Sons of Patriarchy
Peter Bell
What happens when biblical patriarchy, christian nationalism, and a theology of authority and submission become the pillars of a movement? Scores of abuse stories in marriages, schools, churches, families, and more. Though these ideas have filtered throughout the United States for decades, they found a home in Moscow, Idaho, through the ministry and work of Doug Wilson. From there, they have influenced churches across the United States, and across the world. In this series, you’ll hear from experts on all aspects of these movements, and the stories of abuse from those who survived. Some are Christian, some are not, bu...
Preacher Boys
Enjoy this BONUS episode with Eric Skwarczynski of the Preacher Boys Podcast! Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Website: Donate to Outreach: Join our Patreon:
The Idolatry of Politics
We're on a break until Season 2! Until then, we'll publish an episode every Thursday, and (some) bonus episodes on Saturdays. Resources Mentioned: David Koyzis' Website: Global Scholars Canada: Citizenship Without Illusions: Political Visions & Illusions: We Answer to Another: Donate to Outreach: Join our Patr
The New Evangelical Messiah
Enjoy this BONUS episode with Tim Whitaker of The New Evangelicals!Find The New Evangelicals here:FacebookInstagramTwitterYouTubeWebsiteDonate to Outreach.Join our Patreon.Become a supporter of this podcast:
The New Evangelical Messiah
Enjoy this BONUS episode with Tim Whitaker of The New Evangelicals! Find The New Evangelicals here: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Website: Donate to Outreach: Join our Patreon:
Trauma and Healing in the Church
We're on a break until Season 2! Until then, we'll publish an episode every Thursday, and (some) bonus episodes on Saturdays.Resources Mentioned:Chuck DeGroat's website.Healing What's Within by Chuck DeGroatWhen Narcissism Comes to Church by Chuck DeGroatSubtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderenEscaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Lisa Oakley & Justin Humphreyes46 Resources on Spiritual Abuse by Bob KellemenDonate to Outreach.Join our Patreon.Become a supporter of th
Trauma and Healing in the Church
We're on a break until Season 2! Until then, we'll publish an episode every Thursday, and (some) bonus episodes on Saturdays. Resources Mentioned: Chuck DeGroat's website. Healing What's Within by Chuck DeGroat When Narcissism Comes to Church by Chuck DeGroat Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse by David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Lisa Oakley & Justin Humphreyes 46 Resources on Spiritual Abuse by Bob Kellemen Donate to Outreach. Join our Patreon.
Season 1 Post-Mortem with Sarah Stankorb, Kristin Kobes Du Mez, and Russell Moore
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Join us as we talk with Sarah Stankorb, Kristin Kobes Du Mez, and Russell Moore about abuse in the church, MAGA, the politicization of theology, racism, and everything else we've learned over the past few months and what the future looks like for the White Evangelical Church.Resources:Disobedient Women by Sarah StankorbJesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du MezLosing Our Religion by Russell MooreDonate to help the survivor network here.Jo
Season 1 Post-Mortem with Sarah Stankorb, Kristen Kobes Du Mez, and Russell Moore
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Join us as we talk with Sarah Stankorb, Kristin Kobes Du Mez, and Russell Moore about abuse in the church, MAGA, the politicization of theology, racism, and everything else we've learned over the past few months and what the future looks like for the White Evangelical Church. Resources: Disobedient Women by Sarah Stankorb Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez Losing Our Religion by Russell Moore Donate to help the survivor network here.
Christ Church Santa Clarita
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. In this episode I spoke with an anonymous woman, her son, a former leader at Christ Church Santa Clarita, and Ray Davis (a retired pastor and trauma-informed counselor) about everything that happened at this CREC. This episode is not for the faint of heart, and the first 10 minutes makes that clear. There are no shepherds there. Donate to help the survivor network here. Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Sign up for our Patr
Wes Bredenhof & Camille de Vos
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. If you're in Australia and need help with a DV situation please call: 1800RESPECT A conversation on Doug Wilson's pernicious and pervasive influence in Canada and Australia with Wes Bredenhof, who has pastored Reformed churches in Canada and Australia, and Camille de Vos, who was born and raised in the Free Reformed Churches of Australia. We have episodes upcoming on the influence of Doug, Christian Nationalism, abuse in the church, and more, across E
Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Our scheduled episode for tomorrow has to be pushed back to next week (the reason why will be apparent when you listen), so I pulled this one out of the hopper! I spoke with Caleb Campbell of Disarming Leviathan and Pastor of Desert Springs Bible Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Need some sanity in this age of extreme political unrest, the takeover of our government, self-professed Christ Nationalists climbing the political ladder, all the while you're try
Understanding Spiritual Abuse
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated.In this last episode of Season 1, I spoke with Dr. Karen Roudkovski, a Licensed Professional Counselor with her own practice, and an expert on trauma and abuse, with her own story of the same.Karen ties in every theme of Sons of Patriarchy Season 1, gives language to those searching and hurting, a listening ear to those who want to speak out, and the compassion to speak into those lives who have been destroyed by leaders of the church.May the end of Seaso
2 or 3 Witnesses: A Conversation with Rachael Denhollander
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated.Enjoy this BONUS episode with Rachael Denhollander. Our first of two conversations on reporting abuse, how churches should handle abuse allegations, the "2 or 3 witnesses" argument, using "non Christian" judges, and more.Rachael's books: What Is a Girl Worth? How Much Is a Little Girl Worth? How Much Is a Little Boy Worth?Donate to help the survivor network here.Join: Private Survivor Support Group.Sign up for our Patreon here.
Too Opinionated: Abuse in the PCA, Part 2
Find Mountain City Christian Counseling here. Sign up for an upcoming Mountain City Christian Counseling retreat here. Are you in the PCA, and need help navigating your situation? Contact: Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew. Free live workshops of the PCA Book of Church Order (BCO): Read and discuss the PCA report on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. Donate to Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew here. Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated.
A Conversation with Tia Levings on "A Well-Trained Wife"
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. I had the opportunity to sit down with Tia Levings to talk about her 2024 memoir, A Well-Trained Wife, her journey through the Patirarchy. Our second-to-last episode of Season 1, Tia's story weaves through every theme we have covered in this series. She made stops in the IBLP, Gothard, SBC, PCA, and CREC circles. She was controlled, manipulated, silenced, abused, and more. She was nearly sacrificed to the Patriarchy, on the altar of the cult.
Millstones: Abuse in the OPC, Part 7
Are you in the OPC, and need help? Contact: Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Find all the documents here: Sons of Patriarchy Facebook (Slight correction on the audio - the OPC report was published 2024, not 2014) Caroline Garcia Osborne and an anonymous woman share their stories of grooming, spiritual abuse, and sexual battery at the hands of Boyd Miller of Covenant OPC in La Grange, Georgia. If you listened to Theresa Garcia Robertson's story, these a
How to Rule Your Wife (and Kids)
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated.In this episode we spoke with Sheila Wray Gregoire, founder of Bare Marriage and the author of many books, and Marissa Burt, author of the upcoming Brazos Press book The Myth of Good Christian Parenting: How False Promises Betrayed a Generation of Evangelical Families.Dominion theology begets dominating over families. Sex becomes a conquering act, not the beautiful union of a man and a woman who love one another. Women are receptacles for the pleasu
Excommunicated: Abuse in the PCA, Part 1
Are you in the PCA, and need help navigating your situation? Contact: Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew. Free live workshops of the PCA Book of Church Order (BCO): Read and discuss the PCA report on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. Donate to Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew here. Follow Donna Westcott on X (@psychotheologin) and her website ( Here's Joyce's interview on Bare Marriage: Why Did a Church Put a Marital Rape Victim
Second in Rank
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. The counterpart to Episode 13, It's Only a Matter of Rank. This time we have Beth Allison Barr (James Vardaman Professor of History at Baylor University, and author of numerous books), Sheila Wray Gregoire (founder of Bare Marriage, and author of numerous books), Cait West (yes, again!), and Hannah Oliver. The men are trained as leaders, and the women, as followers. The virtuous woman *only* stays at home, homeschools her children, satisfies her husban
Covered Up: Abuse in the OPC, Part 6
Are you in the OPC, and need help? Contact: Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Meet Theresa Garcia Robertson, Zach LeReaux, and Caroline McKuen. Theresa is a former member of Covenant OPC in La Grange, Georgia, pastored by Boyd Miller. Zach is Ali's husband (from Let's Get Spiritual), and will shed light on how men should engage with and respond to those who've been abused. Caroline McKuen is the director and founder of the Presbyteria
It's Only a Matter of Rank
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Read about the woman's story at FBC Beggs here: In this episode I spoke with repeat guest Cait West, a woman whose marriage and church (FBC Beggs in Beggs, Oklahoma, led by pastor Chris Gore) was taken over by the patriarchy, and Zach Wagner (author of "Non-Toxic Masculinity") about the Patriarchy. Patriarchy is not only toxic for the women subjugated under it, it's an impossible system for the men to exercise. It's a
Silenced No More: Abuse in the OPC, Part 5
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated.Meet Rachel Curtiss, former member of Cities Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, and Cait West, former member of the PCA, RPCNA, and OPC in Pennsylvania and Colorado.Rachel was publicly excommunicated by Joe Rigney (now at Christ Church Moscow) because she left an abusive marriage and church. Cait West, author of the book Rift, was entrenched in the "stay-at-home-daughter" movement, and managed to escape.They have both found their voice.Resource
The Trinity and Gender Roles
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Join us as we talk with repeat guest Jeff Moss, a former CREC Minister, who has over a decade of experience "in the system." The Trinity is the bedrock of the Christian faith: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. But what happens when you've entered into a culture war? The perceived "feminization" of the Evangelical church presents to you a problem: how do we fight this? Enter the old heresy of
Can't Trespass the Garden: Abuse in the OPC, Part 4
Are you in the OPC, and need help? Contact: Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition. Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Both stories are coming on anonymously. The first is a couple who attended a CREC in the Southeast, and the second is a woman who grew up at Harvest OPC, near Grand Rapids, Michigan. The first story is about spiritual abuse and gaslighting, the second story is the outworking of Nancy Wilson's disgusting quip, "of course a husband is never trespassing his own garden" in this wo
Reformed is (Not) Enough
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Join Dr. R. Scott Clark and I as we discuss Federal Vision, it's various off-shoots and internecine debates, amber ale and oatmeal stout "versions," engage with clips from Douglas Wilson, Richard Lusk (among other CREC ministers who have blocked us), and look at the original statements and lectures from Auburn Avenue in 2002. This is our most theologically dense episode of the series. It's a beatdown of "Federal Vision," a works-based Christianity. We
Let's Get Spiritual: Abuse in the OPC, Part 3
Are you in the OPC, and need help? Contact: Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition. Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Meet Aimee Byrd (a former member of the OPC in the Northeast and prolific author), Ali LeReaux (a former member of the OPC in the Southeast), and Heather Nadreau (a former member of Christ Church Spokane, CREC). Spiritual abuse so often gets short shrift, but it upends everything you think about the gospel, the church, Jesus, and the pastors who are commanded to shepherd your
Marketing, or, Why the Ends Justify the Means
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Join us as we talk with Aimee Byrd, and repeat guests Kristin Kobes du Mez and Nathan & Christiana Wells about the marketing that "bites back." From subversive marketing tactics, to slick production. From rhetorical flair, to retro design. Canon Press, Canon Plus, New Saint Andrews, and Christ Church are the bad boys on the block. The bad boys who know how to market, because the "good" boys are scared of it. But these bad boys created a beast they no l
2 or 3 Witnesses: A Conversation with Rachael Denhollander
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated.
Enjoy this BONUS episode with Rachael Denhollander.
Our first of two conversations on reporting abuse, how churches should handle abuse allegations, the "2 or 3 witnesses" argument, using "non Christian" judges, and more.
Rachael's books:
What Is a Girl Worth?
Never Good Enough: Abuse in the OPC, Part 2
Are you in the OPC, and need help? Contact: Presbyterian Advocacy Coalition. Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Meet Chelsea Gondrez (former member of the OPC and PCA), an anonymous woman who's known/known of Doug Wilson for decades, and Alaine and Fred Hofland (the parents of Chelsea Gondrez). The standard for women in these churches is impossible, everything is their fault, and they're confronted with this daily. Here's the video with Alaine and Fred (plus others on her page): Bringin
The Anti-Denomination
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Join us as we talk with Jeff Moss, a former CREC Minister, who has over a decade of experience "in the system." We do a deep dive into all things CREC: structure, polity, ordination, founding, everything. What may seem boring is actually a necessary look "under the hood." If you know the structure of the system, you understand how the system works the way it does. We compare it to other systems of church government, helping you make sense of your own c
The Lion of Judah Louder Roars: Abuse in the OPC, Part 1
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated.Meet Stephanie Chernyavskiy, former member of Neon Reformed Presbyterian Church (Neon is part of the OPC: Orthodox Presbyterian Church) in Neon, Kentucky.This is her story.Here's the poem Stephanie wrote and read from at the end: The Lion of Judah Louder Roars. Donate to help the survivor network here.Join: Private Survivor Support Group.Sign up for our Patreon here.Visit to find resources, recommended readi
Indoctrination Station
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Join us as we talk with Susan Wise Bauer of The Well-Trained Mind and Jill Wright, who has experience with The Oaks Academy and the ACCS (Association of Classical Christian Schools). The Matriarch of Classical Education takes on the Patriarch of "Christian" Classical Education. Susan explains why she doesn't like the phrase "Christian" Classical education, dives into the history of the methodology, misconceptions, and more. Jill lived it. She's a train
A Museum for Saints: Abuse in the CREC, Part 7
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated.Meet Jade Miller (a former Logos School student), and an anonymous man who attended CRECs in the Pacific Northwest.Jade will be releasing her memoir soon, sign up here to get notified when it's available: Donate to help the survivor network here.Join: Private Survivor Support Group.Sign up for our Patreon here.Visit to find resources, recommended reading, and more.
Excursus: A Conversation with Thabiti Anyabwile on Doug Wilson
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. I sat down with Thabiti Anyawbile (on Zoom) to talk about his interaction with Doug Wilson in 2013 about Doug's booklets "Southern Slavery As It Was" and "Black and Tan." Here's the TGC blog swaps between Thabiti and Doug: Donate to help the survivor network here. Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Sign up for our Patreon here. Visit to find resources, recommended rea
From Mars Hill to Moscow: A Conversation with Mike Cosper
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Enjoy this BONUS episode with Mike Cosper of Christianity Today!
We talk through Mark Driscoll, Doug Wilson, the ideologies that have taken over so much of the church, what it does to the gospel, and her people, and what can be done about it.
Listen to The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.
Purchase The Church in Dark Times.
Donate to help the survivor network here.
Join: Privat
The Moscow Mold: Abuse in the CREC, Part 6
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Meet Holly Rench (who has deep Moscow connections and a former CREC member in North Carolina), Kathy (a former CREC member in Oregon), and the Reynolds Family (former members of the CREC in Santa Cruz). "Once Excommunicated" an Instagram journey of the Reynolds family away from the CREC. Donate to help the survivor network here. Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Sign up for our Patreon here. Visit
The Fruits of Nationalism
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. If the fruit of Christian Nationalism is rotten, what does that say about the roots itself? We've spent three episodes in the history, development, and political theories of Christian Nationalism, now we go to its current iteration. Join us as we discuss what Christian Nationalism does. In this episode we speak with Dr. Paul Miller (Georgetown University), Katherine Stewart (op-ed writer for The New York Times, as well as author of several books), Napp
Veneer of Righteousness: Abuse in the CREC, Part 5
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Meet Hayley McCord, a former student at New Saint Andrews, an anonymous woman with deep family connections to Christ Church Moscow, and an anonymous couple who attended a CREC church in the Pacific North West. EDIT: We were alerted that the comment about "spanking tools" currently being sold at Christ Church from 14:20-14:30 is not true. Donate to help the survivor network here. Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Sign up for our P
The Reconstruction of Nationalism
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. The writings and works of Reconstructioninsts and Theonomists of a bygone age would not recognize the modern iteration of Christian Nationalism. No, today's Christian Nationalism is an entirely new phenomenon without historical precedent. What you see today, then, is a new project. And this new project isn't looking at elections over the next few years, but establishing dominion over the next few centuries. To discuss this, we're joined by Dr. Michael
Family Affairs: Abuse in the CREC, Part 4
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Meet an anonymous woman who grew up around Jim and Bessie Wilson (Doug's parents), Theresa Smith who married in to the CREC, and Nathan and Christiana Wells (Moscow residents) on the reputation of the church. Follow Doug Wilson Says on Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, and Website. Donate to help the survivor network here. Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Sign up for our Patreon here. Visit to fi
The Roots of Nationalism
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Nerds of history, political theory, and political theology, this is your episode! Everyone else? Figure out where this thing called Christian Nationalism came from.
Catholic Integralism is both intellectually superior of, and far more historically grounded counterpart to Christian Nationalism. Kevin Vallier (Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toledo) discusses the rise of Catholic Integralism, the Protestant response, and where Christian Nat
Immersive Communities: Abuse in the CREC, Part 3
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Meet Tony, Kalina, and Kallie. Tony is the former Chief Operating Officer at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho. Kalina is a former member of Church of the King CREC in Santa Cruz, California. Kallie is a former member of Christ Church and former student at Logos School in Moscow, Idaho.
Anabel's Lion by Tony Baker
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Moscow Nationalism
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Keely Emerine-Mix's 5-part debate with Douglas Wilson: The tremors of Christian Nationalism have reached the nation. In this episode we interact with Tucker Carlson, Doug Wilson, Joel Webbon, Stephen Wolfe, and many other major players of the Christian Nationalist movements. There are strands of this movement you need to learn about, their major players, their specific poli
BONUS: Why Does Sons of Patriarchy Exist? A Conversation with Sarah Bader
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Donate to help the survivor network here. Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Sign up for our Patreon here. Visit to find resources, recommended reading, and more. Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok Examining Doug Wilson and Moscow: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook "Sons of Patriarchy" is brought to you by
Groomed to Submit: Abuse in the CREC, Part 2
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Meet Emilie Paige Dye, who spoke out in 2020 about the abuse she underwent at Logos School during her time as a high school student. Donate to help the survivor network here. Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Sign up for our Patreon here. Visit to find resources, recommended reading, and more. Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok
The Apostle to the Patriarchs
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. The emergence of the Young, Restless, and Reformed in the late 1990s and 2000s didn't come out of nowhere. Most were known by their rhetorical power, calvinistic soteriology, and movement-building prowess. But they've all got a spiritual father, a Patriarch, if you will. Maybe you listened to the 2021 podcast series "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill," and wondered, "Where did Driscoll come from?" Well, he took what Doug Wilson had written, and preached it
When VICE Broke the Dam: Abuse in the CREC, Part 1
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. Meet Sarah Stankorb, whose 2021 VICE article, "Inside the Church That Preaches 'Wives Need to be Led with a Firm Hand,'" broke open the floodgates. She then followed it up with Disobedient Women in 2023, which built on, and expanded upon, her original article. She talks through reporting on abuse, speaking with and listening to abuse survivors, the dynamics surrounding women who come forward with abuse stories, the environment(s) that perpetuate abuse,
The War on the Evangellyfish
Need help? Contact Outreach Incorporated. SURPRISE! We're a day early. From fringe to mainstream. Maybe you've heard of them, maybe you haven't. One thing is for sure, they're influential. What started in the late 70s has blossomed into a worldwide movement, making Christian Nationalism... national. From a small college town, Moscow, Idaho, meet the pastor and movement that is influencing American politics, and infiltrating American churches. In this inaugural episode, Kristin Kobes Du Mez ta
Sons of Patriarchy Promo
Series begins 10.28.24 Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Watch our YouTube or X/Twitter for the video and guest list. Cover by Ængel Greenfield. Sound Design by Aaron Feeney. Donate to help the survivor network here. Sign up for our Patreon here. Visit to find resources, recommended reading, and more. Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Examining Doug Wilson and Moscow: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Private Survivor Support Group Entry Form
Introducing: Sons of Patriarchy
Donate to help the survivor network here. Join: Private Survivor Support Group. Sign up for our Patreon here. Visit to find resources, recommended reading, and more. Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook Examining Doug Wilson and Moscow: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook Patriarchy, we're coming for you. Sons of Patriarchy is brought to you by Producer, Writer, Editor, and Host: Peter Bell Original Music, Sound Design, and Mixing: https://aaronfeeneymusi