Axioms of Liberty
Axioms Of Liberty
All things freedom, sovereignty, and liberty-minded. Help yourself build a better foundation for understanding the world around you by exploring the deeper topics of life and how the fundamentals of life hinge upon action and consent. All works covered here; rights are reserved by their respective parties. I assume no ownership or rights to the covered material. This podcast is for educational purposes only.
Anarchists Handbook Chp6 By Michael Malice
Government, strictly and scientifically speaking is a coercive force; a man, while governed with his own consent, is not governed at all.
Anarchist Handbook Pt2 by Michael Malice
we again perceive that even in its most equitable form it is impossible for government to dissociate itself from evil; & further, that, unless the right to ignore the State is recognized, its acts must be essentially criminal.
The Anarchist Handbook by Michael Malice Pt.1
we begin reading Michael Malice's book the anarchists handbook For the State it is indispensable that nobody have anown will if one had, the State would have to exclude (lock up, banish, etc.) this one; if all had, they would do away with the State. The State is not thinkable without lordship and servitude (subjection); for the State must will to be the lord of all that it embraces, and this will is called the “will of the State.”The State practices “violence,” the individual mustnot do so. The
Capitalist Production and the Problem of Public Goods by Hoppe
to those challenging the idea of a private market for security would
have to be: what about you? What would your reaction be? Does
your fear of outlaw companies mean that you would then go out and
engage in trade with a security producer that aggressed against other
people and their property, and would you continue supporting it if it
Capitalist Production and The Problem of Monopoly by Hoppe
The monopoly problem as a special problem of markets requiring state action to be resolved does not exist In fact, only when the state enters the scene does a real, nonillusory problem of monopoly and monopoly prices emerge.
The Socio-psychological Foundations of Socialism or The Theory of The State by Hoppe
There can be no socialism without a state, and as long as there is a state there is socialism as socialism rests on aggressive violence directed against innocent victims, aggressive violence is the nature of any state.
The Ethical Justification of Capitalism and Why Socialism Is Morally Indefensible by Hoppe
in this episode we delineate the prior user-latecomer distinction.
how argumentation of any sort presupposes this normative claim .
how capitalism is the only justifiable economic process that adheres to this principle.
The Socialism of Social Engineering and The Foundations of Economic Analysis by Hoppe
In any case, since the socialism of social engineering does not
differ in principle from any of the other versions of socialism, in that
it implies a redistribution of property titles away from the users and
contractors of scarce resources and onto nonusers and noncontractors, it, too, raises the cost of production and so leads to a reduction
in the production of wealth
The Socialism of Conservatism by Hoppe
what can be socialist about conservatism?
would conservation be to retract all innovation?
what methodologies does conservatism use to keep the economic order in check ?
Socialism Social-Democratic Style by Hans Herman Hoppe
somewhat ironically for a socialist party which argued that equalizing educational opportunities
would imply an income transfer from the rich to the poor, in effect
to a subsidy paid to the more intelligent at the expense of a complementary income reduction for the less intelligent
Russian Style Socialism By Hans Herman Hoppe
what kind of outcomes can we deduce when the means of production are socialized?
does changing the private property incentive structure change how a society operates?
No waste BTC signs geyser page :
A Theory of Socialism & Capitalism by Hans Herman Hoppe
Chapter 1 and 2
would property exist in a land of over abundance?
if so how would that be created?
in this land of abundance can someone else own another's body?
we learn these answers today and more in todays read
Principles of Economics: Defense
The modern slave is not kept in physical chains, as his physical freedom makes him too productive to restrain. He is instead kept in mental chains of statist education, accepting inferior security while having his wealth pillaged, with no real accountability or choice
the progress of human civilization depends on minimizing the damage from this gang called government , not on commandeering it for the impossible task of using its license for evil to do good.
Principles of Economics: Violence by Saifedean Ammous
How do Fiat economists sanction governmental violence?
does government create distortions in markets?
are governments exempt for irrationality & inefficiencies?
Saif breaks down these questions and more in todays chapter
Counterfeit Individualism By Nathaniel Branden, The Argumentation of Intimidation By Ayn Rand
Can i rebel be an individualist?
what's the most prominent aspect of an individualist?
What is the argumentation of intimidation?
how best can we spot such a tactic?
The Divine Right of Stagnation by Nathaniel Branden, Racism by Ayn Rand
Leaving men free to think, act, produce, attempt the untried & new creates the system to reward effort and achievement & penalizes passivity
The Nature Of Government, Government Financing in Free Society by Ayn Rand
what Is the nature of government?
can there be more than one government over a geographical area?
how can government be funded in a free society?
should government exist in a free society?
we ask all these and more on today episode
Mans Rights, Collectivized "Rights" by Ayn Rand
What subjectivism is in the realm of ethics, collectivism is in the realm of politics anything society does is right because society chose to do it is not a moral principle but a negation of moral principles & banishment of all morality from social issues.
Collectivized Ethics, The Monument Builders
There is no such dichotomy such as human rights VS. property rights no human rights can exist without property rights since goods are produced by men's mind and effort if he does not own the results he does not own his life.
Doesn't Life Require Compromise?, How Does One Lead A Rational Life in an Irritational Society?, The Cult Of Moral Grayness
there can be no compromise on moral principles, any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can benefit.
It is the fear of moral responsibility the leads men to adopt an attitude of morale neutrality.
Isn't Everyone Selfish?, The Psychology of Pleasure by Nathaniel Branden
to be selfish is to be motivated by concern for ones own interest this requires that one consider what constitutes ones self interest and how to achieve it, one cannot be concerned with one desire that of which one does not know.
The Conflicts Of Men's Interests by Ayn Rand
A rational man never holds a desire or pursues a goal which cannot be achieved by his own effort. He trades value for value. If a man pursues a goal the requires the effort of others, he seeks not anything but his own ability to persuade them to his goal.
The Ethics Of Emergencies by Ayn Rand
Advocates of altruism are unable to base their ethics on any facts of men's normal existence and only offer "lifeboat" situations as examples in which to derive moral conduct.
- Ayn Rand
Mental Health Vs. Mysticism and Self Sacrifice by Nathaniel Branden
Mans life and self esteem require that a man take pride in his power to think, pride in his power to live- but morality, men are taught, holds pride, and specifically intellectual pride, as the gravest of sins. -N.B.
The Virtue Of Selfishness By Ayn Rand intro and Chp1
We begin our reading of Ayn Rand's book the introduction and first chapter
"Human Rights" Are Property Rights by Murray N. Rothbard
Is Privacy a human right?
is free speech a human right?
what entails a right?
how are rights derived?
Anatomy Of The Constitution By Derek Wills (@ancapair)
why should we disregard the constitution of the united states?
how are constitutions socialist?
does the constitution actually protect anything at all?
Derek breaks it all down in todays read
@ancapair on twitter
Author of The Liberty Solution
Anarchy and the Law by Edward P. Stringham
What examples do we have in society today in regards to anarchism?
we dive into Edwards succinct summarization of articles and reads that are invaluable to learning more
Law And Intellectual Property In a Stateless Society by Stephan Kinsella
we go through the further iteration of the developing thesis of Stephan's arguments for how intellectual property is an indefensible position to have
Intellectual Property and Libertarianism By Stephan Kinsella
the next installment of the curation of Stephan's thesis of the invalidity of IP.
Is Intellectual Property Legitimate? By Stephan Kinsella
Is Intellectual Property a right?
how could one defend IP?
we find out today in three essays beginning to learn about the scam that is IP
Free Will...?
do we have free will?
is such a thing even real?
were you brought here by your choices, or by your past choices?
we go down what free will entails, and the arguments for and against the idea of such a thing.
Living in the private
what's the difference between public and private?
does the state have jurisdiction over you?
we begin to dive down the rabbit hole that is self ownership
Quotes from a wide variety of philosophers
a collection of quotes from philosophers, libertarians, freedom fighters, young and old.
this is the conclusion of the Voluntaryist Handbook ! Thank you for listening!
How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis & The Imposers and the Imposed Upon
is the current healthcare crisis an after effect of prior regulations?
how does government create the facade of being imposed upon where it very much operates within the realm of imposers?
How Government Solved
the Health Care Crisis
Roderick T. Long
The Imposers and the Imposed Upon
Jeff Deist
The Anti-Capitalist Ideology of Slavery by Phillip W. Magness, From Marine to Voluntaryist Shane Hazel, The Law by Frédéric Bastiat
can a marine become a Voluntaryist?
how does the news invoke a sinister identity towards capitalism?
if laws are created to protect plunder would it not be true that laws are unjust?
Fallacies You Need to Be Told About by Michael Huemer
what are some of the fallacies that occur in argumentative positions? we learn today about 14 different ways your mind is being mislead.
Right-Wing Critique of the Police State, The Only Police Reform That Matters ,Welfare Before the Welfare State
If enforcing more laws and locking up more bad guys creates a more safer society, Why is society more unsafe than it has ever been with prisons full to the brim?
why can a police officer enforce violence against you but nobody can enact violence against his violence?
how did the needy seek help before welfare?
Chp#39 Right-Wing Critique of the Police State by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr
Chp#40 The Only Police Reform That Matters By Jason Brennan
Chp#41 Welfare Before the Welfare State by
How Markets Have Delivered More Economic Equality ,The State Is Too Dangerous to Tolerate, An Invisible Enemy Turned Inward
chp 36 How Markets Have Delivered
More Economic Equality by
Antony Sammeroff
chp 37 The State Is Too Dangerous to Tolerate by Robert Higgs
chp 38 An Invisible Enemy Turned Inward
by Clint Russell
Government Itself Is Immoral & The Obviousness of Anarchy
chp 33 Government Itself Is Immoral
James Corbett
chp 34 The Obviousness of Anarchy
John Hasnas
Chaos theory, The Power Vacuum Argument, So Tell Me, Do You Hate the State 2023 redux
Chp #30 Chaos Theory (Excerpts)
Robert P. Murphy
Chp #31 The Power vacuum Argument
Larken Rose
Chp #32 So Tell ME, Do You Hate The State? 2023 redux
Peter R. Quiñones
Greatest superstition (excerpts) & can anarcho- capitalism work?
is the belief in authority a religion?
how can we put forth a world without government?
Ch#28 the Greatest Superstition by Larken rose
Ch#29 Can Anarcho-Capitalism Work?
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr
Persuasion vs. Force Mark and Jo Ann Skousen
does persuasion work in the real world? are there instances where force is necessary? today we compare and contrast these two methods.
The Ultimate Justification for the Ethics of Private Property by Hans Herman Hoppe
are property rights intrinsic to ones own being?
can the utilitarian or the natural rights theories disprove the presence of property rights?
Hans takes us down the intellectual road of why and how in todays read.
Voluntaryist Handbook Chp 24 &25
why during war time is the collectivist ideals brought about?
what happens when a police officer recognizes his wrong doings in his job?
chp 24
Individualism vs. War
Scott Horton
chp 25
I Was a Police Officer,
Now I’m a Voluntaryist
Shepard Oakley
The Reluctant Anarchist Joseph Sobran
a story of one conservatives journey from conservatism to anarchist
I Am God & So Are You by Steven Michaels
a nice short book on the basic principles to live by if you so choose listen and decide for yourself.
The Case for Libertarian Anarchism: Responses to Ten Objections By Roderick T. Long
what are some of the objections to an anarchist society?
wont government be created out of the new protections agencies?
we find out from Robert Long
Is ‘Equality’ a Worthy Goal?, How I Changed My Mind on Intellectual Property
Can we bring about a would of TRUE equality?
Is it worthy of pursuit?
is IP a scam?
how can you defend IP?
lets find out in todays reads
Chp 20 Is ‘Equality’ a Worthy Goal?
Bradley Thomas
Chp 21 How I Changed My Mind
on Intellectual Property
by Isaac Morehouse
Marxist and Austrian Class Analysis by Hans-Hermann Hoppe,
does Marxists and Austrians agree on anything?
are there similar views in the theses?
we find out today in today read
Privatize the Roads & The Utilitarian Case for Voluntaryism
can private ownership of roads INCREASE overall econmic output?
is there a utilitarian case for voulntaryism?
Privatize the Roads
by Walter Block, Ph.D.
The Utilitarian Case for Voluntaryism
by Danny Duchamp
How Private Governance Made the Modern World Possible & The Misplaced Fear of “Monopoly”
do we need a gov to help enforce contracts?
do monopolies actually occur in markets?
chp 16
How Private Governance Made
the Modern World Possible
Edward P. Stringham
The Misplaced Fear of “Monopoly”
Thomas E. Woods
The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State & No Treason
can not supporting the USA count as treason?
does a majority of as group have a right to dictate the rights of the minority?
chp 12 The Right and Wrong of Compulsion
by the State
Auberon Herbert
chp 14 No Treason
Lysander Spooner
Homelessness, Regulation, and Minimum Wage
a collection of quotes regarding wages, regulations surrounding zoning and pollution, homelessness and poverty.
Social Cooperation & The Central Banking Scam
is social cooperation a better ideal for the libertarian movement than the individualism ideal? sheldon brings forth his ideas in this read
what is money? why is money not taught in school? Patrick succinctly summarizes the scam that is central banking
Chp 9
Social Cooperation
Sheldon Richman
Chp 10
The Central Banking Scam
Patrick MacFarlane, J.D
The Argument for Free Markets: Morality vs. Efficiency Walter E. Williams, Ph.D.
does minimum wage laws make life better? does import restrictions actually save jobs? who are the invisible victims of such legislation? walter walks us through these questions and more in todays episode
What It Means to Be an Anarcho-Capitalist & Six Questions for Statists
can we apply the state intervention into other sections of the society?
does believing in anarchy mean total dissolution of the state?
chp 6
What It Means to Be
an Anarcho-Capitalist
Stephan Kinsella, J.D.
chp 7
Six Questions for Statists
Stefan Molyneux, M.A
Do We Ever Really Get Out of Anarchy? by Alfred G. Cuzán, Ph.D
Is there such a thing as NO anarchy ? does the existence of government destroy all anarchy? Alfred answers these questions and more on todays episode
Coercivists and Voluntarists & Three Thought Experiments
Coercivists and Voluntarists
Donald J. Boudreaux, Ph.D.
Three Thought Experiments
Jason Brennan, Ph.D
What is a Free Market? & One Moral Standard For All Articles
we read Rothbards what is a free market and Richmonds One Moral Standard For All Articles from The Voluntarist HandBook
The State as Modern-Day Superstition: Unraveling the Illusions of Authority by Michael Matulefy
Michael takes us down the illusion that is modern day myth known as authority. he gives us examples such as language creation as proof that intricate complex apparatuses do not require top down decree in order to be created.
Secession and the Production of Defense Jörg Guido Hülsmann
how would a secession look like in a society with armies and police forces? how important is guerilla warfare in this scenario? Jorg tells us how we can and could secede from a gov that has long over stayed its due.
Government and the Private Production of Defense by Hans Herman Hoppe
what would a world were free societies look like? how would such a society protect itself? is the common good of defense actually an action that can be observed? Hoppe takes us down the journey of a world where insurance agencies would become the de facto risk takers and defense contractors
National Defense and the Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Clubs by Walter Block
Walter walks us through how clubs can not be analogous to government in any capacity on the basis of voluntary participation and funding. we also discover how public goods such as a light house do NOT justify a levy on individuals due to the nature of mutually assured " public" benefit.
The Will To Be Free : The Role of Ideology in National Defense by Jeffery Rogers Hummel
how can ideas or memes be an integral part of helping society form an ever more robust ability to fight? Jeffery tells us just how memes can do such a thing and have for centuries in todays read
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Positive & Negative Liberty By Ian Carter
how can liberty or freedom be viewed? why are these 2 words used interchangeably? can we delineate a difference between them? Ian takes us down a great rabbit hole of how many philosophers of freedom have viewed what it is and what it can mean to YOU!
Citation of the work
"Positive and Negative Liberty", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.
Praxeology part 2 by Knut Svanholm
we finish the last 9 chapters of praxeology.
Praxeology Part 1 By Knut Svanholm
what is praxeology? why is it important to know? what can we draw from its inductions? we learn it here in knuts book a distillation of mises' human action.
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Praxeology Part 1 By Knut Svanholm
what is praxeology? why is it important to know? what can we draw from its inductions? we learn it here in knuts book a distillation of mises' human action.
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Privateering & National Defense: Naval warfare for profit by Larry J. Sechrest
we look into how a for profit endeavor called privateering was actually much more useful during wartime efforts than "tax paid" wartime efforts.
larry shows numerous situations in which private ships captured substantially more enemy supplies and ships than "public" sea captains ever did.
are these events compatible with how private defense could fund themselves during war time eras ?
what do you think?
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Mercenaries, Militias , Guerrillas, and the Defense of Minimal states and free societies by Joseph R. Stromberg
how can guerrilla warfare teach us about how to defend against violence? we go though many examples of how unorganized peoples have beat organized monopolistic power structures numerous times and how we can apply these lessons to how a society can protect itself in a world without state monopoly of protection.
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Is Democracy more peaceful than other forms of government? by Gerard Radnitzky
historical analysis of the history of democracy is more peaceful than other form of government, how the claim is false, how inherently politicians must deceive and use deception in order to go to war and what can we do to privatize the defense need for individuals?
Nuclear weapons proliferation or monopoly? by Bertrand Lemenicier
chapter 4 of the myth of national defense entails the reasoning's behind ensuring the proliferation of nuclear technologies will ensure a safer more respectable world than the usual methodology of thinking. monopolization of said industry as lead to only one group [the US] being the only user of said technology only when it was advantageous for them to do so and no sort of retaliation was to be occurred.
War and Monarchies by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
we examine the differences in war time between monarchies and democracies
Autarchy by Robert LeFevre
Roberts article we dive deep into the idea of the marriage of praxeology , stoicism and epicureans in the idea of autarchy!
Deep Anarchy an eliminativist view of the state
written by Max T O'Connor
Deep Anarchy: An Eliminativist View of “The State” – Manchesterism
we read the article and how best to view something with the functional integrity theory in mind
break down the state ideals as it functionally can not represent an actual thing when looked at individually
War, Peace & the State by Murray Rothbard
we continue down the journey of learning how the Myth for "national defense" is and indefensible argument with Rothbards article
the myth of national defense part 2
we finish the first article of the myth of national defense learn why the state can not choose an individual or a group without explicitly ignoring the others existence and how the myth of the state came to fruition.
The Myth of National Defense part 1
we read the first 2 sections of Hans Herman Hoppes The Myth of National Defense on this memorial holiday where we honor those who have served we should gain a better understand for why the creation of such a holiday is absurd and should no longer be perpetuated as it creates a romanticized belief that enacting violence to your fellow human under the guise of defending democracy is one of the grossest atrocities enacted on mankind
What Must Be Done by Hoppe
we read Hoppes article "What Must Be Done" with amount of political personas gearing up for the coming presidential race we need to educate what it is these people are proponents of and what they ACTIVELY advocate for which is a state monopoly on protection, violence and currency distribution.
An Agorist Primer Part 2
we finish reading An Agorist Primer the final 5 chapters
An Agorist Primer Part 1 chapter 1-3
we start reading An Agorist Primer and read the first 3 chapters. it lays out the basic fundamentals for how to think and best ways to understand the world around you
The Anti-Subjectivist Manifesto
We read the Anti-Subjectivist manifesto by Christian G. Moore & Patrick smith. this article makes the case for why consent is not only important but why its a foundational pillar in the actual world of reality .
Constitution of no Authority by Lysander Spooner
This is the first episode of Axioms of Liberty , we read Lysander Spooner's Constitution of No Authority. the constitution is usually held in high regard of most people and a basis for most arguments for "rights" we explore Lysanders reasoning why this document and subsequent relation to the myth that is "government" is a non starter.