Kebrasca King
Owning a business is hard. That's why there's #creativetalk
Each week Amber & Kebrasca give real marketing answers from a couple that started their business during a global financial crisis with no money and a decade later, continue to thrive working with Fortune 500 companies like JBL, Lenovo and Tiktok.
Each week Amber and Kebrasca, co-founders of King Creative Media, authors of the book Five Steps to Creative Marketing and the hosts of #creativetalk podcast give you 30mins of solid knowledge on how you do more to market your business.
Interview with Founder of Glow by Amber
This week we interview Glow by Amber founder - Amber King - who will share with us all the insights, knowledge and learnings around starting your own ecomm business from scratch.
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AI - Is it the end of us all?
This week in #creativetalk we discuss AI, but this time with a dark twist. We review a recent interview with Elon Musk and discuss our views on what you should look out for with AI.
Epic Technology Fails In 2022
This week we are discussing some of the biggest Technology platform fails of 2022, Meta, FTX, Twitter and more. Tune in
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When to use gratitude.
This week we discuss the ritual of gratitude, how it's helped us and why we continue to practise it everyday. Listen in.
Gen Z will they be the future of failure?
Everyone wants to be an influencer, esp GEN Z. Let's see if they should be shall we? tune in.
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Top Five Reasons Businesses Fail
This week we discuss the top reasons as to why businesses fail. Pre and Post COVID. Tune In to learn more.
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Live shopping via social platforms. The new way to promote and sell - globally.
Do you have an ecomm business? looking for a new way to sell or promote your products? Have you heard of live shopping? Tune into #creativetalk where we share our insights into all things tech.
Do you need a digital sales funnel in 2022?
Times are changing, and so are digital sales funnels. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to selling stuff online - we may have just the thing.
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Forbes - Top 15 Marketing Trends in 2022.
We looked into the latest trends from Forbes and weigh in on whether these top tips are relevant today.
Would you work with your partner?
Watch this You Tube Short and answer the question below.
3 Ways To Market On Tiktok
This week on #creativetalk we discuss the fastest growing platform on the planet and how can market your business on it. Tune in.
Is your face worth it?
This week we discuss the topic of whether you should use your own face in your marketing. Tune in to find out the answers.
How not to work with influencers in 2022.
This week Amber and I discuss a recent story in the media involving a local influencer duo who asked for free food. Tune in.
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Live Tarot Reading For March 2022
Today we use our tarot cards to discuss what's coming up for the month of March 2022. Tune in if you want to know what's about to happen.
Top 10 Superbowl Adverts 2022
This week Amber and I review the latest SUPERBOWL adverts of 2022.
NFTs what are they? why should you care?
HNY - today on #creativetalk we discuss the crypto world of NFT's - the hype train that is taking the world by storm. What are NFT's and why should you care? well, we cover that and more in this week's episode. Tune in.
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How to survive the social media crash.
Today social went down, namely Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp - all gone. How? why? Who? all spring to mind, as does, what do we do to survive in a crisis like this?
Listen in on our latest episode to learn more about what to do if social disappears completely.
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What's the difference between marketing & advertising?
This week we answer the hot topic that seems to be asked often. We clear the air on the mystery between marketing and advertising and share our insights into which one is better. Tune in to #creativetalk
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How To Deal With Lockdown #5
It's time to address the elephant in the room and bring to light, our top tips on how to deal with it. Tune in to learn how we deal with COVID 5.0
Business Tarot Reading For July
This week on #creativetalk, we pull some cards to see what the month of July has in store for business. Tune in and listen to your favourite podcast.
TikTok Tips For Your Business
This week on #creativetalk we discuss TikTok and how to get the best value for your budget. Tune in to hear more about the platform and what's on offer.
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How to deal with lockdown in 2021
LOCKDOWN SUCKS! So this week we share our top 3 tips on how to stay positive inside your four walls.
Tune in and listen to #creativetalk
Do Influencers Help Grow Your Business?
This week, it's influencers, the trend that is now a multi-billion dollar business globally. We share with you why they work, how to work, and what things to avoid when working with influencers. Tune in to #creativetalk
Real Questions with Real Answers.
Whenever we are out and about, doing events, running campaigns, in boardrooms, whatever, we always get asked these questions. So today, we answer to top three questions that come up and share those responses with you via #creativetalk
Tune in to learn more.
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Does a degree matter in 2021?
This week, we discuss education and whether its still relevant today? Why was it so important? what's changed and what are our thoughts on this topic. Tune in for find out.
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Top 10 Super Bowl LV Adverts of 2021
This week we review the top 10 Super Bowl LV adverts of 2021 and give our thoughts and which ones are hot and which are not. Tune in.
How to manifest the clients you want in 2021.
We are back, are ready for action!
This week we share our tips on how we manifest clients that we want to work with. Tune in or watch us on You Tube to learn more.
How to zoom from your room!
This week we talk about ZOOM. The platform that now dominates most meetings, conferences and webinars. We share our tips, tricks and hacks on how to get the most out of this platform. Tune in.
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Couples In Business: How to avoid the social media trap.
Have you watched the latest episode on Netflix? Social Dilemma, if you have, then you may be worried about what is being collected or used against you. Listen in to learn more about how you can avoid the social media trap.
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Couples In Business: How to take time out with one another!
Working 24/7 with your significant other can be really draining, this week, we share our tips on how you can keep the love alive while working in the business. Tune in.
Couples In Business: Can you handle working with one another?
This week, we talk about the simple steps you should take if you are thinking of going into business with your partner. Tune in to learn more.
Couples in business: What are your strengths and how can you manage them?
Not many people who go into business with one another, understand the value of skills and strengths. For us it is fundamental and this week we share how you can decide who should do what, how to decide and what to do if you can't take care of something between you. Tune in.
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Couples In Business: 3 things you need to know!
This series of content is for all you couples out there, who are thinking of starting your own business. Tune in each week to learn more only on #creativetalk
How to pivot your business during lockdown?
We share our insights into what we've done during lockdown to keep our business thriving and growing. Tune in .
Is it time to ditch the office?
During these times its hard to know what to change or keep while in business, this episode we talk about offices and whether they still hold value in these trying times, listen in.
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How to operate your business in a post COVID-19 world?
We've been through some challenging times over the past couple of months and we truly have more to come, this week its all about this topic and ensuring you can do business not just now but well into the future. Tune in.
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What are CGI Influencers?
Influencer marketing is a billion dollar per year business, and it hasn't evolved since it began. So is it time to change? Tune into this weeks episode.
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How do you keep your mind active while staying at home?
Sick of watching Tiger King on Netflix? this week we share our insights into learning new ways of keeping active in learning. Tune in.
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How to support local business in 2020?
It's time to go out and support local business owners, who are literally trying to keep their doors open. This week, its about doing your part and helping those who need it most. Tune in to learn more.
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How to keep calm and carry on in 2020?
Yes, it's crazy out there, but, it doesn't mean we have to lose our minds. This week, we share our top 3 tips on what you can do to stay away from the madness. Tune in.
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How to use online solutions to replace cancelled events in 2020?
Has your event been canceled? has your promotion been postponed? What do you do to replace that event activity once it's been taken away?
This week, we share the top three platforms that you can use to replace your event and take it digital.
Tune in to learn more about our suggestions.
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How to survive a global virus in 2020?
We delve deeper into the Coronavirus and how its impacted global businesses around the world. Listen in to learn more about how to protect yourself.
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How to be your own boss in 2020?
Do you have a great business idea? Are you looking to start your own business? Do you hate the job that you're in right now? This week, we cover 3 topics that will help those looking to make the move into working for themselves. Tune in to hear our thoughts on what you should do before you start your new business.
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How to biohack your body in 2020?
Have you heard of BIO HACKING? Nootropics or BIO STACKING? No? Well listen in, today I share my tips on how Bio Hacking can be beneficial to you. Listen in to learn more.
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How to use LinkedIn sales navigator and why it matters in 2020?
Today I share insights on LinkedIn and one of their best keep secrets, a tool that has helped our teams and clients get the most out of the platform. Listen in to #creativetalk
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Are influencers still valuable in 2020?
Alot has changed in the influencer space and in 2020 a hard question has to be asked and that is "Are influencers still influential?" Listen in to learn more.
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Are SEO and Adwords worth it in 2020?
In this episode we talk about SEO and ADWORDS and my personal take on whether you should invest into these mediums, tune in to find out if its worth your hard earned cash.
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How to set intentions for 2020?
This week I'm joined by Amber King, co-founder of King Creative and we talk about three ways on how you can set your intentions in 2020. Tune in to #creativetalk.
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Welcome to a new decade. 2020!
We are back and ready to go with another year of #creativetalk. Tune in to hear all about our plans for the podcast in 2020.
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Thank you #creativetalk listeners.
I can't tell you how grateful I am to have over 400 different places in the world, tuning into #creativetalk each and every month in 2019. Thank you all, I'm grateful for your support and for your time. We wouldn't be doing this without you all so thank you very much. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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What 3 trends should you prepare for in 2020?
I give my top three insights that you should prepare for in 2020 and beyond. Is it Social? Events? Sales or Marketing? Listen in to find out more.
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How do you lead a team in multiple countries?
I give one of the fundamental tips on leadership. How you can look to manage people in multiple regions while staying on top of your game.
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What's the highlights of 2019?
It's the end of the year, so I take a quick look back on what I learnt in 2019. Also thank you to all the 650 listeners of #creativetalk globally.
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#creativetalk (Trailer)
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Have you heard of gaming?
I give insights into a world of gaming and tech. Talking about the new genre that a lot of brands don't seem to understand. Gaming is here to stay and I'll tell you why in this episode.
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How to get a good deal in Hong Kong?
While in Hong Kong I visited a tech store to get my mobile screen replaced . Listen to hear how I negotiated from $450 down to $130 to get the job done.
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How to do business in ASIA?
Today I share my one big learning from spending time in Hong Kong and Singapore.
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How to lose sales in business?
I share a recent experience of how a sales team failed to win my business. It's a true story and one I see all the time. Make sure you listen so that you don't make the same mistakes.
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Stop relying on email to grow your business
Everyone uses email, but when it comes to building relationships, Email isn't the best way to do this. Today I share with you my top tip on why you should stop using email to grow your business.
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Growing into new markets!
This episode is about success, not mine but my teams and what we've decided to do to keep ourselves growing.
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Have you heard of TikTok?
Today I share an exciting new social platform that is taking over the world. One that you should get to know and start using. Its called TikTok and ita about to change social forever. Listen now to learn more.
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What content do you need on social now that "likes" are gone?
Instagram has banned the "like" and now you need to create more valuable content. Today I share exactly what type of content you need to stand out. Listen in. #creativetalk
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How to work with your wife or partner in business?
I share our number one rule on working with your significant other in business. My wife and I have built a business together, we work 9 to 10hour days together, we manage staff together, we manage clients together, we travel the world together and we do this by working as one unit. Learn what that secret is.
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Is social media worth the effort?
Everyday I get asked the question of whether social media is worth it. So today I share my thoughts around what I truly think and its not all good. Listen in to learn more.
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How to achieve the things you want in your life?
I share my personal insights into what has made me push past those tough times in life and still keep on track to what matters most.
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How to use meditation daily?
Let's discuss meditation, and the benefits that it can do for you. I started using meditation over 4 years ago and even though I'm not a guru, I've had tremendous benefits from using it.
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3 ways to make your LinkedIn presence truly stand out.
A deep dive into LinkedIn and all the amazing features it has.
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Learn effective tips for using Instagram stories.
I share 5 power tips on driving Instagram story content. Learn what works so you don't make mistakes.
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How to maximize PR in a digital age?
Trust is a major issue when it comes to PR and its important that you understand the best approach to getting real value from your PR strategy. Ill share my top tip to help you achieve the best results #creativetalk
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Why are instagram influencers promoting fake content?
This topic is all about fake news. A global trend happening right now - Instagram influencers promoting branded content that isn't real. Why are they doing this? Find out more on this weeks #creativetalk episode with KB.
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What's the latest influencer trends?
One massive insight that tells of the shift thats happening in influencer marketinf right now.
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Mindfulness? Does it work in business?
Join me in a journey of self discovery. One where I share my thoughts, chakras and feelings.
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How to create partnerships that work?
I share how we brought two brands together Aston Martin and Lenovo in a single content experience that changed hearts and minds.
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How to get the most out of events and activations?
Learn the #1 Rule to follow when driving value at events.
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Do you set quarterly strategies?
Insights into why quarterly strategies work.
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It's a new year, 2019 is upon us and there is so much to share with you all.
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Want to learn how to create viral, engaging content?
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Learn the latest hacks to the biggest social platforms in the world.
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Learn the latest tactics that will help you get more engagement and sales with your next promotion.
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Learn how to use Inbound Sales marketing to increase revenue in your business.
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Influencers have become a stable approach in marketing businesses both large and small. Learn how to work with them to create great results.
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With so much technology available today it's hard to know what's good and what's bad for business. Learn the platforms and tips to keep you heading in the right direction.
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