Captivated For Christ
Nathaniel Bridgeman
Do you love God but wanna dive deeper into your relationship with him? Then look no further than The Captivated For Christ Podcast. Weekly encouragement to keep you captivated by God's love for you!!
The Importance of Understanding God's love for you- Interview with YWAM Tyler missionary Landon Ellis- Captivated For Christ Episode 19
In this episode, I interview YWAM Tyler missionary Landon Ellis.
The Two Greatest Commandments"-Captivated For Christ Episode 18
In this episode, I talk about the two greatest commandments.
Update about what's going on with the show!
Here is some more information about what will happen with the show this year.
Mary and Joseph- Christmas Through Their Eyes: Captivated For Christ Episode 16
Learn about the story of the First Christmas through the eyes of Mary and Joseph!!
The Magi and Herod- Christmas Through Their Eyes: Captivated For Christ Episode 15
In this episode, I discuss the significance of the Magi and Herod in the story of the First Christmas!
The Shepherds- Christmas Through Their Eyes: Captivated For Christ Episode 14
In this episode, I talk about the significance of the shepherds during the first Christmas.
“God will give you whatever you want” - UnBiblical Things that Christians Believe: Captivated For Christ Episode 13
In this episode, I discuss why the phrase that "God will give you whatever you want" is unbiblical.
"When God closes a door, he opens a window"- UnBiblical Things that Christians Believe: Captivated For Christ Episode 12
In this episode, I discuss why the phrase, "When God closes a door, he opens a window" is unbiblical.
"God helps those who help themselves"- UnBiblical Things That Christians Believe: Captivated For Christ Episode 11
In this episode, I discuss why the phrase "God helps those who help themselves" is unbiblical.
"God just wants me to be happy": UnBiblical Things That Christians Believe- Captivated For Christ Episode 10
In this episode, I talk about the phrase,"God just wants me to be happy" and why it is unbiblical.
"God won't give you anything that you can't handle yourself" - UnBiblical Things That Christians Believe: Captivated For Christ Episode 9
"God won't give you anything you can't handle yourself, in this episode I discuss why this phrase is unbiblical.
"We're All Part of God's Family"- UnBiblical Things That Christians Believe: Captivated For Christ Episode 8
"We're all a part of God's family", in this episode find out why this saying is actually unbiblical.
UnBiblical Things That Christians Believe #1: "God causes everything to happen:- Captivated For Christ Episode 7
The first episode of "UnBiblical Things that Christians Believe".
Why Should I Be Humble? - Captivated For Christ Episode 6
Hear about why humility is important in this episode.
How To Improve your Relationship with God- Featuring Carlos Medina- Captivated For Christ Episode 5
Want to improve your relationship with God, then be sure to listen to this episode of the "Captivated For Christ" podcast!!
Why Should I Forgive? - Captivated For Christ Episode 4
Learn about Forgiveness and why it's important!!
Captivated For Christ Episode 3: Why should I Repent?
Do you ever wonder if God can forgive your sin, than listen to this episode to find out!!
Captivated For Christ Episode 2: How to Hear God's Voice
Have you ever wanted to hear God's voice, then listen to this episode to find out how!!
Captivated For Christ Episode 1: My Life Story
In this episode, I share my testimony of how Christ saved me!