Into The Doerfel-Verse
Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben Doerfel, Cousin Mike
Join brothers Sir TJ The Wrathful, Shredward, Kurtisdrums, Ben, and Cousin Mike, as they explore all dimensions of music in The Doerfels universe. Take a dive with us "into the Doerfel-verse!
DoerfelVerse Livestream
November 27, 2023 at 2:30 AM UTC
Episode 43 - Jimmy V
Jimmy V is in da verse! Check out his music and podcast at
90% goes right to the artists when you boost while their song is playing! We would love to hear from you if you enjoy listening! Share the show and give us a shout, we truly value you!
Episode 42 - Steven B
Steven B is in da verse!
He is the creator of the value for value music site/player, and other value for value tools for musicians and podcsters,
90% goes right to the artists when you boost while their song is playing! We would love to hear from you if you enjoy listening! Share the show and give us a shout, we truly value you!
Episode 41- Mike Neumann
Mike Neumann is in da verse!
Check out his music podcast It's A Mood!
Jdogs upcoming song here
90% goes right to the artists when you boost while their song is playing! We would love to hear from you if you enjoy listening! Share the show and give us a shout, we truly value you!
Episode 40 - Somewhat special guest?...Kurtisdrums!
Kurtisdrums is back in the verse!
90% goes right to the artists when you boost while their song is playing! We would love to hear from you if you enjoy listening! Share the show and give us a shout, we truly value you!
contact me:
Episode 39 - ChadF
We got the OG EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of the DoerfelVerse himself ChadF to hang! We also have a surpise visit from Shredward and we get a sneak peek of his new upcoming CityBeach album. We chat, listen to some tracks, and talk v4v nerd talk!
90% goes right to the artists when you boost while their song is playing! We would love to hear from you if you enjoy listening! Share the show and give us a shout, we truly value you!
contact me:
Episode 38 - Musical Chairs with Salty Crayon
Join TJ, Cousin Mike, and Special guest, Salty Crayon! Check out his music podcast Upbeats!
90% goes right to the artists when you boost while their song is playing! We would love to hear from you if you enjoy listening! Share the show and give us a shout, we love to know if anyone is listening and cares!
contact me:
Episode 37 - Jukebox Vol. 4
Show notes:
*Feeling Bout You - Kurtisdrums
*Playing God - Opus
Who is Opus? I discuss what i know. Then I play clips from the band Vulfpeck, which is who Theo got his career going with, and how they beat the system and spotify. Clips:
*That's The Life - The Katzman
*Grow - The Doerfels
*Let You Down - The Johner Boys
*Happy New Year - The Doerfels
90% goes right to the artists when you boost while their song is playing! We wo
Episode 36 - Doerfel Jukebox Vol. 3
I am joined by a couple of my children, Jdog and Hazel, and we play music from the valueverse!
Track list:
PorkChops Fried - HeyCitizenChange Your Mind - Ainsley CostelloThat Duck - Sir Seat SitterBig Sciota - Generation GapSensitive Guy - Miles FondaSecrets - Jordan DedoLet Go - Middle Season
90% goes right to the artists when you boost while their song is playing!
contact me:
Episode 35 - Doerfel-Jukebox Vol. 2
Sir TJ The Wrathful plays some tracks and talks about music in podcasting 2.0
Track list:
Worth Fighting For
Maybe It's You
Make It
LIVE boosters: Salty Crayon
contact me:
Episode 34 - D.A.I. with Tommy Jr
Meet Doerfel number nine, Tommy Jr! And join TJ and Cousin Mike on an unexpected journy down a strange musical universe!
Episode 33 with Adam Curry
Had an absolute BLAST! Check out Adams awesome podcasts! No Agenda, Curry and The Keeper, and Boostagram Ball(Music Podcast)
Episode 32.5
This is it, testing all systems for the big episode 33 coming up! Where have we been? what's going on? Well we discuss and play some live music and pick a new song to release from the Doerfel-vault!
Subscribe in a Podcasting 2.0 app and you can follow along and get involved by sending us value in a Boostagram, it's super fun, and is a form of real value! There are many apps, if you've never tried one give Fountain a spin!
Episode 32 - Doerfel-Node
What's a node you ask? Well, we arent really sure, but we got one, and we are learning! Also, Shreddy has some new songs to preview!
Special thanks to Sir Spencer, ChadF, and Salty Crayon for helping me get our node up ad running!
Subscribe in a Podcasting 2.0 app and you can follow along and get involved by sending us value in a Boostagram, it's super fun! There are many apps, if you've never tried one give Fountain a spin!
Episode 31 - Doerfel-Jukebox Vol. 1
TJ, Kurt, and Cousin Mike pick songs for our first ever Doerfel-Jukebox episode. It's even possible we might release a brand new BANGER near the end!?
Episode 30 - Oh My Baby
What's been happening? LOTS! Join TJ, Ed, Kurt, Jdog, and Cousin Mike as we catch up.
Finding any value? Show some love and let us know via Boostagram or Paypal! Thanks for listening!
Subscribe to our music feed!
Episode 29 - Jam with Tommy G
This episode we are joined by Alandace's dad and have a blast jamming on some tunes! We chat and thank those sending value!
Please consider supporting us! We have no advertising or streaming income, this is straight up value for value! Hear music you like? Show some love and let us know via Boostagram or Paypal! Thanks for listening!
Subscribe to our music feed!
Episode 28 - Shhh Top Secret
The elders (Sir TJ and Cousin Mike) get together and chat about...
18 Sundays music, who are they?? Miles Fonda and young music life.
What are these weird Doerfel tracks? jam band? bluegrass fusion??
Thanking our amazing producers!
Please consider supporting and sending value, as we have no advertising or streaming income, this is straight up value for value! Hear music you like? Show some love and let us know via Boostagram or Paypal! thanks for listening :) Really, if you dont let us know in s
Episode 27 - Into The Normy-Verse
Where have we been? Tap play and find out!
Special Thanks to the one and only, Chad F as our executive producer for the last month, this guy has shown so much value we cannot fully express our grattitude!
What is the Normy-Verse? What is v4v? We talk about both right at the start!
Then we talk about song picks, and talk about some brand new music! Tune and and let us kow what you think!
Please consider supporting and sending value, as we have no advertising or streaming income, this is str
Episode 26 - Garage to Studio
Chad Farrow is still THE executive producer for the month of March, and to see what we did with his donation check out the garage to studio transformition pictures below! We've been working hard and it's starting to pay off with the studio re-modeling!
Also we preview A new CityBeach song AND pick a new song for release, what song will it be??? listen and find out, and tell us what you think in a boostagram!
Subscribe to our music feed!
Episode 25 - Alandace Part 2
We talk about Fountain. We play a brand new song Alandace is working on and talk about recording. We thank our producers.
Special Thanks to our first ever DoerfelVerse executive producer, Chad Farrow, sent $100 via paypal!
More v4v talk. We have more special news!?
Subscribe to our music feed!
Episode 24 - Alandace
Join us as we officially introduce another Doerfel...Shredwards wife, Alandace!(a-lan-dis) She shares about her musical up-bringing and we listen to some new tracks. You can hear her with Shreddy on CityBeach!
Subscribe to our music feed!
Episode 23 - Ryan AND Seth Fonda
Join us AND our brothers Ryan and Seth Fonda as we talk value for value music and life!
Ryan's wavlake here. Seth's Wavlake here.
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Episode 22 - Halftime
Sir TJ and Jdog share some random Doerfel info, read the last weeks Boostagrams, and pick a song, or songggs?
Subscribe to our music feed!
Episode 21 - Queen Mother
Where have all those Doerfels gone? Join us and find out!
SPECIAL GUEST: We chat with our mom Cheryl, or as we like to call her, Queen Mother! oh yeah, and dad too :)
Ryan Fonda and Citybeach teamed up for a new self hosted song, "Unsound Existance"
New music by Ed and Bens church, Lifepoint Music
And as always, we discuss a new song release.
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Episode 20 - Goals
He shoots, he scores! Oh wait this isn't a hockey game :) We play and talk about our song, "Thought It Was Real". Talk about the origin of our Hockey stick instruments(Jim Stoneman). And pick a new song for release.
Special thanks to DV Producers for music and Ep20:
Boostagrams:ChadFSalty Crayonboo-buryAdam Currysirtruckdriverallencpauladam287greatbrittain94Streamers:meremortalspodcastsaintsandsatsgilliganmikeneumannsandymeyer
Subscribe to our music feed!
Episode 19 - Wondoerfel New Year
Join us as we chat about upcoming plans for 2024, share sneak peaks of upcoming music, and pick a new song to release!
Special thanks to DV Producers for music and Ep19:
ChadFadamc1999thekeeperallencpaulsaintsandsatsnicolas_b58Kolomona - Sir LibramikeneumannKyrin(Mere Mortals Podcast)Bearsnareuser52425381(Uncle Joe)
Subscribe to our music feed!
Episode 18 - DoerJam 3 Feat. Doug Yeomans
Sir TJ on banjo and dobro, Shredward on mandolin, Ben on guitar, and our guest Doug Yeomans on guitar and vocals.
Doug brings some original tunes and we hang with Doug and talk music career, our stories, and v4v music.
Listen to our latest song here.
Don't miss a beat and subscribe to our music feed with all our songs here.
Episode 17 - BabyVerse
Sir TJ is joined by his wife and children for an episode full of chaos and exciting news!
Psalms 127:3-5
Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him.
Children born to a young man
are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.
How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!
He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates.
Episode 16 - DragonCello/DoerJam2
DoerJam number 2! Sir TJ, Shreddy, Kurtisdrums, Benny, and Cousin Mike hang with their instruments. We jam on some songs, play some tracks, and talk about random stuff that pops into our heads...
Songs jammed on are: Morristown Blues, Now I Know(to be released), Dead Time, and...something intresting to end the show..!
This is a value for value podcast. This means we do it for the love of it, and if you find any value, we just ask that you send that back in a way, like time, talent, or treasure.
Episode 15 - Bluegrass in Montreal 2007
Hang with Sir TJ in this out of the normal show format. He listens and does a comentary of a bluegrass show from when they were kids. Recorded live in Montreal, Canada, in 2007.
TJ/banjo - Kim/fiddle - Edward/mandolin - Joey/bass - Ben/guitar
Episode 14 - Chill and Chit-Chat
Sir TJ and Cousin Mike chit-chat about happenings in the doerfelverse and thank our Producers. We also take a sneak peak into Cousin Mike's musical past, and pick a song for release.
We are about a week behind schedule from time of recording do to us all having full time jobs for survival..Lol. So if you sent a boostagram recently and don't hear it read, allow another episode to be released, it may be read then.
But if we ever missed a boostagram please shoot me an email at tj@sirtjthewrathful.c
The Movie I'll Never See(Track)
Written by:
Ben Doerfel, Edward Doerfel, Kurt Doerfel, Zac Maloy
Add to your library over at
And/or listen over on Podverse
You can find all our music on any Podcasting 2.0 app. Try one now at
Episode 13 - Chugging Chel with Zac Polk
Learn some old school Doerfel-lingo with our long-time musician friend Zac Polk.
We share stories, talk about v4v music in podcasting 2.0, play some tracks, and pick a new single to release.
Zacs Podcast is here. We got Zac to make a GetAlby and he is in the split for this episode so if you enjoy and find value maybe send a boostagram welcoming him to the world of v4v :)
Check out the song we picked by subscribing to, "Music From The Doerfel-verse" feed and that will keep you up to date wi
Morning Love(Track)
Written By Ben Doerfel
Episode 12 - DoerJam!
Episode 12 - DoerJam!
Sir TJ The Wrathful on Dobro - Shredward on Mandolin - Ben on Guitar -
Our live podcast jams are now called DoerJams thanks to Mike Neumann's better half :) Check out Mike's music show, It's A Mood!
Intro DoerJam: Heart Is Falling Out
DoerfelVerse Producers: bustedcanoe7, queenmother, Adam Curry, meremortalspodcast, ChadF, salty_crayon, duhlaurien,, sirtruckdriver, saintsandsats, latosh, Mike Neaumann
Here are some great music podcasts if you can only
Sing For You(Track)
Written By Ben Doerfel
Episode 11 - Doerfel Agents Meeting
The self proclaimed "agents" of the band, Sir TJ The Wrathful and Cousin Mike, let the rest of the boys have a Sunday off from the show and reflect on the podcast so far. They also choose a new song to release.
Listen to all the music released here at
Check out Adam Curry's Boostagram Ball
Thanking our producers!
gt, kurtisdrums, chadf, Oystein Berge, toph4471, fatherdorf, steveweb
Our website is functioning, check it out at
Maybe It's You(Track)
Written by: Ben Doerfel
Also listen at
Episode 10 - Feat. Middle Season & Live Jam
Episode 10 with Middle Season.
On this episode Joey Ramon(Middle Season) joins us and we play a song of his and chat about his musical/life journey.
Check out his song on LN Beats HERE
send him a Boostagram if you want to hear more of his music!
And you can listen to his worship song HERE.
Then we pick a song to release.
Thanks for listening!
Way In My Life(Track)
We love listening to value for value music on!
Written by: Ben and Kurt Doerfel
Episode 9 - Daddy D
Our father Daddy D(Tom), visits from FL to help Sir TJ The Wrathful roof his house. We of course had to take this oppertunity to have him on the Podcast! Dad played bass, booked the gigs, drove and fixed the bus, and tried to keep us all in line!
Listen to music from the Doerfel-Verse here for free. And if you recieve any value, please consider sending us some back with time, talent, or treasure.
Time: listening and sending us any thoughts or questions to
Talent: sendin
Angel Beast(Track)
Music written by The Doerfels and Miles Fonda.Miles' split is set up to go to A wallet for his son Kaden.Lyrics by Miles Fonda:
Which one is an angel,Which one’s a beast?Which one has the blessed hope,And which wants a feast?
But if one must be a blessingAnd one must be a curseThen why does injury heal strongerBut a happy heart hurt worse?
They say that life is like a mountainWith a valley in its shadeBut the snow is never greener on the peakThan grass down in the gladesThough the st
Episode 8 - Our Favorite Sister
We have our favorite(only) sister Kim join us.
Kim is the 2nd oldest of the Doerfel siblings. Singing and playing fiddle, she now lives in FL with her husband Doug and their two children Stevie and Reed.
Kim is now A worship leader at Keys Vineyard Church
Here's a link to the worhip music previewed in epsiode.
Thanks for listening, if you found any value please let us know!
You can send us a boostagram and be involved in the show by using a podcasting 2.0 app. If you know someone who might
If I Promise(Track)
If I Promise(Original Demo Version)
Ed Doerfel, Ben Doerfel, Robert Ellis Oral
Subscribe to our Music only feed,"Music From The Doerfel-verse"!
Episode 7 - With Jdog & callieNOTwallie
Join us as we chat & jam with Sir TJ The Wrathful's eldest children, Jdog & CallieNotWallie!
Listen to Jdogs album here!
Come Back To Me(Track)
Come Back To Me full track picked on Episode 6.
Writers: TJ ,Ed, Ben, Joey, Kurt Doerfel and Steve Freeman.
Add to your music library on the amazing and free to use
Episode 6 - Live Jam 1
We welcome Joey to the show for the first time!Warning- this episode contains Joe's feet, band life stories, and live jamming!
Don't Take My Time written by Doug Yeomans.
Text Me Or Something written by Miles Fonda
Let us know in a Boost or email what you'd like to hear and any questions you might have!
We recommend Music Side Project for artists who would like to get their music on v4v made by the great StevenBA great way to discover other value for value artists a
HEARTBREAK by The Doerfels
Add this track to your music library on this amazing free music app by Steven Bell, LNBeats. It works right in your browser!
If you find any value send us a boostagram, or if not, still send us a boostagram and tell us what you want to hear! :)
Episode 5 - Berries and Cream
Episode 5 - Berries and Cream
TJ shares new end of show mix he made for the best podcast in the univeerse, No Agenda!
Ben's worship music here:
Listen to Jdogs songs here!
Adam! it's only Ben and Kurtisdrums who complain about your compression, talk about sound snobs! 😂
This is a value for value podcast, if you find any value in our content please return some value even if its just a quick email message. We love hearing from y
They Don't Know(Track)
They Don't Know by The Doerfels
Episode 4 - Superjells
Episode 4 - Superjells
Another brother, a key member of the band, Ben finally joins us on the podcast!
Band life/timeline, stories, touring, making money, play some OLD bluegrass tracks.
Songwritting and tastes.
This is a value 4 value podcast. If you found any value please let us know even if it's just with an email!
Outro music by Ryan & Seth Fonda
Thought It Was Real(Track)
Shredward and Kurtisdrums wrote this one.
A song Adam wanted to hear more of from episode 1.
Episode 3 - Keep it Low Key ft. Ryan Fonda
Brand New intro :)
More talk about "The Doerfels" as a band name. Link to video we discussed HERE
Special Guest Ryan Fonda! Check him out on WavLake
Talk of Ryan's older brother Miles Fonda(April 15, 1988 - January 21, 2023) who gave TJ his No Agenda Knight name. Listen to Miles' song HERE.
Chatting with Ryan about what he's working on and then what Doerfels song to pick next, hmm.
To connect with us through boosting get a new podcasting app, some great ones are Fountain, Podverse, and Podcast G
3 Years(Track)
3 Years by The Doerfels
Listen to why we chose this track in episode 2 :)
Episode 2 - DragonBoyz
Episode 2 is here! We dive deep into some more tracks.
Special thanks to boosts we got this week from: Adam Curry, Dave Jones, ChadF, Fletcher, Dame DuhLaurien, Sir Spencer Wolf of KS
Make sure you check out the track we chose to release after this episode!
Listen to our music on by searching, "doerfels".
This is a value for value podcast, if you find any value then let us know by sending any kind of value back. One way to do that is by sending us a boostagram, or simply send us an e
Figured You Out(Track)
Full track "Figured You Out" by The Doerfels
Episode 1 - So Friggin' Fine
We discuss our reasons for making a podcast.
Short history of the band.
Thanks to Adam Curry for featuring us on the first episode of his brand new music podcast Boostagram Ball, check it out!
Value for Value model.
What is a Doerfel?
Spotify, and major streaming services screwing artists?
What song we releasing next? listen to us figure it out, then check the following episode for the full track!
For better listening get a Podcasting 2.0 app. We love podcast guru and podverse. For music we reco