Testament prophets, John the Baptist. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this podcast:

Oct 13, 2023 • 1:56:20

The Dispensations, part 11 - The Prophets

The Dispensations, part 11 - The Prophets

Continuing with our study of the Dispensations, tonight we're going to examine the PROPHETS from Hosea to the last of the Old Testament prophets, John the Baptist. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this podcast:

Oct 13, 2023 • 1:52:17

The Five Fingers

The Five Fingers

Today, on our Sermon Sunday, we are going to examine five shadows or FIVE FINGERS in the Old Testament, that point to the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Oct 8, 2023 • 1:58:14

The Five Fingers

The Five Fingers

Today, on our Sermon Sunday, we are going to examine five shadows or FIVE FINGERS in the Old Testament, that point to the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Oct 8, 2023 • 2:03:46

The Dispensations, part 10, The Kings

The Dispensations, part 10, The Kings

This particular era of Bible history is very important and significant. We're going to approach it from more of an inspirational viewpoint than just historical or doctrinal. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Oct 6, 2023 • 1:58:59

The Dispensations, part 10, The Kings

The Dispensations, part 10, The Kings

This particular era of Bible history is very important and significant. We're going to approach it from more of an inspirational viewpoint than just historical or doctrinal. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Oct 6, 2023 • 1:52:57

The Work of the Word

The Work of the Word

It's clear, throughout your Bible, that God has equated His SON with his WORD. The two are so integrated that you can't completely separate them and there is a tremendous parallel between the work and character of Jesus Christ and His word. We're going to examine that today so, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Oct 1, 2023 • 2:12:39

The Work of the Word

The Work of the Word

It's clear, throughout your Bible, that God has equated His SON with his WORD. The two are so integrated that you can't completely separate them and there is a tremendous parallel between the work and character of Jesus Christ and His word. We're going to examine that today so, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Oct 1, 2023 • 2:05:36

The Dispensations, part 9 - The Law, pt. 4

The Dispensations, part 9 - The Law, pt. 4

Tonight, we're in the seventh book of your Bible, the book of the Judges. We're going to look at some of the characters in there and some of the principles we can derive from it. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Sep 29, 2023 • 2:02:31

The Dispensations, part 9 - The Law, pt. 4

The Dispensations, part 9 - The Law, pt. 4

Tonight, we're in the seventh book of your Bible, the book of the Judges. We're going to look at some of the characters in there and some of the principles we can derive from it. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Sep 29, 2023 • 2:09:34

Growth is Change

Growth is Change

Peter admonishes us to GROW in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today on our Sermon Sunday, we're going to talk about how growing necessarily involves changing by examining 3 areas in a believer's spiritual life, where we ought to grow and change. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Sep 24, 2023 • 2:02:35

Growth is Change

Growth is Change

Peter admonishes us to GROW in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today on our Sermon Sunday, we're going to talk about how growing necessarily involves changing by examining 3 areas in a believer's spiritual life, where we ought to grow and change. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Sep 24, 2023 • 1:56:33

The Dispensations, part 8 - The Law, pt 3

The Dispensations, part 8 - The Law, pt 3

Tonight, we are going to study the TABERNACLE, and how folks were saved under the LAW. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us on our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 24:58)Prayer Requests (24:58 - 44:15)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 8 - The Law, pt 3 (44:15 - 1:55:02)Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Sep 22, 2023 • 2:02:07

The Dispensations, part 8 - The Law, pt 3

The Dispensations, part 8 - The Law, pt 3

Tonight, we are going to study the TABERNACLE, and how folks were saved under the LAW. So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee and join us on our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 24:58)Prayer Requests (24:58 - 44:15)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 8 - The Law, pt 3 (44:15 - 1:55:02)Support this podcast: Exclusive Content:

Sep 22, 2023 • 1:55:03

Jesus Wasn't Always Nice

Jesus Wasn't Always Nice

Today, we're going to examine a popular misconception that the world has about the Lord Jesus Christ and Bible believing Christians. That is that you should always be kind, compassionate, caring, and nice. That's not your Savior. Jesus wasn't always nice. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Don't forget to head over to our Patreon and subscribe to the Post Show Show for exclusive content. Links below!Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 2

Sep 17, 2023 • 1:59:57

Jesus Wasn't Always Nice

Jesus Wasn't Always Nice

Today, we're going to examine a popular misconception that the world has about the Lord Jesus Christ and Bible believing Christians. That is that you should always be kind, compassionate, caring, and nice. That's not your Savior. Jesus wasn't always nice. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Don't forget to head over to our Patreon and subscribe to the Post Show Show for exclusive content. Links below!Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 2

Sep 17, 2023 • 2:06:00

The Dispensations, part 7 - The Law, pt 2

The Dispensations, part 7 - The Law, pt 2

Last week studied the Passover, tonight we want to talk about the LAW, the LAW GIVER, trace the path of the crown and talk a little bit about the kingdoms. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 27:02)Prayer Requests (27:02 - 48:15)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 7 - The Law, pt 2 (48:15 - 1:56:00)Support this podcast monthly:

Sep 15, 2023 • 1:54:01

The Dispensations, part 7 - The Law, pt 2

The Dispensations, part 7 - The Law, pt 2

Last week studied the Passover, tonight we want to talk about the LAW, the LAW GIVER, trace the path of the crown and talk a little bit about the kingdoms. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 27:02)Prayer Requests (27:02 - 48:15)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 7 - The Law, pt 2 (48:15 - 1:56:00)Support this podcast monthly:

Sep 15, 2023 • 2:00:03

Blinding Influences

Blinding Influences

The Scripture makes it clear that PHYSICAL blindness is a picture of SPIRITUAL blindness, and only God can open spiritual eyes. In Mark chapter 8 we're going to examine several different areas of blindness and then tie it all up by asking the question, "What makes you a candidate for the removal of blindness?" So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 26:08)Prayer Requests (26:08 - 45:17)Sermon - Blinding In

Sep 10, 2023 • 1:51:46

Blinding Influences

Blinding Influences

The Scripture makes it clear that PHYSICAL blindness is a picture of SPIRITUAL blindness, and only God can open spiritual eyes. In Mark chapter 8 we're going to examine several different areas of blindness and then tie it all up by asking the question, "What makes you a candidate for the removal of blindness?" So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 26:08)Prayer Requests (26:08 - 45:17)Sermon - Blinding In

Sep 10, 2023 • 1:44:43

The Dispensations, part 6 - The Dispensation of the Law

The Dispensations, part 6 - The Dispensation of the Law

Tonight, we'll begin studying the Dispensation of the Law. There are many significant events that took place during this time period however tonight, we'll be looking at the PASSOVER. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 25:33)Prayer Requests (25:33 - 47:22)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 6 - The Law (47:22 - 1:53:12)Support this podcast monthlySupport this podcast one timeFor Exclusive Content

Sep 8, 2023 • 1:53:13

The Dispensations, part 6 - The Dispensation of the Law

The Dispensations, part 6 - The Dispensation of the Law

Tonight, we'll begin studying the Dispensation of the Law. There are many significant events that took place during this time period however tonight, we'll be looking at the PASSOVER. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 25:33)Prayer Requests (25:33 - 47:22)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 6 - The Law (47:22 - 1:53:12)Support this podcast monthlySupport this podcast one timeFor Exclusive Content

Sep 8, 2023 • 1:59:16

The Disciples Vacation Goes Bust

The Disciples Vacation Goes Bust

Have you ever planned a vacation only to have something come up that makes all your plans go bust? That's what happened to the disciples in Mark chapter 6. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast. Don't forget to head over to our Patreon and subscribe to the Post Show Show for exclusive content. Links below!Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 25:12)Prayer Requests (25:12 - 43:07)Sermon - The Disciples Vacation goes Bust (43:07 - 01:44:30)For

Sep 3, 2023 • 1:49:33

The Disciples Vacation Goes Bust

The Disciples Vacation Goes Bust

Have you ever planned a vacation only to have something come up that makes all your plans go bust? That's what happened to the disciples in Mark chapter 6. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast. Don't forget to head over to our Patreon and subscribe to the Post Show Show for exclusive content. Links below!Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 25:12)Prayer Requests (25:12 - 43:07)Sermon - The Disciples Vacation goes Bust (43:07 - 01:44:30)For

Sep 3, 2023 • 1:44:32

The Dispensations, part 5 - The Patriarchs

The Dispensations, part 5 - The Patriarchs

Tonight, we are going to study the Dispensation of the Patriarchs and we are going to primarliy concern ourselves with Abraham. This dispensation follows the call of Abraham to the Exodus, which we will examine. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and joing us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 31:48)Prayer Requests (31:48 - 55:42 )Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 5 - The Patriarchs (55:82 - 02:18:37)Support this podcast monthly: https://po

Sep 1, 2023 • 2:25:57

The Dispensations, part 5 - The Patriarchs

The Dispensations, part 5 - The Patriarchs

Tonight, we are going to study the Dispensation of the Patriarchs and we are going to primarliy concern ourselves with Abraham. This dispensation follows the call of Abraham to the Exodus, which we will examine. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and joing us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 31:48)Prayer Requests (31:48 - 55:42 )Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 5 - The Patriarchs (55:82 - 02:18:37)Support this podcast monthly: https://po

Sep 1, 2023 • 2:18:38

The Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount is familiar in part to most church goers but many lack understanding of its original intent, purpose, and context. So, today we're going to get a little Theological and then tie it all together with practical application. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join our Sermon Sunday edition.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 22:45)Prayer Requests (22:45 - 43:16)Sermon - The Sermon on the Mount (43:16 - 01:49:24)For exclusive content join us on Patreon: pa

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:49:25

The Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount is familiar in part to most church goers but many lack understanding of its original intent, purpose, and context. So, today we're going to get a little Theological and then tie it all together with practical application. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join our Sermon Sunday edition.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 22:45)Prayer Requests (22:45 - 43:16)Sermon - The Sermon on the Mount (43:16 - 01:49:24)For exclusive content join us on Patreon: pa

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:54:12

The Dispensations, part 4 - The Dispensation of Human Government

The Dispensations, part 4 - The Dispensation of Human Government

Tonight, we're going to be talking about Noah and moving into the Dispensation of Human Government and Babel. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 29:30)Prayer Requests (29:30 - 50:18 )Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 4 - The Dispensation of Human Government (50:18 - 02:31:35)Support this podcast monthly: this podcast one

Aug 25, 2023 • 2:31:36

The Dispensations, part 4 - The Dispensation of Human Government

The Dispensations, part 4 - The Dispensation of Human Government

Tonight, we're going to be talking about Noah and moving into the Dispensation of Human Government and Babel. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 29:30)Prayer Requests (29:30 - 50:18 )Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 4 - The Dispensation of Human Government (50:18 - 02:31:35)Support this podcast monthly: this podcast one

Aug 25, 2023 • 2:39:10

Bearing your Cross

Bearing your Cross

A paradox is something that, at times, seems to be a contradiction. Christianity has a lot of them. We're going to examine some of these paradoxes as they relate to Bearing your Cross. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and Join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 21:38)Prayer Requests (21:38 - 40:02)Sermon - Bearing your Cross (40:02 - 01:43:00)For exclusive content join us on Patreon: this podcast with a re

Aug 20, 2023 • 1:43:00

Bearing your Cross

Bearing your Cross

A paradox is something that, at times, seems to be a contradiction. Christianity has a lot of them. We're going to examine some of these paradoxes as they relate to Bearing your Cross. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and Join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 21:38)Prayer Requests (21:38 - 40:02)Sermon - Bearing your Cross (40:02 - 01:43:00)For exclusive content join us on Patreon: this podcast with a re

Aug 20, 2023 • 1:49:33

The Dispensations, part 3 - The Dispensation of Conscience

The Dispensations, part 3 - The Dispensation of Conscience

A DISPENSATION is a period of TIME in which God is dealing with mankind in a very specific way. We've already examined the Dispensation of Creation. Last week, we discussed the Dispensation of Innocence. Tonight, we're moving along into the Dispensation of Conscience. So, grab your King James Bible, maybe some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible StudyOpening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 23:44)Prayer Requests (23:44 - 41:08 )Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 3 - The Dispens

Aug 18, 2023 • 1:47:20

The Dispensations, part 3 - The Dispensation of Conscience

The Dispensations, part 3 - The Dispensation of Conscience

A DISPENSATION is a period of TIME in which God is dealing with mankind in a very specific way. We've already examined the Dispensation of Creation. Last week, we discussed the Dispensation of Innocence. Tonight, we're moving along into the Dispensation of Conscience. So, grab your King James Bible, maybe some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible StudyOpening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 23:44)Prayer Requests (23:44 - 41:08 )Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 3 - The Dispens

Aug 18, 2023 • 1:53:23

Genuine Belief

Genuine Belief

We're going to look at a wonderful passage of Scripture in John's gospel and examine the subject of BELIEF. What IS real, genuine belief and what ISN'T? So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 21:21)Prayer Requests (21:21 - 46:55)Sermon - Genuine Belief (46:55 - 01:51:54)For exclusive content join us on Patreon: this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: https

Aug 13, 2023 • 1:56:28

Genuine Belief

Genuine Belief

We're going to look at a wonderful passage of Scripture in John's gospel and examine the subject of BELIEF. What IS real, genuine belief and what ISN'T? So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 21:21)Prayer Requests (21:21 - 46:55)Sermon - Genuine Belief (46:55 - 01:51:54)For exclusive content join us on Patreon: this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: https

Aug 13, 2023 • 1:51:55

The Dispensations, part 2 - The Dispensation of Innocence

The Dispensations, part 2 - The Dispensation of Innocence

Last Thursday night we began to study the Dispensations or the times that are set forth in the Bible. We beagn with the Pre-Adamic time period and dicussed the fall of Satan. Tonight we'll discuss the Age of Innocence, the Edenic time period. So grab your King James Bible and some coffee and Join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 18:22)Prayer Requests (18:22 - 42:38)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 2 - The Age of Innocence (42:38 - 02:10:43)Sup

Aug 11, 2023 • 2:10:44

The Dispensations, part 2 - The Dispensation of Innocence

The Dispensations, part 2 - The Dispensation of Innocence

Last Thursday night we began to study the Dispensations or the times that are set forth in the Bible. We beagn with the Pre-Adamic time period and dicussed the fall of Satan. Tonight we'll discuss the Age of Innocence, the Edenic time period. So grab your King James Bible and some coffee and Join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 18:22)Prayer Requests (18:22 - 42:38)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 2 - The Age of Innocence (42:38 - 02:10:43)Sup

Aug 11, 2023 • 2:18:47

Fulfilled Prophecy

Fulfilled Prophecy

One of the greatest pieces of evidence we have as to the accuracy and the validity of the Bible is FULFILLED PROPHECY. Today, we're going to highlight several of them and discover just how fascinating and far more accurate your King James Bible is than most people give it credit for. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join as we look at FULFILLED PROPHECY on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 21:09)Prayer Requests (21:09 - 44:20)Sermon - Fulfilled

Aug 6, 2023 • 1:50:36

Fulfilled Prophecy

Fulfilled Prophecy

One of the greatest pieces of evidence we have as to the accuracy and the validity of the Bible is FULFILLED PROPHECY. Today, we're going to highlight several of them and discover just how fascinating and far more accurate your King James Bible is than most people give it credit for. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join as we look at FULFILLED PROPHECY on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 21:09)Prayer Requests (21:09 - 44:20)Sermon - Fulfilled

Aug 6, 2023 • 1:57:09

The Dispensations, part 1 - The Dispensation of Creation

The Dispensations, part 1 - The Dispensation of Creation

Of all the DISPENSATIONS, the Pre-Adamic is one of the ones we know least about, but it's important for us to get into it because it'll lay a foundation for everything that will follow. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our study of the The Dispensations on our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 20:01)Prayer Requests (20:01 - 43:46)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 1 - The Pre-Adamic (43:46 - 2:00:00)Support this podcast with a recu

Aug 4, 2023 • 2:06:31

The Dispensations, part 1 - The Dispensation of Creation

The Dispensations, part 1 - The Dispensation of Creation

Of all the DISPENSATIONS, the Pre-Adamic is one of the ones we know least about, but it's important for us to get into it because it'll lay a foundation for everything that will follow. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our study of the The Dispensations on our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 20:01)Prayer Requests (20:01 - 43:46)Bible Study - The Dispensations, part 1 - The Pre-Adamic (43:46 - 2:00:00)Support this podcast with a recu

Aug 4, 2023 • 2:00:13

Solutions to Depression, Part 2

Solutions to Depression, Part 2

A lot of people experience depression or go through it. I go through that. The question is, does God have a remedy? He certainly does. Last Sunday, we started to examine 12 steps as a solution to depression. On today's Sermon Sunday edition, we'll get into part 2 of that message. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us as we examine Solutions to Depression.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 20:04)Prayer Requests (20:04 - 44:13)Sermon - Solutions to Depression, Part 2 (44:

Jul 30, 2023 • 1:42:08

Solutions to Depression, Part 2

Solutions to Depression, Part 2

A lot of people experience depression or go through it. I go through that. The question is, does God have a remedy? He certainly does. Last Sunday, we started to examine 12 steps as a solution to depression. On today's Sermon Sunday edition, we'll get into part 2 of that message. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us as we examine Solutions to Depression.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 20:04)Prayer Requests (20:04 - 44:13)Sermon - Solutions to Depression, Part 2 (44:

Jul 30, 2023 • 1:47:56

Revelation Chapters 21 and 22

Revelation Chapters 21 and 22

Tonight we bring our study of this GRAND book to close with a look at chapters 21 and 22. There's not much known about this dispensation except for what's in these two chapters and basically, these chapters deal with NEW things. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 20:56)Prayer Requests (20:56 - 42:56)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 21 and 22 (42:56 - 01:42:26)Support this podcast with a recurring mo

Jul 28, 2023 • 1:42:27

Revelation Chapters 21 and 22

Revelation Chapters 21 and 22

Tonight we bring our study of this GRAND book to close with a look at chapters 21 and 22. There's not much known about this dispensation except for what's in these two chapters and basically, these chapters deal with NEW things. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 20:56)Prayer Requests (20:56 - 42:56)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 21 and 22 (42:56 - 01:42:26)Support this podcast with a recurring mo

Jul 28, 2023 • 1:49:30

Solutions to Depression

Solutions to Depression

On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to examine DEPRESSION and evaluate the thing, not psychologically but BIBLICALLY. So grab your King James Bible some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 23:28)Prayer Requests (23:28 - 46:08)Sermon - Solutions to Depression (46:08 - 02:02:14)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution: https://way

Jul 23, 2023 • 2:08:17

Solutions to Depression

Solutions to Depression

On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to examine DEPRESSION and evaluate the thing, not psychologically but BIBLICALLY. So grab your King James Bible some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 23:28)Prayer Requests (23:28 - 46:08)Sermon - Solutions to Depression (46:08 - 02:02:14)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution: https://way

Jul 23, 2023 • 2:02:14

Revelation Chapter 20.2

Revelation Chapter 20.2

Last week, we discussed the end of the Tribulation and the Millennial Kingdom before we hit the first verse of chapter 20. Tonight, we'll get in the chapter and discuss the Millennial Kingdom, the Battle of Gog and Magog and the Great White Throne of Judgment. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 27:33)Prayer Requests (27:33 - 51:04)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 20.2 (51:04 - 02:20:09)Support this

Jul 21, 2023 • 2:20:09

Revelation Chapter 20.2

Revelation Chapter 20.2

Last week, we discussed the end of the Tribulation and the Millennial Kingdom before we hit the first verse of chapter 20. Tonight, we'll get in the chapter and discuss the Millennial Kingdom, the Battle of Gog and Magog and the Great White Throne of Judgment. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 27:33)Prayer Requests (27:33 - 51:04)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 20.2 (51:04 - 02:20:09)Support this

Jul 21, 2023 • 2:28:13

Revelation Chapter 20

Revelation Chapter 20

We've almost come to the conclusion of this great book. The Tribulation is now passed, and we are moving in to the 1000 year, Millennial Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join in on our Sermon Sunday/Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 25:53)Prayer Requests (25:33 - 43:25)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 20 (43:25 - 01:58:12)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Jul 17, 2023 • 2:04:15

Revelation Chapter 20

Revelation Chapter 20

We've almost come to the conclusion of this great book. The Tribulation is now passed, and we are moving in to the 1000 year, Millennial Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join in on our Sermon Sunday/Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 25:53)Prayer Requests (25:33 - 43:25)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 20 (43:25 - 01:58:12)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Jul 17, 2023 • 1:58:12

Dealing with Grief

Dealing with Grief

On today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast, we're going to talk about GRIEF. Some folks are dealing with grief. I lost my mother yesterday, one of our listeners lost theirs a few weeks ago. Dealing with grief is never easy. It's one of the most difficult emotions we ever encounter in this life. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we examine Dealing with Grief.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 18:23)Prayer Requests (18:23 - 41:15)Sermon - Dealing with Grief (41:15 - 01:

Jul 9, 2023 • 1:48:03

Dealing with Grief

Dealing with Grief

On today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast, we're going to talk about GRIEF. Some folks are dealing with grief. I lost my mother yesterday, one of our listeners lost theirs a few weeks ago. Dealing with grief is never easy. It's one of the most difficult emotions we ever encounter in this life. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we examine Dealing with Grief.Opening Segment and Announcements (00:00 - 18:23)Prayer Requests (18:23 - 41:15)Sermon - Dealing with Grief (41:15 - 01:

Jul 9, 2023 • 1:43:01

Revelation Chapter 19

Revelation Chapter 19

Revelation chapter 19 brings us through the Tribulation for the final time. In this chapter, we run in to the same event, the Battle of Armageddon, which was described in Revelation chapters 6, 11 and 14. These are the FOUR GOSPELS, four simultaneous accounts of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, just as there were FOUR GOSPELS describing the first coming. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us as we study Revelation chapter 19.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 22:43)Pra

Jul 7, 2023 • 1:44:52

Revelation Chapter 19

Revelation Chapter 19

Revelation chapter 19 brings us through the Tribulation for the final time. In this chapter, we run in to the same event, the Battle of Armageddon, which was described in Revelation chapters 6, 11 and 14. These are the FOUR GOSPELS, four simultaneous accounts of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, just as there were FOUR GOSPELS describing the first coming. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us as we study Revelation chapter 19.Opening Segment and Announcments (00:00 - 22:43)Pra

Jul 7, 2023 • 1:50:24

Christian Humanism

Christian Humanism

On today's Sermon Sunday broadcast, we're doing to talk about something that's basically a current event...Christian Humanism. Christian Humanism has actually been around for quite awhile but, it's progressed so far that they don't even call it Christian Humanism anymore, just Humanism. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Annoouncments (00:00 - 30:20)Prayer Requests (30:20 - 47:53)Sermon - Christian Humanism (47:53 - 01:

Jul 2, 2023 • 1:50:09

Christian Humanism

Christian Humanism

On today's Sermon Sunday broadcast, we're doing to talk about something that's basically a current event...Christian Humanism. Christian Humanism has actually been around for quite awhile but, it's progressed so far that they don't even call it Christian Humanism anymore, just Humanism. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment and Annoouncments (00:00 - 30:20)Prayer Requests (30:20 - 47:53)Sermon - Christian Humanism (47:53 - 01:

Jul 2, 2023 • 1:45:07

Revelation Chapter 18

Revelation Chapter 18

Last Thursday, in chapter 17, we examined the woman, MYSTERY BABYLON, the Great Whore, religiously and we identfied her as the Roman Catholic Church. Tonight, in chapter 18, we examine the ECONOMIC and POLITICAL aspects of MYSTERY BABYLON and her ultimate fall. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 44:25)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 18 (44:25 - 01:39:35)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: h

Jun 30, 2023 • 1:44:08

Revelation Chapter 18

Revelation Chapter 18

Last Thursday, in chapter 17, we examined the woman, MYSTERY BABYLON, the Great Whore, religiously and we identfied her as the Roman Catholic Church. Tonight, in chapter 18, we examine the ECONOMIC and POLITICAL aspects of MYSTERY BABYLON and her ultimate fall. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 44:25)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 18 (44:25 - 01:39:35)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: h

Jun 30, 2023 • 1:39:36

Filled with the Spirit

Filled with the Spirit

We're going to examine a strange passage of Scripture from Ephesians chapter 5, "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be FILLED with the Spirit"Why would God use that analogy? When you're filled with the Spirit of God, there is a certain resmeblance to a drunk, and we're going to examine those characteristics.So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment (00:00 - 48:20)Sermon - Filled with the Spirit (48:02 - 01:35:12)Sup

Jun 25, 2023 • 1:35:12

Filled with the Spirit

Filled with the Spirit

We're going to examine a strange passage of Scripture from Ephesians chapter 5, "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be FILLED with the Spirit"Why would God use that analogy? When you're filled with the Spirit of God, there is a certain resmeblance to a drunk, and we're going to examine those characteristics.So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment (00:00 - 48:20)Sermon - Filled with the Spirit (48:02 - 01:35:12)Sup

Jun 25, 2023 • 1:40:14

Revelation Chapter 17

Revelation Chapter 17

In Revelation 17, we're going to get a description of MYSTERY BABYLON, and God uses the next two chapters to tell us all about her. We're going to discover that Babylon has been around in an underground form for a very long time. And before we are through tonight We're going to identify Babylon and when we do, it may shock and upset many of you. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 42:43 )Bible Study - Revelation Chap

Jun 23, 2023 • 1:46:04

Revelation Chapter 17

Revelation Chapter 17

In Revelation 17, we're going to get a description of MYSTERY BABYLON, and God uses the next two chapters to tell us all about her. We're going to discover that Babylon has been around in an underground form for a very long time. And before we are through tonight We're going to identify Babylon and when we do, it may shock and upset many of you. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 42:43 )Bible Study - Revelation Chap

Jun 23, 2023 • 1:50:36

Revelation Chapter 16

Revelation Chapter 16

Tonight we step into Revelation chapter 16. There's no doubt about this chapter as far as the placement of time is concerned. Nothing like this has ever happened. Just like chapter 15, these events deal with the last half of the Tribulation and possibly even the last few months before the Second Coming of Christ. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 50:59 )Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 16 ( 50:59 - 01:41:48)Suppor

Jun 16, 2023 • 1:41:48

Revelation Chapter 16

Revelation Chapter 16

Tonight we step into Revelation chapter 16. There's no doubt about this chapter as far as the placement of time is concerned. Nothing like this has ever happened. Just like chapter 15, these events deal with the last half of the Tribulation and possibly even the last few months before the Second Coming of Christ. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 50:59 )Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 16 ( 50:59 - 01:41:48)Suppor

Jun 16, 2023 • 1:47:50

Revelation Chapter 15

Revelation Chapter 15

On tonight's Thursday Night Bible study, we're in the second half of the Tribulation. This is the point where God's wrath finally comes to consumation with the SEVEN PLAGUES. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join with us for tonight's Bible study in Revelation chapter 15.Opening Segment (00:00 - 39:35 )Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 15 ( 39:35 - 01:52:36)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast w

Jun 9, 2023 • 1:52:36

Revelation Chapter 15

Revelation Chapter 15

On tonight's Thursday Night Bible study, we're in the second half of the Tribulation. This is the point where God's wrath finally comes to consumation with the SEVEN PLAGUES. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join with us for tonight's Bible study in Revelation chapter 15.Opening Segment (00:00 - 39:35 )Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 15 ( 39:35 - 01:52:36)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast w

Jun 9, 2023 • 1:58:39

God's Unusual Tactics

God's Unusual Tactics

On today's Sermon Sunday episode, we're going to examine a very simple story in Mark chapter 8, where the Lord Jesus Christ healed a blind man. In this particular miracle, the Lord departed from business as usual. Why? What does the story hold for us? Join us tonight and find out. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's open and the study the precious word of God.Opening Segment (00:00 - 37:57)Sermon - God's Unusual Tactics (37:57 - 01:49:28)Support this podcast with a recurring mo

Jun 4, 2023 • 1:54:31

God's Unusual Tactics

God's Unusual Tactics

On today's Sermon Sunday episode, we're going to examine a very simple story in Mark chapter 8, where the Lord Jesus Christ healed a blind man. In this particular miracle, the Lord departed from business as usual. Why? What does the story hold for us? Join us tonight and find out. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's open and the study the precious word of God.Opening Segment (00:00 - 37:57)Sermon - God's Unusual Tactics (37:57 - 01:49:28)Support this podcast with a recurring mo

Jun 4, 2023 • 1:49:28

Revelation Chapter 14

Revelation Chapter 14

On tonight's Thursday Night Bible study, we move into Revelation chapter 14. Basically, Revelation chapter 14 is a summary or headline of the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation. A picture of things to come. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our study in Revelation chapter 14.Opening Segment (00:00 - 40:36)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 14 (40:36 - 01:47:41)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: thi

Jun 2, 2023 • 1:47:41

Revelation Chapter 14

Revelation Chapter 14

On tonight's Thursday Night Bible study, we move into Revelation chapter 14. Basically, Revelation chapter 14 is a summary or headline of the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation. A picture of things to come. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our study in Revelation chapter 14.Opening Segment (00:00 - 40:36)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 14 (40:36 - 01:47:41)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: thi

Jun 2, 2023 • 1:52:43

Memorials in the Bible

Memorials in the Bible

As millions remember the sacrifice of some and the death of many, the majority of Americans now just look forward to the holiday weekend as a time of recreation. Sadly, most of those folks won't even think of or give a moments thought to God's Memorials. We'll examine some of those memorials on today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast. So, grab your King James Bible and join us as we open and study the word of God.Opening Segment (00:00 - 43:32)Sermon - God's Memorials (43:32 - 01:43:23)Support this podc

May 28, 2023 • 1:48:25

Memorials in the Bible

Memorials in the Bible

As millions remember the sacrifice of some and the death of many, the majority of Americans now just look forward to the holiday weekend as a time of recreation. Sadly, most of those folks won't even think of or give a moments thought to God's Memorials. We'll examine some of those memorials on today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast. So, grab your King James Bible and join us as we open and study the word of God.Opening Segment (00:00 - 43:32)Sermon - God's Memorials (43:32 - 01:43:23)Support this podc

May 28, 2023 • 1:43:23

Revelation Chapter 13

Revelation Chapter 13

In Revelation chapter 13, we're introduced to two Beasts and the Satanic Trinity. And in comparing Scripture with Scripture, we're going to attempt to identify the Antichrist., and it may just surprise you what we find out. Tonight's study is, without doubt, the meat of the word. So, grab your King James Bible and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 40:00)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 13 (40:00 - 02:19:00)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contributi

May 26, 2023 • 2:26:28

Revelation Chapter 13

Revelation Chapter 13

In Revelation chapter 13, we're introduced to two Beasts and the Satanic Trinity. And in comparing Scripture with Scripture, we're going to attempt to identify the Antichrist., and it may just surprise you what we find out. Tonight's study is, without doubt, the meat of the word. So, grab your King James Bible and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 40:00)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 13 (40:00 - 02:19:00)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contributi

May 26, 2023 • 2:18:24

Hardened Hearts

Hardened Hearts

We are often the recepients of the Law of Diminishing returns and we wonder why. It seems like God used to do more on our behalf than He does now. What's the problem? Could the problem be a hard heart? Grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we examine this question on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment (00:00 - 42:16)Sermon - Hardened Hearts (42:16 - 01:41:00)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: t

May 21, 2023 • 1:45:34

Hardened Hearts

Hardened Hearts

We are often the recepients of the Law of Diminishing returns and we wonder why. It seems like God used to do more on our behalf than He does now. What's the problem? Could the problem be a hard heart? Grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we examine this question on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment (00:00 - 42:16)Sermon - Hardened Hearts (42:16 - 01:41:00)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: t

May 21, 2023 • 1:40:31

Revelation Chapter 12

Revelation Chapter 12

For the last 12 weeks we've been studying the book of Revelation and we've learned some amazing things. Many of those things run contrary to most of your main line denominational teachings. In chapter 12, we're again, talking about events that take place in the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation and Israel's place during that time period. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 34:40)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter

May 19, 2023 • 1:27:00

Revelation Chapter 12

Revelation Chapter 12

For the last 12 weeks we've been studying the book of Revelation and we've learned some amazing things. Many of those things run contrary to most of your main line denominational teachings. In chapter 12, we're again, talking about events that take place in the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation and Israel's place during that time period. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Opening Segment (00:00 - 34:40)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter

May 19, 2023 • 1:31:02

The Motherhood of God

The Motherhood of God

We generally think of God and refer to God from a Father's standoint. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He said, "Our Father, which art in heaven..."So, God is represented in the Scriptures primarily as a Father. But God has a Mother side. And we'll examine that today on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our special Mother's Day edition of the Sword of The Spirit Podcast.Opening Segment (00:00 - 34:41)Sermon - The Motherh

May 14, 2023 • 1:35:44

The Motherhood of God

The Motherhood of God

We generally think of God and refer to God from a Father's standoint. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He said, "Our Father, which art in heaven..."So, God is represented in the Scriptures primarily as a Father. But God has a Mother side. And we'll examine that today on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our special Mother's Day edition of the Sword of The Spirit Podcast.Opening Segment (00:00 - 34:41)Sermon - The Motherh

May 14, 2023 • 1:40:16

Revelation Chapter 11

Revelation Chapter 11

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible study, we're going to jump back in to Revelation 11 with a look at the TWO WITNESSES. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we open and study the word of God.Opening Segment (00:00 - 31:48)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 11(31:48 - 01:30:00)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

May 12, 2023 • 1:36:50

Revelation Chapter 11

Revelation Chapter 11

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible study, we're going to jump back in to Revelation 11 with a look at the TWO WITNESSES. So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we open and study the word of God.Opening Segment (00:00 - 31:48)Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 11(31:48 - 01:30:00)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

May 12, 2023 • 1:30:48

Fearing God

Fearing God

On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to examine the FEAR of GOD. There are tremendous advantages in FEARING GOD. We're going to examine 15 OT passages and demonstrate the advantage in FEARING GOD. So, grab your King James Bible and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer Requests (00:00 - 43:37)Sermon - Fearing God (43:37 - 01:45:00)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast

May 7, 2023 • 1:50:01

Fearing God

Fearing God

On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to examine the FEAR of GOD. There are tremendous advantages in FEARING GOD. We're going to examine 15 OT passages and demonstrate the advantage in FEARING GOD. So, grab your King James Bible and join us for our Sermon Sunday broadcast.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer Requests (00:00 - 43:37)Sermon - Fearing God (43:37 - 01:45:00)Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast

May 7, 2023 • 1:44:58

Revelation Chapter 10.2

Revelation Chapter 10.2

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible study, we're going to continue with our study of Revelation chapter 10. Revelation 10 is another parenthetical chapter, like chapter 7. It's an additional statement "stuck in" with no time element attached to it. Last week we only made it to verse 3, tonight we'll conclude Chapter 10 and move into chapter 11 if time permits. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and and join us for our study of Revelation chapter 10.2.Opening Segment, Announcements a

May 5, 2023 • 1:34:12

Revelation Chapter 10.2

Revelation Chapter 10.2

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible study, we're going to continue with our study of Revelation chapter 10. Revelation 10 is another parenthetical chapter, like chapter 7. It's an additional statement "stuck in" with no time element attached to it. Last week we only made it to verse 3, tonight we'll conclude Chapter 10 and move into chapter 11 if time permits. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and and join us for our study of Revelation chapter 10.2.Opening Segment, Announcements a

May 5, 2023 • 1:29:09

God's Last Will and Testament

God's Last Will and Testament

Our text today has to do with a Last Will and Testament. A Will; and not just any Will. Today we're going to examine the Last Will and Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you're saved today, you are a child of God and a beneficiary in the Lord's Last Will and Testament. You cannot get a better deal than that. So, grab your King James Bible and Join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List (00:00 - 36:52)Sermon - God's Last Will and Testament (36:52 - 0

Apr 30, 2023 • 1:19:30

God's Last Will and Testament

God's Last Will and Testament

Our text today has to do with a Last Will and Testament. A Will; and not just any Will. Today we're going to examine the Last Will and Testament of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you're saved today, you are a child of God and a beneficiary in the Lord's Last Will and Testament. You cannot get a better deal than that. So, grab your King James Bible and Join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List (00:00 - 36:52)Sermon - God's Last Will and Testament (36:52 - 0

Apr 30, 2023 • 1:24:33

Revelation Chapter 10

Revelation Chapter 10

Tonight we move into Revelation chapter 10. The Tribulation is divided into two equal parts. What we're doing here tonight in chapter 10 is we've come, chronologically about about the the middle of the Tribulation. The Tribulation starts with a RAPTURE and concludes with the SECOND ADVENT. You have 42 months of GREAT TRIBULATION and thats where we're launching into here, in Revelation chapter 10. So, grab your King James Bible and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Opening Segment, Annou

Apr 28, 2023 • 1:33:58

Revelation Chapter 10

Revelation Chapter 10

Tonight we move into Revelation chapter 10. The Tribulation is divided into two equal parts. What we're doing here tonight in chapter 10 is we've come, chronologically about about the the middle of the Tribulation. The Tribulation starts with a RAPTURE and concludes with the SECOND ADVENT. You have 42 months of GREAT TRIBULATION and thats where we're launching into here, in Revelation chapter 10. So, grab your King James Bible and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Opening Segment, Annou

Apr 28, 2023 • 1:40:02

Fight the Good Fight

Fight the Good Fight

So much of modern Christianity is preached on a basis of making everything peaches and cream for you. Everything will be smooth sailing for you, when you're a Christian. But when you study the Bible just a little bit, you find out that evidently, that can't be the case. On today's Sermon Sunday, we will be talking about Fighting the Good Fight. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us as we open the word of God.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List (00:00 - 39:11)Sermon -

Apr 23, 2023 • 1:34:36

Fight the Good Fight

Fight the Good Fight

So much of modern Christianity is preached on a basis of making everything peaches and cream for you. Everything will be smooth sailing for you, when you're a Christian. But when you study the Bible just a little bit, you find out that evidently, that can't be the case. On today's Sermon Sunday, we will be talking about Fighting the Good Fight. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us as we open the word of God.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List (00:00 - 39:11)Sermon -

Apr 23, 2023 • 1:30:34

Revelation Chapter 9

Revelation Chapter 9

Revelation chapter 8 introduced us to the Seven Angels and the first four of of the Seven Trumpet Judgments. Revelation chapter 9 picks up with Trumpet number 5 and all HELL breaking loose upon the earth. So, grab your King James Bible and join us on our Thursday Night Bible Study in Revelation Chapter 9.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List 00:00 - 37:25Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 9 37:25 - 01:34:51Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Apr 21, 2023 • 1:34:51

Revelation Chapter 9

Revelation Chapter 9

Revelation chapter 8 introduced us to the Seven Angels and the first four of of the Seven Trumpet Judgments. Revelation chapter 9 picks up with Trumpet number 5 and all HELL breaking loose upon the earth. So, grab your King James Bible and join us on our Thursday Night Bible Study in Revelation Chapter 9.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List 00:00 - 37:25Bible Study - Revelation Chapter 9 37:25 - 01:34:51Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Apr 21, 2023 • 1:39:53

Our Real Self Image

Our Real Self Image

There's a lot of talk today about people's SELF IMAGE. All kinds of programs have been orchestrated and psycho-babble by the bus loads, all to try to improve people's self image. In truth, your self image is only going to rise as high as you are. Today we're going to address our REAL self image and in whom it should lie. So grab your King James Bible and join us on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List 00:00 - 31:55Sermon - Our Real Self Image 31:55 - 01:37:3

Apr 16, 2023 • 1:37:37

Our Real Self Image

Our Real Self Image

There's a lot of talk today about people's SELF IMAGE. All kinds of programs have been orchestrated and psycho-babble by the bus loads, all to try to improve people's self image. In truth, your self image is only going to rise as high as you are. Today we're going to address our REAL self image and in whom it should lie. So grab your King James Bible and join us on our Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Opening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List 00:00 - 31:55Sermon - Our Real Self Image 31:55 - 01:37:3

Apr 16, 2023 • 1:42:39

Revelation Chapter 8

Revelation Chapter 8

Last Thursday night we studied Revelation chapter 7, which was a parenthetical chapter. We read about the Sixth Seal at the end of chapter 6, then chapter 7 was a parenthetical gap, and now, in chapter 8, the opening of the SEVENTH SEAL introduces the next series of judgments, The Seven Trumpets. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible StudyOpening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List 00:00 - 43:25Revelation Chapter 8 Bible Study 43:25 - 01:43:16Sup

Apr 14, 2023 • 1:43:15

Revelation Chapter 8

Revelation Chapter 8

Last Thursday night we studied Revelation chapter 7, which was a parenthetical chapter. We read about the Sixth Seal at the end of chapter 6, then chapter 7 was a parenthetical gap, and now, in chapter 8, the opening of the SEVENTH SEAL introduces the next series of judgments, The Seven Trumpets. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible StudyOpening Segment, Announcements and Prayer List 00:00 - 43:25Revelation Chapter 8 Bible Study 43:25 - 01:43:16Sup

Apr 14, 2023 • 1:47:16

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

Our priority as Bible belivers is to preach the gospel. Our text defines the gospel as the DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you eliminate any one of those three parts, you don't have the gospel. All three parts are absolutely necessary to have a gospel message and that's what we'll be addressing this afternoon. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Resurrection Day episode of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurrin

Apr 9, 2023 • 1:40:07

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

Our priority as Bible belivers is to preach the gospel. Our text defines the gospel as the DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you eliminate any one of those three parts, you don't have the gospel. All three parts are absolutely necessary to have a gospel message and that's what we'll be addressing this afternoon. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Resurrection Day episode of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurrin

Apr 9, 2023 • 1:45:09

Revelation Chapter 7

Revelation Chapter 7

Last week we worked our way through Revelation chapter 6. We studied the FOUR HORSEMEN and the opening of 6 of the 7 seals. Tonight we examine this parenthetical chapter in the book of Revelation. This chapter is gap telling about something taking place during the Tribulation, before the last seal is opened in chapter 8. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Apr 7, 2023 • 2:00:59

Revelation Chapter 7

Revelation Chapter 7

Last week we worked our way through Revelation chapter 6. We studied the FOUR HORSEMEN and the opening of 6 of the 7 seals. Tonight we examine this parenthetical chapter in the book of Revelation. This chapter is gap telling about something taking place during the Tribulation, before the last seal is opened in chapter 8. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Apr 7, 2023 • 1:55:27

Jesus and the Ass

Jesus and the Ass

Palm Sunday begins what is known to some as PASSION WEEK. These events took place a week prior to Easter Sunday, and what they mirror is both the FIRST and SECOND coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. On today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast, we'll examine that and see if God will help us unfold and understand how that works. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and and join us for our Palm Sunday episode of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Apr 2, 2023 • 1:42:44

Jesus and the Ass

Jesus and the Ass

Palm Sunday begins what is known to some as PASSION WEEK. These events took place a week prior to Easter Sunday, and what they mirror is both the FIRST and SECOND coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. On today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast, we'll examine that and see if God will help us unfold and understand how that works. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and and join us for our Palm Sunday episode of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Apr 2, 2023 • 1:46:16

Revelation Chapter 6

Revelation Chapter 6

In Revelation chapter 4 and 5, we studied the scene in heaven and what happens immediately after the Rapture. We have the churches, we have the Rapture, we have the scene in heaven following the Rapture and then in chapter 6, we have what's taking place on earth immediately after. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with

Mar 31, 2023 • 1:45:28

Revelation Chapter 6

Revelation Chapter 6

In Revelation chapter 4 and 5, we studied the scene in heaven and what happens immediately after the Rapture. We have the churches, we have the Rapture, we have the scene in heaven following the Rapture and then in chapter 6, we have what's taking place on earth immediately after. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with

Mar 31, 2023 • 1:38:54

What in the World is Going On?

What in the World is Going On?

On today's Sermon Sunday, we are going to point out very simple reasons why war and conflict, as we are currently observing, is necessary, for 4 Bible prophesies to find their ultimate fulfillment. So, grab your King James Bible a cup of coffee join us on The Sword of The Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 26, 2023 • 1:31:45

What in the World is Going On?

What in the World is Going On?

On today's Sermon Sunday, we are going to point out very simple reasons why war and conflict, as we are currently observing, is necessary, for 4 Bible prophesies to find their ultimate fulfillment. So, grab your King James Bible a cup of coffee join us on The Sword of The Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 26, 2023 • 1:26:43

Revelation Chapter 5

Revelation Chapter 5

Join us tonight for our Thursday Night Bible study as we continue our study in the book of Revelation. Tonight we open up to Revelation chapter 5 and learn about the Lamb, the Book, and the worship around it all. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and jump on in to The Sword of The Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 24, 2023 • 1:25:14

Revelation Chapter 5

Revelation Chapter 5

Join us tonight for our Thursday Night Bible study as we continue our study in the book of Revelation. Tonight we open up to Revelation chapter 5 and learn about the Lamb, the Book, and the worship around it all. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and jump on in to The Sword of The Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 24, 2023 • 1:30:46

The Wages of Sin

The Wages of Sin

We preach a message that extends beyond the boundaries of the law and encompasses God's grace. But, there's no genuine comprehension of the necessity of salvation and the provision of salvation until people come to a complete understanding of the SIN issue. And that message isn't readily received. On today's Sermon Sunday we will examine the Wages of Sin. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us on The Sword of The Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly c

Mar 19, 2023 • 1:29:59

The Wages of Sin

The Wages of Sin

We preach a message that extends beyond the boundaries of the law and encompasses God's grace. But, there's no genuine comprehension of the necessity of salvation and the provision of salvation until people come to a complete understanding of the SIN issue. And that message isn't readily received. On today's Sermon Sunday we will examine the Wages of Sin. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us on The Sword of The Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly c

Mar 19, 2023 • 1:24:57

Revelation Chapter 4.2

Revelation Chapter 4.2

On tonight's Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we continue our study of Revelation chapter 4. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we dig deep into this amazing portion of the word of God, on our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 17, 2023 • 1:47:25

Revelation Chapter 4.2

Revelation Chapter 4.2

On tonight's Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we continue our study of Revelation chapter 4. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we dig deep into this amazing portion of the word of God, on our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 17, 2023 • 1:47:26

Tearing up the Roof

Tearing up the Roof

On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to head into the Gospel of Mark and examine the story of four men who got creative in bringing their friend to Jesus. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 12, 2023 • 1:27:34

Tearing up the Roof

Tearing up the Roof

On today's Sermon Sunday, we're going to head into the Gospel of Mark and examine the story of four men who got creative in bringing their friend to Jesus. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 12, 2023 • 1:32:36

Revelation Chapter 4

Revelation Chapter 4

What we find ourselves in right now is called the Church Age or, the Age of Grace.For all practical purposes, this Age began at the Cross. This age, in which we live, concludes in Revelation 4:1 with an event we call the RAPTURE. On tonight's Thursday Night Bible Study, we're going to get into Revelation chapter 4 and examine in some detail this incredible event, the RAPTURE. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join in our study of Revelation Chapter 4.Support this podcast with a

Mar 10, 2023 • 2:18:01

Revelation Chapter 4

Revelation Chapter 4

What we find ourselves in right now is called the Church Age or, the Age of Grace.For all practical purposes, this Age began at the Cross. This age, in which we live, concludes in Revelation 4:1 with an event we call the RAPTURE. On tonight's Thursday Night Bible Study, we're going to get into Revelation chapter 4 and examine in some detail this incredible event, the RAPTURE. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join in our study of Revelation Chapter 4.Support this podcast with a

Mar 10, 2023 • 2:25:04

Feeding the Multitude

Feeding the Multitude

It's rare when God's Holy Spirit preserves something in all four gospels but, this is one of those occasions when He did. The miracle we're going to look at today has an appliaction for the last days. The days in which you and I live. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast, FEEDING THE MULTITUDE.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contributio

Mar 5, 2023 • 1:58:20

Feeding the Multitude

Feeding the Multitude

It's rare when God's Holy Spirit preserves something in all four gospels but, this is one of those occasions when He did. The miracle we're going to look at today has an appliaction for the last days. The days in which you and I live. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee, and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast, FEEDING THE MULTITUDE.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contributio

Mar 5, 2023 • 2:02:52

Revelation Chapters 2 and 3

Revelation Chapters 2 and 3

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible study, we continue with our study of Revelation in chapters 2 and 3. Tonight, we'll examine God's letter to the Seven Churches. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join our Bible study on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 3, 2023 • 1:45:33

Revelation Chapters 2 and 3

Revelation Chapters 2 and 3

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible study, we continue with our study of Revelation in chapters 2 and 3. Tonight, we'll examine God's letter to the Seven Churches. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join our Bible study on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Mar 3, 2023 • 1:51:36

Abundant Living

Abundant Living

Today, we are going to examine the subject of Abundant Living. In the estimation of Jesus Christ and according to the dictates of the word of God, you don't have LIFE unless you have ETERNAL LIFE. But what about ABUNDANT LIFE? Two different issues. Grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join in for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a

Feb 26, 2023 • 1:31:59

Abundant Living

Abundant Living

Today, we are going to examine the subject of Abundant Living. In the estimation of Jesus Christ and according to the dictates of the word of God, you don't have LIFE unless you have ETERNAL LIFE. But what about ABUNDANT LIFE? Two different issues. Grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join in for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a

Feb 26, 2023 • 1:37:47

Revelation Chapter 1

Revelation Chapter 1

The book of Revelation is from and about the Lord Jesus Christ. What you're going to see, primarily in the book of Revelation is a futuristic look at the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we dive in to chapter 1 of this glorious book on tonights, Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Feb 24, 2023 • 2:03:46

Revelation Chapter 1

Revelation Chapter 1

The book of Revelation is from and about the Lord Jesus Christ. What you're going to see, primarily in the book of Revelation is a futuristic look at the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we dive in to chapter 1 of this glorious book on tonights, Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Feb 24, 2023 • 1:58:14

The Prodigal Returns

The Prodigal Returns

There have been many sermons preached from our text over the years and there are a lot of things you can draw from this powerful story. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee, and join us as we examine the Prodigal Son on today's Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Feb 19, 2023 • 1:37:54

The Prodigal Returns

The Prodigal Returns

There have been many sermons preached from our text over the years and there are a lot of things you can draw from this powerful story. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee, and join us as we examine the Prodigal Son on today's Sermon Sunday broadcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Feb 19, 2023 • 1:42:56

Introduction to Revelation

Introduction to Revelation

Tonight, we are going to begin to study a book that is hated, much feared and misunderstood, the grandest book in the word of God, the Book of The Revelation. Much of tonight's study will be introductory before getting into chapter 1 next week. So, grab your KJB, a cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.**We apologize to those that were listening LIVE for the audio trouble. Thank you for your patience.**Support this podcast with a recurrin

Feb 17, 2023 • 1:33:07

Introduction to Revelation

Introduction to Revelation

Tonight, we are going to begin to study a book that is hated, much feared and misunderstood, the grandest book in the word of God, the Book of The Revelation. Much of tonight's study will be introductory before getting into chapter 1 next week. So, grab your KJB, a cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.**We apologize to those that were listening LIVE for the audio trouble. Thank you for your patience.**Support this podcast with a recurrin

Feb 17, 2023 • 1:37:57

The Door of God's Mercy

The Door of God's Mercy

On today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast, we’re going to talk about, Noah, the Flood and the Ark…we’re going to talk about The Door of God’s Mercy. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast's Sermon Sunday.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Feb 12, 2023 • 1:54:23

The Door of God's Mercy

The Door of God's Mercy

On today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast, we’re going to talk about, Noah, the Flood and the Ark…we’re going to talk about The Door of God’s Mercy. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast's Sermon Sunday.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Feb 12, 2023 • 1:49:21

Second Timothy Chapter 4.2

Second Timothy Chapter 4.2

Last Thursday we began to study 2 Timothy chapter 4. The last chapter in the last book written by the apostle Paul. The chapter is Paul’s last will and testament as it were and an exhortation to young Timothy to stay the course. Tonight, we’ll pick it up in verse 9 and close out this tremendous study. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: https:

Feb 10, 2023 • 1:36:46

Second Timothy Chapter 4.2

Second Timothy Chapter 4.2

Last Thursday we began to study 2 Timothy chapter 4. The last chapter in the last book written by the apostle Paul. The chapter is Paul’s last will and testament as it were and an exhortation to young Timothy to stay the course. Tonight, we’ll pick it up in verse 9 and close out this tremendous study. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: https:

Feb 10, 2023 • 1:31:43

The Reality of Heaven

The Reality of Heaven

Last week, we spoke on the Reality of Hell. We talked about where Hell was located, what it was like, and who and what is in Hell. Today, we're going to talk about the most wonderful place imaginable, Heaven. We're going to examine where Heaven is, who is eligible to go, and what Heaven is like. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Brodcast, The Reality of Heaven.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Feb 6, 2023 • 1:49:28

The Reality of Heaven

The Reality of Heaven

Last week, we spoke on the Reality of Hell. We talked about where Hell was located, what it was like, and who and what is in Hell. Today, we're going to talk about the most wonderful place imaginable, Heaven. We're going to examine where Heaven is, who is eligible to go, and what Heaven is like. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Brodcast, The Reality of Heaven.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Feb 6, 2023 • 1:44:40

Second Timothy Chapter 4

Second Timothy Chapter 4

Tonight we are continuing on in 2 Timothy chapter 4. This final chapter is an exhortation to Timothy from Paul, who is the standard of someone who has been faithful in upholding the word of God and getting the message out there. So grab your King James Bible, a fresh cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Feb 3, 2023 • 1:52:34

Second Timothy Chapter 4

Second Timothy Chapter 4

Tonight we are continuing on in 2 Timothy chapter 4. This final chapter is an exhortation to Timothy from Paul, who is the standard of someone who has been faithful in upholding the word of God and getting the message out there. So grab your King James Bible, a fresh cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Feb 3, 2023 • 1:59:38

The Reality of Hell

The Reality of Hell

There are many and various denominations that teach there's no Hell. However, this is NOT what the Bible says. It is critical that you know exactly what the Bible teaches on the subject. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we discuss the reality of Hell on today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 29, 2023 • 1:55:47

The Reality of Hell

The Reality of Hell

There are many and various denominations that teach there's no Hell. However, this is NOT what the Bible says. It is critical that you know exactly what the Bible teaches on the subject. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we discuss the reality of Hell on today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 29, 2023 • 2:01:50

Second Timothy Chapter 3

Second Timothy Chapter 3

Tonight, we're continuing our study of Paul's swan song, 2 Timothy, by opening up chapter 3. Paul is describing the last days, so it's critical for us to understand a little bit more about what's going on in the days in which we live. So, grab your King James Bible, get yourself a cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study, here on The Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this po

Jan 27, 2023 • 1:27:56

Second Timothy Chapter 3

Second Timothy Chapter 3

Tonight, we're continuing our study of Paul's swan song, 2 Timothy, by opening up chapter 3. Paul is describing the last days, so it's critical for us to understand a little bit more about what's going on in the days in which we live. So, grab your King James Bible, get yourself a cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study, here on The Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this po

Jan 27, 2023 • 1:32:28

Ye Must Be Born Again

Ye Must Be Born Again

"Born Again" is not a new term that's just popped up in the last hundred years or so. The Lord Jesus Christ started talking about it over 2000 years ago. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast on The Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 22, 2023 • 1:51:32

Ye Must Be Born Again

Ye Must Be Born Again

"Born Again" is not a new term that's just popped up in the last hundred years or so. The Lord Jesus Christ started talking about it over 2000 years ago. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Sermon Sunday Broadcast on The Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 22, 2023 • 1:44:59

Second Timothy Chapter 2.6

Second Timothy Chapter 2.6

On tonight's Thursday Night Bible Study, we continue our study of 2 Timothy chapter 2. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we open and study the precious word of God.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 20, 2023 • 1:29:35

Second Timothy Chapter 2.6

Second Timothy Chapter 2.6

On tonight's Thursday Night Bible Study, we continue our study of 2 Timothy chapter 2. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we open and study the precious word of God.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 20, 2023 • 1:23:32



If we took a survey as to what the most beautiful word in the English language is, most people would probably say LOVE. If you were to ask what the most NEEDED word was, it would be FORGIVENESS...and we'll be examining that on today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we open up and study the word of God.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time co

Jan 15, 2023 • 1:47:16



If we took a survey as to what the most beautiful word in the English language is, most people would probably say LOVE. If you were to ask what the most NEEDED word was, it would be FORGIVENESS...and we'll be examining that on today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we open up and study the word of God.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time co

Jan 15, 2023 • 1:52:17

Second Timothy Chapter 2.5

Second Timothy Chapter 2.5

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible Study, we continue with our examination of chapter 2 of 2 Timothy. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we open and study the word of God.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 13, 2023 • 1:23:12

Second Timothy Chapter 2.5

Second Timothy Chapter 2.5

Tonight on our Thursday Night Bible Study, we continue with our examination of chapter 2 of 2 Timothy. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we open and study the word of God.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 13, 2023 • 1:28:15

What think ye of Christ?

What think ye of Christ?

In Matthew 22:42, Jesus asked this question, "What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He?" This is one question you MUST be right on. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee or some water, and join us as we seek to answer this all too important question on today's Sunday Sermon Broadcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 8, 2023 • 1:42:13

What think ye of Christ?

What think ye of Christ?

In Matthew 22:42, Jesus asked this question, "What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He?" This is one question you MUST be right on. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee or some water, and join us as we seek to answer this all too important question on today's Sunday Sermon Broadcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 8, 2023 • 1:37:41

Second Timothy Chapter 2.4

Second Timothy Chapter 2.4

With Christmas and New Years finally passed, we pick up our study of 2 Timothy with part 4 of our study of chapter 2. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 6, 2023 • 1:55:30

Second Timothy Chapter 2.4

Second Timothy Chapter 2.4

With Christmas and New Years finally passed, we pick up our study of 2 Timothy with part 4 of our study of chapter 2. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 6, 2023 • 1:49:28

A New Start

A New Start

Happy New Year! The passage of Scripture we are going to examine today can be considered God's approach to a New Year's resolution, a fresh start and a new beginning. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast as we study God's plan for a New Start.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 1, 2023 • 1:43:57

A New Start

A New Start

Happy New Year! The passage of Scripture we are going to examine today can be considered God's approach to a New Year's resolution, a fresh start and a new beginning. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for today's Sermon Sunday Broadcast as we study God's plan for a New Start.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Jan 1, 2023 • 1:49:14

The Consolation

The Consolation

Picking up where we left off in Luke chapter 2, we come to a fascinating portion of Scripture and discover the Consolation is not a religion or a church, it's a person, it's an's the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Dec 30, 2022 • 1:25:40

The Consolation

The Consolation

Picking up where we left off in Luke chapter 2, we come to a fascinating portion of Scripture and discover the Consolation is not a religion or a church, it's a person, it's an's the Lord Jesus Christ. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us for our Thursday Night Bible Study on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Dec 30, 2022 • 1:30:42

The Revelation of The Shepherds

The Revelation of The Shepherds

On today's show, we'll be examining the Christmas story presented in chapter 2 of the gospel of Luke. Matthew's gospel presents one prism of the Christmas story, Luke presents an entirely different one. As I read through the text, it raised several questions that deserved some answers. Why did God choose to reveal the birth of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ to shepherds? We'll answer that and more on todays Sermon Sunday Broadcast. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee, and join us

Dec 25, 2022 • 1:40:34

The Revelation of The Shepherds

The Revelation of The Shepherds

On today's show, we'll be examining the Christmas story presented in chapter 2 of the gospel of Luke. Matthew's gospel presents one prism of the Christmas story, Luke presents an entirely different one. As I read through the text, it raised several questions that deserved some answers. Why did God choose to reveal the birth of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ to shepherds? We'll answer that and more on todays Sermon Sunday Broadcast. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee, and join us

Dec 25, 2022 • 1:35:31

The Great Imposter

The Great Imposter

What is really going on, in regards to Christmas and Santa Claus? We're not preaching our celebrating Santa Claus. In fact, our goal tonight is present this man we call Santa Claus as the imposter that he is. It goes much deeper than you might think or even considered. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we discuss the Great Imposter, on tonight's Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Dec 23, 2022 • 1:54:42

The Great Imposter

The Great Imposter

What is really going on, in regards to Christmas and Santa Claus? We're not preaching our celebrating Santa Claus. In fact, our goal tonight is present this man we call Santa Claus as the imposter that he is. It goes much deeper than you might think or even considered. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we discuss the Great Imposter, on tonight's Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Dec 23, 2022 • 2:00:45

Genuine Boldness

Genuine Boldness

Today we want to talk about what's really BOLD in the Biblical sense of the word, and what isn't. The word BOLD and its variations only appear a few times and every use of the word has to do with SPIRITUAL BOLDNESS except one. That tells me that God isn't nearly as impressed with your PHYSICAL BOLDNESS as He is with your SPIRITUAL BOLDNESS. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we study GENUINE BOLDNESS, on our SERMON SUNDAY BROADCASTSupport this podcast with a recurring

Dec 18, 2022 • 2:10:34

Genuine Boldness

Genuine Boldness

Today we want to talk about what's really BOLD in the Biblical sense of the word, and what isn't. The word BOLD and its variations only appear a few times and every use of the word has to do with SPIRITUAL BOLDNESS except one. That tells me that God isn't nearly as impressed with your PHYSICAL BOLDNESS as He is with your SPIRITUAL BOLDNESS. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we study GENUINE BOLDNESS, on our SERMON SUNDAY BROADCASTSupport this podcast with a recurring

Dec 18, 2022 • 2:04:01

Second Timothy Chapter 2.3

Second Timothy Chapter 2.3

Last week, we discussed being a SOLDIER. If a soldier is going to have any effectiveness, they need to be strong, mentally and physically. Tonight, we're going to examine the HUSBANDMAN in verse 6 and evaluate and analyze a parable that Jesus told in reference to that. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and and let's continue our study of 2 Timothy chapter 2.Support this Podcast with a recurring monthly contributionSupport this Podcast with a one time contribution

Dec 16, 2022 • 1:39:37

Second Timothy Chapter 2.3

Second Timothy Chapter 2.3

Last week, we discussed being a SOLDIER. If a soldier is going to have any effectiveness, they need to be strong, mentally and physically. Tonight, we're going to examine the HUSBANDMAN in verse 6 and evaluate and analyze a parable that Jesus told in reference to that. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and and let's continue our study of 2 Timothy chapter 2.Support this Podcast with a recurring monthly contributionSupport this Podcast with a one time contribution

Dec 16, 2022 • 1:45:10

The Real Adversary

The Real Adversary

Do words mean things? When we study the Bible, we have to understand that words, do in fact, mean things. The natural instinct is to put a human face on every policy, position, law or untruth that's being propagated. In our text today, we see that these verses clearly indicate that the battle is on a different plain, one that is invisible to the eyes of the flesh. Today, on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, join us we as look into who our Real Adversary is. So, grab your King James Bible and a cu

Dec 11, 2022 • 2:13:24

The Real Adversary

The Real Adversary

Do words mean things? When we study the Bible, we have to understand that words, do in fact, mean things. The natural instinct is to put a human face on every policy, position, law or untruth that's being propagated. In our text today, we see that these verses clearly indicate that the battle is on a different plain, one that is invisible to the eyes of the flesh. Today, on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, join us we as look into who our Real Adversary is. So, grab your King James Bible and a cu

Dec 11, 2022 • 2:21:28

Second Timothy Chapter 2.2

Second Timothy Chapter 2.2

Last week we spent the entire study on one verse, breaking down the different types of GRACE, available to the believer. Tonight, we are going to examine "enduring hardness as a good soldier" and the expectations of a good soldier.So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we study 2 Timothy 2.2 on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast's Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podca

Dec 9, 2022 • 1:35:04

Second Timothy Chapter 2.2

Second Timothy Chapter 2.2

Last week we spent the entire study on one verse, breaking down the different types of GRACE, available to the believer. Tonight, we are going to examine "enduring hardness as a good soldier" and the expectations of a good soldier.So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we study 2 Timothy 2.2 on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast's Thursday Night Bible Study.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podca

Dec 9, 2022 • 1:40:23



We've adopted a tradition in our kinds of Bible believing churches that if there's something that you agree with or get's you moving, it's perfectly acceptable and appropriate for folks to say "AMEN." Where did that come from? Is that a Biblical tradition?On today's episode of the The Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we're going to explore that very thing. So, grab your King James Bible and a cup of coffee and join us as we study the word "AMEN."Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribu

Dec 4, 2022 • 1:48:04



We've adopted a tradition in our kinds of Bible believing churches that if there's something that you agree with or get's you moving, it's perfectly acceptable and appropriate for folks to say "AMEN." Where did that come from? Is that a Biblical tradition?On today's episode of the The Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we're going to explore that very thing. So, grab your King James Bible and a cup of coffee and join us as we study the word "AMEN."Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribu

Dec 4, 2022 • 1:42:02

Second Timothy Chapter 2

Second Timothy Chapter 2

Tonight, we're going to focus our attention on just one word, the word GRACE. Grace is a powerful word and deserves a lot of attention. But, what IS GRACE? Join us tonight as we study the different kinds of grace found in the Bible. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join in our study of GRACE in 2 Timothy chapter 2.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution: https://waygi

Dec 2, 2022 • 1:49:11

Second Timothy Chapter 2

Second Timothy Chapter 2

Tonight, we're going to focus our attention on just one word, the word GRACE. Grace is a powerful word and deserves a lot of attention. But, what IS GRACE? Join us tonight as we study the different kinds of grace found in the Bible. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join in our study of GRACE in 2 Timothy chapter 2.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution: https://waygi

Dec 2, 2022 • 1:55:30

The Sin Question

The Sin Question

On today's show, we are going to attempt to address the issue of sin. What will you do about YOUR sin? As I considered this carefully, it became clear to me that there are just 4 options. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us while discuss the Sin Question on The Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Nov 27, 2022 • 1:54:25

The Sin Question

The Sin Question

On today's show, we are going to attempt to address the issue of sin. What will you do about YOUR sin? As I considered this carefully, it became clear to me that there are just 4 options. So grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us while discuss the Sin Question on The Sword of the Spirit Podcast.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: this podcast with a one time contribution:

Nov 27, 2022 • 2:00:28

Second Timothy Chapter 1

Second Timothy Chapter 1

Tonight we launch into 2 Timothy in chapter 1. Second Timothy is sometimes known as the apostle Paul's swan song. From all evidence, it's the last book he wrote before being martyred for his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is an intensely personal book, written to his son in the faith and his young protégé, Timothy. So grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join in the study of 2 Timothy Chapter 1 on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this podcast with a recurrin

Nov 26, 2022 • 1:21:31

Second Timothy Chapter 1

Second Timothy Chapter 1

Tonight we launch into 2 Timothy in chapter 1. Second Timothy is sometimes known as the apostle Paul's swan song. From all evidence, it's the last book he wrote before being martyred for his faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is an intensely personal book, written to his son in the faith and his young protégé, Timothy. So grab your King James Bible, some coffee and join in the study of 2 Timothy Chapter 1 on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this podcast with a recurrin

Nov 26, 2022 • 1:26:02

The Captain of Our Salvation

The Captain of Our Salvation

As you study the Bible, you see them term CAPTAIN used in a variety of ways but, it's always in a military context. When we come to the book of Hebrews, Jesus Christ is called the CAPTAIN of Our Salvation. On today's Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we're going to examine that and determine what the qualifications are of a good leader or CAPTAIN. Grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we look at the CAPTAIN OF OUR SALVATION.And a very Happy Birthday to our host!To help support th

Nov 20, 2022 • 1:32:09

The Captain of Our Salvation

The Captain of Our Salvation

As you study the Bible, you see them term CAPTAIN used in a variety of ways but, it's always in a military context. When we come to the book of Hebrews, Jesus Christ is called the CAPTAIN of Our Salvation. On today's Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we're going to examine that and determine what the qualifications are of a good leader or CAPTAIN. Grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us as we look at the CAPTAIN OF OUR SALVATION.And a very Happy Birthday to our host!To help support th

Nov 20, 2022 • 1:36:41

First Timothy Chapter 6

First Timothy Chapter 6

Join us as we conclude our study of the great book of 1 Timothy with chapter 6. Paul is wrapping up this first letter to his young ministerial protégé, Timothy with some practical instruction and advice. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and let's get started!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Nov 18, 2022 • 1:28:20

First Timothy Chapter 6

First Timothy Chapter 6

Join us as we conclude our study of the great book of 1 Timothy with chapter 6. Paul is wrapping up this first letter to his young ministerial protégé, Timothy with some practical instruction and advice. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and let's get started!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Nov 18, 2022 • 1:33:53

Real Compassion

Real Compassion

There are several occasions, in your Bible, where the Lord Jesus Christ is expressing some kind of compassion toward an individual or individuals. The more I studied those examples, the more I realized that the physical maladies, ailments and circumstances present a picture of a far larger that we'll examine on today's Sword of the Spirit Podcast. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's study the word of God!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contri

Nov 13, 2022 • 1:53:05

Real Compassion

Real Compassion

There are several occasions, in your Bible, where the Lord Jesus Christ is expressing some kind of compassion toward an individual or individuals. The more I studied those examples, the more I realized that the physical maladies, ailments and circumstances present a picture of a far larger that we'll examine on today's Sword of the Spirit Podcast. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's study the word of God!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contri

Nov 13, 2022 • 1:47:02

First Timothy Chapter 5

First Timothy Chapter 5

Tonight, on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we continue with our study of 1 Timothy in chapter 5. Paul gives young Timothy instruction on how to handle certain folks in the local church, namely the older folks, widows indeed and the leadership. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's open and study the word of God!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Nov 11, 2022 • 1:18:32

First Timothy Chapter 5

First Timothy Chapter 5

Tonight, on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we continue with our study of 1 Timothy in chapter 5. Paul gives young Timothy instruction on how to handle certain folks in the local church, namely the older folks, widows indeed and the leadership. So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's open and study the word of God!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Nov 11, 2022 • 1:23:05



Happy is something that people want to be but frankly aren't. A brief look at the book of Proverbs alone, demonstrates that God is interested in our happiness. People that are constantly and perpetually condemning themselves are clearly not happy people. Happiness and condemnation really don't go together.Today, we're going to see that if you're going to be happy, somehow, you have to learn how to escape condemnation and, particularly, self condemnation.So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of c

Nov 6, 2022 • 1:50:11



Happy is something that people want to be but frankly aren't. A brief look at the book of Proverbs alone, demonstrates that God is interested in our happiness. People that are constantly and perpetually condemning themselves are clearly not happy people. Happiness and condemnation really don't go together.Today, we're going to see that if you're going to be happy, somehow, you have to learn how to escape condemnation and, particularly, self condemnation.So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of c

Nov 6, 2022 • 1:44:09

First Timothy Chapter 4

First Timothy Chapter 4

Tonight, our Thursday night Bible study continues with 1 Timothy chapter 4. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Nov 4, 2022 • 1:34:39

First Timothy Chapter 4

First Timothy Chapter 4

Tonight, our Thursday night Bible study continues with 1 Timothy chapter 4. So, grab your King James Bible, a cup of coffee and join us on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Nov 4, 2022 • 1:40:11

The Agony of a Lost Soul

The Agony of a Lost Soul

*Sorry for the small technical difficulty at the end where the closing music abruptly cut me off. Live broadcast problems...*Today, on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we're going to begin by examining Psalm 88. The language of Psalm 88 is a little depressive. You wouldn't read Psalm 88 if you needed a pick me up. I wonder what brought the psalmist to consider these things that have been put before us. It's a disquieted soul that's crying out. As we study this Psalm and others like it, it become

Oct 30, 2022 • 1:33:48

The Agony of a Lost Soul

The Agony of a Lost Soul

*Sorry for the small technical difficulty at the end where the closing music abruptly cut me off. Live broadcast problems...*Today, on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we're going to begin by examining Psalm 88. The language of Psalm 88 is a little depressive. You wouldn't read Psalm 88 if you needed a pick me up. I wonder what brought the psalmist to consider these things that have been put before us. It's a disquieted soul that's crying out. As we study this Psalm and others like it, it become

Oct 30, 2022 • 1:39:21

First Timothy Chapter 3

First Timothy Chapter 3

On today's broadcast, we'll be continuing our study of 1 Timothy by getting into chapter 3. Chapter 3 is an important chapter, detailing the qualifications of the local church leadership. We will also be answering a listener question on Why and How to leave a Bible believing church, if necessary. Grab your KJB and a cup of coffee and lets get to it.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one

Oct 28, 2022 • 2:02:31

First Timothy Chapter 3

First Timothy Chapter 3

On today's broadcast, we'll be continuing our study of 1 Timothy by getting into chapter 3. Chapter 3 is an important chapter, detailing the qualifications of the local church leadership. We will also be answering a listener question on Why and How to leave a Bible believing church, if necessary. Grab your KJB and a cup of coffee and lets get to it.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one

Oct 28, 2022 • 2:09:49

Fear, Faith and Astonishment

Fear, Faith and Astonishment

Somehow God connects "fear," human fear, with Him doing His wonders. It must be that, sometimes, when God manifests Himself in wonderous ways, it becomes fearful to the observers. There must be some Biblical examples of that. Today, we'll track down some illustrations and examples of that and follow the progression as we study Fear, Faith and Astonishment on The Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Oct 23, 2022 • 1:33:08

Fear, Faith and Astonishment

Fear, Faith and Astonishment

Somehow God connects "fear," human fear, with Him doing His wonders. It must be that, sometimes, when God manifests Himself in wonderous ways, it becomes fearful to the observers. There must be some Biblical examples of that. Today, we'll track down some illustrations and examples of that and follow the progression as we study Fear, Faith and Astonishment on The Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Oct 23, 2022 • 1:39:11

Saturday Afternoon Coffee Talk

Saturday Afternoon Coffee Talk

Today on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we'll be having our afternoon coffee and chatting with my good friend, brother in Christ and colleague, Rueben Ortega Landa.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Oct 22, 2022 • 1:11:47

Saturday Afternoon Coffee Talk

Saturday Afternoon Coffee Talk

Today on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we'll be having our afternoon coffee and chatting with my good friend, brother in Christ and colleague, Rueben Ortega Landa.Support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Oct 22, 2022 • 1:07:15

First Timothy Chapter 2

First Timothy Chapter 2

Tonight on our Thursday night Bible study, we continue working our way through the "5 T's" with 1 Timothy chapter 2. Grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's get to it.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Oct 21, 2022 • 1:30:39

First Timothy Chapter 2

First Timothy Chapter 2

Tonight on our Thursday night Bible study, we continue working our way through the "5 T's" with 1 Timothy chapter 2. Grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's get to it.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Oct 21, 2022 • 1:25:37

How's Your Faith?

How's Your Faith?

All of us should desire to have more faith. If someone approached you today and said that they had a FAITH METER that reads on a scale of 1 thru 10 and before they plugged it into your ear, they asked you what your guess would would you answer? If you had to evaluate your own faith, where would you be on the scale?To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution: https:

Oct 16, 2022 • 1:33:26

How's Your Faith?

How's Your Faith?

All of us should desire to have more faith. If someone approached you today and said that they had a FAITH METER that reads on a scale of 1 thru 10 and before they plugged it into your ear, they asked you what your guess would would you answer? If you had to evaluate your own faith, where would you be on the scale?To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution: https:

Oct 16, 2022 • 1:38:58

First Timothy Chapter 1

First Timothy Chapter 1

Tonight on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we move into 1 Timothy chapter 1. It's not clear but it seems that young Timothy is having a crisis of faith. Not necessarily doubting God what God says but wondering about his ministry. In this chapter the apostle Paul writes to encourage his young, ministerial protégé to stick with it and not give up.So, grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we study 1 Timothy Chapter 1 on today's Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this p

Oct 14, 2022 • 1:23:13

The Existence of Evil

The Existence of Evil

For centuries, people have argued about what evil is. Some people have one opinion of it and other people have another. We've had those debates going on from the beginning of time until the present day. Mankind loves to argue about what evil is and and what it isn't. Most of those debates are simply an effort to justify someone's bad behavior. Grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we explore the Existence of Evil on today's Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this pod

Oct 9, 2022 • 1:37:23

The Existence of Evil

The Existence of Evil

For centuries, people have argued about what evil is. Some people have one opinion of it and other people have another. We've had those debates going on from the beginning of time until the present day. Mankind loves to argue about what evil is and and what it isn't. Most of those debates are simply an effort to justify someone's bad behavior. Grab your King James Bible and some coffee and join us as we explore the Existence of Evil on today's Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this pod

Oct 9, 2022 • 1:43:41

Second Thessalonians Chapter 3

Second Thessalonians Chapter 3

Join with us as we bring to a close our study of these two amazing books, 1 and 2 Thessalonians. So, grab your King James Bible, your coffee and let's get to it!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Oct 6, 2022 • 56:31

Second Thessalonians Chapter 3

Second Thessalonians Chapter 3

Join with us as we bring to a close our study of these two amazing books, 1 and 2 Thessalonians. So, grab your King James Bible, your coffee and let's get to it!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Oct 6, 2022 • 53:30

More than Conquerors

More than Conquerors

On today's episode of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we head over to Romans chapter 8. In Romans 8 we find out that we are conquerors in Jesus Christ, although we often don't act like it. We'll explore some examples of defeated language in the scriptures and the proper response to it.So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's get to it!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one

Oct 2, 2022 • 1:11:47

More than Conquerors

More than Conquerors

On today's episode of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we head over to Romans chapter 8. In Romans 8 we find out that we are conquerors in Jesus Christ, although we often don't act like it. We'll explore some examples of defeated language in the scriptures and the proper response to it.So, grab your King James Bible, some coffee and let's get to it!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one

Oct 2, 2022 • 1:07:55

Second Thessalonians Chapter 2.2

Second Thessalonians Chapter 2.2

The THEME of both 1st and 2nd Thessalonians is the return of Jesus Christ. What's interesting about that is, Paul is writing to new Christians. These aren’t people that are well advanced in the heavy meat of the word of God. These are spiritual infants, but Paul, for some reason, as led by the Holy Spirit, found it necessary AND appropriate to really get these people grounded in the doctrine of ESCHATOLOGY.As you go through these books, he lays out the RAPTURE, the TRIBULATION, the Second Advent

Oct 1, 2022 • 1:02:39

Second Thessalonians Chapter 2.2

Second Thessalonians Chapter 2.2

The THEME of both 1st and 2nd Thessalonians is the return of Jesus Christ. What's interesting about that is, Paul is writing to new Christians. These aren’t people that are well advanced in the heavy meat of the word of God. These are spiritual infants, but Paul, for some reason, as led by the Holy Spirit, found it necessary AND appropriate to really get these people grounded in the doctrine of ESCHATOLOGY.As you go through these books, he lays out the RAPTURE, the TRIBULATION, the Second Advent

Oct 1, 2022 • 1:06:10

Second Thessalonians chapter 2

Second Thessalonians chapter 2

The THEME of both 1st and 2nd Thessalonians is the return of Jesus Christ. What's interesting about that is, Paul is writing to new Christians. These aren’t people that are well advanced in the heavy meat of the word of God. These are spiritual infants, but Paul, for some reason, as led by the Holy Spirit, found it necessary AND appropriate to really get these people grounded in the doctrine of ESCHATOLOGY.As you go through these books, he lays out the RAPTURE, the TRIBULATION, the Second Advent

Sep 29, 2022 • 1:02:14

Second Thessalonians chapter 2

Second Thessalonians chapter 2

The THEME of both 1st and 2nd Thessalonians is the return of Jesus Christ. What's interesting about that is, Paul is writing to new Christians. These aren’t people that are well advanced in the heavy meat of the word of God. These are spiritual infants, but Paul, for some reason, as led by the Holy Spirit, found it necessary AND appropriate to really get these people grounded in the doctrine of ESCHATOLOGY.As you go through these books, he lays out the RAPTURE, the TRIBULATION, the Second Advent

Sep 29, 2022 • 58:12

When I Would Do Good

When I Would Do Good

Do you know who your greatest enemy is? I'll give you a's not what or who you think it is. Want to know? Join us as we open up and study our King James Bible and find out!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Sep 25, 2022 • 1:00:06

When I Would Do Good

When I Would Do Good

Do you know who your greatest enemy is? I'll give you a's not what or who you think it is. Want to know? Join us as we open up and study our King James Bible and find out!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Sep 25, 2022 • 1:05:08

Second Thessalonians Chapter 1

Second Thessalonians Chapter 1

On this Thursday edition of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we turn to the book of 2 Thessalonians. It was written, in part to correct some false teaching that had come in to this church of new believers, related to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Grab your KJB, some coffee and join us for our first Thursday night Bible study.*This study was broadcast live on Spreaker. Visit for the link.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: https:/

Sep 23, 2022 • 1:13:38

The Two Seeds

The Two Seeds

In Genesis chapter 3, we have the fall of man. Adam and his wife disobeyed God and as result, found themselves naked in the garden. In Genesis 3:15, we have the first prophecy of the coming Messiah and Savior. Genesis 3:15 is also packed with other facinating information regarding seeds. On today's episode we'll take a cloer look a the the two seeds mentioned in this incredible passage of scripture. Grab your King James Bible, some coffee and and let's study The Two Seeds. To help support this p

Sep 19, 2022 • 1:14:57

Who or What is God?

Who or What is God?

Suppose you met somebody that came from a culture that didn’t know anything about our Biblical heritage or background. They came from a totally different environment but they said, “Tell me about your God.” What would you say? Who or what is God?On this episode of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast we're going to examine that question, theologically and practically. Grab your King James Bible, your coffee and settle in!To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: https://anch

Sep 12, 2022 • 1:20:00

Raptures in the Bible

Raptures in the Bible

In the Bible, there’s a whole rapture program so to speak, starting way back in Genesis chapter 5 and going all the way to Revelation chapter 20.It helps you to understand the thing if you understand the program. For those of us that are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, this means a great deal to us.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Sep 5, 2022 • 1:18:50

Principles of Prayer

Principles of Prayer

If you study the armour in Ephesians chapter 6, every one of those pieces is designed to cover a body part. The head, the vitals and having your loins girt about with truth. Which, in the Roman soldier’s armory, covered him about up to his knees.But when He gets to prayer; there’s no particular armour in conjunction to prayer. So, what part of me is vulnerable with prayer? If you’re in prayer, everything else is protected by these various pieces of armour that he list’s and do you know what prot

Aug 29, 2022 • 1:10:38

The Will of God

The Will of God

You often hear people talking about, “What IS the will of God?” “I’m LOOKING for the will of God in my life.” Or “The will of God needs to be revealed to me.” Or “Does God have a will for me?” On today's Bible study, were going to address that subject, purely from a Biblical perspective, like we should always do. Before we’re done, we’ll find something that pertains to you.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help suppor

Aug 22, 2022 • 1:17:17

Judge Not...

Judge Not...

We give much attention in warning people and encouraging people to not be stumbling blocks to one another. So much attention is given to these verses and to similar verses like it. In other words, try to keep your behavior your conversation, your deportment constricted and restricted in such a way that you don’t purposely allow your life…the things you say or do… to become a hindrance, a stumbling block or cause difficulty in the advancement of other people’s Christian walk or life. On today's p

Aug 15, 2022 • 56:49

The Eight Miracles in John, Pt. 3

The Eight Miracles in John, Pt. 3

On today's episode, we examine the final 3 miracles in the Gospel of John. To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Aug 8, 2022 • 1:13:23

The Eight Miracles in John, Pt. 2

The Eight Miracles in John, Pt. 2

Join us as we continue our study of the eight miracles in the gospel of John.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Aug 1, 2022 • 51:09

The Eight Miracles in John, Pt. 1

The Eight Miracles in John, Pt. 1

The Lord Jesus Christ performed 8 miracles that are recorded in this Gospel. Not only are they fascinating from the obvious standpoint of the miracle itself, but every single one of these miracles has some kind of a prophetic context to it. Join us as we open up the word of God and study these eight wonderful miracles.--- To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution: https:/

Jul 25, 2022 • 1:04:06

Joseph, A Type of Jesus Christ

Joseph, A Type of Jesus Christ

For today's study, we are going to examine some of the 150 examples of Joseph, as he “types” the Lord Jesus Christ. So grab your King James Bible and join us in our study.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Jul 18, 2022 • 51:54

The Christian's Bill of Rights

The Christian's Bill of Rights

When our American forefathers framed the Constitution, it wasn't long after that they penned the first ten amendments, often referred to as the Bill of Rights. On today's episode we're going to examine Exodus chapter 20, the Ten Commandments, and see how God has given the child of God, the Christian, a Bill of Rights.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution: https://wayg

Jul 4, 2022 • 1:02:45

Biblical Political Science

Biblical Political Science

On this episode, we're going to get into the subject of Biblical Political Science. The Bible is a Book that deals with the subject of government, extensively. If you were to take your Bible and categorize every verse from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, you would discover that the Bible spends more time talking about government that any other thing. Who is going to run who? Where do our rights come from? To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution:

Jun 27, 2022 • 59:51

God's Judgments

God's Judgments

There are seven judgements in the Bible however, on this episode we are going to turn our attention to four of them. In understanding these four judgments, we can get a greater perspective of what God is telling us. SO grab your King James Bible and join us as we study God's judgments.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Jun 20, 2022 • 49:04

Fellowship with the Father

Fellowship with the Father

Special Father's Day episode of the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Jun 19, 2022 • 46:59

Science Falsely So Called

Science Falsely So Called

What is God's attitude about Science? In 1 Timothy 6:20, the Apostle Paul warns his, young ministerial protege, Timothy to "avoid profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called." In this episode of the the Sword of the Spirit Podcast, we're going to examine some of the vain and profane babblings that "false science" professes.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a o

Jun 13, 2022 • 53:42

First Thessalonians Chapter 5

First Thessalonians Chapter 5

Grab your King James Bible and join us for our study of this last chapter of the amazing book of 1 Thessalonians. The Apostle Paul lays out 5 things to these young Christians in Thessalonica concerning their personal behavior.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Jun 6, 2022 • 1:09:18

First Thessalonians Chapter 4.2

First Thessalonians Chapter 4.2

On this episode, we'll continue our study of 1 Thessalonians 4 and examine the Rapture a little more closely. To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

May 30, 2022 • 59:25

First Thessalonians Chapter 4

First Thessalonians Chapter 4

At the time the Apostle Paul was writing to the Church in Thessalonica, there was a real problem with sexual promiscuity and sexual rituals in some of the religions that were in place there. Paul took to addressing this right away to these young Christians. To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

May 23, 2022 • 1:07:46

First Thessalonians Chapter 3

First Thessalonians Chapter 3

The Apostle Paul is so concerned about the new babes in Christ in Thessalonica, he sends his young, ministerial protégé, Timothy, to help establish their faith. Join us on this episode as we continue our study of 1 Thessalonians chapter 3.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

May 16, 2022 • 50:59

First Thessalonians Chapter 2

First Thessalonians Chapter 2

Continuing our study of the book of 1 Thessalonians. Join us today as we dive into chapter 2.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution: Support this podcast:

May 9, 2022 • 51:00

An Exceptional Mother

An Exceptional Mother

The Canaanite woman had such compelling, demanding, driving love for her daughter, that she was willing to endure any insult, if it would help her daughter. She did what the best mom's in the world do, she surrounded her child with the word of God.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

May 8, 2022 • 54:00

An Exceptional Mother

An Exceptional Mother

The Canaanite woman had such compelling, demanding, driving love for her daughter, that she was willing to endure any insult, if it would help her daughter. She did what the best mom's in the world do, she surrounded her child with the word of God.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

May 8, 2022 • 57:01

First Thessalonians Chapter 1

First Thessalonians Chapter 1

We will be examining the Five T's. The Five T's are 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. What these books characterize are what we as believers need to be thinking about in these last days. Before we’re done with this series we’re going to read, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”We’re going to read a lot about the LAST DAYS.What our hopes should be.What our anticipations should be.What our behavior should be.All of these things are going to be con

May 2, 2022 • 1:01:48

Which Bible?

Which Bible?

There are over 200 English speaking Bibles on the market today. Do we really have THE word of God? Do we have a book that is totally reliable, that we can completely trust? Do we have a book that CONTAINS the word of God do we have THE word of God?Join us today as we answer these questions on the Sword of the Spirit Podcast.To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution: https

Apr 25, 2022 • 54:39

Are you Saved?

Are you Saved?

The single most important question you can be asked. How you answer, determines your eternal destination. To help support this podcast with a recurring monthly contribution: help support this ministry with a one time contribution:

Apr 19, 2022 • 47:48

The Sword of the Spirit Ep 13_ The Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit Ep 13_ The Sword of the Spirit


May 30, 2020 • 51:14

Sword of the Spirit Ep 12_Our Testator

Sword of the Spirit Ep 12_Our Testator

Did the Lord Jesus leave a Last Will and Testament?

May 23, 2020 • 23:57

Sword of the Spirit Ep 11_Are You Saved?

Sword of the Spirit Ep 11_Are You Saved?

Have you been saved? Simply the most important question of your life. How you answer it has eternal consequences.

May 16, 2020 • 38:01

Sword of the Spirit Ep. 10_Mothers Day Message

Sword of the Spirit Ep. 10_Mothers Day Message

Today we honor "mother's" and our text comes from Matthew 15.21-29, The Canaanite Woman.

May 9, 2020 • 43:01

Sword of The Spirit Ep. 9_Gods Judgments

Sword of The Spirit Ep. 9_Gods Judgments


May 2, 2020 • 38:03

Sword of the Spirit Ep. 8_Principles of Prayer

Sword of the Spirit Ep. 8_Principles of Prayer

Music: Chris Spinelli, The Pelletier Evangelistic Team

Apr 18, 2020 • 43:12

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