Batman Family Reunion
Paul Kien
All are welcome at this reunion! Join hosts Paul Kien and Shawn M. Myers as they discuss the Bronze Age classic comic, The Batman Family! We promise that the fried chicken is great, but the stories are even better!
Batman Family Reunion Finale!
Shawn and Paul shut down Gabriel’s Horn and the Wayne Family Gardens, but come join us for the last hurrah! We talk about our favorites from our 3-year Reunion party and hear about what you Bat-Cousins had to say about yours!
We are also bowing to listener demand, and announce the subject of our next show, coming later in 2025.
Thank you all for your support and for helping clean up after the raucous guests at the Reunion. We love our Bat-Cousins!
Paul and Shawn
Have a question or comment
Batman Family Reunion #495 – The Bat-Cousins Close Down Detective Comics (and the boy that cried “Podcast”)!
In this penultimate episode, Shawn and Paul cover the last issue of the Dollar Detective Starring the Batman Family! But we are not quite done! For our finale next month, we are going to do a retrospective of the entire series. And for that, we want as much Bat-Cousin participation as possible! So, we want YOU all to write to us (by November 20, 2024) and tell us your:
Favorite All-New Story (other than #13 if that is your favorite)
Favorite Reprint Story
Favorite Writer
Favorite Art
Batman Family Reunion #494 – Pinball, Fraternities, and the Crime Doctor!
Hold on to your shoes, bat-cousins! This month, we have another first-time podcaster (and our Patreon supporter), Brian Ciufo, join us at the Reunion! Dick and Jennifer go for a moonlight swim, Babs stares down a crime boss, and Bruce deals with a new threat to his secret identity! Black Lightning must deal with a troubled family, but we do get the return of Mr. Kool! (ish.) Have some day-old snacks and enjoy the Reunion!
This month's Bat Family History links for Charles Nicholas:
Batman Family Reunion #493 – Even an Android Can Cry!
Noted comic book and movie historian, venerated podcaster, and Mr. Kool himself, Rob Kelly takes a break from his cabin in the Poconos to bring vegetarian hot dogs to the Reunion this month! We get a real super villain, truckers, and our favorite phone booth to go with that noted member of the Batman Family – Red Tornado! But we have a good time doing it – come get in on the fun!
This month's Bat Family History links for Joe Giella:
Batman Family Reunion #492 – Gotham Bridge, the Penguin, and … the End of Batgirl?
This month Paul and Shawn welcome Andrew Leyland, host of the Overlooked Dark Knight and The Amazing Spider-Man from the Beginning, to the Reunion. We get the return of Man-Bat to the pages of Detective, as well as a “real” super villain as the Penguin takes on Robin! We get a tense bridge stand-off in a Tale of Gotham City, but the big headline for this issue is the 2-part Batman/Batgirl team up – will the Dominoed Daredoll ever be the same again? Stop by and try the grilled corn on the cob a
Batman Family Reunion #491 – Secret Origins and Assassinations!
Let’s all give a big Bat Family welcome to the entertainment at this month’s Reunion – our favorite Bat-DJ Matthew Davis! In his podcast debut, Matthew talks with Shawn and Paul about Detective Comics #491, where we get a lot of basketball, a dark turn in Batgirl’s story, and Jason Bard! Oh, and Maxie Zeus – can’t win ‘em all, I guess. Enjoy some cold cuts and lemonade!
This month's Bat Family History links for Marty Pasko:
Batman Family Reunion #490 – Earthquakes, Dance Moves, and Black Lightning!
We’re packed at the Wayne Family Gardens this month, as Siskoid makes his debut on the show along with our first three-time guest, Brett Young! We’ve got plenty to talk about as Batman’s “Vengeance Vow” ends, just as Black Lightning begins his run in the book! Batgirl infiltrates a dance studio, while Robin solves a campus mystery. Come on down and join us for some Twinkies!
This month's Bat Family History links for Bob Smith:
Batman Family Reunion #489 – Crisis on Multiple Computers, Bogus Butlers, and An Out of Character Robin!
1970s computers have taken over the Reunion this month – get your apple pie before the AI does! At least we get to welcome back podcasting all-star, Chris Franklin, to the Reunion. Thank goodness he is here to help us get over the terrible treatment of Batgirl by Robin this issue! We also get 2 Batman stories, an Alfred adventure, and see Commissioner Gordon go up against rioting prisoners! Have a seat by the fire pit – you may not like what happens in this issue, but we will have fun talking a
Batman Family Reunion #488 – Spooky Switches and Vanishing Cars!
Holy Bat-Pod! This month, J. David Weter drops by the Reunion to visit with the Batman Family! Batman is mistaken for a murderer, Robin solves a mystery, and Batgirl finds herself in the middle of a gang war! But we also get Elongated Man stuffed into a tire at a racetrack, and a Tale of Gotham City (on the subway)! Hang on to your apple pie!
This month's Bat Family History links for Mike W. Barr:
Batman Family Reunion #487 – Sergius, Roy Raymond, and The Odd Man!
Bat-Cousin Martin Gray flies over the Atlantic to join Paul and Shawn at this month’s Reunion! He is rewarded with “odd” tales of Batman trapped in a watertight apartment, Robin visiting Germany, and Batgirl forgetting about her re-election campaign! Throw in Roy Raymond and The Odd Man, and you have quite a buffet! Settle in for some mince pie and enjoy the stories and conversation!
This month's Bat Family History links for Don Newton (also check out our Gallery for photos of Don dressed as C
Batman Family Reunion #486 – Skeletons, Sea Devils, and Stamp Collections!
This month, join Shawn, Paul, and special guest (and first-time podcaster) Dan Dougherty at Wayne Family Gardens! We discover whether Maxie Zeus really has god-like powers and how the Sea Devils connect to the Human Target! We get the return of ads to Detective Comics, and see Alfred take on a home invasion at the Wayne penthouse! The Scarecrow comes by Hudson U to strike fear into Robin, while Batgirl faces Killer Moth! Stop on by and enjoy the conversation and the apple pie!
This month's
Batman Family Reunion #485 – The Vengeance Vow!
Happy New Year! Unfortunately, our reunion hits a somber note, as Ward Hill Terry (Stop Calling Him Frank!) joins Shawn and Paul to mourn the loss of Aunt Kathy. But we do get some crack detective work by Robin, if not by the HUPD. Witness an amazing balancing act by Jason Bard in the return of Man-Bat to these pages! After a dessert of leftover Christmas cookies, we also see a foreign national burglarize Barbara’s apartment! And alas, we get the last chapter of the Demon’s Eternity Book sag
Batman Family Reunion #484 – Purple Pants, Flying Graysons, and the Galileo Solution!
Happy Holidays! Shawn and Paul welcome Brett Young back to the Reunion! Denny O’Neil is the author of 2 VERY different Batman stories this month! We get the debut of Jack C. Harris on Batgirl and Robin! The Demon thinks he has bested Baron Tyme, while the Human Target wonders Just Who is Floyd Fenderman Anyway? You be the judge of the stories as well as the pumpkin pies!
This month's Bat Family History links for Bob Oksner:
Batman Family Reunion #483 – The Curse of Crime Alley!
Captain Entropy drops by this month to talk about the 40th Anniversary Issue of Detective Comics! He schools Shawn and Paul on military fashion while we discuss Batgirl’s date! The Demon returns to Castle Branek and we see the debut of the Human Target as a member of the Batman Family! Robin finally shows Dave Corby who’s boss, but best of all we get a kangaroo race at the Reunion! Join us for the family fun!
This month's Bat Family History links for Dick Dillin:
Batman Family Reunion #482 – A Gorilla, a Demon, and a Mite!
Bat-Mite finally makes his appearance at the Reunion! As usual, he’s not much help, but you can help Paul and Shawn welcome real-life relative Todd Serenbetz back to BFR as we discuss Detective #482. We see the conclusion of Batgirl’s trip to China, Batman taking on a giant gorilla, and the debut of The Demon with art by Michael Golden! Oh, and Robin gets to fly the Whirly-Bat! Come on by and grab a seat at the picnic table!
This month's Bat Family History – who is Juan Ortiz? How many of them
Batman Family Reunion #481 – Batman Family Saves Detective Comics!
This month, join Shawn, Paul, and special guest Chris Franklin at the revamped Wayne Family Gardens! We move over to Detective Comics and share some corned beef on rye and carrot cake as we get Marshall Rogers, Jim Starlin, and Don Newton (twice!) on art in this issue. The PI firm of Bard and Langstrom gets off the ground, and Babs visits China! Robin battles the Raven (no, not that one!) as Batman rides the rails (literally) and then comes face to face with a nemesis from his father’s past! Y
Batman Family Reunion – Move to Detective Promo!
We’ve been saying for almost 2 years that Batman Family saved Detective Comics from the DC Implosion – now it’s time to see how! Check out our new promo to see what’s in store for the Batman Family Reunion the first Wednesday of every month!
Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it?
Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion
This podcast is a proud member o
Batman Family Reunion #20 – Guest Stars Galore!
Fire and Water Network All-Star Max Romero stops by the Reunion this month and helps Shawn and Paul make sense of the LAST ISSUE of Batman Family! We get Ragman, Elongated Man, and a big hero moment for Red Tornado! Man-Bat gets a new job and the Huntress lounges in her bathrobe! Another artistic tour de force by Michael Golden (on 2 stories!) helps soften the blow of the imminent DC Implosion! Join us for some fried chicken and melted ice cream cake at the Wayne Family Gardens!
This month's
Batman Family Reunion #19 – Killer Bats and Earth-Shaking Crimes!
This month, Shawn and Paul welcome our Bat Cousin Brett Young to the Reunion. He has a lot to say about the menu, and along the way we get another cool Bronze Age Batman story and a bad (very) day for Robin! Kirk and Francine have a talk and the Huntress inches closer to solving her mystery. Have a Clark Bar!
This month's Bat Family History links for Danny Bulanadi:
Batman Family Reunion #18 – Art Smuggling, Sewer Water, and the Pentagon!
This month, we welcome Bill Bere of The Bat-Pod to the Reunion! He picked a doozy, as the table is set for 5 stories this month! The Huntress begins her solo strip with a barbeque (of Gotham), Lori dumps Dick, Babs slaps a Senator, and Kirk is wistful for his glory days! Oh yeah, and Batman swims through sewer water, earning Shawn’s respect forever! Come join the fun and have some strawberry shortcake!
Check out Bill at
This month's Bat Family History links fo
Batman Family Reunion #17 – Scars, Zodiacs, and Demon Babies!
This month, we welcome our Bat-Cousin, and another Batman Family letterhack, Martin Maenza, to the Reunion! The Huntress meets her Uncle Bruce and the rest of the Bat Family! Man-Bat meets the Demon! Bat-Cousin Shawn’s apple pie wins an award (4th place)! But the big news is that Batman Family is now a DOLLAR COMIC! We bite off the tasty morsels of stories, as Batman and Robin team up to save Lori, the Bat-Ladies take on Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Ma
Batman Family Reunion Special - Paul Levitz!
A special episode with the Co-Creator of the Huntress! That’s right, Paul Levitz drops by the Reunion! Enjoy snacking on the Dunkin’ Donuts as we talk about his career, the evolution of the Huntress character, and a lot of other tasty morsels along the way.
Many thanks to Dan Greenfield of for helping us arrange this interview.
Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and wa
Batman Family Reunion #16 – Hamburgers, an Unnamed Villain, and a Green Boot!
Shawn and Paul are sitting alone at the picnic table this month but hoo-boy! What an issue to discuss! We get Robin, Batgirl, Bat-Girl, Commissioner Gordon, Cold-Shoulder Lori, strange video equipment, father-daughter teasing, a color-blind villain, and plenty of hamburgers – all in the first story! Man-Bat shares billing (and the reward) with Jason Bard (who also eats a burger) in our second story as they save Francine from the Shotgun Sniper! Shed a t
Batman Family Reunion #15 – Finding the Batcave and The Shotgun Sniper!
This month we have two all-star relatives at the reunion!
A big Bat-hello to Bat-Cousin Craig Boldman, a comics professional for many years who actually had a letter printed in Batman Family #12! Listen to the segment on the Batmail Family Special Delivery from this issue, as we discuss how the other readers of the day dissect his plan to rename Robin as Robin Hood! You should check out his website and then take a look at all his comics credits! Than
Batman Family Reunion #14 - Plastic Suits and Crazy Neighbors!
This month, Bat-Cousin Paul Wildenberger brings his spicy salsa to the reunion to talk about Batman Family #14! A crazy virus melts Batwoman and threatens Batgirl & Robin, but that doesn’t stop the Boy Wonder from another great Batarang trick! Meanwhile Man-Bat gets a shock from his neighbor, and we learn a little more about who is knocking on Francine’s door. All this and more great food and company at this month’s BFR!
This month's Bat Family History links for Don Heck:
Batman Family Reunion #13 - The TNT Trio Takes on The Outsider!
This month at the Wayne Family Gardens, Shawn and Paul welcome 2 guests - Tim Price and Dan Greenfield - to discuss Batman Family #13. It takes this Quirky Quartet to discuss the 4 fabulous chapters of this epic story! Just like Robin, we all bare our souls and declare our love for Batgirl (as well as the art of Don Newton and Marshall Rogers), while enjoying Tim’s Seven-Layer Jello! Hopefully all our listeners aren’t asleep, like Babs…
This month's B
Batman Family Reunion #12 - Batgirl’s Brother, Robin’s Term Paper, and a Jaguar in Central Park!
Oh yeah! Bat-Cousin Ward Hill Terry drops by with his 2 kinds of Buttermilk Biscuits to talk about Batman Family #12. We not only get to see Batgirl hit her head on the dashboard of an airplane, but Man-Bat is menaced by a flashlight! All while Robin is doing trick Batarang shots! And listen to the Bat Family History segment for a special surprise guest star from the Network!
Terry's band’s latest release!
Batman Family Reunion #11 – The Wedding of Batgirl and Robin Hits a Snafu!
Get ready for some Bangers and Mash! Shawn and Paul are thrilled to have Batty Uncle Martin Gray join the Reunion this month! Not only do we get a wedding, but the first ALL NEW issue of Batman Family also gives us a Team-Up (ish?) between Commissioner Gordon and Alfred, and the start of Man-Bat’s feature! Join us for the picnic and help us down this onion flavored ice cream!
Don't forget to check out our Gallery Post this month to see both of us at t
Batman Family Reunion #10 – The Return of Batwoman! And the SECOND Boy Wonder???
This month, Shawn and Paul welcome a real-life relative to the Reunion! Todd Serenbetz stops by the Wayne Family Gardens to pitch some horseshoes and talk about Batman Family #10. Yes, Kathy Kane is back, but we also get Uncle George Grayson and Fred Lloyd! Who? You’ll have to listen to find out, but don’t miss out on Cousin Todd’s pizza!
This month's Bat Family History links for John Calnan:
Batman Family Reunion #9 – Devilish Daughters from the 13th Dimension!
Shawn and Paul are thrilled to welcome our Bat-Cousin Dan Greenfield of The 13th Dimension to the Reunion, mostly because of the dishes he brought! (You will have to listen to find out what they were!) This month we get to discuss the conclusion of the Joker’s Daughter Saga, the return of Blockbuster, and another charming Golden Age Alfred tale. Join us for the hijinks but whatever you do, be careful that you don’t let your mom give your comics away to
Batman Family Reunion Special - Bob Rozakis!
Surprise! A bonus Batman Family Reunion this month as Bat-Cousins Paul and Shawn are joined by the Answer Man himself, Bob Rozakis! The creator of The Joker’s Daughter, Titans West and ‘Mazing Man stops by the picnic table to talk about his career and writing The Batman Family!
Don’t forget to check out his blog at
And thanks, Bob!
Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you l
Batman Family Reunion #8 – Catgirl Takes Robin for a Spin!
Shawn is still dizzy from doing cartwheels with Robin, so Paul is able to sneak the rest of the pumpkin pie. Come join us as Catgirl shows up to harass Robin in his first full length adventure! We also revisit Batgirl’s Last Case and see Batwoman “Spin” on a Sprang Fan!
This month's Bat Family History Links for Charles Paris:
Plus lo
Batman Family Reunion - Summer 2022 Promo!
We’ve entered the Rozakis era of Batman Family, and Bat-Cousins Shawn and Paul have a new promo to make sure we are all ready for it! Please join us the first Wednesday of every month for good food and even better Bronze Age Brilliance! Here’s a new promo to celebrate the occasion!
Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it?
Batman Family Reunion #7 – Fencing, Broken Trophies, and Shawn’s First Comic Book!
Watch out! Cousin Paul is driving the chariot but Cousin Shawn is about to shoot him with a bow and arrow! What brought on this epic battle? Well, get your sports equipment out for this month’s Batman Family Reunion to find out! We read through Batman Family #7, which is a VERY SPECIAL ISSUE for Shawn – his FIRST EVER COMIC BOOK!!
This month's Bat Family History Links for Elliot S! Maggin:
Batman Family Reunion #6 - BFR Salutes the Bicentennial!
This month, we pull out all the stops for our special Bicentennial Reunion! Shawn and Paul are decked out in Red, White, & Blue, and we welcome an unexpected guest - the Joker's Daughter! See her first appearance, Batgirl wrassle some bison, and the Mad Hatter get foiled by a hatpin!
This month's Bat Family History Links:
Batman Family Reunion #5 - A Princess, A Vagabond, and A Hound!
At the Reunion this month, you can see Shawn and Paul try a double back flip - not a pretty sight! But stick around for the goulash and the discussion about Batman Family #5, which has a great Batgirl-Robin team-up, the somewhat silly debut of the Signalman, and the first appearance of Ace, the Bat-Hound!
This month's Bat Family History Links:
Batman Family Reunion Episode #4 - Merry (Very) Christmas!
Happy Holidays! Robin and Batgirl are spending them apart, but you can join Paul Kien and Shawn M. Myers as they take you on a sleigh ride through Batman Family #4! We have 2 new tales starring Batgirl and Robin, the first appearance of Fatman, and an extra-length epic guest starring the Elongated Man!
But most importantly, we have a special guest star - Chris Franklin! He drops in to talk about one of his favorite holiday stories (but we are mostly
Batman Family Reunion Episode #3
Who invited the dinosaur to the picnic?? Paul Kien and Shawn M. Myers are running for their lives, but not too busy to discuss Batman Family #3! This issue brings us a great new story with art by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez (PBHN)! But there are 3 more stories as well, including a golden age classic starring "Batman of the Year 3000"! Join us for the stories, the extra features, and Shawn's homemade apple pie!
Have a question or comment? Looking for more
Batman Family Reunion #2
We're back! Paul Kien and Shawn M. Myers are your guides through the all-reprint Batman Family #2! See Batman take a header into a swamp! See Robin ride in a sidecar! See Shawn eat too much corn on the cob! Come on by and join the party as we review 4 great stories with Batgirl, Robin, Cluemaster, and Mystery Man!
Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it?
E-MAIL: bat
Batman Family Reunion - Episode 1
The first episode of the Batman Family Reunion is here! Paul Kien and Shawn M. Myers are your guides through the first Batgirl/Robin team-up, the debut of Man-Bat, 2 other stories, and some surprises along the way. So grab your copy of 1975's Batman Family #1 or download it to your iPad, and grab a seat at our picnic table and enjoy the potato salad and the company of the rest of your Bat-Kinfolk!
Have a question or comment? Looking for more great con
Batman Family Reunion - Coming in January!
Coming 0n January 5th to the Fire and Water Podcast Network — The Batman Family Reunion! Get ready to join your hosts Shawn M. Myers and Paul Kien as they take you through one of their favorite Bronze Age comic series – The Batman Family! Starring Batgirl & Robin and other members of the Batman Family, the series reintroduced Batwoman, gave us the Joker’s Daughter and the Man-Bat/Jason Bard detective team, and put Alfred through the ringer again as t
Batman Knightcast 37: BATMAN #253 and #259
Continuing from yesterday's episode of FW Presents, Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin celebrate the 90th anniversary of The Shadow's print debut. On this episode of Batman Knightcast, the fellas showcase BATMAN #253 and #259, both of which guest star The Shadow.
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Batman Knightcast 36: DETECTIVE COMICS #407 and BATMAN #454
On this episode of Batman Knightcast, Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin wrap up the two continuing story arcs they've covered since the beginning of the year. First, Batman's dizzying confrontation with the Man-Bat reaches new heights of craziness and excitement in DETECTIVE COMICS #407. Then, the Riddler's deadly game reaches its fiery, diabolical conclusion in the third part of "Dark Knight, Dark City" from BATMAN #454.
Let us know what you think! Leave a
Batman Knightcast 35: DETECTIVE COMICS #402 and BATMAN #453
A new episode of Batman Knightcast: NOW WITH WINGS! Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin continue to chronicle two different trilogies starring the Caped Crusader and some of his deadliest rogues. First, in DETECTIVE COMICS #402, Batman encounters Doctor Langstrom again, whose monstrous transformation into the Man-Bat will bring him right into Batman's home. In BATMAN #453, The Riddler doubles down on the evil, endangering more babies and now dogs, too. What's h
Batman Knightcast 34: DETECTIVE COMICS #400 and BATMAN #452
Riddle me this! When is the Batman more Man than Bat? On the first Batman Knightcast episode of 2021, Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin take on the opening chapters of two different fan-favorite trilogies. First, the Dark Knight's first encounter with the Man-Bat in DETECTIVE COMICS #400. Then, the Riddler challenges Batman like never before in "Dark Knight, Dark City" from BATMAN #452. All that, plus listener feedback from last episode.
Let us know what you
Batman Knightcast 33: Christmas with the Batman
Batman Knightcast kicks off the holiday season with two seasonal adventures of the Caped Crusader. Warm up you singing voice as Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin follow Batman's unusual night of Christmas caroling with the cops in "The Silent Night of the Batman" originally from BATMAN #219. Then, when the year is at its darkest, the holiday spirit shines brightest; this it is, with Batman and Robin, and why the light and joy of the Boy Wonder is ever-importa
Batman Knightcast 32: DETECTIVE COMICS #617 and BATMAN #321
80 years ago, DC Comics created a throwaway villain called The Joker, who has hardly been heard of or talked about until this episode of Batman Knightcast. Now Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin plum the depths of comic book obscurity to find two tales featuring the so-called Clown Prince of Crime. First up is DETECTIVE COMICS #617, the single issue that launched Ryan's comic collecting habit three decades ago. Then, BATMAN #321, which celebrates the Joker's b
Batman Knightcast 31: Detective Comics #475 and #476
Put on a happy face! On this Batman Knightcast, Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin bring the epic Englehart and Rogers Batman saga to its dramatic conclusion with DETECTIVE COMICS #475 and #476. These issues tell the infamous "Laughing Fish" story that pits the Dark Knight Detective against the Clown Prince of Crime in one of his all-time nuttiest capers. Plus, Bruce's relationship with Silver St. Cloud and Batman's trouble with Boss Thorne reach, s
Batman Knightcast 30: DETECTIVE COMICS #473 and #474
On this episode of Batman Knightcast, Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly continue their examination of the fan favorite run of Steve Englehart, Marshall Rogers, and Terry Austin on DETECTIVE COMICS #473 and #474. First, Batman and Robin pursue the Penguin. Then, the Caped Crusader finds himself in the crosshairs of the redesigned Deadshot, while Bruce Wayne finds his secret double life in the crosshairs of his lover, Silver St. Cloud.
Let us know what you thi
Batman Knightcast 29: Death Strikes at Midnight and Three
On this special Sunday edition of Batman Knightcast, Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin pay tribute to legendary Batman writer and editor Dennis O'Neil, reflecting on how his tenure(s) on the Dark Knight Detective shaped the character's legacy and their own fandom. Then, the boys deliver a dramatic (eh?) reading of the prose story "Death Strikes at Midnight and Three" by O'Neil with illustrations by Marshall Rogers, originally published in DC SPECIAL SERIES #1
Batman Knightcast 28: DETECTIVE COMICS #395 and #397
On this episode of Batman Knightcast, Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly journey back to the beginning of an historic era for the Caped Crusader. Come along as they review the first two Batman stories by the legendary creative team of Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams, originally published in DETECTIVE COMICS #395 and #397.Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCAST Facebook page at:
Batman Knightcast 27: BATMAN #234
It's Part 1 of THE OVERLOOKED DARK KNIGHTCAST crossover/team-up/event thing!
On this special episode, Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin welcome their fellow Batman fans and podcast hosts Michael Bailey and Andrew Leyland from The Overlooked Dark Knight Podcast. Join them as they discuss the all-time classic story from BATMAN #234 featuring the return of Two-Face by the legendary creative team of Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams.
This crossover/team-up/event thin
Batman Knightcast 26: DETECTIVE COMICS #471 and #472
The New Look Batman Knightcast continues as Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review DETECTIVE COMICS #471 and #472. In the aftermath of his battle with Doctor Phosphorous (DoPho from now on), the Dark Knight Detective seeks medical treatment at an exclusive facility...and walks right into the trap of an evil mad scientist thought to be dead for years! The Steve Englehart era kicks into high gear when penciller Marshall Rogers and inker Terry Austin jump on b
Batman Knightcast 25: DETECTIVE COMICS #469 and #470
Batman Knightcast Phase 2 kicks into action when Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review DETECTIVE COMICS #469 and #470. A radioactive madman is poisoning Gotham City, and the Dark Knight Detective must stop him in a two-part story written by Steve Englehart and illustrated by Walt Simonson. Hear that? It's the crazy sound of Ryan and Chris finding their joy!Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCA
Batman Knightcast Feedback Special
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin respond to the listener feedback left on Batman Knightcast episodes 21 through 24. Then, an important announcement about the future of this podcast (he said, ominously)!
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This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND W
Batman Knightcast 24: BATMAN #413 and DETECTIVE COMICS #580
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly review BATMAN #413, a fill-in issue by a creative team that would've been far, far better than the last one; and then DETECTIVE COMICS #580, the first installment of yet another Two-Face two-parter.
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This podcast is a p
Batman Knightcast 23: BATMAN #412 and DETECTIVE COMICS #579
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin discuss BATMAN #412, the final installment of the abysmal Max Allan Collins run. Then DETECTIVE COMICS #579 marks the series debut of legendary artist Norm Breyfogle. All things considered, it's a pretty good turning point for both titles.
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Batman Knightcast 22: BATMAN #411 and DETECTIVE COMICS #578
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly find the opposite of their joy with BATMAN #411, the second part of the latest Two-Face caper, because we can never have enough of those. Then finally DETECTIVE COMICS #578, the concluding chapter of "Batman Year Two". These are two very bad Batman comics, but the boys attempt to liven things up at the end by remembering the animated movie BATMAN: MASK OF THE PHANTASM.
Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an e
Batman Knightcast 21: BATMAN #410 and DETECTIVE COMICS #577
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin return to discuss BATMAN #410, which sees the Dark Knight and his new partner Jason Todd go up against Two-Face. Then DETECTIVE COMICS #577, the third chapter of "Batman Year Two". Also, because this episode was recorded a long time ago, the boys make numerous references to the detective's "bat-a-wang".
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Batman Knightcast 20: BATMAN ANNUAL #11
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review two oddball love stories from BATMAN ANNUAL #11. First up is a story written by the legendary Alan Moore and drawn by George Freeman that finds Clayface III unhappy with his marriage, and jealous of a certain Dark Knight. Then, Norm Breyfogle makes his Batman debut in a story by Max Allan Collins that sees the Penguin promising to give up his criminal ways for the love of his woman, but the Caped Crusader has his doubt
Batman Knightcast 19: DETECTIVE COMICS #576
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly continue to chronicle the Dark Knight's sophomore year in DETECTIVE COMICS #576. It's part two of "Batman: Year Two" featuring the series' new artist Todd McFarlane.
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This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER
Batman Knightcast 18: BATMAN #409
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review BATMAN #409, continuing the post-Crisis origin Jason Todd, the second Boy Wonder. Then, listener feedback from part 1 of "Batman Year Two". If none of that sounds very interesting to you, stay for the song at the end.
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Batman Knightcast 17: DETECTIVE COMICS #575
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly review DETECTIVE COMICS #575, the first part of "Batman: Year Two" and the final issue penciled by Alan Davis. Plus listener feedback on last episode's much-beloved Batman #408.
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This podcast is a proud member of the FI
Batman Knightcast 16: BATMAN #408
Beginning a bold, possibly disastrous era in the life of the Dynamic Duo! Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin dive headfirst into BATMAN #408, the first part of "The New Adventures" of Batman, and the first appearance of the all-new, all-streetwise Jason Todd.
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Batman Knightcast 15: DETECTIVE COMICS #574
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly review DETECTIVE COMICS #574 by the team of Mike W. Barr and Alan Davis! Clips of Batman's past are revealed as Robin's life hangs in the balance, but don't worry, Robin will be fine. Nothing bad will ever happen to him.Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCAST Facebook page at: podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AN
Batman Knightcast 14: BATMAN #407
Batman Year One concludes! Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review Batman #407, the final chapter in the landmark retelling of the Dark Knight's origin. Plus, listener feedback from previous episodes.This episode is dedicated to the memory of Adam West.Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCAST Facebook page at: podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AN
Batman Knightcast 13: DETECTIVE COMICS #573
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly try not to flip their lids over the Mad Hatter's crazy continuity and this mad cap tale from DETECTIVE COMICS #573. Also, listener feedback from last episode.
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This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAS
Batman Knightcast 12: BATMAN #406
Batman Year One continues! Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review Batman #406, the third chapter in the blockbuster reimagining of the Dark Knight's first year on the job. Plus, Free Comic Book Day talk as well as listener feedback from last episode.
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Batman Knightcast 11: DETECTIVE COMICS #572
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly celebrate the 50th anniversary of Detective Comics on its 80th anniversary by reviewing DETECTIVE COMICS #572, which sees Batman and Robin team up with other super sleuths like Slam Bradley, the Elongated Man, and even the legendary Sherlock Holmes. Plus, more than an hour of listener feedback, and it's like 60% sex worker talk.Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHT
Batman Knightcast 10: BATMAN #405
Batman Year One continues! Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review Batman #405, the second chapter in the epic retelling of the Caped Crusader's origin story. Plus, listener feedback, and gifts from our wonderful listener(s).Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCAST Facebook page at: podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. Vis
Batman Knightcast 9: DETECTIVE COMICS #571
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly review DETECTIVE COMICS #571, in which the Dynamic Duo confront their fears and the villainous Scarecrow! Plus, listener feedback from last episode.Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCAST Facebook page at: podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. Visit our WEBSITE: http://fireandwaterpodcast.c
Batman Knightcast 8: BATMAN #404
Batman Year One begins! Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review Batman #404, the first part of the groundbreaking reimagining of the Dark Knight's origin by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli.
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This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODC
Batman Knightcast 7: DETECTIVE COMICS #570
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly review DETECTIVE COMICS #570, continuing the thrilling adventure by Mike W. Barr and Alan Davis!Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCAST Facebook page at: podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER -
Batman Knightcast 6: BATMAN #403
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review BATMAN #403, which continues the story of Tommy Carma, the imposter Batman. Also, listener feedback from episode 5.Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCAST Facebook page at: podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER -
Batman Knightcast 5: DETECTIVE COMICS #569
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly review DETECTIVE COMICS #569, the first exciting issue by the creative team of Mike W. Barr and Alan Davis!Let us know what you think! Leave a comment or send an email to: or the BATMAN KNIGHTCAST Facebook page at: podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. Visit our WEBSITE: Follow us on TWITTER - https://twitte
Batman Knightcast 4: BATMAN #402
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin review BATMAN #402, the first issue written by Max Allan Collins. Is this the beginning of the end already for our dynamic podcast? Or will our intrepid hosts find a fairly enjoyable story amidst all the negative hype? Tune in to find out! Also, listener feedback from episode 3.
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Batman Knightcast 3: DETECTIVE COMICS #568
Chris Franklin and Ryan Daly review DETECTIVE COMICS #568, a tie-in to the Legends miniseries event from 1986. Also, listener feedback from episodes 1 and 2.
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This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK.
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Batman Knightcast 2: BATMAN #401
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin continue their exploration of the Darknight Detective's adventures by reviewing BATMAN #401, a tie-in to the Legends miniseries event from 1986.
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Check out Michael Bailey's coverage of the entire Legends crossover at Views from the Longbox at:
Batman Knightcast 1: BATMAN #400
Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin kick off their celebration of the Caped Crusader’s comic book adventures with a discussion of their Bat-fandom and a review of the epic anniversary story from Batman #400.
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This podcast is a proud memb
Batman Knightcast Promo
COMING THIS DECEMBER!Batman Knightcast is a podcast dedicated to the comic book adventures of Batman and Robin beginning with Batman #400 from 1986. Hosts Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin chronicle the Caped Crusader's appearances in Batman and Detective Comics, and later on in Legends of the Dark Night, Shadow of the Bat, original graphic novels, and other Bat-comics from the late 1980s and early 1990s.This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK. Visit our WEBSITE: http://f