Saline Community Church Sermons
Listen in to weekly teaching from Saline Community Church located in Saline, Michigan.
July 8, 2012 Message
34:54 minutes (15.98 MB)
The Story Chapter 27
The Story - Chapter 27
Due to technical difficulties the first 10 minutes were not recorded.
17:24 minutes (7.96 MB)
The Story Chapter 26
The Story - Chapter 26
23:47 minutes (10.89 MB)
The Story Chapter 25
The Story - Chapter 25
26:35 minutes (12.17 MB)
The Story Chapter 22
The Story - Chapter 22
44:50 minutes (20.53 MB)
The Story Chapter 21
The Story - Chapter 21
33:24 minutes (15.3 MB)
The Story Chapter 20
The Story - Chapter 20
15:21 minutes (7.03 MB)
The Story Chapter 18
The Story - Chapter 18
33:11 minutes (15.19 MB)
The Story Chapter 17
The Story - Chapter 17
30:13 minutes (13.83 MB)
The Story Chapter 16
The Story - Chapter 16
39:10 minutes (17.93 MB)
The Story Chapter 15
The Story - Chapter 15
32:14 minutes (14.76 MB)
The Story Chapter 14
The Story - Chapter 14
34:56 minutes (15.99 MB)
The Story Chapter 13
The Story - Chapter 13
29:11 minutes (13.36 MB)
The Story Chapter 12
The Story - Chapter 12
24:07 minutes (11.04 MB)
The Story Chapter 11
The Story - Chapter 11
36:29 minutes (16.7 MB)
The Story Chapter 10
The Story Chapter 10
31:03 minutes (14.22 MB)
The Story Chapter 9
The Story Chapter 9
39:24 minutes (18.04 MB)
The Story Chapter 8
The Story Chapter 8
34:17 minutes (15.69 MB)
The Story Chapter 7
The Story - Part 7
28:08 minutes (12.88 MB)
The Story Chapter 6
The Story - Chapter 6
32:51 minutes (15.04 MB)
The Story Chapter 5
The Story - Part 5
39:28 minutes (18.07 MB)
The Story Chapter 4
The Story - Part 4
27:55 minutes (12.78 MB)
The Story Chapter 3
The Story - Chapter 3
35:26 minutes (16.22 MB)
The Story Chapter 2
The Story - Chapter 2
34:37 minutes (15.85 MB)
The Story Chapter 1
The Story Chapter 1
25:16 minutes (11.56 MB)
C&MA DNA-Examples of the Great Commission
53:42 minutes (24.58 MB)
The Core 2
The Core Part 2
37:57 minutes (21.71 MB)
The Core 2
The Core Part 2
31:06 minutes (17.79 MB)
The Core 1
The Core Part 1
31:02 minutes (17.75 MB)
Love Is 9
Love Is 9
32:03 minutes (18.34 MB)
Love Is 8
Love Is 8
27:51 minutes (15.94 MB)
Love Is 7
Love Is Part 7
29:47 minutes (17.05 MB)
Love Is
Love Is Part 6
29:50 minutes (17.07 MB)
Love Is
Love Is Part 3
35:28 minutes (20.29 MB)
Love Is
Love Is...
July 17, 2011
35:25 minutes (20.26 MB)
Love Is
Love Is...
July 10, 2011
30:18 minutes (17.33 MB)
Love Is
26:20 minutes (15.07 MB)
Love Is
18:18 minutes (10.47 MB)
Redeemer 3
32:32 minutes (22.34 MB)
Redeemer 1
38:29 minutes (26.43 MB)
Lost and Found: His Church
Join us this week as we explore the heart of Saline Community Church to live out Jesus words of "I will build my CHURCH and the gates of hell will not overpower". We take a look at the four core values of SCC and how it reveals who we are. (Laying Down Roots, Truth Matters, Breaking Free and Beyond our Doors)
26:05 minutes (11.97 MB)
Lost and Found: Lost and Found
Join us this week as we explore the heart of the Father as we look into Luke 15. The Father displays His love for us when he searches for us a a lost coin or lamb. He also displays His love for us when He allows us to come to the end of ourselves as He did with the Prodigal Son. There is no sin that is a match for God's GRACE.
30:01 minutes (13.74 MB)
Lost and Found: Just Like Jonah
Why do we run from God's revelation for our lives? Join us this week as we look into the life of Jonah and explore why we run from God's plan for each of us. We will also continue to see God's heart for all people.
38:21 minutes (17.56 MB)
Lost and Found: In The Beginning
Relationship has been broken and God wants it restored. Join us this week as we look into the story of the Fall with Adam and Eve. Right after the fall we see God's heart for people to be in relationship with Him.
*There was a video shown in the middle of the sermon. You can find a watermarked version of the video here:
22:15 minutes (10.21 MB)
Listen #1
Prayer is an outpouring of relationship. Join us this week as we explore God's Word on what prayer is in the life of the believer.
29:26 minutes (13.48 MB)
CE#3: Isaiah
Join us this week as we look into the encounter the Isaiah had with God. It is in God's holiness that he provides a way of relationship with Him.
*Note: At the beginning of the sermon, we watched a video clip by the Skit Guys called "God's Chisel".
21:10 minutes (9.7 MB)
CE #2: Jacob
We can relate to Jacob's story in the Bible. OK maybe not the four wives deal but the constant striving to get ahead by any means necessary. Join us this week as we look into how God renames Jacob in the midst of a big time wrestling match.
32:04 minutes (14.68 MB)
CE #1: Moses
Join us as we explore the life of Moses and his encounter with God at the burning bush. Moses is a lot like us when God's shows up in our lives. We question our identity, God's faithfulness and our abilities. God in the midst of this encounter reveals Himself to Moses and he is never the same.
26:17 minutes (12.04 MB)
Freedom #10: Our Talents
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
28:30 minutes (13.05 MB)
Freedom #9
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
24:15 minutes (11.1 MB)
Freedom #8
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
39:11 minutes (17.94 MB)
Freedom #6
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
23:44 minutes (10.87 MB)
Freedom #7
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
30:34 minutes (14 MB)
Freedom #5
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
33:15 minutes (15.27 MB)
Freedom #4
Join us this we as week walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
35:02 minutes (16.09 MB)
Freedom #3
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
32:56 minutes (15.12 MB)
Freedom #1
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
35:54 minutes (16.48 MB)
Freedom #2
Join us this week as we walk through the book of Galatians exploring our freedom in Christ.
29:37 minutes (13.6 MB)
KR#16: Living Out of Christ
The reality is that now that Christ lives in us we are more than changed or improved. He is our life and our living out of Him is our new reality. Come join us this week as we explore Hebrews 9 and 10
26:16 minutes (12.03 MB)
KR #15: What Jesus Did
How did Jesus do the incredible things he did while here on earth like heal people and raise the dead. How did he love the unlovely, show compassion, resist temptation and forgive? (Just as incredible) Join us this week as we explore how Jesus lived and how we are to live.
36:12 minutes (16.59 MB)
KR#14: Grace
Understanding Grace is one of the biggest challenges of the believer. There are some many views and outlooks on grace. Join us this week as explore the reality and imlications of grace.
35:03 minutes (16.06 MB)
KR#13: Jesus Our Sanctifier
This week as we continue to look at the person of Jesus. Jesus is our Sanctifier, he is the source of our sanctification. Join us as we look at what sanctification is, what it isn't, and how we recieve it.
19:06 minutes (8.74 MB)
KR#12: Jesus Our Healer
Jesus healed many people during his ministry on earth. Join us this week as we learn about how Jesus was the ultimate healer and how our faith interacts with that healing in Christ.
25:44 minutes (11.78 MB)
KR #10: Death in Adam
To truly understand what it means to be "IN CHRIST" we must begin by understanding what it means to be "In Adam". Listen this week as we look at the reality of "DEATH" in Adam.
37:36 minutes (17.21 MB)
KR#9: Fighting Failure with Faith
Samson was the ultimate Man, but he still had his failures. Samson fought his failure with faith that God would continue to provide for him. We can learn from his example so we can run to God when we fail.
21:22 minutes (9.78 MB)
KR#8: Uncovering the Difference
Join us this week as we continue to uncover the difference between deception and reality in our journey of living in Christ.
24:25 minutes (11.18 MB)
KR#7: Father's Day
It is easy to father out of an old covenant mentality. The reality is that our relationship with God the Father is one based on birth and relationship instead of performance whether good or bad. Join us this week as we learn to father according to the New Covenant.
31:05 minutes (14.23 MB)
KR#6: Our Ministry
We can't "fix" people yet we often try to by giving others a prescriptive way of doing life to make things work. Our role with one another is to help each other remove the "grave clothes". We learn to walk beside people and allow Christ to change them. Join us this week as we take a deeper look at the deception and truth around our "ministry".
37:21 minutes (17.1 MB)
KR#5: Repentance
Join us this week as we continue the journey of reality and deception. This week we explore the reality of repentance. Could be a little different from what you think.
31:10 minutes (14.27 MB)
Join us this week as we continue the journey of reality and deception. This week explore the reality of I Corinthians 1:4-9 of who we really are IN Christ.
40:47 minutes (18.67 MB)
KR#3: Parenting by Miracle
This week we look at how keeping up "appearances" impacts our parenting. Parenting is an incredible journey. The world tells us how to perform, what our kids should look like and the steps we should take to get them there. Join us as we explore the mystery and miracle of parenting.
41:03 minutes (18.79 MB)
KR#2: Feminism
Men can't be trusted. That is an underlying belief in our culture. The reality is that from the Garden of Eden there has been a great divide between men and women because of the curse. Join us this week as we explore the influence on women today and how the gospel breaks the curse and restores unity between men and women.
48:08 minutes (22.03 MB)
KR #1: Mother's Day
Today we begin the series of Kingdom Reality as we explore reality and how the enemy's deception has impacted life. As we celebrate Mother's Day we look at the incredible "beauty" of women that is not based on outward appearance or performance. Join us this week as we begin this new series.
25:05 minutes (11.5 MB)
MDP # 8
As Modern Day Priests we have the crown of authority in Christ. In Christian circles we often refer to WWJD or What Would Jesus Do if He were here. The very phrase implies that as a believer we must live for God and make good choices. The reality for us a believers is that Christ is here in us. Our spirit and His Spirit are one. This is the mystery and miracle of life in Christ. Join us this week as we conclude our series on the The Royals: Modern Day P
MDP # 7
The turban around the head of the Old Testament Priest is a picture for us today of having the mind of Christ. The mind is a target of the enemy. If he can win the battle of the believer's mind he will influence their behavior. We have the mind of Christ as Modern Day Royals. Join us this week in the battle of the mind.
32:44 minutes (15.04 MB)
MDP #6
We often second guess and are tentative about our decision making. This week we learn from the Old Testament High Priest about the Urim and Thummin in the process of decision making. Now today as New Covenant believers we have the perfect decision maker in us. Join us this week as we continue the journey of understanding who we really are.
33:36 minutes (15.39 MB)
Easter Sermon
This Easter join us as we explore the reality of the cross and how Christ invites us to the New Covenant.
43:11 minutes (19.77 MB)
The Old Testament Priests wore a vest-like piece of clothing called the ephod as they served. The ephod was made up of 5 different colors of great importance. Listen this week as we unpack faith, identity, authority, cleansing and purity. This ephod has powerful present day implications for us as we serve Him.
41:21 minutes (18.99 MB)
The Old Testament High Priests wore a blue robe that was a picture for us today of abiding in Christ. The reality for us is that God has put His righteousness on us and out of that we live and serve.
23:54 minutes (10.95 MB)
Join us this week as we look at the belt that the Old Testament priests wore and the significance it has for us today. The reality is that our Christian life is NOT about taking principles from the Bible and applying them to our lives rather it is the inspired word and indwelling Word being released in us.
37:07 minutes (16.99 MB)
This week we explore the robe of the high priest in the Old Testament as it reveals our righteousness in Christ. Join us as we explore how Christ is released in our lives.
31:19 minutes (14.39 MB)
Join us this week as we begin to explore one of the nine priestly clothing. This week we look at the holy underwear the priests wore. I know it is a little awkward talking about the priests underwear but the implications for our identity in Christ is incredible.
40:56 minutes (18.79 MB)
LFA#4: Beautiful Chaos
Our life is a beautiful chaos. Join us this week as we look at our lives when they are one in spirit with God.
*We had trouble with this week's recording. Parts of the message were cut so there weren't any long periods of silence. The volume may fluctuate as well. Sorry for the inconvenience.
32:49 minutes (15.03 MB)
LFA#5: When You Get Tired Enough: Finding Refuge in God
Join us this week as we continue to understand who we are in Christ. This week we will look at the reality that "Truth is never imparted without trust".
38:53 minutes (17.83 MB)
LFA #3: Who We Truly Are
“The Glory of God is man fully alive.” – St. Ireneus. Join us this week as we explore who we truly are in Christ. This message is what you have been waiting for.
47:09 minutes (21.83 MB)
LFA #2: Taking Authority
Jesus gave his disciples authority when He sent them out for ministry (Matt 10, Mark 6, Luke 9); authority to drive out evil spirits, heal disease, preach the gospel, grant peace to a home, and even to take their peace from a home. Join us this week as we seek to walk in our authority in Christ.
30:04 minutes (14.01 MB)
LFA #1: Know Your Enemy
We are in a battle and we have an enemy. Join us this week as we explore the reality of how the enemy of souls seeks to kill, steal and destroy. We do not have to run in fear but understand who we are in Christ in order to live fully alive.
(Note: Sorry for the poor sound quality of this recording. The problem has been fixed for future sermons.)
30:04 minutes (14.01 MB)
Acts 29 #11: The Battle With Sin
As we close the ACTS 29 series we explore our battle with sin. We look at the power of sin, why we sin and how we are influenced by sin. Paul teaches in Romans 5 that in Christ we have one nature and that we must understand our new identity in Christ. You must know who you are in order to really change how you live.
42:04 minutes (19.89 MB)
Acts 29 #10: Law And Grace
This week we take a deeper look between the Law and Grace. Legalism is a system of living in which we try to make spiritual progress or gain God's blessing based on what we do. Christ has set us free from the law by His grace. Join us as we look into the book of Romans on being set free to live under grace.
36:43 minutes (17.44 MB)
Acts 29 #9: Our Identity In Christ
This week we explore the reality of the "Exchanged Life". Join us as we take a journey to the Cross and look at how we join Christ in this journey.
39:53 minutes (18.89 MB)
Acts 29 #8: Spirit Led Evangelism
Sharing the Good News of Jesus doesn't have to be awkward or in-your-face but rather grows out of our relationships and results from the Spirit's guidance and empowerment.
23:13 minutes (11.27 MB)
Acts 29 #7: Influence
Leadership is influence. Each of us are leaders in the environments that God has placed us whether that is work, home, church, or community. Our challenge is to lead by being Spirit Filled and Spirit led leaders.
24:13 minutes (11.72 MB)
Acts 29 #6: Suffering
Our American mindset has led us to believe that to follow Christ is to have an overabundance of wealth, health, perfect friendships, perfect kids and the list could go on. We difficulties and challenges come into our lives we begin to question God or think that we are doing something wrong. This week we look into the book of Acts to see that suffering is a key reality of the Christ life. It is through our suffering that Christ is glorified and seen to a world around us.
Acts 29 #5: The Exchanged Life
So often in our spiritual journey we think if we just try harder and do more for God that is the answer. The reality is that only leads to guilt, frustration and more duty. The truth is that God did not intend for us to live the Christian life out of our abilities, strength and knowledge. This week we explore the truth of the "Exchanged Life" that God offers each of us. His life for ours.
35:12 minutes (16.75 MB)
Acts 29 #4: True Healing
This week we take a step back and look at the primary ministry of Christ and His church--the ministry of healing people physically, relationally, and emotionally. Listen to a testimony of God's healing grace and power.
31:23 minutes (15 MB)
Acts 29 #3: Community
This week we explore the power of community in the life of the church. Our focus is on Acts 2:42-47 and who we are as the church. It is not about buildings, programs, budgets and the list could go on. It is about sharing life with one another through the good, bad and ugly through Christ. (Note: the live recording had some problems, so this is a reproduction of the same sermon in "the studio")
23:53 minutes (11.57 MB)
Acts 29 #2: The Story
The foundation of the church is God's Story that is woven throughout the Bible. His power and plan are seen at work through Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration.
43:38 minutes (20.61 MB)
Acts 29 #1: Rediscovering The Church
We begin the Acts 29 series by looking at Acts 1-2 and see that the power and the purpose of the church come from letting Jesus enter our lives and live in us and through us.
28:49 minutes (13.83 MB)