Self Portraits As Other People
The Ungoogleable Michaelangelo
Self Portraits as Other People is a hyper-creative, psycho-active variety show wherein multidimensional artist, filmmaker, voice-actor, and wordsmyth The Ungoogleable Michaelangelo engages his guests in social storytelling to mindfully and artfully investigate where the limits of language meet the fringes of Reality. Praise The Lore!
The show intrepidly treads the terrain of the trickster, constantly defying, redefining, and refining itself. Each episode is its own schizovereign entity, but there are themes that are built upon from pod to pod--themes like Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind, Divination, Folklore, Daemonic reality, Magic, Language, Psychedelics, Creativity, Dreams, Art, Poetry, Cinema, Ecology, literature, Animism...
Eric Wargo - Willing To Time Travel
Eric Wargo, author of “Time Loops” and “Precognitive Dreamwork & the Long Self,” returns to Self Portraits As Other People to talk about his new book “From Nowhere: Artists, Writers, and the Precognitive Imagination.” We navigate the nebulous c-word and the various facets of its counterpart The Unconscious, the role the body plays in precognitive phenomena, themes of archetypal inversion, the need to strip away the time travel tropes that keep us from clear exploration, the implications of time
These Old Haunts
“My guest is the house that hosts me and I am the ghost that haunts it.”
This bi-coastal episode is a meditation on the meaning of home as a locational vibration, from the nomadic vantage point of a perpetual “stranger passing through town.”
The 1st half examines the subconscious sonic textures through which places speak to us. I recorded this segment while going through a deep emotional process, in Los Angeles, shortly after finishing my intense anti-leishmanial medicine cycle, and before leav
When I Met Werner Herzog (Akainst My Bettr Chudgment)
In this improvised walk-and-talk monoloque I reflect on (and atone for) the time I met Werner Herzog at the premiere of lan Cheney’s documentary film “Arc of Oblivion.”
I use this anecdote as a jump off point to share thoughts about documentation, impersonation, Spiritualism as Proto-feminism, my time working as a photo double for the Riggs character in the Lethal Weapon TV show, the relative duration of objective vs subjective time, the parasocial reality of meeting celebrities, and the redempt
Jesse Jacobs - Place-as-Character
(Headphones recommended for optimal immersion in and enjoyment of the show's intro and outro )
Jesse Jacobs is an imaginative comic book writer and illustrator from Canada. His books include Crawl Space, Safari Honeymoon, By This Shall You Know Him, and New Pets. His compelling, cartoon worlds and their inhabitants call to mind the pataphysical taxonomies of works like the Codex Seraphinianus, Hieronymous Bosch, Hayao Myazaki, and Adventure Time.
His work often contains ecological elements that
Sophia Rokhlin - The PreScience of Animistic Worldviews
I attended Sophia’s psychedelic psundsay psermon recently, on an actual Sunday in an actual church, in Asheville, NC. She may be an anthropologist, but she is no anthro-apologist, for this talk regarded “inter-species dialogues & plant consciousness.”
& so we met up later that week to talk tardigrades, Jericho roses & the death & resurrection of words. To ponder prayer, spin recursive meme-o-spheres, encounter scary English angels in the polyglot-o-sphere & stand in “Uhhh” before the “awefullsom
The City is a Ceremony
This, the shortest solo pod to date, relays the frenetically inspiring energy of New York City, as a storied palimpsest of ever evolving Lore. I'm gonna leave it at that and let the piece speak for itself.
Music: Miles Davis - Bitches' Brew
The Ungoogleable Michaelangelo
IG: void_denizen
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Anemnesis By Jove (Solo Pod)
( 🎧 )
I've been transitioning. First from my humble jungle abode to my father's neurodegerative memory palace in Miami, & now I've just landed in the urban jungle of NYC for my art show & performance on August 13th. I used to spend a lot of time here pre-911, was gonna move here even & am sure to recover memories long forgotten, parts of myself I stored for future visitation. That's the theme of this short ep: Anemnesis - the remembering of things from a supposed previous existence.
I recite a
Dark Ecology and the Lyrical Intellect
( 🎧 recommended )
Nathan Dufour Oglesby, PhD, aka Nathanology is a rap-educating professor of classics, performance philosopher, activist, & video artist.
Nathan & I talk about the relationship between Language and nature, while discussing the nature of inter-generational relationships w one's eco/home. We touch upon the Mayan fable of the Toh bird (aka the Nathaniel bird) & the unforeseen consequences of “knaming” things—how our efforts to familiarize ourselves w the world can in effect estra
Leishmaniasis (Solo Pod)
In this episode I host a parasite instead of a conventional guest. In the Mexican jungle, deforestation unleashed Leishmania, a parasite vectored by a sandfly, and I am infected. Marked by volcanic lesions on my left cheek and right hand I'm undergoing an impatient transformation(TM), and as I wait for medicine to arrive, I examine my experience through shamanic, ecological, and pragmatic lenses. Relaying the story in classic SPAOP-fashion, I investigate themes of inter-species diplomacy, the th
Marcel Kuijsten - Julian Jaynes and the Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
( 🎧 &"introspectacles" recommended 4 optimal immersion & enjoyment )
There are few words in circulation with as many disparate & ill-defined interpretations as “consciousness” & no one, as far as I’m concerned, has narrowed down a more concise definition thanJulian Jaynes in his 📖 The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.
Marcel Kuijsten founded the Julian Jaynes Society & has, along w a range of experts in various disciplines,
continued to distribute, distill, expl
JF Martel - Reclaiming Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
(( headphones recommended for optimal immersion and enjoyment ))
“Art is the only truly effective means we have of engaging, in a communal context, the psyche on its own terms,” writes jF Martel, the co-host of the Weird Studies podcast and the author of the brilliant book “Reclaiming Art in the Age of Artifice”, in which he distills a clear, working definition of art, in relation to its antithesis, artifice.
Treating the episode as a book report, we use the philosophy put forth in its pages as
Jake Kobrin - Interfacial Magick
(( headphones recommended for optimal immersion and enjoyment ))
Proficient in both digital & traditional media, Jake is one of the few formally trained visionary artists. I was his guest on ep.10 of The Quarantine Sessions, a podcast he began hosting at the onset of the pandemic. Nowadays he sporadically casts pods as solo spells, wherein he discusses his study & practice of Magick.
Alongside a curated pantheon of experts and professionals Jake also facilitates Online workshops & in-person ret
Dave Green - A Draw-Bridge Between (The Waking State & The Lucid Dream)
(( headphones recommended for optimal immersion and enjoyment ))
Dave Green’s simple line drawings come across as iconographic glyphs. These drawings are recreations, upon waking, of drawings he created in a lucid dream state.
Lately he has been experimenting with giving his pen & paper to other people in his dreams to see what they create.
His art has been featured in BBC Science Focus and DreamTime magazine. He has lectured about his work at the Tate Modern & is the subject of an upcoming do
Paradise Has Parasites (Solo Pod)
(( headphones recommended ))
Time for a solo pod! In the spirit of modular storytelling this episode offers five written/spoken/sound-scaped vignettes. All the stories are based in the Ayahuasca experience, sourced from my private stash. Not unlike an audiobook, the dark, poetic prose intends to take the audience on an immersive listening experience, enchanting them into an altered state. The main tale takes place at the intersection of parapsychology and parasitology, and revolves around my vis
Kent Osborn - Sonic Space Craft
(( headphones recommended ))
Aside from facilitating plant medicine ceremonies & vending shamanic paraphernalia, Kent Osborn is also a painter & writer. He published a book of his Ayahuasca-inspired, visionary art called InKENTations, & wrote Shinan, which chronicles the different "kené"--the circuitous designs distinct to the Shipibo tribe of the Ucayali region of Peru. The patterns of the Kené are inspired by the shamans' icaros (healing songs).
This episode consists of a conversation I record
Eric Wargo - The Preciousness of the Prescient Present
((( headphones recommended for optimal immersion and enjoyment )))
I’d describe Eric Wargo as an oneiric archeologist. He’s the author of “Time Loops: Retrocausation, Precognition, and The Unconscious” as well as a recent handbook for interpreting message from the future received in dreams called “Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self.” I resonate with the ideas he puts forth so much that I’ve purchased the book seven times!
We talk about the physical locale of the collective unconscious, pe
Gib Strange - Zeitgeist Busters
((headphones recommended for an optimal listening experience))
Gib Strange is a writer of post-ironic, meta-modern fiction. His witty work is filled w/ carefully balanced, tessellated paradoxes & insightful observations. He released parts of his novel, Notes From The Uncanny Valley, as an audiobook-disguised-as-podcast. It’s a "coming-of-information-age" kinda tale, permeated by a feeling of isolation & a sense of camaraderie w/ information itself. In it the narrator’s voice drifts dreamily on a
Jennifer Sodini - Surfing Through the Sewage of the NewAge on the Way to the Meme Museum
((((headphones recommended for an optimal listening experience))))
Jennifer Sodini is the author of "the Amenti Oracle: Feather Heart Deck and Guidebook" and "Everyday Amenti". She's the host of the "Radio Amenti" podcast, and has recently contributed writings to Rolling Stone magazine. She's also the social media mogul who founded the platform Evolve & Ascend, which received an overhaul just before we recorded this conversation in early January 2021, in the wake of the "LARPers Take Congress" e
The Trip Before The Fall (Solo Pod)
"Set in Amsterdam, a heroic dose of magic mushrooms sets the hero's journey of a young artist in motion, as he undergoes a perceptual apocalypse that dismantles the known world from the inside out."
This is the audio version of this illustrated text:…e-fall-e23e8e8be41e
Outro music: Monkey Business by Void Denizen (available on Spotify & Bandcamp)
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Anthony Peake - Reincantations (Life After Life Afterlife)
(((Headphones recommended for optimal enjoyment)))
Anthony Peake is the author of 11 books. Their names should clue you in to the kind of subject matter that saturates his research. His titles include Is There Life After Death: The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die,The Daemon: A Guide To Your Extraordinary Secret Self, The Hidden Universe,The Out Of Body Experience, The Infinite Mindfield, Philip K. Dick: The Man Who Remembered The Future, Opening The Doors of Perception, The Lab
Erik Davis - GhostWriting at the Crossroads
(((Headphones MANDATORY for optimal enjoyment)))
After ep. 6 w/ Stuart Davis & his mantic antics, you probably thought you’d never encounter another esoteric Davis on this show. But you were wrong because the esoteric Erik Davis is in the (haunted) house!
Erik is a prolific writer, speaker, cultural critic & social analyst, best known for his books TechGnosis, High Weirdness, Nomad Codes, and Led Zeppelin’s Led Zeppelin IV. He conducted Terence Mckenna’s final interview, and was featured in the
Ramin Nazer - DeepFake BlackFace
(((Headphones MANDATORY for optimal enjoyment)))
Everybody loves Ramin. In my humble o’pineal, his creations deserve a Best Of The Web award.
Why can’t YOU be more like Ramin?
You’ve seen him tell an animated tale of timeline confusion on his way back from Dee EmTeeness on “Tales From The Trip” (DMTv).
You’re already familiar with his podcast the Rainbow Brainskull Hour, and OF COURSE you know his colorful artworks, about which you‘ll hear me literally (literally) sing their praises during the
Dave Oshana - The BloodsDream of the Ancestors
(((Headphones recommended for optimal enjoyment)))
In the year 2000 Dave became enlightened. Notice what comes up at the mention of the e-word. R u triggered? Curious? Eye-rolling?
Set aside any preconceived notions U might have about enlightenment, or what an enlightened person might be like. The way Dave describes it is that he simply woke up one morning & no longer felt like Dave, like the Dave he had, up to that moment, identified as. He woke up from Dave, and found himself to be a Whole Hos
Mike Brancatelli - The TricksterEquality of InnerSpace
(((Headphones recommended for optimal enjoyment)))
Mike is the host of the MikeAdelic Podcast. He also does the best Alan Watts impression around, which I incorporated into this episode's intro!
We talk about Mike’s recent venture into psilocyberspace, where he encountered an unspeakable transformational display, a "server farm", dazzling in its trickstery quality, and difficult to put one’s finger on. Confronting this innerspace—the life-force perceived beyond thought-forms—prompts one to find
Esther Jacobs - Life in Permanent Beta
(((Headphones recommended for optimal enjoyment)))
Esther Jacobs is an intrepid, location-independent entrepreneur. She's traveled to over 100 countries, speaks 7 languages, was "fired" from her country, and feels at home anywhere in the world. She writes books, and teaches others how to write books using her unique reverse writing technique. She was knighted in the Dutch order, and participated in the Dutch version of Survivor. She's also my big sister! Using her life story as our foundation, w
Jasun Horsley - Crucial Fictions & Lucid Trauma
Jasun Horsley is a sharp but subtle thinker who describes himself as "an existential detective in chronic confession mode". A prolific writer, he has published countless books, blog posts, & articles. He also hosts The Liminalist podcast, where we did a follow-up conversation. Initially reluctant, a series of uncanny coincidences lured me deeper into his realm, where I discovered a treasure trove of parallel processes, insights, & reflections. In this episode we cast a sobering glance at the pot
Stuart Davis - The Mantic Antics of a Twisted Mystic
Stuart Davis is a multimedia artist w/ a brilliant madcap mind. 10 years ago, while meditating during a fever, he was visited by an 8ft tall mantis entity, opening up a sync-holy vortex & setting a series of synchronicities in motion. These uncanny occurances inspired a forthcoming film called "Mant1s". He's also the creator of a meditative language called IS, published the essay "ET Presence & The Forfeiture of Human Sovereignty", & just launched his podcast Aliens & Artists. We talk about the
Morgan Sorne - Resourceful Sorcery
(Headphone recommended for optimal immersion in the intro)
Morgan Sorne is a multi-dimensional storyteller, visual artist, and composer. We talk about self-mythologization, embodying archetypal charisma, and how taking fictional liberties invites critical thinking and imagination. We gab about the influence of dream, deep listening, and giving voice to forces both earthly and otherworldly. We riff on modular storytelling, world-building, song-drawings, and the "DIY-VR" quality of composing with
The Pandemic as Societal Tuning Fork in the Road
I'm taking this opportunity to go solo to share some musings, perspectives, & reflections on the current situation by sending a trippy lil broadcast from my cozy little quarantine to yours. I hope it puts a smile on your face & thoughts in your mind, & that this blend of cosmic, comedic, & contemplative content is a welcome distraction into the heartland. At any rate, you’ll learn a few (bad) words in Dutch.
Originally, I just wanted to share a short, sound-scaped story called “The
Travis Puntarelli - Current Channels & Rivers of Song
This episode is an exploration of song (aka "space-craft") as a tool with which to navigate landscapes and mindscapes, and as a means through which to gain entranced entrance into the mystic/mythic dimensions of the psyche. Travis is a true troubador, and together we explore the world of songcrafting, lyricism, the realms of fae, and the graceful race of ugly goblins that dance around in his mind.
(Serving suggestion: try listening through headphones)
Learn more about Travis at
The World Is My Stage, But I Perform On The Page
I present you with a bonus feature to celebrate the launch of my brand new Patreon page and to tide you over while I finish up Episode 4 (coming sooooon). This little storytime transmission is only about twenty minutes long for a change! And though there's no guest, it is a self portrait as another person, because it's not my neutral voice narrating here, but an "altered ego", whose babble sounds like "the ranted banter you might overhear at a mixer of tricksters". His telling touches onto some
Craig Deininger - Rejected By Aliens
Desperation. Isolation. Desolation. Autonomy. Individuation. Imagination. These are some of the themes we cover in our conversation as we wade through both shadow and sunshine, casting our shades upon the Source and shielding our brow in salute of saucer and Self! Craig Deininger is a desert dwelling poet, a scholar of depth psychology and comparative mythology, a teacher, and a long time Transcendental Meditator. Join us as we talk the walk up to the precipice, beyond which you can only venture
Trius - Escape From Ikem
In this diffi-cultish episode we navigate the orchard of twisted beauty in which a shade-grown tree named Trius grew up, contorting his way into the light to produce the strange fruit we call art. Trius is a painter who was born into the infamous Moonie cult, and who has spent a great deal of his life trying to rid himself from the stains left by their indoctrinated worldview. We explore how the traumatic distortions of this origin story continue to play out in his psyche, and the role that art
Loga & The Order of Multiple Personalities
After a lifetime of chronicling her dreams and establishing connections with recurring characters who provide guidance and appear to correspond to different parts of her autonomic nervous system, Loga was diagnosed with a rare pineal tumor. But, in light of the supernatural allure that surrounds its emergence, should we consider it a tumor, or a "spiritual growth"?
I have prepared a page full of shownotes and related artworks by Loga and myself that you can dive into here: