Girls w/ Anxiety

Girls w/ Anxiety

Heike & Tessa

You know those types of friends that you can call and drop your deepest secrets on or your weirdest anxiety-ridden thoughts? We’re those types of friends. Hi, we’re Heike and Tessa aka Girls w/ Anxiety aka GWA. We aren’t doctors, medical professionals, or any of that jazz (therapy is amazing btw, you should go). We’re just two girls who don’t want other girls (or guys) to feel alone. We are here to be your friend. To let you know you’re not alone when you feel anxiety pulling at your heartstrings (and to talk about every other...

Comparing Ourselves to Our Old Selves

Comparing Ourselves to Our Old Selves

In this week's episode, we chat about how we compare ourselves to our old selves. How easy it is to fall back into those habits that we think feel safe, comfortable, and familiar, when really A. there not invited anymore, and B. it can hold us back in so many ways.  We also chat about navigating through comparing ourselves to others, and if we focus on ourselves (easier said than done, we know) it's great to do your own thing and do you. Appreciate others’ work but love yourself for your ideas a

Jun 21, 2022 • 42:49

OTG — Leaning Into Words and Taking Up Space

OTG — Leaning Into Words and Taking Up Space

In this episode, we’re on the go. Literally - OTG! This week, we invite you to experience a typical phone call or text conversation between your favorite GWA gals. Tessa with words and Heike with space. ***Side-note - Regretting You by Colleen Hoover is the book Tessa shared. But of course, in the truest OTG form,  she was cut off while driving those gorgeous Hawaiian roads. ***GWA on the fly ✨ PlaylistPiecework Puzzle PlaylistPlease subscribe, rate, and review!Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxiety

Jun 1, 2022 • 25:57



We are back, we are back, WE ARE BACK! After a much-needed (longer than we anticipated) step away from the pod, we are back baby, and feelin' refreshed and ready to chat with you all! There is a ton to fill you in and this episode is just the tip of the iceberg, so listen along while we dust off our mics and get back into the groove. Welcome to Season Two, Episode One, OMFG, WE'RE BACK!Please subscribe, rate, and review!Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming, and Tessa @te

May 24, 2022 • 40:56

Resting & Celebrating

Resting & Celebrating

In this episode of GWA, we discuss how important it is to take time for yourself during the holiday season and as the year comes to an end. To find ease, grace, and kindness for yourself and others during this time. To keep those boundaries strong when we feel obligated to attend all the holiday's a little secret, you don't have to go if you're not feeling up to it. Cheers to all for surviving another year we all deserve a round of applause! Remember to rest when you need it and

Dec 21, 2021 • 37:44

Quigley Explains it All

Quigley Explains it All

In this episode of GWA, we had the lovely Quigley Goode on! She is a content creator, visual storyteller, educator, and founder of Soulcial Media, a wife, a mother,  a wearer of all hats. We covered all topics, you name it we talked about it. From anxiety and mental health to receiving positive and negative DM's on Instagram to being pregnant, giving birth, and finding your sex drive again. She might have even sung a little tune for us, you will just have to listen to find out. Quigley shared it

Dec 7, 2021 • 1:04:55

Everything Will Work Out—Take a Step Back and Slowdown

Everything Will Work Out—Take a Step Back and Slowdown

In this episode of GWA,  Heike and Tessa talk about how easy it is to feel flustered when your plate is overflowing with to-dos.  When we put unwanted pressure on ourselves to get everything done all at once, but maybe just maybe if we step back and chill we can see that it's not the end of the world. Also, there is a discussion about how society and other people's opinions can start to trickle into our mindset and question our timeline. And you know what we say to that?! None of you're bleepin'

Nov 30, 2021 • 55:46

What GWA is Grateful for!

What GWA is Grateful for!

In this episode of GWA, we are getting sentimental y'all. We discuss how grateful we are for this community and how much you all mean to us. If it weren’t for you we would just be two anxious girls with mics talking to each other, and that’s okay too. Also, we share how we are grateful for ourselves and all the hard work we’ve put in to be our best selves! Remember, it’s okay to give yourself a little praise, you deserve it!  Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!Please subscribe, rate, re

Nov 23, 2021 • 49:27

Blame it on the Full Moon

Blame it on the Full Moon

In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa are chatting about how the full moon can affect them. Do you feel uneasy, not grounded, and anxious during the full moon? If you said yes to one or all of the above, you're not alone, us too! We share how sometimes we feel a little on edge when that big ol white rock is shining in all its glory in the sky. And we may not be full moon experts, but we have been around enough full moons in our day to share some tips to feel more grounded and like yourself and

Nov 16, 2021 • 46:01

Therapy Sesh—Why Therapy is the New Normal

Therapy Sesh—Why Therapy is the New Normal

In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa share their personal journeys with therapy. We discuss our paths into therapy, a side note there is no right or wrong way. Why therapy is SO amazing and how going and speaking about it is totally normal! We get real about how therapy has helped us in so many ways, like healing and putting ourselves first. A huge shout out to our therapist and all the therapists out there! And remember, it's always always always okay too as for help! #therapyistheshitSign u

Nov 9, 2021 • 47:12

Saying Yes to You & Self-Care—with Laura Abate

Saying Yes to You & Self-Care—with Laura Abate

In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa had the "Self-Care Queen" herself on, Laura Abate. She is passionate about reminding women to feel their best selves by slowing down and finding what truly lights them up. Laura shares that by reconnecting with your authentic self, saying yes to you, and taking time for self-care you can grow into your highest potential. Together we list all the reasons why we need to start putting our needs first and share some of the ways we like to take care of ourselve

Nov 2, 2021 • 52:03

Time Management and Schedule Anxiety

Time Management and Schedule Anxiety

In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are discussing time management and schedule anxiety. Who doesn’t get a little anxiety when it seems like there’s never enough hours in the day to get everything done!? Listen along as we talk about our love of lists, lists, and more lists. What keeps us on track with our time management and scheduling so we don't feel off-balanced. We even might share a pet peeve or two when it comes to time management. Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!Please s

Oct 26, 2021 • 49:50

Travel Anxiety—The Baggage We Don't Mind Losing

Travel Anxiety—The Baggage We Don't Mind Losing

In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are discussing travel anxiety. Let's face it, as much as we love to travel and explore, that damn anxiety baggage likes to linger around. We discuss what makes us anxious before traveling, how we relax our nerves, and how we ground ourselves before, during, and after. We hope you enjoy!  Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!Please subscribe, rate, review!Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarookeFacebookOur

Oct 19, 2021 • 50:06

Period Party—Menstrual Cycle Coaching with Brittney Ellers

Period Party—Menstrual Cycle Coaching with Brittney Ellers

In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Brittney Ellers. She is a pelvic physical therapist, yoga instructor, mentor, and guide who has been through her own pelvic floor issues and continues to embody what it means to self-discover, sustain, find comfort and confidence in her pelvic space. Join us on an incredible journey with Brittney as she shares her wisdom on pelvic healthcare education and how important it is to celebrate being a woman through all

Oct 5, 2021 • 1:04:31

Hangxiety—When You're Hungover but, Also Have Anxiety

Hangxiety—When You're Hungover but, Also Have Anxiety

In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are discussing when you have a little too much fun the night before, or in our case, a sip of alcohol, and your hangover is accompanied by anxiety. We are talking about Hangxiety, and yes it's a real word and, an oh-so-real feeling. We wish that we had some magic potion to share with you to keep the scary hangxiety away, but we are just here to share with you our very real hangxieties. Listen along and remember the next time you're faced with some hangxie

Sep 28, 2021 • 53:31

Toxic Friendships— Breaking Up isn't Always Easy

Toxic Friendships— Breaking Up isn't Always Easy

In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are sharing their past experiences with friendships that ended up being toxic. It's not always easy to see those red flags while navigating your own voice, boundaries, and self-love. Listen along as we share what we have learned along the way, maybe you can gain some tools to help you navigate those toxic friendships, and to always remember, it's okay to put yourself first, because who else will!  Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!Please subscri

Sep 21, 2021 • 53:53

Brain Dumping

Brain Dumping

In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are experiencing a major downpour of brain dump. We return after a week off, sad face. Did you miss us? Because we missed you! Also, one of us, unfortunately,  got covid...any guesses? Her name starts with a T and ends in an A. Thank goodness we’re back to our regular schedule, healthy, happy, and brain dump mode, enjoy!Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!Please subscribe, rate, review!  Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikelemin

Sep 14, 2021 • 47:09

Self-Discovery—with Itzy Canales

Self-Discovery—with Itzy Canales

In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa had the lovely Itzy Canales on! She is an Influencer, Digital Creator, Host of Grow with the Flow Podcast, and a Confidence Coach. We chat about her self-discovery journey that has led her to incredible opportunities with brands she has dreamt of working with, as well as being inspired to coach and empower WOC to reclaim their power and confidence. Itzy also shares that you must always keep pushing forward and that if you don't ask, the answer will always

Aug 31, 2021 • 1:00:48

The Pressure We Put on Ourselves and How to Hold Ourselves Accountable

The Pressure We Put on Ourselves and How to Hold Ourselves Accountable

In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa discuss the pressures they put on themselves. How overwhelming it feels when these self-induced pressures hit them like a tidal wave, and how they wish to commit to holding themselves accountable. Listen along the way to learn some ideas, tools, and to A. Know you’re not alone if you put pressure on yourself too, and B. For some inspiring ways to overcome these ludicrous pressure waves. Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!Please subscribe, rate, re

Aug 24, 2021 • 55:43

The Emotional Entrepreneur—with Scout Sobel

The Emotional Entrepreneur—with Scout Sobel

In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa had the ABSOLUTE pleasure of speaking with The Emotional Entrepreneur herself, Scout Sobel! She is the founder of Scout's Agency, co-host of the popular Okay Sis Podcast, the host of SCOUT Podcast, and now she can add author to her extensive list of accomplishments. We discussed her process of writing her debut book, The Emotional Entrepreneur, and the lessons she has learned along the way that fill the pages of her book. Also, that living with Bipolar Dis

Aug 17, 2021 • 59:35

It's Officially Official—Tessa Rooke joins the GWA Family

It's Officially Official—Tessa Rooke joins the GWA Family

In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa make their cohosting relationship officially official! Listen along as we share a little back story on how Tessa joined the GWA family. Our first memories of us becoming fast friends and always being able to rely on one another during difficult times. We hope you are as excited as we are for this new chapter of GWA! Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!Please subscribe, rate, review!  Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and

Aug 10, 2021 • 31:05

Welcome to Girls w/ Anxiety

Welcome to Girls w/ Anxiety

You know those types of friends that you can call and drop your deepest secrets on or your weirdest anxiety-ridden thoughts? We’re those types of friends. Hi, we’re Heike and Tessa aka Girls w/ Anxiety aka GWA. We aren’t doctors, medical professionals, or any of that jazz (therapy is amazing btw, you should go). We’re just two girls who don’t want other girls (or guys) to feel alone.  We are here to be your friend. To let you know you’re not alone when you feel anxiety pulling at your heartstrin

Aug 6, 2021 • 1:11

Rerelease Episode—Feeling your Feelings with Megan Stewart

Rerelease Episode—Feeling your Feelings with Megan Stewart

This week on GWA we are rereleasing episode 34, Feeling your Feelings with Megan Stewart. We talk about feeling our feelings, only if was that easy…right? But when we actually learn to sit with our feelings the result can be such a beautiful release of emotions. We also discuss her diagnoses of depression and anxiety from adolescence to adulthood and into pregnancy and motherhood. Megan was an open book and really was able to be vulnerable with us, which in the end made us feel all the feelings.

Jul 20, 2021 • 51:26

Rerelease Episode—Knowing Your Boundaries

Rerelease Episode—Knowing Your Boundaries

This week on GWA we are rereleasing episode five, Knowing Your Boundaries.  We are talking about how it's okay to not do it all, our boundaries, and how asking for help is not a bad thing. It is such a great episode to see how far we have come with building our boundaries and the work we have put in to keep them. This topic is a common thread you will hear on GWA as we are always building and navigating new boundaries. We hope you enjoy listening to this episode again and if you haven't already

Jul 6, 2021 • 35:04

Summer Goals—Mind, Body, and Soul—with Tessa and Heike

Summer Goals—Mind, Body, and Soul—with Tessa and Heike

In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa share their Summer Goals— and we aren't talking about the summer body type of summer goals. We chat about setting practical and realistic goals that are tailored to us. Whether that is reading a chapter a day, taking ourselves on solo dates, or staying firm on our boundaries. Listen along while we share our goals with each other, and maybe along you will feel inspired to make some goals for yourself this summer! xx GWASign up for our GWA monthly newsletter

Jun 22, 2021 • 1:00:39

Talking Ourselves Through Our Fears with Tessa and Heike

Talking Ourselves Through Our Fears with Tessa and Heike

On this episode of GWA, Heike brought back Tessa Rooke...again and we talked about facing our fears. Whether they are daily fears, major fears, or silly fears...they are still fears we face, no matter the magnitude. We also discuss our coping mechanism *towards* those fears and how being vulnerable might be one of the scariest feelings to face when looking at fear. Hope you enjoy listening to us chat about our fears... and don't worry it's not scary, we promise. Sign up for our GWA monthly newsl

Jun 1, 2021 • 59:56

Worry Warrior—Mental Health Check In with Tessa and Heike

Worry Warrior—Mental Health Check In with Tessa and Heike

On this episode of GWA, Heike brought back Tessa Rooke to chat about all things mental health. We discuss what is on our mental health plate, changing our narrative, and how we are going to drop the worry from the warrior. Listen along as we try to figure out the correct terminology for flight-or-fight, how we shouldn't feel bad saying no, and still building those boundaries. Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!Please subscribe, rate, review!  Follow Tessa Rooke:Instagram: tessarookePrem

May 18, 2021 • 1:01:59

It’s Okay to Say No - Solo episode with Heike

It’s Okay to Say No - Solo episode with Heike

On this episode of GWA, Heike chats with.....drumroll please, herself! That's right another solo episode comin' at ya. Heike is sharing the butterflies that she has been feeling the last month and how she’s working to process those feelings with a new sense of awareness and new boundaries. This episode is short & sweet but has some important lessons that we can all take away and implement into our lives. Hope you enjoy it and let us know if you like the shorter solo episodes and we can start to

May 4, 2021 • 25:09

Hormones, Anxiety, and a Graves' Disease Diagnosis with Lauren Taylor-Sharaf

Hormones, Anxiety, and a Graves' Disease Diagnosis with Lauren Taylor-Sharaf

On this episode of GWA, Heike chats with her BFFL, Lauren Taylor-Sharaf. Lauren walks us through how moving across the country kicked her anxiety into high gear. She explains newly added elements such as depression, weight loss, and heart palpitations, just to name a few. When all of these changes seemed to be turning into her new normal, Lauren was able to find a doctor with answers. Her doctor described all her symptoms as a “hormone storm” and she was later diagnosed with Graves’ disease. Sin

Apr 20, 2021 • 1:14:00

Life Transitions with Dr. Lauren Cook

Life Transitions with Dr. Lauren Cook

This week Heike chats with, Dr. Lauren Cook. She is a therapist, keynote speaker, career coach, and author. Dr. Cook primarily specializes in supporting those in their 20’s and 30’s with all the life transitions that can be so overwhelming. We discussed all the anxieties and fears that accompany major life changes; from starting a job, to career change, and relationships. She also shares some helpful tips to help with burnout that I know we can all apply to our everyday life. Dr. Cook emphasizes

Apr 6, 2021 • 56:32

Baby Momma with Neggy

Baby Momma with Neggy

Looks who back, back again, Neggy's back, tell a friend! She's back and talkin' all things motherhood! We discuss some new added anxieties and worries, some being ones she didn't even know could exist. We also discuss, being pregnant, giving birth, and becoming a new mom all during a global pandemic. But most importantly, how she feels a love so deep that she was not capable of knowing until meeting her greatest gift, Ever. Please subscribe, rate, review!  A Few Donation Links Below:Asian Mental

Mar 23, 2021 • 1:19:00

Real Fckn Talk with Brenna Guinan, Who is a Real Fckn Mental Health Counselor

Real Fckn Talk with Brenna Guinan, Who is a Real Fckn Mental Health Counselor

This week Heike chats with Brenna Guinan from Real Fckn Talk Podcast. Brenna is a mental health counselor who shares that just because she has the tools, doesn't always mean she has her shit together.  We talk about the ways she decompresses and how having therapy for herself is non-negotiable. Her raw honesty is inviting and makes you feel safe while discussing vulnerable topics. It’s like she has some type of superhuman power. Oh wait, she does, it's called being a mental health counselor!  Pl

Mar 9, 2021 • 1:00:21

Illness, Isolation, and Anxiety; How to Cope with Shani Galarza

Illness, Isolation, and Anxiety; How to Cope with Shani Galarza

This week Heike chats with her close friend, Shani Galarza. Shani shares how being mentally exhausted and running on empty lead her down a path of numerous health scares. With few questions answered and countless doctor visits, she was eventually pointed in the direction of an autoimmune disorder. She discusses how picking up the pieces of her life and implementing a healthy new lifestyle was very isolating. With continuous pep talks to herself, and daily reminders of her own mental and physical

Feb 23, 2021 • 1:05:17

Heartbreak, Loss, & Love Again with Tessa Rooke

Heartbreak, Loss, & Love Again with Tessa Rooke

Hi GWA Fam!In this week's episode, Heike chats with one of her BFF's, Tessa Rooke. She shares with us the heartbreak she felt after her eight-year relationship ended and the grief of losing her father within six months of one another. We discuss the shedding of layers...lots of layers, to uncover the new Tessa. Also, she tells us about leaving a toxic job, splitting up with her therapist, and hugging another Tessa. All while, spoiler-alert, finding love again.  TTYL Please subscribe, rate, revie

Feb 9, 2021 • 1:09:31

The Chill Babe with Sarah Charnow-Rivera

The Chill Babe with Sarah Charnow-Rivera

Hi GWA Fam!On this week's episode, we have the lovely Sarah Charnow-Rivera aka The Chill Babe. Sarah shares with us her struggle with depression and the hold it had on her life, which eventually led her down the path to anti-depressants. We discuss all things anxiety (obviously) and the restraints it can have on us for obtaining perfection on anything new we try. She also shares how she is fully embracing the wellness-focused hippie lady she always wanted to be despite her obstacles. Make sure y

Jan 26, 2021 • 57:23

Me, Myself and I - Solo episode with Heike

Me, Myself and I - Solo episode with Heike

Hi GWA Fam!Happy 2021, same shit but different...right?!Today Heike is answering questions that you guys asked her. Listen along as she goes in more depth as to why she likes to talk about skincare, her favorite cat, her love of therapy, and much more! Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review! TTYLFollow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any adv

Jan 12, 2021 • 49:14

2020 in Hindsight

2020 in Hindsight

Hi GWA Fam!As 2020 comes to a close, let's stop for a minute and give ourselves a huge hug. We did it, we fucking did it, you guys. There's no reason to list what has gone on this year since we lived it, but instead, we can reflect on what we have learned and what we will take with us in 2021. It hasn't been all bad, there also has been a lot of beauty, but with that being said there's still a lot of growth that needs to be done. Listen along as we discuss our biggest takeaways and our personal

Dec 29, 2020 • 40:13

Mental Wellness with Liv Bowser

Mental Wellness with Liv Bowser

Hi GWA Fam!On this week's episode, we have Liv Bowser. She is the CEO & Founder of Liberate, the first-ever mental wellness studio with group classes designed to expand and empower you. Liv is an Upstate New Yorker turned West Coaster with a background in everything outdoors and “better for you” start-ups. A Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher, she’s on a mission to mainstream mental wellness and bring human beings together on our journey to become our best selves! Links Below!If you're

Dec 15, 2020 • 55:00

Allowing Space for Yourself

Allowing Space for Yourself

Hi GWA fam, This week we catch up with one another and check in on how we are doing, really doing. It's not always easy to tap in and check in with yourself, but sometimes ya just gotta do it. We also chat about how important it is to allow space for yourself, to grow, to heal, to really sit with yourself and your feelings. Yep, we are still talking about feelings, because we got a lot of them. Last but not least, we discuss boundaries and how setting them isn't only beneficial for ourselves, bu

Dec 1, 2020 • 57:29

Feeling your Feelings with Megan Stewart

Feeling your Feelings with Megan Stewart

Hi GWA Fam!On this week's episode, we have a special guest and a dear friend of ours, Megan Stewart! We talk about feeling our feelings, only if was that easy…right? But when we actually learn to sit with our feelings the result can be such a beautiful release of emotions. We also discuss her diagnoses of depression and anxiety from adolescence to adulthood and into pregnancy and motherhood. Megan was an open book and really was able to be vulnerable with us, which in the end made us feel all th

Nov 17, 2020 • 1:13:06

Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Unknown

Welcome back GWA fam!Today we are discussing the fear of the unknown. It's a topic that we believe everyone can relate to on some level because if we are being honest most of us can't predict the future. We touch on, well pretty much smother on the topic of what our current climate is in the US of A and what a pivotal moment this is for us. Even though the unknown can be scary at times, it also can lead us to something beautiful. As one wise podcaster once said..."Ignite the little fire stick of

Nov 3, 2020 • 1:27:46

Third Eye Doula with Paije West

Third Eye Doula with Paije West

Hi GWA Fam!Paije West from Third Eye Doula is our lovely guest today. She is a Transformational Doula specializing in astrological insights, holding space for all birthing people, advocating for mental health care and intentional psychedelic experiences. Through her journey as a Doula, Paije began to expand her offerings to include personal immersive sessions for clients using a variety of tools and sacred medicines for healing and growth. Paije works with various psychedelics and utilizes cerem

Oct 20, 2020 • 1:02:22

Controlling Control

Controlling Control

Hi GWA Fam!In this week's episode, we are talking about control and the sense of powerlessness we are all currently feeling right now. Anxiety can, no IS, a tricky little son-of-a-bleep; and when we feel a lack of power in our life we try to grip onto something that allows us to feel control just to find some peace of mind. Sometimes, when you just let go you can find your sense of calm. Silly anxiety always has us jumping through hoops. We hope you enjoy and find your zen! TTYL!Follow usInstagr

Oct 6, 2020 • 1:13:02

Primal Living with Melissa King

Primal Living with Melissa King

Hi GWA Fam!Primal Health Coach and Personal Trainer Melissa King dive's into what got her to where she is. Her struggles with anxiety and how incorporating a whole food diet and exercise helped her reach a new state of calm. She talks about steps you can take without having to empty your bank account and realistic goals you can reach through the lifestyle choices she’s made. Follow Melissa King:Instagram: @melissakhbk Website: Honey Bee Wellness Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @

Sep 22, 2020 • 1:11:43

Compliment This

Compliment This

Hi GWA Fam!This episode talks about the ways in which we internalize compliments and the words that people say to us, how our reactions may minimize those moments with others, and why these reactions feel natural. Below are links to articles that we used and a ted talk that we learned a lot about these behaviors.4 Reasons Compliments Make You Uncomfortable Why Taking Compliments Is So Hard, and How to Finally Accept ThemChristopher Littlefield, TEDx Talk5 Ways to Banish the Belief That You're No

Sep 8, 2020 • 1:17:18

Exhale Row with Betty Shen

Exhale Row with Betty Shen

Hi GWA Fam!Betty Shen of Exhale Row Studio talks with us today about breaking through old outdated beliefs, her 1:1 coaching, breathwork sessions, and creator boot camps. Stick with us throughout this entire episode for a much-needed breathwork session that’s quick and easy to do at home! You’ll be glad you did!Follow Betty Shen:Instagram: @exhalerowstudio Masterclass: Exhale Row Studio Masterclass Bearaby Anxiety BlanketFollow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneg

Aug 25, 2020 • 1:17:31



Hiii GWA Fam!This week we are talking about periods, aunt flow, that time of the month, wo-menstruating...whatever you like to call her. As well as the anxieties she can bring along, the hot flashes, mood swings and can't forget the good ol' cramps and tender boobs. Also, the anxieties that happen during pregnancy, primarily for Neg's first trimester. She also gives us a bumpdate and lets us know her boobs are the size of 17 cantaloupes, wild I know. Anyway, enough about being embarrassed about

Aug 11, 2020 • 1:11:03

Oh, Baby!

Oh, Baby!

Hiii GWA Fam!We are back from our Summer Siesta, mentally recharged…for the most part. Listen along as we catch you up on all the things that have been happening in the last few months! There might be a surprise you or two that we are sharing with you! xx GWAAnti-Racism Book DonationFollow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or

Jul 28, 2020 • 1:14:34

WOC Space with Hannah Martin

WOC Space with Hannah Martin

Hi GWA fam!This episode of GWA features Hannah Martin from WOC Space she is a third-generation Latina entrepreneur. Hannah has created a space for Womxn of Color (WOC) to come together and learn how to build their own business. She believes in empowering and uplifting others and with her support, we believe you can! We loved having her on GWA and left the conversation with much awe and excitement for her and for all going to her for guidance.Follow Hannah MartinInstagram: @wocspaceTED Talk: Lati

Jun 23, 2020 • 45:25

Blind Spot with Rahni Ragins

Blind Spot with Rahni Ragins

This episode is so special to us. We were lucky enough to get to sit down (via the internet of course) and talk with one of our favorite human beings, Rahni Ragins. We have an open discussion about our world and the racism that permeates it. We want our community to know that we, ourselves are continuously learning, evolving, and working on being a better ally to the people we love. We know that we are not perfect and that we won’t get this right in a day, or even in a podcast episode. This conv

Jun 9, 2020 • 1:04:25

Let's Talk About You & Me

Let's Talk About You & Me

This week on GWA we talk about how your favorite host met each other (if we can even get it right!) how GWA started, and what each other is going through at the moment. We talk about how we finally got to see each other after what felt like forever. Join us here and let us know what you think by rate, reviewing, and subscribing. Happy listening love GWAFollow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!

May 26, 2020 • 58:43



Welcome back to another episode of GWA and we are cleaning house. It’s been 785 days in quarantine and the last time we saw each other IRL was in 1952....but in all seriousness today marks 51 days. We catch you up with what we have been up too and how collectively but separately have been working on some ish in our lives.Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!Our email if you want to reach o

May 12, 2020 • 42:55

OKAY SIS with Scout and Mady

OKAY SIS with Scout and Mady

Hi GWA family!Welcome back! On this episode of GWA, we talk with the two amazing sisters behind Okay Sis Podcast we chat about being in love with your self, how to face your mental needs, what standards you hold your self to and the questions of self-love, self-preservation, and gentleness. If you or a loved one has ever gone through any mental illness this episode is for you. You’ll learn about Scout and what she did to take power and control of her bipolar disorder and how Mady paved her path

Apr 21, 2020 • 1:03:51



BONUS Episode 20: YEAR ONE ⚡️⚡️⚡️Everyone loves a bonus right? Here on our YEAR ONE Bonus episode we answer some of your questions from our first year working on Girls w/Anxiety. We can’t believe it’s been a whole year already from the first episode to now. From the bottom of our hearts to the one listener to the many, thank you for this journey, for being a part of it. We hope you continue to stay connected. We love you so very much! xx GWAFollow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heike

Apr 16, 2020 • 42:59

New Normal

New Normal

Hi GWA family!Welcome back to another episode of GWA! New Normal! Whatever was normal anyway? Hear this week's discussion on how we are navigating our newest ways of “Normal” life, our every day, and of course our banter. We love you all with our whole quarantined hearts 💕This amazing app @hearme_app if you need someone to just simply listen!For our LA fam that would like to order veggies from County Line Harvest, click here or follow them on Instagram @county.line.harvestFollow usInstagram: @g

Apr 7, 2020 • 52:38

It Will All Be Okay

It Will All Be Okay

Hi GWA family!Welcome back to another episode of GWA! On this episode of GWA we talk about the global change we are all seeing, the climate of communities around the world. We know that this subject has been spreading just as fast as the virus and it seems that everywhere you turn something is touching on this sensitive subject. As with anything, its always better to face it head-on, join us as we try to bring about some laughter, some real talk on how we are feeling, how we are dealing, and wha

Mar 24, 2020 • 56:31

Be Gentle with Eden Frost Dougher

Be Gentle with Eden Frost Dougher

Hi GWA family!Welcome back to another episode of GWA! Be gentle: Eden’s story on loving her body. Being gentle doesn’t just apply to how we handle things, it can be applied to how we handle ourselves, how gentle we are in self talk, self perception. This story may feel scary at times but it’s one of hope and reclaiming the love that even though can feel lost has always been within ourselves. Hope you enjoy episode 17 and be sure to share your #GWAweeklygoals with us!If you have any questions abo

Mar 3, 2020 • 1:03:39

Nine to Five

Nine to Five

Hi GWA family!Welcome back to another episode of GWA! The discussion of the day is Anxiety 9-5, the work place anxiety. A topic we are all too familiar with and can relate to. Sometimes it seems we lose sight of ourselves and the value we bring as individuals. We seem to forget that we don't live to work and work does not define our worth. Also, we manifested some exciting news that you will find out! Hope you enjoy episode 16 and be sure to share your #GWAweeklygoals with us!Follow usInstagram:

Feb 18, 2020 • 54:10

Good Night Anxiety

Good Night Anxiety

Hi Friends!Welcome back to GWA, on this weeks episode we are talking about how our anxiety switches from day to night, literally... why is our anxiety different during the day than it is at night time?! We go through a list of reasons why our brain races when we are trying to get our beauty sleep and what we can do to calm our racing thoughts. We hope between all the giggles you find some tips and tricks to help calm your mind when it decides to go off the deep end. We got you and we see you nig

Feb 4, 2020 • 39:25

Intentionally You

Intentionally You

Intentionally intentional • Hello to this sweet community and happy 2020, oh how we’ve missed you all so! To start this new decade of GWA we talk about resolutions and how we perceive them (intentionally). We have fun new ways to keep our community connected so keep up to the end! We love you all and are so glad to be back! #GWAweeklygoals Graphic Designer: Chelsea O'Connell Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to se

Jan 21, 2020 • 37:01

Hi Friends!GWA year one in the bag! On this episode we are reflecting on 2019 and how thankful we are for this community we have formed and continue to grow. GWA wouldn't be what it is without all the love and support from all of you! We are so excited to ring in the new decade with you all and can't wait to show you what we have in store! Happy Holidays to you all, see you in 2020!Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you wan

Dec 10, 2019 • 13:03

Don’t Internalize Me

Don’t Internalize Me

Hi Friends!On this weeks episode we are discussing how we (Heike & Neg) internalize peoples emotions. It is something we struggle with daily and at times dictates how we live our everyday life…”Oh shit, is she mad at me?…Oh, wait he said this about this person…is that directed at me?”  Ain’t that a shame and vain… We are all just trying to figure out life and live it at the best, so let’s take a deep breath and let that shit go. Easier said than done, we know…but  if we try a little bit everyday

Nov 26, 2019 • 31:24

OCD, No Not Me

OCD, No Not Me

Hi friends!Neg here, this episode is very near and dear to my heart! As I type this, the scared pieces of me want to delete the episode entirely. Wanting to hide entirely from vulnerability, but that's not what this podcast is about. OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) is quite literally what it says it is, an obsessive or compulsive behavior or thought that a person feels they need to repeat. As my therapist told me, OCD can take parts or "a territory" of your life away from you. So here I am s

Nov 12, 2019 • 57:11

Anxiety & Things

Anxiety & Things

Hi Friends! We’re back...again!Episode 10 we answer some of your questions and catch up with one another. Tangents as per usual...jokes as per usual...this episode touches base on well what goes on in daily life... just “things” we have most of our episodes planned out till the end of the year but we’d love to touch on a topic maybe you’re too scared to bring up. Shoot us a DM, email or if you know us personally a text! We’d love to talk about what matters to you. Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxi

Oct 15, 2019 • 44:39

Shut The Fig Up with Jess Schnitzer

Shut The Fig Up with Jess Schnitzer

Hi Friends! Welcome back to another GWA episode! Today we have our very first guest on the podcast, Jess Schnitzer, from Shut The Fig Up!  She is an advocate for womens health, nutrition, balance and being YOU, amongst many other things. She may be tiny in stature, but her presence is enormous and we love that she gives  zero fucks what anyone may think about her.We love her madly and are motivated by her daily with the vulnerability and lust for knowledge she shares with the world. We can't wai

Sep 3, 2019 • 50:21

Relationships Pt 2

Relationships Pt 2

Hi Friends! Here is part 2 of our relationship episode! We chat about dating, honeymoon stages, communication, love language, attractiveness and everything in between. Like we said, can go on and on about relationships, but we thought maybe a two parter would be enough for y'all to handle. We hope you enjoy this episode and we would love to hear what is important for you in a relationship!Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if

Aug 27, 2019 • 44:27

Relationships Pt 1

Relationships Pt 1

Hi Friends! We are mother fuckin' back from our hiatus and how we missed you so. We are jumpin' right in and discussing relationships...with yourself, your friends, your family, your lovers...all kinds! We couldn't stop talking about the damn topic so we broke this episode into two parts! Part one is about relationships and part 2, well you guessed about relationships. So kick back and listen to us discuss what relationships mean to us and how many times Neg says "like" and Heike says "y

Aug 20, 2019 • 39:20



This week on #GWA we’re going down the rabbit hole of self-perception from bangs, self-depreciation, self-views, and self-love. Self-perception is everything ✨ Thanks for hanging out with us this week! We love you!  As always, our email and DM doors are always open to hearing what you need to be spoken about. For retreat info mentioned: @shutthefigup and @quench collectiveFollow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a

Jul 2, 2019 • 45:40

Knowing Your Boundaries

Knowing Your Boundaries

Hi Friends, In this weeks episode, we are talkin' about how it's okay to not do it all, boundaries and that it's okay to ask for help. Thanks for hanging out with us, we love you!Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.comxx GWA

Jun 11, 2019 • 33:45

Bad Ass Bitch

Bad Ass Bitch

Hi Friends!In this weeks episode, we are taking a different direction and speaking about when we first realized we had anxiety, how we processed it, how we have grown from it and where we are now. Happy Mental Health Awareness Month, which we should celebrate and acknowledge all day every day! We love you! Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!Our email if you want to reach out and ask us a

May 28, 2019 • 27:34

Mustard or Ketchup

Mustard or Ketchup

Join us for Episode 3 where we dive into our lives and our opinions on what condiments are best.Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.comxx GWA

May 15, 2019 • 41:12



Hello Again! Welcome to Episode 2, #NOTSORRY. We hope you can take the idea of "not being sorry" to your everyday life and enjoy you for all that you are!Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.comxx GWA

Apr 30, 2019 • 39:09

OMG right!

OMG right!

Hi! Neg and Heike here! We are girls w/ anxiety! Welcome to our 1st episode...hope you enjoy!Follow usInstagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggyFacebookHere is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.comxx GWA

Apr 6, 2019 • 33:12

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