Knowing Faith
Kyle Worley, JT English, Jen Wilkin
The Christian faith is not mindless or irrational. Knowing Faith is a podcast exploring how our faith is founded upon Scripture. We believe the Bible is for everyone and are committed to helping the Church understand where their faith is rooted. Hosted by Jen Wilkin, JT English and Kyle Worley, this podcast dives into Christian story, belief, and practice in a way that is accessible to everyone.
Beast Mode (Revelation 13-14)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the book of Revelation by looking at chapters 13-14.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Revelation?Who is the beast? What about the sea?How do we understand the dragon, the beast from the sea, and the beast from the earth?What is your personal experience with the mark of the beast?How are we supposed to understand the number of the beast?How do we see the battle of the seed of the women vs. seed of the serpent?Who is the
After the Fact: Do Seminaries Actually Help The Local Church? With Dean Inserra
Kyle Worley is joined by Dean Inserra to answer the question, how have you seen seminary education benefit your local church?Questions Covered in This Episode:How have you seen seminary education benefit your local church?What does being “for the church” really mean for a seminary?Guest Bio:Dean Inserra is the founding and lead pastor of CITYCHURCH, where he leads the vision and preaching. Dean graduated from Liberty University and attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY
What Hath the Gospel To Do With The Kingdom? with Patrick Schreiner
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Patrick Schreiner to discuss what the gospel of the Kingdom is.Questions Covered in This Episode:When the New Testament says that Jesus was preaching the gospel of the kingdom, before his death, burial, resurrection, and ascension; what gospel is he preaching?How does “the Kingdom” help frame the story of the Bible?When you share the gospel with somebody, do you include kingdom language?How does Matthew 1:1 show us two sides of the gospel?Has
Beauty and the Beast? (Revelation 12-13)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the imagery and symbolic history found in Revelation 12.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the purpose of Revelation?Where are we in the book of Revelation?Who is the dragon? Who is the child? Who is the woman?Where do we find a contrast between a woman and a dragon in the story of the bible prior to Revelation?How is Revelation providing instruction on how a Christian can rightly think about what it means to be engaged in spiritual war?What
Jesus: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? (Incarnation and Christology)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss a core doctrine of the Christian faith; Christology.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the common approach to Jesus in our cultural moment?Where should someone start if they want to dive deep into the question of who is Jesus?What about when Colossians 1 calls him the “firstborn?”What are the essentials of Christology?What are the implications of leaning into one of the natures of Jesus?In the creeds (Athanasian, Apostles, Nicene, Chalcedon)
Deep Discipleship: An Invitation
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means to be a disciple and launch a preview of their Deep Discipleship Program!Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the need of the hour in the church today in the global west?What is a disciple?Why should we spend our time learning?What is deep discipleship?Why is community important?What do disciples need?How do we pursue deep discipleship?What is the goal of deep discipleship?What is the Deep Discipleship Program?Helpful Definitions
Left Behind? (A Revelation Recap)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back to explore the book of Revelation!Questions Covered in This Episode:Who wrote Revelation? Where? When?How does Rev. 1:4-8 lay down a thesis of sorts for the book?How do you encourage people to study the book of Revelation?What genre is the book of Revelation?What are helpful terms to define when studying this book?Are people comfortable with the seven letters?How are numbers being used, and is there a pattern?What should we be looking for as we ap
"New" Revelation
Season 14 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on January 23rd! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 14.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we going to cover this season?What are we excited to talk about in the book of Revelation?What doctrine do you love to talk about?
Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Be
Merry Christmas: A Q&A Story
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer listener questions to wrap up season 13!Questions Covered in This Episode:How did you start writing for an audience?Who is the deep discipleship program built for? Should all leaders and volunteers at a church participate in this program?What is the “extra Calvinisticum”? Are you a dispensationalist? Why or why not?Did God reject his people? (Romans 11)How do you respond when people argue that focusing on studying the Bible and theology produces Pha
Proverbs and Prophets (Wisdom Literature and Exile in the Bible)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue the story of scripture by looking at the wisdom literature and the prophets. Questions Covered in This Episode:What happens from the time Israel departs Sinai until the end of the Old Testament?What is wisdom literature? Why does it matter?Which book has been the most formative for you?How is wisdom situational?What is exile?What role do the prophets play in the story of the Bible?What confuses people when they read the prophets?How do we read in
After the Fact: Why Have a Confession of Faith if We Have the Bible? with Jason Duesing
Kyle Worley is joined by Jason Duesing to answer the question, “What is the purpose of a confession of faith if we already have the Bible?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the purpose of a confession of faith if we already have the Bible?What is a helpful way to read confessions of faith?In your view, what is the most significant Baptist confession?Guest Bio:Jason Duesing serves as the Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Administration, and Professor of Historical Theology at Mid
Living with a Lion (Mt. Sinai and Life with God)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley to discuss the Exodus event and how it’s impactful for understanding the rest of Scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:What do we learn about God in the Exodus event?How is Exodus a birth and a decreation narrative?What do we learn about deliverance and redemption from Exodus?How does Exodus create a paradigm for understanding salvation throughout the Bible?Why does God want people to have the law?As a Christian, must I obey the Ten Commandments? Wha
The Bible Isn't About You (Covenant Theology)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the covenants in the Bible and why it's important to understand them.Questions Covered in This Episode:What happens in Genesis 1-11?What is a covenant?What are some covenants we find in the Bible?How do covenants form a structure for reading and interpreting the Bible’s story?What is involved and entailed in the covenant with Abraham?What are the core promises of God’s covenant with Abraham?How does the covenant with Abraham shape the rest of the s
What Is This A Scroll for Ants?! (Revelation 10-11)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the themes, imagery, and encouragement found in Revelation 10-11.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the Old Testament imagery found in 10:1?Why is the scroll sweet to the taste, but bitter to the tummy?What are the themes we have seen so far?What is going on with the measuring of the temple? What does it signify?How does a reader understand what is going on in Revelation 11:1-3?What is going on with the “two witnesses”?What happens to these
LIVE From Midwestern (Q&A) - Part 2
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley recorded live at the For The Church Conference at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with guests Jared Wilson and Patrick Schreiner to answer questions from the audience.Questions Covered in This Episode:Is the gospel political?Are doctrinal disagreements gospel disagreements?When sharing the gospel with people who don't have a religious background, what’s a good approach?How do you best share the gospel with cultural Christians?How can women remain f
LIVE From Midwestern - Part 1
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley recorded live at the For The Church Conference at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with guests Jared Wilson and Patrick Schreiner to discuss the gospel.Questions Covered in This Episode:Is the gospel story, doctrine, or practice?Is the whole story of the Bible the gospel?What is the difference between a doctrine and a story?Where do we start when we are reading gospel text?How do we feel about the language “practicing or performing” the gospel?Do we
It's Me, Hi, I'm the Problem it's Me (Doctrine of Sin)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the doctrine of sin; what is it and what it means for us.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is a good definition of sin?What is the story of sin? What is happening in Genesis 3?What is Exile, and why is it significant?What is a sin of commission? What is a sin of omission?What does it mean to be Augustinian in our view of sin?Is sin individual, or has sin impacted the world at large?Helpful Definitions:Hamartiology: Doctrine of SinSin: Rebellio
Too Many Trumpets? (Revelation 8-9)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what the imagery, symbols, and numbers found in Revelation 8-9 mean and how this passage can encourage us.Questions Covered in This Episode:Where are we in the book of Revelation when we come into the seven trumpets?How are numbers being used?What do we see and hear in this passage?Is there symmetry between the Fourth Trumpet and Fourth Seal?What should we not miss before we get to the fifth angel?What is significant about the eagle?Who is the “sta
After the Fact: The Beatific Vision with Samuel Parkison
Kyle Worley is joined by Samuel Parkison to answer the questions, what is the beatific vision and why does it matter?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the beatific vision and why does it matter?What makes heaven, heaven?What does it mean to behold God? What are we beholding?Helpful Definitions:Beatific Vision: The blessed hope of seeing God in heaven.Guest Bio:Samuel G. Parkison is associate professor of theological studies and director of the Abu Dhabi Extension Site at Gulf Theological
What is a Person? (Doctrine of Man)
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What Was The Great Awakening? with Thomas Kidd
Kyle Worley is joined by Thomas Kidd to answer the question, what was the great awakening and what impact did it have on theological education?Questions Covered in This Episode:What was the great awakening and what impact did it have on theological education?Why were institutions needed at this time?Guest Bio:Thomas S. Kidd serves as Research Professor of Church History at Midwestern & the John and Sharon Yeats Endowed Chair of Baptist Studies. Kidd has authored numerous books including but not
Signed, SEALED, Delivered: Revelation 6-8
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley have a conversation about Revelation 6-8 and the symbolism and meaning of the text.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the Book of Revelation about?Where are we in the book of Revelation?What are the first four seals?Why are the creatures saying “come”?What is the fifth seal?Who are the earth dwellers?How do we get familiar enough with the Bible to begin to understand passages of scripture like this?What is happening in the sixth seal?What does 144,0
After the Fact: Surprised By The Bible with Samuel Bierig
Kyle Worley is joined by Samuel Bierig to answer the question, what is something most people take for granted about the Bible that they would be surprised by?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is something most people take for granted about the Bible that they would be surprised by?Why would I be reading the Bible to pay attention to what the Bible is, not who God is?Why did you want to write a book about the Bible?Guest Bio:Samuel Bierig serves as Vice President of Undergraduate Studies, De
A Cheat Code for Understanding the Bible (The Story of Scripture)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss how we can understand the story of Scripture and why it’s important for us to know it.Questions Covered in This Episode:Can you share your journey from knowing Bible stories to knowing it was all one larger narrative?How do you communicate the story of the Bible?What is the framework of the story?What’s a one-word cheat code for the story of the Bible?Why is knowing the story of Scripture important?Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Training the C
After the Fact: Is The Gospel Political? with Patrick Schreiner
Kyle Worley is joined by Patrick Schreiner to answer the question, is the gospel political?Questions Covered in This Episode:Is the Gospel political?How do we navigate applying principles in our political landscape that might be vastly unimaginable from the time of Jesus?Guest Bio:Patrick Schreiner is the Director of the Residency PhD program, Associate Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Gene and Jo Downing Endowed Chair of Biblical S
Revelation: A Throne, A Scroll, and a Lamb Walk into the End Times
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the imagery and themes found in Revelation 4 and what encouragement we can find from this passage.Questions Covered in This Episode:Chapter four marks a shift in the book; doesn’t it?Where is throne imagery found throughout the Bible?What are the beasts and should they freak us out?What’s being proclaimed around the throne?What’s with the seven seals on the scroll?Who is the lamb and how does lamb imagery connect with the rest of the bible’s themes
After the Fact: Is God Incomprehensible? with Ronnie Kurtz
Kyle Worley is joined by Ronni Kurtz to answer the question; what does incomprehensibility mean and is God incomprehensible?Questions Covered in This Episode:What does incomprehensibility mean?Is God incomprehensible?How would you encourage someone who is trying to comprehend who God is?Helpful Definitions:Immutable: God can’t change.Incomprehensibility: There is an intellectual limitation by virtue of our being creatures that will not allow us to wrap our mind fully around God as He is as a Cre
But Seriously, How Old is the Earth? (Doctrine of Creation and Providence)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the doctrines of creation and providence.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why do we treat the doctrines of creation and providence together?Barry Jones says that our creation story determines the trajectory of our culture. What does that mean? What are some questions the original audience was asking?What are the essentials of a Christian doctrine of creation?What’s a good definition of providence?Helpful Definitions:Transcendent: God is other (by
What is Charles Spurgeon's Vision for a Faithful Church? with Geoff Chang
Kyle Worley is joined by Geoff Chang to answer the question what is Charles Spurgeon's vision for a faithful church?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Charles Spurgeon's vision for a faithful church?Why would it be worth articulating “the army of God” language today?What does “the church militant” and “the church triumphant” mean? Guest Bio:Geoff Chang serves as Assistant Professor of Church History and Historical Theology and the Curator of the Spurgeon Library at Midwestern Baptist Theo
The Evangelical Leadership Crisis
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what is happening with evangelical leaders and how we can respond faithfully.Questions Covered in This Episode:When a leader “falls”, does it discount everything God has done through their ministry?How does news like this strike you? What is your response to it?Why do we have low expectations for self-control?Would it be good in light of these things for church staff to get together and talk about these things?Resources Mentioned in this Episode:1
After the Fact: How Does a Church Engage in Spiritual Discipline Together? with Don Whitney
Kyle Worley is joined by Don Whitney to answer the question; How does a church engage in the spiritual discipline together?Questions Covered in This Episode:How does a church engage in the spiritual discipline together?Do Christians think about fellowship the right way?Helpful Definitions:Spiritual Disciplines: practices found in the Bible by which we experience God and grow in Christlikeness.Koinonia (κοινωνία): Fellowship, talking about God and the things of God.Guest Bio:Don Whitney is the Pr
Revelation - Seven Letters to Seven Churches
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the beginning of the book of Revelation and its meaning.Questions Covered in This Episode:What does the word “revelation” mean? Why is the language so strange if this book is meant to reveal?What is a symbolic universe?How important is what comes before the book of Revelation in understanding the book?Is there a grid we should be using or do we treat angelic language throughout Revelation on a case by case basis?What is the book of Revelation about
Can We Actually Know God?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley dive into the doctrine of Revelation to discuss how we can know God.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we currently working on?How has God revealed Himself?Is it possible to say true things about God? How do we speak truthfully about God?What is Illumination?Can we read the Bible just like we would read any other book?Helpful Definitions:Natural Revelation: A common knowledge of God that is given to all humanity.Special Revelation: God has revealed
Revelation - Is The Book Of Revelation About The Past, Present, Or Future?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the different ways people interpret the Book of Revelation.Questions Covered in This Episode:How do we put the phrase “was, is, and is to come” in the right context?What tier of importance is Eschatology?What is hermeneutics?Is the only kind of prophecy telling the future?What are the main approaches to this book?Why is it significant to have conversations about these theological categories?Helpful Definitions:Hermeneutics: How do we interpret and
Why Do We Need Trinitarian Theology?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity and what it is (and isn’t).Questions Covered in This Episode:Is it fair to say that the Trinity is a bit like water in that it can take three forms: liquid, gas, and solid?How do we define the Trinity?Why is it important to try to understand this doctrine?If the word Trinity isn’t in the bible, why is it a core Christian doctrine?Does the Trinity have a hierarchy?What sets God apart from His creature
Rapture, Apocalypse, And The End Of The World: What's The Book Of Revelation Really About?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what the book of Revelation is about and how we can begin to approach studying it.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we doing this season?What are your thoughts about current events - are we living in the end times?What does Advent have to do with Revelation?Does your study provide a conclusive answer to the question of the rapture?What genre of literature is Revelation?How do we read and approach Scripture appropriately?What are you lookin
A State Of The Union: Deep Discipleship And The Church In America
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss deep discipleship, how the church today needs discipleship, and a big project they have been working on!Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we doing this season?Are we producing deep disciples?What is Deep Discipleship?Where does Deep Discipleship relate to women’s ministry?What is coming in 2025 with Lifeway?What are some of the doctrines we are excited to explore this season?Helpful Definitions:Theology: Words about God.Resources Mentioned
We’re Going Apocalyptic
Season 13 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on August 22! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 13.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we doing this season?Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Revelation“Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom” by Jen WilkinTraining the Church
Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the
#237 — Learn the Biblical Languages with Kevin Grasso
Kyle Worley is joined by Kevin Grasso to discuss why learning the Bible in its original language is important and how Biblingo can help.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is it valuable for ordinary people to be able to study the bible in the original languages?Where did the desire to know the Bible in its original languages come from for you?Are there any passages in Exodus that you could help us dive deeper into by looking at the original language it was written in?What would you say to the
#236 — Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships with Rebecca McLaughlin
Kyle Worley is joined by Rebecca McLaughlin to talk about her newest book “Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships?” Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you write this book?What are the top three most common claims you deal with in the book? How can Christians speak the truth in love online and in person when it comes to addressing these claims?What do you hope Christians will do with this book?Guest Bio:Rebecca McLaughlin holds a PhD from Cambridge University and a theology degree fr
REMIX: Brothers and Sisters: More Than A Metaphor
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley come back to one of their most popular topics; brothers and sisters.Questions Covered in This Episode:Indisputably: This is something we get more feedback on than just about anything else…why is that?How has the culture shift affected this conversation?What has been the church's response to the shift in culture?What does the biblical doctrine of anthropology related to men and women have to affirm?When we say “we need each other,” what does that mean?What
#235 — Union with Christ with Sam Allberry
Kyle Worley is joined by Sam Allberry to have a conversation about union with Christ and both of their new books!Questions Covered in This Episode:Why do we need more books about union with Christ?Why did you title the book “One with My Lord”?Why did you title your book “Home with God”?When did this doctrine first become precious to you?What is “union with Christ?”Do you see any connection between the covenant love of God and union with Christ?What did you learn while writing this book?When peop
REMIX: Salvation - Union with Christ
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley have a conversation about the most important doctrine for understanding the doctrine of salvation, union with Christ.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the most important doctrine for understanding the doctrine of salvation?Why does Paul continually use the preposition “in”?It is possible to live in this world as an individual not united to someone else?I grew up hearing Christ in me, not me in Christ; where is the emphasis? Why was I presented with
#234 — From Garden to Glory with Courtney Doctor
Jen Wilkin and Kyle Worley are joined by Courtney Doctor to discuss her new book From Garden to Glory!Questions Covered in This Episode:Why’d you write this book?When was biblical theology on your radar?What are the “aha” moments when telling the story of the Bible?How does understanding the Bible as a great narrative change one’s faith?You suggest that the structure of the bible’s story is a bit like a good fairy tale - what do you mean by that?How do you picture this book being utilized in the
#233 — Season 12 Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted by listeners!Questions Covered in This Episode:While we have unity in Christ…what 2nd, 3rd or 4th tier issues "divide" my favorite podcasters?What do you think are going to be the challenges of ministry in the local church in the next ten years?My local church has a tone of saying: “Just because you study the bible doesn’t mean you're mature in the faith…and discipleship doesn’t happen in programs, it happens in real relationship
#232 — Remaking the World with Andrew Wilson
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Andrew Wilson to discuss his new book, Remaking the World.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you write this book? What did you want people to take away from this book?Can you explain the “WEIRDER” acronym and how it’s helpful for understanding the Western world?What do you mean by romanticism?How would you help someone see the lenses they have on when reading the Bible and how to shape and form new ones?Are American readers reading thi
REMIX: A Generous Complementarianism
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss complementarianism and why a healthy ecclesiology is important for this conversation. Before you listen to this episode be sure to listen to Knowing Faith Episode #44 – A Generous Complementarianism.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is a pastor?Why is there confusion over this office/title?How is this title misused?Who can be a pastor?How does the office of pastor relate to the priesthood of all believers?Who is qualified to do what? (Non-qual
After the Fact: How Do We Pray the Bible? with Don Whitney
Kyle Worley is joined by Don Whitney to answer the question, how do we pray the Bible?Questions Covered in This Episode:How do we pray the Bible?Where should people begin when starting to pray the Bible?Guest Bio:Dr. Whitney is Associate Dean of the School of Theology and Professor of Biblical Spirituality. Dr. Whitney is a member of Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He is the author of many books including but not limited to; Praying the Bible and Spiritual Disciplines for th
#231 – Looking Back on Exodus
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley wrap up the conversation on the book of Exodus!Questions Covered in This Episode:What have you learned as we explored Exodus over these two seasons?Where did we see the themes in Exodus in the rest of the Story of the Bible?What is biblical theology and how are we able to make connections across scripture?How can someone learn how to make connections across scripture?How can someone dive deeper into the study of Exodus?Helpful Definitions:Systematic Theolo
#230 — Worship and Art (Exodus 40)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Amy Gannett to continue the story of Exodus by discussing the themes found in Exodus 40. Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s your favorite part of the Exodus story?What is the purpose of the Tabernacle?Does the Tabernacle contain the glory and presence of God?Where has the cloud and fire shown up so far in the story?What is God inviting his people into with the tabernacle, journey into the land, and waiting?Do we get the cloud and fire t
#229 — A.W. Pink, "The Attributes of God"
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the significance of “The Attributes of God” by A.W. Pink.Questions Covered in This Episode:When did you first come across AW Pink?Who was AW Pink? Why is he significant?What are the attributes of God?How significant was Pink's work when you were writing your books on the attributes?How do the attributes of God help us understand scripture?Does god have attributes or is God his attributes?Why do you keep reading this book? What stands out to you?Why
After the Fact: Why For the Church? with Jason Allen
Kyle Worley is joined by Jason Allen to answer the question; “why for the church”?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is the motto for Midwestern, “For the Church”?When you look back, what is one thing you see at Midwestern that is a direct result of your mission?Guest Bio:Dr. Jason Allen is the president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to his role as president, he also serves as a professor for preaching and pastoral ministry. He is the author of a number of books incl
#228 — The Tabernacle: Designed to Tell a Story (Exodus 37-39)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley trace the themes found in the Tabernacle and throughout the rest of scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is this section of text important?How does its design tell the story of the world?What is the Tabernacle?In what way is the tabernacle a shadow?How is the Tabernacle foreshadowing the end of the story?What about all of the stones, gems, and precious jewels?Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Exodus 37-39, Gen 2:1-3, John 14:15-31, Revelation
#227 — Calvin, "Institutes of the Christian Religion"
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the significance of “Institutes of the Christian Religion” by John Calvin. Questions Covered in This Episode:When was the first time you heard of Calvin?Who was John Calvin?What is Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion?Why do you keep reading this book?If I am not a Calvinist is there a benefit in reading the Institutes?What stands out to you from the book?Helpful Definitions:Five points of Calvinism: Total depravity, unconditional election
#226 — Sabbath, Contributions, and Devotion (Exodus 34-36)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley have a conversation about the themes found throughout Exodus 34-36 and trace them throughout the rest of Scripture. Questions Covered in This Episode:What are on the tablets Moses receives in Exodus 34:1-9?Why do we need the 10 commandments, again?Does Exodus 34:7 mean that if a father sins there will be some sort of judgment that is passed down generationally?Why is the proclamation of the name significant?Where does the number 40 show up in the Bible?Wha
#225 — Luther, “Commentary of Galatians”
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the history and importance of Luther’s “Commentary of Galatians.”Questions Covered in This Episode:Who was Martin Luther? Why is he significant?What was the point of the reformation?What are the 95 theses and indulgences?What is Luther’s Galatians Commentary? Why was it significant?What do you love about it?Resources Mentioned in this Episode:“Commentary of Galatians” by Martin Luther“The Curse Motif of the Atonement” by RC Sproul
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After The Fact: Why Read Anything Other Than The Bible? with Jared Wilson
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Wilson to answer the question, “Why read anything other than the Bible?”Questions Covered in This Episode:Why read anything other than the Bible?Who are some of your favorite Christian writers to read?Guest Bio:Jared C. Wilson serves as Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry, Author in Residence, and General Editor, For the Church. He is the author of a number of books including but not limited to Gospel Wakefulness, The Prodigal Church, The Pastor’s Justificatio
#224 — Divine Judgment Against False Gods (Exodus 32-33)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the themes found in Exodus 32-33.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is Moses interceding?Why does Israel respond this way if they are going to get the land?Is the tent of meeting outside the camp the same or different from the Tabernacle?Is Israel’s distinctiveness rooted in the presence of Yahweh?What is the presence of God?What is the glory of God?Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Exodus 32-33, Jonah 4:2, 2 Corinthians 3:16Knowing Faith The
After the Fact: What is Religious Liberty? With Jason Duesing
Kyle Worley is joined by Kody Gibson to answer the question, “What is religious liberty?”Questions Covered in This Episode:What is religious liberty?What is the goal of religious liberty?How does religious liberty impact Christians during an election year?Guest Bio:Jason Duesing serves as the Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Administration, and Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He came to MBTS after serving for more than a decade on the admin
#223 — Chesterton, "Orthodoxy"
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley have a conversation about “Orthodoxy” by GK Chesterton.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the value of reading across church history?Who was GK Chesterton? Why is he significant?Why did you read this book originally? Why do you keep reading it?What is Orthodoxy?What stands out to you from the book?What are Chesterton’s theological views?Why should a listener consider reading it?Helpful Definitions:Modernity: The acceleration of believing that humani
After the Fact: The 3 Biggest Myths About Seminary w/Kody Gibson
Kyle Worley is joined by Kody Gibson to answer the question, “What are the three biggest myths about seminary?”Questions Covered in This Episode:What are the three biggest myths about seminary?Guest Bio:Kody Gibson serves as Vice President of Communications and Brand Strategy at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College. Kody has served for over 10 years in theological education leading recruiting and communications efforts at both Southern Seminary and Phoenix Seminary prior
#222 — The Temptation of Idols (Exodus 32)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back in the book of Exodus to trace the themes of idols found in Exodus 32:1-10 and the rest of the Bible.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is an idol? What is idolatry?Where had Israel come from?Why a golden calf?Where does the gold come from?Where does idolatry show up in the rest of the story?What is God’s response?Why does Moses remind God about the promises He made, why is this language used?Why does the judgment take this specific form in th
After the Fact: Why is Moses at the Transfiguration? with Patrick Schreiner
Kyle Worley is joined by Patrick Schreiner to answer the question; why is Moses at the transfiguration?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is Moses at the transfiguration?Who did Moses see on top of the mountain?What is the manner of glory we see during the transfiguration?Guest Bio:Dr. Patrick Schreiner is the Director of the Residency PhD program and Associate Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of a number of books, i
#221 — Augustine, "Confessions" and "City of God"
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the importance of the work “Confessions” by Saint Augustine.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who was St. Augustine? Why is he significant?When was the first time you came across Confessions?What is Confessions?Why do you keep reading it?What stands out to you from the book?Resources Mentioned in this Episode:“Confessions” by Saint Augustine“City of God” by Saint Augustine“Augustine of Hippo: A Biography” by Peter Brown
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After the Fact: What Does The Law of Moses Have To Do With a Christian? with Jason DeRouchie
Kyle Worley is joined by Jason D. to answer the question, what does the law of Moses have to do with the Christian?Questions Covered in This Episode:What does the law of Moses have to do with the Christian?Guest Bio:Dr. Jason S. DeRouchie serves as Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He teaches both MDiv and PhD students and direct doctoral dissertations. Dr. DeRouchie's research interests include biblical hermeneutics, the New Te
#220 — Sabbath and Worship (Exodus 31)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley have a conversation about how the sabbath is connected to worship in Exodus 31:12-18.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is a summary of the story of Exodus so far?Why the unique filling of the Spirit with these two craftsmen/artists?Do we see other moments like this in the story of the Bible?Why all of this attention to the beauty of the temple?What is the purpose of the sabbath?How is sabbath practice connected to worship?Where else does the sabbath s
After the Fact: Do I Really Need Systematic Theology To Be A Disciple Of Jesus? with Matthew Barrett
Kyle Worley is joined by Matthew Barrett to answer the question, do I really need systematic theology to be a disciple of Jesus?Questions Covered in This Episode:Is systematic theology necessary for discipleship?How would you encourage someone who is looking to do this but is intimidated by the bigger books?Guest Bio:Dr. Matthew Barrett is Associate Professor of Christian Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the founder and executive editor of Credo Magazine. He is the
#219 — Athanasius, "On the Incarnation"
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss “On the Incarnation” by Athanasius.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who was St. Athanasius?When did you read On the Incarnation for the first time?What stands out to you from the book?Why should a listener consider reading this book?How does reading more classical devotional works help us with Biblical study?Helpful Definitions:Trinitarianism: God eternally exists as one essence and three distinct persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the
#218 — Worship and Sacrifice (Exodus 30 & 31)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back in the book of Exodus to discuss the worship and sacrifice in Chapter 30.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are sacrifices offered to God?What do sacrifices have to do with worship?What is the tax doing?Why the attention given to cleanliness as it pertains to worship?Where else do we see the anointing oil in the story of scripture?Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Exodus 30:1-10, Psalm 46, Luke 1:5-25, Psalm 23, Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 7:36-50
#217 — A Church History Reading Guide
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley take a break in their journey through Exodus to spotlight some major questions, discussions, and works in church history.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the value of reading across church history?What is the relationship between the testimony of scripture and the testimony of the church’s historic witness (i.e. tradition)?Who are some of the widely agreed upon significant names/thinkers to be familiar with throughout the history of the church?Hel
#216 — Exodus - Priesthood and the High Priest (Exodus 28:1-5, Exodus 29:1-9)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue the story of Exodus to discuss what it means to be a priest.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is a priest according to the Bible?Have we encountered priests before this moment?What was the role of these priests? What did they do?Why all the fancy clothes?The priests are consecrated by blood: Why?Helpful Definitions:Priest: Someone who represents God to the people, and the people to God.Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Exodus 28:1-5, Exodus
#215 — Exodus: Atonement, Consecration, and Holiness (Exodus 25:10-22)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the design of the Tabernacle and God’s presence.Questions Covered in This Episode:How is the Exodus 20 and beyond instruction, not legalism?What is the Ark of the Covenant? Where would we find it?What is inside the Ark?What is atonement? What about the table for bread and the golden lampstand?What about the altar of incense?Is the presence of God exclusionary?What do we learn about the call to holiness in these passages?Helpful Definitions:Transcen
#214 — Exodus - The Themes so Far
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley trace the themes found throughout the book of Exodus.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is biblical theology?What are some of the themes we covered in the story of Exodus so far?Where do we see the birth narrative before, during, and after the book of Exodus?Is deliverance a theme in the book of Exodus?What about covenants?Helpful Definitions:Systematic Theology: What the Bible says about specific doctrines. Biblical Theology: Categorizing themes or st
#213 — Exodus - The Story so Far
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back to continue studying the book of Exodus by giving an overview of the story, themes, and characters found in the book.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are we taking two seasons to explore Exodus?Are the themes in Exodus found throughout the rest of Scripture?What happens before the book of Exodus?How does Exodus begin?Who are the major characters in the first half of the story?What happens after Moses' birth?Why is Mount Sinai important?Is Sin
Season 12 Teaser
Season 12 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on January 25! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 12 as they continue to cover the book of Exodus!Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we going to cover this season?What are you most excited about exploring as we continue to discuss Exodus?
Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast | Confronting Christianity | Starti
#212 — Patreon Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted by their patron supporters!Questions Covered in This Episode:If God didn’t reveal his name as Yahweh until he told Moses, why do we see Moses using that name throughout the book of Genesis in quotations by Adam (Gen 4:1), Lamech (Gen 5:29), Noah (9:26)?I think when most people think of God in Exodus and the Old Testament in general they think of the Father. Could you all discuss the work of the economic Trinity throughout Exodus?
Live at The Gospel Coalition
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Jared C. Wilson and Dr. Matthew Barrett during The Gospel Coalition Conference to record a live episode!Questions Covered in This Episode:Why this interest in Exodus?What are we learning together about Exodus?Why is the theme of exile important?Jen, why did you write a book of the ten commandments?What is the significance of Mt. Sinai in Israel’s story?Is there a new covenant here at Sinai or are we seeing a further unfolding of the existing
#211 — Cap or No Cap (Season 11 Q&A)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley wrap up the season by answering questions submitted by listeners!Questions Covered in This Episode:Do you know what cap means?Do you consider Catholicism a denomination of Christianity or is it a whole different religion?What do you tell your children about Santa?Are there any dangers in using imagination for comprehending the bible? Can we take biblical theology too far? I.E. Read too much into connections across scripture?Can a child call on the Spirit f
#210 — Dwelling with God (Exodus 25:1-9)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the theme of God dwelling with his people in Exodus 25 and throughout the rest of the story of Scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why does God want to dwell with His people? Is this new?Does God continue to want to dwell with His people?What is the tabernacle?Why is God dwelling in a tent significant?Where did Israel get all the stuff to build the Tabernacle?Resources Mentioned in this EpisodeExodus 25:1-9, Genesis 1-3, Revelation 21-22, H
#209 — Blood and Covenant (Exodus 24)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue to trace themes found in the book of Exodus by looking at chapter 24.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the book of the covenant?Why are these law codes helpful for Israel?What covenant is being confirmed here? Is it a new covenant or an old covenant?Where does blood show up in the Exodus story?Why the blood?How does blood play into covenant-making outside of the story of Exodus?Why is verse 9-11 significant for understanding God’s covenant
#208 — Rescue and Moral Transformation with Adam Ramsey
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Adam Ramsey to discuss God’s law and limits.Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s your new book about? Why did you write it?Why does God include rest into the law?How does the law limit God’s people?How does God’s law in the Torah serve as a witness to us of what God invites his rescued people into?What have you learned about bringing the wisdom of God to the temptations of a world of limitless living?Can you explain, “You shall not boil a
#207 — Liturgy and Law (Exodus 20:1-21)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley have a conversation about the purpose of the Ten Commandments and why they are significant for us today.Questions Covered in This Episode:Is verse two important to the Ten Commandments?What is the purpose of the law?Is the order of the laws significant?What is the liturgical purpose of the law?Where do we see the law in the rest of the Story of Scripture?What is the proper role of the Ten Commandments in the life of a Christian?Resources Mentioned in this
#206 — Bread and Water (Exodus 16:1-12)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the themes found in the stories of God turning bitter water sweet, the provision of manna, and water flowing from the rock Moses strikes.Questions Covered in This Episode:After the Song of Moses and Miriam, we get this interesting little account of God turning bitter water sweet for Israel: How is this significant?How do these three stories fit together?How do these stories connect to Jesus?Where do we see this miraculous provision of bread from he
After the Fact: What Does It Mean to Read The Bible Theologically? with Sam Bierig
Kyle Worley is joined by Sam Bierig to answer the question, what Does It Mean to Read The Bible Theologically?Questions Covered in This Episode:What does it mean to read the Bible theologically?How can someone practice a theological reading of Scripture?Resources MentionedChalcedonian CreedNicene CreedGuest Bio:Samuel Bierig serves as Vice President of Undergraduate Studies, Dean of Spurgeon College, and Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies at Spurgeon College. Sam completed his Ph.D. in Bibl
#205 — The Song of Deliverance (Exodus 15:1-8)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley take a look at Exodus 15:1-8 and how imprecatory psalms, songs, prayers show-up throughout the story of Scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the substance of this song? What is it celebrating?What are imprecatory psalms, songs, prayers? Why do we not use this language anymore?How do we talk about judgment when people don't have a category for it?How do songs of deliverance and redemption show up throughout scripture?What is Christus Victor?W
After the Fact: Are We Wrong to Learn Leadership Lessons From Old Testament Stories? with Charles Smith
Kyle Worley is joined by Charles Smith to answer the question, are We Wrong to Learn Leadership Lessons From Old Testament Stories?Questions Covered in This Episode:Are We Wrong to Learn Leadership Lessons From Old Testament Stories?If you were going to identify one leadership story in the Old Testament that you resonate with, who would it be?Guest Bio:Dr. Charles Smith serves as Senior Vice President for Institutional Relations and Assistant Professor of Christian Leadership at Midwestern Bapti
#204 — Baptized Through Water (Exodus 14:26-31)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Exodus 14:26-31 and how the theme of water can be traced throughout the entire story of scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the story of Exodus so far?What have we already discovered about water in the story of the Pentateuch? What about Yahweh’s power over water?Where else do we discover stories of deliverance that involve water?Can we go back to the serpent king?Is there any connection with the absence of the sea in the new heaven
#203 — Passover and the Lord's Supper (Exodus 12:21-28)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the Passover in Exodus 12:21-28 and the themes we can trace throughout the story. Questions Covered in This Episode:What was the Passover event?Why the blood? Aren’t sacrifices of blood barbaric?Why the ceremony around how to prepare for the Passover?Where else do we see these covenant-making or covenant-keeping meals?Is the Lord’s Supper a direct fulfillment of the Passover?Why do we not need to offer sacrifices of blood anymore?Resources Mentione
#202 — The Cost of Deliverance: Death (Exodus 11)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continuing discussing the plagues and trace the themes of death and deliverance.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why does the story of the plagues have so much death in it?Who is the firstborn?Why all the death?How does the death of the firstborn connect with larger themes of judgment, sin, and salvation?Is death still required for deliverance?God’s wrath needs to be satisfied, I thought He was a God of love?What's different between Pharoh and God?Should
After the Fact: Is God Sending Israel Into Canaan With an Evangelism Strategy? with Jared Bumpers
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Bumpers to answer the question, is God sending Israel into Canaan with an evangelism strategy?Questions Covered in This Episode:Is God sending Israel into Canaan with an evangelism strategy?Is the way God called Israel to live in the Old Testament different than what mission looks like in the New Testament?Guest Bio:Jared Bumpers is the Assistant Professor of Preaching & Evangelism and FTC Cohorts Faculty Coordinator at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jare
#201 – Judgment of the False Gods (Exodus 7:8-19)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue in the story of Exodus by looking at the themes found throughout the plagues.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are some things that stand out broadly about the plagues?When I say something is “polemical?” What do I mean?How has the story so far been polemical?How do the plagues address or argue against the false gods of Egypt?Where else do we see this as a theme across the story?What are the plagues? Which one stands out to you? Are there sti
After the Fact: Was Moses a Friend of God? with Jared Wilson
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Wilson to answer the questions, would you describe Moses as being friends with God?Questions Covered in This Episode:Would you describe Moses as being friends with God?What is friendship with God?Guest Bio:Jared C. Wilson serves as Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry, Author in Residence, and General Editor, For the Church. He is the author of a number of books including but not limited to Gospel Wakefulness, The Prodigal Church, The Pastor’s Justification, an
#200 — The Power of God and Signs (Exodus 4:1-9)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley trace the theme of God showing His power through unique signs in Exodus 4:1-9.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are some places we see God demonstrate His power through unique signs?What’s significant about the serpent and the hand?What is happening with Moses journey to Egypt?To be born again in the New Testament means to be born of water and blood, does that tie into this?What about the God fearing pagan assisting and helping God’s people?Why do we
After the Fact: Ancient Catholic Theologians with Dr. Matthew Barrett
Kyle Worley discuss is joined by Matthew Barrett to answer the question, what is the value for non-catholics in learning and reading from ancient catholic theologians?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the value for non-catholics in learning and reading from ancient catholic theologians?What catholic theologian from the early church would you point someone to?Resources Mentioned in this EpisodeMatthew 16:18“On the Incarnation” by Saint AthanasiusGuest Bio:Matthew Barrett is Professor of C
#199 — The Holy Call (Exodus 3:1-8)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the themes found in Exodus 3:1-8.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the biggest shift of Moses' life from the previous chapter to now?Moses is now a shepherd - is that something to note?Where else do we find fire in this story or throughout the story of scripture?Where else is there a theme of encountering holiness and hiding one's face?Who is God?What does Yahweh mean? Should we even say it?What does God tell Moses is going to happen?Resour
#198 — Covenant Love (Exodus 2:23-25)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue with the story in Exodus by looking at Exodus 2:23-25.Questions Covered in This Episode:What has gotten us to this point?Why is this moment significant?When it says God “remembered?” Does that mean God forgot?How does this connect the theme of “crying”?What is covenant?How are covenants shown throughout the rest of the story of scripture?Is there a covenant made in the Garden of Eden?How does the Mosaic covenant fit in if the Abrahamic covenant is
#197 — The Birth of Deliverers (Exodus 1:15-2:1)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue to explore the themes found throughout Exodus as they look at the story of the birth of Moses.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are some of the birth narratives we see in scripture? What are some things we see in this specific birth narrative we should not miss?Do the midwives in this story foreshadow the virgin woman who conceives (Mary)?What are some other birth narratives the lead to deliverance in the Bible?What happens to Moses immediate
#196 — Slavery, Exile, and Wicked Kings (Exodus 1:1-11)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Exodus 1:1-11 and trace the themes of multiplication, wicked kings, and exile throughout scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is biblical theology?What is an overview of the book of Exodus?Where did the idea of multiplication come from?How do we see the theme of the wicked kings and serpents throughout scripture?How do we see Exile reverberate as a theme beyond Exodus?How do these themes show up in other familiar stories?How do we see t
#195 — The Story of Exodus
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the book of Exodus! In this episode they give an overview of central characters, stories, and themes that appear in the book and why the are important.Questions Covered in This Episode:Jumping into Exodus: What’s the story so far?Is the Exodus event the fundamental event of the people of Israel that distinguishes them?Is Exodus a book of the Bible or a chapter of a book that has five chapters?Who are the central characters in Exodus?What are some o
Season 11 Teaser
Season 11 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on August 31! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 11 as they cover the book of Exodus!Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we going to cover this season?What are our sister podcast shows?Why are we doing all of this? Sponsors:Interested in starting seminary? Learn more about what it means to study #ForTheChurch at Midwestern Seminary and apply for free with code KNOWINGFAITH a
#190 – Patreon Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted by their patron supporters! To learn more and become a patron visit Covered in This Episode:If there is no hierarchy in the Trinity, why is Paul talking about the Son himself being made subject to God, who I assume is God the Father (1 Cor. 15:27-28)?In Luke Chapter 4, the devil tries to tempt Jesus. Did the devil actually have that authority that he was claiming to have? Was the devil just
Knowing Faith Remix — Men and Women In a Broken World with Katie McCoy
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Katie McCoy to ask the question: If God created men and women to live as complements to one another, why do we find so much division and brokenness and confusion between men and women?Questions Covered in This Episode:If God created men and women to live as complements to one another, why do we find so much division and brokenness and confusion between men and women?How might Greek philosophy have impacted the way we think about these thi
Knowing Faith Remix — Theology 101
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the basics of developing a theological method, like looking to your Bible, utilizing your community and praying for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth.Questions Covered in This Episode:When presented with a theological question, assigned a topic, or have an interest peaked...where do you start?Where do you go from there?What are common pitfalls in theological study? How do you avoid them?How to build a biblical and theological library? Outside of scri
#194 – Agents of Grace: An Interview with Dan Darling
Kyle Worley is joined by Dan Darling to discuss his new book, “Agents of Grace.”Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you write this book?Is it divisive to stand firm in Christian truth and doctrine?What is theological triage and how it can be helpful?Is the division we are seeing in our churches based on social, cultural, and political perspectives?How do we prevent the calls for unity to not turn into compromise or uniformity?What is one reason people should read this book?Helpful Definiti
#193 – The Right Time is Now: Training the Church Cohort
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about what the Training the Church cohort is, why they do it, and who can participate. To find out more visit Covered in This Episode:Why did we start the Training the Church cohort?JT, what has been the response to your book about discipleship?What is the Training the Church cohort? How does it work?What are some things we do in the cohort that participants find profitable?Who is the cohort for?What are my next steps?R
Knowing Faith Remix — A Lesson in Pronouns: The Doctrine of Union with Christ
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the doctrine of Union with Christ. This is a Knowing Faith Remix episode from Episode #36.Questions Covered in This Episode:Let’s begin: Define the doctrine of “Union with Christ.”Where do we see this in the Old Testament? How about in the New Testament?Why does this doctrine matter?Helpful Definitions:Union with Christ: We enter in by grace through faith into Jesus Christ. Salvation is not just something God gives us it is something we receive.Uni
Knowing Faith Remix — Can Kids be Theologians? with Julie Wilding
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Julie Wilding to talk about the littlest theologians—kids—and how the Church and families can help form them into healthy disciples from their earliest years. This is a Knowing Faith Remix episode from Episode #29.Questions Covered in This Episode:Can kids be theologians?What have we learned about teaching doctrine to children?How does TVC do this?How have you done this in your home?But, aren’t they just repeating what we say? Is it really do
Knowing Faith Remix — Live from Proclaim Truth
Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley, and Elizabeth Woodson talk about the doctrine of God—who God is and how God is—live from the Proclaim Truth Conference.Questions Covered in This Episode:What do I mean when I distinguish between theology and theology proper?Let me just ask our big question right up front: “Can I know who and how God is?”What difficulties/weaknesses/realities complicate my ability to know who God is?When I come to the bible should I lay down my theological beliefs and conclusi
#192 — Spiritual Disciplines with Mason King
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Mason King to discuss his recently released book, “Spiritual Disciplines: How to Become a Healthy Christian.”Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the story of The Village Church Institute?What is your elevator pitch for your book on spiritual disciplines?Why did you write this book? Why do you care about spiritual disciplines?Do you think our view of Christian transformation is skewed because of our view of how someone experiences change
#191 – Introducing Tiny Theologians Podcast
Kyle Worley is joined by Amy Gannett to announce the Tiny Theologians Podcast coming this fall!Questions Covered in This Episode:What is a tiny theologian?How did we get here?What is the format of this podcast? What can listeners expect?Where and when can people find the podcast?Guest Bio:Amy Gannett is a wife to Austin and a mom to Emerson and Elliot. Together with Austin, they are planting Trinity Church Greenville where Amy serves as the Director of Discipleship. Amy oversees Tiny Theologians
#189 – Season 10 Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted by listeners!Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is baptism and the rules surrounding baptism so tricky?What is God’s view on cursing?Kyle, how does your Christian faith shape what kind of a wrestling fan you are?What is the purpose of speaking in tongues?How long after Jesus’s death did priests stop offering sacrifices?When’s a time you’ve been unexpectedly encouraged?Can you explain ‘limited atonement’ and the thought behind
#188 – Best of the First 10 Seasons
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley take a stroll down memory lane and look back on the first ten seasons of Knowing Faith. Questions Covered in This Episode:Has our overlap increased or decreased?What is a joke that y’all used to love making fun of Kyle for?Why do we continue to talk about brother/sister culture and complementarianism?Who are some of our favorite guests we have had on the show?What are some previous creative episode titles?What are some of our favorite moments when we are r
#187 – A Podcast Family
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by the hosts of our sister shows: Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, Cassie Bryant of Family Discipleship, Elizabeth Woodson of Starting Place with Elizabeth Woodson, Rebecca McLaughlin of Confronting Christianity, and engineer Brad.Questions Covered in This Episode:What the most fun part of making a podcast? Whats the least fun part of making a podcast?Engineer Brad: Who is the best podcast to work with? Who needs to be edited the most? Who has the
#186 – A Surprise for Jen
JT English and Kyle Worley celebrate and honor Jen Wilkin with a special surprise episode!Questions Covered in This Episode:How did you first meet Jen? What have you learned from her teaching and example?What have you learned from the faith and life of Jen?What is something that Jen is good at that is surprising?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Hebrews 13:7, “Women of the Word” by Jen WilkinAffiliate links are used where appropriate. We earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting
#185 – Salvation: Cosmic Restoration
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what cosmic restoration is and why it is important. Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is this a neglected aspect of the doctrine of salvation?What is cosmic restoration?What are the two extreme views of cosmic restoration?How is cosmic restoration accomplished?Isn’t all this going to burn up anyways? Why does God care about the world?Why is the idea of Gnosticism so popular?Will there be dinosaurs in heaven?What is going to happen and why is th
#184 – The One With All The Surprise Guests
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Gregg Allison, Jackie Hill Perry, Dr. Michael J. Kruger, Sam Allberry, and Jonathan T. Pennington.Questions Covered in This Episode:If we have the bible, why do we need creeds, confessions, and the writings of leaders, pastors, and theologians from church history?You've been traveling the country trying to direct people away from focusing on themselves and towards giving their attention to God, how is that going?What is our glory problem?
#183 – Salvation: Glorification with Patrick Schreiner
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Patrick Schreiner to continue talking about the doctrine of salvation by looking specifically at the doctrine of glorification. Questions Covered in This Episode:Where does glorification fit into the doctrine of salvation?When you first think of glorification, what comes to mind?What is the doctrine of glorification?How much of glorification is tied to the good rule and reign of humanity over all things?What are we saved to?Is being full
#182 – Biblical Literacy: A State of the Union with Jason Allen
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Jason K. Allen of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to have a conversation about biblical literacy and the relationship between the seminary institution and the local church.Questions Covered in This Episode:Could you share a bit about Midwestern’s journey over the last ten years?What have you learned about recovering the beauty of an institution for the good of its participants?How is the biblical literacy project going? What are w
After The Fact: Spurgeon's View on Soteriology with Geoff Chang
Kyle Worley is joined by Geoff Chang to answer the question; what would we find interesting about Spurgeon’s views on the doctrine of salvation?Questions Covered in This Episode:What would we find interesting about Spurgeon’s views on the doctrine of salvation?Can someone be both evangelistic and Calvinist in their doctrine? And was Spurgeon unique in his ability to live between those two movements?If someone wants to learn from Spurgeon and his views on salvation, what is the one area that you
#181 – Salvation: Sanctification
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back in the doctrine of salvation and have a conversation about sanctification.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is sanctification?How is it different from justification and glorification?How does sanctification address legalism and license?How does our context affect how we speak about sanctification?How are we sanctified?Why is sanctification good news and how does sanctification give us hope?Helpful Definitions:Sanctification: The working out o
After The Fact: How to Help Your Church Grow in Theological Discipleship with Jared Bumpers
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Bumpers to answer the question; how can a listener help their local church grow in theological discipleship?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the For the Church Cohort?How can a listener help their local church grow in theological discipleship?What would you say to someone who says, “I believe what you are saying is crucial and that the local church should be where it is happening, but my church isn’t there right now.”Guest Bio:Jared Bumpers is the Assistan
#180 – #DateNight
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by their spouses; Jeff Wilkin, Macy English, and Lauren Worley!Questions Covered in This Episode:Does JT quote Bavinck on date nights?How does it feel to be grandparents?Who is the “yes” parent and who is the “no” parent?What’s your favorite episode of Knowing Faith so far this season?Do any of y’all ever listen to an episode and think - “Why did I marry a weirdo/nerd?”What does ministry partnership look like for each of us?Resources Mentioned i
After The Fact: If God Calls, Why Evangelize? with Joe Allen
Kyle Worley is joined by Joe Allen to answer the question; if God calls, why evangelize?Questions Covered in This Episode:If God calls, why evangelize?Is my obedience to evangelism of consequence or of faithfulness?If I go out today and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with my neighbor, am I walking in faithfulness to what God has said?If I go out and share the gospel with my neighbor today, can I have confidence God will do what I cannot do?Guest Bio:Dr. Joe M. Allen III serves as Assistant Pro
#179 – Salvation: Justification
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their conversation on the doctrine of salvation by discussing justification.Questions Covered in This Episode:Is justification the doctrine by which the church stands or falls?What is justification?Is justification “just as if I had never sinned”?Is what we have better than what Adam and Eve could have had?Why do we need to be justified?What is righteousness?Why would say that humanity, prior to the fall, did not enjoy union with Christ?What is th
After The Fact: Why Union with Christ is the Best News Ever with Jared Wilson
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared Wilson to answer the question, why is union with Christ the best news ever?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is union with Christ the best news ever?How secure do you think Jesus is?Guest Bio:Jared C. Wilson serves as Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry, Author in Residence, and General Editor, For the Church. He is the author of a number of books including but not limited to Gospel Wakefulness, The Prodigal Church, The Pastor’s Justification, and Supernat
#178 – Salvation: Union with Christ
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley have a conversation about the most important doctrine for understanding the doctrine of salvation, union with Christ.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the most important doctrine for understanding the doctrine of salvation?Why does Paul continually use the preposition “in”?It is possible to live in this world as an individual not united to someone else?I grew up hearing Christ in me, not me in Christ; where is the emphasis? Why was I presented with
After The Fact: The Crux of The Reformation (Justification) with Matthew Barrett
Kyle Worley is joined by Matthew Barrett to answer the question, why was the doctrine of justification such a big deal during the reformation?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why was the doctrine of justification such a big deal during the reformation?This was a big deal for Luther, is this still a big deal today?Helpful Definitions:The Joyful Exchange: Christ takes our guilt and in return, by nothing of our own doing, we receive the perfect, flawless, righteousness of Christ.Guest Bio:Dr. Matt
#177 – Brothers and Sisters: More Than A Metaphor
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley come back to one of their most popular topics; brothers and sisters.Questions Covered in This Episode:Indisputably: This is something we get more feedback on than just about anything else…why is that?How has the culture shift affected this conversation?What has been the church's response to the shift in culture?What does the biblical doctrine of anthropology related to men and women have to affirm?When we say “we need each other,” what does that mean?What
#176 – Salvation: Regeneration
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the doctrine of salvation by talking about the doctrine of regeneration.Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s a doctrine?When we say “doctrine of salvation,” what do we mean?What is election?What is effectual calling?What is regeneration?When the Bible is talking about the heart, what is it talking about?What are other ways the Bible talks about this?How has the language of being “born again” changed?When does regeneration h
Season 9 Patreon Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted from their patron supporters! To learn more and become a patron visit Covered in This Episode:If we understand that Jesus, in His spiritual body, sits at the right hand of the Father after His ascension. How do we resolve the tension this presents to God's unchanging nature if before His ascension it was not Jesus in His spiritual body, particularly, but the Son of God that was at the Fathe
#175 – Salvation: Calling
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the doctrine of salvation with a conversation about calling.Questions Covered in This Episode:Is there a difference between the general call of the gospel and “effectual calling?” If so, what is the difference?What is the purpose of the general call if not everyone responds to it?Where would we look to find this in scripture?When does the effectual calling happen? Who does the work of effectual calling?What would you say to som
#174 – Our Heroes of the Faith
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss people who have made a significant impact on their lives.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who has had a lasting impression on your life, faith, teaching, thinking, living, leading?Are there theological voices that you have had an evolving relationship with?How has the local church shaped you?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:The Gospel Coalition Conference: Code: KNOWINGFAITH“On the Incarnation” by Saint Athanasius“Confessions” by AugustineKnowi
#173 – Salvation: Election
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the doctrine of salvation. They narrow in specifically on the doctrine of election, what is election and why is it good news?Questions Covered in This Episode:Before we answer the question, what has God done to make things right we have to answer what went wrong?What is the practicality of this for my life?What is “election?”What is the temptation that people tend to have when they are new to reformed theology?Where would we go in scripture to expl
#172 – Looking Back on Ten Seasons
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back for season 10 of Knowing Faith! In this episode, they take a look back at past seasons, why they started the podcast, and why they still do it today!Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s your elevator pitch for Knowing Faith?What’s changed over the last ten seasons? What have been some of the unique challenges and opportunities?Why do we do this?What are standout moments/highlights?Did you ever think we’d start more podcasts?Resources Mentioned
Our 10th Season!
Season 10 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on January 26! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 10 as they cover the doctrine of salvation!Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we going to be covering this season?What guests can we expect to hear from in season 10?Sponsors:During the month of January, Midwestern Seminary is offering an exclusive book giveaway to listeners of Knowing Faith. Learn more about how to receive
#171 – Hark The Herald Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer listeners' questions!Questions Covered in This Episode:Is it necessary to categorize God’s attributes as communicable v.s. Incommunicable? It seems like the incommunicable attributes are just communicable attributes cranked up?Has Kyle gotten any better at brushing his teeth?How would you interpret John 14:28 in light of the Trinity?How essential is formal ministry training versus experience/time for lay leaders?What was a highlight of 2022 for each
#170 – Doctrine of God Roundup with Dr. Matthew Barrett
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Matthew Barrett to discuss some big picture ideas on the Doctrine of God. Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you write “None Greater?”Is an attribute of God something God has or something God is?What do we lose if we lose the Divine Simplicity of God?When we talk about some of these attributes, love for example, how does saying that God is love or that God loves not challenge the doctrine of impassibility? Does God have an emotional li
#169 – Surprise! with Elizabeth Woodson
Kyle Worley is joined by Elizabeth Woodson to talk about a new podcast joining the Training the Church Family, “Starting Place w/ Elizabeth Woodson”!Questions Covered in This Episode:How do you know the Knowing Faith crew?What were some of the Core Classes that you ran at TVCI?Do you feel like you have a lot of speaking events right now?What is “From Beginning to Forever”?What the pitch for “Embrace your Life”?Why give your time and attention to a podcast and why are you the right person to do t
#168 – Faithful & Patient
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is faithful and patient.Questions Covered in This Episode:What does it mean when we say that God is faithful?How and where do we see God’s faithfulness in scripture?Why is meditation upon God’s faithfulness important?Where have we seen it in our own lives?Is God patient?When and how do we practice patience?Helpful Definitions:Communicable Attribute: Things that are true about God, that can also become true of us.Faithful: His
#167 – Merciful & Gracious
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is merciful and gracious.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is this God we are talking about?What is the difference between an incommunicable and a communicable attribute?What is mercy and grace and are they different?Where do we see God’s mercy and grace?How do we practice mercy and grace?Helpful Definitions:Trinitarianism: God eternally exists as one essence and three distinct persons, God the Father, God the Son, and Go
#166 – Good & Wise
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is Good and Wise.Questions Covered in This Episode:It's a dangerous business talking about goodness and wisdom in our current moment isn’t it?What does it mean to call something good?Is God good? How do we know?Out of all of God’s communicable attributes, this one appears to me to be the one that may get called into question the most. Don’t you think?What is your objective moral framework if it is not God?What does it mean to
#165 – Holy & Loving
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is Holy & Loving.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is God?What’s an incommunicable attribute?What’s a communicable attribute?What does it mean to say God is holy?Is holiness a communicable attribute?How does holiness relate to the concepts of justice and righteousness?What does it mean to say God is love?How is God’s love different from what we often think of when we hear the word love?Is love a communicable attribute? Ho
After The Fact: Spurgeon and the Trinity with Dr. Geoff Chang
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Geoff Chang to answer the question, did Charles Spurgeon believe in a big God?Questions Covered in This Episode:Did Charles Spurgeon believe in a big God?What is one thing from Spurgeon that you have been spiritually encouraged by?Guest Bio: Dr. Geoff Chang serves as Assistant Professor of Church History and Historical Theology and the Curator of the Spurgeon Library. He also serves the Book Review Editor for History & Historical Theology at Themelios, the academic j
#164 – Omnipotent & Sovereign
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Adam Ramsey to discuss what it means that God is omnipotent and sovereign.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you write Truth on Fire? What did you learn while reading, studying, and writing?What do we mean when we say God is omnipotent?Why is it good that God is all-powerful?How is omnipotence different from sovereignty?How are we supposed to think about humans who hold power and authority as it relates to God’s power and authority?Whe
#163 – Omnipresent & Omniscient
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is Omnipresent & Omniscient.Questions Covered in This Episode:What does omnipresence mean?How do we reconcile the fact that God is Spirit with our understanding of God as Trinity?I have a spirit and I have a body, that is different from God being Spirit?How does technology play into the illusion of omnipresence?But what about the Son of God, he can’t be omnipresent can he? He’s in a body?Why is this good news?What does omnisc
#162 – Eternal & Immutable
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is Eternal and Immutable.Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s an incommunicable attribute? How is this different from a communicable attribute?Am I an eternal creature?What does eternal mean?Why is this crucial to our view of God?What verse identifies that God is eternal?What does it mean to say that God is immutable?Why does suggesting that God changes present problems?What about passages that seem to indicate that God d
#161 – Self-Existent & Self-Sufficient
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is Self-Existent & Self-Sufficient.Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s an incommunicable attribute of God?Who created God?What does God need to survive?What do we mean when we say that God is “self-existent?” How is this different from saying God is “self-sufficient?”What is Aseity?How do we know, from scripture, that God is self-existent and self-sufficient?Why is this crucial to our doctrine of God?Why is it good news?
After The Fact: Gospel Centrality and God's Attributes with Jared C. Wilson
Kyle Worley is joined by Jared C. Wilson to answer the question, why is it good news that God is omnipresent?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is it good news that God is omnipresent?Can we talk about the omnipresence of Jesus?Guest Bio: Jared C. Wilson serves as Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry, Author in Residence, and General Editor, For the Church. He is the author of a number of books including but not limited to Gospel Wakefulness, The Prodigal Church, The Pastor’s Justificatio
Confronting Christianity: Should We Be Deconstructing?
Kyle Worley and Rebecca McLaughlin talk about deconstructing; where has this come from and how should we engage?Questions Covered in This Episode:Let’s talk about deconstruction: Where has this come from?What is the most helpful way for us to approach people's real questions?Don’t we also need cultural deconstruction?How often are we deconstructing how culture (sarcasm, the sexual revolution, systemic injustice) has influenced us and our beliefs?Can the church be salvaged? Why not just embrace a
#160 – Infinite & Incomprehensible
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is infinite and incomprehensible.Questions Covered in This Episode:What do we mean by “the attributes of God?”What is the difference between incommunicable and communicable attributes?What do we mean by “God is infinite?”What does it mean that God is incomprehensible?Why is this not a problem? What if there is a hidden part of God that I don’t know about, and it’s not good?Why is it good news that God is infinite and incompre
After The Fact: The Trinity and Acts with Dr. Patrick Schreiner
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Patrick Schreiner to answer the question, why is it important to emphasize the role of the whole Godhead, the Trinity, in the book of Acts?Questions Covered in This Episode:You wrote a book called the Mission of the Triune God: A Theology of Acts. Why is it important to pan out and emphasize the role of the whole Godhead, the Trinity in the book of Acts?Why does this matter?Guest Bio: Dr. Patrick Schreiner is the Director of the Residency PhD program and Associate Pr
BONUS EPISODE: The State of Theology
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Ligonier Ministries The State of Theology survey and why it matters.Questions Covered in This Episode:How did we get here?What does this say about where we are at?What is a catechesis?Where do we go from here?What is the role of the/your church?Helpful Definitions:Catechesis: A system of instruction that typically relies on a structure of Q&A for the purposes of helping, historically illiterate people or people who could not yet read, begin to dwel
#159 – What is God Like? - Communicable Attributes
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss and define the communicable attributes of God.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are communicable attributes?Are the communicable attributes one of the ways we reflect the image of God?Are communicable attributes something God is or something God possesses?Are communicable attributes true of each person in the Godhead?How are they different from incommunicable attributes (what we discussed last episode)?How do we maintain a distinction between
After The Fact: Is Evangelicalism Trinitarian? with Dr. Thomas Kidd
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Thomas Kidd to answer the question, is evangelicalism a Trinitarian religious movement, and has it always been?Questions Covered in This Episode:Is evangelicalism a Trinitarian religious movement, and has it always been?Can someone not be a Trinitarian and be an evangelical?When we think about evangelical as a word, does the word hold enough significance to try to keep it?Helpful Definitions:Euangelion: Greek for evangelical; the good news.Guest Bio: Thomas S. Kidd s
#158 – What is God Like? - Incommunicable Attributes
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss and define the incommunicable attributes of God.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is an incommunicable attribute?How are God’s attributes related to God’s nature? Are they something God possesses or words to describe what/who God is?What are some examples of incommunicable attributes?Does this make God unknowable? If he is so “other,” is it possible for us to truly know him?How do the incommunicable attributes shape the way we view God, the wo
After The Fact: The Big God of the Old Testament with Dr. Jason DeRouchie
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Jason DeRouchie to answer the question, what does the revelation of God’s name in the Old Testament tell us about the nature and character of God?Questions Covered in This Episode:What does the revelation of God’s name in the Old Testament tell us about the nature and character of God?Yahweh as a name is capturing both God as creator and God as redeemer. Is that accurate?Helpful Definitions:Yahweh: He causes to be everything that follows. He is the only uncaused one.
#157 – Who is God? - God the Spirit with Dr. Gregg Allison
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Gregg Allison to continue their discussion on the doctrine of God by discussing God the Spirit.Questions Covered in This Episode:When we refer to God the Spirit, we refer to him as the third person of the Godhead, does this mean he is in third place?From where and when has God the Spirit come?Who created God the Spirit?What does it mean to say that God the Spirit is eternally proceeding?Why was it significant in the early church to clarif
After The Fact: Preaching and Teaching a Big God with Dr. Jason Allen
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Jason Allen to answer the question, how does a big view of God shape the way we preach and teach God’s word?Questions Covered in This Episode:How does a big view of God shape the way we preach and teach God’s word?What text would you pick to preach a big view of God?Helpful Definitions:Sovereign: God rules and reigns over all, from Genesis to Revelation, from eternity past to eternity future, from before we are born until after we are gone.Guest Bio: Dr. Jason Allen
#156 – Who is God? - God the Son
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the doctrine of God by talking about God the Son.Questions Covered in This Episode:When we refer to God the Son, we refer to him as the second person of the Godhead, does this mean he is in second place?From where and when has God the Son come? Who created God the Son?What does it mean to say that God the Son is eternally begotten?How does this shape the way we talk about God the Son?Does Jesus have one will or two?What relatio
#155 – Who is God? - God the Father
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the doctrine of God by talking about God the Father.Questions Covered in This Episode:Continuing the discussion from our last episode, let’s talk about the economic trinity and immanent trinity.When we refer to God the Father, we refer to him as the first person of the Godhead: What does that mean?Who created God the Father?From where and when has God the Father come?What does it mean to say that God is eternally unbegotten?How
#154 – Who is God? - God is One
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss what it means that God is one and why it is essential to our faith. Questions Covered in This Episode:What is doctrine? What is the doctrine of God?Why does the doctrine of God matter?What does it mean to say that God is one?What drives the polytheistic impulse in the human heart? Why is it better that God is one?Is the oneness of God crucial? Why?What is different from being unitarian and monotheistic?How does oneness relate to the doctrine of div
#153 – The Doctrine of God
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley kick off Season 9 talking about what doctrine is and why the doctrine of God matters.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why does the doctrine of God matter?What is a doctrine? When we say the “doctrine of ______,” what are we saying?How do we come to doctrine? (Bible, history, experience, etc.)What role does community play in doctrine?What are some of the crucial issues in considering the doctrine of God?Helpful Definitions:Doctrine: A belief, a creed, or a
Season 9 Teaser
Season 9 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on August 25! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 9 as they cover the doctrine of God!Questions Covered in This Episode:So what are we talking about this season?Why is the doctrine of God so crucial?What are some topics we might cover?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:“None Like Him” by Jen Wilkin“In His Image” by Jen WilkinAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an A
#152 – Patreon Q&A Smorgasbord
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted from their patron supporters! To learn more and become a patron visit Covered in This Episode:We’ve heard (and subsequently forgotten) the title of JT’s dissertation. Jen and Kyle, if you had to write a dissertation, what would it be on?My new pastor has grown a lot from his UPC roots, but isn’t quite where I’m at in regards to the trinity. I appreciate that He is looking to the Word and gr
#151 – A Generous Complementarianism: Again
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss complementarianism and why a healthy ecclesiology is important for this conversation. Before you listen to this episode be sure to listen to Knowing Faith Episode #44 – A Generous Complementarianism.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is a pastor?Why is there confusion over this office/title?How is this title misused?Who can be a pastor?How does the office of pastor relate to the priesthood of all believers?Who is qualified to do what? (Non-qual
#150 – The One Q&A To Rule Them All
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley celebrate episode 150 of Knowing Faith by answering questions submitted by listeners! Questions Covered in This Episode:How do we reconcile judgment day with the knowledge that when we repent God forgets or casts away our sins?Will we see King Saul in heaven?Are false stories the same thing as worldviews?How can brothers in Christ best supportz sisters in Christ who are pursuing some form of ministry in the US context?Is the soul inherently gendered as mal
#149 – Romans 16
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley conclude their journey through Romans by discussing Romans 16.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why shouldn’t a reader zoom through Romans 16?Who is Phoebe?What do we discover in Paul’s greetings?V. 20 brings me back to the early nineties kids camp.How would you paraphrase verse 19?Can I point out something in VV. 22-24?I love the doxologies we find in Paul’s letters, what is a doxology and what purpose does it serve (VV. 25-27)?Paul using the language “th
#148 – Romans 15
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give a quick overview of Romans and discuss chapter 15.Questions Covered in This Episode:Paul has been talking about “the weak.” Who are they?Isn’t it interesting how Paul ties the moral life of his audience to the witness of Christ?Verses 8-12 feel a bit like a nod back to Romans 9-11, don’t they?We get the invocation of Apostolic authority in VV. 14-16.VV. 19-21 are interesting from a missiological standpoint, aren’t they?RE: VV. 22-29 – Does Paul make i
#147 – Romans 14:13-23
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss “The Law of Love” in Romans 14:13-23.Questions Covered in This Episode:How does V. 13 square with Christian liberty?Where does this cleanliness language come from?V. 17 Paul brings up the kingdom of God.Is V. 22 telling me to keep the faith and keep my mouth shut?Should we never talk about secondary issues?What are good rules for engagement in any discussion?Isn’t V. 19 a verse for our moment?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Romans 14:13-23, Lev
#146 – Romans 14:1-12
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the book of Romans by looking at Romans 14:1-12.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is the one “weak in faith?”Weak people eat only vegetables - What’s going on here?V. 7 - What does this mean?I love the certainty of V. 8.Paul seems to be coming back to Romans 2 here?What does V. 12 mean? I have heard so many bad takes on the idea.If Paul were writing to us today, what topic would Paul have in mind?How would we deal gently wi
#145 – Holier Than Thou with Jackie Hill Perry
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Jackie Hill Perry to discuss her recently released book, “Holier Than Thou.”Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you write this book?Are holiness and goodness synonyms?What were the most helpful resources for you as you wrote the book?What does it mean that God is holy?If someone was going to look at studying the holiness of God in scripture, where would they start?How do people tend to respond to holiness?How should we look at the law?D
After the Fact: What's The First Step Towards Seminary with Jeremy Pelton
Kyle Worley is joined by Jeremy Pelton to answer the question, if a listener of Knowing faith wanted to take the next step in finding out more about becoming a student at Southern what would you tell them?Questions Covered in This Episode:If a listener of Knowing faith wanted to take the next step in finding out more about becoming a student at Southern what would you tell them?When you are talking with prospective students, what is something that they find to be the greatest roadblock to being
#144 – Romans 13
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Romans 13 and political theology. Questions Covered in This Episode:Does the bible have a uniform political theology?What does the bible have to say about submitting to governing authorities?What are some of the principles undergirding Paul’s words in this passage?What about bad rulers?How do we know when we should be like “Bonhoeffer”? How do we act?How do we honor our governing authorities without treating them as God?Paul transitions in V. 8 to
After The Fact: Jesus' Final Week with Dr. Bill Cook
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Bill Cook to answer the question, why is it crucial to understand the events of Jesus’ final week?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is it crucial to understand the events of Jesus’ final week?What is one of the most neglected events of that week?What is something that is overlooked in the judicial proceedings?Guest Bio:Dr. Bill Cook is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the author of several books, including
#143 – Romans 12:9-21
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Romans 12:9-21.Questions Covered in This Episode:Look at all this moralism and legalism right? How does this passage echo or align with other similar passages throughout the bible? Where do you see overlap?In VV. 9-13 which one of these stands out to you as something of pronounced concern for Christian witness in our day?What does it look like for brothers and sisters to have a new family that has been developed because of what Jesus has done for u
After The Fact: The Loveliest Place with Dr. Dustin Benge
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Dustin Benge to answer the question, in a time when people are giving up on the church, where do you see the splendor of God in the life of His people?Questions Covered in This Episode:In a time when people are giving up on the church, where do you see the splendor of God in the life of His people?What is a good starting place in conversations when someone points out everything the church has done wrong?Guest Bio:Dr. Dustin Benge is Associate Professor of Biblical Sp
#142 – Romans 12:3-8
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on Romans by talking through Romans 12:3-8.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are some of these exhortations uniquely relevant to the situation in Rome?What is the “measure of faith?” (V. 3)Discuss body/membership. (V. 4-5)Do we belong to God in Christ? Or Christ and each other? What is our responsibility to those others who are also in Christ?Is this an exhaustive list of gifts?Why do you think this list of gifts differs from
After The Fact: 40 Questions About Roman Catholicism with Dr. Gregg Allison
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Gregg Allison to answer the question, how do Roman Catholics respond to Romans 5:1?Questions Covered in This Episode:How do Roman Catholics respond to Romans 5:1 and broadly the doctrine of justification?Do Roman Catholics believe justification is a process?Are justification and sanctification tied together in Roman Catholic view?Helpful Definitions:Justification:Roman Catholic: Is not only the remission or the forgiveness of sins but also the sanctification and rene
#141 – Romans 12:1-2
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Romans 12:1-2.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the “therefore” there for?What is the substance of Paul’s appeal?What are the “mercies of God?”What background information or experiences is shaping Paul’s language in these verses?What do we mean when we say “cruciform life?”V. 2 Conformity to the world. What are false stories we are tempted to be conformed to?What does it mean to be transformed? How do we experience the “renewal of our mind?
After The Fact: Interpretive Icebergs with Dr. Rob Plummer
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Robert Plummer to answer the question, what are the top 2-3 interpretive icebergs when reading scripture?Questions Covered in This Episode:What are the top 2-3 interpretive icebergs when reading scripture?How would you advise someone to redirect the reader response style of groups?Guest Bio:Dr. Robert Plummer is the Collin and Evelyn Aikman Professor of Biblical Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the author of several books, including but not li
#140 – Romans 11:25-36
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about Romans 11:25-36.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the mystery of V. 25?Who are the enemies in V. 28?Discuss VV. 29-32.Does VV. 33-36 come out of nowhere? Is this inappropriate?How is God celebrated in these verses?What is doxology?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Romans 11:25-36Amazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:Ex
After The Fact: American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion with Dr. John Wilsey
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. John Wilsey to answer the question what is Civil Religion?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Civil Religion?Is Civil Religion unavoidable?Is it good or bad as it pertains to the Christian Story and meaningful participation in it?How is Civil Religion different from Christian Nationalism?Guest Bio:Dr. John Wilsey is Associate Professor of Church History and Philosophy at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and the author of One Nation Under God: An Evange
#139 – Romans 11:1-24
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on Romans by looking at Romans 11:1-24 and also discuss covenantal vs. dispensational views on God’s faithfulness to Israel.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the central question of these verses?Why would Paul feel the need to preemptively respond to this question? What objection is he anticipating?Who are “His people” (V. 1) and “they” (V. 11)?V. 11,13 “Israel jealous?”Would you say that there are some promises that are g
After The Fact: Why Study 1 Corinthians with Dr. Hershael York
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Hershael York to answer the question why study 1 Corinthians?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why study 1 Corinthians?If you could preach anything from 1 Corinthians, what would it be?Guest Bio:Dr. Hershael York is the Dean of the School of Theology and the Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Christian Preaching at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves as the Senior Pastor at Buck Run Baptist Church and is the author of the recently released 40 Days
#138 – Romans and the Mission of God
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Romans 10:14-21 and the mission of God. Questions Covered in This Episode:What has Paul been saying so far in this passage?Is Paul justifying the gentile ministry (V. 13-14)? Do people need to hear the gospel to be saved?Why is it important that we use reigning language with the gospel?What framework is Paul relying upon?Are those who believe sent out as proclaimers of what they hear?Where is the emphasis on the method of proclamation; go and tell
After The Fact: What is Typology and Why Does it Matter with Dr. Jim Hamilton
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Jim Hamilton, to answer the question, what is typology and why does it matter?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is typology and why does it matter?Where would you take someone to see a basic typology in the Bible?What is the full scope of the way types present themselves?In what way has studying typology left you with a greater sense of the grandeur of God’s word?Helpful Definitions:Typology: Consists of what we might call promise shaped patterns that the biblic
#137 – Romans 10
JT English and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on Romans with Romans 10:1-13.Questions Covered in This Episode:Romans 10:1 begins similar to Romans 9:1-3?What does V. 2 mean?Does Christ being “the end of the law for righteousness” mean the law has no consequence or relation to the Christian (V. 4)?It seems like VV. 5-13 is a contrast between “righteousness based on law” and “righteousness based on faith.” Is that accurate?What does it mean to confess with your mouth? How does. V. 13 square
#136 – Romans and Doctrine of Salvation
JT English and Kyle Worley talk through various terms that are commonly used when talking about Romans and the doctrine of Salvation. Questions Covered in This Episode:Over the last few seasons, we have been using and introducing a ton of terms that could be new for our listeners and thought: “Mother is the repetition of learning, right?” So let’s do some review and repetition on the terms in Romans that concern the doctrine of salvation.SalvationSinRighteousnessJustificationFaithSanctificationI
#135 – Romans 9 Part 2
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on Romans 9 and talk about the doctrine of election. Be sure to listen to Episode #134 – Romans 9 with Dr. Mike Bird before this episode for helpful information.Questions Covered in This Episode:What on earth is Paul suggesting (V.3)? Is Paul saying he would give up his salvation in order that Israel might be saved?Who are the patriarchs?Did God fail? Did God’s word fail?Did Israel have primacy of place in God’s plan?Is God faithf
#134 - Romans 9 with Dr. Mike Bird
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back to discuss the book of Romans! They are joined by Dr. Mike Bird to take a look at Romans 9 and the study of Paul.Questions Covered in This Episode:Before we jump into Romans 9: How did we get here? What’s the flow and argument of the letter so far?How does the audience of this letter shape the way we read Romans 9?What is the argument of chapter 9?Romans 9:6-7 appears to be distinguishing between two kinds of Israel? Is that correct?Is Paul trying
Introducing Season 8
Introducing Season 8Season 8 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on February 3! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 8 as they cover the book of Romans.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Romans? Who wrote it? When? Why?Why are we studying it?Who is the audience of this letter?What did we uncover in Romans 1-8? (Major themes, concepts, outline, overview)What are the kinds of things we will discuss in Romans 9-16?Resources
#133 – Q&A For Days
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted from their patron supporters! To learn more and become a patron visit Covered in This Episode:“Do you have recommendations for books/podcasts/resources/etc for doing something similar but age appropriate for older kids?”“Is the language about God being Father & Son literal or figurative or both?”“Are we ever at risk of reading too much into parallels, types, significant numbers etc. and drawing
#132 – Season 7 Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions from listeners.Questions Covered in This Episode:“Jen, I have heard you at least twice talk about situations where it’s ok to lie → I think you used the phrase “truth to whom truth is due” → How does that fit with scriptures' admonitions against lying? You guys are some of the best bible teachers I know so obviously you're not saying to just lie whenever. Please help! Thanks Jen for all the work you do keeping JT and Kyle in line and on tr
#131 – The Crescendo
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the book of Romans by looking at Romans 8:31-39.Questions Covered in This Episode:We get another one of those rhetorical questions, “What then shall we say to these things?” (V. 31)“If God is for us, who can be against us?” (V. 31)The Father has sent the Son, what do you believe he is going to hold back that is more precious than Jesus? (V. 32)“Who shall bring any charge against God's elect?” (V. 33)“Who is to condemn? “ (V. 34
After The Fact: Why Southern Seminary with Dr. JT English
Kyle Worley is joined by JT English to answer the question they get asked all the time: Why did you choose Southern Seminary?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you choose Southern Seminary?What kind of graduates are they producing?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Southern Baptist Theological Faith After The Fact EpisodesAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Kn
#130 – The Spirit and Our Waiting with Dr. Jarvis Williams
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr Jarvis Williams to look at Romans 8:18-28 and discuss suffering and our ultimate hope.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are the sufferings that Paul has in mind here?Creation is personified here as something that is waiting and groaning, is that strange to hear about something non-personal in personal terms like that? (v. 19, 22)What is the “revealing of the sons of God?”But it’s not just creation, it’s also we ourselves who are growi
After The Fact: Is Seminary Right For Me with Dr. JT English
After The Fact: Is Seminary Right For Me with Dr. JT EnglishKyle Worley is joined by JT English to answer the question they get asked all the time: Is seminary right for me?Questions Covered in This Episode:Is seminary right for me?What are you interested in studying?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Southern Baptist Theological affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing F
#129 – Freedom In Christ
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Union with Christ, Trinitarianism, and Romans 8:1-18Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the “therefore” there for?“In Christ Jesus”How am I declared righteous?How do we reconcile the way that Spirit of Christ and Spirit in Christ are used? (V. 9)How do we understand the Spirit of Christ also being the Spirit of the Father?How is what Paul is saying here different from gnosticism? (V. 5-8, 12-18)Is the doctrine of Union with Christ that we are
#128 – The Internal Struggle with Dr. Tom Schreiner
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Tom Schreiner to continue their discussion on the book of Romans by looking at chapter 7.Questions Covered in This Episode:As we enter Romans 7, where is Paul in his line of argumentation?Is there a reason why Paul uses this illustration (V. 1-4)?What is the dynamic of law and Spirit in V. 4-6?What does Paul mean by “law”? What law have we been released from?What does he mean in V. 7?Hold on: Is the law good or bad?Can the law serve as a
#127 – Slaves to Righteousness
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Romans 6:15-23 and being a slave to righteousness.Questions Covered in This Episode:Paul seems to suggest that everyone is a slave, it’s just a question of what? How does this call us back to Paul's self identification at the beginning of the letter?“Obedient from the heart?”What does Paul mean in V.19?V. 20 seems wrong, doesn’t it? What does Paul mean here?The beauty of Romans 6:23 - A one sentence gospel summary. How does this verse function in t
Training The Church Cohort
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley believe that the primary context for discipleship is the local church. In this episode they discuss how that is foundational to the Training the Church cohort. If you are interested in applying visit our website.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the history around the Training the Church cohort?Participants from the Training the Church cohort share about their experience.Are you just going to tell me to copy and paste what you did?What are some of
After The Fact: How Does Paul Use The Psalms in Romans 15 with Dr. Jim Hamilton
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Jim Hamilton to discuss Romans 15:3, where we hear Paul make mention of Christ in a way that calls our attention back to Psalm 69.Questions Covered in This Episode:In Romans 15:3 we hear Paul make mention of Christ in a way that calls our attention back to Psalm 69. Could you shed some light on what’s happening here?How should we understand this to work mechanically? Is Paul going back into Psalm 69 and is he uncovering something there that could not be ascertained a
#126 – The New Life with Courtney Doctor
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by author, Bible teacher, conference, and retreat speaker Courtney Doctor. Together they discuss Romans 6:1-14 and union with Christ.Questions Covered in This Episode:Paul’s use of rhetorical questions to advance his argument: “What shall we say then?” Why would Paul ask and answer this question at this point?Should we understand this to mean that if you are a Christian you can’t sin and if you sin you couldn’t possibly be a Christian?What does
After The Fact: Why The Blood with Dr. Brian Vickers
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Brian Vickers to discuss Romans 5:9 and answer the question: Why the blood?Questions Covered in This Episode:Romans 5:9 says, “Since therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God.” Here is the question: Why the blood?Propitiation 101.Why was blood necessary for the forgiveness of sins?Helpful Definitions:Propitiation: Christ’s atoning sacrifice as our substitute, Christ is both the sacrifice and the place
#125 – In Adam or In Christ?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley look at Romans 5:12-21 and discuss the Adam-Christ Typology. Questions Covered in This Episode:Is Paul saying that the world is broken because one person sinned?Is Paul saying Adam sinned, I sinned, or we all sinned? Isn’t that unfair: That Adam’s sin is counted as our sin?What does it mean that sin is not counted where there is no law?Who is Adam a type of?How is the free gift different from the trespass?There is lots of “reigning” language in this passag
After The Fact: Mystical Union and Romans 6 with Dr. Stephen Yuille
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Stephen Yuille to answer the question: What is mystical union and how is it at play in Romans 6:1-11?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is mystical union and how is it at play in Romans 6:1-11?In what way am I united to Jesus in death and resurrection?Is our union with Christ affected at baptism?Helpful Definitions:Mystical Union with Christ: What it means for Christ to baptize us with the Holy Spirit into His body, whereby we become one with Christ. Puritans lik
#124 – Justified by Faith
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley look at Romans 5:1-11 and discuss justification by faith. Questions Covered in This Episode:What is justification?What does it mean to be justified “by faith?”Why is peace with God a benefit to justification?What does it mean to “rejoice in hope of the glory of God?”Rejoicing in our sufferings (V. 3-5)?Has there been a season of life that you walked through suffering and what did it produce in you?Is there a more beautiful verse than Romans 5:6?What is Pau
After The Fact: Paul and Irenaus with Dr. Stephen Presley
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Stephen Presley to answer the question what did Irenaeus have to say about Paul’s Christology?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why should I care about what Irenaeus has to say about Paul? What did Irenaeus have to say about Paul’s Christology?Helpful Definitions:Adam Christ Typology: Understood through the lens of Doctrine of Recapitulation.Doctrine of Recapitulation: All things are summed up in Christ. There is a unity to the entire divine economy that is found in
#123 – The Symbols of Salvation
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue in the book of Romans and discuss Romans 4:9-25.Questions Covered in This Episode:What role did circumcision play among Jews and Gentiles?Why would it matter when Abraham’s faith was counted to him as righteousness?What were the signs and symbols of salvation in the OT?Not merely circumcised, but walk in the “footsteps of the faith…?”Abraham was counted righteous before circumcision, why is that significant?“Where there is no law there is no trans
After The Fact: Is the Gospel of Christ Different From Paul's Gospel with Dr. Jonathan Pennington
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Jonathan Pennington to answer the question is Paul’s gospel different from Christ’s gospel?Questions Covered in This Episode:Is Paul’s gospel different from Christ’s gospel?I wonder if the gap that we feel between the content of Paul’s gospel and the content of Christ’s gospel is exacerbated by the differences of genre?Helpful Definitions:The gospel message: Is the message that God is coming into the world to restore his reign upon the earth and to bing flourishing a
#122 – Father Abraham
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion in the book of Romans by looking at Romans 4:1-8.Questions Covered in This Episode:So the church hears that everyone is broken and everyone has fallen short and Paul predicts the question from the Jewish Christians: What about Abraham?What role did Abraham play in Israel’s story? Why invoke his name here?Paul pulls Abraham into the justification question: Why?What did Abraham believe? (V.3)Let’s talk about the fundamental differen
After The Fact: Luther and the Righteousness of God with Dr. Gregg Allison
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Gregg Allison to answer the question, did Martin Luther have anything to say about the righteousness of God in Romans?Questions Covered in This Episode:Did Martin Luther have anything to say about the righteousness of God in Romans?Outside of the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit, was there anything that was happening at a linguistic or a theological level in Luther’s understanding of the concept that was the key to that discovery? How did that change happen?Helpful
#121 – The Righteousness of God with Dr. Michael Kruger
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Michael Kruger to look at Romans 3:21-31 and discuss the righteousness of God.Questions Covered in This Episode:Dr. Kruger: How significant is the idea of the “righteousness of God” and can you give us a sense of its importance in current NT scholarship?If you were teaching and preaching this, is it possible to say yes to both meanings of the righteousness of God?What is the difference between what the reformers would have said about Paul
The Family Discipleship Podcast – In The Wilkin Home with Jen Wilkin
This bonus episode is from our recently released sister podcast, The Family Discipleship Podcast. The hosts; Adam Griffin, Cassie Bryant, and Chelsea Griffin, interview their friend and our very own Jen Wilkin about family discipleship in the Wilkin home. Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is Jen the mom? What is the Wilkin family like?What is it like for your family now entering into grandparent phase?What kind of intentionality went into being available to your kids to talk about hard thing
#120 – A Massive Problem
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion in the book of Romans by looking at Romans 3:1-20.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why does Paul open up with this question?What advantage did the Jews have?Does God keep his promises?If you were to summarize verses 1-8 in a few sentences how would you say it?But hold on, Jews aren’t better than the Greeks just because of this advantage (V. 9)?The bad bad news (Rom. 3:10-18)...where does this come from?Is this true of us? Or just
#119 – Judgment and Law
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss judgement as they dive into Romans chapter 2. Questions Covered in This Episode:When we see “therefore” in a text what should we ask?Why is there a judgment problem in the church in Rome?What is a contemporary mirror of this today?What is our motivation to avoid sinful judgment?What does “He will render to each one according to his works” mean (V. 6)?What is a practical way we do this today?Let’s talk about verses 12-16...Why is judgment foolish?Le
#118 – Idolatry, Identity, Immorality
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss idolatry, identity, and immorality as they dive into Romans 1:18-32.Questions Covered in This Episode:What story is being told in this passage?What is natural revelation (V. 19-20)?Does natural revelation give sufficient knowledge of God for salvation?Once we know Christ, do we begin to see God more in creation?Why all this talk of the “wrath of God?”Is idolatry still a problem?What does the phrase “God gave them up” indicate (V. 24, 26, 28)?What’s
#117 – The Righteous Shall Live By Faith
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue in the book of Romans by discussing Romans 1:16-17.Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s a thesis statement? Do you think this is it for the letter?What is the gospel?Why does he say “I am not ashamed of the Gospel?”How is the gospel the “power of God for salvation?”What is salvation?Why does Paul say to the Jew first and also to the Greek? Why not just stick with everyone, why this prioritization?What is belief?What does the phrase “righteousn
#116 – Murderer Turned Missionary
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley dive into the book of Romans by looking at Romans 1:1-15. Questions Covered in This Episode:When do we meet Paul for the first time? Who is this guy?Let’s talk a bit about Paul’s pedigree when it comes to Gamaliel. His cultured lineage/history?Let’s discuss Paul’s conversion and the doctrine of the union with Christ.Is there anything else about Paul’s conversion that is significant?How does Paul describe himself in Romans 1:1-15 and what kind of claims is
Join us for Season 7 - Romans
Season 7 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on 9/2/2021. In this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 7 as they cover the book of Romans. Questions Covered in This Episode:Who wrote Romans?When was it written?Why study Romans?Can we say that there are books that are more important than others?Do you think Epistles have an unfair advantage in the popularity contest?Who is the audience of this letter?Let’s talk about the history of interpr
Patreon Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted by patrons of Knowing Faith.Questions Covered in This Episode:In the book of Proverbs, in times where wisdom is personified, is it fair to read that as if Christ himself is speaking or being described since he is the perfect embodiment of the wisdom of God? It seems the most obvious in chapters 1, 8, and 9. Are there any misinterpretations possible in seeing those passages purely as words of Christ?Is some sort of ministry/biblic
Introducing The Family Discipleship Podcast with Adam Griffin
Kyle Worley is joined by Adam Griffin to discuss Training the Church's newest podcast, The Family Discipleship Podcast.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is family discipleship?Share a little bit more about areas where you have overlapped with issues of family discipleship?Why should I listen to this guy?How is this podcast going to be different from Knowing Faith?Who is this podcast for? Who would benefit from listening?Who are some of the guests we should expect to hear from on The Family
#115 – I've Got A Question For You
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer listener questions and continue their debate on Christophanies.Questions Covered in This Episode:Lots of questions on Instagram about the Enneagram: How should we approach the Enneagram? Some suggest it’s not a biblical tool.Is it wrong to present Bible stories to Kids in ways that leave open room for misinterpretation solely to make it more palatable? For example, not mentioning the massive loss of life during the flood...What’s happening when Jesu
#114 – Joseph in Egypt Pt.2
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley wrap up the story of Genesis and the life of Joseph by discussing chapters 42-50.Questions Covered in This Episode:Genesis recap: How did we get here?In our last episode Joseph gets positioned to be the right hand of Pharaoh in Egypt. How did that happen?What’s been going on with Joseph’s family?Why do Joseph’s brothers go into Egypt?Why does Joseph play games with his brothers? It seems like he is baiting them?Jacob tells his sons that they have bereaved
#113 – Joseph in Egypt Pt.1
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley jump back into the life of Joseph by discussing Genesis 39-41.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why do we have the story of Potiphar entrusting Joseph with things?What is the significance of Potiphar’s wife catching Joseph by his garment (39:12)? Let’s discuss laughter being brought into the story again.“The Lord was with Joseph”...Joseph ends up in jail with who?Do dreams have meaning? Should I keep a dream journal? Should I interpret my own dreams?Is the
#112 – Judah and Tamar
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley take a look at the story of Judah and Tamar in Genesis 38.Questions Covered in This Episode:Tamar is given to Onan, is this conventional or unconventional?What is Onan doing here?What’s the problem with not having a spouse or children?What is going on here with Judah?How does the text present Tamar?This is a departure from the story of Joseph, why?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Genesis 38, Genesis 3:15Amazon affiliate links are used where appropriate.
#111 – Joseph and the Coat
On this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue with the story of Genesis by discussing chapters 34-37.Questions Covered in This Episode:What happens to Dinah?How does Jacob respond?How do her brothers respond?Are you making too big of them referring to him as Jacob?Is there a significance to them using circumcision as part of the agreement?How does Jacob respond to Simeon and Levi’s actions?In Genesis 35 it begins with God telling Jacob to...?What is found in Genesis 35:9-15?Wh
#110 – A Brother's Hug with Dr. Ray Ortlund
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Ray Ortlund to talk about the reconciliation of Jacob and Esau in Genesis 33. Questions Covered in This Episode:Is this for real? After all of what Jacob has done, is this the reaction you expect from Esau? What’s going on here?Who steps up with nobility and virtue? Is this a pattern in the Bible?Is this typical brother behavior?Does anyone else get some strong Joseph in Egypt vibes from this story?Has Jacob’s wrestling with God led him t
#109 – Wrestling with God
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley step into the ring to discuss the significance of Jacob wrestling with God in Genesis 32. Questions Covered in This Episode:What have you typically heard as a takeaway from this story?If this is God, is God not stronger than Jacob? (Genesis 32:25)What is the point of this?How does Jacob respond to this moment?Why does God ask Jacob for his name?How does this moment change how Jacob will interact with Esau (and others)?What is the significance of Jacob’s ne
#108 – Tale of Two Sisters
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the book of Genesis by looking at chapters 27-32. Questions Covered in This Episode:Jacob steals the blessing: Is this just a messy story or is there a hero and a villian?What is the blessing?Why is Jacob’s dream significant?So Jacob gets to Laban’s house to find a wife and he falls in love?Jacob begins to work for Laban and Laban makes him an assurance, what is it?Two daughters: Why are we given the physical descriptions of th
#107 – Tale of Two Brothers
On this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Genesis 23-26. This text wraps up the story of Sarah and Abraham, continues with the story of Isaac, and introduces Rebekah, Jacob, and Esau.Questions Covered in This Episode:In Genesis 23 we hear that Sarah dies… Is there significance in the place of Sarah’s tomb?What is Abraham's request in Genesis 24?Is the story at the well weird? Does God move like this?What is the significance of the story of Rebekah?Let’s discuss the death of
After the Fact: Did the Holy Spirit Indwell Abraham? with Dr. James Hamilton
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. James Hamilton to discuss the role of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. Specifically answering the question, did the Holy Spirit indwell Abraham?Questions Covered in This Episode:Did the Holy Spirit indwell Abraham?One of the roles of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament is keeping God’s people. How were the people of the Old Testament kept if not for the power of the Holy Spirit?Is the Spirit more localized in the Old Testament?Guest Bio:Dr. James Hamilton is pr
#106 – The Birth and Sacrifice of Isaac
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley look at Genesis 21-22 to discuss the birth and sacrifice of Isaac.Questions Covered in This Episode:Is the Sara story a proto-Mary story?There is a sweet moment until the story is spoiled a bit by Sarah’s contempt isn’t it?How do we see the character of God in this story?How does God specifically care for Hagar?What is the significance of his treaty with Abimelech?This is the second significant call of Abraham to “go.”Why does God ask Abraham to do this? I
After The Fact: What Did Augustine Think About Creation? with Dr. Gregg Allison
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Gregg Allsion to discuss what the early church believed about creation.Questions Covered in This Episode:What was the early church asking about the doctrine of creation?How did God create?When did God create?What was God doing before creation?When were the angels created?What was the culture that the early church fathers were negotiating with as they discussed the doctrine of creation?Helpful Definitions:Creation Ex Nihilo: Creation out of nothing.Atomistic Theory: T
#105 – Theological Triage and Genesis with Gavin Ortlund
In this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Gavin Ortlund to discuss how we can benefit from theological triage.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is theological triage?What are some tangible benefits of theological triage?Can you give me an easy example of a situation where you see a failure on the part of the church or Christians to practice theological triage?What do we do when there is a genuine disagreement on something theologically? How do we use theological
After the Fact: How do Hebrew Emphatic Statements Help Us Understand Genesis with Dr. Adam Howell
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Adam Howell to discuss Hebrew emphatic statements and how they can help us understand Genesis.Questions Covered in This Episode:How do Hebrew emphatic statements in the story of Abraham help us understand the concept of offspring in that story?Helpful Definitions:Meod (Hebrew): Very or exceedinglyThe Infinitive Absolute: A unique hebrew construction that takes an emphatic verbal form and places right beside a standard verbal form of the same meaning.Guest Bio:Dr. Ada
#104 – The Story of Sodom
In this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley dive into Genesis 17-19 to discuss why Sarah laughs, a Christophany?, and what really happens at Sodom.Questions Covered in This Episode:So the Lord appears to Abraham and they begin a conversation about Sarah. This sounds like the beginning of Genesis 17, is this the same encounter from a different angle or is it a different event?Why is Sarah laughing?Is one of these three men a Chirstophany?What happens when Sarah lies to God?Abraham sta
After the Fact: What Does Abraham's Prayer Over Sodom Show Us About Intercession with Dr. Don Whitney
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Don Whitney to talk about what Abraham’s prayer for Sodom teaches us about prayer.Questions Covered in This Episode:What does Abraham's prayer over Sodom show us about intercession?This kind of persistence in prayer, is that something that pesters God? Is it a distrust to continue to bring more specific requests to God?Does Abraham change God’s mind? Does intercession change God’s mind?Guest Bio:Dr. Whitney is Professor of Biblical Spirituality and Associate Dean at
#103 – Abraham, Hagar and the Child
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue with the story of Abraham by taking a look at Genesis 16-17.Questions Covered in This Episode:So after God cuts covenant with Abraham, Abraham immediately starts behaving righteously right?Who is Hagar? Where has she come from?Are Abraham’s and Sarah’s actions wrong here?What are we to make from the angel's interaction with Hagar?Why can’t Ishmael be the promised child?What is the covenant promise?What is the significance of circumcision? Why this
After the Fact: Does Abraham Change God's Mind in Prayer with Dr. Bruce Ware
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Bruce Ware to discuss if Abraham changed God’s mind in Genesis 18. Questions Covered in This Episode:When Abraham intercedes on behalf of Sodom in Genesis 18, does Abraham's prayer change God’s mind?What would we lose if prayer changed God’s mind?Guest Bio:Dr. Bruce A. Ware is T. Rupert and Lucille Coleman Professor of Christian Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. He is the author of several books including but not limited to God’
#102 – Abrahamic Covenant
In this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley take a look at Genesis 15 and discuss the Lord’s covenant with Abraham.Questions Covered in This Episode:What does God tell Abraham he is going to do?What is Abraham's hang up with this?Let's talk about Genesis 15:6 “he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness.”What was the role of sacrifice in covenant ceremonies? Why the blood?Are Christians participants in the covenant with Abraham?Helpful Definitions:Covenant: A prom
After the Fact: Judah, Tamar and Levirate Marriage with Dr. Dominick Hernandez
Kyle Worley is joined by Dr. Dominick Hernández to answer the question, “how does understanding levirate marriage help us understand the story of Judah and Tamar?”Gust Bio:Dr. Hernández currently serves as an assistant professor of Old Testament Interpretation and the Director of the Online Hispanic Program at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY). Helpful Definitions:Levirate Marriage: If a man dies his brother was able to take the man’s wife and have children with his brot
#101 – The Strange Priest
What’s the big deal about Melchizedek? In this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley take a look at the events in Genesis 14 and discuss the significance of Melchizedek. Questions Covered in This Episode:Is Genesis 14 the first time we start to realize that the nations, kingdoms, and rulers have multiplied?Why does Lot keep getting mentioned?How would you characterize Abraham’s actions in this text?We encounter a king named “Melchizedek.” What do we know about him? Who is he? What is h
After the Fact: How Would I Teach A Big Story Like Genesis 31 with Dr. Hershael York
Kyle interviews Dr. Hershel York from SBTS. Hershael has served as the 11th dean of Southern Seminary’s School of Theology since 2018, and as the Victor and Louise Lester Professor of Christian Preaching since 1999. Since coming to Southern in 1997, York has authored two books on speaking and preaching and has written dozens of articles in journals and online publications. His preaching has been featured in Preaching Today as among the best in North America, and he has twice preached at the Inte
#100 – Family Drama
In this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about Abraham's family drama found in Genesis 12-13.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are Old Testament families so jacked up?What genre are we reading? Is the text descriptive or prescriptive?Is Abraham a bad guy?What is the significance of Abraham and Lot negotiating the boundaries of the land? Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Genesis 12:10-20, Genesis 13, Isaiah 31:1, Genesis 3:6The Bible Project Tree of Life Podcast Sponsors
#99 – Father Abraham
In this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English and Kyle Worley discuss Genesis Chapter 12 and introduce Abraham. More specifically they take a look at where Abraham comes from, the components of the call of Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3, the significance of election, and God’s presence, place, purpose and people. Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Genesis 12, 15, 17, 1 Peter 1:1, Romans 9-11“Progressive Dispensationalism” by Craig Blaising “Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of
TEASER: Season 6 of Knowing Faith
Season 6 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on 2/4/2021. In this episode Jen Wilkin, JT English and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 6 as they cover Genesis 12-50. They discuss the importance of studying the book of Genesis, the author, the audience, the setting, some of the key people in the text, and what questions they will be asking and answering. If you’d like you can catch up on Genesis 1-11 in Season 5. Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Map of the Patriarchs
Patreon Q&A
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley took questions from our "Super Fan" tier on Patreon and tried to answer as many as we could!Questions Covered in This Episode:If Knowing Faith was a character on The West Wing, who would it be?Is American Civil religion a problem?What is the difference between the way that Jesus intercedes on our behalf and the way that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us? Is this the same work or different works?There are so many different analogies to explain the Trinity,
#98 – The Mega Q&A Episode
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer listener questions. Questions Covered in This Episode:When you say that we’re asking Genesis questions that it’s not asking that literal? How would I apply that to other books of the Bible? For example, what question is Judges asking? And how would I discern that?How would you describe/define the imago dei in light of disability?Who’s your favorite person to talk theology with other than each other?New ESV translation of Genesis 3:16?Whe
#97 – Wrapping up Genesis 1-11
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue exploring Genesis 1-11 and wrap up Genesis 1-11 by looking ahead.Questions Covered in This Episode:Recap: How does the story of Genesis start?What major themes have stood out to us?What major questions have been asked and answered?How did we get here? Why are we here?What’s the problem?What's the solution?What lingering question(s) do you have stepping away from this portion of Genesis?Genesis 12:1-3: An OT scholar said, “The call of Abraham is th
#96 – Hard Questions and Genesis with Rebecca McLaughlin
This episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Rebecca McLaughlin to discuss some hard questions. Questions Covered in This Episode:What do we do when we are asked a hard question and we don’t know the answer? How does your training in literature relate to how you handle the scriptures?What is the best way to respond when someone asks a hard question?Lots of hard questions emerge from the first eleven chapters of Genesis, but one of the most challenging for most believers
#95 – God in the Dark Places of Genesis with Tish Harrison Warren
This episode Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Tish Harrison Warren. “We shout truths about God in the light so we can stand on them in the dark.” Kyle WorleyQuestions Covered in This Episode:Prayer in the Night - What made you want to write this book?Is it possible to find God in a dark world?Could God be good given that the world is dark?How can we pray when we feel doubt that the world around us can ever be made whole again?Helpful Definitions:False Stories: All of us are
#94 – A Really Tall Tower: Babel
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley sit down and go over all things Tower of Babel.Questions Covered in This Episode:Recap Genesis 1-10.Is the earth united? Is this the post-flood nirvana period?Is building a tower bad?“The Lord came down…” Is this emphatic?Is God being cruel here to squash their unified action?Let’s connect it to the New Testament.Will there ever be a time where the people are united again?Helpful Definitions:שָׁם (Hebrew): Shem, name, and there.Resources Mentioned in This
#93 – Men and Women In a Broken World with Katie McCoy
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Katie McCoy to ask the question: If God created men and women to live as complements to one another, why do we find so much division and brokenness and confusion between men and women?Questions Covered in This Episode:If God created men and women to live as complements to one another, why do we find so much division and brokenness and confusion between men and women?How might Greek philosophy have impacted the way we think about these thi
#92 – Flood Actually
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back to discuss the flood, but for real this time.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Genesis 6:9 contrasting?What is important about the description of building the boat?How is water used throughout the bible? Where does this theme echo?How long were they on the ark?Are we to draw a connection between the dove from the ark, the Spirit over the face of the waters, and the baptism of Jesus?What is the covenant with Noah?What is the symbol of the c
#91 – The Flood
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley take a deep dive into Genesis 6.Questions Covered in This Episode:Let’s start with an overview of what we have covered so far: Genesis 1-5.So, things are bad, but how bad are they really when we jump into Genesis 6?Who are the sons of God (Genesis 6:4)?Genesis 6:6 - “The Lord regretted.” What does that mean?What is the narrative flow of this passage?Is this the only Ancient Near Eastern story that mentions the flood?Let’s talk about dinosaurs.Helpful Defin
After the Fact: The Godhead And Creation with Dr. Keith Whitfield
Kyle is joined by Dr. Keith Whitfield to discuss how the three persons of the Godhead were involved in creation.Questions Covered in This Episode:How are the three persons of the Godhead involved in creation?In Genesis is the role of the son sort of mysterious or is there more clarity than it seems?Guest Bio:Dr. Keith Whitfield is the Associate Professor of Theology and Provost at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author and editor of numerous books including Trinitarian T
#90 – The Fall Part 2
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley wrap up their conversation on the fall in this part two of two episodes. We hope you enjoy it!Questions Covered in This Episode:Continued: Who committed the first sin?What is the impact of sin on the world? What’s the immediate aftermath in Genesis 3?Is there any blame shifting happening here?What are some of the consequences (or curses?) detailed as a result of mankind’s action?Why is understanding Genesis 3 crucial for making sense of the rest of the sto
#89 – The Fall Part 1
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley dive back into Genesis 1-11 with a focus on the fall in this part one of two episodes. They start with an overview of what happens in Genesis 3, and then talk about what’s really happening in the passage regarding rebellion, rule, reign, and the created order being inverted.Questions Covered in This Episode:Let’s start with an overview of what happens in Genesis 3.Who is the serpent and how has he arrived here?So, what’s really happening in this passage?W
After the Fact: How Would Augustine Read Genesis? with Dr. Benjamin Quinn
Kyle is joined by Dr. Benjamin Quinn to discuss how Augustine might've read the first chapters of Genesis.Questions Covered in This Episode:If Augustine was to read the first 11 chapters of Genesis what might be some of the distinctives of the hermeneutics of his approach?If Augustine is arguing against Manichaeism, what was the main thing that he was trying to course correct?Helpful Definitions:The Double Love: Love for God and love for neighbor.Guest Bio:Dr. Benjamin Quinn serves as Senior Pas
#88 – Men and Women in Genesis 2 with Hannah Anderson
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by author Hannah Anderson to discuss Genesis 2 and how it shapes and forms our relationships. Questions Covered in This Episode:Let’s start with an overview of Genesis 2, what’s the basic outline of Genesis 2?What are some differences between Genesis 1 and 2? Particularly in the creation of man and woman?Are we to make anything out of man being created first?What is natural law?What is representation in the terms of relationships between man and
After the Fact: What is Natural Moral Law? with Dr. Ross Inman
Kyle is joined by Dr. Ross Inman to discuss natural moral law and what it has to do with the book of Genesis.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is natural moral law and what does it have to do with Genesis?What is something that is a natural law that is not a natural moral law?Helpful Definitions:Natural Moral Law: Entails at least the following two commitments: 1. God has built into the natural created order a moral dimension. 2. God has so created human beings with unique capacity to both
#87 – Imago Dei and Cultural Mandate with Dr. Russell Moore
Dr. Russell Moore joins Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley to answer some questions within Genesis 1:26-30. They help explore what it means to be created in the image of God and its implications, what the cultural mandate is, and what it means to cultivate and subdue.Questions Covered in This Episode:What does it mean to be created in the image of God?Are you saying if humans had not fallen we would be able to speak to the winds and the waves?We are created for longing, what does that mean?
After the Fact: Doctrine of Imago Dei with Dr. Walter Strickland
Kyle is joined by Dr. Walter Strickland to discuss the doctrine of Imago Dei.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is the doctrine of the Imago Dei crucial for our current moment?Does image bearing squash all differences and distinctions? How it is the proper frame for our uniqueness as individuals?Helpful Definitions:Imago Dei: The Image of God.Guest Bio:Walter R. Strickland II is associate vice president for kingdom diversity initiatives and assistant professor of systematic and contextual the
#86 – The First Days: Genesis 1 & 2
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their series within Genesis 1-11 focusing specifically on the first days of creation.Questions Covered in This Episode:Original audience for Genesis?What questions do we tend to ask that the text is not trying to answer?What is happening with the rhythms in the creation account?Is this framework intentional?What would you say to someone who says “this is just a plain reading of the text”?What are some patterns we see in the creation account?On day
After the Fact: Wordplay at Babel? with Dr. Tracy McKenzie
Dr. Tracy McKenzie joins Kyle to discuss the story of Babel in Genesis 11.Questions Covered in This Episode:Is there anything interesting happening in the story of Babel in Genesis 11 that we might miss?Is the author of scripture intentionally using puns and word play?Helpful Definitions:שָׁם (Hebrew): Shem, name, and there.Guest Bio:Dr. Tracy McKenzie the Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Genesis 11,
#85 – Formless and Void with Nancy Guthrie
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by author, teacher, speaker, podcaster: Nancy Guthrie to discuss Genesis 1:2.Questions Covered in This Episode:What does it mean to start with God created the heavens and the earth? What is the heavens and earth?Genesis 1:2, what are we to learn studying this verse?What does “formless and void” mean?How does this verse set up meta themes that echo throughout scripture? Helpful Definitions:Tohu VaVohu: Hebrew term found in Genesis 1:2 for formles
After the Fact: Genre and Genesis with Dr. Karen Swallow Prior
Karen Swallow Prior and Kyle Worley answer how genre shapes the meaning of a text.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is genre crucial to understanding the meaning of a given text?What are some distinctions between prose and poetry?Is Genesis historical prose?Is Genesis a unique origin story or does it have similarities with other origin stories?Helpful Definitions:Genre: A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject mat
#84 – Deep Discipleship
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss JT's new book "Deep Discipleship" and why he wrote it. They also discuss what distinguishes deep discipleship from shallow discipleship, who the book is for, how it will help people, and why we need discipleship now.Questions Covered in This Episode:JT, what is this book and why did you write it?Who is the audience for this book?How is Training the Church connected to this?Why do we need deep discipleship now?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:“De
After the Fact: A Forgotten, But Essential Aspect of the Doctrine of Creation with Dr. Ken Keathley
Dr. Ken Keathley and Kyle Worley answer the question "What's a forgotten, but essential aspect of the doctrine of creation?"“The triune God without opposition or equal, and without the use of preexisting materials, created the world by his will and for his good pleasure.” Dr. Ken KeathleyQuestions Covered in This Episode:What's a forgotten, but essential aspect of the doctrine of creation?If we lose God’s freedom in creating, what do we lose about God?Helpful Definitions:Creation Ex Nihilo: Crea
#83 – Before the Beginning
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue the discussion on Genesis 1-11 by discussing what happened before the beginning, who/what existed before the beginning, the work of God prior to creation, when did God create angelic forces, and did Satan fall before the beginning.Questions Covered in This Episode:What was happening before the beginning?Who or what existed before the beginning?Trinitarian relations before the beginning?What are the practical implications of God being uncreated?Th
#82 – The Book of Genesis
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley begin our discussion on Genesis 1-11 by asking what is the book of Genesis, why is it named Genesis, how old is the earth, who wrote it, and how does understanding the first 11 chapters of Genesis help with understanding the whole story of scripture?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the book of Genesis?Why is it named “Genesis?”Original audience? Why does that matter?Who wrote Genesis? When?How does understanding the first 11 chapters of Genesis h
TEASER: Season 5 of Knowing Faith
We have too much fun. Seriously, who knew sitting around with your friends talking about the biggest issues could be so fun! Knowing Faith is a podcast exploring the Christian story and Christian belief from Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Training the Church?What’s on the docket for Season 5?Who are some guests that we have lined up for this season?When does the season start?How can listeners get more involved?Resources Mentioned in This Episode
Bonus Episode: A Conversation With Jeremy Treat
Join Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley for conversation with pastor and author, Jeremy Treat.Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s the Kingdom of God?When do I enter the Kingdom of God?Why is this a helpful paradigm for understanding the whole story of scripture?How do we communicate the idea of kingdom in our contemporary moment where we don’t really have kings and kingdoms?How do the Kingdom and the Cross intertwine?Where is the Kingdom of God helping people understand both the broken
Bonus Episode: Union with Christ with Sam Allberry
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by pastor, author, and speaker, Sam Allberry, to talk about union with Christ.Questions Covered in This Episode:How does the doctrine of union with Christ shape your life?If I am united with Christ, how does that shape my pursuit of holiness?What about when we fail?How does this doctrine shape the way I pray?How does it shape the way I conceive of myself? My identity?If I am united with Christ, why should I bother with the church? I’m already in
#81 – Questions & Answers (Live on YouTube)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer listener questions—live on YouTube!Questions Covered in This Episode:How did you or have you explained the Trinity (or other theological concepts) to your kids?Is it possible that the original ending to Mark’s gospel was lost? Is it consistent to hold this view as well as inerrancy of scripture?My small group is reading Delighting in the Trinity right now. It’s brought up some questions about angels and their place in relation to the Trinity and hum
#80 – Wrapping Up Acts
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley wrap up their season-long discussion of the book of Acts.Questions Covered in This Episode:Paul gets bit by a snake?Paul ends up healing many on the island. Does God still heal like this?Paul heads to Rome and finally arrives there and it seems like he has some freedom there?Acts ends with a cliffhanger. What happened to Paul?Q&A:How are we supposed to view deception as it plays out in redemptive history?Why did Jesus say “it is finished” before he was res
#79 – Global Crises and the End of the World
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley explore how to think about global crises and what the Bible says about the “last days.”Questions Covered in This Episode:It is not uncommon, in the face of global crises, for conversations to pick back up regarding the end times, the last day, the end of the world, the 2nd coming of Christ. Have you heard this or felt it during these strange days of the world reeling from the COVID pandemic?Why does it seem like people are drawn to this question/idea?How d
#78 – See Paul Speak, See Paul Sail, See Paul Wreck
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue discussing Acts. On this episode, Paul is in Felix’s custody, meets Festus and Agrippa, is sent to Rome, and ends up shipwrecked.Questions Covered in This Episode:Festus meets with Paul and Paul appeals to Caesar (Acts 25:1-12). Why can Paul do this?Who is Agrippa to Festus? What’s the chain of command here?How does Paul’s defense begin?How does Agrippa respond?Then Paul is shipped to Rome, does this remind us of any other stories?What theologians
#77 – The Holy Spirit with Dr. Gregg Allison
Pastor, professor, and author, Dr. Gregg Allison, joins Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley for a discussion on the Holy Spirit.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is the Holy Spirit?What does the Spirit do?What is the chief confusion you find among students when considering the doctrine of the Holy Spirit?How do you discern if something is actually the work of the Spirit?The role of the Spirit in the Old Testament vs. the New Testament…How did the doctrine of the Holy Spirit develop from
#76 – Paul on Trial
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley join Paul as he is on trial before people, rulers, and tribunals and eventually ends up in prison.Questions Covered in This Episode:Last time we left off with Paul standing on the steps outside of the military barracks, he was just about to speak to the people who had almost just killed him. What does he say?Why does the crowd react this way?Paul does something interesting in 22:25. What is it?Paul is then brought before the council of Jewish leaders and h
#75 – When the Sermon Kills
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion of Acts 20 and 21, talking about Paul's time in Ephesus, Agabus, and his speech to the Ephesian elders.Questions Covered in This Episode:Acts 20 opens up with what is essentially a map.We then get this fascinating story with Eutychus.Does Paul raise Eutychus from the dead?What is Paul saying in his speech to the Ephesian elders?Let's take a closer look at Acts 20:36-38.What is going on in the Agabus encounter in Acts 21:10-14? Is
#74 – Wrapping Up the Apostles’ Creed
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley wrap up their discussion of the Apostles' Creed that they began last fall. Tune in as they talk about big takeaways and why the Creed is so important.Questions Covered in This Episode:What stood out to you from our look at the creed? What do you find yourself going back to?Why does it end with “Amen?”Why is creedal orthodoxy so essential for us to recover?Should every church recite the apostles' creed?How does the creed help with bible literacy?How does th
#73 – Explosions in Ephesus
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue walking through the book of Acts. On this episode, they explore chapters 20 and 21 where we read about a speech from Paul, the story of Eutychus, and an introduction to the phrase, "The Way."Questions Covered in This Episode:In Acts 16, Paul and Silas are in jail, an earthquake happens and then the jailer is saved, what compels him to believe?Paul invokes this idea of Roman citizenship, what is that?Let’s discuss Paul’s speech to the Areopagus (Ac
#72 – Life Everlasting
On this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the last line of the Apostles’ Creed, “Life everlasting.” They talk about the difference between “eternal” and “forever,” and what we are promised in Scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:Are we promised eternal life in scripture?Why is this in the creed?What different modes of living forever exist? Are there different states of everlasting life?What do we mean when we say separation from God?The Apostles’ Creed:I believe in
#71 – A Seller of Purple Goods, a Jailer, and an Unknown God
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue through the book of Acts, digging into the story of a seller of purple goods, a Philippian jailer, and an unknown god.Questions Covered in This Episode:Right off the bat in Acts 16 we encounter a friend and co-worker of Paul who will factor in heavily to his future ministry from here on in: Timothy. What does he share in common with Paul?What should we make of Acts 16:7 - “...but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them…?”So, women are gathering to
Special Episode: Live from Proclaim Truth with Jackie Hill Perry
On this special episode of Knowing Faith, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Jackie Hill Perry, live from Proclaim Truth, as they discuss the illumination and inspiration of Scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:When someone uses the phrase “Word and Spirit” what does that mean?When someone says they are “Spirit-filled” what does that mean?What is “the Word?”Do you always think about bringing Jesus into what you are teaching?How does the Spirit work through you when your
#70 – What is the Resurrection of the Body?
On episode 70 of Knowing Faith, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue working their way through the Apostles’ Creed—this time talking about bodily resurrection, future resurrection, and Gnosticism.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is resurrection? Is this talking about Jesus’ resurrection?Does the creed mean to say that all of us will one day experience a bodily resurrection? Will it be like Lazarus’?What is a body?What is the difference between an earthly body and a spiritual bo
#69 – P, B, in J
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion of Acts, beginning a journey with Paul and Barnabas as they head to Jerusalem.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are we studying Acts and what did we find in the first 13 chapters?Who are Paul and Barnabas?How’d they link up? Is this a John Lennon/Paul McCartney kind of collaboration?They encounter resistance to their message, don’t they?What were they doing?Why keep telling the same story over and over again?In Acts 14:8-18, w
After the Fact: Theology & Worship
On the first After the Fact mini-sode of season 4, Kyle Worley and JT English discuss theology and worship—specifically, how theology ought to lead us to worship and how we can be charitable when worship is theologically "off."Questions Covered in This Episode:What do I do when I think something is off with a song we are singing in the church?Sponsored by HOPE International:Christ calls us to care for those living in poverty. The question is, how? Download your free copy of Created to Flourish:
#68 – What is the Forgiveness of Sins?
On episode 68, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue talking about the Apostles' Creed. They talk about what "sin" and "forgiveness" mean.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are we looking at the creed? What is the creed? When is the creed? Why does it matter for us?Today turning our attention to: “the forgiveness of sins.” Is it significant that this line is here?What is sin? Is there a difference between sin and sins?What is original sin? Total depravity?How has sin impacted me, u
#67 – Season 4: Knowing Faith 101
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley catch up from the break and discuss what you can expect from season 4 of Knowing Faith!Questions Covered in This Episode:If you had to explain Knowing Faith to an alien, who didn’t know what podcasts were, how would you explain it?Why do we do this?How does this connect to our unique visions for theological education, biblical literacy, local church, and complementarianism?What’s your favorite thing to hear from a Knowing Faith listener?What are we talking
Special Episode: Jesus the Philosopher with Dr. Jonathan Pennington
Author, pastor, preacher, and professor—Dr. Jonathan Pennington—joins Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley to talk about his studies of the gospel of Matthew and his upcoming book, Jesus the Great Philosopher: Rediscovering the Way to a Whole, Meaningful, and Flourishing Life.Questions Covered in This Episode:How long have you studied Matthew?What does rediscovery look like for someone who is spending a lot of time in one book of the Bible? What are some lenses people should have on while the
TRAILER: Season 4 of Knowing Faith
On season 4 of Knowing Faith, Jen, JT, and Kyle continue walking through the book of Acts and wrap up their conversations of the Apostles' Creed. Tune in next week for the first episode of the season!
#66 – More Questions, More Answers (ish)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions from listeners.Questions Covered in This Episode:How do you deal with someone being indwelt with the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (Exodus 31:1)? How were people able to write under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit if they were not indwelt with the Spirit?What do you think is the biggest need is for college kids?When a church fills a pastoral vacancy with someone who is outside of where the church has been theologically or denominatio
After the Fact: Parenting Pitfalls
JT English and Jen Wilkin talk about a few common parenting pitfalls and tips.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are some common pitfalls that you see people fall into with parenting?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:“Grace Based Parenting” by Tim KimmellAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Patron
#65 – Scattered to the Wind
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Acts 11-12 and what we’ve learned so far from this book.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why was the church scattered?How does this set up the rest of the New Testament?What have we learned from the first half of Acts?Where do we still feel confused? Or have questions?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Acts 11-12The Advent BookAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you fo
#64 – What is the Church?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about what the Apostles’ Creed really means when it says that we “believe in the holy catholic Church” and the “communion of saints.”Questions Covered in This Episode:What is a church?What is the church?What do we mean we call the church: holy catholic church?What is the “communion of saints?”The Apostles Creed:I believe in God, the Father Almighty,creator of heaven and earth,I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,who was conceived by the H
After the Fact: West Wing Evangelism
Kyle Worley and JT English *finally* discuss The West Wing, why JT has watched six times through, and what lessons can be learned from it.Questions Covered in This Episode:How many times have you watched The West Wing?Why are you drawn to The West Wing?What are some things that you think this cultivates in you?Who do you think you are on the show?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:The West WingAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purc
#63 – A Blanket Full of Bacon
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley walk through Acts 10 and 11. They discuss the division between Jews and gentiles, Cornelius, and Peter’s vision.Questions Covered in This Episode:Recap Acts so far...What’s happened?Turning to Acts 10-11: So, what’s the big deal between gentiles and Jews? Why the division?Who is Cornelius?Peter’s vision… What is this about?What is the significance of the Spirit falling on the gentiles?Helpful Definitions:Monolithic: Completely unified, everyone agrees on t
#62 – Who is the Holy Spirit?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion of the Apostles’ Creed, talking about the Holy Spirit. They talk about who He is, what He does, and what His role is today in believers and in the church.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is the Holy Spirit?Is the Holy Spirit just a force or presence?What is the role of the Holy Spirit?What is the work of the Holy Spirit?What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?The Apostles Creed:I believe in God, the Father Almight
After the Fact: A Few of Jen’s Theological Influences
Kyle and Jen talk about the voices and books that have been significant influences in Jen's thinking, writing, and teaching.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who have been the most formative theological influences on your life?What makes for a good guide?When you think of your role as an influence, how has that shaped your prayer life?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:“The Holiness of God” by R.C. Sproul“Willing to Believe” by R.C. Sproul“Faith Alone” by R.C. Sproul“Systematic Theology” by Lou
#61 – You Can Call Me Paul
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their conversation on the book of Acts, discussing chapter nine. In this chapter, we are introduced to Saul who, after an encounter with Christ, becomes Paul. They cover what we know about Saul, how this encounter developed his theology of union with Christ, and his eventual witness.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is Saul? What do we know about him? What is the significance of the encounter with Christ?What is happening when Saul’s sight is
#60 – What Will Christ Do?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion of the Apostles’ Creed as they talk about what Christ will do and is doing now. They talk about what it means that He rose from the dead, is seated at the right hand of the Father, and that He will judge the living and the dead.Questions Covered in This Episode:When the creed says “rose again from the dead?” What do we mean? Why is the resurrection of Christ unique?In what way has death been defeated?Why does the gospel fall apart
After the Fact: Why Christian Education Matters for Church Plants
Jen Wilkin and Kyle Worley discuss why it's important for new church plants to prioritize Christian education for their members.Questions Covered in This Episode:What have you done and what have you learned about how to implement Christian education in a church plant?Logistically, how have you solved not having a primary location and not having childcare?What are some myths you want to cut down about implementing this?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Mosaic ChurchEastside Community ChurchFoll
#59 – A Martyr, a Magician, and a Missionary
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion of the book of Acts, walking through chapters 6, 7, and 8. They talk about Stephen’s speech, Simon the Magician, and Philip the Missionary.Questions Covered in This Episode:Recap Acts so far: What has been going on in the story?In Acts 6 we begin with deacons...what are deacons? Why are they raised up?Let’s discuss Stephen's speech. Why is it important?How does Stephen respond in the face of death? What is a marty
#58 – What Did Christ Do? with Matthew Emerson
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their series on the Apostles' Creed as they discuss the person and work of Jesus Christ. They are joined by Matt Emerson—the Dickinson Chair of Religion at Oklahoma Baptist University—for part of the conversation to talk about what it means that Christ descended to the dead.Questions Covered in This Episode:Can God suffer?The significance of a historical marker like “Pontius Pilate?”What is crucifixion and the significance of this
After the Fact: False Stories 101
On this mini-episode, Jen Wilkin and JT English talk about false stories—what they are, which are most prevalent, and how the true story of the Gospel provides a solution.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are false stories?Which of those do you most typically see people living in?Helpful Definitions:False stories: All of us are living in the midst of a narrative that informs us on what the good life is. By default, all of us are living in false stories and need to be invited to participate
#57 – The Perfect Church?
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back to looking at the book of Acts, specifically Acts 3-5. They discuss what happens after Pentecost as we begin to see miraculous healings and the central role of Peter making connections between Christ and the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Through their discussion, they talk about the early Church—is it perfect? Is it the ideal church?Questions Covered in This Episode:All throughout Acts we see miraculous healings, what are we t
Bonus Episode: Reappearing Church with Mark Sayers
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by pastor, writer, and cultural commentator Mark Sayers. They discuss our cultural moment, what it means for the Church, and Mark's latest book, "Reappearing Church."Questions Covered in This Episode:Where did the church go? If the church is reappearing, when did it disappear?What are some things that make us anxious?What is the cultural change in how people view the church and Christians?How does Christian witness flourish when
#56 – Who is Jesus?
In this episode, Kyle Worley, Jen Wilkin, and JT English continue their discussion of the Apostles' Creed. This week, they specifically dive into who Jesus is and what it means that the Son is eternally begotten.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is Jesus Christ?Why “Jesus?” Why “Christ?”What is meant by “Lord?”What is the work of the Spirit in Christ’s conception?Was the Son of God born?Does Jesus have a mom? Is this significant?Why virgin?The Apostles Creed:I believe in God, the Father Almi
After the Fact: Making Sense of Philosophy & Our Cultural Moment
JT English and Kyle Worley discuss how believers can make sense of philosophy, the history of ideas, and our cultural moment.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are some practical tips you can give someone to help make sense of philosophy, culture, and this cultural moment?What are resources you would suggest?Why should someone care about this?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:“The Republic of Plato” translated by Allan Bloom“The Nicomachean Ethics” by AristotleThe Qur’an“A History of Weste
#55 – Hot Tongues (Acts 2)
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley jump into Acts 2, discussing what it means to speak in tongues and the work and role of the Holy Spirit. They talk about the missiological nature of speaking in tongues and Peter's sermon at Pentecost.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why Acts? What is Acts?What is Pentecost?Why tongues of fire?Who is the Holy Spirit?Is this indwelling of the Spirit normative? Is indwelling happening for the first time here?Is tongues evidence of the work
#54 – Who is God?
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion of the Apostles' Creed by asking, "Who is God?" They talk about how the Apostles' Creed helps in our understanding of how to answer that question.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the Apostle’s Creed and why does it matter? Who is God? Why does the creed start with God?What does it mean that God is Father (almighty)?Why include that God is Creator? What does it mean that he is Father theologically?The Apos
After the Fact: Heresy Hunting
Kyle Worley and JT English talk about how to charitably talk about doctrine with those we might disagree with.Questions Covered in This Episode:How do you respond when someone says something that is wrong or heretical?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Acts 18:24-28Amazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a
#53 – Up, Up, and Away?
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley introduce the book of Acts and why they will be discussing it this season on Knowing Faith. They introduce who wrote the book, why it was written, and why it is important today. They also talk about whether we should still be casting lots to make our decisions.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why Acts?What is historical narrative?Who wrote this, who did they write it to, when was it written?In Acts 1, we end with Jesus leaving...why is Je
#52 – What is Belief?
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley begin discussing what the Apostles’ Creed is and why it’s important. They talk about what a creed is and the nature of belief.“In the darkest hours of your life you’ve got to believe something specific and that specification is the task of the creed.” Jaroslav PelikanQuestions Covered in This Episode:What is the Apostle’s Creed?What is a creed?The creed begins: “I believe…” What does it mean to believe in something? What is belief?What wer
After the Fact: Building, Leading & Managing a Women’s Bible Study
Kyle Worley and Jen Wilkin talk about how to build, lead and manage a women's Bible study.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are some of these things you've learned about the social dynamics that are unique to Women’s Bible Study?What is the right question to ask when starting a Women’s Bible Study?What is the distinct value for having a women’s specific Bible Study?What is the natural byproduct of Women’s Bible Study that requires little to no effort?What are the steps to take to start a Wo
#51 – Season 3: Back to the Basics
In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley jump full swing into Season 3! They talk about their summers and what is coming this season of Knowing Faith. They also share some fun Twitter taglines and what listeners are saying about Knowing Faith. This season you can look forward to their discussions of the book of Acts and the Apostle’s Creed.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why do we do Knowing Faith? Why do we enjoy doing theology together?What do listeners say? Why might it be h
#50 – Live from Proclaim Truth
#50 - Live from Proclaim TruthJen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley, and Elizabeth Woodson talk about the doctrine of God—who God is and how God is—live from the Proclaim Truth Conference.Questions Covered in This Episode:What do I mean when I distinguish between theology and theology proper?Let me just ask our big question right up front: “Can I know who and how God is?”What difficulties/weaknesses/realities complicate my ability to know who God is?When I come to the bible should I lay down my th
#49 – A Conversation with Dr. Ligon Duncan
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Ligon Duncan to talk about everything from catechism to baptism and more.Questions Covered in This Episode:What doctrinal, historical, cultural, or philosophical issues have your attention right now?How helpful can confessionalism be in an age where a church can be divided over cultural issues?Can we talk about catechism for a bit? For Presbyterians in your spheres, is catechesis still important? How does it work itself out in the homes a
#48 – You Ask…We Answer (Kinda, Sorta, Not Really)
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions from listeners. They cover topics like eternal subordination of the Son, the closed nature of the canon and more.Questions Covered in This Episode:Eternal Subordination of the Son and Complementarian Theology: Let’s talk.How do we defend the closed nature of the canon?What is the meaning of 1 Timothy 2:15 -- “women are saved through childbearing?”The doctrine of justification: reformed view v.s. NT Wright’s position?What did Jesus do in th
#47 – King David Can Count: 2 Samuel 24 with Elizabeth Woodson
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley conclude their discussions of 1 and 2 Samuel as they discuss 2 Samuel 24.Questions Covered in This Episode:We are at the end of 2 Samuel...what’s the story so far?So, in 2 Sam. 24, we find out David can count….and God is angry about that...right? Why does this matter?Isn’t this kind of an abrupt ending for 2 Samuel?What are some takeaways from 1-2 Samuel?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:2 Samuel 24, Psalm 20:7, 1 Chronicles 21:1, Genesis 50:20, 1 Kings,
#46 – What is Jesus Doing Right Now?
Have you ever wondered what Jesus is currently doing? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley share scripturally rooted thoughts about this question on Episode 46.Questions Covered in This Episode:In a previous episode, we talked about the ascension...but what was Jesus ascending to?What is Jesus doing right now?The present ministry of Jesus: When is it happening, where is it happening?How should this change the way we view prayer?Why is this work significant?Helpful Definitions:Theopneustos (θε
#45 – David Sings His Story: 2 Samuel 22
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back with more on 2 Samuel and how to read poems and songs in Scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the story so far?Is this a Psalm? Why is David singing? Is he a poet? Why is he expressing himself in this way?What are some weaknesses in how we often approach the Psalms?What are some of the attributes of God and his work that David magnifies?What does this teach us about tying in our story with God’s story?Resources Mentioned in This Epi
#44 – A Generous Complementarianism
On this episode of Knowing Faith, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about something that’s been getting a lot of buzz: complementarianism. What does it mean and how can we practice this well within the church?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is complementarianism?Why do we care about this doctrine?How should theological method play a role in the complementarianism discussion?What arguments are put forward in regards to trinitarianism? Our views on complementarianism have to live
#43 – And Don’t You Forget It: The Ascension of Jesus with Mason King
Mason King joins Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley to discuss Christ’s ascension and its significance.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is the ascension the forgotten act of Christ?What is the ascension? Where is it in scripture?Is this his Coronation ceremony? KingshipDoes the ascension connect with any larger biblical themes or motifs?’Could we be saved apart from the ascension?Why is Jesus seated?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Acts 1:6-11, 1-2 Samuel, Ephesians 4:8, John 17 “Th
#42 – Absalom’s Daddy Issues: 2 Samuel 14-20 with Taryn Mays
Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley, and special guest Taryn Mays dive back into 2 Samuel to discuss what transpires between David and his son, Absalom.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is Absalom and why does he matter?What is the conspiracy that Absalom undertakes?Is God choosing Absalom?Let’s look at David’s response in 2 Samuel 16:5-14.What is special about the way David mourns Absalom's death?Does the Lord actively bring harm upon people?Why care about the family of this ancient king th
#41 – The Lord’s Supper
Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley, and Mason King discuss the history and theology of the Lord’s Supper.Questions Covered in This Episode:The Lord’s Supper is one of two ordinances/sacraments. What is an ordinance or sacrament?Where would we go in the bible to talk about the Lord’s Supper?How does the Lord’s supper connect with broader biblical/theological themes?What is happening in the Lord’s supper?What are the different views on the Lord’s Supper?Helpful Definitions:Ordinances: Baptism & t
#40 – Not What It Looks Like: 2 Samuel 11–12
Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley discuss the story of David and Bathsheba and some of the dominant ways it’s misunderstood today.Questions Covered in This Episode:The story of David and Bathsheba in 2 Sam. 11-13. Let’s retell the story up to this point, what’s been happening?(2 Sam. 11:1-5) David is in Jerusalem, but his armies are out at battle and David goes up to his roof and sees a woman bathing. Most will stop here and say that this woman is flaunting her business, is that what is really
#39 – Humble Calvinism with Jeff Medders
Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley are joined by Jeff Medders to talk about his new book, “Humble Calvinism.”Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you write this book?What is Calvinism and why does it matter?Why should I care about Calvinism?Is humble Calvinism different from just good old fashioned Calvinism? What area of Calvinism seems to get the most pushback?Helpful Definitions:Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the SaintsGue
#38 – Living With a Theologian
Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley are joined by their spouses to talk about what it’s like to live with a theologian.Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s it like living with a theologian?How do theological matters come up at home and how do we work through them when they show up?What’s it like to deal with theological issues as a couple? What have y’all found works for you and what hasn’t?Most common biblical or theological truth that shapes the convos in your home?Is there a book of the b
#37 – An Ark and a Covenant: 2 Samuel 5–8 with Jamin Roller
Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley and guest Jamin Roller discuss the Ark, the Davidic covenant and more found in 2 Samuel 5–8.Questions Covered in This Episode:After defeating the Philistines, David’s first order of business is securing the “Ark of the Covenant.” What is this Ark and why does David want it?Why does God kill Uzzah in 6:5-11?Why so much celebration for the ark?Take a look at 2 Sam. 6:21-22 “I will become even more undignified than this…” 2 Samuel 7 is the covenant with David. Wh
#36 – A Lesson in Pronouns: The Doctrine of Union with Christ
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the doctrine of Union with Christ.Questions Covered in This Episode:Let’s begin: Define the doctrine of “Union with Christ.”Where do we see this in the Old Testament? How about in the New Testament?Why does this doctrine matter? Helpful Definitions:Union with Christ: We enter in by grace through faith into Jesus Christ. Salvation is not just something God gives us it is something we receive.Union with Christ: “The intimate, vital, and spiritual uni
#35 – People Getting Shanked: 2 Samuel 3-5
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about all of the death and drama in 2 Samuel chapters 3 through 5.Questions Covered in This Episode:In the last discussion of 2 Samuel we looked at the fading of Saul’s kingship and the emergence of the Davidic kingship, but 2 Samuel 3:1 captures that even clearer doesn’t it?Who is Abner in 2 Samuel and why does he matter?Let’s talk about 2 Samuel 3:14.Then the murders start happening: Abner is murdered, then Ish-bosheth (Saul’s son)...why does this m
#34 – Taking the Plunge Into Baptism with Nate Elgin
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley dive into the topic of baptism, discussing everything from what the Bible says about it to why it’s so controversial.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are we talking about baptism?What is baptism? What does it do? What does it signify?Who should be baptized? When? How?Why was Christ baptized?If someone is listening to this and they were baptized as an infant, how would you walk them through consideration of believer’s baptism?Helpful Definitions:Believ
#33 – A Tale of Two Kings: 2 Samuel 1–3
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss 2 Samuel 1–3—everything from the death of Saul to the anointing of David and what is happening with Joab and Abner.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is Saul and why does his death matter?Why is David so sad about the death of Saul and Jonathan?Let’s talk about 2 Samuel 1:11-16. What is happening here? Didn’t Saul ask to be killed? Then David kills the guy that killed him?David is anointed in 2 Samuel 2:1-7. Why is this significant for the rest
#32 – Christology and Creeds: The Doctrine of Christology
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley dive deep into the doctrine of Christology, discussing what it is and the biblical texts and historical creeds that have informed our understanding of it.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Christology?Jen, what are the most traveled passages in scripture when dealing with the doctrine of Christ?When we start to consider our doctrine of Christ, what are the sources historically we often lean on? Why do these matter?What recommendation would you make
#31 – There’s No Such Thing as 2 Samuel
This season, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley will be talking a lot about 2 Samuel. This episode is an introduction to the book—why we’re talking about it, what it’s about and why we should care.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are we talking about 2 Samuel?What is 2 Samuel?What are some of the megathemes of 2 Samuel?Who are the major characters?What is the main question in 2 Samuel?What is the role of God in the book of 2 Samuel?Why shouldn’t I skip 2 Samuel in my bible reading plan
#30 – How to Read the Bible
How and why should you read Scripture? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley explore everything from choosing a reading plan to knowing why it’s important to understand the various literary genres that make up the Bible.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the bible?Why do we read the bible?How should we read the bible?What are your bible reading tips?What is the relationship between bible reading and bible study?What about “devotions” and bible reading?Helpful Definitions:Revelation: The
#29 – Can Kids Be Theologians with Julie Wilding
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Julie Wilding to talk about the littlest theologians—kids—and how the Church and families can help form them into healthy disciples from their earliest years.Questions Covered in This Episode:Can kids be theologians?What have we learned about teaching doctrine to children? How does TVC do this?How have you done this in your home?But, aren’t they just repeating what we say? Is it really doing anything?Helpful Definitions:Theologian: One who ha
#28 – Lightning Round: Q&A with Mason King
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley hit on several topics, like the Trinity, gluttony, the age of accountability and more.Questions Covered in This Episode:RE: Matt. 24:32-36...if the Father and Son are one, how does only the Father know the hour “these things shall come to pass?”How should we as Christians approach the topic of gluttony and personal health? How should we prioritize exercise and healthy food choices?As Christians, are we able to live without sinning?Does God speak to us thro
#27 – The Incarnation (And Other Fun Advent Party Topics)
You’ve probably heard the term “incarnation” before, but what does it really mean? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley explore what we’re talking about when we talk about the incarnation, some common misconceptions around this idea and why it matters.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Advent and why does it matter?What does the word “Incarnation” mean? What theological issues are wrapped up in the incarnation?Was the incarnation a surprise? Didn’t the OT prophesy it?Helpful Definition
#26 – Talking David and Chopping Heads with Elizabeth Woodson
You’ve more than likely heard the story of David and Goliath, but what’s really going on in this story? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley dive into 1 Samuel 16–17 to talk about common misrepresentations of this story, the role of anointing, and kingship in the Old Testament and more.Questions Covered in This Episode:Israel has a king, but in 1 Samuel 16, David is anointed King? What’s going on here?What is the role of anointing in the OT and in kingship imagery? Is this a moment significan
#25 – Providence, Sovereignty, Aseity—Oh My!
What is the doctrine of providence and how is that different from God’s sovereignty? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss how God continues to reign and rule over His creation.“We talk about these things in the light so that we can stand on them in the dark.” Kyle WorleyQuestions Covered in This Episode:What is providence? What are the key positions of providence? Where do you fall?Helpful Definitions:Providence: God’s continued care and governance over the whole of his creation. Infi
#24 – Don’t Even Look at It with Kelsey Hency
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Kelsey Hency, Editor in Chief of Fathom Magazine and Bible teacher, to talk about the Ark of the Covenant. They look at what it is, why it exists and its relationship to the presence of God. Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s the big deal with the ark? What is it? Why is it? How is it?Does the ark have magical power? Is this a Harry Potter situation? Why are the Philistines afraid about the presence of the ark?What is the relationship
#23 – Is God Still Speaking?
What is the doctrine of revelation and why is it so important? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley explore how God has revealed Himself to us in the past and what that means for us today.Questions Covered in This Episode:If I came in this morning and began a conversation with you by saying, “JT, last night God told me…” What starts happening in your mind? What questions are raised? Why?What is the doctrine of revelation? What issues are wrapped up in this doctrine?How has God revealed himsel
#22 – Blood, Names and Numbers
Do you ever skip over books like 1 and 2 Samuel in your Bible reading plan? Do they just seem like a bunch of blood, names and numbers? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss how there’s a lot more to these books than you might think, and they play an important role in the whole story of the Bible.Questions Covered in This Episode:When we get to the books of Samuel, what is the story so far?What are things about the books of Samuel that could be hard to understand?Who wrote these books,
#21 – This is Knowing Faith: Season 2
On the first episode of season two, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about their summers, a few updates and what to expect on this season of Knowing Faith.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the Knowing Faith podcast?What did we talk about last season? What was the most memorable episode or moment?What are we covering this season?Why did you feel strongly about doing a bible study on 1st and 2nd Samuel? As we head into the Training Program’s 4th year, what are the biggest surpr
#20 – Questions, Answers, & a Little Bit of Debate
On this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Elizabeth Woodson to answer theological questions from our listeners. Listen to the crew discuss (and debate) topics like how we should read passages about Israel in 2018 or why God seems to be silent about the treatment of women…Questions Covered in This Episode:Are Israel and the Church the same in the New covenant? How should we read passages about Israel in 2018? Do they relate to current events in the state of Israel?Why
#19 – Can You Trust Your Bible with Dr. Michael Kruger
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk with Dr. Michael Kruger about how the Bible, as we know it, came to be and how we know we can trust it.Questions Covered in This Episode:Can we trust our Bibles?How did we get our Bibles, what was the process?Where is the original Bible?What is self-authentication?What is the biggest misconception about the canon? There are brackets in my Bible around Mark 16:9-20. Can you explain that? Should we read and teach this passage as if it is authoritative?I
#18 – In His Image with Jen Wilkin
JT English and Kyle Worley chat with Jen Wilkin about her new book, “In His Image,” and how we, as limited humans, might strive to display the character of our limitless God.Questions Covered in This Episode:Jen, how many books have you written and what are they all about? What’s the elevator pitch for “In His Image?”I want to know God’s will for my life. What should I do?What is the difference between incommunicable and communicable attributes?Is holiness given a preeminent standing in describi
#17 – Theology 101
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the basics of developing a theological method, like looking to your Bible, utilizing your community and praying for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth.Questions Covered in This Episode:When presented with a theological question, assigned a topic, or have an interest peaked...where do you start? Where do you go from there?What are common pitfalls in theological study? How do you avoid them?How to build a biblical and theological library? Outside of scr
#16 – The End of the World as We Know It
Join Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley as they discuss eschatology—the end of the world—through the lens of Matthew 23 – 25.Questions Covered in This Episode:Focusing in on Matt. 23-25, what is going on in these chapters? Are there any unique features of these chapters?Is Matthew 24 about the past, present, or future?Is Matthew 25 about the past, present, or future?What is the relationship between God’s judgment described in these chapters and the love of God?Helpful Definitions:Woe: “Is a
#15 – Playing God with Andy Crouch
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Andy Crouch, author of “The Tech-Wise Family” and “Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling,” to talk about culture, power and institutions and what implications those things have on the Church and believers.Questions Covered in This Episode:The church, like all institutions, has to think seriously about stewarding its authority and influence. What are the key Christian beliefs that anchor or provide ballast for the stewardship of infl
#14 – The Cross-Shaped Kingdom with Jeremy Treat
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Jeremy Treat, author of The Crucified King, to talk about the kingdom and the cross and why both are crucial to how we understand and live out the gospel.“You can’t understand the kingdom with the cross. You can't understand the cross without the Kingdom” - Jeremy TreatQuestions Covered in This Episode:How is the cross an enthronement ceremony?What is people's biggest obstacle in accepting the view that the cross in an enthronement ceremony?I
#13 – So, What’s Triumphal About a Donkey?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about Matthew 21 and Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. What does this mean for His rule and reign in the Kingdom of God and what does it mean for us?Questions Covered in This Episode:When we get to the triumphal entry, where are we at in Matthew? What’s been happening? What are some key themes we see in the book of Matthew?Is there any significance to the donkey, or is it just an animal that he picked for his transportation? What is triumphal ab
#12 – The Story of the Holy Spirit with Tim Mackie
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Tim Mackie, co-creator of The Bible Project, to discuss the Holy Spirit, some common misconceptions and what it means that God lives in us.Questions Covered in This Episode:If you were going to tell the story of the Holy Spirit throughout Scripture, how would you do that?What are some of the most common misunderstandings regarding the person or work of the Spirit in the Old Testament?What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the ministry of Jesu
#11 – More Than a Piece of Fruit
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Nathan Campbell to talk about the basis of sin and its effects on the world. It’s more than eating a piece of fruit that drove Adam and Eve out of Eden.Questions Covered in This Episode:Let’s talk Genesis 3: Why is it a big deal that Adam and Eve ate some fruit off of a tree? What is the best way to understand the curses of sin in Genesis 3?What is the relationship between sin, death, and the law of God?When trying to teach/talk about sin, wh
#10 – Brothers & Sisters: Can We Do Theology Together?
In light of recent discussions, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley have a conversation about the benefits of doing theology together as brothers and sisters in Christ. They give a brief lay of the land on where evangelicalism is at in the conversation of women in the church, what grounds they believe that it is faithful to scripture for women to help teach and train pastors/elders, and how they have seen it played out in their own context.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Genesis 2, Roman
#9 – What You Talking About, Jesus?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the parables. The parables of Jesus are central to Matthew’s Gospel and valuable to biblical study. But what are they and how should we read them?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is a parable? How does Jesus use them?What are some common features of parables?What are some modern day parables?Why does Jesus use secretive ways of speaking? Shouldn’t he want to speak simply so everyone can understand him?Looking at Matthew 13, it looks like one
#8 – Do You Even Theology, Bro?
You asked. We answered. Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk through listener questions ranging from original sin to death to the Nephilim. Questions Covered in This Episode:If sin was possible pre-fall, what’s stopping the same thing from happening in the new heavens/new earth? Will there be free will in the new heavens/new earth?Why did God create Satan? Why would an all knowing God create someone he knew would be the ruler of darkness? How did Satan sin in a sinless heaven?Where was t
#7 – The Best Sermon Ever with Dr. Jonathan Pennington
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Jonathan Pennington as they discuss the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 and answer the question, “is Jesus a philosopher?” Questions Covered in This Episode:The Sermon on the Mount has got to be one of the most familiar passages in the New Testament, why should we take a fresh look at this heavily explored passage?A typical reading of the beatitudes is “blessed,” but could it be more accurate to translate this as “flourishing.” Why is
#6 – In the Beginning
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Genesis 1-2 and how it shapes a Christian doctrine of creation by its original context and distinctives from other ancient origin creation narratives. Questions Covered in This Episode:Where was God before the beginning? When was He?Who was the original audience of the creation account? How does that shape the way we read Genesis 1-11?What do you believe is often neglected in the Christian doctrine of creation?What does it mean that humanity was cr
#5 – Three Wise Men Walk into a Barn
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Matthew’s account of Christ’s birth in Matthew 1:18-24 including several misconceptions of the story, how it relates to the Old testament, and why the incarnation had to happen. Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the single biggest misconception about the birth story of Jesus?What are some other ways that the story of Christ’s birth is misremembered because of popular understandings of the nativity story?Looking at Isaiah 7 (which is quoted
#4 – Are Catholics and Protestants One Big Family with Dr. Gregg Allison
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Gregg Allison of southern Seminary to discuss what Catholics believe, examining the role of the reformation, as well as similarities and differences with Protestants.Questions Covered in This Episode:When we are talking about Catholicism, given how old the tradition is and how vast its reach, who or what are we really talking about? Are Catholics saved? Do Catholics deny justification by faith? What about the relationship between traditio
#3 – Is God Three or One?
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the Trinity, looking at common misunderstandings and what is at stake if we do not properly understand this foundational doctrine of Christian faith. They discuss why seeing God’s Triune nature provokes us to deeper worship, obedience, and mission. “The trinity filled my heart full of heartfelt joy and I knew that all eternity was like this for those who attain heaven for the trinity is God and God the trinity the trinity is our maker and keeper ou
#2 – Jesus’ Family Tree
Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley work through the lineage of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew and discuss why genealogies in the Bible, though intimidating and confusing on the surface, are significant. Questions Covered in This Episode:Why do the gospels include genealogies?What are some of the key differences between the genealogies in the four gospels?What makes Matthew’s genealogy distinct?When bible readers hit names and numbers in the bible, there is a tendency to skip over to “the go
#1 – What Is Knowing Faith?
Welcome to the Knowing Faith podcast where Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the single biggest theological and biblical issues facing the church today. Resources Mentioned in This Episode:The Village Church InstituteThe State of TheologySponsored by HOPE International:Christ calls us to care for those living in poverty. The question is, how? Download your free copy of Created to Flourish: How Employment-Based Solutions Help Eradicate Poverty, written by HOPE International Presiden