Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Sarah Rhea Werner

A podcast for all writers (aspiring to professional) looking to find a healthy work/life/writing balance. Get the encouragement, honest advice, and inspiration you need to pursue your passion and write every day. Recurring themes include books, coffee, rainy days, truth, beauty, lasers, dinosaurs, and all of your other favorite things.

Is "Good Enough" Good Enough? - WN 164

Is "Good Enough" Good Enough? - WN 164

How do you decide when to publish your creative work? Is there a point at which you say it's "good enough"? Or do you have a tendency to polish and play around with those "last final tweaks" indefinitely? This week, we're talking about what it means to do your best in a world where "best" is subjective and perfect doesn't exist. Get ready! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/is-good-enough-good-enough/  Thank you for listening! To suppo

Feb 18, • 24:55

Cynicism About Goals

Cynicism About Goals

Have you ever felt hopeless, helpless, or disillusioned about goal-setting, or found yourself asking, "Why bother?" This week, we're looking at what happens to make us feel that way, and how to set our writing lives on the path to success going forward. For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/cynicism-about-goals-wn-163/  Thank you for listening! To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, you can become a patron on Patreon at

Feb 3, • 47:31

Should I Self-Publish?

Should I Self-Publish?

Have you ever wondered if you should self-publish your book, or go through a traditional publisher? This week, we're weighing the pros and cons of each to figure out which method is best for you. Links mentioned:  Talking Scared Podcast, Episode #003: Spotify | Apple Podcasts Sarah's indie (self-published) audio drama, Girl In Space The Write Now Podcast Discord Community Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit:

Dec 4, 2024 • 27:57

Focus and Distraction - WN 161

Focus and Distraction - WN 161

Do you ever struggle to focus on your writing — even on a project you actually enjoy? Whether due to internal or external factors, distraction comes to us in many different forms, for many different reasons. This week, we’re talking about tools, strategies, and habits we writers can use to find our focus again. Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/focus-amp-distraction-wn-161 To support the work I do here at th

Nov 27, 2024 • 35:06

Saying vs. Doing

Saying vs. Doing

Have you ever noticed a disconnect in what you say you want to do, and what you actually end up doing? Because I have! This week, I'm talking about some of the reasons we might experience a gulf between our desires and our actions — and what to do about it.  Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/saying-vs-doing-wn-160/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon at https://pa

Jul 3, 2024 • 34:18

Expectation vs. Reality - WN 159

Expectation vs. Reality - WN 159

This week, we're talking about expectations and how they tint our reality and shape our experiences... and what we can REALLY expect if we want to write full-time. Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/expectation-vs-reality-wn-159/  To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon at  https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner, or send me a tip on Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/sarahwerner.

Apr 10, 2024 • 33:22

Being A Slow Writer - WN 158

Being A Slow Writer - WN 158

No matter how much coffee I drink, I’m never able to write as quickly as I want to. This week, we’re taking a look at what it means to be a "slow writer" — and all of the baggage that comes along with it. Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/  To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon at  https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner, or send me a tip on Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/s

Mar 13, 2024 • 32:30

Consistency For Writers - WN 157

Consistency For Writers - WN 157

Creating consistently strengthens your command of the craft and builds trust with your audience. But if you're anything like me, creating on a consistent basis feels impossible. Why are we like this? What do we do when we fail to live up to our own — and others' — standards? Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/consistency-for-writers-wn-157/  To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patro

Nov 29, 2023 • 31:55

When Your Writing Dreams Change - WN 156

When Your Writing Dreams Change - WN 156

What happens when your childhood dream feels like it's no longer achievable? What does it mean if (and when) your five-year plan goes off the rails? Today we're talking about what happens when our writing dreams change — and what it means for us as creators. For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/when-your-writing-dreams-change-wn-156/  To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sara

Sep 20, 2023 • 34:23

It's Good To Have A Hobby - WN 155

It's Good To Have A Hobby - WN 155

What is writing to you — a hobby, a second job, a meditative practice? Something else? All of the above? This week, we’re talking about the role of writing in our lives and how we can feel more satisfied and fulfilled in doing what we love. For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/its-good-to-have-a-hobby-wn-155/  To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner  Thank you as

Sep 13, 2023 • 28:09

Selling Art Or Selling Out? with Asa Merritt - WN 154

Selling Art Or Selling Out? with Asa Merritt - WN 154

How should we navigate selling our creative work? I speak with Asa Merritt about pitching a project, which hill(s) to die on, and the pros and cons of telling a personal story on a commercial platform. TRIGGER WARNING: This podcast episode contains mention of suicide. If you or someone you know is struggling, please talk to someone you trust, contact your local crisis center, or (if you're in the United States) call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.  For show notes and

Sep 6, 2023 • 57:11

No One Gets To Tell You Who You Are - WN 153

No One Gets To Tell You Who You Are - WN 153

Sometimes it feels like everyone wants to tells us who we are — our friends, our enemies, and even random strangers on the internet. But what do we do when the identity we've chosen for ourself, such as "writer" or "creator", is challenged? For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/no-one-gets-to-tell-you-who-you-are-wn-153/  To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Th

Jan 18, 2023 • 27:46

Endings Are Hard - WN 152

Endings Are Hard - WN 152

Why are endings so darn hard to write? Is it just because it's difficult to wrap up all of the loose ends... or is there something more going on? What makes for a truly satisfying ending, and how do we create one? For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Nov 23, 2022 • 28:24

Why Do I Write By Hand? - WN 150

Why Do I Write By Hand? - WN 150

Why did I ditch my laptop and start writing everything by hand? (It's not even clickbait — I actually did this!) What are the benefits to writing by hand, and what have I learned from it about the craft of writing?  For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Nov 14, 2022 • 30:11

Improvised Storytelling with Cat Blackard - WN 151

Improvised Storytelling with Cat Blackard - WN 151

If you've ever been curious about how live-action roleplaying game podcasts are planned, created, recorded, and produced, or if you have any interest in RPGs like D&D, Pathfinder, or improv in general, give this episode a listen. Cat is an expert in plucking meaningful narrative from a scattered story and provides tons of great advice on how to clarify your own creative work. For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do her

Oct 24, 2022 • 56:30

Reclaiming Your Voice with Kate Wallinga - WN 149

Reclaiming Your Voice with Kate Wallinga - WN 149

No matter who you are, Kate Wallinga's story of wielding creativity to take back agency in her life will inspire and astound you. And if you're neurodivergent or have experienced life with disability in some regard, her story may hit home in a profound way. Kate is the host of Ignorance Was Bliss, an interview podcast about how we become who we are. It's a show rooted in transformation - created as a an outlet as Kate, a psychologist and crisis clinician, survived a series of life-altering, disa

Aug 31, 2022 • 1:05:00

Forgiving Yourself - WN 148

Forgiving Yourself - WN 148

Regrets can consume creatives and they can sometimes take the place of the creative output we'd like to have. In my case, it keeps me dwelling on the past, instead of focusing on the future or even the present. In this episode I'm asking why might creatives we hold onto regrets? What are we punishing ourselves for? Why do we spend so much time and energy focusing on our regrets and what purpose might they serve? For a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/To suppo

Aug 3, 2022 • 33:37

What Are You Balancing? - WN 147

What Are You Balancing? - WN 147

What is your ideal balance or imbalance? What would it take to actually get there? What can you drop in your life that does not feed your purpose? What are you balancing that doesn't necessarily need to be on that scale? Are you allowing yourself to be honest about it? For me, it was really hard to be honest with myself about balance, because I felt like letting myself do creative stuff was selfish, greedy, or indulgent. But it was also my purpose. And I could not get away from that. For a full

Jul 27, 2022 • 24:02

My Top 10 Tools For Writing - WN 146

My Top 10 Tools For Writing - WN 146

It has been a while since I last talked about my favorite writing tools — and by “a while”, I mean more than seven years. Whew! Suffice to say a lot has changed since then, including the tools and processes I use to write. In this episode, I break down my writing process, tool-by-tool. It's my own process, and everyone has their own comforts and methods to write, but maybe some aspect of how I do things might inspire you to pick up some new habits like I have over the years.  For a full episode

Jul 20, 2022 • 39:33

Collaborative Storytelling with Erik Saras and Dan Lovley - WN 145

Collaborative Storytelling with Erik Saras and Dan Lovley - WN 145

I’m thrilled to share a discussion with my longtime colleagues in sci-fi audio drama; two of the co-creators of the award-winning series, Marsfall: Writer-Director, Eric Saras and Writer-Director and actor Dan Lovley (ANDI). They discuss their process for writing their series collaboratively and how that process has evolved as the project has grown from a home-spun operation to a much larger show. Eric and Dan also share how their identities as authors intermingle and the struggle kill egos and

Jul 13, 2022 • 41:45

When You're Not Okay - WN 144

When You're Not Okay - WN 144

Times get tough and sometimes I am not okay. I haven't been okay for a while. Maybe you can say the same. Lately, I've woken up every morning to a pounding heart, racing breath, and a very intense feeling of panic and anxiety. I feel like my heart is a runaway stage coach driven by a horse that got spooked and is now dragging my body through the crowded town square of life. I can't say for certain, whether it's anxiety, fear, overwhelm, burnout, depression, ADHD, or just the world that we live i

Jul 6, 2022 • 25:48

Write Now Update & #AmWriting Episode Swap

Write Now Update & #AmWriting Episode Swap

Hello friends, this is Sarah and I've got good news! Write Now is coming back. New episodes start July 6th will release every Wednesday morning hereafter - New words and warmth and new author interviews. I wanted to touch base with you, share this announcement and to give you something substantial to enjoy in the meantime, swap an episode with a podcast I love. After you hear from me, you'll hear a full episode of #AmWriting, a podcast series that offers entertaining, actionable advice on craft,

Jun 15, 2022 • 46:39

Interpreting Your Circumstances - WN 143

Interpreting Your Circumstances - WN 143

I've been thinking a lot about our circumstances lately, and how we interpret what we are going through, and how that interpretation informs a huge part of our self-identity and self-worth as writers and creators. What would we do, and who would we become, if we interpreted our situation(s) a little bit differently? For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/interpreting-your-circumstances-wn-143/  To support the work I do here at the Write Now po

Feb 24, 2022 • 31:04

No Rules, Just Write - WN 142

No Rules, Just Write - WN 142

Are there any absolutely universal writing rules? In this week's episode, we're taking a look at not only writing advice but the context surrounding it. For show notes and a full episode transcription, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jan 20, 2022 • 28:19

Regaining Your Magic with Tomi Adeyemi - WN 141

Regaining Your Magic with Tomi Adeyemi - WN 141

I'm starting 2022 with an interview with the AMAZING Tomi Adeyemi, author of Children of Blood & Bone and all-around incredible individual. We're talking about getting un-stuck from writer's block, what it means to be a successful author, the sensory/aesthetic experience of writing, and more. (And Midori loudly plays with a plastic bag in the background!) You won't want to miss it. To enroll in Tomi's Writer's Roadmap Course: https://www.thewritersroadmap.net  For show notes and a full episode t

Jan 7, 2022 • 32:35

A Quick Announcement

A Quick Announcement

Sarah here with a quick announcement! No, the show isn't ending — rather, I'm coming back in January 2022 with all new episodes! This announcement explains what's been going on behind the scenes and what's in store for the future of the Write Now podcast. :) Read the original statement here: https://www.sarahwerner.com/what-the-heck-is-up-with-the-write-now-podcast/  Subscribe to the "Dear Creators" newsletter at https://sarahwerner.com/dearcreators  Thank you as always for listening, and I'll

Dec 10, 2021 • 13:02

The Bulletproof Writer - WN 140

The Bulletproof Writer - WN 140

We're constantly trying to move toward being better writers — but how do we make ourselves bulletproof against life? Is one particular system or another the answer... or is it, as we fear, impossible? For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/the-bulletproof-writer-wn-140/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Oct 8, 2021 • 24:08

Taking Down Hustle Culture with Amie McNee - WNP 139

Taking Down Hustle Culture with Amie McNee - WNP 139

Are you ready to take on the Hustle Culture? Then tune in to this week's episode, where I get to interview fellow podcaster, novelist, and journal enthusiast Amie McNee! Together, we'll talk about transforming the narrative, choosing yourself, and finding your creative stride. Don't miss out! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for lis

Sep 29, 2021 • 45:44

Getting Into Flow - WNP 138

Getting Into Flow - WNP 138

Have you ever experienced that magical moment when the words pour from your fingers and send you into a timeless creative zone? That's what I call flow, and this week's episode explores what it is and how to get there.     For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Sep 22, 2021 • 25:45

Creative Input & Output - WNP 137

Creative Input & Output - WNP 137

Where do our ideas come from? How intentional are we about curating our input and inspiration — and how does it affect our creative output? Today, we’re exploring different types of creative input and how what we pay attention to affects our art.     For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Sep 14, 2021 • 27:34

Making Your Own Opportunities - WNP 136

Making Your Own Opportunities - WNP 136

If you've ever wasted time waiting for the perfect creative opportunity to come along, then you need to listen to today's episode! In it, we talk about what it takes to stop waiting for opportunities and start creating our own!   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Sep 8, 2021 • 22:09

Too Afraid To Create - WNP 135

Too Afraid To Create - WNP 135

Like all creatives, I deal with the fear that comes with producing new things—and I don’t always deal with it well. This fear is the reason I haven't created a solo episode in weeks, and it might just be the reason why you're stuck in a creative rut right now. So tune in, and let's tackle the fear together!   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you

Aug 25, 2021 • 27:38

Creativity & Survival with Charlie Jane Anders - WNP 134

Creativity & Survival with Charlie Jane Anders - WNP 134

Charlie Jane Anders has a list of publication credits as long as my arm, so you can imagine my excitement when she agreed to let me interview her! Join us as we talk about her new books, her experience writing for TV, her past in journalism, and more! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Aug 18, 2021 • 42:47

Judgment & Acceptance with Rebecca Wiener McGregor - WNP 133

Judgment & Acceptance with Rebecca Wiener McGregor - WNP 133

Is your fear preventing you from releasing your creativity into the world? Then you'll want to check out the recent interview with my friend and mentor, Rebecca Wiener McGregor! Rebecca is a transformational hypnotist, love amplifier, and all-around life coach, and she's ready to shed some light on our fears as creators. It's an insightful interview that you shouldn't ignore! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become

Aug 11, 2021 • 31:55

Doing All The Things with David S. Dear - WNP 132

Doing All The Things with David S. Dear - WNP 132

Have you ever wanted to write an audio drama but didn't know where to begin? Then you need to join me as I interview fellow audio dramatist David S. Dear! David is the creator of A Ninth World Journal, and we discuss everything from plotting an audio drama, where to find inspiration, how to use elements of theater, and more!   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrhe

Aug 3, 2021 • 59:06

Surviving Burnout with K.B. Wagers - WNP 131

Surviving Burnout with K.B. Wagers - WNP 131

Want to talk about Science Fiction? Then I’ve got the perfect interview for you! Join me as I interview the one and only Kate (K.B.) Wagers, author of the Indranan War trilogy, the Farian War trilogy, and more! It’s a show you won’t want to miss!   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jul 28, 2021 • 46:13

Dormant Creativity with Lee Shackleford - WNP 130

Dormant Creativity with Lee Shackleford - WNP 130

There's nothing quite like a deep conversation with a good friend, and that's why I'm excited to bring you this week's episode! In it, I get to talk with Lee Shackleford, the creator of RELATIVITY, about loss, the burnout of creativity, and how to accept ourselves for who we are. Don't miss it! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for l

Jul 20, 2021 • 57:03

Hooks & Characters with Kate Brauning - WNP 129

Hooks & Characters with Kate Brauning - WNP 129

This week, I had the honor to sit down with Kate Brauning, one of the developmental editors at Dovetail Fiction, the creator of the Breakthrough Writers' Boot Camp, and the author of several YA novels with an unusual twist. If you're an author or writer of any capacity, then you need to listen to this interview! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank y

Jul 8, 2021 • 44:26

Structure, Genre, &The Craft with Jamieson Ridenhour - WNP 128

Structure, Genre, &The Craft with Jamieson Ridenhour - WNP 128

This week, I get to visit with my good friend (and acclaimed author) Jamieson Ridenhour! Join us as we discuss Jamie’s work on  acclaimed audio drama “Palimpsest”, as well as his upcoming play, "Bloodbath: Victoria's Secret." We'll also explore what it's like to have a Ph.D. in 19th Century Gothic Literature, writing for different narrative forms, and more! Don't miss it! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a p

Jul 2, 2021 • 48:08

Honoring the Dreamer with Marguerite Croft - WNP 127

Honoring the Dreamer with Marguerite Croft - WNP 127

Join us this week as we sit down with author and fellow audio-dramatist Marguerite Croft to talk about honoring the Dreamer in our lives and stories. We'll also talk about her work with Point Mystic, as well as what it means to figure out what you want from your life, and to be surrounded by people who support you. Tune in today!    For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sa

Jun 23, 2021 • 54:14

Fun Is Better Than Perfect with Jimmie Bise, Jr. - WNP 126

Fun Is Better Than Perfect with Jimmie Bise, Jr. - WNP 126

This week, I get to interview my good friend, author Jimmie Bise, Jr.! We talk about the uncertainty and fear involved in claiming the title of “Writer”, starting and giving up on projects, and the necessary but often overlooked element of fun in our craft. It's an interview you won't want to miss!   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always

Jun 18, 2021 • 1:07:50

Procrastination - WNP 125

Procrastination - WNP 125

Procrastination and laziness often go hand-in-hand, but those labels do not define you or the work you do. Today, we’re exploring the various ways we procrastinate, where our procrastination comes from, and how we can take time to own our "laziness" and put it to work!   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writ

Jun 10, 2021 • 28:26

Beautifully Broken with Sean Howard - WNP 124

Beautifully Broken with Sean Howard - WNP 124

I’m going to be honest — I have not been okay lately. And maybe you haven’t either. So I sat down with my good friend Sean Howard to talk about mental health among creators, why it's okay to ask for help, and how we're all "Beautifully Broken." For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

May 28, 2021 • 49:23

Starting Ugly with David duChemin - WNP 123

Starting Ugly with David duChemin - WNP 123

David duChemin, the best-selling author of such titles as Start Ugly and The Problem With Muses, is joining us today to talk about his creative process, why creativity isn't about making masterpieces, and the wisdom of letting yourself "start ugly" and seeing where it goes. It's an interview you won't want to miss! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Than

May 20, 2021 • 1:10:48

Seeking Validation - WNP 122

Seeking Validation - WNP 122

Searching for validation takes a lot of time and energy, but we all do it because we want to feel like our work is good and that people enjoy it. However, are we receiving validation from people we respect, or are we relying on the standards of others to determine our worth? For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy

May 13, 2021 • 31:52

A Writing Practice That Works For YOU - WNP 121

A Writing Practice That Works For YOU - WNP 121

There's a lot to be said about writers with dedicated writing practices, and they make it seem so easy to "just sit down and write!" However, you don't need a dedicated writing practice to become successful. Here’s why... For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

May 5, 2021 • 36:38

Rejection and Resilience with Sherrilyn Kenyon - WNP 120

Rejection and Resilience with Sherrilyn Kenyon - WNP 120

This week, we're sitting down with the famous Sherrilyn Kenyon, author of the Dark-Hunters book series, to talk about life as a writer with a capital W. It's an interview you don't want to miss! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Apr 28, 2021 • 37:36

Trusting Yourself - WNP 119

Trusting Yourself - WNP 119

Do you trust yourself? Or have you ever been at a point where the sage phrase, “All I know is that I know nothing” has turned into, “I am wrong, and everyone else is right”? Today we’re talking about why — and how — writers can learn to trust themselves.   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Apr 21, 2021 • 24:33

Podcast Storytelling - WNP 118

Podcast Storytelling - WNP 118

We talk a lot about writing for the reader, stage, and screen — but how about for the ear? Whether it's for a nonfiction or fiction (audio drama) podcast, today we're talking about what makes audio-only storytelling really come to life. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Apr 14, 2021 • 43:02

It's Not Too Late - WNP 117

It's Not Too Late - WNP 117

Have you ever felt like you're too old to start, too late, or that you've missed your chance? Do you have regrets about not writing, publishing, or creating sooner or earlier in life? This week's episode will help you take the pressure off as Sarah explains why it's NOT too late for you as a creator. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always

Apr 7, 2021 • 25:25

A Writer's True Work - WNP 116

A Writer's True Work - WNP 116

What is our True Work? And how do we discern between our True Work and the busy work which fills our days? Today, I’m going to ask you a series of questions to help you deep dive and discover if you are doing your True Work— the work that fills your heart — or if you are simply filling your time with busy work. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank yo

Mar 24, 2021 • 30:51

Is Writing Hard Work? - WNP 115

Is Writing Hard Work? - WNP 115

Most writers will admit that writing is work, enjoyable work though it may be. But how do we respond to people who insist that it’s “just a hobby”, “not a real job”, or “not real work”? Is it possible for something to be a mix of work and play — and what does that mean for us as creators? For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listeni

Mar 17, 2021 • 27:33

Is Ambition Bad? - WNP 114

Is Ambition Bad? - WNP 114

What does it mean to be ambitious? By definition, “ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something, usually requiring determination and hard work”. Today I’m going to talk about what it means to be ambitious, especially as writers, and why ambition has such a bad reputation, and finally, whether or not you might be ambitious, too.  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.

Mar 10, 2021 • 35:00

The Writing Plateau - WNP 113

The Writing Plateau - WNP 113

Have you ever experienced a writing plateau? The point in your writing journey where your growth and progress taper off, and you get comfortable resting on your laurels? Today we’re taking a look at whether this is a good or a bad thing, and how to re-ignite your ambition and your upward trajectory — if that’s the right move for you. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/s

Mar 3, 2021 • 28:05

Writer's Guilt - WNP 112

Writer's Guilt - WNP 112

Do you ever feel guilty, as a writer? It’s more common than you think. Writers feel guilty for writing too much, not enough, “selfishly” taking time away from their families, making money, not making money… the list goes on. Today let’s talk about writer’s guilt and how to begin to alleviate it. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for

Feb 24, 2021 • 33:31

From Surviving To Thriving - WNP 111

From Surviving To Thriving - WNP 111

Some, if not most of us, have been in survival mode at one point or another. Survival mode means that you're barely hanging on by your fingernails, doing what you need to in order to get through the day in one piece. But it’s not the most pleasant way to live, and it’s possible to not just survive but thrive. Here’s how.. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawern

Feb 17, 2021 • 21:41

Being “Productive Enough” - WNP 110

Being “Productive Enough” - WNP 110

Do you consider yourself a “productive” creator? Productivity seems to be everywhere these days, and we spend a ton of time planning our days to ensure we get the most done we can in the time we have. In this week's episode, we’re going to look at productivity in a different way. So if you have been struggling and feeling like you aren’t getting enough done, this episode is for you! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast,

Feb 10, 2021 • 29:12

The Blank Page - WNP 109

The Blank Page - WNP 109

Do you ever feel like when you sit down to write, there's just nothing there? Many writers will say that the blank page is their biggest fear — and it can represent many different obstacles. In this week’s episode, I am going to share some reasons you may be experiencing writer's block and a few things you can do to work past it.  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sara

Feb 3, 2021 • 28:06

Outrunning The Avalanche - WNP 108

Outrunning The Avalanche - WNP 108

What happens when we fall behind? It might feel like you’re running down a snowy mountain as a giant avalanche barrels down behind you. If you feel constantly stressed, behind, and that you can’t produce content fast enough in order to keep up, then this week’s episode is for you! I am going to give you some tips on how to outrun and avoid being buried by the avalanche of creating content.  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now

Jan 27, 2021 • 36:53

Strong Female Characters - WNP 107

Strong Female Characters - WNP 107

When you think of a strong female character, what comes to mind? Maybe you think of physical strength or the size of the gun they might be holding. Today, I am going to break down the different traits and ways you can build and incorporate strong female characters into your work. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and h

Jan 20, 2021 • 29:49

Why Do We Self-Sabotage? - WNP 106

Why Do We Self-Sabotage? - WNP 106

Have you ever gotten in your own way and stopped yourself from starting (or finishing) a creative project, going after success, or even being happy? If this sounds familiar, you’ve experienced self-sabotage.  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jan 13, 2021 • 33:49

Writers As Entrepreneurs - WNP 105

Writers As Entrepreneurs - WNP 105

If you’re a writer, do you also think of yourself as a business owner or entrepreneur? Should you? This can be a touchy subject, especially given the social perception that you can be an artist or a businessperson — but not both. So let’s talk about the implications, the “should”s, and how it all works together in this week’s episode. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/

Jan 6, 2021 • 34:43

Protecting Your Time - WNP 104

Protecting Your Time - WNP 104

This week, we're talking about what eats up your writing time — internal or external forces — and how to protect that precious time by setting boundaries! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Dec 30, 2020 • 27:55

The Writer's Mindset Manifesto - Audiobook

The Writer's Mindset Manifesto - Audiobook

A special holiday bonus from me to you — my very first audiobook! The Writer's Mindset Manifesto will help you break through the barriers of fear and inadequacy to help you create your very best work. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Dec 23, 2020 • 30:13

Enjoy The Journey - WNP 103

Enjoy The Journey - WNP 103

Are you enjoying the journey? If you find yourself focused on the end goal, success or waiting to be happy until you finish your long list of projects, you might not be. Today I’m talking about how to find joy on your creative journey.  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Dec 16, 2020 • 26:02

Daily Journaling - WNP 102

Daily Journaling - WNP 102

Do you have stacks of beautiful, unused journals? Have you been contemplating a daily journal routine but are hesitant to start? Maybe you’ve tried journaling in the past and hated it. Today I am going to share my experience with journaling and why it is a crucial part of my morning routine. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for list

Nov 25, 2020 • 28:20

The Slog - WNP 101

The Slog - WNP 101

Do you ever get that soggy or stuck feeling while working on a project? The never-ending revisions, the question of, “Why am I doing this?” popping into your head? If this is something you have ever experienced (or are currently dealing with), this episode is for you. I am going to share why this happens and what you can do about it.  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/

Nov 18, 2020 • 26:46

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing - WNP 100

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing - WNP 100

It’s the 100th episode of the Write Now podcast! Today I’m asking: Do we place ourselves in an area of our lives where we expect ourselves to know all the answers? Do we bring on stresses over our creative journeys, over things that we expect ourselves to have the solutions for? What would happen if we truly allowed ourselves to admit that we have no idea what we’re doing? For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become

Nov 13, 2020 • 28:34

My 10 Biggest Writing Struggles - WN099

My 10 Biggest Writing Struggles - WN099

Every writer faces their own struggles, from time to mindset to spelling to making money. There is nothing perfect in our journeys, and conditions will never be perfect. All we can do is take today, get rid of the negative impacts, replace them with positive impacts, and move forward purposefully in your growth as a writer who is enough.   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon

Nov 4, 2020 • 35:07

Writers' Risk And Potential Loss - WN098

Writers' Risk And Potential Loss - WN098

What happens after you create something successful? Do you still have the “permission to suck” we talked about in the last episode? What do we risk, and what’s at stake? Is it possible to peak? And what happens after? Join me in this week’s episode as we go over Writers’ Risk And Potential Loss. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for

Oct 28, 2020 • 25:16

Permission To Suck - WN 097

Permission To Suck - WN 097

Does that little voice inside your head tell you that you cannot produce anything but perfection, or that you are not qualified to have the title of “writer”, or even that you are not good enough to be in a “writer’s world”? In this episode, I give you permission and the secret key to move forward on your creative path.    For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawer

Oct 21, 2020 • 25:16

Creative Seasons - WN 096

Creative Seasons - WN 096

What does it mean to be in — or out of — a creative season? What happens if a period of your life shifts? Let’s talk about how to support yourself in both creative and self-health needs as life changes around you. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Oct 14, 2020 • 18:31

Sarah Tries Outlining- WN 095

Sarah Tries Outlining- WN 095

“Won’t you just outline already?” I’ve always been a pantser, and felt that outlining puts limits on the creation of my stories! At least those were my thoughts — until my perspective shifted in a way I never thought possible.   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Oct 7, 2020 • 27:55

Level Up As A Writer - WNP 94

Level Up As A Writer - WNP 94

What’s next for you as a writer? In this episode, we will go over how to level up, and how to deal with any self-sabotage that might be keeping you from reaching your full potential.   For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Sep 30, 2020 • 25:13

Motivation To Write - WN 093

Motivation To Write - WN 093

Are you feeling unmotivated to write or create? You’re not alone. In this episode we dive into what motivates us and why we tend to lose it in the first place. It’s time to get your motivation back! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Sep 23, 2020 • 27:02

10 Harmful Creativity Myths - WNP 092

10 Harmful Creativity Myths - WNP 092

There are tons of lies floating around about creativity and creative writing, and from them. I’ve compiled ten myths that it’s time we expose and expel once and for all. Ready? Let’s bust some myths. Download my free "10 Harmful Creativity Myths" ebook (PDF) here! http://sarahwerner.com/10myths  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for

Sep 16, 2020 • 41:39

How To Start A Successful Blog Or Podcast - WNP 091

How To Start A Successful Blog Or Podcast - WNP 091

Are you ready to start your own blog or podcast? This week we discuss the steps to start a successful podcast or blog with some helpful tips and tricks along the way.  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Sep 9, 2020 • 40:35

How To Develop Themes In Your Writing - WNP 090

How To Develop Themes In Your Writing - WNP 090

This week we’re focusing on the literary element of theme. Theme can be expressed on purpose or by accident, and added to your work while you’re creating it or afterward. How can we be intentional about the themes in our work — and why should we be?  For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Sep 2, 2020 • 25:58

Maybe Your Day Job Is Okay - WNP 089

Maybe Your Day Job Is Okay - WNP 089

Are you ready to leave your day job and become a full-time writer? This episode discusses the pros and cons of what writing full time looks like, and helps you set expectations for yourself. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Aug 26, 2020 • 34:52

The Dangers Of Comparison - WNP 088

The Dangers Of Comparison - WNP 088

The comparison race will always be unwinnable. This episode discusses six ways that comparison can be dangerous and how to overcome those dangers to find a path that is right for you. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Aug 19, 2020 • 28:49

PR For Writers - WNP 087

PR For Writers - WNP 087

We’re talking about marketing again! This time, we’re digging into PR (public relations), how to get discovered as a writer, and finding what works for you when it comes to interacting with fans and peers. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Aug 12, 2020 • 42:10

What Do Writers Owe the World? WNP 086

What Do Writers Owe the World? WNP 086

As creators, what do we owe the world? And what do our readers want and expect from us? There’s only so much time and energy in one day -- so should we be using it to write, to interact with fans, to market? This episode discusses the importance of protecting your integrity while setting boundaries to fit the expectations of your fans. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com

Aug 5, 2020 • 26:14

Marketing Dos & Don'ts - WNP 085

Marketing Dos & Don'ts - WNP 085

In part 2 of the marketing series, you will discover how to create a comprehensive marketing plan that suits your needs and aligns with your goals. Ready? For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jul 29, 2020 • 40:41

Marketing Isn't A Dirty Word - WNP 084

Marketing Isn't A Dirty Word - WNP 084

What's the difference between a book that sells and a book that doesn't sell? I didn't know it at the time, but that difference was marketing. In this episode, we will take a deep dive into the world of marketing. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jul 22, 2020 • 33:52

Fear Of Success - WN 083

Fear Of Success - WN 083

Do you find yourself self-sabotaging, or unconsciously not allowing yourself to grow to your full potential as a creator? You might have fear of success — and yes, it's 100% a real thing that holds us back without us even knowing it. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jul 15, 2020 • 30:10

What Should I Write Next? - WN 082

What Should I Write Next? - WN 082

"Which one of these projects should I write next?" If that question frequently floats around in your head, this episode is for you. I'll help you decipher which projects to tackle and when! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jul 8, 2020 • 29:32

Writing As Leadership - WN 081

Writing As Leadership - WN 081

You're a writer — but do you think of yourself as a leader? In today’s episode we talk about the 3 keys to being a successful leader through your writing. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jul 1, 2020 • 27:02

My Creative Process - WNP 080

My Creative Process - WNP 080

I've broken down my creative process into 6 phases, from brainstorming to publication, all of which we'll talk about in today's episode. For full show notes, please visit https://www.sarahwerner.com/my-creative-process-wnp-080/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, consider becoming a patron on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! Words  & warmth, Sarah

Apr 23, 2020 • 26:02

Facing Resistance - WNP 079

Facing Resistance - WNP 079

Sometimes, the only thing that gets in the way of my writing is... me. Today, we're talking about resistance — what it is, when and why it strikes, how to resolve it, and what happens if we don't. For show notes, please visit https://www.sarahwerner.com/facing-resistance-wnp-079/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing!

Apr 2, 2020 • 33:21

Under Pressure - WNP 078

Under Pressure - WNP 078

There's a lot going on in the world right now, and as always, that comes with a lot of pressure -- even the pressure to create. Today, we're talking about internal and external pressures, how they impact (and often disrupt) our creative processes and inspiration, what they mean for us as writers, and how we can respond to them in a productive way. Content Warning: Coronavirus and the resulting quarantine. Support the Write Now podcast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/sarahrheawerner

Mar 18, 2020 • 28:41

When Writing Isn't Writing - WNP 077

When Writing Isn't Writing - WNP 077

When is writing not writing? I know, it sounds like a riddle. But it's actually a great question in disguise that leads to a necessary discussion of what the writing process actually *is*. Buckle in! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/when-writing-isnt-writing-wnp-077/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Feb 5, 2020 • 26:39

What Makes A Good Writing Goal? - WNP 076

What Makes A Good Writing Goal? - WNP 076

How do you know if you've set a good writing goal for yourself? Or is goal-setting for writing even a good idea? Today's episode explores how we move along the path toward success. Links: Your New Year's Writing Resolution - WNP 032 Crafting Your Mission Statement - WNP 046 For full show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/what-makes-a-good-writing-goal-wnp-076/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner T

Jan 14, 2020 • 37:43

What Are You Afraid Of?

What Are You Afraid Of?

Fear shows up for us writers in a lot of ways we don't expect or recognize. Let's explore those fears — and how they're holding us back — together. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Jan 6, 2020 • 28:26

Getting Back Into Writing - WNP 074

Getting Back Into Writing - WNP 074

It's been a while — maybe longer — since you've written. And with all of the rust buildup, thoughts of inadequacy, and other factors... how do you get back into it? For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Dec 20, 2019 • 29:15

How Do I Know When I'm Good Enough? - WNP 073

How Do I Know When I'm Good Enough? - WNP 073

Today's topic comes from a listener question: How will I know when I'm good enough to publish — and that I won't look back on my work in 10 years and cringe? Join us for a chat about fear, bravery, and constant action. For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/how-do-i-know-when-im-good-enough/ To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, and happy writing! — Sarah

Aug 26, 2019 • 32:09

Finishing What You Start - WNP 072

Finishing What You Start - WNP 072

Not to toot my own horn here, but I am really, really good at starting new creative projects. Finishing them... not so much. Today, we're talking about the fears that keep us stuck and how to finish a creative project in a smart and snappy way. Enjoy! For show notes, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/finishing-what-you-start-wnp-072 To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, become a patron on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Thank you as always for listening, an

Jul 22, 2019 • 32:06

Supposed To For Writers - WNP 071

Supposed To For Writers - WNP 071

There are a lot of "supposed to"s in the writing world. We're "supposed to" write every day, love every minute of the writing process, and punch fear in the face. But are we REALLY supposed to do these things? Where do the "supposed to"s come from? How do we escape the guilt and obligation that come with them? And what could we create if we were free of the "supposed to"? Find the show notes for this episode of Write Now at https://www.sarahwerner.com/supposed-to-for-writers-wnp-071 . Support my

Jul 8, 2019 • 30:24

Burned Out, Exhausted, and Overwhelmed - WNP 070

Burned Out, Exhausted, and Overwhelmed - WNP 070

So many of us -- writers, parents, employees, students -- are in a state of constant burnout, exhaustion, and overwhelm. Today's episode will help you identify where you are on that spectrum... and how we might begin to deal with it. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sarahrheawerner Full show notes & links: https://www.sarahwerner.com/burned-out-exhausted-overwhelmed-wnp-070

Apr 18, 2019 • 31:45

Affirmations for Writers - WNP 069

Affirmations for Writers - WNP 069

As if doubting our own work wasn't enough, most writers also doubt themselves. But a little positivity can go a long way. This week, Sarah shares several affirmations that can help get your mind not only ready to write but ready to write successfully and joyfully. Support the Write Now podcast on Patreon! https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner View show notes and more at https://www.sarahwerner.com/

Apr 1, 2019 • 29:24

Putting Yourself Out There - WNP 068

Putting Yourself Out There - WNP 068

Some of the most frequent questions I get asked by writers are, "How do I get my name out there?" and "How do I get noticed as a writer?" Today, we'll talk about the two things you can do to find an audience. Become a Write Now patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sarahrheawerner View show notes on my website: https://www.sarahwerner.com/ Thanks for listening, and happy writing!

Mar 25, 2019 • 31:49

Coffee Break 086: Sam Boush

Coffee Break 086: Sam Boush

Author and publishing veteran Sam Boush shares his insight into the politics behind book distribution, marketing, and becoming a full time writer.

Sep 3, 2018 • 23:09

Coffee Break 085: Jonathan Small

Coffee Break 085: Jonathan Small

Writer and podcaster Jonathan Small dishes all about the wild and wonderful topics and people you can discover when you uncover a good story.

Aug 27, 2018 • 34:04

If and When Someone Steals Your Idea - WNP 067

If and When Someone Steals Your Idea - WNP 067

Has someone ever had the same idea as you or just downright stole it? Let's talk about how writers should handle idea theft and when to reclaim credit.

Aug 20, 2018 • 43:50

Coffee Break 084: Erin Forbes

Coffee Break 084: Erin Forbes

Teen fantasy author Erin Forbes shares her unique perspective on self-publishing, as well as time management and how to market your book on social medias.

Aug 13, 2018 • 25:59

Coffee Break 083: Raul Vega

Coffee Break 083: Raul Vega

Podcaster and film sound designer Raul Vega shares his experience telling stories through sound with Hans Zimmer and developing his own audible mysteries.

Aug 6, 2018 • 54:56

Coffee Break 082: Cheryl Muir

Coffee Break 082: Cheryl Muir

Media strategist and life coach Cheryl Muir shares her experiences with personal branding, social media promotion, and thinking like an entrepreneur.

Jul 30, 2018 • 29:56

Coffee Break 081: Ginger Moran

Coffee Break 081: Ginger Moran

Author and writing coach Ginger Moran exposes the vulnerability of storytelling, the pitfalls of literary writing, and why you should trust your characters.

Jul 23, 2018 • 36:37

Critics and You - WN 066

Critics and You - WN 066

How should writers approach criticism? How do we tell if it's constructive or not? Most importantly, should we allow criticism to affect our writing?

Jul 16, 2018 • 38:28

Coffee Break 080: Jason Pinter

Coffee Break 080: Jason Pinter

Author and publisher Jason Pinter talks about the entire publishing industry—from a writer's daily time sacrifices to founding his own publishing house.

Jul 9, 2018 • 25:08

Coffee Break 079: K.A. Statz

Coffee Break 079: K.A. Statz

Horror podcaster and writer K.A. Statz shares her thoughts on writing and self worth, opening up to criticism, and the surprising merits of scary stories.

Jun 25, 2018 • 31:36

Coffee Break 078: Philip Kenney

Coffee Break 078: Philip Kenney

Psychotherapist and author Philip Kenney sheds some light on the universal obstacles of creatives, the benefits of meditation, and trusting in your muse.

Jun 18, 2018 • 37:01

Coffee Break 077: Anthony Olivieri

Coffee Break 077: Anthony Olivieri

Audio drama creator Anthony Olivieri and I talk about balance, inspiration, and building both a sense of mystery and deeper meaning into your work.

Jun 11, 2018 • 46:05

Coffee Break 076: Andrew Chamberlain

Coffee Break 076: Andrew Chamberlain

Podcaster and creative writer Andrew Chamberlain shares advice on building characters, utilizing story structure, and listening to writing advice.

Jun 4, 2018 • 41:27

Coffee Break 075: Mark Millien

Coffee Break 075: Mark Millien

Podcaster Mark Millien shares how to overcome the fear of creative exposure, avoid world-building pitfalls, and flex your creative muscles through D&D!

May 28, 2018 • 31:34

Coffee Break 074: Jennifer Blanchard

Coffee Break 074: Jennifer Blanchard


May 21, 2018 • 28:41

Coffee Break 073: Julia Samuel

Coffee Break 073: Julia Samuel

Psychotherapist and bereavement counselor Julia Samuel shares methods of healthy grieving and finding a literary narrative within death and loss.

May 14, 2018 • 22:18

Coffee Break 072: Eli McIlveen and Sean Howard

Coffee Break 072: Eli McIlveen and Sean Howard

Alba Salix creators Eli McIlveen and Sean Howard talk about creativity and comedy, hobbies and hiatuses, and the undeniable power of roleplaying games!

May 7, 2018 • 31:41

Coffee Break 071: Jeff Leisawitz

Coffee Break 071: Jeff Leisawitz

Writer, counselor, and all-around creator enabler Jeff Leisawitz shares tips, tricks, and stories to help get your creative goals airborne.

Apr 30, 2018 • 30:31

Coffee Break 070: Jewel Eliese

Coffee Break 070: Jewel Eliese

Blogger and busy mom Jewel Eliese shares the benefits of joining and starting online communities, as well as giving yourself permission to write.

Apr 23, 2018 • 24:20

Coffee Break 069: Jon Negroni

Coffee Break 069: Jon Negroni

Author, podcaster, and movie nerd Jon Negroni reveals the secrets behind breaking the rules by breaking writing conventions and trusting your writer's gut.

Apr 16, 2018 • 30:06

Writing Full-time - WN 065

Writing Full-time - WN 065

Making the switch to a career writer is tough, but you can do it! Here are some pointers that can help your writing dream become a reality.

Apr 9, 2018 • 31:04

Coffee Break 068: Anne Bogel

Coffee Break 068: Anne Bogel

Author, podcaster, and literary matchmaker Anne Bogel talks about personality tests, the value of believable characters, and how books can change the world.

Apr 2, 2018 • 25:13

Coffee Break 067: Albert Flynn DeSilver

Coffee Break 067: Albert Flynn DeSilver

Poet, author, and speaker Albert Flynn DeSilver talks about transformation through writing, striving for beauty, and our shared human birthright.

Mar 26, 2018 • 27:05

Coffee Break 066: Esther Goldenberg

Coffee Break 066: Esther Goldenberg

Teacher and independent author and publisher Esther Goldenberg makes reading fun for reluctant readers and talks about children's and YA self publishing.

Mar 19, 2018 • 28:29

Coffee Break 065: Kenny Porter

Coffee Break 065: Kenny Porter

Comic book writer and publisher Kenny Porter chats about the essential relationships needed to make great comics, asking for help, and dealing with critics.

Mar 12, 2018 • 39:43

Coffee Break 064: Mike Papantonio

Coffee Break 064: Mike Papantonio

Attorney, radio host, and thriller author Mike Papantonio exposes law myths, reveals the truth of fiction, and shares some great writing tips!

Mar 6, 2018 • 25:54

Coffee Break 063: Monica Leonelle

Coffee Break 063: Monica Leonelle

Is there a correlation between an author's word count or financial success and the quality of a book? Monica Leonelle has a few things to say about that!

Feb 19, 2018 • 32:57

Coffee Break 062: Matthew Brough

Coffee Break 062: Matthew Brough

Writer, pastor, and podcaster Matthew Brough talks about baby steps, the ups and downs of self publishing, and how he helped his 70-year-old mother publish her first novel.

Feb 13, 2018 • 39:51

Coffee Break 061: Bob Stromberg

Coffee Break 061: Bob Stromberg

Bob Stromberg shares the secrets of living a creative life, taking control of your "muse", and rediscovering the creativity of your childhood.

Feb 5, 2018 • 48:22

Coffee Break 060: Erin Pringle

Coffee Break 060: Erin Pringle

Short story author Erin Pringle shares how loss and grief spurred her to publish, as well as the therapeutic and calming power of creative writing.

Feb 1, 2018 • 25:55

Coffee Break 059: Joseph Bendoski

Coffee Break 059: Joseph Bendoski

Thriller author and podcaster Joseph Bendoski talks literary psychology, media manipulation, and the prehistoric survival instincts of storytelling.

Jan 22, 2018 • 27:30

Coffee Break 058: Audrey Knapp

Coffee Break 058: Audrey Knapp

Can you gain readers by supporting other authors? Can you make money marketing on social media? Can you successfully self publish? Audrey Knapp thinks so!

Jan 15, 2018 • 32:46

Coffee Break 057: Alan Alda

Coffee Break 057: Alan Alda

Alan Alda talks about innovative communication methods, the benefits of empathy and listening, and the joys of life's unexpected interruptions.

Jan 8, 2018 • 30:06

Coffee Break 056: Win Charles, Cerebral Palsy, and the Writing Life

Coffee Break 056: Win Charles, Cerebral Palsy, and the Writing Life

Win Kelly Charles was born with Cerebral Palsy, but she has never let it stop her from achieving her dream of writing and publishing books.

Jan 1, 2018 • 20:25

Coffee Break 055: Corey Vilhauer

Coffee Break 055: Corey Vilhauer

What do writers do when they're not working on their novels? Corey Vilhauer is glad you asked! Let's talk about online journalism, copyediting, and UX!

Dec 4, 2017 • 28:49

Coffee Break 054: Helen Scheuerer

Coffee Break 054: Helen Scheuerer

Fantasy author HelenScheuerer explains how exercise, daily routine, and group critiques fuel her writing and helped publish her latest novel.

Nov 16, 2017 • 26:38

Coffee Break 053: Grant Faulkner

Coffee Break 053: Grant Faulkner

NaNoWriMo Executive Producer Grant Faulkner talks about the process behind National Novel Writing Month, as well as how to develop superhuman creativity!

Nov 8, 2017 • 23:14

Coffee Break 052: Joanna Penn

Coffee Break 052: Joanna Penn

Scalable income? IP assets? No problem! Podcaster and author Joanna Penn shares some realistic options to turn your writing side-hustle into a career.

Nov 1, 2017 • 29:58

Coffee Break 051: Lora Mitchell

Coffee Break 051: Lora Mitchell

Instagram, poetry, and therapy through storytelling. Lora Mitchell shares her love of the written word and her journey to self publishing.

Oct 23, 2017 • 31:52

Coffee Break 050: Randal Greene

Coffee Break 050: Randal Greene

Author Randal Greene exposes the secret life of a full-time writer, as well as a sure-fire way to capture 'the muse' and beat writer's block!

Oct 12, 2017 • 36:40

Coffee Break 049: Nicole Gulotta

Coffee Break 049: Nicole Gulotta

Food and poetry? Yes, please! Nicole Gulotta dishes on deadline-free writing, building an audience, and rediscovering your forgotten passions.

Oct 3, 2017 • 29:31

How to Rest as a Writer - WN 064

How to Rest as a Writer - WN 064

Today we'll take a look at what we should do if (& when) we find ourselves exhausting, burned out, and feeling hopeless as we stare down a blank page.

Sep 25, 2017 • 32:26

Coffee Break 048: Katie Cross

Coffee Break 048: Katie Cross

Author Katie Cross talks having it all: a loving family, a legitimate writing career, and a supportive network of peers. It's possible AND practical!

Sep 13, 2017 • 32:53

Tips for Writing While Traveling - WN 063

Tips for Writing While Traveling - WN 063

Trying to write while traveling can be one of the most frustrating things for a writer. Let's explore some ways to jumpstart our creativity on the road!

Sep 6, 2017 • 25:26

Coffee Break 047: Jeffery Weaver

Coffee Break 047: Jeffery Weaver

Long-time fan of the show and cancer-fighting author Jeffery Weaver shares his incredible story and talks character building, rejection, and motivation.

Aug 29, 2017 • 31:07

Coffee Break 046: Rachel Stout

Coffee Break 046: Rachel Stout

Think self publishing is your only option? Think again! Rachel Stout spills the beans on traditional publishing and working with literary agents.

Aug 7, 2017 • 34:33

Do I Need A Writing Degree? - WN 062

Do I Need A Writing Degree? - WN 062

"Do I need a writing degree?" It's a complex question that involves factors like time, money, lifestyle, goals, & more. Work through your own decision with help from today's episode of the Write Now podcast!

Aug 2, 2017 • 36:04

Coffee Break 045: Ryan Dalton

Coffee Break 045: Ryan Dalton

YA novelist and nerd culture extraordinaire Ryan Dalton talks about unorthodox writing, tips for green authors, and pushing through publisher rejections.

Jul 27, 2017 • 35:48

Coffee Break 044: Aminah Iman & Jaqueline Stone

Coffee Break 044: Aminah Iman & Jaqueline Stone

Join the ladies from Red Ink Publications for a chat about genre writing, delicious cake, and finding confidence in writing what you love.

Jul 17, 2017 • 27:22

Self-Writing and Self-Talk - WN 061

Self-Writing and Self-Talk - WN 061

Words have power—especially the words we say and think about ourselves. So whether you think you're slime or God's gift to writing, the way you think about yourself can have an immense effect on your work.    For show notes, links, & more, visit http://www.sarahwerner.com/self-writing-and-self-talk-wn-061/.

Jul 10, 2017 • 25:22

Coffee Break 043: Mark Rubinstein

Coffee Break 043: Mark Rubinstein

Award-winning novelist and psychiatrist Mark Rubinstein talks about the psychology behind sharing stories and the courage it takes to write them down.

Jun 27, 2017 • 24:28

WN 060: Make Them Tell You No

WN 060: Make Them Tell You No

What's the worst that will happen if you put yourself out there? How will you handle rejection? Even worse, what happens if you do nothing?

Jun 20, 2017 • 22:07

Coffee Break 042: Randy Wayne White

Coffee Break 042: Randy Wayne White

Randy Wayne White talks the virtues of trusting your characters, connecting with readers, leaving behind a legacy, and the secret to writing over 40 books!

Jun 13, 2017 • 26:26

Coffee Break 041: Megan Hannum

Coffee Break 041: Megan Hannum

Editor Megan Hannum shares some new and innovative options for writing, editing, and publishing that you may not have considered.

Jun 4, 2017 • 30:44

Coffee Break 040: Vahan Zanoyan

Coffee Break 040: Vahan Zanoyan

Vahan Zanoyan shares the literary benefits of breaking through comfort zones, sharing fact through fiction, and becoming lost in different cultures.

Jun 1, 2017 • 44:54

SEO for Writers - WN 059

SEO for Writers - WN 059

You finally have a website! Now how do you let the internet know you exist? How do you attract users? Never fear: SEO (search engine optimization) is here!

May 29, 2017 • 44:45

CB 039: Robert Tanenbaum

CB 039: Robert Tanenbaum

In this fascinating discussion, novelist Robert Tanenbaum unpacks judicial integrity, American history, and what makes a classic story truly timeless.

May 19, 2017 • 50:04

All Of The Best Writing Excuses - WN 058

All Of The Best Writing Excuses - WN 058

Do you ever put off writing because you need to wash the dishes or watch American Idol with your spouse? Are these legit reasons -- or just excuses? Learn how to ditch the excuses and just write in this week's episode of the Write Now podcast!

May 16, 2017 • 30:23

Coffee Break 038: Renita Bryant

Coffee Break 038: Renita Bryant

You just finished your first novel! But... now what? Renita Bryant shares what it takes to go from "hot off the press" to "meet the press"!

May 8, 2017 • 33:04

Coffee Break 037: Mya Kay

Coffee Break 037: Mya Kay

Join me for a chat with Philadelphia-born author Mya Kay, whose passion and dedication to the craft of writing are changing the landscape of YA fiction.

May 4, 2017 • 0:28

How To Survive Your Day Job - WN 057

How To Survive Your Day Job - WN 057

Corporate structure crushing your spirit? Wishing you could quit your day job and write full time? This episode is for you.

May 1, 2017 • 32:01

Coffee Break 036: Barbara Kyle

Coffee Break 036: Barbara Kyle

Do you think about writing all day, every day? Barbara Kyle does! That's what makes her a master of her craft. And today, she's sharing what she knows.

Apr 24, 2017 • 36:43

Coffee Break 035: Kale Lawrence

Coffee Break 035: Kale Lawrence

Today I talk to local writer Kale Lawrence about writing a book series, giving yourself a second chance, and trusting in your own impulsive talent!

Apr 17, 2017 • 23:37

Coffee Break 034: Jonathan White

Coffee Break 034: Jonathan White

The tides and oceans mean many things to many people around the world. Today's guest, Jonathan White, won't rest until he explores them all!

Apr 9, 2017 • 32:10

Living A Creative Life - WN 056

Living A Creative Life - WN 056

Are you living the life you want to live? Living a creative life is about making your own decisions and breaking the mold. But what does that mean?

Apr 3, 2017 • 27:21

Coffee Break 033: Jay Greenfield

Coffee Break 033: Jay Greenfield

Think it's too late to start your novel? After listening to 84-year-old, first-time published Jay Greenfield's story, you'll need a new excuse!

Mar 27, 2017 • 30:33

How to Prioritize Your Writing - WN 055

How to Prioritize Your Writing - WN 055

Where does the time go? Between work, family, and countless other obligations, who has the time to write these days? You do! Let's prioritize.

Mar 20, 2017 • 36:45

Coffee Break 032: Sandy Kreps

Coffee Break 032: Sandy Kreps

Blogging, bullet journaling, and networking. Oh my! Sandy Kreps gives us the honest truth and helpful tips about becoming a full-time freelance writer.

Mar 15, 2017 • 36:06

Coffee Break 031: Jake Heilbrunn

Coffee Break 031: Jake Heilbrunn

Where there's a will, Jake Heilbrunn has a way! Join us for an inspiring talk about leaving it all behind and finding yourself in the process.

Mar 6, 2017 • 24:31

Introvert & Extrovert Writers - WN 054

Introvert & Extrovert Writers - WN 054

Don't let myths about personality keep you from fully exploring yourself as a writer. Discover your strengths, weaknesses, and how you recharge!

Feb 27, 2017 • 29:19

Does Listening to Music Help You Write? - WN 053

Does Listening to Music Help You Write? - WN 053

What's the best music to listen to (if any) while you write? Let's talk about music curation and what different genres of recorded sound can do for you!

Feb 20, 2017 • 30:45

Coffee Break 030: Janna Maron

Coffee Break 030: Janna Maron

How can creative nonfiction help you to connect with people? What does it take to find or even create a supportive community? Tune in to find out!

Feb 16, 2017 • 32:00

Personal Branding for Writers - WN 052

Personal Branding for Writers - WN 052

If you write, you have a personal brand! Let's discuss some ways you can grow, maintain, and market your brand to help readers find your work.

Feb 6, 2017 • 34:45

Should I Use A Pen Name? - WN 051

Should I Use A Pen Name? - WN 051

How do you know if writing under a pen name is right for you? This week's episode of Write Now lays out 6 reasons a pen name might be a smart choice.

Jan 30, 2017 • 30:23

Coffee Break 029: Paul Sating

Coffee Break 029: Paul Sating

FRIENDS! On today's Coffee Break episode, I'm talking with writer Paul Sating with a kind of storytelling I haven't featured before: the audio drama!

Jan 20, 2017 • 38:16

The Most Important Question A Writer Can Ask - WN 050

The Most Important Question A Writer Can Ask - WN 050

Sometimes the most important aspect of writing is not the words you string together but the questions you ask. And one question in particular is incredibly helpful.

Jan 16, 2017 • 28:42

Coffee Break 028: David Galef

Coffee Break 028: David Galef

Novels, poetry, short stories... if you can name it, David has probably written it. In this fantastic episode, we're talking about the power of brevity, compartmentalizing your life, & more.

Jan 12, 2017 • 56:38

What I Learned From Writing A Book In 1 Week - WNP 049

What I Learned From Writing A Book In 1 Week - WNP 049

Get the 10 invaluable writing lessons I learned while writing a book in one week. (That's right: ONE WEEK.)

Jan 9, 2017 • 34:03

Coffee Break 027: Jocelyn K. Glei

Coffee Break 027: Jocelyn K. Glei

Creativity expert-turned-full-time writer Jocelyn K. Glei & I talk about the balance between business and creativity, distraction, and so much more!

Dec 19, 2016 • 30:03

Coffee Break 026: Patrick Hicks

Coffee Break 026: Patrick Hicks

"Whatever scares you to write... that's what you should be writing." I talk with author Patrick Hicks about how to see the world through a writer's eyes, how traveling can change the way you write, how to deal with fear, and more.

Dec 8, 2016 • 40:52

Coffee Break 025: Fauzia Burke

Coffee Break 025: Fauzia Burke

Fauzia and I talk about the NY book publishing bubble, the joys of self-publishing, social media marketing, taking risks, and more!

Nov 29, 2016 • 38:19

Coffee Break 024: Ginny Carter

Coffee Break 024: Ginny Carter

Ginny "The Authormaker" Carter and I have a lovely conversation for you about the nonfiction book-writing process, different modes of publication, and Ginny's favorite aspect of being a writing coach.

Nov 16, 2016 • 25:50

30 Tips for 30 Days of NaNoWriMo - WNP 048

30 Tips for 30 Days of NaNoWriMo - WNP 048

From turning off your phone to staving off fear and/or hunger, this episode of the Write Now podcast is here to help you write through NaNoWriMo.

Nov 2, 2016 • 42:10

Coffee Break 023: Kevin T. Johns

Coffee Break 023: Kevin T. Johns

Fellow writer, podcaster, ghostwriter, and writing coach Kevin T. Johns and I have a great (and honest) conversation about making the most of our time as busy writers.

Oct 20, 2016 • 38:07

Coffee Break 022: Honoree Corder

Coffee Break 022: Honoree Corder

Honorée is a speaker, business coach, writing coach, and Writer with a capital W. She is also a smart, successful entrepreneur who has published 20 books and knows what it takes to sell them.

Oct 14, 2016 • 51:45

What They Didn't Teach You In School - WN 047

What They Didn't Teach You In School - WN 047

We learned a lot of great things in school. But our educational system isn't perfect, and there are some things we should have learned about writing (and life) that we didn't. All of those (and more!) in this week's episode!

Oct 5, 2016 • 39:21

Coffee Break 021: Jenny Bravo

Coffee Break 021: Jenny Bravo

Author Jenny Bravo & I talk about writing sprints, handwriting with pen & paper, keeping a scene list, our mutual love of Twitter, and tons more!

Sep 23, 2016 • 29:51

Crafting Your Mission Statement - WN 046

Crafting Your Mission Statement - WN 046

A mission statement is a valuable tool for a writer -- it can help you understand your own story, remind you of your purpose, and guide you toward your goals. Today's episode of Write Now podcast will help you create one!

Sep 12, 2016 • 32:46

Coffee Break 020: Andrew Coons

Coffee Break 020: Andrew Coons

Poet & filmmaker Andrew Coons and I have a great conversation about career writing, anxiety, depression, self-worth, and getting back into the things you love after putting them on hold.

Sep 5, 2016 • 35:36

Careers for Writers - WN 045

Careers for Writers - WN 045

Stuck in a soul-sucking, toxic day job while you dream of being a paid writer? Today's episode covers 10 different career paths for writers just like you.

Aug 31, 2016 • 46:14

Coffee Break 019: Hend Hegazi

Coffee Break 019: Hend Hegazi

Today's show is an interview with Arab-American author Hend Hegazi, who has just published her second novel about gratefulness, forgiveness, and the universal yet hidden struggles we all deal with. I hope you enjoy it.

Aug 22, 2016 • 28:02

Coffee Break 018: Mark Messick

Coffee Break 018: Mark Messick

Meet Mark Messick, the 16-year-old bestselling author of more than eleven books. Today we're talking about possibility, positivity, and living the life you want to live. Join us!

Aug 16, 2016 • 23:46

How Do I Find My Muse? - WN 044

How Do I Find My Muse? - WN 044

Chances are, you've heard of the concept of a muse, whether you've read your fair share of Shakespeare or simply seen Disney's "Hercules". But can a muse possibly have an effect on us here in the modern world?

Aug 10, 2016 • 26:52

Coffee Break 017: Andrew Chapman

Coffee Break 017: Andrew Chapman


Jul 27, 2016 • 46:58

How Important Is Networking For Writers? - WN 043

How Important Is Networking For Writers? - WN 043

I know, I know. You hate networking. I hate networking. It feels so corporate and shallow and sell-out-y. But it's important for writers nonetheless. That's why this episode is here to help you navigate the turbulent waters of this essential skill.

Jul 6, 2016 • 36:39

Coffee Break 016: Melissa Johnson

Coffee Break 016: Melissa Johnson

Enjoy a great conversation about how to fit creative writing into a busy schedule with entrepreneur, author, and my own personal mentor, Melissa Johnson.

Jun 20, 2016 • 38:24

Are There Any Original Ideas Left? - WN 042

Are There Any Original Ideas Left? - WN 042

Is it true that there's "nothing new under the sun", that we just keep retelling the same 3 stories over and over, and that Hollywood is out of ideas? Find out in the latest episode of Write Now!

Jun 6, 2016 • 35:50

Coffee Break 015: Karan Bajaj

Coffee Break 015: Karan Bajaj

I absolutely loved interviewing bestselling Indian author (& striving yogi!) Karan Bajaj, whose new book, The Yoga of Max's Discontent, hit bookstores earier this month. Join us as we talk about the burden and freedom of a creative habit, the power of a journey, and so much more.

May 27, 2016 • 35:11

Should Writers Be Paid? - WN 041

Should Writers Be Paid? - WN 041

We hear it all the time: "We can't afford to pay our writers," or, "Your payment will be exposure and experience!" But is that true? Should we take that unpaid internship? Find out in Episode 041 of Write Now.

May 17, 2016 • 30:12

Coffee Break 014: David Faux

Coffee Break 014: David Faux

David is a church-custodian-turned-tow-truck-driver who is querying his first sci-fi novel. We're talking worldbuilding, NaNoWriMo, & hope in today's show.

May 12, 2016 • 35:44

How To Deal With Rejection - WN 040

How To Deal With Rejection - WN 040

Rejection happens to every writer. This week's episode explores different types of rejection and how some of them can actually help us to become better writers.

May 4, 2016 • 34:58

Coffee Break 013: Diane Vallere

Coffee Break 013: Diane Vallere

Diane & I talk about finding the courage to do what you love and love what you're doing, the ups and downs of self-publishing, and what it's like to be a "pantser".

Apr 17, 2016 • 28:48

The Worst Writing Advice - WN 039

The Worst Writing Advice - WN 039

The internet is brimming with writing advice -- both good and bad. Episode 039 of Write Now talks about how to determine which advice is worth following, and gives you a rundown of what I think are the worst offenders. Bad advice is bad. I think we've all received bad general advice at one time or another, such as: "Gun it! You can totally make it through that yellow light." "Aw, come on. You can totally handle one more drink." "You don't really need to study for the bar exam." "Your kids wo

Apr 5, 2016 • 32:48

Coffee Break 012: JoAnna Ver Meer

Coffee Break 012: JoAnna Ver Meer

Episode 012: JoAnna Ver Meer Oh my friends, I am so very excited about today's Coffee Break episode (a.k.a. Tea Break, just for today). That's because I'm talking with my good friend & poet JoAnna Ver Meer, and I think that, by the end of this episode, you'll adore her as much as I do. "I don't think I would be a happy person if I couldn't write every day." Today's episode is a celebration of JoAnna's newest book of poetry, Syllables and Other Poems (published under her maiden name of JoAnna Tat

Apr 1, 2016 • 37:32

Coffee Break 011: Matt Paulson, Take 2

Coffee Break 011: Matt Paulson, Take 2

Episode 011: Matt Paulson You might remember Matt Paulson from one of my very first Coffee Break episodes, where we talked about his digital publishing company, automating the writing process, and blogging, as well as a book he had recently written. Five months later, Matt is publishing another book. It's called The Ten-Year Turnaround and it's about achieving financial freedom within a ten-year time period. "All writers are entrepreneurs, whether they realize it or not." Want to feel even more

Mar 25, 2016 • 35:57

Give Yourself Some Grace - WN 038

Give Yourself Some Grace - WN 038

I ended the last episode of the Write Now podcast (#037) with the concept of giving yourself some grace. I ended up thinking about that concept for a long time after that, so decided to give grace its own episode. I hope you enjoy it here in Episode 038. My deep, dark secret. No, I'm not Batman. Let's just get that out of the way. My deep, dark secret is that often I don't like myself very much. Maybe you feel like this sometimes, too. Or a lot of the time. You see, I never feel like I'm quite e

Mar 14, 2016 • 32:13

Coffee Break 010: Kaitlyn Mirison

Coffee Break 010: Kaitlyn Mirison

Episode 010: Kaitlyn Mirison Kaitlyn Mirison was one of the first people to get in touch with me when I first launched the Coffee Break offshoot of the Write Now podcast. And I am so grateful that she did. Kaitlyn is the author of An Artist's Pillars, and host of the Potential & Possibility Podcast, both of which encourage creative folks like you & me to believe in ourselves and deepen our experience of living. "It felt like I was standing on the sidelines of my life." For years, Katilyn worked

Feb 29, 2016 • 32:50

De-Clutter Your Life So You Can Write - WN 037

De-Clutter Your Life So You Can Write - WN 037

I've been thinking a lot about work/life/writing balance ever since I committed to writing a book this year. And so Episode 037 of the Write Now podcast is about just that -- balance, clutter, distraction, scheduling, and so much more. Just keep spinning... This is what I feel like a lot of the time: It's not incredibly fun (though maybe it looks cool from the outside). Being busy is fine if you can balance it well. But how many of us can actually claim that we balance it well? What's really imp

Feb 23, 2016 • 29:03

The Pressure To Be Great - WN 036

The Pressure To Be Great - WN 036

We're under tons of pressure all the time -- as writers, family members, employees, and just as human beings in general. That stuff can really get to you -- and that's what we're talking about in Episode 036 of the Write Now podcast. Under pressure. Pressure surrounds us all the time -- and I'm not just talking about the type that keeps our heads from exploding. I'm talking about the type that keeps us in line socially, that often dictates our behavior without us even realizing it. Pressure isn'

Feb 15, 2016 • 30:58

Coffee Break 009: reShoUNn Foster

Coffee Break 009: reShoUNn Foster

Episode 009: reShoUNn's Story Welcome to another Coffee Break episode of the Write Now podcast. I'm so glad you're here. Today I'm talking with beautiful poet, corporate writer, anthroponymist, jazz den owner, community builder, & kindred spirit reShoUNn Foster, who is working to invigorate Detroit with the art of words through her Out My Write Mind and Hip n Zen in the Northend projects. "Facebook saved my life." In today's episode, reShoUNn shares her story of what she went through during a lo

Feb 5, 2016 • 37:51

Coffee Break 008: Deane Barker

Coffee Break 008: Deane Barker

Episode 008: Deane Barker Hi friends! Welcome to your monthly Coffee Break episode of the Write Now podcast. Today I want to share with you the delightful and fun conversation I had with Deane Barker, who has been an authority in the web content management space since the mid-'90s and is wrapping up his first book on the subject. So! Even if you're not in to nonfiction (or especially if you are), Deane's insights about finding time to write, getting "friend-zoned" by your dream, dealing with wri

Jan 27, 2016 • 57:17

The Power of a Writers' Group - WN 035

The Power of a Writers' Group - WN 035

One thing I always want to stress in the Write Now podcast is the fact that you are not alone. Despite what you might feel, despite what you might what (or think you want), you're not alone. This is important. And it's the focus of Episode 035 of the Write Now podcast. Before we begin, a quick note that I've made it easier than ever before to support the work I do with the Write Now podcast with my new Tip Jar! :D OK. Enough of that. Let's begin... Starting a great writers' group -- or making yo

Jan 22, 2016 • 46:11

Feeling Like A Fraud - WN 034

Feeling Like A Fraud - WN 034

Oh, my friends. It's time for episode 034 of the Write Now podcast. And I am so glad about that. :) Before we begin, a quick note that I've made it easier than ever before to support the work I do with the Write Now podcast with my new Tip Jar! :D All right, enough of that. Let's begin. "Who gave you permission to be a writer?" I know that often, on this very podcast, I've encouraged you to stand up (or stay seated, whatever) and proudly proclaim, "I am a writer." But sometimes (or maybe a lot

Jan 14, 2016 • 29:30

Do I Need A Website? - WN 033

Do I Need A Website? - WN 033

Welcome to episode 033 of the Write Now podcast! Today I am answering the question, "As a writer, do I need a website?" I am also answering the inevitable follow-up questions of "Why?" and "How?" Stay tuned! Though as you listen, please note: I am not a lawyer! So please take what I say in this episode as my own thoughts & opinions and not official legal counsel. :) As a writer, do I need a website? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yessssssssssssssss. Seriously, a website is a great tool for any

Jan 4, 2016 • 28:07

Your New Year's Writing Resolution - WN 032

Your New Year's Writing Resolution - WN 032

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Let's take a look at New Year's resolutions specifically for writers in episode 032 of the Write Now podcast. Make & keep your New Year's resolution. Let's be honest -- we are not part of the 8% of the populace that actually sticks to a New Year's resolution. For most of us, a New Year's resolution is lucky to last through the third week of January. And many of us, I'm sure, see New Year's resolutions as dumb, hypocritical, or useless. But maybe this yea

Dec 28, 2015 • 28:46

Coffee Break 007: Vanessa Blakeslee

Coffee Break 007: Vanessa Blakeslee

Episode 007: Vanessa Blakeslee Hi friends! Welcome to your weekly Coffee Break. Today I'm talking to Vanessa Blakeslee, the acclaimed short-story writer (and, I can add, distinguished and delightful personage) who has published her first novel, Juventud. Juventud (or "Youth") is a beautifully and vividly written coming-of-age novel set in Santiago de Cali, Colombia, and follows the story of Mercedes Martinez, a young woman who is in love and determined to make her own choices in life -- until tr

Dec 22, 2015 • 31:33

Creating In A Time of Destruction - WN 031

Creating In A Time of Destruction - WN 031

Talking about creation and destruction go hand-in-hand. And I think that writers play a special part in not only conveying the destruction of the present, but creating the future. Makers gonna make, yo. Let's do this together in episode 031 of the Write Now podcast. Creation, destruction, & writing. Destruction is hard to talk about -- it's so deeply tied with loss and grief and pain. But it's a reality that we as writers have to deal with, whether it's the latest in a string of mass shootings,

Dec 14, 2015 • 27:01

Coffee Break 006: Kate Dyer-Seeley

Coffee Break 006: Kate Dyer-Seeley

Episode 006: Kate Dyer-Seeley My friends, I have to admit: this episode of Coffee Break almost turned me into a hypocrite. Earlier this week, I released an episode of Write Now titled Letting Go, especially re: perfectionism. I proclaimed, several times, that "done is better than perfect!" This episode of Coffee Break really challenged that belief. The audio quality is not very good, thanks to a shoddy Skype/internet connection and echo-chamber-like setting, and my interview questions were total

Dec 4, 2015 • 26:53

Letting Go - WN 030

Letting Go - WN 030

Letting go is one of the hardest things a writer (let alone a human being) has to do. It speaks of loss -- whether willful or not -- and grief and all manner of unpleasant things. But as a writer, you have to do it. And it would benefit you to learn to do it well, and with grace. Today, in Episode 030 of the Write Now podcast, we'll talk about the different types of letting go you may face in your daily writing, work, and life overall. And I'll try not to get that Disney song stuck in your hea

Nov 30, 2015 • 44:37

Writing With All of Your Senses - WN 029

Writing With All of Your Senses - WN 029

I'm back from my mission trip to Jamaica, my friends. And I have several stories and writing insights to share with you. It's all here in episode 029 of the Write Now podcast. Is travel a "must" for writers? Travel is a great way for writers to learn, grow, and gain an entirely new perspective. The only downside is that it's not feasible or accessible for everyone. Travel can be expensive, and not everyone can take an extended leave of absence from work, family, or other duties. This is why I'm

Nov 23, 2015 • 32:18

Coffee Break 005: Abraham Allende

Coffee Break 005: Abraham Allende

Episode 005: Abraham Allende It's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy another episode of Coffee Break. I love talking with people who have interesting stories to tell. And Abraham Allende -- former Cleveland sportscaster and current bishop of the Northeastern Ohio Synod of the ELCA -- has many. Language has been a central part of Bishop Allende's career, from teaching high-school French to broadcasting Cleveland Indians games under the name Allen Davis. And he continues to speak, teach, and write

Nov 19, 2015 • 26:44

My Writing Retreat - WN 028

My Writing Retreat - WN 028

Welcome to Episode 028 of Write Now. I've returned from my annual writing retreat and we've got some catching up to do. Should I take a writing retreat? I've spoken with a lot of writers over the years about the merits of a writers' retreat. And the question of Should I? isn't really fair to ask, since the answer has been a resounding Yes! from all surveyed. Perhaps a better question to ask is: How do I keep the good effects of a short-term writing retreat going throughout the year? Takin' it to

Nov 16, 2015 • 24:11

NaNoWriMo and You - WN 027

NaNoWriMo and You - WN 027

Help support this podcast on Patreon! >> It's November--and you know what that means! Or maybe you don't, in which case I'll tell you: it's NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH! And the way I see it, November is a time to celebrate all writers, not just novelists. That includes you. Get ready for the writing frenzy with episode 027 of Write Now. What is NaNoWriMo, and is it right for me? NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month (because who wants to say that over and over?), and over the years

Oct 26, 2015 • 30:53

Coffee Break 004: Dave Booda

Coffee Break 004: Dave Booda

Episode 004: Dave Booda It's time to sit back, relax, and enjoy another episode of Coffee Break. Dave Booda (that's him, with the magnificent man-bun) of the Darken the Page podcast got in touch with me a while ago about recording a podcast episode together, and I thought it sounded like a great idea. SO THAT IS WHAT WE DID. Enjoy our banter about the creative process and all the STUFF that comes with it. :D Please note: This episode originally aired as Episode 43 of the Darken the Page podcast,

Oct 22, 2015 • 51:24

When Life Kinda Sucks - WN 026

When Life Kinda Sucks - WN 026

Help support this podcast! >> Episode 026 of the Write Now podcast is once again sponsored by my good friend Dave Booda at the Darken the Page podcast. Check it out! Life isn't always as amazing as we'd like it to be. ...To put it lightly. Sometimes the Powers That Be decide that juggling the usual work/life/writing balance just isn't hard enough, and sends us fun new things to deal with on top of it all. Things like illness, depression, toxic people, and bad situations at work. So what's a writ

Oct 19, 2015 • 43:27

Coffee Break 003: Matt Paulson, Take 1

Coffee Break 003: Matt Paulson, Take 1

Episode 003: Matt Paulson Hey friends. It's time for another Coffee Break! Today, I'm speaking to my good friend Matt Paulson, the author of two books and finance blogger-turned-entrepreneur. Matt is a smart dude who did something really interesting. He built a software program to gather financial data and generate blog posts about it. So today he's talking to us as the writer who literally built his own robot replacement. It's like science fiction, but it's REAL LIFE! And Matt has seen an incre

Oct 3, 2015 • 25:46

My 10 Favorite Books - Part II - WN 025

My 10 Favorite Books - Part II - WN 025

Help support this podcast! >> Episode 025 of the Write Now podcast is sponsored by my good friend Dave Booda at the Darken the Page podcast for creatives of all kinds. He's a smart and funny dude. Check it out! LET'S TALK ABOUT BOOKS AGAIN! Today's podcast is a follow-up to last week's episode about 5 of my 10 favorite books. In this episode, you'll learn about the remaining five, as well as the reasons why they're so important to me: My remaining 5 favorite books! All the Pretty Horses by Corm

Sep 28, 2015 • 28:02

Coffee Break 002: Mad Like Alyce

Coffee Break 002: Mad Like Alyce

Episode 002: Mad Like Alyce Welcome to another episode of Coffee Break! This week, I'm talking to lifestyle blogger Mad Like Alyce, who offers a special focus on living a healthier life with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and chronic pain. This is a great podcast episode for any writer who has a blog or is thinking about starting a blog! In our conversation, Alyce & I talk about the importance of selecting a niche for your blog without letting it confine or label you, how to draw inspirat

Sep 25, 2015 • 48:51

My 10 Favorite Books - Part I - WN 024

My 10 Favorite Books - Part I - WN 024

Help support this podcast! >> DID YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE BOOKS? This is a good thing, because episode 024 of the Write Now podcast is all about books. Hooray! This week's episode is sponsored by my good friend Dave Booda at the Darken the Page podcast. Dave is passionate about exploring the creative process, and his interview-style podcast lends some great perspective. Check it out! What are your favorite books? As writers, we tend to love books. Many books, various books, perhaps even all books.

Sep 24, 2015 • 40:35

Coffee Break: Barbara Kyle

Coffee Break: Barbara Kyle

A truly delightful conversation with the author of the Thornleigh Saga about crafting a real page-turner. Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/sarahrheawerner

Sep 17, 2015 • 28:28

What Does Success Look Like For You? – WN 023

What Does Success Look Like For You? – WN 023

Help support this podcast! >> Oh man. Episode 023 of the Write Now podcast is about SUCCESS. Get ready  for some kind of MONTAGE or MOTIVATIONAL POSTER, probably! ...Or, you know, a nice earnest discussion on what it means to find success as a writer. What does success look like for you as a writer? It's something that we all daydream about but rarely give any serious thought: What would it look like if we were successful? I think that a lot of writers interpret success as a "luck of the draw" t

Sep 9, 2015 • 33:35

Was I Meant To Be A Writer? - WN 022

Was I Meant To Be A Writer? - WN 022

Help support this podcast! >> Hey friends. Have you ever questioned your writer-ly destiny? Then Episode 022 of the Write Now podcast is for you. What if I simply wasn't meant to be a writer? I received a letter from a very bright, very talented young writer named Amanda who was wondering whether she was actually meant to be a writer. Her letter affected me so much that I decided to dedicate this episode to exploring the topic. Amanda writes, I'm not sure if I'm meant to be writing... I like com

Aug 31, 2015 • 27:54

How To Defeat Writers' Block - WN 021

How To Defeat Writers' Block - WN 021

Help support this podcast! >> My friends. Episode 021 of the Write Now podcast is about writer's block and how to defeat it. GET READY. Have you ever struggled with writers' block? Writers' block can seize any writer at any point during the writing process. But that doesn't mean you can't fight back! In today's podcast episode, I talk about what to do when: You can't come up with an idea You have too many ideas and you can't commit to just one You don't know what to write next You've strayed

Aug 24, 2015 • 38:48

Truth In Fiction - WN 020

Truth In Fiction - WN 020

Help support this podcast! >> I never intended to go into marketing. In fact, I just kind of fell into it -- and realized I was fairly decent at it. In marketing, I've learned a lot about truth (and how people respond to truth) that I'll share with you today in Episode 020 of the Write Now podcast. Truth! Beauty! Right? There's an adage that says, "Writers are professional liars." I can understand the cynicism and humor that lie beneath that statement, but I don't agree with it. Not a bit. When

Aug 10, 2015 • 25:42

7 Reasons You Need A Writing Mentor - WN 019

7 Reasons You Need A Writing Mentor - WN 019

Help support this podcast! >> Do you have a writing mentor? Find out why it's super-important to have one in Episode 019 of the Write Now podcast! Every writer needs a mentor. What are the benefits of having a writing mentor? How do you go about finding one? Is it possible you have one already? And how can you tell a good mentor from a bad one? SO MANY QUESTIONS! Good thing I have so many answers. You are not alone. I think that, in general, writing as seen as a fundamentally solitary, isolated,

Jul 29, 2015 • 33:07

Fail A Lot - WN 018

Fail A Lot - WN 018

Help support this podcast! >> Hey there, friends. In episode 018 of the Write Now podcast, I'm going to give you some advice that I'll bet you don't hear all that often: Fail a lot. As writers, why are we such perfectionists? Why do we expect perfection from ourselves? Shouldn't we understand better than anyone else that the human creature is inherently and beautifully flawed? I know, I know. I'm guilty of this, too. But let's do something we writers tend to be not-super-great at and dive headfi

Jul 20, 2015 • 31:01

Your Professional vs Creative Self - WN 017

Your Professional vs Creative Self - WN 017

Help support this podcast! >> Welcome to Episode 017 of the Write Now podcast, my lovelies. I am so glad you're here. Today we're going to talk about your work/life/writing balance. Where are you putting your energy? If you go out to iTunes and check out the Write Now podcast "about" info, you'll see it says: "A weekly podcast for aspiring writers looking to find a healthy work/life/writing balance." Sometimes, I feel like three separate selves trying to work together, instead of one self trying

Jul 13, 2015 • 31:00

How to Make Writing Fun Again - WN 016

How to Make Writing Fun Again - WN 016

Help support this podcast! >> This is the sweet 16th episode of the Write Now podcast with yours truly. Sometimes we lose that spark. Remember when writing used to be fun? Or better yet, satisfying? You can find that feeling again. It might just be a matter of letting go of some other stuff that matters less. It's about understanding what it is you love about writing. Here are some simple questions you can ask yourself that will guide your mind back into a happy writing place. Ask yourself... Wh

Jul 6, 2015 • 27:10

Why Is It So Important For Writers To Read? - WN 015

Why Is It So Important For Writers To Read? - WN 015

Help support this podcast! >> Welcome to Episode 015 of the Write Now podcast. We're going to be talking about something I've wanted to talk about for a while. SO I HOPE YOU HAVE BEEN WANTING TO HEAR IT! (Hint: the topic is BOOKS, you guys!) Why do writers need to read? "Reading is essential if you're going to be a writer." You've heard it from teachers and fellow writers and books on writing. Heck, you've even heard it from me. (And from Stephen King.) But why? Why is it so essential for writer

Jun 12, 2015 • 35:33

Creating A Space For Writing - WN 014

Creating A Space For Writing - WN 014

Help support this podcast! >> YOU GUYS it has been a while. But I am back, and the foam on my delicious cappuccino is as fluffy and delightful as the suds in an angel's bathtub. (Is that weird? Maybe that's weird. But it's TRUE.) Anyway, I'm glad you're here. Where do you write? It surprises me sometimes -- where I am able and where I am unable to write. Can you write anywhere? Or do you have certain objects, snacks, or environmental enhancements (whatever that means) that you need to be able to

Jun 6, 2015 • 32:07

7 Ways to Write Yourself Out of a Corner - WN 013

7 Ways to Write Yourself Out of a Corner - WN 013

Help support this podcast! >> Oooh. Lucky episode 013. Or unlucky, if you suffer from triskaidekaphobia. And I hope you don't, because I think you'll enjoy this episode. Help! I've written myself into a corner! We've all been there. That point where you realize a scene's just not working. Or where you realize that your character's motivations don't match the action you need him or her to take. Or where you realize your outline sucks, or that you've been writing an extended idea and not a story.

May 19, 2015 • 34:11

My 8 Favorite Writing Tools – WN 012

My 8 Favorite Writing Tools – WN 012

Help support this podcast! >> In this week's episode of the "Write Now" podcast, I talk about caffeine addiction, my obsession with Bic 0.7mm #2 mechanical pencils, an intense personal dislike of sports, the ubiquitous egg timer, and (bonus!) Jane Austen's homemade ink recipe. Buckle up, because this is going to be ONE WILD RIDE. What are the tools of the writer's craft? Sculptors use a hammer and chisel. Knitters use needles. Writers use... what? A word processing program on a laptop? A composi

May 5, 2015 • 37:53

Finding Your Voice - WN 011

Finding Your Voice - WN 011

Help support this podcast! >> Hey friends. Welcome to Episode 011 of the "Write Now" podcast. I'm glad you're here. How do I develop my writer's voice? You can probably name a lot of great writers who have their own particular voice. You might have heard something referred to as "Kafka-esque" or "Lovecraftian", or you might recognize echoes of similarity between one particular writer and his or her mentor. So what is this elusive element we call a voice? And how do we go about developing our own

Apr 27, 2015 • 40:07

Writing Is Our Passion - WN 010

Writing Is Our Passion - WN 010

Help support this podcast! >> This is Episode 010 of the "Write Now" podcast. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT. It's about passion. What do we really mean when we say writing is our "passion"? Passion. It's part of the "Write Now" podcast tagline -- this is "the podcast that helps aspiring writers to find the time, energy, and courage you need to pursue your passion and write every day", after all. But what does that mean? Are we in love with writing? Do we feel called or compelled to write? Or does it mean

Apr 20, 2015 • 26:29

Say Yes to Writing - WN 009

Say Yes to Writing - WN 009

Help support this podcast! >> As Joaquin Phoenix once said, "I'M STILL HERE." Mockumentary and hip-hop career to follow shortly. (Seriously, though, I've realized I turn out new episodes about every 10 days instead of strictly weekly. I hope that is okay with you.) Either way, welcome to Episode 009 of the "Write Now" podcast. Small note: If my voice sounds weird in this episode, it is because I have both a new microphone and a head cold. Life is fun like that. In order to say "yes" to writing,

Apr 2, 2015 • 29:19

How to Write When You Don't Feel Like Writing - WN 008

How to Write When You Don't Feel Like Writing - WN 008

Help support this podcast! >> If you're looking for episode eight of the "Write Now" podcast, you've come to the right place. OR SHOULD I SAY THE WRITE PLACE BAH HA HA HA HAAA haaaaaaaaa I'm such a dork. I probably should be writing, but I just don't feel like it. There are days when it's hard to even think about writing. I know -- I've been there. (In fact, I may or may not be there right now.) It's so easy to feel disheartened or stupid or restless or any of those other thousand things that ca

Mar 22, 2015 • 33:08

Who Is My Audience? - WN 007

Who Is My Audience? - WN 007

Help support this podcast! >> Welcome to episode seven of the "Write Now" podcast. This episode is kind of a two-for-one special, in which I talk not only about finding and writing to your audience, but how to deal with that irritating little perfectionist who lives in your brain and doesn't want you to finish anything. Ever. Should I be writing for myself? My audience? Help! You want people to read and like (and buy!) your novel/book/etc. A great way to do that is to write stuff that people wan

Mar 11, 2015 • 32:40

Walk It Off - WN 006

Walk It Off - WN 006

Help support this podcast! >> Dumpster diving. Mall walking. A 19th-century transcendentalist. These are only a FEW of the things that you have to look forward to in the sixth episode of the "Write Now" podcast. Walk it off. It was my dad's advice to me as a child, and it's my advice to you now as a writer. There's an interesting relationship between writing and moving -- between kinetic and creative energy. I hope you've had a chance to discover this for yourself. But if not, there's no time li

Mar 3, 2015 • 24:04

Regain Your Confidence - WN 005

Regain Your Confidence - WN 005

Help support this podcast! >> It's the fifth episode of "Write Now"! Hooray! I hope that this podcast is helping you to find the time, energy, and courage you need to pursue your passion and write every day. Regain your lost confidence in 5 steps. Say it's been a long time since you've written. Say you've been rejected, you've been told (or told yourself) you're not good enough, you've lost a job, or you've simply been intimidated by the sheer number of books at the bookstore. Fear not! Seriousl

Feb 25, 2015 • 28:17

Go On - Surprise Yourself - WN 004

Go On - Surprise Yourself - WN 004

Help support this podcast! >> Welcome to the fourth episode of "Write Now", the podcast that helps aspiring writers to find the time, energy, and courage you need to pursue your passion and write every day. I'm so glad you're here. Go on -- surprise yourself. My own ability to surprise myself is my all-time favorite thing about writing. I've never been able to fully articulate how it works, or where the magic comes from. But I take a stab at it in today's podcast episode. I also talk about what

Feb 7, 2015 • 28:55

Writing as Self Care - WN 003

Writing as Self Care - WN 003

Help support this podcast! >> You guys, I am super stoked about this week's podcast topic. BECAUSE IT IS IMPORTANT: Writing as self care. The idea of using writing as a way to attain and maintain both physical and mental health isn't new. From amateur journaling to more official psychoanalysis efforts, writing is often used for external processing, personal introspection, and the sheer (and necessary) act of creation. Today's podcast explores: 1. Writing as healing. 2. Writing as maintenance. 3.

Jan 23, 2015 • 29:13

5 Steps to Making Your Writing Goals a Reality - WN 002

5 Steps to Making Your Writing Goals a Reality - WN 002

Help support this podcast! >> Woo! I've officially made it to the second episode of "Write Now", the podcast that helps aspiring writers to find the time, energy, and courage you need to pursue your passion and write every day. I've also been told by several listeners that my voice is "soothing" and "mellow", which I'm counting as a win. 5 Steps for making your writing goals a reality. You probably already know that goals are extremely important to writers of all kinds. But how do we set goals -

Jan 14, 2015 • 34:25

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