FrequencyCast UK Tech Radio Show

FrequencyCast UK Tech Radio Show

FrequencyCast covers Digital TV and Technology in the UK. Our shows are driven by listener feedback, and thanks to our loyal audience, we have won two European awards. FrequencyCast is presented by tech lovers Pete and Kelly, and shows cover digital TV services such as Freeview, Sky, BT Vision, Freesat and Virgin Media, as well hands-on reviews of gadgets and online gadgets. Each show starts with a UK tech news roundup, followed by an in-depth focus on a topic chosen by our listeners. We then get interactive with emails, texts, tweets and podline calls. Join us for a lighthearted tantalising...

FrequencyCast UK Show 126: Return of Kelly and Pete, Offshore Radio and the ISS

FrequencyCast UK Show 126: Return of Kelly and Pete, Offshore Radio and the ISS

FrequencyCast is back, with an all-new sound. Join Pete and Kelly for Show 126, where we catch up with what we have been up to since the last show, and find out why Kelly glows in the dark. We take a boat trip to take a look at the history of offshore radio, talk about streaming video and listen in to the International Space Station. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 27, 2019 • 0:30

FrequencyCast - Hello from 2019! Remember us?

FrequencyCast - Hello from 2019! Remember us?

Greetings from FrequencyCast - Remember us? Kelly and Pete met up in a lonely carpark in June 2019 to send a message to anyone still subscribing to this feed. It's been a long time, the microphone is covered in cobwebs, and we have forgotten how it all works - but we wanted to say hello and send you a message. Want to tell us you are there too? Send us a hello here -<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""

Jun 27, 2019 • 0:02

FrequencyCast UK Show 125: Alexa, the Birth of Broadcasting, Canine Calories and BT

FrequencyCast UK Show 125: Alexa, the Birth of Broadcasting, Canine Calories and BT

FrequencyCast returns after a short break - thanks for bearing with us. In Show 125, we look at Amazon Alexa, the birth of British broadcasting with 2MT, fitness tracking for pets and contactless payment jewelery. In the news, revival of a Nokia classic, Nintendo Switch and the MakeAirFair campaign, plus your comments on 4G interference, and Sky boxes. Details at<img src="" height="1" width

Mar 6, 2017 • 0:30

FrequencyCast  Update - 95 Years of Two Emma Toc

FrequencyCast Update - 95 Years of Two Emma Toc

The 14th of February 2017 marks the 95th anniversary of a piece of radio history. In the county of Essex, the first "radio station" took to the air. It was on-air for 30 minutes a week, and was the birth of British broadcasting. This update discusses the launch of an online radio station to cover the historic anniversary. More details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 10, 2017 • 0:04

FrequencyCast UK Show 124: Google Cardboard, Radio Caroline, Pokemon Go, exploding Galaxies and HDMI

FrequencyCast UK Show 124: Google Cardboard, Radio Caroline, Pokemon Go, exploding Galaxies and HDMI

FrequencyCast returns after a short break - thanks for bearing with us. In Show 124, we look at Pokemon Go, Google Cardboard, Virtual Reality, Radio Caroline, and the BBC Microbit. In the news, exploding Galaxies, phone roaming and the new Amazon Alexa virtual assistant, plus your comments on HDMI, Ofcom and TV licensing. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 30, 2016 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 123: End of the first social network, smart dog security and a smart watchstrap

FrequencyCast UK Show 123: End of the first social network, smart dog security and a smart watchstrap

FrequencyCast Show 123 is here, after a short break. In this show, Pete and Kelly look at a new smart watchstrap, monitoring your home with a smart dog, sweat tracking and a high-tech way not to lose your keys. We also talk about the end of the first social network, and help with questions on Sky Q, Discovery and SCART sockets. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 1, 2016 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 122: Wearable Tech in London and the future of the sociable network

FrequencyCast UK Show 122: Wearable Tech in London and the future of the sociable network

For FrequencyCast Show 122, Pete and Kelly trek boldly to the 2016 Wearable Technology Show in London, where they try out a fitness tracking ring, a kids wearable mobile and the future of the sociable mobile network. Plus the latest tech news and answers to listeners questions. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 16, 2016 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 121: Facebook changes, girls in tech, eyewear and more DAB

FrequencyCast UK Show 121: Facebook changes, girls in tech, eyewear and more DAB

In FrequencyCast Show 121, Pete and Kelly discuss the changes to Facebook, talk about girls in tech and spend some time at an electronics fair. We also look at paper-thin lenses and some tech reading glasses, plus talk about snapchat. In the news, new DAB stations, a new Raspberry Pi and the end of Nook in the UK. Details at

Mar 5, 2016 • 30:13

FrequencyCast UK Show 120: Tim Peake Radio Contact, De-stressing and a 10 hour movie

FrequencyCast UK Show 120: Tim Peake Radio Contact, De-stressing and a 10 hour movie

For FrequencyCast Show 120, Pete and Kelly take a look behind the scenes as Tim Peake makes radio contact with a UK school. Also, news of a 10 hour crowd-funded film, an update on the Riut backpack and details of the upcoming Sci-fi Ball. Plus your questions on the demise of TVPlayer on Freeview, and rights issues for BBC radio sport. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 1, 2016 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 119: Review of 2015, weather prediction and power cuts

FrequencyCast UK Show 119: Review of 2015, weather prediction and power cuts

For FrequencyCast Show 119, Pete and Kelly take a look back at the last year of tech news headlines, review some of what they got up to, and make some predictions. We also talk to weatherman Jim Bacon about 2016 and hyper-local weather tech. In the news, the BBC hack, AVG issues and old TVs, plus your questions on power cuts and Raspberry Pi VPNs. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1"

Jan 6, 2016 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 118: Raspberry Pi Zero, end of BBC Three, kids toys and time-wasting videos

FrequencyCast UK Show 118: Raspberry Pi Zero, end of BBC Three, kids toys and time-wasting videos

In FrequencyCast Show 118, Pete challenges Kelly to set up a Raspberry Pi Zero, and both complain about Black Friday. We also look at Facebook security and the sad demise of BBC Three. Also, a look at some new products from TomTom, surround sound from Orbitsound, and some kids birds and scorpions from Character Options. In Feedback: Sky phone lines, Windows 10 startup problems and blind dating apps. Details at<img src="

Dec 4, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 117: Samsung Gear S2, Philips Hue, Y-Cam Security and USB-C Connectors

FrequencyCast UK Show 117: Samsung Gear S2, Philips Hue, Y-Cam Security and USB-C Connectors

In FrequencyCast Show 117, Pete visits a London gadget show with Kelly and the pair try to work out if Instagram has a point. We talk to Samsung about the Gear S2 watch and contactless payment, look at Philips Hue lighting and discover Y-Cam home security. Also talk of USB-C connectors, BBC Store and Windows 10 upgrades. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 1, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 116: Facebook hoax, National Hamfest, Instant Ink and Kodak Moments

FrequencyCast UK Show 116: Facebook hoax, National Hamfest, Instant Ink and Kodak Moments

In FrequencyCast Show 116, Kelly and Pete look at the latest problems with Facebook, support air ambulance week and visit a national radio rally. We also look at contactless coffee payments, HP Instant Ink, and Nikki Moore talks about the Kodak Moments App. Plus, your comments on cloud storage, pair stealing and Sealand.. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 1, 2015 • 0:29

FrequencyCast UK Show 115: Office 365, Cloud Computing, whatsonit and car security

FrequencyCast UK Show 115: Office 365, Cloud Computing, whatsonit and car security

For Show 115, Kelly takes a look around the junk shop that Pete calls home, and the two talk about Office 365 and cloud computing. A first look at the whatsonit scheduling app, plus an interview with MySmartRemote on car security. Also, Kelly is set to be a star on the next TX Factor TV show. Plus your issues with BBC iPlayer on old iOS devices, and Flash security. Details at<img src="" hei

Sep 1, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 114: Windows 10, Contactless Payment, Apple Watch and Ultra HD

FrequencyCast UK Show 114: Windows 10, Contactless Payment, Apple Watch and Ultra HD

For Show 114, Kelly and Pete take a first look at Windows 10, the final OS from Microsoft? Also, discussion of problems with the Fitbit Charge and the Nike Fuelband, a hands-on with the Apple Watch, contactless payment and a planned obsolescence petition. Plus your smart meters and Ultra HD TV. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Aug 2, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 113: Drones, Unsending emails and sun exposure monitoring

FrequencyCast UK Show 113: Drones, Unsending emails and sun exposure monitoring

For Show 113, Kelly and Pete talk about drones: how Amazon could be using them to deliver, and when things go wrong. We also look and Undo Send, the coke bottle challenge and a device to monitor dangerous sun exposure. Plus your comments on smart meters and BBC radio. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 1, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 112: Periscope, Smart Meters, AR cards and entrepreneurs

FrequencyCast UK Show 112: Periscope, Smart Meters, AR cards and entrepreneurs

For Show 112, Kelly and Pete try their first radio show live on Periscope. We also talk about smart meters, play with augmented reality cards and look at tools for entrepreneurs. Plus your comments on BBC digital radio and the end of FM in Norway. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jun 2, 2015 • 0:29

FrequencyCast UK Show 111: Gadget Show Live 2015, Apple Watch and Grooveshark

FrequencyCast UK Show 111: Gadget Show Live 2015, Apple Watch and Grooveshark

For Show 111, Kelly and Pete travel to Gadget Show Live in Birmingham, where we explore HP Sprout, powered paper planes and a 3D pen. Kelly also gets musical with fruit, we find a free home security app and try to end lag with a NETDUMA router. Plus your questions on voice recording and home smart meters. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

May 2, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast at Gadget Show Live 2015: Special Report

FrequencyCast at Gadget Show Live 2015: Special Report

Here's our first report from Gadget Show Live 2015 at the NEC in Birmingham. Pete and Kelly travelled to the NEC in Birmingham, for this year's show, and here's their Day One review hot off the presses. We'll be featuring a selection of interviews from Gadget Show Live in our May 2015 show - so stay tuned.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 11, 2015 • 0:03

FrequencyCast UK Show 110: Wearable Technology Show, BT 4G and BBC Radio streaming

FrequencyCast UK Show 110: Wearable Technology Show, BT 4G and BBC Radio streaming

In Show 110, Alice and Pete trek to the Wearable Technology Show in London to look at sleep trackers, augmented reality and some tech innovations. We speak to athlete Ellie Stevens and some pioneers from Queen Mary College. Kelly and Pete also look at the BT 4G offering, some questionable chargers and problems with BBC radio streaming. Details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 1, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 109: Voice Recognition, Dunked Smartphones, 4G Mi-Fi and TalkTalk Scammers

FrequencyCast UK Show 109: Voice Recognition, Dunked Smartphones, 4G Mi-Fi and TalkTalk Scammers

For FrequencyCast Show 109, Kelly and Pete look at voice recognition, the Samsung TV privacy issue and language translation. Also, a look at the new Pebble Time smartwatch, the Osprey 4G hotspot and the Windows Linx tablets. We also talk about 5G, and the Tech Rescue pack that can help revive a dunked phone, and in the news, beware of TalkTalk scammers. Links and transcripts at<img src="" h

Mar 1, 2015 • 0:29

FrequencyCast: Toy Fair 2015 (Video)

FrequencyCast: Toy Fair 2015 (Video)

Kelly and Pete from the FrequencyCast radio show went along to Toy Fair 2015 in London on the 20th of January. Our day at the show is covered in FrequencyCast Show 108. Here is a short video montage. More at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 26, 2015 • 0:01

FrequencyCast UK Show 108: Toy Fair 2015 Tech, Going Retro, Phone Wars and Beating Spam

FrequencyCast UK Show 108: Toy Fair 2015 Tech, Going Retro, Phone Wars and Beating Spam

For FrequencyCast show 108, Kelly and Pete spend the day at Toy Fair 2015 looking for the next big tech toy. We find a personal quadcopter, a wubble bubbe, some science kits and lots more. We also retro tech you'd like to see revived, the end of Google Glass, plus your questions and feedback. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 1, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 107: Look back at 2014, Sony vs North Korea, BT EE and shortwave

FrequencyCast UK Show 107: Look back at 2014, Sony vs North Korea, BT EE and shortwave

For FrequencyCast show 107, Kelly and Pete take a look back at the news stories from 2014 and have a look at what is round the technology corner. We also discuss The Interview and the BT EE takeover. Plus your comments on shortwave, 13 amp plugs and indoor aerials. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jan 1, 2015 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 106: 3D printers, Raspberry Jam, Shortwave Radio and Numbers Stations

FrequencyCast UK Show 106: 3D printers, Raspberry Jam, Shortwave Radio and Numbers Stations

For FrequencyCast show 106, Kelly and Pete look at using a 3D printer to print more printers, plans from BT to buy back o2, and our experiences at a local Raspberry Jam. We also look at the world of shortwave and numbers stations, look at possible Freeview changes, and see what EE and Vodafone are up to with digital TV. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 105: Social alarm clocks, International Space Station, scout tech and drones

FrequencyCast UK Show 105: Social alarm clocks, International Space Station, scout tech and drones

For FrequencyCast show 105, Kelly and Pete try out a new social alarm clock app, and try to get youngsters into technology. We help kids to talk to the International Space Station, and look at how the scouts get into tech. We also talk about low-flying drones and balloon tracking. Plus your questions on Radio 3, weak wi-fi and smart heating systems. Links and transcripts at<img src="" heigh

Nov 1, 2014 • 0:29

FrequencyCast UK Show 104: Windows 10, iPhone 6 and the Air Ambulance

FrequencyCast UK Show 104: Windows 10, iPhone 6 and the Air Ambulance

For FrequencyCast show 104, Kelly and Pete discuss the launch of yet another iPhone and AppleGate and spend a day at an Air Ambulance base. We look at the new Gadget Show lineup and discuss pizza and parcel tracking. Plus your questions on surround sound and Sky landlines. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 103: 3D printing, 360 degree photos and the future of 999

FrequencyCast UK Show 103: 3D printing, 360 degree photos and the future of 999

In FrequencyCast show 103, Kelly and Pete take a fresh look at 3D printing, and also talk about two new ways to create 360 degree photos. We also look at possible changes to the 999 service and play a little amateur radio. We also look at your feedback on Ingress, screen-sharing and carbon monoxide. Links and transcripts at

Sep 1, 2014 • 30:14

FrequencyCast: Kelly Ice Bucket Challenge (Video)

FrequencyCast: Kelly Ice Bucket Challenge (Video)

Well done to Kelly for completing the Ice Bucket Challenge today. Here is a short video of Kelly and a chilly bucket of water. Please make a donation to Macmillan Cancer Support - Text the word ICE to 70550 to donate £3.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Aug 30, 2014 • 0:44

FrequencyCast UK Show 102: UK Copyright, VCAP, Ingress and useless boxes

FrequencyCast UK Show 102: UK Copyright, VCAP, Ingress and useless boxes

In FrequencyCast show 102, Kelly and Pete discuss UK copyright laws and the VCAP proposal. We also look at a new way to boost your broadband speed, a useless box, and the real world game Ingress. Plus your questions on Powerline adapters, voice recorders and Multicast TV. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Aug 1, 2014 • 0:29

FrequencyCast UK Show 101: Smart watches, Finlux TV technology, Smart TV and Ownfone

FrequencyCast UK Show 101: Smart watches, Finlux TV technology, Smart TV and Ownfone

In FrequencyCast show 101, we look at the future of smart watches following the Google announcement. We also look at the TV sets of the future, find out more about Simple TV and try some simple budget family mobiles. Plus your comments and questions on Powerline adapters, ChromeCast and amateur radio. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 100: Centenary Show, Samsung Media Drive, Dartford Crossing and Minty Biscuits

FrequencyCast UK Show 100: Centenary Show, Samsung Media Drive, Dartford Crossing and Minty Biscuits

One hundred FrequencyCast shows.... time to look back at what the world was like when we started. Pete and Kelly look back at eight years of tech and play a few fun extracts. We also have an interview with Samsung about their new Wireless 1.5TB media drive, and we look at changes to the Dartford Crossing. In the news, the latest on the eBay data breach, new TV channels, and minty chocolatey biscuits. Links and transcripts at<img src="http://feeds.f

Jun 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 99: Heartbleed, Kettles, Google Glass and Only Fools

FrequencyCast UK Show 99: Heartbleed, Kettles, Google Glass and Only Fools

For FrequencyCast Show 99, Kelly and Pete discuss the threat posed by Internet exploit Heartbleed. We also take a look at the latest Facebook purchase, a clever kettle, review Gadget Show Live and get hands-on with Occulus Rift and Google Glass. We also have an exclusive interview with John Challis, Boycie from Only Fools and Horses. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" a

May 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK: Gadget Show Live 2014 Day One Special Report

FrequencyCast UK: Gadget Show Live 2014 Day One Special Report

The FrequencyCast team was at Gadget Show Live 2014 at the NEC in Birmingham. Here is our special report, recorded on the press day, Tuesday the 8th of April 2014. Catch Kelly and Pete having lots of fun at the leading consumer tech show. More content to follow soon. Go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 9, 2014 • 0:06

FrequencyCast UK Show 98: Radio Caroline, BBC Three, comet Bennu and Ayegear

FrequencyCast UK Show 98: Radio Caroline, BBC Three, comet Bennu and Ayegear

In FrequencyCast Show 98, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of offshore radio in the UK. We also look at an amateur radio special event station and discuss how to get your name to land on the Bennu comet. In the run-up to Gadget Show Live, we look at Ayegear jackets and car trackers, and the news, we look at the campaign to save BBC Three, plus Office for the iPad. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Apr 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 97: Lytro Camera, Amazon Instant Video, GSL and Scanners

FrequencyCast UK Show 97: Lytro Camera, Amazon Instant Video, GSL and Scanners

FrequencyCast Show 97, recorded for March 2014 takes a look at the focus-free Lytro camera, discusses the April 2014 Gadget Show Live, and notes that a couple of products we have looked at in the past have made it to Dragons Den. We also look at a wireless doorbell, a new light switch timer and Amazon Prime. In the news, a speed boost for Virgin customers, the chance to get your name into space, and a Fitbit recall. Links and transcripts at<img src=

Mar 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 96: Life logging, Futurologist Predictions and LED Lighting

FrequencyCast UK Show 96: Life logging, Futurologist Predictions and LED Lighting

FrequencyCast Show 96, our February 2014 show, sees us discussing Life Logging, with the Narrative Clip and Saga. We hear from Futurologist Jonathan Mitchener, and look at bright LED lighting. In the news, LBC, Nintendo, ITV, Sky AdSmart and NASA, plus questions on BT Sport, Powerline and XBMC. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 95: Review of 2013, Digital Radio Switchover &amp; Sealand

FrequencyCast UK Show 95: Review of 2013, Digital Radio Switchover &amp; Sealand

FrequencyCast Show 95 was released in January 2014 and takes a look back at the last 12 months of technology. We also discuss the digital radio switchover, BT filters, and Pete is proud of becoming a Lord of the Principality of Sealand. In the news, paying in cheques by smartphone, Sky on Apple and bendy smartphones. Plus questions on BBC HD and CloudBox. Links and transcripts at<img src=""

Jan 1, 2014 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 94: Gadget Show Live and BT Home Hub 5

FrequencyCast UK Show 94: Gadget Show Live and BT Home Hub 5

FrequencyCast Show 94 includes a look at Gadget Show Live Christmas 2013, and also gets hands-on with the new BT Home Hub 5. Pete and Kelly discuss plans for an automated social media service from Google, and Pete takes Kelly to Kempton Races... sort of. In the news, VuTV launches, the FM radio switchover is delayed and a there is a lack of Christmas games consoles. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Dec 1, 2013 • 0:29

FrequencyCast: Gadget Show Live Xmas 2013 Review (Video)

FrequencyCast: Gadget Show Live Xmas 2013 Review (Video)

Gadget Show Live Christmas 2013 took place at the start of November, this time at Earls Court in London. Pete and Kelly were there, chatting to the Gadget Show presenters, and talking to the various exhibitors looking for cool technology to talk about in upcoming shows. Here is our short video review of the Gadget Show Live Christmas event. More details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 1, 2013 • 0:06

FrequencyCast: Jason Bradbury Amateur Radio Interview (Audio)

FrequencyCast: Jason Bradbury Amateur Radio Interview (Audio)

As part of our coverage of Gadget Show Live London 2013, we caught up with Jason Bradbury from The Gadget Show. Jason is a licensed radio amateur, and we took the chance to find out more about what Jason loves about this tech hobby. A video version of this feature is also available on our site and on YouTube. Find out more about amateur radio at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/&

Nov 13, 2013 • 0:03

FrequencyCast: Jason Bradbury Amateur Radio Interview (Video)

FrequencyCast: Jason Bradbury Amateur Radio Interview (Video)

As part of our coverage of Gadget Show Live London 2013, we caught up with Jason Bradbury from The Gadget Show. Jason is a licensed radio amateur, and we took the chance to find out more about what Jason loves about this tech hobby. An audio version of this feature is also available on our site and on iTunes. Find out more about amateur radio at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/&

Nov 13, 2013 • 0:03

FrequencyCast UK Show 93: Broadband Britain, VuTVand Seasonal Gadgets

FrequencyCast UK Show 93: Broadband Britain, VuTVand Seasonal Gadgets

FrequencyCast Show 93 sees Pete and Kelly looking at the Ofcom report into Broadband and Mobiles in the UK. We also find out about the new Freeview TV service VuTV, look at some odd bits of seasonal technology and find out about the Asda 3D people printer. In the news, Android KitKat, iPlayer updates and a new smart pen. We also answer your questions on the Macbook Pro and Powerline connectivity. Links and transcripts at<img src="http://feeds.feedbu

Nov 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 92: iPhones, Solar Challenge and Dave Gorman

FrequencyCast UK Show 92: iPhones, Solar Challenge and Dave Gorman

For FrequencyCast Show 92, Pete and Kelly are asked to look at the new iPhones and iOS 7 (reluctantly). We also look at the new Dave Gorman TV show, lend our support to Cambridge Uni in the World Solar Challenge, and head off to the Hitchhikers Guide Radio Show Live. In the news, the end of the line for Top Up TV, plus Yahoo security worries. Also, your comments on printer ink, Raspberry Pi video and accessibility. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Oct 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK: Hitchhikers Guide Radio Show 2013 Special Report

FrequencyCast UK: Hitchhikers Guide Radio Show 2013 Special Report

Most of the FrequencyCast team are big fans of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, and in this special report, Pete and Alice review the traveling live version of the radio show. We also catch an exclusive interview with Mitch Benn, who plays Galactic President (and hoopy frood) Zaphod Beeblebrox. For the pics, go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Sep 24, 2013 • 0:12

FrequencyCast 90 Second Promo 2013 (Audio)

FrequencyCast 90 Second Promo 2013 (Audio)

Each year we release a short promo to explain what FrequencyCast is all about. This is our new 90 second radio promo to explain to people what we do. It would be great if you could let your friends take a listen your friends, post on your Facebook page, or help spread the word!<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Sep 20, 2013 • 0:01

FrequencyCast 90 Second Promo 2013 (Video)

FrequencyCast 90 Second Promo 2013 (Video)

Each year we release a short promo to explain what FrequencyCast is all about. This is our new 90 second promotional video to explain to people what we do. It would be great if you could show your friends, post on your Facebook page, or help spread the word!<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Sep 20, 2013 • 0:01

FrequencyCast UK Show 91: Raspberry Pi, Motion Controllers and Be More Dog

FrequencyCast UK Show 91: Raspberry Pi, Motion Controllers and Be More Dog

For FrequencyCast Show 91, Pete and Kelly look at the o2 Be More Dog campaign and try o2 TU Go. We also talk to RS Components about the sensational Raspberry Pi and look at a way to control your PC with a Leap Motion wave. In the news, 4G going live, wi-fi from Sky and a Tesco tablet. Plus your comments on BT Sport, wi-fi and Gridwatch. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1

Sep 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 90: Summer Apps, BT Sport, and Now TV Media Streamer

FrequencyCast UK Show 90: Summer Apps, BT Sport, and Now TV Media Streamer

For FrequencyCast Show 90, Kelly and Pete leave the studio to check out some mobile apps. We also make sure you're ready for BT Sport, and take a look at some new fitness tech. Also, a look at data storage with BT Cloud and new media streamers from Sky and Google. In the news, 5 new HD channels, a cheap Sky streamer and 02 4G. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/&

Aug 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 89: Tech designed to fail, new uk domains and Amazon AutoRip

FrequencyCast UK Show 89: Tech designed to fail, new uk domains and Amazon AutoRip

In FrequencyCast Show 89, we talk about technology that is designed to fail, a potential 1,000 new web domain names, 180 degree turnaround from Microsoft and panoramic wine bottle pics. Pete and Kelly also look at some top apps, play with tinfoil and get all luminous. In the news, Amazon AutoRip, iOS 7, BT Sport and data roaming. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt="

Jul 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK: Kelly Neon Dance (Video)

FrequencyCast UK: Kelly Neon Dance (Video)

In FrequencyCast Show 89, we talk about technology that is designed to fail, a potential 1,000 new web domain names, 180 degree turnaround from Microsoft and panoramic wine bottle pics. Pete and Kelly also look at some top apps, play with tinfoil and get all luminous. In the news, Amazon AutoRip, iOS 7, BT Sport and data roaming. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt="

Jul 1, 2013 • 0:02

FrequencyCast UK Show 88: BT Sport, RAM upgrades, Home Hub 4 and a virtual Stephen Fry

FrequencyCast UK Show 88: BT Sport, RAM upgrades, Home Hub 4 and a virtual Stephen Fry

For FrequencyCast Show 88, we talk to BT about the upcoming TV service, BT Sport. Pete and Kelly look at the QuidCo and TopCashback applications, play with Stephen Fry, and see how easy it is to update a laptop's RAM. We also look at contactless payment worries and the Home Hub 4. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jun 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 87: Touchscreen adapters, Gadget Show Live, Nook and YouView

FrequencyCast UK Show 87: Touchscreen adapters, Gadget Show Live, Nook and YouView

In FrequencyCast Show 87, Pete and Kelly look at an adapter that converts your monitor to touchscreen. We talk about cheap tablets and TV dongles, and talk to one of our Gadget Show Live ticket winners. We also hear from Carl... remember him? We look at UK scanner law, cheap Nook eBook readers, YouView, Google and Apple news, plus your comments and questions. Links and transcripts at<img src="

May 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK: Gadget Show Live 2013 Day One Special Report

FrequencyCast UK: Gadget Show Live 2013 Day One Special Report

FrequencyCast was at Gadget Show Live 2013 at the NEC in Birmingham. Here's our special report, recorded on Day One, Tuesday the 2nd of April 2013. Catch Kelly and Pete having lots of fun at the UK's leading consumer tech show. A video version is now available on our site too. Go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 3, 2013 • 0:11

FrequencyCast UK Show 86: Smart TV dongles, smart watches, TV and radio dongles, plus area codes

FrequencyCast UK Show 86: Smart TV dongles, smart watches, TV and radio dongles, plus area codes

For FrequencyCast Show 86, Pete and Kelly talk about two clever dongles - one that adds Google Android to your TV, and one that offers access to Freeview, DAB, ham radio and aircraft transponders. We also look at the Pebble Smartwatch and the updated BBC theme. We discuss London area codes, and help with a Sky reception problem. In the news, Sky Sports on Now TV, and lots of Google announcements. Links and transcripts at<img src="http://feeds.feedbu

Apr 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update: 18 Mar 13 Podcast Awards

FrequencyCast Update: 18 Mar 13 Podcast Awards

In this short audio update recorded on the 18th of March 2013, Pete phones Kelly with some news about this year's European Podcast Awards, and news of the UK winners this year. We also look at Mustard TV and Gadget Show Live Tickets. More at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 18, 2013 • 0:04

FrequencyCast UK Show 85: Local TV, Kelly The Ham, 4G vs Freeview and tix to Gadget Show Live

FrequencyCast UK Show 85: Local TV, Kelly The Ham, 4G vs Freeview and tix to Gadget Show Live

In FrequencyCast Show 85, Pete and Kelly discover whether local TV is going to be worth watching. There is an exciting update on the Kelly challenge as she joins a ham radio course, and we discuss the top ten questions about Freeview interference from 4G. We also have 5 sets of tickets to Gadget Show Live to give away, and in the news, we look at the Sky takeover of o2 Broadband, and plans for BT to acquire ESPN. Links and transcripts at<img src="ht

Mar 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 84: BT SmartTalk, Facebook Graph Search and RoadPixel Car Cams

FrequencyCast UK Show 84: BT SmartTalk, Facebook Graph Search and RoadPixel Car Cams

For FrequencyCast Show 84, Pete and Kelly discuss Facebook Graph search, make free calls with BT SmartTalk, take a peek at Dragons Den, visit the Toy Fair 2013 and look at the RoadPixel journey recorder. In the news, 4G prices, Blackberry Z10, Sky Sports and the BBC. Plus your questions on YouView, Freesat HD and Windows 8 woes. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""

Feb 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast: Toy Fair 2013 Report (Audio)

FrequencyCast: Toy Fair 2013 Report (Audio)

In January 2013, Pete and Sarah from FrequencyCast visited the London Toy Fair at the Grand Hall, Olympia, London. This is our audio review of the show, which includes some interviews, and a round-=up of this trade show. A video version is available on our site. For more on Toy Fair 2013, go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jan 22, 2013 • 0:12

FrequencyCast: Toy Fair 2013 Report (Video)

FrequencyCast: Toy Fair 2013 Report (Video)

In January 2013, Pete and Sarah from FrequencyCast visited the London Toy Fair at the Grand Hall, Olympia, London. This is a video version of our audio report including some footage from the show and some interviews. For more on Toy Fair 2013, go to

Jan 22, 2013 • 12:17

FrequencyCast UK Show 83: Review of 2012 and what the New Year has in store

FrequencyCast UK Show 83: Review of 2012 and what the New Year has in store

For FrequencyCast Show 83, Pete and Kelly take a look back at the last twelve months in tech and review some of the highlights. As well as looking back, we also chat about what we think is in store for 2013. In the news, the latest on Instagram, Ofcom reports, a maps app update and smartphone airbags. We also look at your Powerline adapter questions in our Interaction section. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Jan 1, 2013 • 0:30

FrequencyCast: End Of The World Special Report

FrequencyCast: End Of The World Special Report

A Special Report, recorded from the FrequencyCast Bunker on the 21st of December 2012, the day that Earth is due to be destroyed to make way for a Hyperspace Bypass. A little lighthearted 10 minute Christmas present to make our listeners smile. Share and Enjoy! For more, see<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 21, 2012 • 0:09

FrequencyCast: Gadget Show Live Xmas Video Montage

FrequencyCast: Gadget Show Live Xmas Video Montage

As promised, here is a short video montage of Kelly and Pete exploring Gadget Show Live in London. We would love to get your feedback on our first video production! For more photos, and our full-length feature on Gadget Show Live in London, go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 3, 2012 • 0:08

FrequencyCast UK Show 82: Gadget Show Live Xmas Report

FrequencyCast UK Show 82: Gadget Show Live Xmas Report

FrequencyCast visits the first Gadget Show Live in London, plays with the new Nintendo Wii U, and talks to gadget lovers, inventors and gadget sellers. We look at Bubblepix, Movband, Echostar, Aves DAB radios, bikes, irons, Christmas trees and much more. In the news, Freeview disruptions in 2018 and the end of Windows Live Messenger. We also hear your feedback on weather stations, Virgin TiVo and power meters. Links and transcripts at<img src="http:

Dec 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast: Fitbit Wireless Tracker Reviewed

FrequencyCast: Fitbit Wireless Tracker Reviewed

The Fitbit has to be our favourite gadget of the year. This is a wireless tracker that logs how far you walk, how many stairs you climb, how active you are, and how well you sleep. Together with web and smartphone apps, it can also track your calories and overall health. We talk to Pollyanna Woodward from the Gadget Show, and Gareth Jones from Fitbit, about this impressive little wireless gadget. Details and pictures at<img src="

Nov 23, 2012 • 0:15

FrequencyCast: Boogie Board Sketch Tablet Reviewed

FrequencyCast: Boogie Board Sketch Tablet Reviewed

A rather unusual product, aimed mainly at families, this replaces the traditional notepad, letting you scribble notes, text and pictures on this power-friendly e-Writer. Ideal for kids, car trips, education and even for business meetings, FrequencyCast tries out the Boogie Board and interviews Kevin Oswald from makers Improv Electronics. For more on the high-tech tablets, go to<img src="

Nov 19, 2012 • 0:10

FrequencyCast: Pollyanna Woodward Interview

FrequencyCast: Pollyanna Woodward Interview

Pete from FrequencyCast speaks to presenter of The Gadget Show, Pollyanna Woodward. We discuss the top ten lists of gadgets you cannot live without, the new series of Gadget Show on Channel 5, as well as Gadget Show Live London 2012. We also find out what apps Polly loves, what she thinks of the iPhone 5, and whether she can make a toasted sandwich in a crisis! For more, see<img src="

Nov 8, 2012 • 0:12

FrequencyCast UK Show 81: YouView, Star Trek and Gadget Show

FrequencyCast UK Show 81: YouView, Star Trek and Gadget Show

In FrequencyCast Show 81, we talk to BT about the new YouView from BT service. We also look ahead to the upcoming Gadget Show Live in London, and summarise our experiences at Destination Star Trek London. In the news, the launch of 4G and the iPad mini, plus the end of the digital switchover. We also hear your feedback on Virgin, Slingbox and the Kindle. Links and transcripts at<img src="" h

Nov 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast at Destination Star Trek London 2012

FrequencyCast at Destination Star Trek London 2012

FrequencyCast took a trip to Destination Star Trek London at the Excel in October 2012 to mingle with Star Trek fans, actors, writers and exhibitors. Here is our round-up of events. For the photos, go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 25, 2012 • 0:19

FrequencyCast UK Show 80: Portable Power, Wireless Security and DAB

FrequencyCast UK Show 80: Portable Power, Wireless Security and DAB

FrequencyCast show 80 comes from a field, and has Kelly trying to connect tech without mains power or broadband. We also look at a wireless home camera and monitor system, hear from Carl about dinosaurs, and find out more about community radio. In the news, the digital switchover, iPhone 5, FitBit and DAB. Plus your feedback on slow fibre broadband, Youview and digital radio. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Oct 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 79: Health Check Tech and Digital Locks

FrequencyCast UK Show 79: Health Check Tech and Digital Locks

For FrequencyCast Show 79, we perform a health check on one of our team, at the request of one of our listeners. We also look at a new Yale digital door lock, discuss the digital radio switchover, and find an eBook reader that supports white writing. We also discuss why you should get a Blackberry, and go back to British Gas. In the news, 4G is coming to the UK a year early. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Sep 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast visits the 2o12L Olympic Ham Radio Station

FrequencyCast visits the 2o12L Olympic Ham Radio Station

Pete from FrequencyCast visited the special event radio station for the London 2012 games. The station, 2o12L is the flagship amateur radio station, and this is an extended version of the interview we featured in Show 78. Pics at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Aug 15, 2012 • 0:06

FrequencyCast UK Show 78: LFCC 2012, Remote Heating and 2o12L

FrequencyCast UK Show 78: LFCC 2012, Remote Heating and 2o12L

For FrequencyCast Show 78, we visit leading sci-fi convention London Film and Comic Con 2012. We also get a new wireless heating system installed, discuss at Pinterest, look at upcoming changes to Freeview, meet the 2o12L station team and get interviewed on Phoenix FM. Plus your comments on the 3DS XL from the HMS Belfast, as well as news on Hotmail and TalkTalk TV. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Aug 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast at London Film and Comic Con 2012

FrequencyCast at London Film and Comic Con 2012

Pete and Kelly from FrequencyCast headed off to London Film and Comic Con 2012 to check out the tech, look at the costumes, try out the merchandise, and generally hob-nob with the sci-fi stars. Here is our review. Pics at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 27, 2012 • 0:23

FrequencyCast Interviews Jane Badler at London Film and Comic Con

FrequencyCast Interviews Jane Badler at London Film and Comic Con

FrequencyCast interviews the sci-fi legend that is Jane Badler. Pete talks to Jane, star of the 1983 and 2011 versions of a cult sci-fi classic at the London Film and Comic Con 2012. For more, and pictures, go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 19, 2012 • 0:06

FrequencyCast UK Show 77: Echobox, Raspberry Pi, Tablets and WOWee

FrequencyCast UK Show 77: Echobox, Raspberry Pi, Tablets and WOWee

FrequencyCast Show 77 sees us looking at the Raspberry Pi, going into orbit and taking about some tablet announcements. We get hands-on with some cutting edge home networking hardware. In the news, TomTom updates, ESPN loses football rights and wearable Google. We also get hands-on with powerful portable speakers from WOWee. Plus your comments on Firewire and Smart Meters. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Jul 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 76: Smart Meters, Smart Torches and Smart Cars

FrequencyCast UK Show 76: Smart Meters, Smart Torches and Smart Cars

For FrequencyCast Show 76, we sneak behind the scenes at British Gas to uncover what Smart Meters have in store. We also take a test drive in a Nissan Leaf electric car, get hands-on with a programmable torch and look at wireless home heating and home security systems. In the news, YouView, the Samsung Galaxy S III and the iPhone 5. Plus your comments on Powerline, Freeview and Luxy 208. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Jun 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 75: Gadget Show Live 2012 and Marconi Legacy

FrequencyCast UK Show 75: Gadget Show Live 2012 and Marconi Legacy

FrequencyCast Show 75 features our look at some of the top tech we discovered at Gadget Show Live 2012. We get hands-on with the Parrot AR Drone, the energyEGG, the iPieces iPad games and the Qb-mito speaker. We are also back on the LV18 Lightvessel and talk to Tim Wander about the Marconi Legacy. In the news, YouView is delayed, and some exciting news for Freesat lovers. Links and transcripts at<img src="

May 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast: Gadget Show Live 2012 Special Report

FrequencyCast: Gadget Show Live 2012 Special Report

FrequencyCast is just back from the Press Day at Gadget Show Live. Before the doors open to the public, here is our report on what to look out for at Gadget Show Live 2012 at the NEC in Birmingham. For more coverage and pics, go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 10, 2012 • 0:10

FrequencyCast UK Show 74: Innovations at the Ideal Home Show 2012

FrequencyCast UK Show 74: Innovations at the Ideal Home Show 2012

For FrequencyCast Show 74, Pete and Sarah visit the Ideal Home Show 2012 in London to look at some new products. We also talk with Suzi Perry, and we step about the LV18 Light Vessel. In the news, did News Corp sink itvDigital, the Crystal Palace digital switchover and it is all change RIM. Plus your comments on IP camera and more. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt

Apr 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast: Day One at the Ideal Home Show 2012

FrequencyCast: Day One at the Ideal Home Show 2012

FrequencyCast visited the Ideal Home Show 2012 on the first day to get a feel for what the show has to offer this year. Join Pete and Sarah as they discuss what has caught their attention at the show, and what to keep an eye out for. For more coverage of the Ideal Home Show 2012, our interview with Suzi Perry, product reviews and photos, please go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 17, 2012 • 0:06

FrequencyCast: Suzi Perry at the Ideal Home Show 2012

FrequencyCast: Suzi Perry at the Ideal Home Show 2012

Pete from FrequencyCast caught up with Gadget Goddess Suzi Perry at the 2012 Ideal Home Show at Earls Court. In this short interview, Pete asks Suzi about her ideal home of the future, her views on the iPad 3, why her furry sidekick needs a stunt double, and life after The Gadget Show. For more on our coverage of the Ideal Home Show 2012, see<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 16, 2012 • 0:07

FrequencyCast UK Show 73: The House of 2027 and the Blackberry Playbook Tablet

FrequencyCast UK Show 73: The House of 2027 and the Blackberry Playbook Tablet

In FrequencyCast Show 73, Pete and Carl gaze into the future to look at the house of 2027. Pete interviews Plusnet about a new report predicting the future, and we look at the update to the Blackberry Playbook. In the news, 4G Freeview filters, DAB tuning, cheap broadband and the Raspberry Pi. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Predictions for the Home of 2027

FrequencyCast Predictions for the Home of 2027

For FrequencyCast Show 73, we look at a report by the Centre For Future Studies, which shows how the home of 2027 could look. We talk to Nick Rawlings from Plusnet about the report, and make some predictions for the next 15 years of technology. This is an extended version of our feature, as we only had time for an edited version in Show 73. Details at

Feb 29, 2012 • 19:56

FrequencyCast UK Show 72: Fitness Tech and Netflix UK Reviewed

FrequencyCast UK Show 72: Fitness Tech and Netflix UK Reviewed

For FrequencyCast Show 72, Pete and Sarah review a range of wireless fitness gadgets and apps to help you to get into shape. Guest reviewer Mike takes a look at the new Netflix UK service, and we play with a novel beverage add-on. In the news, a phone that runs on a single AA battery, news of video-on-demand services, plus a dirt-cheap tablet. Links and transcripts at<img src="" height="1" w

Feb 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 71: Review of 2011, 3DS updates and Apple iTV

FrequencyCast UK Show 71: Review of 2011, 3DS updates and Apple iTV

FrequencyCast Show 71 sees Pete and Carl taking a look back at the last twelve months of TV and Technology news. The boys also look at what we can expect for the next year, and review the recent changes to the Nintendo 3DS. In the news, Channel 5 changes its plans for HD and Apple is keen to dominate the TV market. Plus questions on iPad printing and X-Box 360 Dashboard changes. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Jan 1, 2012 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 70: Internet Insights and our three top gadgets

FrequencyCast UK Show 70: Internet Insights and our three top gadgets

In FrequencyCast Show 70, Carl and Pete discuss the ever-changing Internet. Pete was invited to an industry insight session and discusses your topics with the professionals. We also look at three top gadgets, a powerful pen, the home weather station, and a gadget to control your telly from an iPhone or iPad. We also read out your feedback and comments. In the news, plans for Formula 1 on Sky, an update from Nintendo and a new 3D testcard. Links and transcripts at

Dec 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Internet Insight Review - November 2011

FrequencyCast Internet Insight Review - November 2011

In November 2011, FrequencyCast was invited to attend an Internet Industry Insight session in London, arranged by broadband provider Plusnet. This is our review of the Insight session, including interviews with some of the attendees. A full version of the Insight Session is also available on our site. For more details, links and a transcript of this feature, please visit<img src="" height="1" width="1"

Dec 1, 2011 • 0:23

FrequencyCast Update: Festive Season Gadget Ideas Nov 2011

FrequencyCast Update: Festive Season Gadget Ideas Nov 2011

Carl, Pete and guest star Kelly take a look at some gadget ideas for the 2011 festive season. We hit the road to see what tech you might want to add to your Christmas shopping list. We are bundled into a car and head off for a fun shopping trip. See the show notes for links, product pictures and a full transcript at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 16, 2011 • 0:21

FrequencyCast UK Show 69: Printers, iPhone 4S Siri and the ISS

FrequencyCast UK Show 69: Printers, iPhone 4S Siri and the ISS

You asked, we deliver. For FrequencyCast Show 69, Carl and Pete talk about printers and printing - what to look for, and how to save money. We get to play with the new iPhone 4S and virtual assistant Siri, and hear an extract of the Siri duet. Pete catches up with an ISS astronaut, and in the news, BBC to close an HD channel, PBS in the UK and the iPhone 4S madness. Plus your comments on Overdrive eBook readers, Steadicam and a geocaching update. Links and transcripts at https://www.frequencycas

Nov 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Off The Record - o2, iPhone and Comet Whinge

FrequencyCast Off The Record - o2, iPhone and Comet Whinge

Some bonus material for our regular listeners. We are close to releasing Show 69, but for timing reasons, a chunk of the show had to be removed. Here it is, for your listening pleasure. Pete has encountered trouble with both o2 (and its iPhone 4S Fast Track Policy), and Comet (with its laptop returns policy). Pete has a bit of a whinge. We understand he is feeling better now. If you want to comment, go to . Like our Off The Record? Follow us on Facebook or Tw

Oct 29, 2011 • 0:09

FrequencyCast Update iPhone 4S Launch 04 Oct 2011

FrequencyCast Update iPhone 4S Launch 04 Oct 2011

Apple announced the new iPhone 4S on the 4th of October 2011. Pete and Carl got together after the announcement to put together a few thoughts on the new phone from Apple. More at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 6, 2011 • 0:11

FrequencyCast UK Show 68: OnLive Gaming, eBooks and Google+

FrequencyCast UK Show 68: OnLive Gaming, eBooks and Google+

In FrequencyCast Show number 68, Carl and Pete get hands-on with a service that could be the future of gaming - OnLive. We also discuss plans to revive an old British satellite, eBook news from both Amazon and Waterstones, plus a BT Vision facelift. We also hear your views on Google+ and take a look at majestic Air Swimmers. In the news, more Freeview HD channels on the way, iPhone 5 and the digital switchover hits a milestone. Links and transcripts at

Oct 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast OnLive Full Review (Bonus Material)

FrequencyCast OnLive Full Review (Bonus Material)

OnLive, the online gaming platform launched in September 2011. We will be featuring this exciting new gaming proposition in Show 68. Here is the full audio, some of which you can hear in FrequencyCast Show 68. As bonus material for our listeners, here is the full review, before we had to edit it. Take a listen to Pete and Carl explore the new service, and try out a couple of games. For more on OnLive, plus pics, go to , where you will also find a trans

Sep 29, 2011 • 0:19

FrequencyCast UK Show 67: Geocaching and Local TV

FrequencyCast UK Show 67: Geocaching and Local TV

For FrequencyCast Show 67, Carl and Pete venture out of the studio on a quest for Geocaches as we explore the fast-growing high-tech treasure hunt. Also in the show, mobile phone news, plans for local TV in 65 towns, the price of Sky Movies, new tech words in the dictionary and a top data-saving Smartphone app called Onavo. In the news, new Freeview channels, Samsung Galaxy and Google TV, and we answer your questions on TRVs, Internet TV, the iPhone 5, wi-fi printing and iPlayer mobile. Links an

Sep 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Geocaching Field Report (Bonus)

FrequencyCast Geocaching Field Report (Bonus)

In August 2011, Carl and Pete went out to explore Geocaching, the outdoor hobby that uses GPS and Smartphones to track down hidden treasure. We feature Geocaching in Show 67 of our radio show, but did not have time in the show to include the full audio from our field trip. Here it is, as bonus material for our listeners. For more on Geocaching, please go to:<img src="" height="1" width="

Aug 30, 2011 • 0:15

FrequencyCast UK Show 66: Home Automation Event

FrequencyCast UK Show 66: Home Automation Event

For FrequencyCast Show 66, Pete and Carl travel to London to explore the Home Technology Event 2011. At the show, we talk to suppliers of home automation technology, gadget cleaning products and energy-saving accessories. Also in the show, we get hands on with two underwater devices, find the smallest wi-fi camera in the world, and talk about a new rival to Sky called Real Digital. In the news, price cuts for the 3DS, Sky Sports offers, plus TV service price wars, and we answer your questions on

Aug 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 65: 4G Interference and BBC Alba

FrequencyCast UK Show 65: 4G Interference and BBC Alba

In FrequencyCast Show number 65, we take a look at concerns that new 4G data services could cause big problems for Freeview viewers. We also discuss the BBC Alba controversy, the future of SeeSaw, the new Sky Go service and the Nintendo Wii U. In the news, cheaper European roaming, the Scottish digital TV switchover, and the end of the Space Shuttle programme. We look at the Home Technology Show 2011, our studio is attacked by squirrels, and the Argos catalogue goes to TV. Plus your questions on

Jul 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 64: IPv6 Explained

FrequencyCast UK Show 64: IPv6 Explained

FrequencyCast Show 64 takes a look at the future of the Internet. The upcoming changes to the Internet in the form of IPv6 continues to be a hot topic of discussion with our listeners, and in this show, we have an exclusive interview with Richard Fletcher, boss of Internet firm Plusnet to see how the changes affect us all. Pete and Carl discuss the dangers of Internet filters creating a Bubble around online netizens, and look at changes to TalkTalk and Skype. Plus news on BBC HD, Apple announcem

Jun 1, 2011 • 30:57

FrequencyCast Interview with the boss of Plusnet

FrequencyCast Interview with the boss of Plusnet

In May 2011, FrequencyCast secured an exclusive interview with Richard Fletcher, the Chief Operating Officer of UK Internet Provider Plusnet. We discuss the upcoming changes to the Internet as a result of IPv6, look at the challenges facing ISPs, and talk about what we can expect to change over the next 5 years. Richard also outlines the Plusnet unlimited overnight download policy. For a transcript of the interview, go to<img src="http://f

Jun 1, 2011 • 0:14

FrequencyCast UK Show 63: Gadget Show Live

FrequencyCast UK Show 63: Gadget Show Live

In FrequencyCast Show 63, Carl and Pete take a look at what they discovered in Birmingham for Gadget Show Live 2011. We play clips from some of our interviews from the exhibition and summarise what we found at the massive UK consumer electronics show. In the news, we look at Apple and Sony security concerns, the London switchover and Virgin radio. Plus questions on BT Vision upstairs and DAB on Jersey.<img src="" height="1" width="1"

May 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 62: IPv6 and Nintendo 3DS

FrequencyCast UK Show 62: IPv6 and Nintendo 3DS

In FrequencyCast Show 62, Pete and Carl discuss upcoming changes to the Internet as a result of IPv6. We also get to play with the new Nintendo 3DS games console to see how good the glasses-free 3D is, and take a look at a disposable digital camera for under a tenner. In the news, more regions go digital, plans to scrap some BBC local radio output, Powerline Adapters are back, and GPS jammers. We also answer your questions on analogue TV, Yesterday and the iMax Mini.<img src="http://feeds.fee

Apr 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 17 Mar 2011

FrequencyCast Update 17 Mar 2011

A short update from Carl and Pete at FrequencyCast. We look at news of new releases from Apple, changes to BBC radio stations, and an update on changes at YouView. We play a couple of new podline calls, and get hands-on with a new type of disposable camera. Oh, and we talk to an angry bird.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 18, 2011 • 0:18

FrequencyCast UK Show 61: Wireless Streaming

FrequencyCast UK Show 61: Wireless Streaming

In FrequencyCast Show 61, Pete and Carl explore all things streaming - how to listen to your music wirelessly, and how to watch video content and photos on your telly without messy cables. We also get hands-on with the new Home Hub 3 from BT, look at two wearable mobile phones, and take a first look at an Olympus speech to text recorder and a laptop broadcaster. YouView, iPlayer and Vodafone make our news headlines.<img src="" height=

Mar 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 17 Feb 2011

FrequencyCast Update 17 Feb 2011

Audio update released on the 17 February 2011. News on Channel 5, Sky and Channel One, Waze, the new BT Home Hub 3 and BBC Radio 7, plus discussion on tablet computing, broadband migration, 3D format wars and web advertising.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 17, 2011 • 0:12

FrequencyCast UK Show 60: Tablet Computing

FrequencyCast UK Show 60: Tablet Computing

For FrequencyCast Show 60, Pete and Carl talk Tablet Computing, and pit the leading tablet, the iPad, with the Samsung Galaxy Tab. In the news, delays to the launch of YouView, all change for Sky HD, BBC cuts and wi-fi hotspots. Plus your questions on batteries, BT Vision, Virgin and weather stations.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 13 Jan 2011

FrequencyCast Update 13 Jan 2011

In this unscheduled audio update, you will hear news about ITV1, Heart, Mac Store and the Chumby. Pete and Carl also go through some of your feedback on Scalextric, DAB, footy and a little controversy on Internet advertising.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jan 13, 2011 • 0:14

FrequencyCast UK Show 59

FrequencyCast UK Show 59

For FrequencyCast Show 59, Pete and Carl take a look back at the last 12 months of TV and Tech, play back some classic clips from the last year, and discuss what we can expect around the corner. The award-winnning team also look at Sky HD EPG changes and the December Skype fail, as well as some TV channel news. In Interaction, how to load maps onto your camera and the Freeview HD 5.1 surround sound controversy<img src="" height="1" wi

Jan 1, 2011 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 15 Dec 10

FrequencyCast Update 15 Dec 10

A 20 minute bonus update from Carl and Pete with some podcasting news, an update on the Virgin TiVo, Google Laptops, Broadband survey feedback, your emails and our Bring A Toy To Work Day.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 15, 2010 • 0:19

FrequencyCast UK Show 58

FrequencyCast UK Show 58

FrequencyCast Show 58 sees Pete and Carl going back to the subject of Broadband. What makes a good provider, what deals are hot, and how easy is it to switch? The lads also torment the FrequencyCast cat with a retro eighties Big Trak. In the news, we see a new trend for tablet newspapers, the end to naughty channels, and BT 3D is upon us. Plus your comments on tablets, slow broadband speeds and HD DVD recorders. Links and transcripts at<img src="htt

Dec 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 18 Nov 10

FrequencyCast Update 18 Nov 10

A brief update from Carl and Pete before our December show. 11 minutes of chat about BBC iPlayer, news from the iTunes Store and Karotz. We also look at your emails and tweets, as well as talk Zombies and underpowered servers<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 19, 2010 • 0:11

FrequencyCast UK Show 57

FrequencyCast UK Show 57

In FrequencyCast Show 57, Carl and Pete explore the new-look second generation Apple TV box, and see how it could replace the trip to Blockbusters. We also hit the road with the new TomTom Go Live 1000 touchscreen sat nav, and look at a covert keyring. In the news, the new BBC One HD channel and a recall of some BT Vision Powerline adapters. Plus your comments on tablets, streamers, 3D and PIN codes. Links and transcripts at<img src="http://feeds.fe

Nov 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 56

FrequencyCast UK Show 56

In FrequencyCast Show 56, Carl and Pete get all three dimensional with discussion of the various types of 3D. We also get hands-on with the Triax Tri-link TV distribution kit and cover common HD questions. As a new feature, we look at a classic piece of tech - in this show, we talk about the trusty pocket calculator. Plus your questions on the Amazon Kindle, Olympus recorders and Freeview after the switchover. Links and transcripts at<img src="http:

Oct 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Guide to the UK Kindle

FrequencyCast Guide to the UK Kindle

The UK Amazon Kindle eBook Reader reviewed by FrequencyCast. Carl and Pete looked at the Kindle for the first time just after release in August 2010, as we featured in Show 55. Now, Pete has had a week of hands-on time to get to grips with the game-changing Kindle book reader. This is our first full Kindle review, which includes answers to your Kindle questions. For pictures and a full review, go to<img src="

Sep 26, 2010 • 0:28

FrequencyCast Update 15 Sep 10

FrequencyCast Update 15 Sep 10

A brief update from Carl and Pete on the changes at Global Radio, a new TomTom sat nav, good news for T-Mobile and Orange users, new toys from Apple, and an alert that we have created a Kindle guide. FrequencyCast Update released 15th September 2010. Spread the word!

Sep 15, 2010 • 10:35

FrequencyCast UK Show 55

FrequencyCast UK Show 55

In FrequencyCast Show 55, Carl and Pete take their first look at the game-changing Kindle, the new eBook reader from Amazon. We also explore the new Sky Anytime+ service, explain what Project Canvas will offer in 2011, and try out some social collaboration software. In the news, two Facebook rivals on the way, ITV on the PS3, plus lots of TV and radio channel news. We also help you to park your car and coil your cables. Links and transcripts at<img

Sep 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 54

FrequencyCast UK Show 54

In FrequencyCast Show 54, Carl and Pete discuss the BT Vision and Sky sports wars, and get hands-on with the smallest wi-fi radio in the world. We also discuss the upcoming FM Radio Switchover, and look at the Apple climb-down over the iPhone 4 AntennaGate reception problems. In the news, BBC apps, a new Kindle is launched, some HD channel news and the end of speed cameras, plus a wind-up gadget and your emails, calls and tweets. Links and transcripts at

Aug 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 53

FrequencyCast UK Show 53

In FrequencyCast Show 53, Carl and Pete take a fresh look at the BT Vision digital TV service. We also look at the massively hyped iPhone 4 launch, get to hear what a radio amateur thinks of radio today, and explore the pocket Fitbug device. All this, plus news headlines, a TV remote control keyring and your phone calls, texts, tweets and emails in Interaction. Links and transcripts at<img src="

Jul 1, 2010 • 0:30

iPhone 4 Launch Special

iPhone 4 Launch Special

The iPhone 4 launched, with the associated hype and queues, on Thursday the 24th of June 2010. Carl and Pete take a look at what all the fuss is about, how the launch went and some of the problems with the new handset. Take a listen to the first FrequencyCast hands-on review, plus our look at what tariffs offer the best deal. Images and links at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 1, 2010 • 0:17

FrequencyCast Interview: 90 Years of Radio

FrequencyCast Interview: 90 Years of Radio

In June 1920, the first entertainment radio broadcast was made. To celebrate 90 years of radio, we spoke to John Bowen, the Chairman of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society about those early days, and issues affecting radio listeners. More at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jun 15, 2010 • 0:22

FrequencyCast UK Show 52

FrequencyCast UK Show 52

In FrequencyCast Show 52, Carl and Pete look at ways to get more from your digital photos, including some accessories and software. We also take a first look at the pocket Fitbug to help get into shape for the summer, and spend 30 seconds with some goo. In the news, BBC One goes HD, upcoming Apple news, and the controversial Digital Radio Amnesty. Plus, your questions on BBC iPlayer and BT Vision. Links and transcripts at<img src="http://feeds.feed

Jun 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 20 May 10

FrequencyCast Update 20 May 10

News on the latest radio research, which TV shows are able to be axed, the new Humax Freeview HD PVR, and a half price Joggler. We also announce our new iPhone app and streaming station. Also, lots of discussion about the HomePlug Powerline adapters - not content with killing shortwave, they are now breaking FM and DAB radio too.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

May 20, 2010 • 0:14

FrequencyCast UK Show 51

FrequencyCast UK Show 51

In FrequencyCast Show 51, Carl and Pete discuss our digital future, and the impact to TV, radio and the Internet following the introduction of the Digital Economy Act 2010. We also get hands-on with two walkie-talkies, and play with a silly sound machine. For our Interaction section, We also look at feedback from our listeners, including ITV 1 HD in Scotland, a magic geo-tagging Wi-Fi SD card, the options for catch-up TV, and views on our recent MP3 player feature. Links and transcripts at http

May 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Gadget Show Live April 2010

FrequencyCast Gadget Show Live April 2010

In April 2010, the FrequencyCast team headed to NEC Birmingham NEC for Gadget Show Live. Here is our special feature on the show. Pictures of the products mentioned can be found at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 9, 2010 • 0:29

FrequencyCast UK Show 50

FrequencyCast UK Show 50

In FrequencyCast Show 50, Carl and Pete look at how to get more from your MP3 player. We explore various add-ons and accessories to aid your listening pleasure, and also look at the alternatives to the iPod and to iTunes. In the news, a roundup of the latest HD news, more on tablet devices, and the launch of Sky 3D. Plus your questions on HD, operating systems, F-plugs and more. Links at<img src=""

Apr 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 19 March 10

FrequencyCast Update 19 March 10

FrequencyCast Update 19 March 2010. Lots of HD channel news, an update on Virgin, a major Google Maps update, your app suggestions, and a look at the Waze social GPS application. More details at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 19, 2010 • 0:12

FrequencyCast Live March 2010

FrequencyCast Live March 2010

In March 2010, FrequencyCast headed down to the Live IT and Gadget Show at Wembley Stadium. Here is our special feature on the show. Pictures of the show and products featured, can be found at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 17, 2010 • 0:31

FrequencyCast Guide to SWAP Mobile Phone Watches

FrequencyCast Guide to SWAP Mobile Phone Watches

SWAP mobile phone watches reviewed by FrequencyCast. Carl and Pete get hands on with two powerful mobile phone watches, the SWAP watch and the SWAP Active. For pictures and a full review, go to<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 10, 2010 • 0:15

FrequencyCast UK Show 49

FrequencyCast UK Show 49

In FrequencyCast Show 49, Carl and Pete run through a few apps to help you get more from your mobile phone, as well as some top gadgets. We get interactive too - asking you to comment on how you use your mobile. In the news, the latest on Freeview HD receivers, plus discussion of the possible demise of BBC 6 Music. We also look at the new quirky PumaPhone, which could be one to watch. We also get hands-on with a new SWAP Active mobile phone watch. Links at<

Mar 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 17 Feb 2010

FrequencyCast Update 17 Feb 2010

FrequencyCast Update 17 February 2010. The first Freeview HD box is available - we take our first look. Also, news of a Freeview iPhone app and an update on the ever expanding BT wireless network. Plus Carl and Pete read out some of your feedback on net-tops and weather stations.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 17, 2010 • 0:14

FrequencyCast UK Show 48

FrequencyCast UK Show 48

In FrequencyCast Show 48, Carl and Pete look at some of the gadgets you can plug into your TV to get more TV content, including the WD HD TV media player and a Packard Bell iMax Mini. The lads are also interviewed, and Pete shows off his nerdy side with an introduction to his weather station. In the news, iPad, BT Infinity, SeeSaw and pigs. Plus your questions on ebook readers, Freeview HD and powerline adapters<img src="" height="1"

Feb 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Update 14 Jan 2010

FrequencyCast Update 14 Jan 2010

FrequencyCast Update 14 January 2010. Tiscali becomes TalkTalk, Orange goes HD, BBC HD quality, how to make a cappuccino, more on data backups, Pete and Carl in hot water, HD camcorders, and a request for some iTunes love.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jan 14, 2010 • 0:25

FrequencyCast UK Show 47

FrequencyCast UK Show 47

In FrequencyCast Show 47, Carl and Pete resolve to back up their digital data securely and explore the options. We also try to break the new Olympus Tough 6010 camera and look at the latest with Project Canvas, the Tesco iPhone, BBC iPlayer on Freesat and the new BT Vision box. We also update you on Freeview HD, and answer your questions on Dave, Slingbox and the BBC iPlayer.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jan 1, 2010 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 46

FrequencyCast UK Show 46

In FrequencyCast Show 46, Carl and Pete explore wireless hotspots, how to find them and how to connect securely. We also get hands-on with the Chumby, and play with a magic wand. In the news, we look at the launch of Freeview HD, update you on the o2 Joggler and see where the BBC iPlayer is about to appear next. Plus your tech questions and podline calls answered.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Guide to the Olympus LS-11 Recorder

FrequencyCast Guide to the Olympus LS-11 Recorder

A look at the Olympus LS-10 and LS-11 audio recorders. Pete and Carl get hands on with these broadcast-quality recorders, and go on location to put it through its paces. More details, unedited, uncompressed sound clips from the LS-11, plus photos at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 6, 2009 • 0:18

FrequencyCast UK Show 45

FrequencyCast UK Show 45

In FrequencyCast Show 45, Carl and Pete look at the various ways to find out what is on what channel when. We also look at a new energy meter from Current Cost, plus a handheld recording studio from Olympus. In the news, Sky coming to Freeview, Window 7 has launched, and ways to spy on your radio station.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 44

FrequencyCast UK Show 44

In FrequencyCast Show 44, Carl and Pete look at ways to save money by switching to subscription-free TV. We also look at ways to get TV in other rooms, a new portable wi-fi transmitter, plus changes to Freeview in September. We also answer your questions on the Home Hub and BT Vision.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 43

FrequencyCast UK Show 43

In FrequencyCast Show 43, Carl and Pete get hands on with some GPS toys, including a Garmin 405 watch, two sat nav apps for the iPhone and a geotagging receiver. In the news, 3D TV, new Freeview stuff and we mark the upcoming demise of Big Brother and a big spacestation<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Sep 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 42

FrequencyCast UK Show 42

In FrequencyCast Show 42, Carl and Pete look at the various catch-up TV options on offer. We also review the Equinux USB Freeview receiver and look at the Truecall home phone call screener and recorder as seen on Dragons Den. In the news, our ESPN update and news of more Virgin HD channels.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 31, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 41

FrequencyCast UK Show 41

FrequencyCast show 41 sees Carl and Pete look at ways to speed up your broadband. We also look at a replacement for the fridge door from o2, and a fitness tool for the Nintendo DSi. In the news, the end of Setanta, Digital Britain and a Freeview HD update.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 40

FrequencyCast UK Show 40

On FrequencyCast Podcast 40, Carl and Pete get up-to-date with wi-fi and find out why it can be so hard to get a decent connection. We also look at a high-tech pen, catch up on the latest with Freeview HD, and the upcoming death of GPS satellite navigation.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jun 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 39

FrequencyCast UK Show 39

In FrequencyCast Show 39, Carl and Pete look at the ways to get a little extra out of Freeview with services like BT Vision, Setanta and Top Up TV. The lads also review a home security system from myhome247, answer questions from listeners, look at the Nintendo DSi and get the latest on the BBC iPlayer.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

May 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Guide to the Nintendo DSi

FrequencyCast Guide to the Nintendo DSi

The DSi is the latest handheld games console from Nintendo. Released here in the UK in April 2009, we were quick to get our hands on the Nintendo DSi, exploring the new features. Pictures and screenshots at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 10, 2009 • 0:20

FrequencyCast UK Show 38

FrequencyCast UK Show 38

In FrequencyCast Show 38, Carl and Pete work out how best to get the Internet on the move, and get hands-on with the first Android phone, the T-Mobile G1. In the news, thousands lose Freeview in the south, digital switch news, and bad news for ITV and local radio.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 37

FrequencyCast UK Show 37

In FrequencyCast Show 37, Carl and Pete look at the latest sat nav developments. We look at the latest Digital TV news - Sky HD boxes are being recalled, more on Freeview HD, plus the football rights scores. Also, your questions on cricket, BT Vision, routers and MP2 recordings.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 36

FrequencyCast UK Show 36

In FrequencyCast Show 36, Pete and Carl look at media streaming - ways to get audio and video into your lounge. In the news, the latest on the US digital switch, plus an update on Freeview, Sky HD, Virgin and BT Vision. Also, feedback on 3D TV, Nebula cards and e-book readers.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 35

FrequencyCast UK Show 35

In FrequencyCast Show 35, the lads takes a look at wireless cameras for home security. Carl and Pete also take a look at a gadget for helping you keep your New Years resolution intact. In the news, HD TV, a Freeview update, a new testcard, plus the end of GMT.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jan 1, 2009 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 34

FrequencyCast UK Show 34

In FrequencyCast Show 34, Carl and Pete look at the latest with PVR hard-disk recorders, look at the top 2008 toy, and try out some top-end Denon noise-cancelling headphones. Plus we have news of ITV on demand, phones for a fiver, and the new Facebook phone.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 1, 2008 • 0:31

FrequencyCast UK Show 33

FrequencyCast UK Show 33

FrequencyCast Show 33 is a special edition. The team are let out-and-about to get chatting with manufacturers about new technology. We meet Olympus, TVonics, Pure and Dyal to talk TV, DAB, recorders and watches.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 6, 2008 • 0:29

FrequencyCast UK Show 32

FrequencyCast UK Show 32

In FrequencyCast Show 32, Carl and Pete talk about the future of Shortwave radio, review Tiscali TV, recharge with a PowerChimp and celebrate 50 years of Blue Peter. In the news, we look at Freeview HD, and a Freesat PVR, plus new HD channels and the demise of Channel 4 Radio.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 1, 2008 • 0:31

FrequencyCast UK Show 31

FrequencyCast UK Show 31

In FrequencyCast Show 31, Pete and Carl explore eBooks and eBook readers such as the new Sony Reader. We also look at new DAB radios from Pure, the Cowon iAudio D2, and we set a little quiz. The news section includes details of some channel re-brands and half-price HD. Plus, the team answer your TV and technology questions.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 1, 2008 • 0:30

FrequencyCast Guide to the Sony Reader

FrequencyCast Guide to the Sony Reader

The Sony Reader was released in the UK in September 2008, and allows you to read electronic books using the new e-ink technology. We get hands-on with this eBook reader. Pictures and screenshots at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Sep 17, 2008 • 0:19

FrequencyCast UK Show 30

FrequencyCast UK Show 30

In FrequencyCast Show 30, Carl and Pete look at Watts - how much power your appliances and gadgets eat up each year. We also look at smartphones. The guys answer your questions on Freesat, VoIP, Setanta Sports, Home Hub and Digital TV in the US. Got a TV or technology question? Get in touch via<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Sep 1, 2008 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 29

FrequencyCast UK Show 29

In FrequencyCast Show 29, Pete and Carl run through the various digital TV options, look at the iGotU GPS tracker, and try to get in shape with the groundbreaking Nintendo Wii Fit. The team also answers your questions on getting Freesat on a PC, BT Vision problems and AAAA batteries.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Aug 1, 2008 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 28

FrequencyCast UK Show 28

In FrequencyCast Show 28, Carl and Pete look at the BT ToGo, the free Windows Mobile device, as well as explore the BT wi-fi sharing service BT Fon. The team also answers loads of your questions on the Asus Eee PC, plus help with Broadband speed and satellite TV queries.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 1, 2008 • 0:29

FrequencyCast UK Show 27

FrequencyCast UK Show 27

On FrequencyCast Show 27, Carl and Pete look at the new Freesat service, and compare it to other free-to-view TV services in the UK. The guys also look at USB modems for your laptop, as well as the Xobni Outlook manager. We also answer your questions Freesat, games consoles, twin tuners and Internet radios

Jun 1, 2008 • 30:26

FrequencyCast UK Show 26

FrequencyCast UK Show 26

On FrequencyCast Show 26, Carl and Pete find out just what the BBC iPlayer is all about, and take a look at the Asus Eee PC. We also look at what Virgin Media has to offer customers. In the news, we look at HD for Freeview, Freesat, iPhone, Wii and the return of Blakes 7.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

May 1, 2008 • 0:31

FrequencyCast UK Show 25

FrequencyCast UK Show 25

On FrequencyCast Show 25, Carl and Pete offer some advice on choosing and buying a new TV. The guys also take a listen to what Audio Description has to offer, look at the Phorm latest, explore plans for local Freeview, plus answer questions on BT Vision, Virgin, DAB and wi-fi.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 1, 2008 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 24

FrequencyCast UK Show 24

On FrequencyCast Show 24, Carl and Pete give their thoughts on DAB Digital Radio and Internet Radio, after a turbulent couple of months on the radio scene. We also look at the Neuros OSD, DVD format wars, Knight Rider, and read out your text messages and digital TV questions.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 1, 2008 • 0:31

FrequencyCast UK Show 23

FrequencyCast UK Show 23

On FrequencyCast Show 23, the UK TV and Technology podcast, Carl and Pete go back in time to look at 1980s technology, as voted by our listeners. We also look at the HD options in the UK, the demise of two DAB stations, some BT Vision news, your Interactive questions, and squirrels.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 1, 2008 • 0:31

FrequencyCast UK Show 22

FrequencyCast UK Show 22

On FrequencyCast Show 22, the UK TV and Tech podcast, Carl and Pete look at TV accessories such as AV senders, Apple TV, TV-B-Gone, boosters and remote controls. As well as a news roundup, we look at the latest SatNav from TomTom and answer questions on iPods, Freeview Playback, Freesat and Ex-pats.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jan 1, 2008 • 0:32

FrequencyCast UK Show 21

FrequencyCast UK Show 21

On FrequencyCast Show 21, the UK TV and Tech radio show, Carl and Pete look at ways to archive your video, audio and photo collection. In this show, we also look at exciting Freeview developments, the new iPhone from Apple, the Skypephone and a very odd wireless gadget. The lads also look at your calls and emails, and remember the Knight Industries 2000.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 1, 2007 • 0:28

FrequencyCast Guide to the Apple iPhone

FrequencyCast Guide to the Apple iPhone

The FrequencyCast Tech Podcast team takes a look at the Apple iPhone, walks though all of the applications, explains how to activate the phone in the UK, and compares it against rival phones.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 14, 2007 • 0:33

FrequencyCast UK Show 20

FrequencyCast UK Show 20

On FrequencyCast Show 20, the UK TV and Tech podcast, presenters Carl and Pete look at DVD recorders - how to choose a machine and what formats to choose. We also look at the updated version of the BT Home Hub, a new Skypephone, some Slingbox news, and news on the UK digital Switchover.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 1, 2007 • 0:31

FrequencyCast Guide to the BT Home Hub

FrequencyCast Guide to the BT Home Hub

The FrequencyCast UK team takes a look at the BT Home Hub and provide a walkthrough on the Hub Manager, setting up wi-fi, setting the clock, improving reception and forwarding ports. More at<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 5, 2007 • 0:23

FrequencyCast UK Show 19

FrequencyCast UK Show 19

Show 19 of FrequencyCast, the British TV and Tech podcast, offers a round-up of the various on-demand TV services such as Virgin Cable, Tiscali, BT Vision and Top Up TV. Presenters Carl and Pete also look at energy-saving meters, and a new MP3 player, the iAudio D2.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 1, 2007 • 0:29

FrequencyCast UK Show 18

FrequencyCast UK Show 18

Show 18 of the FrequencyCast podcast, the British TV and Tech show, takes a look at how to watch and record TV on your PC. Presenters Carl and Pete also take a look at a crazy little remote-controlled helicopter, answer questions on broadband and the Plusdeck cassette drive.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Sep 1, 2007 • 0:26

FrequencyCast UK Show 17

FrequencyCast UK Show 17

In Show 17 of FrequencyCast, the UK TV and Tech podcast, Carl and Pete explore all things Broadband. The team also look at a podcast kit, rapping ringtones, 10 new national DAB channels, and they check out the summer sporting details from BT Vision, Virgin Media and Sky. The team also mourn the death of the Lobster 700 DAB phone.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Aug 1, 2007 • 0:31

FrequencyCast UK Show 16

FrequencyCast UK Show 16

In Show 16 of FrequencyCast, the UKs TV and Tech podcast, Carl and Pete turn their eyes towards Sky. As well as looking at satellite telly, the lads investigate a pocket-sized radio station, discover a Virgin plans for Freeview and tackle some tough questions on wi-fi, BT Vision and the Home Hub.

Jul 1, 2007 • 25:17

FrequencyCast UK Show 15

FrequencyCast UK Show 15

Show 15 of the FrequencyCast UK podcast takes a listen to Internet Radio and how to expand your listening choice. Carl and Pete also take a look at some VoD news, an odd USB speaker, major discounts on a DAB radio phone, and look back at some pioneering mobile hardware.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jun 1, 2007 • 0:31

FrequencyCast UK Show 14

FrequencyCast UK Show 14

Show 14 of the FrequencyCast podcast takes a look at how to improve your Freeview reception. Carl and Pete also take a look at the new Nokia N95 GPS handset, and looks at news items such as free TV from Virgin Media, and a novel mobile phone survey that allow you to make cash from using your smartphone.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

May 1, 2007 • 0:32

FrequencyCast UK Show 13

FrequencyCast UK Show 13

FrequencyCast Show 13 covers a busy month of news including more on Sky vs. Virgin, the removal of ITV Play, two changes to Sky+ and the launch of Tiscali TV. In the focus section, Pete and Carl explore Web 2.0 and services such as Orb, Wikipedia,, Digiguide, LinkedIn, web radio and RSS feeds.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 1, 2007 • 0:26

FrequencyCast UK Show 12

FrequencyCast UK Show 12

In FrequencyCast show 12, Carl and Pete take a close look at BT Vision, the new home TV and On Demand service from BT, explore the Motorola Homesight home monitoring solution, and follow the latest in the Sky Digital versus Virgin Media digital TV war. Plus news on Setanta, Slingcatcher and Joost.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Mar 1, 2007 • 0:25

FrequencyCast UK Show 11

FrequencyCast UK Show 11

In FrequencyCast show 11, Carl and Pete take a close look at MP3s, top MP3 Players and some ways of converting our old recordings. We have more on Top Up TV, a Skype lie detector, a Second Life and ways to recycle your mobile.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Feb 7, 2007 • 0:31

FrequencyCast UK Show 10

FrequencyCast UK Show 10

In FrequencyCast show ten, the team reviews two new bits of kit, the Top Up TV Anytime box and the Nintendo Wii games system. Carl and Pete explore changes in the law on FM MP3 player transmitters, catch up with Slingbox news, take a look at the o2 XDA Orbit, and answer your Freeview and DAB questions.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jan 7, 2007 • 0:28

FrequencyCast UK Show 09

FrequencyCast UK Show 09

In FrequencyCast show nine, Carl and Pete look at the launch details of the BT Vision home TV service and some DAB radio changes. The team takes a close look at the BT Home Hub broadband router, and investigate the 21st century solution to lost keys. Finally, the team answers listeners questions on Sky, Nabaztag and Top Up TV. Oh, and Tea Dunking.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Dec 10, 2006 • 0:24

FrequencyCast UK Show 08

FrequencyCast UK Show 08

FrequencyCast Show 08 takes a look at the ongoing Top Up TV Anytime delays, the latest news on digital TV in the UK from Sky and Freeview, and then focusses in on Voice Over Internet and cheap calls over the Internet with MSN, Skype, BT Broadband Talk and Vonage. Carl and Pete are also impressed by a Verball.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Nov 11, 2006 • 0:30

FrequencyCast UK Show 07

FrequencyCast UK Show 07

In FrequencyCast Show 07, Carl and Pete look at what will happen when UK analogue TV gets turned off in 2012. In the news, more on Top Up TV changes, news on launch plans for BT Vision and the Wii in Britain, and the team takes a look at the new Lobster 700TV digital TV and radio mobile phone.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Oct 11, 2006 • 0:24

FrequencyCast UK Show 06

FrequencyCast UK Show 06

In show 06 of the UK TV and technology podcast, FrequencyCast, presenters Carl and Pete investigate the controversy behind the new Top Up TV Anytime service, learn about free digital TV from ntl:Telewest, and explore digital video recorders in depth.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Sep 13, 2006 • 0:22

FrequencyCast UK Show 05

FrequencyCast UK Show 05

FrequencyCast Show 05 takes a look at new TV remote viewing solution Orb, Tiscali broadband plans and details of a free iPod Shuffle UK offer. Pete and Carl also take a look at what wi-fi offers, the Nabaztag and the Gupi, plus a new USB turntable.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Aug 23, 2006 • 0:21

FrequencyCast UK Show 04

FrequencyCast UK Show 04

In FrequencyCast Show 04, Carl and Pete take a look at quad-play offerings from Telewest/NTL, Sky TV and BT Vision, review the relaunch of Film4, try Sky+ remote control, cover some Freeview news, and take an in-depth look at SatNav and the TomTom One.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jul 31, 2006 • 0:23

FrequencyCast UK Show 03

FrequencyCast UK Show 03

In FrequencyCast Show 03, Carl and Pete look at what DAB Digital Radio has to offer, and reveal how to use a Slingbox to watch your digital TV and DVDs over the Internet. News of the BT Total Broadband offering, the latest Freeview news, and in our postbag, we look at Primetime, Sky Multiroom, and ways to improve your Freeview reception.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Jun 27, 2006 • 0:21

FrequencyCast UK Show 02

FrequencyCast UK Show 02

FrequencyCast Show 02 looks at the launch of the Sky High Definition TV service, news of the Nokia 3250 and N91 handsets and getting more from Broadband. We also talk about voice over the Internet, PC remote control plus free Broadband from TalkTalk. Our postbag includes your comments on the demise of Men and Motors on Freeview.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

May 10, 2006 • 0:16

FrequencyCast UK Show 01

FrequencyCast UK Show 01

The first FrequencyCast features the following: News on the BBC plans for HiDef TV, Carl and Pete take the first look at the Nabaztag Wifi Bunny, IPTV (TV over broadband) comes into focus, and we have details on the Sky half-price subscription deal.<img src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>

Apr 7, 2006 • 0:10

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