Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour

Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour

Cooper Cherry Jr.

Two Desiring Machines

Jacob Blumenfeld - The Concept of Property in Kant, Fichte, and Hegel

Jacob Blumenfeld - The Concept of Property in Kant, Fichte, and Hegel

Jacob Blumenfeld returns to the show to discuss his new book, The Concept of Property in Kant, Fichte, and Hegel: Freedom, Right, and Recognition Jacob is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, and member of the DFG collaborative research centre, “Structural Change of Property”. Last time, we discussed his previous book All Things are Nothing to Me: The Unique Philosophy of Max Stirner. Jacob's Links: -first appearance on the podcast:

Feb 23, • 1:40:12

David Carr - Essays on the Phenomenology of History

David Carr - Essays on the Phenomenology of History

This week Cooper and Taylor host Professor David Carr, who is a professor emeritus of philosophy at Emory University and specializes in history and phenomenology. David is the translator of Edmund Husserl’s Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology and the author of six books, including Interpreting Husserl; Time, Narrative, and History; and most recently, Historical Experience: Essays on the Phenomenology of History, the topic of today’s discussion. David's Links: - https://e

Feb 10, • 1:56:58

William Clare Robert's - Marx's Inferno

William Clare Robert's - Marx's Inferno

We speak with William Clare Roberts about his work on Marx in Marx's Inferno as well as an afterword to the latest translation of Capital. William is assistant professor of political science at McGill University, author of Marx’s Inferno as well as an afterword to a new translation of Marx’s Capital, Volume One, under contract with Princeton University Press.

Jan 21, • 1:39:23

Duane Rousselle - Psychoanalysis, Sociology & the Social Bond

Duane Rousselle - Psychoanalysis, Sociology & the Social Bond

Coop and Taylor delve into the shared terrains of psychoanalysis, sociology, prohibitions, and the social bond. Duane Rousselle, sociological theorist, Lacanian psychoanalyst, Associate Dean of Research and Associate Professor at the Aga Khan University in Karachi, Pakistan. He is also Visiting Associate Professor at the University Colleges of Dublin, Ireland, and Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan. Duane's Links: First Appearance:

Dec 30, 2024 • 1:51:18

Freud's Screen Memories

Freud's Screen Memories

This week Coop and Taylor discuss Freud's Screen Memories. We tie it back to Mystic Writing Pad and Interpretation of Dreams as well as a number of Freud's case histories. Our Freud Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Dec 8, 2024 • 1:37:44

Michael Ardoline - Deleuze, Mathematics, Metaphysics: Difference and Necessity

Michael Ardoline - Deleuze, Mathematics, Metaphysics: Difference and Necessity

This week Cooper and Taylor were joined by Michael Ardoline to discuss his upcoming book, Deleuze, Mathematics, Metaphysics: Difference and Necessity. Michael received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Memphis in 2021. His main research is in metaphysics, continental philosophy, and the philosophy of physics and mathematics. He has published articles on the epistemology of natural laws, Deleuze and Guattari’s metaphysics, and comparative philosophy between the continental and Confuc

Nov 5, 2024 • 1:22:23

Marcel Mauss's A General Theory of Magic

Marcel Mauss's A General Theory of Magic

This week Cooper and Taylor dive into Marcel Mauss's A General Theory of Magic. Support us on Patreon: witter: @unconscioushh

Oct 19, 2024 • 1:38:40

Emmanuel Levinas - Totality and Infinity

Emmanuel Levinas - Totality and Infinity

Coop and Taylor discus Emmanuel Levinas’s Totality and Infinity, the first section, The Same and the Other. Support us on Patreon: witter: @unconscioushh

Oct 7, 2024 • 1:33:05

Max Stirner's The Unique and Its Property

Max Stirner's The Unique and Its Property

Taylor and Coop have a look at section 1, Humanity, of Max Stirner's The Unique and Its Property. Episodes Mentioned: Ego Book Series: Saul Newman:

Sep 24, 2024 • 1:24:32

Matt Bower - Husserl At The Limits

Matt Bower - Husserl At The Limits

The week Coop and Taylor are joined by Matt Bower to discuss a few sections from Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Husserl at the limits of Phenomenology as well as Husserl's The Origin of Geometry. Matt is currently Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at Texas State University. Matt completed his doctoral work at University of Memphis (2013) and earned by bachelors' degree, also in philosophy, from Beloit College (2007). His area of specialization is post-Kantian European philosophy, especia

Sep 10, 2024 • 1:29:13

Hegel's Philosophy of Right

Hegel's Philosophy of Right

Cooper and Taylor discuss Hegel's Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Support us on Patreon: witter: @unconscioushh

Aug 27, 2024 • 1:35:10

James Wakefield - Giovanni Gentile & Actual Idealism

James Wakefield - Giovanni Gentile & Actual Idealism

James Wakefield returned to discuss the his work on Giovanni Gentile, including translations. He teaches modules on Political Thought, Government and Political Science in the Department of Politics and International Relations. His research focuses on European and American political theory, ethics, philosophy of education, and intellectual history. Jame's first appearance:

Aug 20, 2024 • 1:43:32

The Eroticism of Contract and Gift

The Eroticism of Contract and Gift

The week Cooper and Taylor discuss chapter 1 of Jeanne Lorraine Schroeder's The Triumph of Venus The Erotics of the Market, Pandora’s Amphora: The Eroticism of Contract and Gift. Marcel Mauss's The Gift Episode: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Aug 4, 2024 • 1:19:13

Rene Girard's Violence And The Sacred

Rene Girard's Violence And The Sacred

This week Cooper and Taylor discuss the first 4 chapters of Rene Girard’s Violence and the Sacred: Sacrifice, The Sacrificial Crisis, Oedipus and the Surrogate Victim, and The Origins of Myth and Ritual. Marcel Mauss's The Gift Episode: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Jul 23, 2024 • 1:10:13

Freud's Moses And Monotheism

Freud's Moses And Monotheism

This week Cooper and Taylor discuss Freud's Moses and Monotheism. This builds on what Freud laid out in Totem and Taboo as well our as discussion on that text. Working through different modes of the Oedipus complex as put forth in the concept of the primal father. This relationship between law, economy and the social bond is the focus. Our episodes on Freud's Totem and Taboo:

Jul 15, 2024 • 1:29:54

Kara Kennedy - Dune: A Critical Companion

Kara Kennedy - Dune: A Critical Companion

This week Cooper and Taylor spoke with Dr. Kara Kennedy about her book, Frank Herbert's Dune: A Critical Companion. Dr. Kennedy's publications include the books Adaptations of Dune: Frank Herbert’s Story on Screen, Frank Herbert’s Dune: A Critical Companion and Women’s Agency in the Dune Universe: Tracing Women’s Liberation through Science Fiction and various articles on Dune topics. Dr. Kennedy also gives talks and lectures on Dune and created the online course Dune 101 based on her research.

Jul 7, 2024 • 1:21:32

Gilbert Simondon - On The Mode Of Existence Of Technical Objects

Gilbert Simondon - On The Mode Of Existence Of Technical Objects

This week Cooper and Taylor tackle the introduction and chapter 1 of Gilbert Simondon’s On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects. Chapter 1 Genesis of the technical object: the process of concretization. PDF: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jul 2, 2024 • 1:19:06

Amy Ireland & Maya B. Kronic - Cute Accelarationism

Amy Ireland & Maya B. Kronic - Cute Accelarationism

This week Amy Ireland and Maya B. Kronic joined Cooper and Taylor to discuss their collaborative project, Cute Accelerationism. Amy Ireland is a theorist and experimental writer based in Melbourne, Australia. Her research focuses on questions of agency and technology in modernity, and she is a member of the techno-materialist trans-feminist collective, Laboria Cuboniks. Maya B. Kronic (they/them) is a philosopher and Head of Research and Development at the publisher Urbanomic, which aims to enge

Jun 24, 2024 • 1:48:23

Adrian Johnston - Infinite Greed

Adrian Johnston - Infinite Greed

This week Coop and Taylor had the pleasure of hosting Adrian Johnston. Adrian is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque. He is the author of many books, including Time Driven: Metapsychology and the Splitting of the Drive; Irrepressible Truth: On Lacan’s “The Freudian Thing”; and A New German Idealism: Hegel, Žižek, and Dialectical Materialism. This year he has co-published, with Lorenzo Chiesa, God Is Undead: Psychoanalysis for Un

Jun 10, 2024 • 1:30:26

Bradley Mclean - Deleuze, Guattari and the Machine in Early Christianity

Bradley Mclean - Deleuze, Guattari and the Machine in Early Christianity

This week Cooper and Taylor spoke to Bradley McClean about his book, Deleuze, Guattari and the Machine in Early Christianity Schizoanalysis, Affect and Multiplicity. Dr. Bradley H. McLean is the Professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Knox College. He is the author of seven books including Biblical Interpretation and Philosophical Hermeneutics (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and Deleuze, Guattari and the Machine in Early Christianity: Schizoanalysis, Affect, and Multiplicity (Bl

Jun 3, 2024 • 1:34:55

Jason Read - The Double Shift: Spinoza and Marx on the Politics of Work

Jason Read - The Double Shift: Spinoza and Marx on the Politics of Work

This week Coop and Taylor speak with Jason Read on his recent book, The Double Shift: Spinoza and Marx on the Politics of Work. Jason is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Southern Maine and whose works include The Micropolitics of Capital: Marx and the Prehistory of the Present; The Politics of Transindividuality; The Production of Subjectivity: Marx and Philosophy; and today’s focus, hot off the Verso presses. Jason's Links: Book:

May 28, 2024 • 1:29:05

Ian Buchanan - Assemblage Theory

Ian Buchanan - Assemblage Theory

Cooper and Taylor speak with Ian Buchanan, who is a Professor of Critical Theory and Cultural Studies at the University of Wollongong Australia. Ian is the author and editor of many books, some of which include Deleuzism: A Metacommentary; Fredric Jameson: Live Theory; and, most recently, The Incomplete project of Schizoanalysis: Collected Essays on Deleuze and Guattari and the topic for today’s discussion Assemblage Theory and Method: An Introduction and Guide. Links: Wikipedia:

May 13, 2024 • 1:29:15

Gilbert Simondon - Form and Matter

Gilbert Simondon - Form and Matter

Cooper and Taylor discuss the Introduction and first chapter of Gilbert Simondon's Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information, Form and Matter. This volume was translated by our very own Taylor Adkins. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

May 7, 2024 • 1:39:19

Elizabeth Grosz - The Incorporeal

Elizabeth Grosz - The Incorporeal

In this week's episode Cooper and Taylor speak with Elizabeth Grosz, who has published and edited over a dozen books and whose most recent work, The Incorporeal: Ontology, Ethics, and the Limits of Materialism, will be the topic of today’s discussion. Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Apr 30, 2024 • 1:49:49

Jon Repetti - Lacan's Seminar 11

Jon Repetti - Lacan's Seminar 11

This week, Jon Repetti joined Coop and Taylor for a discussion on Lacan's Seminar 11. Jon is finishing a phd in American literature at Princeton, focusing on naturalism, radical empiricism, and psychoanalysis. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Apr 23, 2024 • 1:43:16

Jon Greenaway - An Introduction to the Work of Ernst Bloch

Jon Greenaway - An Introduction to the Work of Ernst Bloch

Coop and Taylor speak with Jon Greenaway, aka The LitCritGuy. Writer, podcaster, and content creator from the North of England. Host of the Horror Vanguard Podcast. He writes about horror, contemporary capitalism, and cultural theory. Today we’ll be discussing his book, A Primer on Utopian Philosophy; An Introduction to the Work of Ernst Bloch. Jon's Links:

Apr 15, 2024 • 1:03:41

Rocco Gangle - Autopoiesis and Eigenform

Rocco Gangle - Autopoiesis and Eigenform

Rocco Gangle joined Coop and Taylor to discuss a piece titled Autopoiesis and Eigenform by Louis H. Kauffman. Article Link: Rocco's first appearance: Jonathon "Rocco" Gangle is a philosopher whose current research focuses on metaphysics, semiotics, diagra

Apr 8, 2024 • 1:26:21

Freud's Totem and Taboo

Freud's Totem and Taboo

This week Coop and Taylor discuss Freud's Totem and Taboo. Ambivalence, Anti-Oedipus, repetition, sacrifice, cannibalism and more. Freud Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Mar 30, 2024 • 1:23:43

Charles Stivale & Dan Smith - Deleuze on Painting and the Question of Concepts

Charles Stivale & Dan Smith - Deleuze on Painting and the Question of Concepts

This week, Charles Stivale and Dan Smith returned to the podcast to discuss a series of lectures Deleuze delivered titled "Painting and the Question of Concepts". They also shared a bit about their experience with the Deleuze Seminars project hosted by Purdue University. Charles' research interests include 19th-century French novels, contemporary critical theory and cultural studies, and writings of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, as well as serving as co-director, with Prof. Daniel W. Smith,

Mar 26, 2024 • 1:54:15

Brian Massumi - The Personality of Power

Brian Massumi - The Personality of Power

Brian Massumi joined Cooper and Taylor for a discussion on his forthcoming book: The Personality of Power: A Theory of Fascism for Anti-Fascist Life. Massumi was instrumental in introducing the work of French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to the English-speaking world through his translation of their key collaborative work A Thousand Plateaus (1987) and his book A User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Deviations from Deleuze and Guattari (1992).[2] His 1995 essay "The Au

Mar 19, 2024 • 1:53:15

Jeffrey Bell - An Inquiry into Analytic-Continental Metaphysics

Jeffrey Bell - An Inquiry into Analytic-Continental Metaphysics

Jeffrey Bell joined us to speak about his recently published book, An Inquiry into Analytic-Continental Metaphysics. Jeffrey A. Bell is Professor of Philosophy at Southeastern Louisiana University. He has recently been a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor in Philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London, during which time much of this book was written. He is the author of numerous books and articles on Deleuze and Deleuze and Guattari, including Deleuze and Guattari's What is Philosophy?:

Mar 11, 2024 • 1:53:36

Cristóbal Escobar - The Intensive-Image in Deleuze’s Film-Philosophy

Cristóbal Escobar - The Intensive-Image in Deleuze’s Film-Philosophy

Cristóbal Escobar joined Coop and Taylor to discuss his new book, The Intensive-Image in Deleuze’s Film-Philosophy. Cristóbal is a Lecturer in Screen Studies at the University of Melbourne and Film Programmer at the Santiago International Documentary Film Festival (FIDOCS). His publications include The Intensive-Image in Deleuze’s Film-Philosophy (2023), an edited collection on Cine Cartográfico (2017), and a co-edited dossier with Barbara Creed on ‘Film and the Nonhuman’ (2024). Book Link: http

Mar 5, 2024 • 1:55:33

Michael Hardt - The Subversive Seventies

Michael Hardt - The Subversive Seventies

Michael Hardt returned to discuss his most recent book, The Subversive Seventies. Hardt argues that the 1970s offers an inspiring and useful guide for contemporary radical political thought and action. Although we can still learn much from the movements of the sixties, that decade's struggles for peace, justice, and freedom fundamentally marked the end of an era. The movements of the seventies, in contrast, responded directly to emerging neoliberal frameworks and other structures of power that c

Feb 26, 2024 • 1:24:33

Henry Somers-Hall - Treatise on Nomadology: The War Machine

Henry Somers-Hall - Treatise on Nomadology: The War Machine

Henry Somers-Hall joined us to discuss a chapter from a book he's currently writing on A Thousand Plateaus. This discussion focuses on a chapter from the book, Treatise on Nomadology: The War Machine. Henry's Links: Henry's First appearance:

Feb 19, 2024 • 1:47:36

Thomas Nail - Matter and Motion A Brief History of Kinetic Materialism

Thomas Nail - Matter and Motion A Brief History of Kinetic Materialism

Thomas Nail returned to discuss his new book, Matter and Motion A Brief History of Kinetic Materialism. From the Minoans to Virginia Woolf and a hint of chaos. Thomas's Links: The book we discuss: Thomas's previous appearance: Thomas's Blog: https://philo

Feb 11, 2024 • 1:45:02

Graham Harman - Tool Being

Graham Harman - Tool Being

This week Graham Harman returned to discuss his first book, Tool Being, and share some great stories from his career. Graham's first appearance: Support us on Patreon: https://www

Feb 5, 2024 • 1:53:00

Derrida and Freud on The Scene of Writing

Derrida and Freud on The Scene of Writing

This week we read and discuss two pieces: Freud’s Mystic Writing Pad and Derrida’s Freud and the Scene of Writing. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jan 28, 2024 • 1:28:01

Gil Morejon - The Unconscious of Thought in Leibniz, Spinoza, and Hume

Gil Morejon - The Unconscious of Thought in Leibniz, Spinoza, and Hume

This week Gil Morejon joined us to discuss his book, The Unconscious of Thought in Leibniz, Spinoza, and Hume. Book Links: Kant's Prolegomena Episode: Anti-Oedipus episode:

Jan 21, 2024 • 1:30:02

Grant Maxwell - The Mythic Dialectic In Spinoza, Nietzsche and Deleuze

Grant Maxwell - The Mythic Dialectic In Spinoza, Nietzsche and Deleuze

This week Grant Maxwell returned to discuss the mythic dialectic in the work of Spinoza, Nietzsche, and Deleuze. The discussion focuses on these 3 central figures in Grant's book, Integration and Difference: Constructing a Mythical Dialectic. Previously, we spoke with Grant on the whole book and so it was nice to narrow the focus a bit and center the discussion on the mythic dialectic. Grant's Links:

Jan 15, 2024 • 1:33:59

Heidegger's The Question Concerning Technology

Heidegger's The Question Concerning Technology

This week Coop and Taylor investigate Martin Heidegger's The Question Concerning Technology. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jan 6, 2024 • 1:14:39

Jon Repetti - Deleuze's Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation

Jon Repetti - Deleuze's Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation

This week, Jon Repetti joined Coop and Taylor for a discussion on Deleuze's monograph, Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation. Jon is finishing a phd in American literature at Princeton, focusing on naturalism, radical empiricism, and psychoanalysis. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Dec 25, 2023 • 1:34:17

Freud on Transference Love

Freud on Transference Love

This week Cooper and Taylor focused on 3 essays on Transference-Love: Freud’s The Dynamics of Transference, Observations on Transference Love, and Intervention on Transference by Lacan. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Dec 17, 2023 • 1:17:10

Badiou's Ethics

Badiou's Ethics

This week Cooper and Taylor read and discussed Alain Badiou's ethics. Fidelity to the event, the genesis of evil, and much more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Dec 11, 2023 • 1:46:55

Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition

Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition

This week Coop and Taylor discussed Jean Francois Lyotard's famous book, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. We discuss meta-narratives, language games, science and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Nov 19, 2023 • 1:36:53

Raymond Ruyer's Neofinalism

Raymond Ruyer's Neofinalism

This week Cooper and Taylor discuss Raymond Ruyer's Neofinalism. Neofinalism offers a systematic and lucidly argued treatise that deploys the innovative concepts of self-survey, form, and absolute surface to shape a theory of the virtual and the transspatial. It also makes a compelling plea for a renewed appreciation of the creative activity that organizes spatiotemporal structures and makes possible the emergence of real beings in a dynamic universe. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.c

Nov 12, 2023 • 1:22:59

Michel Serres - The Birth of Physics

Michel Serres - The Birth of Physics

This week Cooper and Taylor discussed Michel Serres' The Birth of Physics. A discussion centering on flows, vortices, the clinamen and optimal pathways. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Oct 23, 2023 • 1:12:11

Acid Horizon - Anti-Oculus

Acid Horizon - Anti-Oculus

The Acid Horizon crew joined us to discuss their new book, Anti-Oculus: A Philosophy of Escape. Adam, Craig, and Will describe the writing process, some of the key concepts, and we wrap up on the relationship between cinema and ocularity. Acid Horizon Links: Book Link: Podcast links:

Oct 15, 2023 • 1:26:40

Joshua Dávila - Blockchain Radicals

Joshua Dávila - Blockchain Radicals

This week Josh spoke with Cooper about his new book, Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It. We spend some time chatting about markets, tokens, smart contracts, daos, coordination, voting, Hayek and more. Josh's Links: Site: What is a DAO: Blockchain 101 Resources: Breadchain: https://

Oct 9, 2023 • 1:38:09

Max Evry - A Masterpiece in Disarray: David Lynch’s Dune

Max Evry - A Masterpiece in Disarray: David Lynch’s Dune

This week Coop and Taylor spoke with film journalist, Max Evry about his new book, A Masterpiece in Disarray: David Lynch’s Dune. An Oral History. We discuss the soundtrack, the performances, the missed opportunities and the triumphs of this flawed masterpiece. The Transcendental Ending: Max's Links: https

Oct 2, 2023 • 1:36:22

Julia Kristeva: Revolution in Poetic Language

Julia Kristeva: Revolution in Poetic Language

This week Taylor and Coop investigate Julia Kristeva's Revolution in Poetic Language. Topics include semiotics/semiosis, the mother as phallus and much more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Sep 23, 2023 • 1:36:33

Griffin Melson - Alan Turing's Computing Machinery and Intelligence

Griffin Melson - Alan Turing's Computing Machinery and Intelligence

This week, Griffin joined Cooper and Taylor for a look at Alan Turing's Computing Machinery and Intelligence. We dig into what it means to think, and what a machine and a human might share or how they differ when it comes to thinking. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Sep 10, 2023 • 1:40:08

Deleuze: Nomad Thought

Deleuze: Nomad Thought

This week Cooper and Taylor read two of Deleuze’s essays on Nietzsche, Nomad Thought and Nietzsche and St. Paul, Lawrence and John of Patmos. We largely focused on nomad thought and spent time discussing decoded flows and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Sep 2, 2023 • 1:34:46

Deleuze: Nietzsche and Philosophy Pt 2

Deleuze: Nietzsche and Philosophy Pt 2

Part 2 of a two part series on Deleuze’s monograph on Nietzsche, Nietzsche and Philosophy. This episode will cover chapter 4 through the end of the book. Part One: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Aug 27, 2023 • 1:12:58

Deleuze: Nietzsche and Philosophy Pt 1

Deleuze: Nietzsche and Philosophy Pt 1

We begin part 1 of a two part series on Deleuze’s monograph on Nietzsche, Nietzsche and Philosophy. This episode will cover the first 3 chapters, and then next week we’ll finish the second half of the book. Part Two: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Aug 20, 2023 • 1:49:46

Claire Colebrook - Who Would You Kill to Save the World

Claire Colebrook - Who Would You Kill to Save the World

This week Claire Colebrook joined Taylor and Coop for a discussion of her new book, Who Would You Kill to Save the World. Claire is the Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of English, Philosophy, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Penn State University. Claire is the author of over a dozen books spanning a broad range of disciplines and topics. We speak about micropolitics, cinematic ontology, and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Aug 6, 2023 • 1:56:29

Paul Virilio's War and Cinema

Paul Virilio's War and Cinema

This week Taylor and Cooper have a look at Paul Virilio's War and Cinema: The Logistics of Perception. We spend some time discussing the pseudo-concept of cinematic ontology, the co-development of both film and war machinery, and much more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jul 29, 2023 • 1:02:47

Katherine Everitt - De La Boetie's The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

Katherine Everitt - De La Boetie's The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

This week we're joined by Katherine Everitt, a PhD candidate at the European Graduate School. She is completing her dissertation on Hegel and the dialectics of space and is joining us for a look at The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude by Etienne de la Boétie and Montaigne’s essay “On Friendship”. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jul 23, 2023 • 1:30:41

Ben Woodard - Bergson's Creative Evolution

Ben Woodard - Bergson's Creative Evolution

This week Ben Woodard joined us for a discussion on Henri Bergson's Creative Evolution. Topics include, vitalism, evolution, science fiction and more. Ben Woodard is currently a research fellow at the ICI in Berlin, Germany. From 2017–20 he was a postdoctoral researcher at the IPK (Institute of Philosophy and Sciences of Art) at Leuphana University where he completed a habilitation on the analytic/continental divide in philosophy through the work of F.H. Bradley. Since 2020 Ben has lectured at

Jul 4, 2023 • 1:30:10

Deleuze: Bergsonism

Deleuze: Bergsonism

This week Coop and Taylor tackled Gilles Deleuze's monograph on the French philosopher, Henri Bergson. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jun 18, 2023 • 1:27:51

Espen Hammer - Philosophy and Temporality from Kant to Critical Theory

Espen Hammer - Philosophy and Temporality from Kant to Critical Theory

This week Coop and Taylor are joined by Espen Hammer, His main interests are in Kant and German Idealism, social and political philosophy, modern European philosophy, phenomenology, Critical Theory, and aesthetics. Some of his works include Adorno's Modernism: Art, Experience, and Catastrophe, Adorno and the Political (Thinking the Political), and of course the topic of today’s discussion: Philosophy and Temporality from Kant to Critical Theory. Topics of discussion include, acceleration, modern

Jun 12, 2023 • 1:30:38

Deleuze: Kant's Critical Philosophy

Deleuze: Kant's Critical Philosophy

This week Coop and Taylor take a crack at Deleuze's Kant's Critical Philosophy. We cover the famous phrase, "time is out of joint", the categorical imperative, the law, and much more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jun 4, 2023 • 1:24:23

Deleuze's Empiricism & Subjectivity

Deleuze's Empiricism & Subjectivity

The week, Taylor and I tackled Empiricism & Subjectivity: An Essay on Hume's Theory of Human Nature. A fun look at empiricism, justice, and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

May 28, 2023 • 1:36:27

Gil Morejon - Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics

Gil Morejon - Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics

This week we're joined by Gil Morejon, co host of the What’s Left of Philosophy podcast, translator of french philosophy, and recently translated Spinoza's Paradoxical Conservatism by Francois Zourabichvili and is also author of The Unconscious of Thought in Leibniz, Spinoza and Hume from Edinburgh press. The topic for this week's discussion is Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. Gil's Links: Book Links: Being and Event podcast episode:

May 21, 2023 • 1:35:49

Daniel W. Smith - Deleuze's The Fold

Daniel W. Smith - Deleuze's The Fold

Dan Smith joined Coop and Taylor to discuss Deleuze's The Fold: Leibniz and The Baroque. We discussed differential calculus, the body without organs, time, the unconscious and much more in this discussion. Daniel W. Smith is an American philosopher, academic, researcher, and translator. Smith is known for his interpretation of the work of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and is the author of Essays on Deleuze. He is also the co-director of The Deleuze Seminars project. Support us on Patreo

May 14, 2023 • 2:00:07

Vernon Cisney - Deleuze & Guattari's Pedagogy of the Concept

Vernon Cisney - Deleuze & Guattari's Pedagogy of the Concept

This week friend of the show, Vernon Cisney, joined us to discuss his approach to teaching Deleuze and Guattari against the backdrop of part 1 of their book, What is Philosophy? Vernon is associate professor of interdisciplinary studies and Jewish studies at Gettysburg College. He teaches at the intersections of philosophy, religion, literature, cinema, the sciences, and political philosophy, in addition to being one of the primary advisors for students creating individual, interdisciplinary maj

May 7, 2023 • 1:41:08

Spinoza: Practical Philosophy

Spinoza: Practical Philosophy

This week Coop and Taylor tackle Gilles Deleuze's Spinoza: Practical Philosophy. Thoughts on ethics, morality, the untapped potential of the body and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Apr 30, 2023 • 1:02:24

Leon Brenner - The Dermic Drive

Leon Brenner - The Dermic Drive

Dr. Leon S. Brenner is a philosopher and psychoanalytic theorist from Berlin. His work focuses on the integration of philosophical and linguistic frameworks in psychoanalytic theory of subjectivity and the understanding of the relationship between culture and psychopathology. He is a training analyst, studying member of the APPI and a founder of Lacanian Affinities Berlin (laLAB) and Unconscious Berlin. His latest book on the subject of the psychoanalysis of autism is called The Autistic Subject

Apr 24, 2023 • 1:44:28

Non Intro to Non Standard Philosophy

Non Intro to Non Standard Philosophy

This week Taylor and I looked at the introductions to Francois Laruelle's Non-Standard Philosophy. We made an attempt to try and unpack some of the basic terminology and formulations of Laruelle's project. Taylor is currently in the process of completing this translation, so stay tuned for future announcements on it's release. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Apr 15, 2023 • 55:02

Chantelle Gray - Anarchism After Deleuze and Guattari

Chantelle Gray - Anarchism After Deleuze and Guattari

Our guest this week, Chantelle Gray, a Professor in the School of Philosophy at North-West University and co-editor of Deleuze and Anarchism and the author of Anarchism after Deleuze and Guattari: Fabulating Futures. We discuss dogmatic images of thought, derivative logic, statist realism and fabulating futures. Support us on Patreon:

Apr 10, 2023 • 1:51:26

Gabriel Tupinamba - The Desire of Psychoanalysis

Gabriel Tupinamba - The Desire of Psychoanalysis

This we were joined by Gabriel Tupinambá. Gabriel is a practicing psychoanalyst and the co-author of Hegel, Lacan, Žižek and most recently the author of The Desire of Psychoanalysis: Exercises in Lacanian Thinking. Gabriel's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Apr 3, 2023 • 2:03:03

Stephen Houlgate - Hegel On Being

Stephen Houlgate - Hegel On Being

Stephen Houlgate,professor of philosophy at the University of Warwick and the president of the Hegel Society of Great Britain. His books include Hegel, Nietzsche and the Criticism of Metaphysics; An Introduction to Hegel: Freedom, Truth and History; The Opening of Hegel’s Logic: From Being to Infinity; Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: A Reader’s Guide; and most recently, Hegel on Being in 2 volumes. Stephen was so incredibly generous and engaging as we talked through some of the misconceptions r

Mar 27, 2023 • 1:35:48

Brent Adkins - Death and Desire in Heidegger, Hegel and Deleuze

Brent Adkins - Death and Desire in Heidegger, Hegel and Deleuze

This week we're joined by Brent Adkins. Brent is a professor in the department of Philosophy and Religion at Roanoke College. His works include Death and Desire in Heidegger, Hegel and Deleuze; True Freedom: Spinoza’s Practical Philosophy; Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus: A Critical Introduction and Guide; and A Guide to Ethics and Moral Philosophy. For this discussion, we focused on Death and Desire in Heidegger, Hegel and Deleuze. Death Drive, the model of death, and much more round

Mar 19, 2023 • 1:45:17

Lindsay Lerman - What Are You

Lindsay Lerman - What Are You

Lindsay Lerman, scholar and author, joined us to discuss her most recent novel, What Are You?, as well as her other work, which includes the translation of Francois Laruelle's first book. Lindsay's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Mar 12, 2023 • 1:21:13

Eugene Holland - Deleuze & Guattari: Multiplicities, Axiomatics, Politics

Eugene Holland - Deleuze & Guattari: Multiplicities, Axiomatics, Politics

Eugene Holland, joined us to discuss his work on Deleuze and Guattari notion of axiomatics. We discuss the potential for a new axiomatic, and analyze how capitalist axiomatics operate. Eugene is professor Emeritus of the Department of Comparative Studies at The Ohio State University, and whose books include Baudelaire and Schizoanalysis: The Sociopoetics of Modernism; Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus: Introduction to Schizoanalysis; Nomad Citizenship: Free-Market Communism and the Slow-Motion

Mar 5, 2023 • 1:39:04

Stephen Zepke - Guattari & Laruelle: Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigms

Stephen Zepke - Guattari & Laruelle: Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigms

Stephen Zepke joined Coop and Taylor for a discussion focusing on the differing approaches to aesthetics within the work of Felix Guattari and Francois Laruelle. Stephen's links: Stephen's First Appearance on MUHH: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @un

Feb 25, 2023 • 1:28:29

Renata Salecl - A Passion for Ignorance

Renata Salecl - A Passion for Ignorance

Today Taylor and I are proud to bring you this week’s guest, Renata Salecl. She is a senior researcher at the Institute of Criminology in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana and holds a professorship at Birckbeck College, University of London. Her books include The Spoils of Freedom: Psychoanalysis and Feminism after the Fall of Socialism; On Anxiety; Choice; and her latest book A Passion for Ignorance: What We Choose Not To Know and Why. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.

Feb 18, 2023 • 1:24:11

Jean Laplanche's Life & Death in Psychoanalysis

Jean Laplanche's Life & Death in Psychoanalysis

This week Coop and Taylor interrogated Jean Laplanche's Life & Death in psychoanalysis. Wikipedia: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Feb 12, 2023 • 1:17:33

Plato's Symposium

Plato's Symposium

Coop and Taylor investigate Plato's Symposium, with an eye towards drawing out it's psychoanalytic content. Topics of discussion include seduction, feminine jouissance, and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Feb 6, 2023 • 1:57:38

James Wakefield - The Political Theology of Dune

James Wakefield - The Political Theology of Dune

James Wakefield joined Coop and Taylor to discuss his chapter in the recently released Dune and Philosophy: Minds, Monads, and Muad'Dib, titled The God Emperor and the Tyrant The Political Theology of Frank Herbert’s Dune Saga. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jan 28, 2023 • 1:37:39

Jared Miller-Price - Lacan Seminar 20

Jared Miller-Price - Lacan Seminar 20

Jared Miller-Price joined Coop and Taylor for an in-depth look at Jacques Lacan's Seminar 20. Jared completed a thesis on Jacques Lacan and Julian of Norwich. Topics include feminine jouissance, the phallic function, the non-relation, Lacan's sexuation diagram, the five discourses and much more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jan 21, 2023 • 1:25:53

Samo Tomsic - The Labour of Enjoyment: Towards a Critique of Libidinal Economy

Samo Tomsic - The Labour of Enjoyment: Towards a Critique of Libidinal Economy

Samo holds a PhD in Philosophy and is currently an interim professor of philosophy at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg, as well as researcher at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory Matters of Activity at the Humboldt University Berlin. His research areas comprise contemporary European philosophy, structuralism and poststructuralism, psychoanalysis (Freud and Lacan), epistemology, and political philosophy. Recent publications include The Capitalist Unconscious (2015) and The Labour of Enjoyment (

Jan 15, 2023 • 1:37:43

Freud's Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality

Freud's Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality

This week Coop and Taylor discuss Freud's Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905). Sublimation, polymorphous perversity, the Bwo and more make their way into this one. Our Freud Playlist with over 20 hours of content: Support us on Patreon: https://ww

Jan 8, 2023 • 1:38:10

Anti Oedipus Seminar 10

Anti Oedipus Seminar 10

Coop and Taylor reach the exciting conclusion to our series on Anti-Oedipus. This episode will cover Chapter 4, The First Positive Task of Schizoanalysis and The Second Positive Task of Schizoanalysis. Non-human sexes, pre-capitalist political economy, class struggle, and much more are a focus. Anti Oedipus Playlist: Support us on

Dec 31, 2022 • 1:32:35

Michael Hardt - Empire, 20 Years On

Michael Hardt - Empire, 20 Years On

Michael Hardt joined Coop and Taylor for a look at his work with a focus on an article from he and Toni Negri titled, Empire, 20 Years On. We look back at some of the arguments made in the text and discuss a bit about Michael's experience collaborating with Negri. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Dec 25, 2022 • 1:13:36

Eric Schmid & Rocco Gangle - On Mathematical Structuralism

Eric Schmid & Rocco Gangle - On Mathematical Structuralism

This week our guests are Eric Schmid and Rocco Gangle. We’ll be discussing Eric’s new book, Prolegomenon to a Treatise: On Mathematical Structuralism, Constructive Computationalism, De-ontologized Metaphysics of Hermeneutics, and The Synthetic a Priori. Eric's Links: Rocco's Links: Rocco Gangle: Books - Amazon.com › Books-Rocco-Gangle › rh=...

Dec 18, 2022 • 1:21:47

Craig & Adam - The Ecstasy of Communication

Craig & Adam - The Ecstasy of Communication

A discussion on Jean Baudrillard's The Ecstasy of Communication with Adam and Craig from Acid Horizon. The discussion was originally offered to Patrons of the Zero Books YouTube Channel. Video Link: https://acidhorizonp

Dec 10, 2022 • 52:16

Gail Newman & Mari Ruti - Against Neoliberal Self-Optimization: Marion Milner and D.W. Winnicott

Gail Newman & Mari Ruti - Against Neoliberal Self-Optimization: Marion Milner and D.W. Winnicott

Gail Newman and Mari Ruti joined Coop and Taylor to discuss their upcoming co-authored text, Against Neoliberal Self-Optimization: Marion Milner and D.W. Winnicott. Gail is the Chair for the Center of Global Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and is the Harold J. Henry Professor of German at Williams College; her research interests include psychoanalytic theory, German literature and culture and she has published on Goethe, Kleist, Hoffman, and Novalis (among others), including a book titled L

Nov 27, 2022 • 2:16:47

Isabel Millar - Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Bombshell

Isabel Millar - Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Bombshell

Friend of the show, Isabel Millar, joined Coop and Taylor to discuss her article, Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Bombshell. We discuss Deleuze and Guattari's semiotic theory of the face, faciality as evoked by the 2022 film Blonde from Andrew Dominik. The discussion draws heavily from Year Zero: Faciality from A Thousand Plateaus and Tiqqun's Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl. Isabel's links: Isabel's f

Nov 20, 2022 • 1:38:57

Matthew Flisfeder - Algorithmic Desire

Matthew Flisfeder - Algorithmic Desire

This week, Matthew Flisfeder joins Coop and Taylor to discuss his latest book, Algorithmic Desire:Toward a New Structuralist Theory of Social Media. Matthew is Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Communications at The University of Winnipeg, where he teaches courses on Communication Theory, Popular Culture, Critical Theories of Discourse and Ideology, and Critical Studies of Social Media. Matthew's Links:

Nov 12, 2022 • 1:42:34

Anti Oedipus Seminar 9

Anti Oedipus Seminar 9

Coop and Taylor return to cover Anti Oedipus Chapter 4, Introduction to Schizoanalysis. This episode will cover sections 1. The Social Field, 2. The Molecular Unconscious, and 3. Psychoanalysis and Capitalism. Anti Oedipus Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Nov 7, 2022 • 1:30:43

Christopher Satoor - Schelling and The Ages of the World

Christopher Satoor - Schelling and The Ages of the World

Christopher Satoor joined Coop and Taylor for a discussion of FWJ Schelling's The Ages of the World. Christopher's Links:

Oct 31, 2022 • 1:52:18

Dorothea Olkowski - Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty

Dorothea Olkowski - Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty

This week Dorothea Olkowski joined Coop and Taylor to discuss her work on Deleuze, Bergson, and Phenomenology among other topics. We focused on her latest book, Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty: The Logic and Pragmatics of Creation, Affective Life, and Perception as well as The Universal (In the Realm of the Sensible): Beyond Continental Philosophy. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 22, 2022 • 1:46:18

Melody - Engels and the Dialectics of Nature

Melody - Engels and the Dialectics of Nature

Melody, creator of the A World to Win YouTube channel joined Coop and Taylor for a discussion centering on Friedrich Engels' Anti-Duhring. Labor theory of value, labor power, dialectics, dialectics of nature, surplus value and more round out the conversation. Melody's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 15, 2022 • 1:26:40

Mourning and Melancholia

Mourning and Melancholia

This week Taylor and Coop discuss Freud's Mourning and Melancholia. The discussion includes threads on libidinal economy, depression, narcissism and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 8, 2022 • 1:12:46

Sean Bowden - The Priority of Events: Deleuze's Logic of Sense

Sean Bowden - The Priority of Events: Deleuze's Logic of Sense

Sean Bowden, author of The Priority of Events: Deleuze's Logic of Sense, joined Coop and Taylor for a look at metaphysics, ontology, events, and sense. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 1, 2022 • 1:38:55

Acid Horizon - The Desire Named Marx

Acid Horizon - The Desire Named Marx

Coop and Taylor participated in a livestream for the Zer0 Books YouTube channel, alongside Adam & Craig from Acid Horizon. We looked at chapter 3 of Jean Francois Lyotard's Libidinal Economy, titled The Desire Named Marx. Video Link:

Sep 24, 2022 • 1:29:54

Simon Duffy - Deleuze and the History of Mathematics

Simon Duffy - Deleuze and the History of Mathematics

Cooper and Taylor chat with Simon Duffy about the history of mathematics and the history of philosophy converging in the investigation and determination of problems and Ideas. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Sep 17, 2022 • 1:36:18

Alenka Zupancic - What Is Sex?

Alenka Zupancic - What Is Sex?

Alenka Zupancic joined Coop and Taylor to discuss the ontological and epistemological implications of the problematic associated with the signification of the sexual. Alenka is a member of the Ljubljana school along with Slavoj Zizek and others and has written on jokes, Kant, Nietzsche and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Sep 11, 2022 • 1:16:47

Nicholas Blincoe - Making It With The Outside

Nicholas Blincoe - Making It With The Outside

Author, hip-hop artist, and holder of a PhD from Warwick University, Nicholas Blincoe joins Coop and Taylor for a look at Nick Land's Making it With Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring-Production. Land was Nicholas's phd advisor at Warwick, and Nicholas was friends with Iian Hamilton Grant, so he shares a little about his experiences from this period. Nicholas's Links: Support us

Sep 3, 2022 • 1:25:08

Henry Somers Hall - Deleuze, Difference, and Repetition

Henry Somers Hall - Deleuze, Difference, and Repetition

Henry Somers-Hall joined Coop and Tay for a rousing discussion focusing primarily on Henry's Deleuze's Difference and Repetition: Deleuze's Difference and Repetition: An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide. Henry's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Aug 29, 2022 • 1:53:07

Eric Santner - A Life In Theory

Eric Santner - A Life In Theory

Eric Santner joined Coop and Tay for a really lovely discussion on a life in theory. We weave in Eric's latest book, Untying Things Together: Philosophy, Literature, and a Life in Theory and My Own Private Germany: Daniel Paul Schreber's Secret History of Modernity. Schreber is the backdrop for this look at what a body and what theory can do. Eric L. Santner is an American scholar. He is Philip and Ida Romberg Professor in Modern Germanic Studies, and Chair, in the Department of Germanic Studie

Aug 20, 2022 • 1:26:45

Grant Maxwell -  Integration and Difference

Grant Maxwell - Integration and Difference

Friend of the show, Grant Maxwell joined Coop and Tay for a discussion on his new book, Integration and Difference: Constructing a Mythical Dialectic. We examine the approaches to difference pursued by both Derrida and Deleuze, how Deleuze innovates on Hegel and opens up a future space, and much more. Grant's Links:

Aug 13, 2022 • 1:46:02

Contingency and Hyper-Chaos

Contingency and Hyper-Chaos

Cooper and Taylor take a foray into the work of Quentin Meillassoux, one of the four horseman of Speculative Realism or Speculative Materialism as Meillassoux identifies as his project. We looked at Metaphysics, Speculation, Correlation translated by mr Taylor Adkins. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Aug 7, 2022 • 1:34:46

Jon Roffe - Deleuze and Abstract Market Theory

Jon Roffe - Deleuze and Abstract Market Theory

Jon Roffe joined Cooper and Taylor to discuss Deleuze and a Post-Kantian examination of markets and pricing. Time, inscription, all prices being derivative, and much more. Jon Roffe teaches philosophy at the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy. He is the author of Gilles Deleuze’s Empiricism and Subjectivity (Edinburgh University Press, 2017), Abstract Market Theory (Palgrave, 2015) and Badiou’s Deleuze (Acumen 2012). He is the co-author of Deleuze’s Philosophical Lineage II (Edinburgh Un

Jul 30, 2022 • 2:02:04

Greg Sadler - Speculative Heretics of Dune

Greg Sadler - Speculative Heretics of Dune

Friend of the show Greg Sadler joined us for a look at Frank Herbert's Dune series. We discuss nomadology, war machines, imperceptibility, eternal recurrence, materialism, and much more. Dr. Sadler is currently an adjunct professor at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Editor of Stoicism Today, the producer of the Half Hour Hegel series, and the president of our local SOPHIA (Society of Philosophers in America) chapter. but you might be more familiar with his YouTube channel, Gregory B. Sadl

Jul 24, 2022 • 1:59:10

Elmo Feiten - Stirner And Neuroplasticity

Elmo Feiten - Stirner And Neuroplasticity

Elmo Feiten joined Cooper and Taylor to discuss his essay Ethics of the Care for the Brain Neuroplasticity with Stirner, Malabou and Foucault. We discuss mischaracterizations of Stirner, the life sciences, the umwelt, Jakob Johann von Uexküll, resonances with Deleuze/Guattari, and much more! Elmo's Links Support us

Jul 18, 2022 • 1:52:13

Guattari and Marx on Machines

Guattari and Marx on Machines

This week, Coop and Tay focus on Marx's Fragment on Machines from The Grundrisse and Guattari's Machine and Structure. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Jul 9, 2022 • 1:09:44

Saul Newman - Carl Schmitt and Political Theology

Saul Newman - Carl Schmitt and Political Theology

Friend of the show, Saul Newman, returns to discuss his most recent work on Political Theology. The discussion focuses on Political Theology: A Critical Introduction and a forthcoming work titled Order, Crisis, and Redemption: Political Theology after Schmitt. We take a look at Schmitt's concepts of the sovereignty, the sovereign acception, Schmitt's relation to anarchism and Stirner, and much more!

Jul 2, 2022 • 1:16:16

Lorenzo Chiesa - The God Hypothesis

Lorenzo Chiesa - The God Hypothesis

In this episode, Cooper and Taylor sit down with Lacanian philosopher Lorenzo Chiesa to discuss his work The Not-Two: God and Logic in Lacan and his forthcoming work God Is Undead to discuss the legacy and practice of psychoanalysis, its interrelations with Marxism, the logic and illogic of the sexual relation, the status of God in strong agnosticism and atheism, the ontological implications of incompleteness and inconsistency, and the exploration of what the author calls 'meta-critical realism.

Jun 25, 2022 • 2:06:47

Thomas Nail - Marx and Motion

Thomas Nail - Marx and Motion

Thomas Nail joined Coop and Taylor for a discussion primarily focusing on his book Marx in Motion. We discuss the swerve of the atom, primitive accumulation, kinetic communism, and much more in this week's installment of MUHH. Thomas's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jun 20, 2022 • 2:09:23

Jeremy Smith - Laruelle and Non-Humanism

Jeremy Smith - Laruelle and Non-Humanism

Friend of the show, Jeremy Smith, joins us to discuss Laruelle, translations, non-humanism, and more on this week's edition of MUHH. We looked at Laruelle's Homo Ex Machina. Jeremy's Links: Blog: London Critical Conference Unlearning Nihilism Oraxiom: Journal of Non-Philosophy Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jun 11, 2022 • 1:40:54

Andrew Culp - A Guerrilla Guide to Refusal

Andrew Culp - A Guerrilla Guide to Refusal

Andrew Culp returns to MUHH to discuss his new book, A Guerrilla Guide to Refusal and much much more. Andrew's Links: Andrew's First Appearance discussing Dark Deleuze: Machines in Flames: Support us on Patreon: https://www.pat

Jun 4, 2022 • 2:17:28

Eugene Holland - Perverse Capital

Eugene Holland - Perverse Capital

Eugene Holland, Professor Emeritus at Ohio State University, and author of several books ranging from Baudelaire and Schizoanalysis: The Sociopoetics of Modernism to to his upcoming book, Perversion of the Market: Sadism, Masochism and the Culture of Capitalism. Eugene's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

May 28, 2022 • 1:38:37

Daniel Tutt - Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Family

Daniel Tutt - Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Family

Friend of the show and co-host of the Jouissance Vampires podcast, Daniel Tutt, joined Coop and Tay to discuss his new book in the Palgrave Lacan Series, Psychoanalysis and the Politics of the Family: The Crisis of Initiation. Our Anti-Oedipus Episode with Daniel Daniel's Links:

May 21, 2022 • 1:31:18

Impromptu Jam

Impromptu Jam

Coop & Taylor discuss a wide swath of topics including Marx, the work of Thomas Nail, partial objects, and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

May 2, 2022 • 1:09:42

Yung Marx: Democritus vs Epicurus

Yung Marx: Democritus vs Epicurus

This week Coop & Tay have a look at Marx's dissertation, The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature. The dissertation is a focal point in Thomas Nail's Marx in Motion, which we will be discussing in next week's episode. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Apr 24, 2022 • 1:26:15

Gil Morejon - Anti-Oedipus Seminar 8

Gil Morejon - Anti-Oedipus Seminar 8

Gil, co-host of the What's Left of Philosophy Podcast and translator of French Philosophy joined Coop & Taylor to discuss sections 9 The Civilized Capitalist Machine, 10 Capitalist Representation, & 11 Oedipus at Last of Chapter 3: Savages, Barbarians and Civilized Men. Gil's Links: Supp

Apr 17, 2022 • 1:38:19

Decode - Jean Baudrillard: The Spirit of Terrorism

Decode - Jean Baudrillard: The Spirit of Terrorism

Cute Noumena and Yung Agamben joined Coop and Tay to discuss Jean Baudrillard's The Spirit of Terrorism. We cover everything from potlatch to the end of history and more. Decode Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Apr 10, 2022 • 1:37:13

Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses

Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses

Coop & Taylor perform a very unorthodox analysis of Louis Althursser's famous Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses essay as it pertains to desire, desiring production, the dialectic, the unconscious and what's at stake. Link to the Reading: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Apr 3, 2022 • 1:28:40

Ray Brassier - Brassier Unbound

Ray Brassier - Brassier Unbound

On this week’s episode, Cooper and I welcome Ray Brassier to discuss the trajectory of his philosophical education, his translations of contemporary French theorists, the key insights of Prometheanism, nihilism, and his future work on Fatelessness. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Mar 21, 2022 • 1:51:10

Will (@EmoFoucault) - Going Astray

Will (@EmoFoucault) - Going Astray

Will (@EmoFoucault), co-host of the Acid Horizon podcast has a project of his own, called RevoltingBodies. We took a look at Will's piece titled Going Astray. Will's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Mar 15, 2022 • 1:29:30

Jake Flores - Jokes & the Unconscious

Jake Flores - Jokes & the Unconscious

Stand-up and host of Pod Damn America, Jake Flores, joined Coop and Taylor to discuss Freud's Jokes and the Unconscious. Just an all-around fun episode, and it was great to have Jake's experience to really round out the exploration of the libidinal economics of jokes. Pod Damn America Why You Mad? Patreon: Support us on Patreon:

Mar 7, 2022 • 1:50:57

Daniel W. Smith - Articulating Deleuze

Daniel W. Smith - Articulating Deleuze

Daniel W. Smith is an American philosopher, academic, researcher, and translator. Smith is known for his interpretation of the work of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and is the author of Essays on Deleuze. He is also the co-director of The Deleuze Seminars project. Charles Stivale Episode Support us on Patreon:

Feb 28, 2022 • 1:35:56

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 6

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 6

Taylor and Coop investigate Chapter 56of Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and Death: The Extermination of the Name of God. Symbolic Exchange & Death Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Feb 21, 2022 • 1:24:46

Acid Horizon - Acidic Unconscious Happy Horizon

Acid Horizon - Acidic Unconscious Happy Horizon

Craig, Adam, Matt, and Will from Acid Horizon joined us for a long awaited collaboration. The format is a Q&A with questions pulled from twitter. Zer

Feb 13, 2022 • 1:43:41

Charles Stivale - The ABC's of Deleuze

Charles Stivale - The ABC's of Deleuze

Charles Stivale joined Cooper and Taylor to discuss his work transcribing and translating Deleuze's seminars as a part of a current project with Dan Smith at Purdue University, and more. Charles co-translated Deleuze's Logic of Sense and has also published Gilles Deleuze's ABCs: The Folds of Friendship among others. Gilles Deleuze from A to Z (HD) Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @

Feb 8, 2022 • 1:38:59

Graham Harman - Object Oriented Ontology

Graham Harman - Object Oriented Ontology

This week, Graham Harman, one of the key figures in Object Oriented Ontology and Speculative Realism to share some of his experiences in academia and expound on some key points of Triple-O. https://doctorzamalek2.wor

Jan 31, 2022 • 1:50:02

Vernon Cisney - Deleuze & Derrida: Splitting Difference

Vernon Cisney - Deleuze & Derrida: Splitting Difference

Vernon Cisney, Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Philosophy at Gettysburg College, joined Taylor and I to discuss his book Deleuze and Derrida: Difference and the Power of the Negative.

Jan 25, 2022 • 1:59:30

John Protevi - Edges Of The State

John Protevi - Edges Of The State

John Protevi, Professor of French Studies and professor of philosophy at Louisiana State University. We discuss his 2019 book Edges of the state. This book takes a look at the formation, and edges, of states: their breakdowns and attempts to repair them, and their encounters with non-state peoples. It draws upon anthropology, political philosophy, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, child developmental psychology, and other fields to look at states as projects of constructing “bodies politic,”

Jan 18, 2022 • 1:18:02

Duane Rouselle - Politics of the Real

Duane Rouselle - Politics of the Real

In our latest episode, Cooper and Taylor have a vigorous discussion with Duane Rousselle on Lacan, Žižek, Badiou, anarchism, sociology, realism, the capitalist discourse, and much more!

Jan 10, 2022 • 2:13:16

Eliot Rosenstock - The Ego & Its Hyperstate

Eliot Rosenstock - The Ego & Its Hyperstate

Friend of the show, Eliot Rosenstock, joined Cooper and Taylor to discuss his new book: The Ego And Its Hyperstate A Psychoanalytically Informed Dialectical Analysis of Self-Interest. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @u

Jan 1, 2022 • 1:28:20

Jack (@jackpaulsartre) - Transcendence of the Ego

Jack (@jackpaulsartre) - Transcendence of the Ego

Jack (@jackpaulsartre) joined Taylor and I discussed Sartre's Transcendence of the Ego. Jack's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Dec 19, 2021 • 1:31:50

David Roden - Snuff Memories

David Roden - Snuff Memories

John Roden, author of Snuff Memories joined Taylor and I to discuss the book, theory, Dune, and more. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Dec 13, 2021 • 1:48:59

Anti Oedipus - Seminar 7

Anti Oedipus - Seminar 7

Cooper and Taylor return to tackle Anti-Oedipus Chapter 3 sections 8. The Urstaat and 9. The Civilized Capitalist Machine Anti-Oedipus Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Dec 5, 2021 • 1:28:51

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 5

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 5

Taylor and Coop investigate Chapter 5 of Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and Death, Political Economy and Death. Symbolic Exchange & Death Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Nov 28, 2021 • 1:42:07

Victor Vazquez (Kool A.D.) - Combination Deleuze & Guattari

Victor Vazquez (Kool A.D.) - Combination Deleuze & Guattari

Rapper Victor Vazquez, formerly of Das Racist, joined Coop and Taylor to discuss a roundtable discussion called In Flux from Chaosophy. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Nov 15, 2021 • 1:02:41

Gary Genosko - An Aberrant Introduction

Gary Genosko - An Aberrant Introduction

Gary Genosko joined Cooper and Taylor this week to discuss a little about the trajectory of his work from Baudrillard to Guattari with a critical eye towards the future. Asignification is the refrain. Dr. Genosko works on communication and cultural theory, subcultures in the digital underground, and whistle-blowers. His philosophical interests includes the philosophy of Félix Guattari. Post-media, communication modelling, critical semiotics, and media ecology play important roles in his writing.

Nov 7, 2021 • 1:09:10

Madeline (@madd13line) - Anti Oedipus - Seminar 6

Madeline (@madd13line) - Anti Oedipus - Seminar 6

Madeline (@madd13line) joined Coop & Taylor to chat about sections 4-7 from chapter 3 of Deleuze and Guattari's Anti Oedipus. Psychoanalysis and Ethnology, Territorial Representation, The Barbarian Despotic Machine, and Barbarian or Imperial Representation. Anti-Oedipus Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Nov 1, 2021 • 1:55:18

Peter Mathews - Lacan The Charlatan

Peter Mathews - Lacan The Charlatan

Peter Mathews, author of Lacan The Charlatan, part of the Palgrave Lacan Series joined us to discuss some of his critics and their various approaches towards the enigmatic psychoanalyst. Lacan Lecture referenced in episode: Peter's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 25, 2021 • 1:02:58

Leon Brenner - The Autistic Rim

Leon Brenner - The Autistic Rim

Leon Brenner, Author of The Autistic Subject: on the Threshold of Language joined us again this week to pick up on a discussion of the drive circuit, the synthetic other, and the various modalities of the rim. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 19, 2021 • 1:05:13

Leon Brenner - The Autistic Subject: On the Threshold of Language

Leon Brenner - The Autistic Subject: On the Threshold of Language

Leon Brenner joined us for the first of two discussions on his book, The Autistic Subject: On the Threshold of Language. It's also part of the Palgrave Lacan Series. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 11, 2021 • 1:38:14

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 4

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 4

Taylor and Coop investigate Chapter 4 of Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and Death, The Body, or the Mass Grave of Signs. Topics covered include castration, the phallus, strip tease, masturbation, repression and more. Symbolic Exchange & Death Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 4, 2021 • 1:53:22

Daniel Tutt - Anti Oedipus - Seminar 5

Daniel Tutt - Anti Oedipus - Seminar 5

Daniel Tutt, co-host of the Jouissance Vampires podcast and future The Palgrave Lacan Series author joined Coop & Taylor to discuss the first 3 sections of Anti-Oedipus Chapter 3: The Inscribing Socius, The Primitive Territorial Machine, and The Problem of Oedipus Anti-Oedipus Playlist: Daniel's Links: https://jouissancevampires.lib

Sep 27, 2021 • 1:52:54

Society Against The State

Society Against The State

This week Cooper and Taylor took a look at several essays from Pierre Clastres' Society Against the State: Copernicus and the Savages, Exchange and Power: Philosophy of the Indian Chieftainship, The Bow and the Basket, The Duty to Speak, Of Torture in Primitive Societies and Society Against the state. I think this is an indispensable companion for not only Anti-Oedipus but Guattari in particular.

Sep 20, 2021 • 1:51:53

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 3

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 3

This week Cooper and Taylor discuss chapter 3 of Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and death, titled Fashion, Or The Enchanting Spectacle of the Code. Symbolic Exchange & Death Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Sep 14, 2021 • 1:42:14

Anti Oedipus - Seminar 4

Anti Oedipus - Seminar 4

In this episode, Cooper and Taylor focus the discussion on Chapter 2 of Deleuze and Guattari's Anti Oedipus: 6. A Recapitulation of the Three Synthesis 7. Social Repression and Psychic Repression 8. Neuroses and Psychosis 9. The Process Anti Oedipus Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Sep 5, 2021 • 1:58:16

Twilight Of The Idols

Twilight Of The Idols

Cooper and Taylor investigate Nietzsche's Twighlight of the Idols, with a particular focus on its psychoanalytic resonances.

Aug 29, 2021 • 1:28:33

Jack & Will - Posting In The Name Of

Jack & Will - Posting In The Name Of

Jack (@snowdriftmoon) & Will of the Acid Horizon Podcast joined Cooper and Taylor for a discussion on simulating the name of god, The Other, and more. Jack's Links:

Aug 23, 2021 • 1:12:41

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 2

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 2

This week Cooper and Taylor discuss chapter 2 of Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and death, titled The Three Orders of Simulacra. Symbolic Exchange & Death Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Aug 17, 2021 • 1:50:33

The Gift

The Gift

Cooper and Taylor tackle Marcel Mauss's The Gift. It's an essential reference for Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and Death. It's also referenced in Lyotard's Libidinal Economy and Anti-Oedipus. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Aug 12, 2021 • 1:40:38

Anti Oedipus - Seminar 3

Anti Oedipus - Seminar 3

In this episode, Cooper and Taylor focus the discussion on Chapter 2 of Deleuze and Guattari's Anti Oedipus: 3. The Connective Synthesis of Production, 4. The Disjunctive Synthesis of Recording, and 5. The Conjunctive Synthesis of Consumption-Consummation. Anti Oedipus Playlist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Aug 4, 2021 • 1:48:24

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 1

Symbolic Exchange & Death - Seminar 1

Taylor and Cooper discuss the first chapter of Jean Baudrillard's Symbolic Exchange and Death (1976), The End of Production. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Jul 26, 2021 • 2:11:52

Damian - Anti Oedipus - Seminar 2

Damian - Anti Oedipus - Seminar 2

Friend of the show, Damian, joined Taylor and I for a look at the first two section of Chapter 2 of Deleuze and Guattari's Anti Oedipus, The Imperialism of Oedipus and Three Texts of Freud. Seminar 1: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jul 12, 2021 • 1:48:13

Todd McGowan & Ryan Engley - Guattari Avec Lacan

Todd McGowan & Ryan Engley - Guattari Avec Lacan

Todd McGowan & Ryan Engley of the Why Theory podcast joined us for a discussion of the complicated personal and theoretical relationships between Jacques Lacan and Felix Guattari. There is the backdrop of the broad implications of theories of the unconscious and capitalism. Why Theory Links:

Jul 5, 2021 • 1:49:25

Phoebe Kaufman - The Wolf Man: Cyptonomy

Phoebe Kaufman - The Wolf Man: Cyptonomy

Phoebe Kaufman joined us for a look at The Wolf Man's Magic Word A Cryptonymy by Nicolas Abraham and Maria Torok. Phoebe's Links: Twitter: Podcast Money Can't Buy You Class: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh

Jun 28, 2021 • 1:57:03

The Wolf Man: Libidinal Economics

The Wolf Man: Libidinal Economics

Taylor and I returned to Freud's most famous case, The Wolf Man, to discuss the libidinal economics implied in the text. We also pick up on some Schreber notes in Wolf Man's identification with Christ.

Jun 21, 2021 • 2:53:05

The Wolf Man: Case History

The Wolf Man: Case History

This week Taylor and I take a look at another of Freud's famous cases, The Wolf Man. Castration, Oedipus, and libidinal economy are some of the primary topics of discussion as well as a general discussion of the case history. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Jun 12, 2021 • 2:00:05

The Rat Man Pt 2

The Rat Man Pt 2

This week Taylor and I again discussed Freud's A Case of 'Obsessional Neurosis, colloquially referred to as The Rat Man.

Jun 7, 2021 • 1:44:41

The Rat Man Pt 1

The Rat Man Pt 1

This week Taylor and I discussed Freud's A Case of 'Obsessional Neurosis, colloquially referred to as The Rat Man. Transference, Oedipus, and so on are focused on among other psychoanalytic concepts.

May 31, 2021 • 1:47:41

Instincts, Repression & Negation

Instincts, Repression & Negation

This week Taylor and I discussed 3 of Freud's essays: Instincts And Their Vicissitudes, Repression, and Negation.

May 23, 2021 • 1:56:18

Isabel Millar - Psychoanalysis & Ai: Schreber's Basilisk

Isabel Millar - Psychoanalysis & Ai: Schreber's Basilisk

Dr. Isabel Millar joined Taylor and I to discuss her new book, The Psychoanalysis of Artificial Intelligence. We discuss the lathouse, Schreber, enjoyment, and more in this amazing installment of the happy hour. Isabel's Links:

May 16, 2021 • 1:29:23

Narcissus Unbound

Narcissus Unbound

This week Taylor and I discussed Freud's On Narcissism.

May 10, 2021 • 2:02:26

Eliot Rosenstock - Lacan Seminar 3

Eliot Rosenstock - Lacan Seminar 3

Eliot Rosenstock, practicing psychotherapist and author of Zizek In The Clinic, joined us for an in-depth discussion of Lacan's 3rd Seminar: The Psychoses.

May 4, 2021 • 2:24:44

Anti Oedipus - Seminar 1

Anti Oedipus - Seminar 1

Taylor and I began a new series of discussions on Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's landmark work, Anti-Oedipus. We've covered The Schreber Case and Beyond the Pleasure Principle, which might help with some of the background.

Apr 27, 2021 • 1:41:41



Taylor and I discuss Felix Guattari's The Three Ecologies.

Apr 21, 2021 • 1:48:15

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - Dead Man

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - Dead Man

Lewis & Nick from the Proletarian Contrarian podcast joined me to discuss Jim Jarmusch's 1995 film starring Johnny Depp, Dead Man. Lewis & Nick's Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Apr 12, 2021 • 1:30:28

Saga of Das Ding

Saga of Das Ding

Taylor Adkins and I go through a plethora of psychoanalytic readings of Volume 1 of Alan Moore's legendary The Saga of the Swamp Thing. Freud, Lacan and Guattari are all discussed in different facets.

Apr 5, 2021 • 1:48:17

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 7

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 7

Part 7 of a series of discussions with Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, and @YAgamben on Jean Francois Lyotard's Libidinal Economy (1974). Lyotard referred to it as his evil book, and it was a major influence on Nick Land. In this episode, we cover chapter 7, Economy of This Writing (pgs. 243-262) from the Grant translation. Part 1: Part 2:

Mar 31, 2021 • 2:05:01

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 6

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 6

Part 6 of a series of discussions with Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, and @YAgamben on Jean Francois Lyotard's Libidinal Economy (1974). Lyotard referred to it as his evil book, and it was a major influence on Nick Land. In this episode, we cover chapter 5, Capital (pgs. 201-243) from the Grant translation. Part 1: Part 2:

Mar 16, 2021 • 1:57:40

Taylor Adkins - Curious Case of Judge Schreber

Taylor Adkins - Curious Case of Judge Schreber

Taylor Adkins joined me for a look at Sigmund Freud's The Schreber Case.

Mar 9, 2021 • 1:41:28

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - Paprika

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - Paprika

Lewis & Nick from the Proletarian Contrarian podcast joined me to discuss Satoshi Kon's Paprika. Largely focused on a few different psychoanalytic readings of the film. Lewis & Nick's Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Mar 1, 2021 • 1:27:04

Taylor Adkins - Beyond the Pleasure Principle

Taylor Adkins - Beyond the Pleasure Principle

Frequent contributor Taylor Adkins joins me for a discussion of one of his favorite and once of the most influential works from Sigmund Freud, Beyond The Pleasure Principle.

Feb 20, 2021 • 1:30:39

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 5

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 5

Part 5 of a series of discussions with Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, and @YAgamben on Jean Francois Lyotard's Libidinal Economy (1974). Lyotard referred to it as his evil book, and it was a major influence on Nick Land. In this episode, we cover chapter 4, Trade (pgs. 155-201) from the Grant translation. Part 1: Part 2:

Feb 13, 2021 • 1:38:38

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 4

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 4

Part 4 of a series of discussions with Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, and @YAgamben on Jean Francois Lyotard's Libidinal Economy (1974). Lyotard referred to it as his evil book, and it was a major influence on Nick Land. In this episode, we cover the second half of chapter 3, The Desire named Marx (pgs. 95-122) from the Grant translation. Part 1: Part 2:

Feb 6, 2021 • 1:46:15

Taylor Adkins - Wicked Lyotard B-Side 0

Taylor Adkins - Wicked Lyotard B-Side 0

Taylor Adkins, translator of Felix Guattari's Machinic Unconscious, Francois Laruelle's Philosophy and Non-Philosophy, and Gilbert Simondon's Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information, joined me for an off the cuff discussion covering Lyotard, Baudrillard, Deleuze and Guattari and Don Delillo. Taylor's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @uncons

Jan 30, 2021 • 1:16:10

Adam, Eliot, John - Ego Book Part 5

Adam, Eliot, John - Ego Book Part 5

John Zigterman, co-host of Beep Beep Lettuce, Adam, co-host of Acid Horizon and Eliot Rosenstock, author of Zizek and The Clinic, join me for the 5th installment of a series of episodes interrogating Max Stirner's The Unique and It's Property. This Episode will cover My Intercourse (2.2.2)pg. 222 in the Wolfie Landstreicher translation of the Unique and Its Property. Link to the text: Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4: https://s

Jan 24, 2021 • 2:15:25

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 3

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 3

Part 3 of a series of discussions with Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, and @YAgamben on Jean Francois Lyotard's Libidinal Economy (1974). Lyotard referred to it as his evil book, and it was a major influence on Nick Land. In this episode, we cover the first half of chapter 3, The Desire named Marx (pgs. 95-122) from the Grant translation. Part 1: Part 2:

Jan 16, 2021 • 1:35:41

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 2

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 2

Part 2 of a series of discussions with Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, and @YAgamben on Jean Francois Lyotard's Libidinal Economy (1974). Lyotard referred to it as his evil book, and it was a major influence on Nick Land. In this episode, we cover chapter 2, The Tensor. Part 1: Taylor's Links:

Jan 9, 2021 • 1:53:56

Jack Collis - e/acc pt 2

Jack Collis - e/acc pt 2

This is part 2 of deep dive into egoism with Jack Collis. This episode primarily focuses on the Right To Be Greedy, but overall we looked at 3 pieces which are linked below. Part 1: Episode Articles: Max Stirner and Karl Marx: An Overlooked Contretemps by Paul Thomas The Theory of the Indi

Jan 3, 2021 • 50:53

Jack Collis - e/acc pt 1

Jack Collis - e/acc pt 1

Jack Collis (@technoecologic), friend of the podcast, currently working on a 12-episode first season of a YouTube series on philosophy, politics, and economics (utopiaTV), joined me for a deep dive into Egoist Communism. We looked at 3 pieces: Max Stirner and Karl Marx: An Overlooked Contretemps by Paul Thomas The Theory of the Individual: Stirner’s S

Dec 13, 2020 • 2:03:13

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 1

Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, @YAgamben - Wicked Lyotard Pt 1

Part 1 of a series of discussions with Taylor Adkins, @CNoumena, and @YAgamben on Jean Francois Lyotard's Libidinal Economy (1974). Lyotard referred to it as his evil book, and it was a major influence on Nick Land. Taylor's Links: Cute Noumena: Yung Agamben: Support

Dec 6, 2020 • 2:31:43

Taylor Adkins Alfonso Williams & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 6

Taylor Adkins Alfonso Williams & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 6

This will be part 6 in a series of discussions on Felix Guattari's work. Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248) both return to discuss chapter 8 of Felix Guattari's The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis and the first half of Gilles Deleuze's Proust and Signs. Taylor actually translated this edition, so we are very lucky to have him share his insights. The discussion has a great dynamic, with DC on his way to becoming a psychoanalyst, and Alfonso Williams (@theoryanalysis) joining the Assemblag

Nov 30, 2020 • 2:28:54

Stephen Zepke - I Heart UIQ

Stephen Zepke - I Heart UIQ

Stephen Zepke is an Independent Researcher based in Vienna. His work concerns the intersection of art, philosophy and politics. We sat down to discuss Felix Guattari's screenplay, A Love of UIQ. We delve into Deleuze and Guattari's vision for art, the relationship to science fiction, and more. A Love of UIQ: Stephen's Links: Support u

Nov 23, 2020 • 2:00:23

Kelton - Machinic Dolphin Garage Happy Hour

Kelton - Machinic Dolphin Garage Happy Hour

Kelton, co-host of the Psychic Dolphin Garage joined me this week for a little riffing about being what it's like being on the left in Texas, the perils of shitposting, our predictions for the political landscape over the next few years and more. Kelton's Links:

Nov 15, 2020 • 1:21:15

Taylor Adkins - This Is Not Philosophy Pt 3

Taylor Adkins - This Is Not Philosophy Pt 3

This is part 3 of a series Taylor Adkins and I will be doing on the Univocal edition of Francois Laruelle's Philosophy and Non-Philosophy. Taylor translated the edition we're reading from. This episode will cover a few definitions and possible matrices for descriptions of the one. Part 1: Part 2: Taylor's Links: https://soun

Nov 9, 2020 • 1:25:17

Taylor Adkins - This Is Not Philosophy Pt 2

Taylor Adkins - This Is Not Philosophy Pt 2

This is part two of a series Taylor Adkins and I will be doing on the Univocal edition of Francois Laruelle's Philosophy and Non-Philosophy. Taylor translated the edition we're reading from. This episode will continue to till the ground for the remainder of the book, with the preface and introduction being the material we draw from. Part One: Taylor's Links: https://fractalonto

Oct 31, 2020 • 1:38:27

Taylor Adkins - This Is Not Philosophy Pt 1

Taylor Adkins - This Is Not Philosophy Pt 1

This is part one of a series Taylor Adkins and I will be doing on the Univocal edition of Francois Laruelle's Philosophy and Non-Philosophy. Taylor translated the edition we're reading from. This episode will essentially focus on the preface and a preliminary discussion of Laruelle. Taylor's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconsc

Oct 24, 2020 • 1:24:57

John Zigterman and Eliot Rosenstock - Ego Book Part 4

John Zigterman and Eliot Rosenstock - Ego Book Part 4

John Zigterman, co-host of Beep Beep Lettuce, and Eliot Rosenstock, author of Zizek and The Clinic, join me for the third installment of a series of episodes interrogating Max Stirner's The Unique and It's Property. This Episode will cover sections 2: I, 2.1: Owness, 2.2: The Owner, 2.2.1: My Power (pages 169-222), and will be broken into 2 parts due to its length. Link to the text: Parts 1, 2, and 3: https://soundc

Oct 17, 2020 • 1:14:18

John Zigterman and Eliot Rosenstock - Ego Book Part 3

John Zigterman and Eliot Rosenstock - Ego Book Part 3

John Zigterman, co-host of Beep Beep Lettuce, and Eliot Rosenstock, author of Zizek and The Clinic, join me for the third installment of a series of episodes interrogating Max Stirner's The Unique and It's Property. This Episode will cover sections 2: I, 2.1: Owness, 2.2: The Owner, 2.2.1: My Power (pages 169-222), and will be broken into 2 parts due to its length. Link to the text: Parts 1 and 2: https://soundcloud

Oct 12, 2020 • 1:39:22

Taylor Adkins - Guattario Bros B-Side 3

Taylor Adkins - Guattario Bros B-Side 3

Taylor Adkins returns for a late-night, impromptu chat covering everything from wresting and Riff Raff to synthesizing Francois Laruelle and Max Stirner. Taylor's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Oct 5, 2020 • 1:00:46

Jacob Blumenfeld - All Things Are Nothing

Jacob Blumenfeld - All Things Are Nothing

Jacob Blumenfeld, author of All Things Are Nothing To Me: The Unique Philosophy of Max Stirner, joined me for a dicussion of dialectics, time, Hegel, Deleuze and Guattari, and more. Jacob's Links:

Sep 27, 2020 • 1:03:12

Steven Monacelli - Fear And Loathing In Texas

Steven Monacelli - Fear And Loathing In Texas

This week I sat down with Steven Monacelli, Publisher & Co-Editor-in-Chief of Protean magazine to talk about his coverage of the BLM protests in Dallas, encountering Jacob Wohl in DC, Deleuze, Guattari, Lacan, and Bifo. Steven's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Sep 21, 2020 • 1:50:02

John and Adam - Ego Book Part 2

John and Adam - Ego Book Part 2

John Zigterman, co-host of Beep Beep Lettuce, and Adam, co-host of Acid Horizon join me for the second installment of a series of episodes interrogating Max Stirner's The Unique and It's Property. This Episode will cover 1.2.3. The Hierarchy (pg. 83) to 2.1 Owness (pg. 170). Link to the text: John's Links: Twitter: Beep Beep Lettuce: Adam's Lin

Sep 14, 2020 • 2:24:25

Taylor Adkins Alfonso Williams & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 5

Taylor Adkins Alfonso Williams & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 5

This will be part 5 in a series of discussions on Felix Guattari's work. Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248) both return to discuss chapters 3 & 7 of Felix Guattari's The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis. Taylor actually translated this edition, so we are very lucky to have him share his insights. The discussion has a great dynamic, with DC on his way to becoming a psychoanalyst. Alfonso Williams (@theoryanalysis) has joined to Guattario Assemblage as well. The Machinic Unconscious: Essays

Sep 7, 2020 • 2:14:31

John (@facebookvillain) - Ego Book Pt 1

John (@facebookvillain) - Ego Book Pt 1

John Zigterman, co-host of Beep Beep Lettuce, joined for an ongoing investigation into Max Stirner's The Unique and Its Property. This episode will cover everything up to section 1.2.3 The Hierarchy, or the first 83 pages. Link to the text: Article Link: Prior Episode with John on Deleuze's Transcendental Empiricism

Aug 31, 2020 • 1:57:23

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - American Pi

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - American Pi

Lewis & Nick from the Proletarian Contrarian podcast joined me to discuss Darren Aronofsky's debut feature, Pi. Lewis & Nick's Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Aug 24, 2020 • 2:07:11

Taylor Adkins & Alfonso Williams - Super Guattario Bros B-Side 2

Taylor Adkins & Alfonso Williams - Super Guattario Bros B-Side 2

Taylor Adkins and Alfonso Williams joined me for an impromptu chat centering on chapter 7 of Felix Guattari's Machinic Unconscious. The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

Aug 17, 2020 • 2:09:30

Taylor Adkins - Super Guattario Bros B-Side 1

Taylor Adkins - Super Guattario Bros B-Side 1

Taylor Adkins is co-host of the Theory Talk podcast and a translator of contemporary French philosophy, including Felix Guattari's Machinic Unconscious. This is a B-Side chat Taylor and I had following the recording of our ongoing deep dive into Machinic Unconscious that runs the gamut from doom metal to Deleuze and Guattari. Taylor's Links: Support us on Patreon:

Aug 9, 2020 • 40:09

C Derick Varn - 1968 & Hearbreak

C Derick Varn - 1968 & Hearbreak

Derick Varn is a podcaster (Pop The Left, Mortal Science), author, editor, poet, and part of the Zero Books staff. Derick is one of the most knowledgeable people on the left and is someone I highly recommend engaging with. We discussed some of the influential thinkers and movements to emerge from 1968 France, their relevance to today, and more. Derick's Links:

Aug 3, 2020 • 1:20:30

Dr Lewis Call - King Mob

Dr Lewis Call - King Mob

Lewis Call is an American academic and central post-anarchist thinker. He is best known for his 2002 book Postmodern Anarchism, which develops an account of postmodern anarchism through philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and cyberpunk writers such as William Gibson and Bruce Sterling. We discuss his book, Postmodern Anarchism as well as an article A Thought Thinking Itself': Postanarchism in Grant Morrison's The Invisibles. Grant Morrison talk referenced:

Jul 27, 2020 • 2:19:01

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - Cruel Summer At Marienbad

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - Cruel Summer At Marienbad

Lewis & Nick from the Proletarian Contrarian podcast joined me to discuss the classic french new wave film directed by Alain Resnais. Lewis & Nick's Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Jul 20, 2020 • 1:45:40

AM Gittlitz - Posadism Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

AM Gittlitz - Posadism Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

A.M. Gittlitz is the author of I Want to Believe, Posadism, UFOs and Apocalypse Communism. He's also co-host of the Antifada podcast. He has contributed to The New Inquiry, The New York Times, The Outline, Baffler, Real Life, Salon, and Vice. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh I

Jul 12, 2020 • 51:40

Taylor Adkins Alfonso Williams & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 4

Taylor Adkins Alfonso Williams & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 4

This will be part 4 in a series of discussions on Felix Guattari's work. Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248) both return to discuss chapter 6 of Felix Guattari's The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis. Taylor actually translated this edition, so we are very lucky to have him share his insights. The discussion has a great dynamic, with DC on his way to becoming a psychoanalyst. For this episode, we also had a special guest, Alfonso Williams (@theoryanalysis). The Machinic Unconscious: Essays

Jul 5, 2020 • 2:19:15

Eliot Rosenstock - Hegel Shrugged

Eliot Rosenstock - Hegel Shrugged

Eliot Rosenstock is an Zizekian psychotherapist and accelerationist philosopher living in Los Angeles, California. He is the Senior Editor of The Young Freudians magazine, an experimental philosophy and psychology journal for new ideas from psychodynamic therapy to eco-theory. His book Zizek in the Clinic: A Revolutionary Proposal for a New Endgame in Psychotherapy, seeks to take current dialectical approaches in psychotherapy past emotional regulation, into an active cognitive/intuited algorith

Jun 28, 2020 • 1:19:35

Jack Collis (@technoecologic) - Work Sux I Know

Jack Collis (@technoecologic) - Work Sux I Know

Jack Collis (@technoecologic), friend of the podcast currently working on a 12-episode first season of a YouTube series on philosophy, politics, and economics (utopiaTV), joined me for an anti-work focused episode. We looked at 4 pieces: Armed Joy by Alfredo Bonanno On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs: A Work Rant by David Graeber

Jun 21, 2020 • 1:44:43

Saul Newman - Better Call Saul

Saul Newman - Better Call Saul

This week Dr. Saul Newman joined me to discuss Max Stirner, Lacan, and Post Anarchism. His work is in the area of continental political theory as applied to a study of contemporary forms of radical politics and autonomous social movements. He coined the term ‘postanarchism’ to describe new post-statist forms of political activism. His research has also led him to an exploration of sovereignty and legal theory, violence and securitization, political theology, autonomy and freedom, human rights a

Jun 15, 2020 • 1:30:20

Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 3

Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 3

This will be part 3 in a series of discussions on Felix Guattari's work. Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248) both return to discuss chapter 5 of Felix Guattari's The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis. Taylor actually translated this edition, so we are very lucky to have him share his insights. The discussion has a great dynamic, with DC on his way to becoming a psychoanalyst. Planet Earth Bird of Paradise Mating Footage:

Jun 8, 2020 • 1:53:34

Todd McGowan - Dial D For Dialectics

Todd McGowan - Dial D For Dialectics

Todd McGowan returns to discuss Hegelian Dialectics. Dr. Todd McGowan is a professor in the Department of English as the University of Vermont, and co-host of the Why Theory podcast with Ryan Engeley. He's published a number of books on psychoanalysis, film and more. Todd's Links: Support us on Patreon:

Jun 1, 2020 • 1:13:45

Bryn (@kinematografi) - Goth Comms

Bryn (@kinematografi) - Goth Comms

Bryn, co-host of both the Beep Beep Lettuce and Generation Loss podcasts as well as bassist for the band, Stay Inside, joined me this week to talk about our shared appreciation for Rick Owens, shitposting, and magic. Bryn's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

May 24, 2020 • 2:11:11

JG Michael - Parallax Dudes

JG Michael - Parallax Dudes

JG Michael, host of the Parallax Views podcast, joined me to riff on conspiracy theories, Vietnam, Deleuze & Guattari, psychoanalysis and so on and so on. JG's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

May 18, 2020 • 1:49:31

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - The Counselor

Lewis & Nick (@ProletarianC) - The Counselor

Lewis & Nick from the Proletarian Contrarian podcast joined me to discuss Ridley Scott and Cormac McCarthy's collaboration on the 2013 film The Counselor starring Cameron Diaz, Brad Pit, Michael Fassbender, and Javier Bardem. Lewis & Nick's Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Inst

May 11, 2020 • 2:20:17

Adam (@RedLibraryPod) - Pandemic at the Disco

Adam (@RedLibraryPod) - Pandemic at the Disco

Adam of the Red Library Podcast joined me for an in depth discussion of Slavoj Zikek's latest book, Pandemic: Covid-19 Shakes the World. Adam's links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

May 4, 2020 • 2:12:38

Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 2

Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 2

This will be part 2 in a series of discussions on Felix Guattari's work. Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248) both return to discuss chapter 4 of Felix Guattari's The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis. Taylor actually translated this edition, so we are very lucky to have him share his insights. The discussion has a great dynamic, with DC on his way to becoming a psychoanalyst. The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis: Part 1: htt

Apr 27, 2020 • 2:11:50

Steven Monacelli - Protean

Steven Monacelli - Protean

This week I sat down with Steven Monacelli, Publisher & Co-Editor-in-Chief of Protean magazine to talk Deleuze, contemporary art, commodity fetishization, and what the Protean team is up to. Damien Hirst Piece referenced: Night of the Long Knives (2008) Steven's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Apr 20, 2020 • 1:31:47

Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 1

Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248)- Super Guattario Bros 3 Pt 1

This will be the first in a series of discussions on Felix Guattari's work. Taylor Adkins & DC (@4Q248) both return to discuss the first 3 chapters of Felix Guattari's The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis. Taylor actually translated this edition, so we were very lucky to have him. The discussion has a great dynamic, with DC studying to be a psychoanalyst, as well. The Machinic Unconscious: Essays in Schizoanalysis: DC's Links: htt

Apr 13, 2020 • 2:01:26

Neil Gorman - Cosmology of the Unconscious

Neil Gorman - Cosmology of the Unconscious

Neil Gorman of the From78 and InForm podcasts joined me to discuss the practical application of Lacanian psychoanalysis, death drive, desire, and more. Neil's links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Apr 7, 2020 • 1:56:51

Jake Flores (@feraljokes) - That's Theory Town Jake

Jake Flores (@feraljokes) - That's Theory Town Jake

Jakes Flores, stand-up comedian and host of Pod Damn America joined me this week to explore the psychoanalytic theory of desire posited by none other than the king himself, Jacques Lacan. We primarily focus on Lacan's concept of desire and the death drive. Jake's Links: Pod Damn America Why You Mad? Patreon: Support us on Patreon:

Mar 30, 2020 • 1:42:16

Nick (@stellarboor) - The Fountain

Nick (@stellarboor) - The Fountain

Nick (@stellarboor) joined me once again to analyze Daren Aronovsky's 2006 film, The Fountain. Nick's Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Mar 23, 2020 • 1:30:29

John Zigterman (@facebookvillian) - This Difference is Different

John Zigterman (@facebookvillian) - This Difference is Different

Friend of the show, John Zigterman, joined me to discuss an article from Saul Newman titled: Empiricism, Pluralism and Politics in Deleuze and Stirner. Article Link: John's Links: Twitter: Beep Beep Lettuce: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Mar 10, 2020 • 1:52:02

Bo (@schnedwob) - DiZizek

Bo (@schnedwob) - DiZizek

Bo, from Psychic Dolphin Garage joined me to take a look at Slavoj Zizek's article: Coronavirus is ‘Kill Bill’-esque blow to capitalism and could lead to reinvention of communism. Article: Bo's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Mar 2, 2020 • 1:31:19

Nick (@stellarboor) - Biutiful

Nick (@stellarboor) - Biutiful

Nick, aka @stellarboor and I reviewed Alejandro González Iñárritu's film, Biutiful. Nick's Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @unconscioushh Instagram: @unconscioushh

Feb 24, 2020 • 1:23:18

Jack Collis (@technoecologic) - Land of the Ded

Jack Collis (@technoecologic) - Land of the Ded

Jack Collis (@technoecologic), formerly a grad student at the LBJ school studying economics and ecology, currently working on a 12-episode first season of a YouTube series on philosophy, politics, and economics (utopiaTV), first episodes to drop on May Day. We looked at 3 pieces: Nick Land's Meltdown, Mark Fisher's Acid Communism, and Alex Williams & Nick Srnicek's #ACCELERATE MANIFESTO.

Feb 17, 2020 • 2:01:12

Dr Todd May - Explain Deleuze To Me

Dr Todd May - Explain Deleuze To Me

I’m very very pleased to have Dr. Todd May as today’s guest. currently Class of 1941 Memorial Professor of Philosophy at Clemson University. He’s the author of tons of books, two of which we’ll be focusing our discussion on today, The Political Philosophy of Post Structuralist Anarchism and Gilles Deleuze: An Introduction. He’s also the philosophy consultant on NBC’s The Good Place. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcas

Feb 10, 2020 • 1:29:49

Dr Greg Sadler - Smells Like Absolute Spirit

Dr Greg Sadler - Smells Like Absolute Spirit

Dr. Sadler is currently an adjunct professor at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Editor of Stoicism Today, the producer of the Half Hour Hegel series, and the president of our local SOPHIA (Society of Philosophers in America) chapter. but you might be more familiar with his YouTube channel, Gregory B. Sadler, with over 75k subscribers. Dr. Sadler's Links: Blog: YouTube Channel: Support us on

Feb 3, 2020 • 1:57:38

DC (@4Q248)- Death Drive For Cutie

DC (@4Q248)- Death Drive For Cutie

DC (@4Q248) is studying to become a psychoanalyst and is currently seeing multiple patients on a regular basis, so I thought he'd have some interesting things to say. He provides some nice insights into the praxis and theory of psychoanalysis. DC's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Jan 27, 2020 • 2:05:58

Dr Ruth Kinna - Government of No One

Dr Ruth Kinna - Government of No One

Ruth Kinna is a professor of Political Theory Loughborough University, working in the Department of Politics, History, and International Relations where she specializes in political philosophy. She's the author of numerous books and is co-editor of the journal Anarchist Studies. Ruth's Links: Kropotkin is Voltairine de Cleyre Bakunin Louise

Jan 20, 2020 • 1:20:22

Griselda Castillo - Ars Poetica

Griselda Castillo - Ars Poetica

Griselda J. Castillo is a bilingual poet and creative nonfiction writer from Laredo, Texas. She is the daughter of Mexican immigrants, a first-generation American and explores her bicultural identity through poems and stories. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in Ocotillo Review, Sparkle + Blink, and Chachalaca Review. She also performs her poetry as part of Five Voices One Brush, an improvisational art and jazz collective. Griselda lives and works in Austin. In 2018 she received the

Jan 13, 2020 • 1:14:30

Dr. Andrew Koch - Material World

Dr. Andrew Koch - Material World

Andrew Koch, professor and author, currently in the Department of Government and Justice Studies at Appalachian State joined me this week to discuss the historical development of continental materialist philosophy from Kant through the Post-structuralists. Andy has written a book on the subject, Materialism and Social Inquiry in the Continental Tradition in Philosophy. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_ch

Jan 6, 2020 • 1:22:25

Nick (@stellarboor) - The Man Who Wasn't There

Nick (@stellarboor) - The Man Who Wasn't There

Nick, aka @stellarboor and I reviewed a less talked about film from the Coen Brothers titled The Man Who Wasn't There. A film that I argue is an absolutely perfectly executed film. It playfully dips it's toes in black comedy, sci-fi, and neo noir. I just guested on Proletarian Contrarian last week to discuss David Lynch's Dune and you can listed below: Nick's Links ht

Dec 30, 2019 • 1:33:36

Ryan Engley - How To Make A Lacanian Quilt

Ryan Engley - How To Make A Lacanian Quilt

Dr. Ryan Engley, Assistant Professor of Media Studies at Pomona College and co-host of the Why Theory podcast, joined me to discuss Lacan, the serial, and it's psychoanalytic elements. Why Theory: My Episode with Todd McGowan: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Dec 23, 2019 • 1:55:23

Taylor Adkins - 2 Fascist 2 Unconscious

Taylor Adkins - 2 Fascist 2 Unconscious

Taylor Adkins is co-host of the Theory Talk podcast and a translator of contemporary French philosophy. We discuss shitposting, libidinal economies, Deleuze, Nick Land, and christianity. Taylor's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Dec 2, 2019 • 1:49:53

David Parsons -  Gucci Minh

David Parsons - Gucci Minh

David Parsons is an author and fellow podcaster. He's the author of Dangerous Grounds: Antiwar Coffeehouses and Military Dissent in the Vietnam Era, and that's what the discussion centers around. However, we do delve into imperialism, popular culture, the new for a libidinal communism and the current moment in American Politics. David's Links:

Nov 18, 2019 • 1:51:49

Michel Luc Bellemare - Anarchifesto

Michel Luc Bellemare - Anarchifesto

This week artist, author and fellow anarchist Michel Luc Bellemare joined me to discuss his book The Structural-Anarchism Manifesto: (The Logic of Structural-Anarchism Versus The Logic of Capitalism). Twitter: @MichelLucBellem The Structural-Anarchism Manifesto: (The Logic of Structural-Anarchism Versus The Logic of Capitalism) Suppo

Nov 11, 2019 • 1:43:07

Dr. Andrew Culp - Dark Deleuze

Dr. Andrew Culp - Dark Deleuze

Dr. Andrew Culp is a Media Theorist In Aesthetics and Politics Teaching at CalArts. He was kind enough to join me to discuss his book, Dark Deleuze. Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Nov 4, 2019 • 1:44:54

Bo (@schnedwob) - Bo Nose Dolphins

Bo (@schnedwob) - Bo Nose Dolphins

Bo from Psychic Dolphin Garage joined me this week to talk current events. Topics ranged from Chuck Woolery and Hegel to Ernest P. Worrell's commitment to Mao Zedong thought. Widespread civil unrest due to Neoliberal austerity was also a big focus of the episode. Bo's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Oct 28, 2019 • 1:48:01

Chris Raguz - Baudrillard Did Not Take Place

Chris Raguz - Baudrillard Did Not Take Place

Chris Raguz is a graduate student at the University of Chicago. Chris is incorporating Baudrillard into his graduate work, and shares an affinity with him. We had a great discussion on Baudrillard's work and how it applies to our current moment. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Oct 21, 2019 • 1:37:18

Nick (@stellarboor) - Google Murray Franklin

Nick (@stellarboor) - Google Murray Franklin

Nick, aka @stellarboor and I reviewed the new Joker film starring Joaquin Phoenix. Turns out we live in a flippin society ya'll. I just guested on Proletarian Contrarian last week to discuss David Lynch's Dune and you can listed below: Nick's Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Po

Oct 7, 2019 • 1:27:43

John Zigterman - The Migos And It's Owns

John Zigterman - The Migos And It's Owns

Friend of the pod, John Zigterman, of Beep Beep Lettuce and This Is Not A Librivox Recording fame joined me this week to discuss one of our shared interests, Max Stirner. We looked at a piece from Andrew Koch titled, Max Stirner: The Last Hegelian or the First Poststructuralist. John's Links: Twitter: Beep Beep Lettuce:

Sep 23, 2019 • 2:21:41

Mandatory OT - Same Differance

Mandatory OT - Same Differance

Chris and Dave of Mandatory OT, the official podcast of the West Virginia IWW, and friends of the show joined me this week to discuss an article by Saul Newman titled Derrida's Deconstruction of Authority. Article Link: Mandatory OT Links: Twitter: @MandatoryOT Listen and Subscribe to Mandatory OT:

Sep 16, 2019 • 1:47:32

Sarah Nugent - Ogle Murray Bookchin

Sarah Nugent - Ogle Murray Bookchin

Sarah joined me to discuss a piece from Murray Bookchin titled On "Remaking of the American Left". Sarah was unfamiliar with Bookchin, so I thought this would be an interesting point of departure. Article: Sarah's Links: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_ch

Sep 9, 2019 • 1:54:13

Nick (@stellarboor) - Memocratic Confederalism

Nick (@stellarboor) - Memocratic Confederalism

This week Nick (@stellarboor) co-host of the Proletarian Contrarian podcast joined me to discuss Abdullah Ocalan's Democratic Confederalism. Article: I just guested on Proletarian Contrarian last week to discuss David Lynch's Dune and you can listed below: Nick's Links

Sep 2, 2019 • 1:43:16

Dr Todd McGowan - The Chad Lacan

Dr Todd McGowan - The Chad Lacan

Dr. Todd McGowan, professor in the Department of English as the University of Vermon, and co-host of the Why Theory podcast joined me to discuss one of my absolute favorite thinkers, Jacques Lacan. We discuss Lacan's formulation of desire, jouissance, das ding, and much more in this jam packed episode. Todd's Links: Support us on Pa

Aug 26, 2019 • 1:15:55

Andrew Stamper - Possession - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - Possession - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper and I continue our Best Film Series with an examination of Andrzej Zulawski's cult classic, Possession. The film stars Isabelle Adjani and Sam Neill. Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Aug 19, 2019 • 1:29:48

Maximillian Alvarez - Max Pomo

Maximillian Alvarez - Max Pomo

Maximillian Alvarez, writer and host of the Working People podcast joined me to take a look at John Zerzan's The Catastrophe of Postmodernism. Article Link: Max's Links: Twitter: @maximillian_alv Support us on Patreon:

Aug 12, 2019 • 1:22:27

Todd (@argumentwinner) - Couple of Jokers

Todd (@argumentwinner) - Couple of Jokers

Todd, aka @argumentwinner, co-host of Beep Beep Lettuce and friend of the pod joined me to talk Lil Nas X, Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie, and much more. Todd's Links: Todd's interview with a Puerto Rican activist: Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Jul 29, 2019 • 1:05:13

@anarcho_toast - Spooky Anarchism

@anarcho_toast - Spooky Anarchism

@anarcho_toast and I did a reading of The Relevance of Max Stirner to Anarcho-Communists by Matty Thomas Links Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Jul 25, 2019 • 1:08:33

David Griscom - The Griscom Economic Mindset

David Griscom - The Griscom Economic Mindset

David Griscom is a fellow Texan and co-host of The Michael Brooks Show. David delivers the Griscom Economic Minute, and there's a long running joke about him having beef with Marxist economist Richard Wolff. David's Links:

Jul 8, 2019 • 48:49

John Zigterman - The Master/Spook Dialectic

John Zigterman - The Master/Spook Dialectic

Friend of the pod, John Zigterman, of Beep Beep Lettuce and This Is Not A Librivox Recording fame joined me this week to dissect two articles from the Anarchist Library. The first piece is: War on the State: Stirner and Deleuze’s Anarchism and the second piece is Interrogating the Master: Lacan and Radical Politics. Both are by Saul Newman and can be bound below:

Jul 1, 2019 • 1:52:11

Paul (@rules_follower) - State of Anarchy

Paul (@rules_follower) - State of Anarchy

Paul (@rules_follower) joined me to to discuss Mario Cutajar's piece, The Crisis of Dialectical Materialism and Libertarian Socialism. It was a great read and definitely recommend it. Links @rules_follower Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Jun 25, 2019 • 1:26:57

Leah Mulroney - Get Up Stand-Up

Leah Mulroney - Get Up Stand-Up

Leah Mulroney is a friend that's been active in the Austin open-mic scene for the last 6 months or so. Stand-up is something I've always wanted to do, so I brought Leah on to talk about her experience so far. Leah Links: @sadgal_leelee Support us on Patreon: Twitter: @Podcastcocooper Instagram: @podcast_co_cooper_cherry

Jun 17, 2019 • 54:13

@Anarcho_Toast - Texas Toast Is Thicc

@Anarcho_Toast - Texas Toast Is Thicc

@anarcho_toast joined me this week to discuss Anarchy, Power, and Poststructuralism by Allan Antliff. Support the show on Patreon Links: @Anarcho_Toast

Jun 3, 2019 • 1:32:08

Andrew Stamper - The Player - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - The Player - Best Films Series

Friend of the show Andrew Stamper joined me to take a look at Robert Altman's 1992 film, The Player. As always we take a look at the acting, cinematography, writing, and more. Links: Support the show on Patreon Famous long take Robert Altman on Charlie Rose Discussing The Player IMDB

May 27, 2019 • 1:16:59

Nick (@stellarboor) - Malatestify

Nick (@stellarboor) - Malatestify

Nick of the Proletarian Contrarian podcast joined me this week to discuss Errico Malatesta's Anarchy. Support the show on Patreon: Show Notes and Links

May 20, 2019 • 1:21:18

Zai - Verbal Portrait of an Artist

Zai - Verbal Portrait of an Artist

Zai Sadler hails from Ausin, Texas. Zai is an artist and writing working across a number of different media, including but not limited to poetry, rapping, and photography. We sat down to discuss what it's like to be a context creator, rhyming, and more. Zai was also kind enough to perform one of her poems, which is the highlight of the episode. Zai's Links: Twitter: @Zaisawriter_ IG: @zaisawriter_ My Links: https://w

May 6, 2019 • 49:56

Tarik Daniels - Who Wants To Be A Radical?

Tarik Daniels - Who Wants To Be A Radical?

Tarik Daniels is an activist, actor, community organizer, and writer here in Austin, Texas. Tarik serves as executive director of WHATSINTHEMIRROR, a non-profit and social movement that provides mental health and suicide prevention through advocacy and art. We did something a little different with this episode and just captured a completely off the cuff discussion about what radical politics are. Tarik posed this question to me and the discussion was going so well, I just started recording. Vi

Apr 15, 2019 • 1:46:46

Todd (@argumentwinner) - The Dudes Abiden

Todd (@argumentwinner) - The Dudes Abiden

Todd, aka @argumentwinner, a co-host of the leftist pod Beep Beep Lettuce joined me to do a reading series this week. We talked about David Oscar Markus's #MeToo has lost its way: In defense of Joe Biden from The Hill, and Neil Clark's Pete Seeger’s Conservative Socialism in The American Conservative. Article Links: Link

Apr 8, 2019 • 1:35:55

Mandatory OT - Mandatory Podcasting Hours

Mandatory OT - Mandatory Podcasting Hours

Chris and Dave from the leftist podcast Mandatory OT joined me to discuss their paths to the left, organizing and stopping the horny left. They host the official podcast of the West Virginia IWW, and are both excellent comrades. Twitter: @MandatoryOT Listen and Subscribe to Mandatory OT:

Apr 2, 2019 • 2:24:19

Paul (@rules_follower) - Chicken Fried Info Wars

Paul (@rules_follower) - Chicken Fried Info Wars

Paul, aka @rules_follower joined me to discuss his run-in with Alex Jones, organizing, and the history of socialism in Europe. Actual video of the Incident at Lucy's Chicken:

Apr 1, 2019 • 1:26:41

Simon Obirek - Are You a Lacan or a Lackant?

Simon Obirek - Are You a Lacan or a Lackant?

Simon Obirek is a YouTuber specializing in videos about continental philosophy. Simon resides in Denmark, and we were introduced to one another via Twitter. He was kind enough to join me for a high-level discussion on Jacque Lacan's theory of desire. Links:

Mar 25, 2019 • 2:16:29

Sarah Nugent -  Socialism Is When The Government Does Stuff

Sarah Nugent - Socialism Is When The Government Does Stuff

Sarah returned to the show for the 3rd time to discuss the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates and listen to me rant about what socialism really is. Links:

Mar 11, 2019 • 1:39:01

King - The World Keeps Spinnin - #wepartyharder

King - The World Keeps Spinnin - #wepartyharder

King is a DJ, MC, promoter, and creator that I grew up with in small-town Texas. He's also the founder of Texas Raves Magazine. Links:

Mar 4, 2019 • 1:21:26

John Zigterman - A Poster Always Rings Twice

John Zigterman - A Poster Always Rings Twice

John Zigterman, co-host of the leftist podcast, Beep Beep Lettuce joined me to discuss neoliberal campaign, dunk on Howard Schultz, and talk about shitposting. Links: Beep Beep Lettuce

Feb 28, 2019 • 1:35:52

Gilbert Rivera - Who Wants to be a Billionaire

Gilbert Rivera - Who Wants to be a Billionaire

Gilbert Rivera joined me to discuss Davos, Howard Schultz, tax advantaged savings accounts, and then some Dune talk towards the end.

Feb 11, 2019 • 1:23:22

Francisco Valdez - On Phenomenology

Francisco Valdez - On Phenomenology

Francisco Valdez is a Philosophy graduate student at San Fransisco State University. Frank was kind enough to join me to discuss the broad strokes of phenomenology, applying philosophical ideas to film, and meeting Zizek.

Feb 3, 2019 • 1:18:50

Andrew Stamper - Sunshine - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - Sunshine - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper and I reconvened to discuss Danny Boyle's 2007 science fiction opus, Sunshine. As always we delve into the acting, cinematography, writing, and themes. Links: Kaneda's Death Opening Scene Mercury Ending Scene George Carlin - Sun Worship

Jan 17, 2019 • 1:38:00

John Zigterman - Return of the Makhno

John Zigterman - Return of the Makhno

John Zigterman, co-host of the leftist podcast, Beep Beep Lettuce joined me to discuss the legendary Ukrainian revolutionary, Nestor Makhno. Links: Beep Beep Lettuce

Jan 8, 2019 • 1:14:23

Andrew Stamper - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Best Films Series

Fellow cinephile Andrew Stamper returns to discuss the Christmas adjacent film Kiss Kiss Bang Bang from Shane Black.

Dec 17, 2018 • 47:54

Dara Zycherman - Entrepreneur

Dara Zycherman - Entrepreneur

Dara Zycherman is an entrepreneur and fellow podcaster located here in Austin. She was kind enough to join me to discuss her time at the US Green Buidling Council as well as creating systems and approaches to decluttering one's life. Links:

Nov 26, 2018 • 1:01:44

Andrew Stamper - Robocop - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - Robocop - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper returns for a lively discussion on Paul Verhoeven's Robocop. Robocop is an underrated gem and one of the most low-key subversive action films in history. It's subtle critique of neoliberalism is often glossed over due to the gratuitous violence.

Nov 19, 2018 • 1:39:14

Gary Cooper - Post Election Discussion

Gary Cooper - Post Election Discussion

Freelance photojournalist, Gary Cooper, joined me this episode to discuss the Ted Cruz vs Beto O'Rourke results, re-cap the mid-terms, and more. Twitter: The Republican Party's rightward trend

Nov 12, 2018 • 1:10:31

Andrew Stamper - American Psycho - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - American Psycho - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper and I continue our Best Films Series. We take a film and discuss the acting, writing, cinematography, et al. In this episode we discuss American Pyscho. I really enjoyed how much theoretical meat there was to chew on. Lacan's Theory of The Gaze The Politics of the Gaze: Foucault, Lacan and Žižek Laura Mulvey - Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema

Oct 22, 2018 • 1:41:28

Christine Chen - Filmmaker

Christine Chen - Filmmaker

Christine Chen is an independent filmmaker here in Austin. We sat down to talk about the different stages in the craft of filmmaking. IMDB: Moth To Flame Films: Article:

Oct 15, 2018 • 1:14:50

Sarah Nugent - You Beto Bring It

Sarah Nugent - You Beto Bring It

Sarah Nugent returned to the show to discuss the O'Rourke vs. Cruz senate race, the Botham Jean case, and calling grandma out at Thanksgiving. Be sure to checkout follow her on Medium at and Instagram at

Sep 24, 2018 • 1:12:16

Andrew Stamper - The Thin Red Line - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - The Thin Red Line - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper rejoins me to continue our Best Films Series with my number 1 selection, Terrence Mallick's The Thin Red Line. There's a gradient of creative and destructive energy in the universe that cycles through and for me that's what this film embodies. Standout Scenes "Running into a burning house where no one can be saved" "Everything a lie" Tall breaks down

Sep 17, 2018 • 1:49:36

Scott Williams - No Pesos For Bezos

Scott Williams - No Pesos For Bezos

Scott and I spend this episode discussing Tucker Carlson's leftist propaganda, the death of "maverick" John McCain, externalities, and ancient aliens.

Sep 4, 2018 • 57:12

Gary Cooper - Charlottesville

Gary Cooper - Charlottesville

Gary Cooper is a photojournalist that was recently in Charlottesville covering the events on the ground one year after mayhem erupted there. Gary is a long-term friend and a very principled newsman. We talked about his experiences on the ground in Charlottesville, the legacy of the Confederacy, the resurgence of socialist rhetoric, and this year's mid-term elections.

Aug 29, 2018 • 1:01:19

Aj Norton - Who Is America?

Aj Norton - Who Is America?

Friend of the show, AJ Norton of Psychological Warfare with AJ Norton joined me to discuss Alex Jones, Elon Musk, the Unite the Right Rally in Austin, the Austin DSA, and more.

Aug 27, 2018 • 1:36:19

David Taylor - CRISPR

David Taylor - CRISPR

David Taylor is Assistant Professor in Molecular Biosciences at the University of Texas here in Austin. David was kind enough to join me for a high level conversation on CRISPR, a form of gene editing.

Aug 27, 2018 • 48:56

Andrew Stamper - Back To The Future - Best Films series

Andrew Stamper - Back To The Future - Best Films series

Andrew Stamper and I dissect his number 1 film of all time, Robert Zemeckis's Back To The Future. We delve into what makes this film such a fun and charming watch.

Aug 20, 2018 • 1:20:19

Kyley Smiley - Paranormal Enthusiast

Kyley Smiley - Paranormal Enthusiast

Kylie Smiley of The Golden Ghouls joined me this week to discuss the paranormal, teaching English in Vietnam, and surviving an earthquake in Japan. The Golden Ghouls is a local, Austin podcast that discusses the paranormal, the macabre, the supernatural, etc. Be sure to check out their show.

Aug 15, 2018 • 1:32:41

Andrew Stamper - The Shining - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - The Shining - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper returns to continue our Best Films series with his #2 film, Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. The Shining is notable for it's extensive use of steadicam, and for the insane amount of takes Kubrick put the actors through. Links: 1. Stanley Kubrick's 1 Point Perspective 2. Jack Nicholson preparing for a scene 3. Balanced vs. Unbalance Frames 4. Rule of Thi

Jul 23, 2018 • 1:28:14

Jonathan Valdez - Orange Juice & Biscuits

Jonathan Valdez - Orange Juice & Biscuits

I traveled to NYC to record this week's episode with longtime friend, Jonathan Valdez. Jonathan covers fashion and entertainment new on his blog, Orange Juice and Biscuits while also frequently contributing to US Weekly as a fashion police top cop. We discussed Jonathan's travails since our time together at Texas State and investigated what it means to be a self-made billionaire in Trump's America. Links: https://ww

Jul 18, 2018 • 56:43

Asaf Ronen - Out of Bounds Comedy Festival

Asaf Ronen - Out of Bounds Comedy Festival

Asaf Ronen returned to the show to discuss his associate producer role with the Out of Bounds Comedy Festival, comedic theory, and comic book adaptations. Show Links:

Jul 3, 2018 • 1:09:59

Andrew Stamper - No Country For Old Men - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - No Country For Old Men - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper and I continue our Best Films series with my #2, No Country For Old Men.

Jun 25, 2018 • 1:12:33

Andrew Stamper - Groundhog Day - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - Groundhog Day - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper returns to tackle his number 3 film in our Best Films series. This episode focuses on unpacking the brilliance of Harold Ramis' Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray. We analyze what gives this movie such rewatchability. Links:

Jun 4, 2018 • 1:22:42

David Kaelin - Classic Game Fest

David Kaelin - Classic Game Fest

David Kaelin is the CEO of Game Over Video Games and organizer of Classic Game Fest. David is making his second appearance on the show to help me celebrate episode 50. This year's festival takes place at the Palmer Events Center here in Austin, July 28-29. He gives the lowdown on this year's festival and we had some fun chatting about our respective appreciation of retro gaming. This year's guests include: Jason Lord – This Controller Sucks! Jeffrey Wittenhagen – Indie Game Development John Mont

May 29, 2018 • 54:44

Aj Norton - On The "Intellectual Dark Web"

Aj Norton - On The "Intellectual Dark Web"

AJ Norton is the host of his own political podcast, Psychological Warfare with AJ Norton. He joined me to discuss the so-called "Intellectual Dark Web". Links:

May 21, 2018 • 1:56:51

Andrew Stamper - The Prestige - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - The Prestige - Best Films Series

Listen closely. Andrew Stamper joined me to continue our Best Films series with my number 3 film, Christopher Nolan's The Prestige. We take a deep dive into the acting, cinematography, screenplay, themes, and more of Chris Nolan's best film. Scenes Referenced Opening: Funeral Scene: Light Bulb Scene: Ending:

May 7, 2018 • 1:46:17

Gilbert Rivera - Dune Film & Book Discussion

Gilbert Rivera - Dune Film & Book Discussion

Gilbert Rivera joined me to discuss the cult classic film, Dune. Having just completed the novel and never having seen the film, I thought he'd have an interesting perspective. It's a highly flawed film, but one that captured my imagination as a child.

Apr 29, 2018 • 2:16:37

Andrew Stamper - Amores Perros - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - Amores Perros - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper and I tackle my number 4 film in our best films series, Innaritu's Amores Perros. It was his first feature film, and I still feel like this is his best work. This is a gritty film that was like a punch to the gut the first time I watched it and can be a challenging film for dog lovers. Story is the strength of this film, but it is also characteristically bleak. Luckily, I enjoy dark, visceral rides.

Apr 23, 2018 • 1:26:57

Tarik Daniels - On Intersectionality

Tarik Daniels - On Intersectionality

Tarik Daniels is an activist, actor, community organizer, and writer here in Austin, Texas. Tarik serves as executive director of WHATSINTHEMIRROR, a non-profit and social movement that provides mental health and suicide prevention through advocacy and art. His new book, No Bonds So Strong is available for presale on March, 8, 2018 and goes on sale everywhere on April 20, 2018. In this episode we primarily focus on defining intersectionality and providing concrete examples to help illustrate how

Apr 15, 2018 • 1:31:29

Kanan Boor - Applying a Postmodern Lens to Gender & Identity

Kanan Boor - Applying a Postmodern Lens to Gender & Identity

Kanan and I delve into postmodern theories of gender, identity, and spend a little extra time shitting on Jordan Peterson for the kids.

Mar 27, 2018 • 1:33:58

AJ Norton - Host of Psychological Warfare With AJ Norton

AJ Norton - Host of Psychological Warfare With AJ Norton

AJ Norton joined me for his second appearance on the show to discuss the bombings in Austin, the firing of Rex Tillerson, Googling Murray Bookchin, his experience with the Austin chapter of the DSA ad more. http://theanarch

Mar 21, 2018 • 1:27:13

Ian Benouis - Plant Based Medicine Advocate

Ian Benouis - Plant Based Medicine Advocate

Earth based medication advocate and activist, Ian Benouis joined me to discuss his work with veterans suffering from PTSD, earth based medication, etc. Ian has participated in a documentary film, Soldiers of the Vine, in which 6 American veterans go to Peru to explore a 10-day plant dieta to treat PTSD. Soldiers of the Vine

Mar 12, 2018 • 1:03:22

Andrew Stamper - The Vanishing - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - The Vanishing - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper and I continue our Best Films Series with an analysis of the Dutch film, Spoorloos or The Vanishing.

Mar 5, 2018 • 1:10:28

Rahim Adeigbe - The Return - Joints x Rahim

Rahim Adeigbe - The Return - Joints x Rahim

Rahim Adeigbe, the creator of Joints X Rahim, stopped by this week to talk about what he's been up to since he joined us for episode 2. He recently spent some time in NYC and shared a little about upcoming projects. IG: @jointsxrahim Twitter: @heemerson

Feb 28, 2018 • 1:00:13

Andrew Stamper - Blade Runner - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - Blade Runner - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper and I continued our Best Films Series with my number 5, Blade Runner. Topics include acting, cinematography, philosophy, production, writing. Shots: My Blade Runner Short: htt

Feb 19, 2018 • 1:48:20

Dr James K Galbraith - Author & Economist

Dr James K Galbraith - Author & Economist

Dr. James Galbraith was kind enough to join me on the show this week to discuss macroeconomics. We talked about measures of economic output and inequality such as GDP, GINI Coefficient, and Theil Index. Dr. Galbraith also walked me through the broad strokes of Modern Monetary Theory, the national debt and the national deficit. James K. Galbraith holds the Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and a professorship of government at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. http://uti

Feb 13, 2018 • 1:40:43

Brandon Polanco - Independent Austin Filmmaker

Brandon Polanco - Independent Austin Filmmaker

Independent Austin filmmaker, Brandon Polanco, joined me on the show this week to talk about filmmaking. He's currently editing his first feature film, Earth Mother. We discuss the ins and outs of film production as well as storytelling from a broader perspective. He's worked with notable actors like Bryan Cranston and has had a short accepted into the Cannes Film Festival. This is an absolutely phenomenal episode, and immediately felt like one of the best since I started the show. Be sure to ch

Feb 5, 2018 • 1:52:55

Andrew Stamper - Vertigo - Best Films Series

Andrew Stamper - Vertigo - Best Films Series

Andrew and I discuss the acting, cinematography, writing, and more of Alfred Hitchcock's landmark film, Vertigo. It's the first in a series we'll be doing together exploring our top 5 best films of all time. Most importantly, we reference the male libidinal economy.

Jan 29, 2018 • 1:15:24

Avery Sudduth - Comic & X-Men Fan

Avery Sudduth - Comic & X-Men Fan

Friend of the show Avery Sudduth stopped by the studio for an impromptu chat on our shared love of all things X-Men. Topics covered include costumes, art, writing, style, film adaptations and more.

Jan 23, 2018 • 1:15:20

Sarah Hay - Podcaster

Sarah Hay - Podcaster

Sarah Hay will be launching her own podcast soon, so I wanted to host her to discuss criminal justice reform, social justice, religion, and spirituality in the 21st century.

Jan 15, 2018 • 2:06:13

Andrew Stamper - Screenwriter & Storyteller

Andrew Stamper - Screenwriter & Storyteller

Andrew Stamper joined me to share some insights into the challenges screenwriters face. We shared a little about some of our favorite films. We had a great time geeking our over our favorite films to wrap things up. It's a conversation any film geek will enjoy.

Jan 9, 2018 • 2:35:37

Marwan Nihad - The New Year's Episode

Marwan Nihad - The New Year's Episode

Marwan was my very first guest and joined me to talk about his recent trip to visit his father in Egypt. We also talked a little bit about the region and his plans for 2018.

Dec 31, 2017 • 1:07:15

Dr. Jay Banner - University of Texas Jackson School of Geoscience

Dr. Jay Banner - University of Texas Jackson School of Geoscience

Dr. Jay Banner is the F. M. Bullard Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences and Director, Environmental Science Institute, College of Natural Sciences. Dr. Banner shared insights into the impact of urbanization of streams, the challenges surrounding creating a sustainable future for the state of Texas, and how climactic change can be studied via stalagmite deposits.

Dec 20, 2017 • 51:55

Scott Williams - The Trouble With Scotts

Scott Williams - The Trouble With Scotts

I brought friend of the show, Scott Williams, back to discuss what it would take to motivate him politically, the perils of modern living, and more schizoid content.

Dec 13, 2017 • 1:26:31

Jennifer Cox - Negotiating Biases & Identity

Jennifer Cox - Negotiating Biases & Identity

Jennifer Cox is a returning guest. I brought Jennifer on to discuss feminist perspectives. It automatically felt like one of the stronger conversations I've been able to have on the show so far, and I'm confident you'll agree. We discussed concepts of identity, negotiating ones own privileges & biases, and finding oneself after growing up in a evangelical community.

Dec 4, 2017 • 1:44:58

AJ Norton - Psychological Warefare with Aj Norton

AJ Norton - Psychological Warefare with Aj Norton

I had the opportunity to sit down and riff with AJ Norton of Psycological Warfare With AJ Norton. He's a local Austin podcaster, and I think we share a similar outlook in terms of the kinds of discussions we want to have. We focused on the confluence of economics, the media, and politics from a broad perspective.

Nov 29, 2017 • 1:36:19

Gilbert Rivera - Culture & Technology Maven

Gilbert Rivera - Culture & Technology Maven

Gilbert Rivera is one of my absolute favorite people to talk to on any subject, so it was a real pleasure to have him on the show. We start off discussing Net Neutrality, and in true schizoid fashion venture into politics, economics, and philosophy. I've been pitching the idea of doing a current events podcast together, as well.

Nov 24, 2017 • 1:26:52

Dr Ivan Marquez - Philosophy Department Texas State University

Dr Ivan Marquez - Philosophy Department Texas State University

Dr. Ivan Marquez, a professor in the Philosophy department at Texas State University joined me this week to discuss political philosophy through the lens of the enlightenment, modernity, and postmodernity. We discuss theory from thinkers such as Jean Baudrillard, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Martin Heidegger, Immanuel Kant, Jacques Lacan, and Karl Marx. We start with a introduction to modernity, trace it's origins in the Enlightenment, and the postmodern reaction.

Nov 15, 2017 • 3:01:34

Dr Justin Hart - Roboticist

Dr Justin Hart - Roboticist

I really enjoyed sitting and talking with Dr. Justin Hart about his work as a roboticist. We primarily focused on his research, but also touched on topics like the uncanny valley and philosophy of the mind.

Oct 31, 2017 • 1:21:43

Cindy Royal - Professor Texas State SJMC

Cindy Royal - Professor Texas State SJMC

Dr. Cindy Royal is a very influential figure in my educational journey. I took several of her new media courses while pursuing an M.A. in Mass Communication at Texas State University. She is the reason I joined Twitter and I'll credit her as my social media sensei. As such, it was interesting to circle back around to the beginning of it all with her. We talked a little about how we first got into technology, how social media has evolved, and impacted not only politics, but culture as a whole.

Oct 25, 2017 • 1:37:53

CJ & Fresh -  Those Damn Comic Book Guys

CJ & Fresh - Those Damn Comic Book Guys

Strap yourselves in, because this is a long one. I had an awesome time talking comic books and hip-hop with Confucius Jones & Fresh, aka Those Damn Comic Book Guys. This dynamic duo also hosts a show on KUTX 98.9 called the Breaks. We debate the merits and pitfalls of serialized storytelling & compare notes on the comic scene. The podcast wraps up with a little hip-hop talk.

Oct 2, 2017 • 3:01:04

Dr. John Kormendy - Astronomer

Dr. John Kormendy - Astronomer

This week I had a supermassive schizoid discussion with Dr. John Kormendy about black holes and other stellar phenomena. Dr. Kormendy is well known for his work on supermassive black holes at the centers of massive galaxies, he has done substantial work in the study of galactic bulges, the evolution of elliptical galaxies and dark matter halos of galaxies. We unpacked a little about stellar lifecycles, dark matter, neutrinos, and other topics related to black holes themselves.

Sep 25, 2017 • 2:24:06

David Kaelin - Classic Game Fest

David Kaelin - Classic Game Fest

This week I sat down with David Kaelin from Austin's own Classic Game Fest. The Classic Game Fest is an event held every summer with next year's scheduled for July 28 & 29 2018. We talked a little about the beginnings of the fest and it's growth over the years. David helped me identify a long lost game, Yars' Revenge, and we delved into some the strange story surrounding the first ET game for Atari. It was validating to see that I'm not the only one and that my love of 16 bit gaming and side scr

Sep 21, 2017 • 1:40:45

Barbara Morgan - Austin Film Festival

Barbara Morgan - Austin Film Festival

Barbara Morgan, Executive Director of the Austin Film Festival joined me this week. We talked a little bit about the history of the festival, some of this year's panelists that she's excited about, and other stories. The festival takes place October 26 - November 2. For more information checkout their website at: I also highly recommend checking out On Story iTunes:

Sep 12, 2017 • 59:12

Scott Williams & Skye Gilbert

Scott Williams & Skye Gilbert

Scott Williams returns to the podcast for another round of schizoid mania. This time, he brought along Skye Gilbert. We went down the rabbit hole discussing the events in Charlottesville, free speech, the limits of reason, and delved a bit into cryptocurrency near the end.

Sep 5, 2017 • 1:15:24

Andy Martinec - Black Star Co-Op

Andy Martinec - Black Star Co-Op

This week I sat down to talk democracy in the workplace and the science behind brewing with Andy Martinec, head brewer at Black Star Co-Op.

Aug 29, 2017 • 1:05:54

Dr. Robert Kane - Author, Philosopher, & Professor

Dr. Robert Kane - Author, Philosopher, & Professor

Dr. Robert Kane and I sat down to unpack the topic of free will. Kane is a noted proponent of what's referred to as Libertarian Free Will and has written extensively on the topic. He is author of seven books and sixty articles on the philosophy of mind and action, ethical theory and social ethics, the theory of value and philosophy of religion, including Free Will and Values (1985), Through the Moral Maze (1994), The Significance of Free Will (1996), A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will (20

Aug 24, 2017 • 1:39:22

Tom Copeland - Former Director of The Texas Film Commission

Tom Copeland - Former Director of The Texas Film Commission

I visit with former Director of the Texas Film Commission, Tom Copeland. Tom is currently an instructor in the theater department at Texas State University in San Marcos. He's an advocate for Texas filmmakers and worked in the industry for several years early in his career. We chat about his days in the film industry, his tenure at the film commission, and the work he's doing at Texas State.

Aug 14, 2017 • 1:06:03

Mark Bristol - Writer, Director, and Storyboard Artist

Mark Bristol - Writer, Director, and Storyboard Artist

I sat down with Mark Bristol to talk about his experiences as a writer, director and storyboard artist. Mark's list of credits include: Dazed and Confused, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, The Thin Red Line, Memento, Alfie, The Tree of Life,The Founder, Legion, The Leftovers, and Mission Impossible 6. We start out on fire with a Terrance Mallick story that had me tearing up with laughter. Had an awesome time chatting with Mark.

Aug 9, 2017 • 1:40:16

Asaf Ronen - The Institution Theater

Asaf Ronen - The Institution Theater

I had a blast geeking out with Asar Ronen about accents, comics, movies, and writing. Asaf is an improv instructor at The Institution Theater, here in Austin. He's also an actor, director, and writer.

Aug 2, 2017 • 1:09:18

Dr. Bob Jensen -  University of  Texas

Dr. Bob Jensen - University of Texas

Dr. Bob Jensen sits down to talk American imperialism, economics, and electoral politics. We unpack these topics through the lenses of the Iraq War, 2008 Financial Collapse, and 2016 election. Dr. Jensen is a professor in the School or Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of Plain Radical: Living, Loving, and Learning to Leave the Planet Gracefully (Counterpoint/Soft Skull, 2015). Jensen’s other books include Arguing for Our Lives: A User’s Guide to Constructive Dial

Aug 1, 2017 • 1:05:34

Dr. Ginny Catania - Associate Professor Jackson School of Geosciences

Dr. Ginny Catania - Associate Professor Jackson School of Geosciences

This week I sit with Dr. Ginny Catania to discuss her research into climate science. Her area of expertise is the study of ice sheet/glacier changes that arise from both natural and forced variability. For more insights into her research, please visit her website:

Jul 25, 2017 • 1:11:20

Candace Carpenter - Data Analyst and Personality

Candace Carpenter - Data Analyst and Personality

Candace Carpenter works as a data analyst in Austin and is one of my favorite folks to chat with due to her wit and charm. Help me encourage her to become a standup with your comments. We sit down to discuss her experience at a recent pro-trump rally, the current political climate, and astronomy.

Jul 4, 2017 • 1:36:05

Ryan Driggers - Path Salon

Ryan Driggers - Path Salon

Ryan Driggers, owner of Austin's own Path Salon, and I sit down to talk about his career path, ridesharing, sneakers, and hip-hop.

Jun 26, 2017 • 1:08:17

Scott Williams - Entrepreneur, Realtor & Traveler

Scott Williams - Entrepreneur, Realtor & Traveler

Scott Williams is an experienced real estate agent in the Austin market and a world traveler. We discuss some of his experiences abroad, including getting shot in the head during a botched mugging.

Jun 20, 2017 • 1:18:03

James Welch - Bames

James Welch - Bames

I get schizoid with one half of Austin's own electronic musical duo, Bames. Their music has been featured in Rick Owens fashion shows, Men's FW15 'SPHINX' & Women's FW15 'SPHINX'.

Jun 12, 2017 • 54:57

Jennifer Cox - Tarot Enthusiast and Intellectual

Jennifer Cox - Tarot Enthusiast and Intellectual

Jennifer Cox is a tarot enthusiast and intellectual. We discuss the history and thought behind the practice. The second half includes an actual reading.

Jun 5, 2017 • 1:43:19

Brendan Steinhauser - Grassroots Political Activist and Consultant

Brendan Steinhauser - Grassroots Political Activist and Consultant

Brendan Steinhauser is a grassroots political activist that was instrumental in the Tea Party movement, acted as Texas Senator John Cornyn's Campaign Manager, and Co-Founded Steinhauser Strategies with his wife, Randan. We chat about a variety of cultural, economic, and political ideas.

May 29, 2017 • 2:13:44

Tom Booker - Owner of The Institution Theater

Tom Booker - Owner of The Institution Theater

Tom Booker is an actor, writer, and owner of Austin's very own Institution Theater. Tom has appeared in a variety of film and television roles over the years, including Jury Duty and Curb Your Enthusiasm. He currently teaches a Make Your Movie Now course and is involved in a wide range of projects. The highlights of the episode are when Tom shared few fun stories involving Andy Dick and Andy Richter.

May 22, 2017 • 1:33:08

Rahim Adeigbe, Creator of Joints x Rahim

Rahim Adeigbe, Creator of Joints x Rahim

I discuss the genesis, history, and future of Joints x Rahim with creator, Rahim Adeigbe. IG: @jointsxrahim Twitter: @heemerson

May 17, 2017 • 54:13

Marwan Nihad - Episode 1

Marwan Nihad - Episode 1

I chat with Marwan Nihad regarding his experiences growing up in Iraq under Saddam and his journey to the U.S.

May 8, 2017 • 1:34:22

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