Christ is the Cure
Nick Campbell
CITC seeks to encourage deeper engagement on various theological topics while hoping to spark a desire and interest in others to mine the depths of Biblical Studies, Theology, and Church History.
CITC’s content mainly focuses on enriching Christians in whatever walk of life they may be in, seeking to spark an interest in theology and the riches of scripture to love and glorify God. Building off the principle that theology is for everyone, the approach of Christ is the Cure’s content tries to focus on quality over quantity. CITC seeks to provide accessible materials on theology and examinations of v...
Nicaea and Constantine pt. 1
CITC season five continues by discussing the council of Nicaea and Constantine, namely, their roles in important aspects of Christianity. We discuss what actually occurred at Nicaea and what Constantine actually did, and, of course, in the process, we dispel false claims and myths surrounding this person and event.
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Rewards in Heaven pt. 1-2 Combined
Season five of the CITC podcast kicks off discussing the question of whether Christians receive rewards in Heaven and whether those rewards are of differing degrees. This is the combined edition including both parts (1 &2).
Contents include:
Justification and Rewards
Good Works
Matthew 5:11-12
Matthew 6:1-6
Matthew 10
Matthew 20:1-15
Matthew 25:14-30
2 Corinthians 5:9-10
1 Corinthians 3:8-15
Some Theological Questions
Summary Excerpts
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Rewards in Heaven? Pt. 2
Season five of the CITC podcast kicks off by discussing whether Christians receive rewards in Heaven and whether those rewards are of differing degrees. This is part 2 of 2.
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Rewards in Heaven? Pt. 1
Season five of the CITC podcast kicks off discussing the question of whether Christians receive rewards in Heaven and whether those rewards are of differing degrees. This is part 1 of 2.
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Halloween and the Reformation [re-release]
By popular demand, CITC season four closes with a re-release of 2023's Reformation special, "Halloween and the Reformation (combined edition)." In order to preserve timestamps, no editing has been done, and so any updates concerning CITC are outdated. Here are the timestamps for this episode:
Time Stamps:
0:00-6:49 Introduction
6:49-19:51 Samhain
19:51-40:00 All Saints Day
40:00-42:08 Summary
42:08 - 55:23 Pre-Reformation Reforms
55:23 - 1:09:10 The Reformation
1:09:10 - 1:31:53 Modern Hallo
BTB (20) Spiritual Disciplines pt. 2 and Conclusion to BTB
In this episode of BTB, we continue to describe some spiritual disciplines, focusing on practical tips and applications. Additionally, this episode concludes the Back to Basics series and season 4.
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BTB (19) Spiritual Disciplines pt. 1
In this episode of BTB, we briefly describe some spiritual disciplines, focusing on practical tips and applications. Here we mostly focus on scripture and disciplines related to it.
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BTB (18) Sanctification
In this episode of BTB, we examine sanctification, discuss what it is and is not, and briefly discuss spiritual disciplines.
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BTB (17) Eschatology
In this episode, we dive into the basics of eschatology, or the doctrine of last things. Instead of exploring intricate end-times theories, we focus on broad theological topics like death, heaven, hell, and Jesus' second coming. We clarify that eschatology includes more than just end-time events, touching on topics like the intermediate state, Hades, and the resurrection of the body. We explore how the Christian hope culminates in the renewal of creation, with believers awaiting life in a new h
BTB (16) The Church
In this episode of the BTB series, we examine the doctrine of the church and the ordinances/sacraments. We discuss pictures of the church as presented in scripture, the invisible vs. visible church, and the church's work. From there, we describe baptism and the Lord's Supper, focusing particularly on the communal aspect of the Lord's Supper.
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BTB (15) Salvation
In this episode of BTB, we look at the work accomplished for us by Christ and salvation, covering things such as justification, redemption, adoption, and more.
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BTB (14) The Holy Spirit
In this episode of BTB we look at the person of the Holy Spirit, discussing the personhood and deity of the Holy Spirit while briefly re-touching on the Trinity and the work appropriated to the Spirit.
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BTB (13) Christ the Mediator pt. 2
In this episode of BTB, we move into Christ the Mediator, pt. 2. In part 1, we looked at who Jesus is and his person before and after the incarnation. We describe the hypostatic union and the importance of its reality concerning Christ as our mediator.
In part 2, we examine Christ's threefold office of Prophet, Priest, and King and their significance in summarizing Christ's work.
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BTB (12) Christ the Mediator pt. 1
In this episode of BTB, we move into Christ the Mediator, pt. 1. In part 1, we look at who Jesus is and his person before and after the incarnation. We describe the hypostatic union and the importance of its reality concerning Christ as our mediator.
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BTB (11) Creation, the Fall, and Sin
This BTB episode explores creation and the fall from a theological perspective. It explores the consequences of the fall, the effects of sin on humanity and the need for a savior.
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BTB (10) Attributes of God
In this episode of BTB, we delve into God's attributes. We'll first explore God's incomprehensibility, then look at the distinction between God's incommunicable and communicable attributes, before moving on to some specific attributes, such as God's simplicity, immensity, eternality, and so on.
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BTB (9) The Triune God
This installment of BTB explores one of the series' most difficult topics: the doctrine of the Trinity. We examine briefly what the Trinity is and is not and provide explanations of often confusing terminology.
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BTB (8) Bibliology pt. 2
This installment of BTB explores the doctrine of scripture, highlighting the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. It discusses the concept of inspiration, the dual authorship of scripture, and the authority and infallibility of the Bible. The podcast also delves into the importance of scripture in the life of Jesus and the New Testament authors. Additionally, it touches on the different philosophies of Bible translation and provides recommendations for reliable translations.
Christ is the
BTB (7) Bibliology pt. 1
In this installment of BTB, we introduce Bibliology and the Bible in general. The episode delves into the origins of the Bible, discussing its composition, languages, and means of communication from God to man. The podcast also briefly addresses the preservation of the Bible over the centuries and addresses common misconceptions and controversies surrounding its transmission.
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BTB (6) Doctrine/Theology Introduced and General and Special Revelation
In this episode, we introduce doctrine and theology, both in terms and concepts. We highlight the importance of both theology and creeds before summarizing theological categories and moving into the doctrine of Revelation. The episode discusses the distinction between General and Special Revelation.
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BTB (5) Putting on and Developing your Worldview
In this episode, we will explore the importance of developing a Biblical worldview for Christians. A worldview is like a pair of glasses that allows us to observe and understand the world around us. Without a clear lens, our perception of reality may be distorted. We will delve into important elements of a Biblical worldview.
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BTB (4) Discipleship
This episode of BTB explores the concept of discipleship in both the Old and New Testaments. We go into the definition of discipleship and moves into examples of discipleship in the Old Testament. Following this we look at the New Testament and what it has to say on discipleship. The episode additionally tries to highlight the continuity of discipleship from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
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BTB (3) First Things pt. 2 - Religion, Community, and Baptism with an appendix on church hunting
This episode delves into the intersection of religion and relationship within Christianity. It challenges the common notion of Christianity solely as a relationship and not a religion, emphasizing that it is both. Following this, the episode highlights the need for believers to be part of a community of individuals, the criteria for identifying a sound church, and the spiritual significance of baptism as a tangible reminder of one's union with Christ.
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BTB (2) First Things pt. 1 - Metanarrative & Gospel
The second installment of BTB delves into "First Things," beginning with the narrative of redemption in the Christian faith. We explore the meta-narrative of scripture through the categories of Creation, The Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. The episode also discusses the significance of understanding the Gospel well for the believer and those within the believer's sphere before articulating the Gospel itself.
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BTB (1) Back to Basics Introduction
Season four continues with the beginning of a new series: Back to Basics (BTB). This introductory episode lays cards on the table regarding the series' content, what one can expect from the series, and the goals of the series. It also delves into the holistic nature of the Christian life. It explores the transformation that occurs when one is united to Christ and highlights the necessary balance between theology and practice. The episode also addresses common misconceptions about Christianity an
Denominations (12) Misc. and Conclusions
In this episode, we wrap up the Denomination series by briefly looking into Miscellaneous groups and concluding the series. See the landing page for the denomination series guide.
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Denominations (11) Restorationists/Church of Christ (& non-denominational)
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode goes into the Restorationist movement. We summarize its history, sources of authority, structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
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Denominations (10) Pentecostalism
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode goes into the Pentecostal movement. We summarize its history, sources of authority, structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
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Denominations (9) Adventists
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode goes into the Adventist movement. We summarize its history, sources of authority, structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
NOTE: The section on the SDA is not exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination on doctrines and practices of concern. Instead, it is a broad sweep. Other resources should
Denominations (8) Baptists
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode goes into the Baptist movement. We summarize its history, sources of authority, structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
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Denominations (7) Anabaptists/Mennonites
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode goes into the Anabaptist movement, focusing on the Mennonites in particular. We summarize its history, sources of authority, structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
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Denominations (6) The Reformed
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode goes into the Reformed tradition. We summarize its history, sources of authority, structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. The historical section begins broadly but then narrows down into Presbyterianism. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
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Denominations (5) Lutheranism
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode begins with our second denomination: Lutheranism. We summarize its history, sources of authority, structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
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Denominations (4) Methodism
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode begins with our second denomination: Methodism. We summarize its history, sources of authority, structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
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Denominations (3) Anglicanism
In this episode, season 4 continues with the series on Denominations. This episode begins with our first denomination: Anglicanism. We summarize its history, sources of authority, governmental structure, and position on the sacraments/ordinances and conclude with its distinctive emphasis and divergences. See the landing page for sources/further reading.
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Denominations (2) Defining and Counting Denominations
In this episode, season 4 continues with the new series on Denominations. This episode speaks on defining and counting denominations. We'll discuss the criteria for denominations, and who will be 'in' for this series, and this will be followed with a conversation on 'how many' are there. We will specifically discuss the myth that there are 33,000 protestant denominations.
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Denominations (1) Introduction, Preliminaries, Approach
In this episode, season 4 continues by beginning the new series on Denominations. This episode is the introduction laying out what to expect, the approach of the series, and some preliminary discussions.
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The Reformers and the catholic church
CITC season four continues with Reformation specials through October. Here is the last installment of these specials, "The Reformers and the catholic church." In this episode, we cover how the Reformers viewed the catholic church and catholicity. The topic is covered broadly, using Calvin as a case study.
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5 Myths of the Reformation
CITC season four continues with Reformation specials through October. Here is the third installment of these specials, "5 Myths of the Reformation." In this episode, we cover just that: popular myths that are spread about the Protestant Reformation.
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Intro Audio narrative from Martin Luther (1953) starring Niall MacGinnis as Luther.
Halloween and the Reformation (pt. 1 & 2 combined)
Time Stamps:
0:00-6:49 Introduction
6:49-19:51 Samhain
19:51-40:00 All Saints Day
40:00-42:08 Summary
42:08 - 55:23 Pre-Reformation Reforms
55:23 - 1:09:10 The Reformation
1:09:10 - 1:31:53 Modern Halloween
1:31:53 - End | Drawing Conclusions
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Intro’s Audio narrative from Martin Luther (1953)
Halloween and the Reformation pt. 2
CITC season four opens with Reformation specials through October. Here is the second installment of these specials, "Halloween and the Reformation pt. 2." In this episode, we cover the movements of Reform in relation to the Saints, the Modern Era and Halloween traditions, Movements around Halloween, and then we will conclude with positions and my conclusions. Enjoy!
Time Stamps:
0:00-3:25 Introduction
3:26 - 16:28 Pre-Reformation Reform
16:29-30:51 - Reformation
30:52 - 53:36 Modern Halloween
Halloween and the Reformation pt. 1
CITC season four opens with Reformation specials through October. Here is the first installment of these specials, "Halloween and the Reformation pt. 1." In this episode, we cover Samhain and All Saints Day in preparation to discuss Halloween as it relates to the Reformation and Practical Applications in Part 2. Enjoy!
Time Stamps:
0:00-6:49 Introduction
6:49-19:51 Samhain
19:51-40:00 All Saints Day
40:00-End Conclusions/Summary
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Tiptoe Through TULIP With Me
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TULIP (16) - Eternal Security in Arminianism and Calvinism and formal/informal conclusion to the TULIP Series
In this episode, we conclude TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode survey's the debate on eternal security and provides listeners with formal and informal conclusions to the series as we close out season three.
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TULIP (15) - Arminianism and Calvinism on the Extent of the Atonement
In this episode, we continue TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode survey's the debate on the extent of the Atonement.
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TULIP (14) - Calvinism on Election and Predestination
In this episode, we continue TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode continues on the topic of Predestination and Election. Here we will discuss the Calvinism conception in particular.
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TULIP (13) -Arminianism on Election and Predestination
In this episode, we continue TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode moves us into Predestination and Election. Here we will discuss the Arminian conception in particular.
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TULIP (12) - Conversion, Regeneration, and Preliminaries on Predestination
In this episode, we continue TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode moves us into a brief discussion on conversion and regeneration before prepping for the discussions on predestination.
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TULIP (11) - The Doctrine of Grace, Calvinism, and Irresistible Grace
In this episode, we continue TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode moves us into the doctrine of Grace. Here we’ll cover the Calvinist conception of Grace, the effectual and general call, and more.
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TULIP (10) - The Doctrine of Grace, Arminianism, and Prevenient Grace
In this episode, we continue TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode moves us into the doctrine of Grace. We'll briefly explain Grace and the points of agreement between Calvinists and Arminianism. This will be followed by a discussion on the Arminian conception of Prevenient Grace.
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TULIP (9) - Calvinism, Compatibilism, and the Human will
In this episode, we continue TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode focuses on the Calvinistic understanding of the human will, normally called Compatibilism.
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TULIP (8) - Arminian Libertarian Free Will, Sovereignty, and Foreknowledge
In this episode we continue the series: TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode focuses on Arminian Libertarian Free Will, Sovereignty, and Foreknowledge.
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TULIP (7) - The Human Will, Points of Agreement, and initial Considerations
In this episode we continue the new series: TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode begins by discussing the human will, particularly where there are areas of agreement between Classical Arminians and Calvinists. Further, this episode brings up some historical points of interest for the discussion.
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Easter, Passover, and the Pesky Pagans
An Easter Special.
Time Stamps:
3:00-11:04: Introduction
11:05-25:29: Cheap Paganism
25:30-38:55: A Tale of Two Terms (Easter and Eostre)
38:56-43:02: Ishtar and Easter
43:03 - 1:04:19: The History of Easter
1:04:20 - 1:17:29: The Passover
1:17:30 - 1:27:32: Bunnies and Eggs
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TULIP (6) - Total Depravity, Arminianism, and Calvinism
In this episode we continue the new series: TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode continues on the topic of Total Depravity and focuses on the corruption of man on key points.
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TULIP (5) - Total Depravity, Original Sin, & Original Guilt
In this episode we continue the new series: TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode moves into the topics of Total Depravity, Original Sin, and Original Guilt and focuses on Original Guilt predominately.
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TULIP (4) - Reformation Era pt. 2, Arminius, Dort, and Summary of Key Terms
In this episode we continue the new series: TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode wraps up our examination of Historical Points of Interest with an overview of the Reformation era surrounding Jacob Arminius and the Synod of Dort.
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TULIP (3) - Semi-Pelagianism, Orange, and the Reformation Era pt. 1
In this episode we continue the new series: TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode continues our examination of Historical Points of Interest with an overview of the Semi-Pelagian Controversy, the position of Orange, and a move into the Reformation Era.
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TULIP (2) - Pelagianism, Augustine, and Monergism/Synergism
In this episode we continue the new series: TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode continues our examination of Historical Points of Interest with an overview of the Pelagian Controversy, the position of Augustine, and a brief detour on the terminology on Monergism and Synergism.
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TULIP (1) - Introduction and Historical Points of Interest pt. 1 - Pre-Pelagianism
In this episode we launch the new series: TULIP: A series comparing Calvinism and Classical Arminianism. This episode discusses expectations, goals, and the general outline for the series. Furthermore, this episode begins our examination of Historical Points of Interest with a brief look at Soteriology before the controversies between Augustine and Pelagius.
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Christ is the Law pt. 2 (Christmas Special, ish?)
In our last episode for the year, we wrap up discussing whether or not the statement "Christ is the law" is theologically appropriate or accurate. In part 2, we conclude the discussion on the Torah, Memra, Logos, and Wisdom and move into synthesis and discussion on Christ as our righteousness.
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Christ is the Law pt. 1 (Christmas Special, ish?)
In this episode we begin discussing whether or not the statement "Christ is the law" is theologically appropriate or accurate. In part 1, we specifically look at the connections between the Torah, Memra, Logos, and Wisdom.
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Neo-Apollinarianism of William Lane Craig, a valid/orthodox proposal?
In this week's episode we talk about Apollinarianism and William Lane Craig's proposal of Neo-Apollinarianism asking whether or not this proposal is a valid/orthodox proposal. We begin by briefly explaining the controversy of Apollinarianism, then move on to explaining WLC's position and examining it.
Article mentioned in the episode:
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The Perpetual Virginity of Mary pt. 2 - Scriptural/Argument Analysis
Today we talk about the doctrine known as the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. In part 2 we'll speak to three major arguments for and against the doctrine.
Debate mentioned in the episode: Debate: Did Mary Have Other Children? (White vs Matatics)
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The Perpetual Virginity of Mary pt. 1 - Historical Survey
Today we talk about the doctrine known as the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. We discuss the Historical Theology around the doctrine in part 1 and in part 2 we'll speak to three major arguments for and against the doctrine.
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Reformation Day Special on Indulgences
The information is all in the title my friends.
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People of the Book pt. 2
In this weeks episode, part 2 of 2, I defend the thesis that Christians were people of the Bible in accordance with their historical and cultural context. While recognizing that Christians most likely didn’t have access to their own physical copy of the complete Bible, Christians certainly had access to the contents of the scriptures and relied heavily upon them for faith, life, and practice while devoting themselves to the instructions of the book.
In part 2 we discuss:
Jewish Communities and
People of the Book pt. 1
In this weeks episode, part 1 of 2, I defend the thesis that Christians were people of the Bible in accordance with their historical and cultural context. While recognizing that Christians most likely didn’t have access to their own physical copy of the complete Bible, Christians certainly had access to the contents of the scriptures and relied heavily upon them for faith, life, and practice while devoting themselves to the instructions of the book.
In part 1 we discuss:
General Discussions on
Easy Street
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Music details:
“Turn your Eyes,” Original words (V1) and music by Helen H. Lemmel. Add. words (V2-4) by George Romanacce, Nathan Stiff, Nic Trout, and Kevin Winebarger. Chorus by George Romanacce, Nathan Stiff, Nic Trout, and Kevin Wi
False Prophets, Syncretism, New Age, and Divine Revelation
Today we have a stand-alone episode on the subject of False Prophets, Syncretism, New Age, and Divine Revelation.
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Music details:
“Turn your Eyes,” Original words (V1) and music by Helen H. Lemmel. Add. words (V2-4) by George
The Historical Existence of Jesus pt 3 - Jesus the Copycat Deity?
This week we wrap up our three-part discussion on the Historical Existence of Jesus. In part three we discuss the charge that Jesus is just a copycat of myths such as Horus, Osiris, and Mithras.
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Music details:
“Turn yo
The Historical Existence of Jesus pt. 2 - The Gospels as Historical Witnesses
This week we continue our three-part discussion on the Historical Existence of Jesus. In part two we discuss the Gospels, specifically the synoptic Gospels, as Historical Witnesses.
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Music details:
“Turn your
The Historical Existence of Jesus pt. 1 - Introduction and Non-Christian Sources
This week we begin a three-part discussion on the Historical Existence of Jesus. In part one we introduce the topic and discuss Non-Christian sources.
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Music details:
“Turn your Eyes,” Original words (V1)
Important/Essential Update for CITC
Article in Question:
Why I love Jesus but also love his Religion
This week, the podcast comes back from a week off with a shorter episode discussing the often quoted, "Christianity is a relationship, not a religion" axiom. Enjoy!
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Music details:
“Turn your Eyes,” Original words (V1) and music by Helen H.
The Apocrypha pt. 3
In part 3 on the Apocrypha, we wrap up discussing the works of the Apocrypha by summarizing each work and speaking to its influence (when applicable) on Jews, the New Testament writers, and post-New Testament Christians.
In part 3 we discuss:
The letter of Jeremiah
Daniel Additions
1-4 Maccabees
Prayer of Manasseh
Psalm 151
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Episode landi
The Apocrypha pt. 2
In part 2 on the Apocrypha, we discuss the works of the Apocrypha by summarizing each work and speaking to its influence (when applicable) on Jews, the New Testament writers, and post-New Testament Christians.
In part 2 we discuss:
Greek Esther
Wisdom of Solomon
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Episode landing page: https://christisth
The Apocrypha pt. 1
In part 1 on the Apocrypha we discuss:
Defining the Old Testament Apocrypha/Deuterocanon
Broadly highlighting its contents
The question of Inclusion in collections denotes canon
Why the term “canon” can be problematic when considering the early data
Historical examination of a stream canonical lists
Christ is the Cure is subscriber supported: Join the support team at or go to
Episode landing page: https://christisthecure
Deification in Christian thought & A look at little god theology
In this week's episode we discuss:
Deification in Eastern theology
Deification in Western theology (Lutheran & Reformed traditions)
The Biblical Data
An examination of the Word of Faith - little god theology
Christ is the Cure is subscriber supported: Join the support team at or go to
Episode landing page:
Music detail
Through Nicaea (23) - We look for the Resurrection of the Dead
Today we conclude the Through Nicaea series with a shorter wrap-up. I hope the series has been a blessing for you all, God bless you and I look forward to moving into season 3 of Christ is the Cure.
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This
Through Nicaea (22) - One Body | One Baptism
This week we wrap up through Nicaea with a double feature. Today we will work through two clauses on the church and baptism and Thursday we'll conclude the series with our final line of the creed.
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and
Through Nicaea (21) - Who Proceeds | Who is Worshipped
This week we continue through Nicaea and continue our discussion on the Holy Spirit with a bit of time spent discussing the post-381 controversy surrounding the Filioque clause!
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music by
Through Nicaea (20) - We believe in the Holy Spirit | The Giver of Life
This week we continue through Nicaea and begin our discussion on the Holy Spirit!
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and George Romanaccee. ©
Through Nicaea (19) - He Ascended | He Will Come Again
This week we continue through Nicaea and wrap up the section on Jesus Christ. In this episode, I mentioned I would need a week or so to prep the next section, but we should be carrying on like normal next week!
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “Th
Through Nicaea (18) - Crucified, Buried, and Rose Again
This week we continue through Nicaea and we particularly zoom in on Mark 15 in our discussion of the cross of Christ, and the expectant victory even in Christ's suffering.
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil
Through Nicaea (17) - For Salvation he Came | Incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
This week we continue Through Nicaea by discussing two lines:
"For us and for our Salvation, he Came down from the heavens" And "was Incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man."
In this episode we discuss some of the ideas concerning Mary that were present at this time...and I apologize for my horrible English accent. At least it doesn't sound like Dick Van Dyke!
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today: https://www.patreon
Through Nicaea (16) - Through Him All Things Were Made
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and move into our next line, "Through Him All things Were made."
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and Geo
Through Nicaea (15) - Begotten, Not Made - 3 - Biblical Support pt. 2, Controversy, and Applications
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and finish our discussion on the Eternal Generation of the Son. Within episode 15 we will further explain the biblical support for the doctrine, move into contemporary controversies around it, and end with applications.
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Through Nicaea (14) - Begotten, Not Made - 2 - Explanation of Generation and Biblical Support
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and continue our discussion on the Eternal Generation of the Son. Within episode 14 we will further explain Eternal Generation and begin discussing the biblical support for the doctrine, building off of the preliminaries of episode 13.
Christ is the Cure is subscriber-supported, prayerfully consider supporting CITC today:
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Through Nicaea (13) - Begotten, Not Made - 1 - Historical Survey
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and begin our discussion on Eternal Generation of the Son. Within episode 13 we will define Eternal Generation and provide a Historical Survey on the doctrine beginning with pre-New Testament thought.
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jon
Through Nicaea (12) - God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and move onto the next section of the creed of 381. In this episode we cover, "God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God" by focusing upon "Jesus as God."
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and George Rom
Through Nicaea (11) - The Only Son of God, Eternally Begotten of the Father
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and move onto the next section of the creed of 381. In this episode we cover, "The Only Son of God, Eternally Begotten of the Father" by focusing upon the title "Son of God."
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and Ge
Through Nicaea (10) - We Believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and move onto the next section of the creed of 381. In this episode we cover, "We Believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ"
Applications: Allegiance to the Preeminent King
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and George Romanaccee. © 2015 S
Through Nicaea (9) - The Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and move onto the next section of the creed of 381. In this episode we cover, "The Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen."
We’ll have two applications in this episode: Pantheism and Dualism
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God” Words and Music
Through Nicaea (8) - The Father
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and move onto the next section of the creed of 381. In this episode we cover, "The Father." In discussing this line of the creed we will focus on the relationship between the Father and the Son.
This episode will not go into generation, that will have its own set of episodes (namely on the “begotten, not made” clause), but it will establish some key points.
We’ll also have two applications in this episode: Children of God and Modalism.
See th
Through Nicaea (7) - We Believe | In One God
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series and begin the first section of the creed of 381. In this episode we cover, "We Believe" and "In One God." Since we are covering two clauses as separate examinations, I have provided time stamps.
Time Stamps:
Introduction: 0:00 - 7:40
We Believe: 7:40 - 29:18
In One God: 29:18 - 44:32
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Song Details: “This is Our God
Through Nicaea (6) - Humility and Preliminary Fundamentals
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series with a bonus episode that seeks to encourage listeners before getting into the weeks of the Nicene (381) creed. In this episode we speak to the necessity of humility and the common struggle of deep theological reflection, theology as devotion, and the fundamentals of trinitarianism. We officially begin the walk through of the creed this upcoming Thursday.
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Through Nicaea (5) - Athanasius, Cappadocians, & Constantinople
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series where we will survey the Christian Creed formulated in 381. Before examining the creed line by line, however, we will look over the historical context surrounding the creed. In episode five we briefly examine the role and theology of Athanasius and the Cappadocians. Following that we will briefly discuss Constantinople and the creed of 381.
See the resources used on the launch page here:
**Important - Up Until Thursday**
Through Nicaea (4) - Arianism, Nicaea I, & The Aftermath
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series where we will survey the Christian Creed formulated in 381. Before examining the creed line by line, however, we will look over the historical context surrounding the creed. In episode four we briefly examine the Arian Controversy, the council of 325, and the aftermath.
Notes are available for patrons at
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Through Nicaea (3) - Ante Nicene Christian Theology
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series where we will survey the Christian Creed formulated in 381. Before examining the creed line by line, however, we will look over the historical context surrounding the creed. In episode three we briefly examine pre-Nicene Christian theology that would ultimately shape the creed of 325 and 381.
Notes are available for patrons at
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Through Nicaea (2) - Preliminaries and Ante-Nicene Heresy
This week we continue the "Through Nicaea" series where we will survey the Christian Creed formulated in 381. Before examining the creed line by line, however, we will look over the historical context surrounding the creed. In episode two we are considering some preliminary ideas that should be noted before pressing on and defining Ante-Nicene Heresies.
Notes are available for patrons at
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Through Nicaea (1) - Introduction and Historical Survey
This week we kick off the "Through Nicaea" series where we will survey the Christian Creed formulated in 381. Before examining the creed line by line, however, we will look over the historical context surrounding the creed. In episode one we introduce the series and provide a broad overview of the general history from the early church to 381.
Notes are available for patrons at
See the resources used on the launch page here:
Ep. 175 - A Biblical Case for Celebrating Christmas
In this week's episode on CITC, Nick seeks to make a biblical case for celebrating Christmas.
Check out the new book Holidays and the Feasts here:
See the full details of the episode here:
Music: “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”, Words by Charles Wesley (1739). Music, MENDELSSOHN, Felix Mendelssohn. Add. music and words by David LaChance, Jr. © 2014 Sovereign
Ep. 174 - God’s Love
See the full details of the episode here:
Music: “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”, Words by Charles Wesley (1739). Music, MENDELSSOHN, Felix Mendelssohn. Add. music and words by David LaChance, Jr. © 2014 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). Used by permission.
Ep. 173 - Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
In episode 173 of Christ is the Cure, we look at the "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit." We discuss and survey the different views on this "unforgivable sin."
See the full episode details here:
Music details: “Christ Will be My Hideaway (Acoustic Version). Words and music by Tim Chester, Bob Kauflin, Nathan Stiff, David Zimmer, Lacy Hudson, and McKenzie Fuller. © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). Used by permission. www
Ep. 172 - Beyond Luther pt. 5 - Puritans & the Colonies
In part 5 of Beyond Luther we discuss puritanism, specifically within the context of the North American colonies.
See more details for this episode here: Music details: “Christ Will be My Hideaway (Acoustic Version).
Words and music by Tim Chester, Bob Kauflin, Nathan Stiff, David Zimmer, Lacy Hudson, and McKenzie Fuller. © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). Used by permission.
Ep. 171 - Beyond Luther pt. 4 - Puritanism & the English Reformation
This year we continue Beyond Luther for reformation month with part 4. In part 4 we discuss the English Reformation and the formation of Puritanism.
See more details for this episode here:
Music details: “Christ Will be My Hideaway (Acoustic Version). Words and music by Tim Chester, Bob Kauflin, Nathan Stiff, David Zimmer, Lacy Hudson, and McKenzie Fuller. © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP).
Ep. 170 - Faith
After discussing Repentance in episode 165 and 166, Paul discusses faith, the other side of the same coin. See more details for this episode here:
Music details: “Christ Will be My Hideaway (Acoustic Version). Words and music by Tim Chester, Bob Kauflin, Nathan Stiff, David Zimmer, Lacy Hudson, and McKenzie Fuller. © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). Used by permission.
Ep. 169 - Images of Christ pt. 2 - Theology
After briefly looking at the history of images of Christ in episode 168, we discuss the use of images theologically. Full details here:
Music details: “Christ Will be My Hideaway (Acoustic Version). Words and music by Tim Chester, Bob Kauflin, Nathan Stiff, David Zimmer, Lacy Hudson, and McKenzie Fuller. © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). Used by permission.
Ep. 168 - Images of Christ pt. 1 - History
In episode 168 we begin a discussion on the use of images in the church beginning with historical theology. We will look at the evidences and arguments for and against images from the early church before moving onto part 2. There may be a part three with clarifications, further discussion on nuances, and answers to any questions received on the episode. Find more details on this episode here:
Music details: “Christ Wil
Ep. 167 - Cultural & Biblical Christianity pt. 2
In this episode Anthony continues the discussion on cultural and biblical Christianity that he began in episode 162. Find more details on this episode here:
Music details: “Christ Will be My Hideaway (Acoustic Version). Words and music by Tim Chester, Bob Kauflin, Nathan Stiff, David Zimmer, Lacy Hudson, and McKenzie Fuller. © 2020 Sovereign Grace Worship (ASCAP). Used by permission.
Ep. 166 - Repentance pt. 2 - Theology of Repentance
In this week's episode we examine the doctrine of repentance theologically after examining the historical theology of repentance in episode 65. See more details here:
Ep. 165 - Repentance pt. 1 - Historical Theology
In this week's episode we examine the doctrine of repentance, beginning with a look at how the church understood repentance historically from the early church to the modern day. See more details here:
Ep. 164 - The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ (Philippians 3)
In this week's episode we simply examine Philippians 3 and Paul's explanation of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ. See more details here:
Ep. 163 - Retractions and Objections: "Rediscover Bethel"
In this spontaneous episode, I discuss my thoughts on "Rediscover Bethel" and cover some key points, especially because of claims I had made in the past. I hope my goals, which are laid out in this episode, are met.
An IMPORTANT detail that I didn’t mention in this episode, which I assumed and should have stated is that often critics of Johnson, when stating that he holds to Kenoticism, don’t define it other than saying that Kenoticism teaches that Jesus emptied himself of div
Ep. 162 - Cultural & Biblical Christianity Introduction
In this week's episode, Anthony opens up the podcast to discuss cultural & biblical Christianity. In this introduction to a mini series, Anthony lays out issues between a christianity that adopts cultural values and a christianity rooted in scripture. Enjoy!
What is the Gospel?
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Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone like format? Check out! Don't forget to take advantage
Ep. 161 - Philippians & Christ pt. 2 - Philippians Surveyed
In this week's episode we finish surveying Christ in Philippians by looking through the rest of the text and then drawing some applications out of it. Enjoy!
Episode book Pick:
Embracing Shared Ministry: Power and Status in the Early Church and Why It Matters Today:
What is the Gospel?
Want to support CITC? Become a patron:
Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone like format? Check out! D
Ep. 160 - Philippians and Christ pt. 1 - Philippians 2:5-11
In this week's episode we are looking at Philippians, specifically, in terms of what it teaches us about Christ. We dive into the historical and cultural background of the Greco-Roman world, the colony of Philippi, and then consider the "Christological hymn" of Philippians 2:5-11.
Time stamps:
5:00-14:14 - Background
14:15 - 39:29 - Phil. 2:5-11
Episode book Pick:
Embracing Shared Ministry: Power and Status in the Early Church and Why It Matters Today:
What is the Go
Ep. 159 - Jeremiah 17 and the Regenerate Heart with Marcie Morris
In this week's episode, I'm sharing a discussion I had with my friend, Marcie, on her instagram live a few weeks back. The discussion centers around Jeremiah 17 and whether or not this passage applies to the Christian with a regenerate heart. I hope this episode provokes thought and moves you deeper into the scriptures! God bless you all!
Check out Marcie's pages here: and here:
What is t
Ep. 158 - Being Reformed
In this week's episode we are discussing what it means to be "reformed." Often there is confusion on what the term entails and what it doesn't entail. Hopefully this episode will give you some information to better navigate the topic.
What is the Gospel?
Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone like format? Check out! Don't forget to take advantage of the CITC discount, just use the discount code: CHRISTISTHECURE when signing up!
Ep. 157 - The Lord's Supper and Community Formation
This week we are looking at the Lord's Supper, but specifically in relation to the meal as a means of community formation. I hope you enjoy the episode and it proves beneficial in some shape or form.
Song by Abby Houston: Lord We Need You, her Instagram handles:
joyfully.abby and melodicallymemorizing
Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone like format? Check out! Don't forget to take advantage of the CITC discount, just use the discount code: CHRISTISTH
Ep. 156 - Easter and Paganism
This week we are discussing Easter, specially looking at the question of whether or not Easter is pagan. We cover a range of issues on the subject and I hope it proves to be helpful in some shape or form!
I. Introduction 0:00 - 6:19
II. Theological Presuppositions 6:20 - 8:27
III. Claims of the Negative Case 8:28 - 19:17
IV. Linguistics and Easter 19:18 - 23:51
V. The Positive Case 25:52 - 28:56
VI. The Controversy of Easter 28:56 - 23:00
VII. Odds and Ends 23:00 - 41:55
Song by
Ep. 155 - Christians and the Feasts
This week we are discussing the feasts of the Old Testament, which leads up to the popular question of whether or not Christians need to observe the feasts in light of Christ's coming. I hope it proves helpful in some shape or form!
1. Introduction - 0:00 - 3:59
2. What are the Feasts? - 3:59 - 13:40
3. Jesus and the Feasts - 13:41 - 19:57
4. Jewish Identity and Keeping the Feasts - 19:58 - 25:22
5. The Substance is Christ and Application/Conclusion - 25:52 - 36:09
Song by Abby Ho
Ep. 154 - Sanctification pt. 2
This week we are following up on sanctification. We cover a brief theology of the heart and the means of transformation along with discussing spiritual disciplines briefly. I hope it proves to be solid and edifying!
Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone like format? Check out! Don't forget to take advantage of the CITC discount, just use the discount code: CHRISTISTHECURE when signing up!
Follow our new project on Instagram: @historia_ecclesiastica
Ep. 153 - Sanctification
This week we are talking sanctification. We try to cover a lot of ground including a brief historical theology with a focus upon Theosis. In this episode we cover legalism, antinomianism (anti-law), spiritual disciplines, our roles, etc. I hope it proves helpful!
Time Stamps:
0:00-7:45 - Intro and definitions
7:46-16:38 - Historical Theology & Theosis
16:39 - 47:46 - Growth, legalism, fruit, disciplines, etc.
Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone like format? Che
Ep. 152 - Emotions and the Christian life
In this episode we discuss emotions in the Christian life. I hope to lay out a balanced view of emotions for Christians in the midst of many overcorrections. I hope it proves to be helpful as we wade through this topic.
Noted in this episode:
Minding the heart:
Ep. 151 - What, When, Where, and more of Christianity
In this episode we discuss some of the most common searches regarding Christianity on the internet. Because of that this episode discusses a variety of issues! Enjoy!
Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone like format? Check out! Don't forget to take advantage of the CITC discount, just use the discount code: CHRISTISTHECURE when signing up!
Follow our new project on Instagram: @historia_ecclesiastica
“Let your Kingdom Come” music and words by Bob Kaufli
Ep. 150 - Survey & The Armor of God
In this week's episode we discuss the survey y'all took and some important updates and then discuss the Armor of God.
00:00 - Survey/Updates
19:00 - Armor of God
Book mentioned:
The Whole Armor of God: How Christ's Victory Strengthens Us for Spiritual Warfare
Song: “God made Low” Music and words by Jason Hansen and Bob Kauflin. ©2014 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 149 - Christ and Christmas Continued
Today we follow up on episode 148 on the topic of Christmas and Christianity.
Article Mentioned:
Song: “God made Low” Music and words by Jason Hansen and Bob Kauflin. ©2014 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 148 - Christmas and Paganism
Today we seek to answer the question, is Christmas actually pagan? I hope it proves helpful for you as we all move into December.
Time Stamps:
7:01 - [1] Introduction
10:48 - [2] Theological/Worldview Presuppositions
13:58 - [3] “It’s not in the bible”
17:39 - [4] A positive case
30:43 - [5] Sol Invictus
37:13 - [6] Winter Solstice
40:9 - [7] Saturnalia
42:55 - [8] Pseudo-gods
46:14 - [9] Christmas trees and loose ends
55:22 - [10] conclusion
Song: “God made Low” Music and words by Jason
Ep. 147 - The Sabbath
In today's episode I try to do my best to summarize the historical theology surrounding the Sabbath and then discuss why I hold that Sunday is not the Christian Sabbath. This discussion has been going on for hundreds of years and so there is no way to cover every detail, but I hope this does the topic some justice.
Song: Redeemed by We are Creature; (featured on spotify, youtube, facebook, instagram, and more).
Interested in learning the biblical languages i
Ep. 146 - Justification
In this week's episode we close out reformation month by discussing Justification. Enjoy!
Song: Redeemed by We are Creature; (featured on spotify, youtube, facebook, instagram, and more).
Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone like format? Check out! Don't forget to take advantage of the CITC discount, just use the discount code: CHRISTISTHECURE when signing up!
Ep. 145 - Beyond Luther Pt. 3 - The Council of Trent and Justification
In this week's episode we are wrapping up the Beyond Luther series by discussing the counter reformation, namely, the Council of Trent and justification. In this episode I said I wasn't sure what the next episode would be, but I decided! Next week's episode will be all about justification!
Song: Redeemed by We are Creature; (featured on spotify, youtube, facebook, instagram, and more).
Interested in learning the biblical languages in a rosetta stone li
Ep. 144 - Beyond Luther pt 2 - The Wildfire
It's October, or Reformation month, so let us dive into Reformation stuff! We're going Beyond Luther, and today we're talking about the reformation in Switzerland, Scotland, England and more! Want to pick up some books on church history go to
“Let your Kingdom Come” music and words by Bob Kauflin ©2006Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 143 - Beyond Luther pt. 1 - Renaissance & Humanism
It's October, or Reformation month, so let us dive into Reformation stuff! We're going Beyond Luther, and today we're talking about that which came prior to the Reformation, specifically the Renaissance/Humanist movement. Enjoy! Want to pick up some books on church history? Go to and check out the history section.
“Let your Kingdom Come” music and words by Bob Kauflin ©2006Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. www
Ep. 142 - Romans 7 - Regenerate and Unregenerate Paul
In today's episode we discuss Romans 7:14-25, specifically on the discussion on whether or not Paul is speaking about the Christian experience or the life prior to the Christian life. I hope you enjoy as we take on a text that has been widely discussed and debated!
“Let your Kingdom Come” music a
Ep. 141 - Q&A - Limited Atonement, Prophecy, and More
In today's episode we discuss some of y'alls submitted questions on Limited Atonement, Prophecy, Cremation, and more. God bless you all and enjoy!
Note: I misspoke in the episode about Spurgeon, he was from the U.K. The publication was from Pasadena Texas, but I read it as if he had preached or lived there at one point.
“Let your Kingdom Come” music and words by Bob Kauflin ©2006Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 140 - Eternal Security & The Warning Passages
Surprise! While we aren't completely back to the weekly schedule, I decided to put up episode 140. Here we discuss Eternal Security & views on The Warning Passages with an emphasis on my view. Worth noting, in case that wasn't clear, is that there are presbyterians, dutch, and particular baptists who hold to my view (Bavinck, Calvin, Spurgeon, etc).
“Let your Kingdom Come” music and words by Bob Kauflin ©2006Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. www.Sov
Ep. 139 - Foreknowledge
Today we have an early release of Episode 139 as I'll be taking the week to focus on getting things organized for the fall! Here we try to cover the whopper that is foreknowledge and what it means in the bible. While I express my views and critiques of other views, I want to stress that this is certainly an area where we can disagree respectfully. I hope that such a mentality is reflected in my analysis and critique! At any rate, I hope it proves to be a helpful episode and God bless you all.
Ep. 138 with Blake White on New Covenant Theology
Today we conclude the summer guest series with Blake White who joins us to discuss New Covenant Theology! I hope you enjoy the wealth of knowledge shared in the episode! Links: What is New Covenant Theology? ( The Newness of the New Covenant ( Obey the Sabbath: Rest in Christ ( More resources can be found on Blake's website!
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign
Ep. 137 with David Lawler on Local Reform
Today we continue our summer guest series with Pastor David Lawler from Redeemer Sedro Woolley church on the subject of Local Reform. Pastor Lawler's congregation found themselves reforming when being pushed into a NAR network. Their congregation is a fascinating story of God's grace and hope that local reform is possible. You can connect with David Lawler on Instagram and facebook at pastordlawler as well as his church at redeemersedrowoolley. Their website being
Ep. 136 with Doreen Virtue on New Age
In today's episode we have a special guest, Doreen Virtue discussing the subject of New Age, its doctrines, mentality, and practice. It is a great and insightful episode that can help us navigate the waters of new age. Doreen's book was just released, "Deceived No More", which you can pick up on amazon ( or from the Publisher (
Also: pick up the updated version of chapter 9, which you can download for free at: h
Ep. 135 - Kevin Grasso on Biblical Languages and Biblingo
In this week's episode we are discussing with Kevin Grasso on the subject of biblical languages and the new program "biblingo." This episode discusses the languages in the life of translation, laymen, and much more. Additionally we talked about biblingo, a new language learning program that is like the rosetta stone of biblical languages.
Check out Biblingo at and get 20% OFF on the program by using the coupon code "CHRISTISTHECURE". The Program also comes with a free trial
Ep. 134 - Chris Date on Annihilationism/Conditional Immortality
In this week's episode I brought on Chris Date to discuss Annihilationism/Conditional Immortality so that we can better understand their position and be better equipped to discuss with them lest we create strawmen and misrepresentations. So, if you were ever wanting to know more about Annihilationism this is the episode for you!
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grac
Ep. 133 - Women of the Table on Women Pastors
For this week's guest, we're discussing with the Women of the Table on Women Pastors. For this episode the guests and I wanted to briefly talk about the "position", but more so go beyond that and offer a different angle that doesn't seem to be talked about a lot! Look for Women of the Table on major podcast platforms!
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 132 - Stephen Wellum on Progressive Covenantalism
In today's episode we had the honor of discussing with Stephen Wellum on Progressive Covenantalism. It was an absolute delight to discuss this subject with him and it is an episode worth listening a couple of times! I hope you enjoy.
Some books related to the episode:
Kingdom Through Covenant:
God's Kingdom Through Covenant (abridged):
Progressive Covenantalism:
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. ©
Ep. 131 - The Remonstrance Podcast on Arminian/Wesleyan Theology
Today we continue the summer guest series with the Remonstrance Podcast! We're discussing with two Arminian/Wesleyans on their doctrine to better understand their views and positions. I want to say, Vin and Ben were an absolute pleasure to discuss with, even though I threw some wacky questions at them. These guys run a solid podcast that you should check out if you're interested in hearing about the Arminian/Wesleyan perspective. Here is their website: and they ar
Ep. 130 - Josh Hoffman on Pragmatism
Today we begin our summer guest series with Josh Hoffman on the topic of Pragmatism. Josh discusses what pragmatism is, and how it can hurt a church and most importantly, what is the biblical model for running a congregation in light of pragmatism?
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. www.Sov
Ep. 129 - Sola Scriptura
Today we discuss Sola Scriptura as the last episode before going into our summer series with a variety of guests!
“I will glory in my redeemer” music and words by Steve & Viki Cook © 2000 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 128 - Q&A
Surprise! Here is the Q&A episode talking about a variety of subjects. If I didn't get to your question I apologize! We'll try to do an IG live soon!
“I will glory in my redeemer” music and words by Steve & Viki Cook © 2000 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 126 - Post Debate review Pt. 2
Today we wrap up the post debate talk! You may catch the sound of a yelling baby, a door slam, and a crying child in the background at some point, but don't worry they're real, your quarantine hasn't affected you that much! It was a rough recording session! Enjoy the episode and remember that next week there will not be an episode on the podcast. God bless you all!
“All I Have Is Christ”
Ep. 125 - Post Debate review Pt. 1
Today we discuss the baptism debate from last week, which can be found exclusively on the Daily Reformation and Undying Light podcast. This will be part one, part two will be put up Friday sometime!
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 124 - Baptism V - Baptism in the Epistles
Today we continue the baptism series by looking at baptism in Epistles. There will only be one graphic for this episode, I know, I know, we were marching two by two so well. This episode was put together rather quickly, but enjoy nonetheless.
“It’s Your Grace” Words and Music by Bob Kauflin and Doug Plank. © 2013 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. www
Ep. 123 - Baptism IV - Baptism in Acts
Today we continue the baptism series by looking at baptism in Acts.
“It’s Your Grace” Words and Music by Bob Kauflin and Doug Plank. © 2013 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 122 - Hermeneutics pt. 2
In today's episode we continue and wrap up the brief the discussion on hermeneutics!
Check out some resources at on the episode page.
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 121 - Hermeneutics pt. 1
In today's episode we discuss hermeneutics! I didn't expect it to become multiple parts, but here we are! I hope it is helpful and gets us thinking more critically about how we handle the holy scriptures.
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. www.So
Ep. 120 - Baptism III - Baptism in the Gospels
In today's episode we continue the baptism series by looking at baptism in the Gospels!
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 119 - Covenant Theology with Brad from Theology Nights
In today's episode we have a special guest discussing a whopper of a topic: Covenant Theology. Be sure to check out Brad's work over at You can also find him on facebook, instagram, and youtube.
Note: Within the episode we misspoke regarding the 1689 and the Covenant of Grace in a way that could be misunderstood. Traditionally the 1689 Position holds that the Covenant of Grace is revealed in the Old Testament and inaugurated in the New Testament with Christ. In the episode w
Ep. 118 - Baptism II - History of Baptism
Today we continue the baptism series with the historical theology of baptism. While the historical data is agreed upon across the board, the interpretations of said data is usually differing. Here I provide a case that is often hidden in the midst of the other perspective!
“I will glory in my redeemer” music and words by Steve & Viki Cook © 2000 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights
Ep. 117 - Baptism - Introduction
Today we begin the baptism series with an introduction! That is what it is. I hope that it gives you a basic idea of where we are going and gets you excited as we truck along through the doctrine of baptism. Have any questions you want on the show? Leave them at 512 682 5328.
“I will glory in my redeemer” music and words by Steve & Viki Cook © 2000 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All right
Ep. 116 - Heresy - Pelagianism
In today's episode we wrap up the heresy series for now on the topic of pelagianism. I'm thankful for Alex's covering this topic, I think he was an excellent choice for it. I hope you are edified through it and check out the Undying light podcast, which is available on all major podcast platforms! Have any questions you want on the show? Leave them at 512 682 5328.
“I will glory in my re
Ep. 115 - Insert cliche 2020 vision title here
In today's episode we talk a little bit about 2019 and 2020 as well as show y'all some great resources. We wrap up the episode by answering a few questions that were sent in. Have any questions you want on the show, leave them at 512 682 5328.
“I will glory in my redeemer” music and words by Steve & Viki Cook © 2000 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. w
Ep. 114 - Against Calvinism
The one where the title and image are click bait. I hope you all enjoy as we navigate some (often) convoluted discussions.
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 113 - Answering Your Questions
In today's episode we answer questions you guys submitted via instagram and by phone. We cover mortification, the golden chain of redemption, and more! I hope you enjoy and feel free to submit more questions for future episodes!
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 112 - Heresy - Arianism
In this episode of the heresy series we discuss Arianism. I decided to put this episode up a day early due to the business of Thursday this week. I hope you enjoy and I hope it helps shed light on this ancient heresy.
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 111 - Christianity and Social Media Ethical Principles with Nate Davis
Today we have a special guest, Nate Davis, who has been on the show before to discuss Textual Criticism. Today, though, we discuss Christianity and Social Media etiquette and ethics. I think this episode will be different and helpful in many respects. Nate did an awesome job and he carried this episode along nicely. I hope you enjoy it.
“He is Our God” Music and Words by Jon Althoff and Bob Kauflin © 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) All rights reserved. Used by permission. www.SovereignGraceM
Ep. 110 - Reformation and Reflection
Well, contrary to what I said in this episode, it is not episode 109, but rather episode 110! haha. I hope you enjoy this episode as the meat of it is about the reformation. I hope the discussion is something you find it is interesting as it is something that doesn't seem to be addressed a lot!
“This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and George Romanaccee. © 2015 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. www.Sovere
Ep. 109 - Heresy - Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel
In this episode we continue the Heresy series by discussing the word of faith/prosperity teachings! Today we have the pleasure of learning from my dear brother, Brad from Theology Nights. Brad runs theology nights, with live shows on Tuesday nights on all major platforms. Be sure to check out the work of theology nights for some great analysis and content from the biblical worldview.
“This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and George Romanacce
Ep. 108 - Reformation Day Special
Today we have the Reformation Day Special, but we hand it off to the fantastic young man who runs the Daily Reformation Podcast (on all major platforms). Jason does quality work that will teach anyone something. He handles his topics in a great fashion while being balanced in his analysis and approach. It is an honor to have him guest host, and I think you all will enjoy his handling of this episode.
“This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and
Ep. 107 - Heresy - Montanism
Today we continue the series on Heresies with a great guest who was kind enough to fill in. When I had Montanism on my schedule I knew that Paul would be the man for the job, and so I hope you enjoy what he put forward for us today!
“This is Our God” Words and Music by Neil DeGraide, Doug Plank, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, and George Romanaccee. © 2015 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 106 - Tradition and Scripture
In today's episode we try to expand on the brief mention of "tradition" in episode 105. I hope that it is helpful in some shape or form. The subject can go a lot deeper and so I had to condense a bit.
“He is Our God” Music and Words by Jon Althoff and Bob Kauflin © 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 105 - Heresy - Gnosticism
Today we discuss a movement in the early church that was a major threat and that lives on today in various ways and shades. In this episode we discuss Gnosticism as a whole, while other Gnostic groups may be discussed at a later time.
“He is Our God” Music and Words by Jon Althoff and Bob Kauflin © 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 104 - Heresy - Introduction
Today we're discussing heresy and how we are to define it. We'll touch on some historical aspects to consider as well as some modern ideas of heresy that should be addressed. I hope this is helpful in some shape or form!
“He is Our God” Music and Words by Jon Althoff and Bob Kauflin © 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 103 - Theology Series (22) Eschatology
The end is here! Well..the end of the theology series. We conclude this brief survey of systematic theology with an episode on the highly anticipated topic of "eschatology". I hope that it is meaty enough while not being overwhelming. Originally this episode was for next week, but we dropped it today in celebration of reaching fifty reviews on one of our platforms. (Oddly, said platform has a policy where you aren't supposed to mention reviews on said platform). Regardless, thank you all for you
Ep. 102 - Theology Series (21) Ecclesiology
Today we continue the theology series, and talk on Ecclesiology! I hope it is helpful and enjoyable!
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 101 - This is not the episode you're looking for (probably)
Today's episode touches on some things you can expect as Christ is the Cure moves forward!
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 100 - Theology Series (20) Soteriology
Today we continue the Theology Series with a special episode on Soteriology. If this episode leaves you with questions of "what now?" email me at God bless you all for your love and support over the years, it has been a pleasure getting to know you all.
Ep. 099 - Jehovah's Witnesses
In today's episode we talk about the theological cult of Jehovah's Witnesses! We have talked about this group before, but here we provide some supplemental and additional information while retouching on some of the classic information others have found helpful! For the "classic" episodes on the subject, feel free to email me at and request them!
Website -
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Prai
Ep. 098 - The Apocrypha
In today's episode we discuss those extra books of the Roman Catholic bible and discuss how they came to be included in Rome's text. We address several myths and questions while also trying to tell the entire story in a condensed fashion.
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Ep. 097 - Theology Series (19) The Atonement
In today’s episode we continue the theology series with a special host Paul! Paul was gracious enough to fill in to discuss the atonement! I hope you enjoy the theology series episode today!
You can follow Paul on Instagram @reformed.wretch. You can also follow his podcast page @undying.light. They also have a fantastic blog to check out,
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission
Ep. 096 - Not Again, Really? (NAR) and Bethel - the Final Hoorah
In today's episode we retouch on information presented in other discussions while also including additional information and points of reference. I hope it is edifying and while we continue to discuss these topics with those who come around, we will be moving on from what has been an extensive and thorough examination of Bethel. Be sure to follow the Bethel Church and Christianity page and check out the discussions regarding Bethel on Theology Nights as well as Lindsay Davis' work on the subject.
Ep. 095 - Theology Series (18) Sin
In today's episode we continue the theology series and discuss "sin". This episode is a bit shorter, but if you're itching for more content I'd encourage you to check out my discussion with Brad from Theology Nights that occurred this past Tuesday!
“Our Song from Age to Age” Music and words by Joel Sczebel. © 2012 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Ep. 094 - Bible - Transmission and Textual Criticism
In today's episode we discuss how we got our bibles, specifically on the subject of Transmission of the text and textual criticism! I hope it is helpful in some shape or form. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or corrections, feel free to email me!
“Our Song from Age to Age” Music and words by Joel Sczebel. © 2012 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Twitter: @
Ep. 093 - Theology Series (17) Biblical Anthropology
In today's episode we continue the Theology Series by discussing biblical anthropology. I welcome emails and discussion!
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Website: Christisthecur
Ep. 092 - Romans 9
In today's episode we talk about the 9th chapter of Romans, specifically regarding soteriology.
“It’s Your Grace” Words and Music by Bob Kauflin and Doug Plank. © 2013 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Here are some of the resources mentioned in the episode:
Bauer, W., Danker, W., Arndt, F. W., & Gingrich, F. W. (2000). A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Chicago, IL: Accordance ele
Ep. 091 - The Message and Passion Translation
In today's episode I briefly touch on my examination of the Message Bible and Passion translation. I tried to be fair in my examination, and ultimately came to the conclusion that neither should be used by anyone who is serious about what the Bible says.
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the sh
Ep. 090 - Theology Series (16) Angels and Demons
In today's episode we continue the Theology Series by discussing angels and demons.I express my view on various points and welcome emails and discussion! Let me know your thoughts! Reminder: there will not be an episode next week.
“All I Have Is Christ” Words and Music by Jordan Kauflin. © 2008 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested
Ep. 089 - Ministry, Miracles, and KJV
In today's episode we discuss some recent events and further discuss some articles and discussion that occurred this last week. Contrary to my statements in this episode, next week's episode will actually be the first joint episode with Undying Light, which we hope to make a regular occurrence. We have a lot of good stuff coming up!
“It’s Your Grace” Words and Music by Bob Kauflin and Doug Plank. © 2013 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. www.SovereignGraceMu
Ep. 088 - Q&A
In today's episode we "hang out" a bit with a Q&A and responses on a couple of posts I saw and wanted to just talk about for a bit. A note about today’s discussion: I suppose the author could have been talking about what occurred at Carthage in 397, but I’m skeptical that’s what they meant given the history of conversations I’ve had on this and the article’s depth itself. I hope everyone has a fantastic week and God bless you all.
“It’s Your Grace” Words and Music by Bob Kauflin and Doug Plank
Ep. 087 - TULIP pt. 2
In today's episode we finish the long awaited requested episode on TULIP. This is part 2 of 2. I hope this is helpful for you in some shape or form.
For more content on the subjects being talked about today check out the podcast Undying Light where they discussed the Synod of Dort in more detail as well as Total Depravity. They will have more episodes up on TULIP soon.
If you want a great episode on the question of human will check out what BRIDGE ministries put out by going here: bridgeminlar
Ep. 086 - TULIP pt. 1
In today's episode we begin the long awaited requested episode on TULIP. This is part 1 of 2. I hope this is helpful for you in some shape or form.
For more content on the subjects being talked about today check out the podcast Undying Light where they discussed the Synod of Dort in more detail as well as Total Depravity. They will have more episodes up on TULIP soon.
If you want a great episode on the question of human will check out what BRIDGE ministries put out by going here: https://bri
Ep. 085 - Theology Series (15) Holy Spirit pt. 2 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
In today's episode we continue the Theology Series by discussing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The discussion primarily focuses on the question of whether or not certain gifts still occur today. I express my view at this point in time and welcome emails and discussion! Let me know your thoughts!
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI). All rights reserved. Used by permission. www.SovereignGraceMusic
Ep. 084 - Special Guests Alex & Paul from Undying Light on False Teachers and Teachings
In today's episode we talked with Alex and Paul from the Undying Light podcast on false teachers and teachings. We covered quite a bit of ground on a more open discussion compared to some of our other guests.
Be sure to check out their podcast "Undying Light" which is on iTunes, Spotify, and google. You can also follow Alex and Paul on Instagram at @reformed_lifestyle (Alex) and @reformed.wretch (Paul). You can also follow their podcast page @undying.light. They also have a fantastic blog to c
Ep. 083 - Kristen Carden on Burn Out
In today's episode we get to chat with Kristen Carden again! She was originally a guest on episode 44 discussing worship and today we discuss burn out. I think this is a very important subject for many individuals in our culture! It was a fun discussion! One funny observation was that Kristen mentions boundaries in the beginning of the episode, and at the end of the episode we both forgot that we had mentioned it! It was a good thing to circle back on though! We both hope this episode helps indi
Ep. 082 - Barker & Wortman on Christ-Centered Business
In today's episode (82) we have some interesting and fantastic guests talking on something a bit different today: Christ-Centered Business. Some may be tempted to over-look this episode due to the subject matter, but I guarantee you will be encouraged in your walk with Christ and in how you live your life when you tune in. Be sure you go to to check out what they have built and to encourage them in their work.
Ep. 081 - Theology Series (14) Doctrine of the Holy Spirit pt. 1
In today's episode (81) we begin the two part study on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. We touch on the personhood of the Holy Spirit and some of the works of the Holy Spirit.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
“Behold Our God” Words and Music by Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, and Stephen Altrogge. © 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (B
Ep. 080 - Special Guest Mike Clark on the Dangers of Bethel
In today's episode (80) we have an awesome guest Mike Clark and we're talking on an important topic today, the dangers of Bethel. Make sure you check out their page and their work at "Bethel Church and Christianity" on facebook (
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Website: Christisthecure
Ep. 079 - Special Guest Nelson Sanchez on Jehovah's Witnesses
In today's episode (79) we have a fantastic guest, Nelson Sanchez, talking on Jehovah's Witnesses and how we can better communicate with them! Enjoy!
The links I mentioned in the beginning of the episode:
Solas and Struggles -
Reformed Wretches -
BRIDGE Ministries -
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest
Ep. 078 - Jason Lisle, Abortion, Regeneration, and Text Types
I begin today's episode (78) by discussing the conference held by Grace Family Church featuring Dr. Jason Lisle from the Biblical Science Institute. Then I move into Abortion, Regeneration, and Text Types.
Link to Grace Family Church:
Jason Lisle:
Biblical Science Institute:
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your
Ep. 077 - Doth father know you readeth not his book?
In today's episode (77) we talk on the KJVO series I did on instagram and some of the issues I hold regarding it. It's been awhile since we talked on it so this may be a nice refresher with new information!
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Email: nick.campbell@
Ep. 076 - Theology Series (13) - Deity of Christ pt. 2
In today's episode (76) we get to part 2 of the deity of Christ in which we examine some of the things that Jesus did and how it would be a problem if he was not God. We touch on Jesus' consciousness and the worship of Jesus.
If you feel led, please consider leaving the show a review and rating on iTunes!
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Ep. 075 - Q&A - TULIP, Translation, and Canon
In today's episode (75) we go through a variety of topics from a Q&A including translations, TULIP, Baptism, and Canon. The discussion of baptism keeps coming up and I want to note that I gladly stand side-by-side with my presbyterian brothers and sisters because unity is in essentials.
That being said, I mentioned Sword and Pencil, you can find him on Instagram @swordandpencil. Additionally, the ministry I mentioned, can be found at I highly recommend you check ou
Ep. 074 - Theology Series (12) - Deity of Christ pt. 1
Today (episode 74) we continue the theology series by going into the deity of Christ a bit! It'll get us started before we carry on into a deeper study on the subject!
Check out Covenant Baptist Church if you are in the Houston Area!
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Instagram: @
Ep. 073 - The Doctrine and Jesus of Roman Catholicism
Today (episode 73) we briefly touch on key Roman Catholic Doctrine and development while evaluating the implications of such doctrine. We discuss the Jesus of Roman Catholicism and how there are issues within their teachings.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Ep. 072 - Homosexuality and Religion
Today (episode 72)we talk about two topics that kept popping up this past week, Homosexuality and Religion.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Ep. 071 - Theology Series (11) Humanity of Christ and Prophecy
Today (episode 71) we continue the theology series by going into the humanity of Christ and briefly touching on prophecy.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Ep. 070 - Reflections, and Q&A
In this weeks episode we discuss some misconceptions and reflections before getting to the Q&A portion of the week. I hope it’s helpful! Enjoy!
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Ep. 069 - Puritan - Thanksgiving Special
In this week's episode we resurrect the popular Puritan/Thanksgiving Special! Enjoy and have a great week with your family and friends.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Ep. 068 - Theology Series (10) - God's Decree and Providence - Double featured - Faith Alone
Today (episode 68) we continue the theology series by briefly touching on the decree, plan, and providence of God as well as having a double feature on Justification by Faith alone and the doctrine of regeneration.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Email: nick.
Ep. 067 - Survey, Salvation, Secularism, and Worship
In today's episode (067) we talk about a variety of topics presented in a survey on the instagram page. From salvation to worship and the original languages. This episode can be a great discussion opener so send me an email with your thoughts! What are your views on some of the topics we discussed today? Hopefully we can continue the episode on trinitarianism next week!
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on you
Ep. 066 - Theology Series (9) - The Trinity
Today (episode 66) we pick back up in the theology series and talk about the triunity of God aka; the Trinity. Going through the history of the Trinity, misconceptions and errors, as well as some biblical support.
The link mentioned in the episode is:
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
Ep. 065 - Josh Hamon - The Real Martin Luther
In this week's episode (65) we have Author Josh Hamon sharing about his work and talking on Martin Luther just in time for Reformation Day! You can get a free sample of the book at
Ep. 064 - My Testimony
Today I talked on my testimony from Atheism to Christianity including details of my mentality throughout the process. I hope that it can be a blessing to all of you and I hope that the evangelist I mention can also be a blessing to you (details at the end of the episode of what I mean by this). Just as well, I answered some of the questions that you submitted on Instagram at the end of the episode!
Ep. 063 - Theology Series (8) The Goodness of God and His Grace
Today (episode 63) we pick back up in the theology series and talk about the goodness of God and his grace. Additionally I have some updates for the listeners! The mentioned books are Erickson's Christian Doctrine and Paul Enns Moody Handbook of Theology.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at
Ep. 062 - The Latin Versions and a quick Q&A
In today's episode (62, I said 61 in the introduction, oops) I speak on the Latin Versions of the New Testament that are, for some reason, often demonized by protestants. I talk about the importance of the Latin Versions and at the end of the episode I answer a few questions that I received in the Instagram poll.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can c
Ep. 061 - Q&A and a Theological Rant on Popular Christianity
In today's episode I answer a variety of questions, providing a lot of recommended books and random thoughts. This goes on until about the 24:00 mark in which a rant on the theology of popularizing Christianity begins for the remainder of the show. We discuss a response to a controversial statement that is extremely damaging. There will not be any episodes next week as I will be out of town!
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested
Ep. 060 - Anxiety, dark nights, and Apathy
In today's episode we talk about anxiety and a text that helps through times of anxiety. We also talk about General Anxiety Disorders so that we can better understand those who struggle from a psychological issue rather than mere "worrying".
Additionally, I spoke about those who are struggling with whether or not they are saved and those who are struggling with prayer, biblical study, etc. On this topic we also talk about the paradox of apathy in this situation. Be sure to get more updates abo
Ep. 059 - Work and Money, and The Social Justice Statement
Today's episode (59) was a bit of a wing it episode in that I didn't cover as much as I would have liked due to a storm and time. In the first half I talk briefly about an interesting "commandment of Jesus" and a response to that. Additionally, I talked briefly about the Social Justice Statement ( What did you think of the statement? Send your thoughts to me at
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested i
Ep. 058 - Theology Series (7) - The Attributes of God
Today (episode 58) we reach the 7th (not eighth as I mistakingly said) episode of the theology series and touch on The Attributes of God. This will lay a foundation for deeper episodes coming up in the theology series and as a foundation it is a bit shorter than usual.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
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Ep. 057 - Christian Survey Breakdown
Today (Episode 57) we go through the answers to three surveys I put up on Instagram Some of the responses were awesome and some of them were shocking! I address the answers and give my thoughts on some of the responses.
Some ideas brought up may be of interest to you! Feel free to email me for clarification or for a deeper response. None of my responses were premeditated and so if you have any concerns email me! I think it's also good to mention for the sake of not being m
Ep. 056 - Theology Series (6) - The Holiness of God
In today's episode (56) we go into the Holiness of God.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Episode #55 - Theology Series (5) - Theology Proper Introduction
In today's episode (55) we go into the introduction of Theology Proper. In this episode I also spoke on the purity of the gospel and the importance of Jesus and the exclusivity of Jesus.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Episode #54 - Henry the Heretic and Build-A-God workshop
Today's episode is surrounding a discussion on the trinity I had which I think is helpful in showing how many discussions with opposition goes today.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Episode #53 - Q&A - Women Pastors, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Trinity
Today's episode (53) is a quick Q&A following a chat on the trinity.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Episode #52 - Theology Series (4) Bibliology: Sufficiency
In today's episode (52) we go into the fourth episode of the theology series and it is all about the sufficiency of scripture.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Email: ni
Episode #51 - Theology Series (3) Bibliology: Inerrancy
In today's episode (51) we go into the third episode of the theology series and it is all about inerrancy.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Email: nick.campbell@christi
Episode #50 - Biblical Meditation
Today's episode is on biblical meditation! Episode 50 is now available! Listen in at
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Twitter: @NickCamp92
Email: nick.campbell@christist
Episode #49 - Theology Series (2) Bibliology: Inspiration
In today's episode (49) we go into the second episode of the theology series and it is all about inspiration. We touch on theories of inspiration and talk about what inspiration is.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Ep. 048 - Nathan Davis on Textual Criticism
In today's episode we discuss the topic of Textual Criticism with Nathan Davis! It's our longest show yet, but for good reason! We pray you will be edified and blessed by this episode!
Episode #47 - Theology Series (1) Biblical and Systematic Theology
In today's episode (Episode 47) we begin our theology series and begin with a primer into that series. We discuss some fields of theology, what theology is, and why it is important.
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Reach out! Interested in being on the show? Email us! Interested in having me be on your show or guest write for your blog? Email me and we can chat!
You can Partner with us at for as little as $1 a month (12/yr).
Ep. 044 - Kristen Carden on Worship
Today we have our first special guest, Kristen Carden and today’s discussion is on the topic of Worship! You don’t want to miss it!