Abnormal Mapping
Em Marko and Jackson Tyler
Abnormal Mapping is a monthly game club of Em and Jackson, talking primarily about old games with an eye to critiquing without nostalgia.
Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman and Croc: Legend of the Gobbos
We’re playing two not very classics of their respective genres today as we go back to the back half of the 90s to play an early action game and a relatively early 3D platformer. We’re kind of split on which game we prefer along lines I expect you’d predict, but we both had a pretty good time with both games anyway! Also, before that, Jackson gives the MOTHER of all segment 1 updates. At 16:15 or so until 1:15:30 Jackson's Audacity file broke and we had to use the backup. Em's a little quiet duri
We tackle a newer game this month as we talk about the critically acclaimed adventure game 1000xRESIST. We found plenty to love and plenty to pick at during our time with this one, but it’s exactly the kind of messy game we tend to like around here, so we’re glad we played it and I hope you enjoy listening to us talk through it!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home that they should check us
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006): Legacy of Solaris
We close out the year by playing one of the most infamous games we’ve ever covered, a game that has been a running joke and shorthand for bad game for nearly twenty years. And yet, do we find the judgment of history fair? Do we believe in redemption for a certain blue hedgehog and the anime princess who loves him? We’re going to try our best, as we finally play Sonic 06 (with as much help as modding can give us)!To install Legacy of Solaris for yourself, please watch this video! Thank you so muc
Abnormal Mapping 167: Shenmue II
We’re joined by Dia Lacina once again as Ryo continues the next leg of his quest to track down Lan Di, his father’s killer. What strange challenges will he find in China? How does Yu Suzuki follow up one of the most ambitious, incredible games of all time? We find ourselves surprised at almost every turn as Shenmue II goes big and goes small and goes adventuring! Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you
Racing Lagoon
One of the hot new releases of … wait, 1999? That can’t be right. Oh, it’s a fan translation. One of the hot new fan translations hitting the inter-oh I’m being informed the fan translation is from three years ago! How embarrassing. Well, we’ve been meaning to play this one for a hot minute, and when Em finally tried it they were so instantly in love with it they insisted we cover it for the podcast. So we did! Turns out, we had a great time! Please join us as we try to discover what is beyond s
Mister Mosquito
Sometimes you decide to finally pick up one of those games you’ve always heard of but never got around to, the curiosities that you are pretty sure aren’t must plays, but stick in your brain anyway. Some might argue this has been the history of Abnormal Mapping at large! But this month we do one of the epitomes of this style of game as Em chose one of the big PS2 curiosities from the era of “I can’t believe they localized that!”Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review th
Final Fantasy XI
Jackson is joined today by official Final Fantasy Correspondant Austin Walker to talk about Final Fantasy XI - specifically the base game and Rise of the Zilart. It’s been a busy MMO summer and we simply needed to get it out of our systems and into microphones somewhere. Please enjoy this three hour tribute to a game that’s still around and still good as hell.Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call
The Forgotten City
Em is back from the month off to talk about the joy of a kind of cheesy mystery with a great sci-fi premise as we get to live out our Star Trek: The Original Series dreams by lecturing ancient peoples about how our modern world view is clearly the best one. This sounds like it’s selling The Forgotten City short, but I promise it isn’t, we really liked this game. Sometimes good things are also kind of silly things, is all, and we delight in the silliness in this episode.Thank you so much as alway
Citizen Sleeper
This month it’s just me, Jackson, being joined by Crystal to play Citizen Sleeper. Em is currently in Hospital after major surgery and so I’m taking over and organizing the podcasts while they recover! Please send them well wishes. It’s time to talk about RPG systems, and the strange act of critiquing leftist video games that you mostly agree with. I think this is a good discussion about a fun game and I hope everyone enjoys it!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review th
Cassette Beasts
We enjoy one of the major modern attempts at making a Pokemon-style monster collecting and battling RPG with Cassette Beasts. We talk about surprising scope of the world, the intense battle system, what your numbers say about your priorities, the weirdness of dating mechanics, and much more! This game was a great surprise and a huge delight, so please check it out!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you
Abnormal Mapping 160: Myst III: Exile
We find ourselves doing grunt work for Atrus once more as our favorite self-published author and god of his own realms begins reaping what he’s sown over the last two games. We solve some puzzles, enjoy Brad Dourif, and talk about the kind of guy who keeps going around birthing entire worlds. Exile was good fun, happy to dip back into the world of Myst once again. Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you
Dynamite Headdy and Beyond Oasis
We leap back in time to the Mega Drive to talk about two action classics back when action games meant jumping and avoiding and not perfect parries. Not exactly divisive that we enjoy these types of games, but the generational split is very real as we talk about these two classics of game. Join us, for a walk down memory lane (Sega edition).Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home that they shou
Abnormal Mapping 158: Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth
We finish our long Final Fantasy adventure by playing Square’s largest single player Final Fantasy yet. But does size equal quality? Does it equal ambition? We have many thoughts about this and about where the entire Final Fantasy VII Remake Project has gone and is heading in this enormous podcast about an equally enormous game. After dozens of hours, we are left with one simple question: why do we do this to ourselves? 1. Because we were ready to game2. Because we were sure of quality3. Because
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
We’re joined by Molly for the return of one of the classics, a guy who just needs to jump over every spike in all the world, conveniently located in a beautiful palace. That’s right, we’re here to talk about the return of Prince of Persia, and the surprising ways Ubisoft have melded the last ten years of exceptional platforming games into something with its own identity. Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social me
Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII
We interrupt your regularly scheduled coverage with a special announcement: Jackson has played the Final Fantasy XIII games, at last. Despite the frankly illegal amount of Final Fantasy content lately they were not going to let that go to waste. They are joined by Erin (@Woodabris, Woodaba on Youtube) to discuss the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, with a little Type 0 in there. It’s time to get remember: Fabula Nova Crystallis.Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the pod
007: Everything or Nothing
We’re going back to the heady days of licensed multi-platform games in the early 00s this month as we play 007: Everything or Nothing and talk about the era of arcane save processes, weird genre mashups, awful final missions, and the ways in which the whole medium could turn on a relatively short dime to become something new. Was this game an unheralded prelude to the next-gen era? Maybe! We talk about it. Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell al
Final Fantasy XV
We close out the year with a podcast years in the making, as Molly joins us and we take a road trip with the king to be and his homies and play the much maligned but beloved by us Final Fantasy XV! This podcast will cover the main game and the first three episode DLCs (Gladio, Prompto, Ignis), and there’ll be a follow up podcast on the patreon (free for everyone) in about a week covering the movie, the anime, Episode Ardyn, and the Awful Book. Please look forward to it!Thank you so much as alway
Grab Bag 2023
We keep gaming as we tackle a bunch of small games in a classic grab bag and talk through a whole mess of games that are interesting and worthwhile but often have one or two extremely obvious parts that hold it back. Some of them are reasonable critiques, some of them are just the unfortunate realities of game production, some are just The Times. I think the array of responses and games really makes for a solid episode however, and I hope you’ll agree!Thank you so much as always for listening, p
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
It’s Jackson here with a surprise episode of Abnormal Mapping! This was meant to be a bonus anniversary surprise but scheduling woes got it pushed back a week, but that’s not important: I finally played Majora’s Mask. And I’m joined by my good friend Crystal to talk about it. Things Discussed: Majora’s Mask, most Zeldas, some Resident Evil.Next Month’s Game Club: Grab Bag! 2023BETON BRUTAL The Red Lantern Inertial Drift (+ DLC) Silent Bomber Music this EpisodeOpening by Koji Kondo, Toru Minegish
We’ve been doing this for ten years! Damn, that’s a long time to be doing a monthly game club. But we’ll keep trucking into our second decade as we start a series that neither of us have played before. We’re joined by a guest, Shenmue superfan Dia Lacina, to talk about Ryo and his ridiculous quest for vengeance. Please enjoy this supersized episode, and thank you for however long you’ve been listening!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all you
Demon Turf
We celebrate a century and a half of excellence this month as we talk about 3D platforming as we take a thorough look at Demon Turf and talk about platforming for sickos, designing games around the expectations of Nintendo Polish, and what that means in terms of expectations and the war within ourselves to appraise a thing. Demon Turf is really good, if you like 3D platformers, absolutely check it out, it’s something really special! Ambitious in a way few other games in this space are.Thank you
Mega Man Legends
We’re back with one of the obvious classics of all time, a game neither of us had played before this month but came like a lighting strike into our lives with its charm and brevity and interesting vision of early 3D RPG design. That’s right, it’s time to servbot up some exploration, with a dash of adventure, you dig? Okay, okay, I’ll stop. Please enjoy!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home t
Muv Luv Trilogy
Em is joined by anime gaming expert Olivia today to talk about a classic of Visual Novels, the Muv Luv trilogy of games! We have a brief RPG checkin first, nothing especially spoiler-heavy so don’t worry if you’re not also 7 games into Kiseki, but the Muv Luv sequence is, of course, exceedingly spoiler heavy by nature. Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home that they should check us out. See
Final Fantasy XVI
We’re joined by post-gamer and friend of the show Austin Walker to talk about the latest and greatest in the long running Final Fantasy series. That’s right, it’s Clive time! Join us as we try to grapple with this large action RPG and talk mostly about its story and themes. Some mechanical talk, but this is very writing centric as an episode. Enjoy!Check out Austin’s podcasts Friends at the Table, A More Civilized Age, and Shelved by Genre! They’re all good!NOTE: This episode released a bit earl
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
We’re joined by blogger of the year and adventure game maestra Dia Lacina to talk about one of the most iconic games of the LucasArts era, Monkey Island 2! There’s plenty of other games besides, but it’s really mostly this one, because it’s worth it.You can watch Dia play Monkey Island 1 for free HERE, and support her Patreon to watch her play all of Monkey Island 2 right now!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever soci
Abnormal Mapping 145: Chrono Cross
We’re joined by special guest Niamh to talk about one of the classics of video game, infamously one of only two games we bailed on playing in history, and one of the once most divisive RPGs of history now mostly considered one of the greats. That’s right we’re revisiting Final Fantasy VIII playing Chrono Cross! FOR THE TIMELINE AND STORY SUMMARY VIDEO IF YOU NEED IT, CHECK THIS OUT We do NOT summarize the story and assume people are familiar with the plot, for time reasons. Even still it’s one o
Abnormal Mapping 144: Grab Bag (lots of Resident Evil talk)
Em’s been so busy gaming we had to break out segment 1 into its own podcast to spare our Chrono Cross episode the world’s most topheavy structure, but we ended up having a great time. Second half of the pod is all Resident Evil talk if that’s not your speed, but before that is more normal. Spoilers for RE through Village, though!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home that they should check us
Abnormal Mapping 143: Potion Craft
We’re back to talk about a small game about chilling out and brewing potions and what it says for the act of gaming itself to engage in a relaxing sort of simulated labor. There’s a whole world of games out there we don’t really touch on, and it was nice to brush up against it for once. Also, as usual, lots of gaming talk in general.Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home that they should chec
Abnormal Mapping 142: Mutazione
We’re back with a normal episode of Abnormal Mapping as we dig into our backlog a bit and then talk about a very low key narrative adventure game and have a pleasant time digging into gardening, melodrama, and narratives about guilt and responsibility. Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home that they should check us out. See you next month!Send us questions about our game clubs, other games,
Abnormal Mapping 141: Phantasy Star 1-4
On this very special episode Em is joined by Dia Lacina and Emrys to talk about Sega’s iconic JRPG franchise Phantasy Star. We talk about the banging soundtrack, the innovations it brings to the genre, and the ways it has been forgotten by time. Because it’s four games, it’s a little lighter than usual, but it was great to settle in and talk about these truly fantastic games.For reference, the versions of Phantasy Stars Em used and recommends:Sega Ages Phantasy Star for Nintendo SwitchPhantasy S
Abnormal Mapping 140: Resident Evil
We’re joined by Dia Lacina to talk about foundational survival horror classic Resident Evil, and mostly talk about genre and the strange legacy of having a remake that’s more popular than the original. It was nice to be able to dig into a classic like this and find plenty to talk about both as a game and as a cultural object.Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, and tell all your friends on whatever social media you call home that they should check us out
Abnormal Mapping 139: Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights
We’re joined by Ember to talk about a game at the intersection of those two most contentious genres: soulslikes and Metroidvanias. This intersection itself is now a vibrant sub-genre, and in talking about this entry we talk about the ways these games tell stories, the platformer vs combat tension inherent in them, and why good art can often set up frustrated expectations. Really happy with this cast, I hope people enjoy!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcas
Abnormal Mapping 138: Spark the Electric Jester 3 (and friends!)
We end out the year by going hard on going fast through 3D spaces as we talk more about where 3D Sonic is at, and also about the array of interesting 3D time attack platformers coming out inspired by Sonic’s spotty but beloved reputation in the third dimension. This is a meaty episode covering a lot of cool indie games, hopefully people check them out, most of them can be found very cheaply on various digital stores!Thank you so much as always for listening, please rate and review the podcast, a
Abnormal Mapping 137: Snatcher
It's nearly Christmas time and thus we settle in for that most famous of Christmas games, Hideo Kojima's sci-fi detective classic SNATCHER! No, really, this is a Christmas ass Christmas game in the same way Die Hard is so I'm claiming it. We finally did a timely Christmas game.On top of that, we have a huge amount of games to talk about, a lot of rambling about various gaming-related things, Em revealing an embarrassing amount about their buying habits for the past ten years they thought about c
Abnormal Mapping 136: Norco
We ring in our ninth anniversary with a new-ish game, the dystopian magical realism adventure game Norco! There’s plenty of navel gazing about life, podcasts, gaming, and capitalism to be had, that heady Abnormal Mapping special brew, as we bring you this super-sized episode. Honestly, there isn’t much to say, this game just rips and people should play it. Here’s to many more years of podcasts!Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gma
Abnormal Mapping 135: Yume Nikki and Ib
We have another huge haul of games as we talk about seemingly everything under the sun but also two games for the lengthening nights as we do a sort of horror month talking about two moody classics of the RPG Maker indie games scene: Yume Nikki and Ib! It was great to be able to talk about such a fun genre, get out of our comfort zones a bit, and explore some real gaming history. Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you
Abnormal Mapping 134: Riven: The Sequel to Myst
It’s gaming season as we dip into a sequel to one of the most classic games of the 90s and find that maybe lighting truly does strike twice. On top of that, a dozen other games played between us, and a bunch of other fun besides including which PlayStation is canonically the Best Looking. The answer will not surprise you in the slightest. Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support us please visit patr
Abnormal Mapping 133: Survival Kids
We try to beat the heat by playing a game about the sweltering jungle and the fight for survival, but y’know … it’s cute! Also, we declare an early end to our Year of Handhelds because of a Gaming Injury, but we’ll still be delivering banger episodes every month as always. Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts!Things Discussed: Po
Abnormal Mapping 132: Fate/hollow ataraxia
I’m joined once again by my friend and fate-bestower Kim as we cover the only sequel to Fate/stay night, Hollow Ataraxia! We talk about where my fate-pilling is at, the power of stories that aren’t about anything, the evolution of guys, and the general experience playing the miracle game. Truly one of my new favorites. Spoilers of course for FSN, Fate Zero, and Hollow Ataraxia within! Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If
Abnormal Mapping 131: Mother 3
One of the most infamous Japan-only RPGs finally gets its turn as Abnormal Mapping heads back to a simpler time of GBAs, Nintendo being good, and a little boy with magical PSI powers as we finally get to the game we’ve been putting off for nearly eight years: Mother 3! We must be so exhausted.Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts!
Abnormal Mapping 130: Trauma Center: Under the Knife
We delve into the power of healing and the demands of the DS touch screen as we scrub up and try to save people by playing doctor and … NGO front line crime fighter? Look, anime is complicated. Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts!Things Discussed: Rogue Legacy 2, The Stanley Parable, Sable, Caligula Effect 2, Gris, Prey 2006, St
Abnormal Mapping 129: Metal Gear Acid 2
We remember the basics of CQC one draw at a time as we go back to the long road of woe that is Metal Gear to play the strange PSP tactical spin-off Metal Gear Acid 2! There are ABSOLUTELY talk about the entire franchise, because we just love/hate Metal Gear too much not to go all over, so be warned about the spoilers. But otherwise, enjoy this ridiculous episode!Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to supp
Abnormal Mapping 128: Sonic Chaos and Tails Adventure
Abnormal Mapping is here to talk about two Sonic games that were designed for the Game Gear and the first generation of dedicated handheld games and why they often were saddled with the reputations they would carry with them for decades to come. These games are all right tho! Also an extended what we’ve been playing, featuring Jack Chaos and Metroid herself. Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support
Abnormal Mapping 127: Fate/stay night
A special mid-month Abnormal Mapping is summoned into the grail war! Em is joined by their friend Kim to talk about the humble origin of a massive media franchise and the experience of playing a massive visual novel with a lot of competing ideas that might not always gel together perfectly. That said, Fate is pretty cool, so we had a great time! If you’d like to hear people talk much more thoroughly about Fate/stay night and other Type-Moon VNs, please check out Fate-Moon Archive, another podcas
Abnormal Mapping 126: WarioWare and Rhythm Heaven
We opened up our GBAs and DSes for a parade of classic Nintendo bangers as we talk about when video games were joyful and rhythm games were about learning actual ass rhythm. It’s a big episode, with lots of music, and I hope everyone enjoys! Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writing, and even opportunities to be on
Abnormal Mapping 125: King of Dragon Pass
Sacred time is here! We light the fires and huddle our tula around the ring as we tell tales of old and mishaps aplenty in the dangerous world of Glorantha as we talk about this classic narrative strategy game! Also, because it’s us, lots of JRPG updates and many other things besides in this lengthy episode. Praise to Orlanth!Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/
Abnormal Mapping 124: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
The end of the year of JRPGs ends with a game exploring the very limits of the genre and pushing into the modern conception of RPG meta text. Gone are the battles and dungeons, remaining are quests and levels and the question of what is it all for. Also, some really funky guys. So many cool, funky guys. Join us as we close the book on this strange year with a strange game, and have a great ol’ time.Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcas
Abnormal Mapping 123: Forza Horizon 5
We’re back as we take a sharp left from our projected game club and play the newest of new releases, the hot new Microsoft Tentpole, HaForza Horizon 5! Please enjoy this sprawling conversation about everything from driving mechanics, to radio stations in games, our problems with live service games, to liberal progressive ideas of tourism and representation, to a lazy history of the getting in cars digitally genre, we go long and cover a lot of topics. Appropriate, because Forza Horizon is a fram
Abnormal Mapping 122: Star Ocean
Rushing this one out the door because of scheduling problems, it’s a new Abnormal Mapping! We played a game that has been on Em’s to do list for years, and we discover that sometimes digging into the past isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Also, the characters of Star Ocean? Discover that sometimes digging into the past isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Anyway, enjoy! Happy Anniversary, Abnormal Mapping!Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodc
Abnormal Mapping 121: Gravity Rush 2
We’re joined by Scarlett for a stroll down memory lane, when Sony meant interesting games coming from Japanese developers. It wasn’t even that long ago! Revisiting Gravity Rush 2 a mere four years after its release, we remember the power of the Vita to fire our imagination, and the cold light of day that’s been first party development in the last half decade. But also, we remember Kat and Raven, two heroes who do their best despite everything. We remember the vibrant cities and thoughtful medita
Abnormal Mapping 120: Tokyo RPG Factory
We are joined by blogger of the year Dia Lacina who was willing to go down with the ship as we break format for a trio of games that we only knew of probably bad games nobody actually played. That’s right, we took all our RPG expertise and applied it to the strange trilogy of Tokyo RPG Factory games! Em froze their ass off in I am Setsuna, Dia remembered she could be doing anything else in Lost Sphear, and Jackson went hya hya hya about a million times in Oninaki. Maybe the games are bad, but th
Abnormal Mapping 119: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
We’re joined by Dan to once again talk about the strange tangent of the Metroid universe as we continue to mine the Phazon arc to gain an appreciation for how you follow up one of the boldest games ever made. Turns out, that’s really hard! Join us for a discussion of light and dark worlds, not even lazily caring about your plot, and the nightmare that is making ‘hard’ bosses. A jam packed episode! Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast
Abnormal Mapping 118: Lost Odyssey
This month we feast on one of the largest games time investment wise we’ve ever played for Abnormal Mapping, but it just so happens to be the game we initially bonded over well before we started the podcast. Thankfully, we can’t get too self indulgent, as we’re joined by special guest Molly Rhinebeck to navigate the ins and outs of the 1000 year journey of Kaim and Seth and their wives. Please enjoy this supersized episode about how games can be meaningful and uneven in the same breath, the hell
Abnormal Mapping 117: Max Payne 2 and Gravity Rush
We take a break from the really long games to enjoy some short but sweet adventures in cities both beautiful and threatening as we return to a game we covered years ago and prep for a game we’re going to cover in the future! Turns out, it’s nice to just play a game you can finish in a week, around all these huge JRPGs.Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormal
Abnormal Mapping 116: Live A Live
We turn our thoughts back to the JRPG in this year full of them, and enjoy one of the most surprising games we’ve played … well, since last month, but we’ve been really lucky this year. Come for talk of genre exercises, being on your bullshit, and the power of a well worn story well told as we discover … Live A Live! Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general to abnormalmappingpodcast@gmail.com!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalm
Abnormal Mapping 115: Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru and Ocarina of Time
Two games means an extra long episode as we talk about Zelda, Zelda-likes, the ways Nintendo had it all and slowly burned away goodwill, and much more. Both of these games are hard to talk about for opposite reasons, but we did our best and had a great time besides. Apologies for the return of springtime birds in Em’s audio, an Abnormal Mapping staple this time every year. Please enjoy the extra long music segments, we were truly spoiled for choice.Send us questions about our game clubs, other g
Abnormal Mapping 114: Koudelka
The year of JRPGs continues as we talk about a strange hybrid RPG of the late PlayStation era, the survival horror wanna-be Koudelka! What does this small, story-heavy game offer in a world of heavy hitters like Final Fantasy? Turns out, quite a bit. Much discussion of motion capture, what makes horror media work, and much more in this super sized episode!Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general! podcast@abnormalmapping.comEm is doing LPs on the Abnormal Mapping
Abnormal Mapping 113: Quake (feat. Halo 3)
We return back to one of the earliest studios that really surprised us doing this podcast, id software, and their post-Doom attempt to remake the landscaping of gaming. Does lightning strike twice? Well, kind of depends on how you define lightning. Either way we have a great time with the strange mess of influences that is Quake, spend some quality time with Halo 3, and answer a warthog’s weight in emails besides! Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general! podcast
Abnormal Mapping 112: Suikoden
An early podcast, because this week is a weird holiday week! Ignore the many instances where we say it’s coming out on Thursday in this podcast! Heading back to the early days of the playstation, this episode pits us once again against a certain type of anime war story that we’ve encountered before, and just how much a game about nothing can be entertaining if it’s breezy enough. This was a strange but fun game to dig into, and I’m excited to get to Suikoden 2 in 2022. Hope 2021 is better for al
Abnormal Mapping 111: Shinobi (PS2)
We head into the history books for one of the most notable B games of the PS2 era, the action classic Shinobi! What do we think about revisiting a classically hard game in 2020? What does it mean to be out right after Devil May Cry changed everything? And most importantly, what would adaptive triggers bring to the ninja experience??Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general! podcast@abnormalmapping.comIf you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/ab
Abnormal Mapping 110: Asura's Wrath
We’re joined this week by a guest out of history as Six Dettmar makes ver’s second appearance on Abnormal Mapping to talk about infinite anime power and how you use it. We cover the strange realities of DLC from the olden days, ambitions of character action games to be cinematic, the downfalls of QTEs, and much more in this surprisingly dense episode for a relatively slight game! Much like Asura himself, when down to the wire, we sprout more arms and just keep punching. Yeah, that’s the metaphor
Abnormal Mapping 109: Grab Bag 2020!
now with updated musicWe’re back with a whopper of an episode this time as we played through four entire games this month and have two hours of hot content for you. Do you like shooters? Do you like cars? Do you like running and jumping? That’s all the genres! There’s no other type of video game, so you better enjoy these ones!Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general! podcast@abnormalmapping.comIf you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapp
Abnormal Mapping 108: Metroid Prime
This month we return to the heady days of the early 00s when all things seemed possible and Nintendo unleashed the Citizen Kane of video games on all of us. What does Metroid Prime tell us about American soft power in a post-war era? Not very much, turns out, but it’s still pretty good! Thank you to patron Dan for bringing this game to us and guesting on this long episode full of platform love, shooting complaints, and general mood appreciation.Send us questions about our game clubs, other games
Abnormal Mapping 107: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
We return with some cool things you can check out that our friends made and a long talk about the strange idea of a ‘starter’ RPG in 2020. Also, we desperately need someone to tell us why people care about Geno, because we don’t know and we don’t know anyone else who knows either.Send us questions about our game clubs, other games, or gaming in general! podcast@abnormalmapping.comIf you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writing, and even op
Abnormal Mapping 106: Ninja Gaiden
It’s a long one this month as we enjoy the brief and difficult journey of Ryu Hayabusa in the NES classic Ninja Gaiden and then spend way more time than we expected answering the many questions we received. Thank you everyone for sending in all your emails, I hope you like our answers!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writing, and even opportunities to be on an episode as a guest!Things Discussed: Kingdom Hearts Dark Road, Dragon Que
Abnormal Mapping 105: Kentucky Route Zero
This month we discuss a game that has been coming out as long as we’ve been doing this podcast as we head down the Zero to discover what awaits us in the great american indie game and its sprawling nightmare of decayed capitalism. This turned out to be one of the most difficult games we’ve ever covered, but I also think it resulted in one of our best discussions. Please enjoy!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writing, and even opport
Abnormal Mapping 104: Halo: Combat Evolved
We return to the halcyon days of PC gaming to explore the origins of an independent game that shook the foundations of the world. That’s right, we’re dropping into a world of dual stick movement, space marines, only two weapons and regenerating shields as we explore the strange powerhouse that is HALO. What does the game that changed everything have to offer in 2020?Well, that depends on what you’re looking for. As we dig in, we wonder what exactly any of this could mean, and whether we’ll ever
Abnormal Mapping 103: Final Fantasy VII Remake
It’s the middle of the month and it is time for a very special episode of Abnormal Mapping, something we basically never do: a timely spoilercast for a brand new video game! This is an episode all about the recently released Final Fantasy VII Remake, and if you have not finished it or the original Final Fantasy VII then be warned: there are spoilers for the entireity of both.Em has not spent the last week cramming Final Fantasy VII Remake so is sitting out this episode, and in their place Jackso
Abnormal Mapping 102: Disco Elysium
We wake up in a nightmare of runaway neo-liberal capitalism and find ourselves wondering where the potential of Communist revolution is, and then we have to record a podcast about detective RPG Disco Elysium! In this lengthy conversation, we cover everything about what it means to make a world and say things through art, and whether Harry and Kim can ever truly find peace in such a broken world.We are heavily indebted to the Waypoint Radio spoiler-cast over Disco Elysium for covering much of the
Abnormal Mapping 101: Timespinner
We’re joined this month by our friend Nora to talk about the surprising and surprisingly forgotten Metroidvania Timespinner! Join us as we talk about the embarrassing writing of indie games, the gestures toward good ideas, and how fun it is to just be a lord even if difficulty is very hard to get right.Our guest this month was Nora Blake, who you can find at @neithernora and on norablake.onlineIf you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writin
Abnormal Mapping 100: Outer Wilds
A hundred years, a hundred games! Abnormal Mapping does a full journey around the sun as we reach the centenary celebration of our podcast, the world’s first and only game club, by tackling popular GotY winner Outer Wilds! What do two hardened Star Trek fans think about this space mystery? What do these two space communists think about fate and hope? And what do two very tired podcasts think about the hundred plus games we have talked about into microphones.Thank you everyone for all your suppor
Abnormal Mapping 99: End of the Decade Farewell Tour
On today’s very special Abnormal Mapping, we are here today to celebrate the end of the year, and indeed the end of the decade! We’ve got some lists of our favourite games, from this year and the decade at large. There’s some music in there as well, but not as much as on previous years, because it’s been a weird one. Here’s to the second decade of podcasting. That’s a terrifying thing to say.If you want to send us comments or questions, shoot us an email at podcast@abnormalmapping.com!Next Month
Abnormal Mapping 98: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
We return to a franchise we haven’t explored since our earliest days as a podcast as our friend Cassie brings us on a journey through both of our favorite Zelda games remade for one of our least favorite Nintendo platforms! What does it mean to remake a game? Does toy Link really have the appeal of pixel Link? And why would you do anything other than jump all the time if a game allowed you to do it! All this and more as we dream of possibility and adventure on the beaches of Koholint. If you wou
Abnormal Mapping 97: Hacknet
This month we stray far from our comfort zone and find a game that spurs one of the best discussions we’ve had all year, even if our feelings on the game in question are turbulent. It’s time to talk about Hacknet, a game that inspired the longest email the podcast has ever seen and a remembrance of Abnormal Mappings past. Note: please send us your Episode 100 suggestions ASAP, we really do need your help! Thanks everyone for 6 ridiculous and rewarding years.If you would like to support us please
Abnormal Mapping 96: Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
What does it mean to try to make a mech game that captures the experience of mech anime but using the power of the PS2 and the incredible resources of Kojima’s production studio? We find out as we explore the hellscape that is Mars by gathering our Metatron and tackling the rollercoaster that is playing through Zone of the Enders as a series! Dingo Egret, Jehuty, ikimasu!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writing, and even opportuniti
Abnormal Mapping 95: ActRaiser
We tuck into our endless backlog with this classic of the SNES era as we too create order from chaos with ActRaiser! What does it mean for a game to be enshrined for its novelty long after these genres have been much more fleshed out? How much of a mashup is about the juxtaposition over the individual parts being good? What does it say about religion that when you help everyone out they stop praying to you? All this and more in this short but sweet episode!If you would like to support us please
Abnormal Mapping 94: Sonic Adventure 2
We head all the way back to the last flagship Sonic game released on a dedicated Sega console with the divisive Sonic Adventure 2. Em regales us with the tales of discovering Sonic ten years later than everyone else, and Jackson talks about how this fits into their conception of Sonic as something only discovered recently. Also, we needle drop four of the best songs of one of the greatest soundtracks ever made. The game itself? Well, we might disagree on treasure hunting, but we agree about one
Abnormal Mapping 93: Deception IV and Pikuniku
Summer is in full swing and we’re feeling the heat as we struggle to muster the energy for games in our broken brains and post-E3 stupor. That said, we’re able to run down two fun things that are both worthy of your time in opposite ways: the slow joy of cartoon murder and the soft afternoon with some new round friends! It’s the two genders of gaming represented in one episode!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writing, and even oppor
Abnormal Mapping 92: Einhander
A short but intense episode this week as we strike from the moon to bring you a slightly different vision of ‘what if Gundam but video games that can’t contain it’ than Titanfall 2 gave us two months back. We’re going into our PSX demo disc favs and pulling up Square’s attempt at a flashy shooting game—Einhander! This is our first shmup/shooter, and we still can’t figure out what to call this genre, but we do know what to call Einhander: a video game that we have Opinions about. Join us as we jo
Abnormal Mapping 91: Devil May Cry 3
We return to the franchise that has haunted us since the very inception of Abnormal Mapping as we gear up with everyone’s loudmouth demon hunter for the first time, for the last(???) time as we climb the tower of the supposed best game in the franchise, Devil May Cry 3! Do we agree with the hype? Or is Dante a character who gets better with age? Find out!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writing, and even opportunities to be on an ep
Abnormal Mapping 90: Titanfall 2
What does it mean to get into a robot? What does it mean when that robot is cool, when juxtaposed against war being hell? What does any of this mean when you do it all in a South African accent? We open the chamber of guf as we leap across the mighty gulfs between intent and execution as we talk about everyone’s favorite neglected mech shooter, Titanfall 2!If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping for exclusive podcasts, writing, and even opportunities to be on an
Abnormal Mapping 89: Chrono Trigger
From the mists of time we finally move on from Final Fantasy to other classic JRPGs as we play everyone’s favorite time travel adventure Chrono Trigger. What delights do we find in the ATB 2.0? How do we feel about silent protagonists in 2019? What makes a game beloved and what makes an old game worth revisiting if one was to go back? All time compresses into an hour and a half of adventure in this, the episode with (if nothing else) the really really good music.If you would like to support us p
Abnormal Mapping 88: Killer7
Joined once again by special guest Aisling (@heartjanedoe), we take a journey into the first strange game Em ever played and one of the cult classics of the GameCube and Goichi Suda’s gameography with Killer7. Just how strange is a game known for being strange in 2019? What does it say about the dead ends of shooter and adventure game design? Just who is Emil Parkreiner? We find out today!This episode was brought to you by Aisling Quinn, thanks to her support on Patreon. If you would like to sup
Abnormal Mapping 87: Super Mario Galaxy 2
If you can believe it, it’s been six years of doing Abnormal Mapping and we’ve not once done an episode on a Mario platformer despite Jackson literally playing every single one since we started the podcast. That ends now as we both enjoy the last unplayed Mario for each of us and dip into the ups and downs of the Wii classic??? Mario Galaxy 2! We put our foot down about Yoshi, complain about the music, wax nostalgic for wiimotes, and generally have a complicated time. As usual! Please, come join
Abnormal Mapping 86: Final Fantasy XII
After five years and many hundreds of hours our long Final Fantasy adventure is at an end as we pry open the doors on one of the most divisive games in the history of the franchise. What do we find in the land of Ivalice, aside from crystals and swords to cut the crystals with? How do we feel about Vaan in 2019? Is the format of an MMO truly a good way to play a single player game? We’re going to find out! And then, we’re going to rate all the Final Fantasy we’ve played on Abnormal Mapping, and
Abnormal Mapping 85: The 2018 Game of the Year Variety Show
We’re finally here at the end of the longest year in the history of long, bad years. We barely played any games this year, so pulling together our favorite songs was a mighty task, but we weren’t going to let you walk away empty-handed. Also, let’s be real, it’s way harder to find ten good games than games with good music. Good game music is easy. You here me, Capcom?? EASY! THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR MEGA MAN TO SOUND LIKE THIS!*ahem*Please enjoy these hours of music and best of lists, and I hope ev
Abnormal Mapping 84: Nina Freeman Gameography
For our latest patreon request, we bring back our old Gameography format and take a look at fifteen games from game maker Nina Freeman. Her most famous game is Cibele but we’ve played all of the avaliable single player games and are here to have a discussion about them. They’re really good and interesting and while we don’t do these styles of episode much anymore, it was an incredibly rewarding experience! I hope you enjoy our discussion.This episode was brought to you by Olivia Zircon (@OliviaZ
Abnormal Mapping 83: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Joined by Aisling (@heartjanedoe), we take a journey to the ancient times of the mid 2000s, when the only thing cooler than tank-tops was the movie Blade II. Some say this remains true to this day.This episode was brought to you by Aisling Quinn, thanks to her support on Patreon. If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping and you too can guest on an episode of us playing whatever you want!If you want to send us comments or questions, shoot us an email at podcast@abn
Abnormal Mapping 82: Assault on Dark Athena
We are joined once again by our friend Crystal (@ArcaneCrystal) to bring you the hardest hitting takes on the games of one Richard B. Riddick, the world's deadliest Digimon Protagonist.This episode was brought to you by Crystal, thanks to her support on Patreon. If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping and you too can have an episode of us playing whatever you want! And you too can guest!If you want to send us comments or questions, shoot us an email at podcast@ab
Abnormal Mapping 81: Ape Escape 2
Abnormal Mapping returns with a voyage to the land of primates as we enjoy the machinations of dual shocks, world domination, and 3D platforming. Join us as we are surprised by one of our blind spots and play one of the best games we've played on this podcast!This episode was brought to you by Matt McCoolski, thanks to his support on Patreon. If you would like to support us please visit patreon.com/abnormalmapping and you too can have an episode of us playing whatever you want!If you want to sen
Abnormal Mapping 80: Final Fantasy X-2
We enter our eighth decade of podcasts by checking back in on our friends in Spira two years after Sin was defeated and the day was saved. What has happened to the world? How has everyone carried on outside the spectre of death? And what, exactly, is up with Nooj's everything? All this and more as the Gullwings take to the skies and we take to our walkthroughs of the most complex Final Fantasy yet!Things Discussed: Things Discussed: Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy, Mario Tennis Aces, Pocket Rum
Abnormal Mapping 79: The 2018 Hot Times Hot Tunes Playlist
Welcome to our summer soundtrack episode! It's been six months since game of the year, so it's time to check in with all the music of all the games we've played in this hell year of 2018 so far. Please enjoy two hours of tunes!We are, as always, a patreon supported show. Go to patreon.com/abnormalmapping to help us keep making podcasts .Thank you.Color Pulse (Off the Hook) by Toru Minegishi, Ryo Nagamatsu, Shiho Fujii from Splatoon 2Majula by Motoi Sakuraba & Yuka Kitamura from Dark Souls II
Abnormal Mapping 78: Tacoma
It is the ides, and we are bringing you a special early Abnormal Mapping! We've got our mid-year soundtrack episode coming out at the end of June, so today we're releasing our June Game Club: a discussion about Fullbright's latest game, Tacoma. We talk corporate dystopias, walking simulators, character interaction and gush about how impressive the central conversation playback mechanic is. It's so good to play a truly great video game again.Abnormal Mapping can, as always, be found on iTunes, St
Abnormal Mapping 77: Murdered Soul Suspect
Another month comes to a close and we're here to bring you another episode of the hit video game podcast: Abnormal Mapping! This time we're looking at Murdered: Soul Suspect, arguably the final big B-Game of the 360 era, the last gasp of a now forgotten time. But is it any good? Does it hold up in 2018? What is it? These questions and more will be answered within. It's a good show!This month is brought to you by patreon subscriber Mike Cosimano, who used their reward to make us play this game. I
Abnormal Mapping 76: The Room: Old Sins and The Floor Is Jelly
We might never miss a month but it feels like it's been a thousand years since we've podcasted given how fast the world goes and the strange recording schedule of our seventy sixth episode. Please join us for two hours split across an entire month as we reflect on the games we've played, the games we wish we were playing, and how nothing will ever actually change in this space. Ever.If you would like to guest on our Podcast or just generally support the show please consider pledging to keep our
Abnormal Mapping 75: Wario Land 3
Abnormal Mapping returns with a dive into the history of Nintendo's favorite greed magnate, a man of refined tastes and great financial need, the second most handsome foil in all of Video Games, Wario! We're joined by a special guest today to discuss non-linearity, the weirdness of a game without death, and just how cool the Game Boy Color aesthetic can be. Join us, on this most lusty adventure!Crystal can be found hosting their Zelda lore podcast, The Book of Mudora, and you can follow them on
Abnormal Mapping 74: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Abnormal Mapping is back with a special guest and a long-lived game stricken from Em's backlog forever as Six Dettmar joins us to talk about marriage, weapon triangles, permadeath and more as we explore the strange turn of events that is Fire Emblem: Awakening! With Jackson gone, we get deep in the weeds on fantasy nonsense, anime tropes, and how sometimes what makes a game popular is really hard to pin down. Six can be found co-hosting Novel Not New and on Scanline Media. Ver twitter is @s
Abnormal Mapping 73: Shadow of the Colossus
Abnormal Mapping returns in 2018 with our first Patron-guested episode as we rise to our most massive challenge yet—the iconic Shadow of the Colossus! Em's re-evaluation of a long-disliked game and Jackson's resolve to place an old game in context go head to head as we talk about horses, monsters, remakes, and just how far games have come since 2005. This episode is as wild as any giant beast, and we're just as diligent as any sword boy trying to save a lady. A big thank you to Sam Howitt f
Abnormal Mapping 72: The Game of the Year 2017 Spectacular Spectacular
Hello everyone and welcome to the very last Abnormal Mapping of 2017! The year is over, we're all bundled up in the tepid cold of this global warming reality playing whatever we decided to get done over holiday break, and that means it's time for us to bring to you the lengthy catalogue of games we played in this hell year of two thousand seventeen. In this THREE (3) [III] hour podcast we have an array of music for you to enjoy during this down week between observed days off. We'll also run
Abnormal Mapping 71: Rez Infinite, Thumper, NES Remix
Welcome to the penultimate podcast of 2017! We've managed to make it through this hell year and we figured we'd wrap up our normal game club episodes in style by talking about two of our favorite games and one game that makes us look back on games of yore and how we feel about them as people who still engage with them in 2017.Look forward to further adventures of the Abnormal Mapping crew in 2018, and come back in two weeks for our GotY spectacular music spectacular. It's going to be a whole thi
Abnormal Mapping 70: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
We head into the distant past and the world of legend this month to discuss one of the critical darlings of the early 00s and its filmic adaptation. What does it mean to re-envision a game before retro throwbacks? How influential can one game be to the idea of cinematic narrative experiences in this space? And most importantly, how can they ruin it trying to turn a video game into the next Pirates of the Caribbean film franchise?All this and more as we gather round one young man and the story he
Abnormal Mapping 69: Final Fantasy X
NICE! Welcome to our weed-numbered episode of our ongoing Final Fantasy Adventure as we cover a game not called Final Fantasy Adventure, but instead take a deep dive into Spira and the wonders and horrors within. Please join us as we curse our old man, remember a time when everyone was laughing but only we meant it, and answered the age old question: what if Final Fantasy XIII was good?To support our shows, suggest topics, and vote on games, please check out our Patreon. Any amount of support he
Meta Mapping 2: The Swapper / Pokemon X & Y
In the second episode of Abnormal Mapping, Em and Jackson have breaking news about the new console generation, Em discovers a beloved franchise maybe isn’t as beloved as they thought it would be, and Jackson hears a question so profound it makes them drop their coffee cup.To support our shows, suggest topics, and vote on games, please check out our Patreon. Any amount of support helps a ton!You can find this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play! We're on all the things!Things Discussed:
Abnormal Mapping 68: Grab Bag
Hello friends! This week we're doing an extra special grab bag of things. Please enjoy this far reaching discussion of five game club games: Ridiculous Fishing, Bernband, Radiator 2, Gravity Bone, and Balloon Fight. Thanks to everyone who suggested these games on our Patreon.To support our shows, suggest topics, and vote on games, please check out our Patreon. Any amount of support helps a ton!You can find this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play! We're on all the things!Things Discusse
Meta Mapping 5: Doom
The mappers find themselves in a glitch world, where the insomnia madness encroaches and the very internet begins to disintegrate. Our intrepid heroes carry on, reversing the course of last month’s progress to embrace the numbers and meters of ye olden games, and ride this regression wave directly into the past to confront the satanic baby of Johns Carmack and Romero within its pixelated heavy metal womb. Will a carton of juice and a shotgun be enough to survive this trek?Games Discussed: Bravel
Abnormal Mapping 67: Max Payne
On this month's Abnormal Mapping we have a nice treat for you: playing a game, and watching the tie-in movie! The game is good fun, the tie in movie is an unholy abomination, and the podcast is very entertaining! Join us, my lord, and indeed let's embark upon a journey of donut fuelled revenge with Maxy Max and the Payne Bunch.Things Discussed: Max Payne, Jazzpunk, This Dead Rising Video, Max Payne (The Movie), Sin City (The Movie)This Month's Game Club: Max PayneNext Month's Game Club: Radiator
Meta Mapping 35: Paper Mario
Legends tell of a man, a quiet man, a man who jumps and a man who spins, a man who one day—this day—must rise and save us all. But that man was not available, and so it falls upon this paper plumber to embark upon a journey to the stars to save a princess oft and once more kidnapped. The Mappers embark upon this man’s journey through a twisted land of pun-laden characters and self-aware deconstruction, and arrive finally at the end of their quest with only the corpses of penguins to show for it*
Abnormal Mapping 66: Devil May Cry
This month we bookend our newest episode with our oldest episode and cover the first Devil May Cry! Inspired by our very first Meta Mapping and voted on by our Patrons, we dig into the past of character action games and Dante, son of Mundus for a trip into all thing stylish and stupid. Come for the combos, stay for the angst. We even touch a bit on old standbys Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta!This episode was brought to you by our patrons. To support our shows, suggest topics, and vote on games, plea
Meta Mapping 28: The King and W
Welcome to Meta Mapping, our journey through old episodes complete with new reflections on our current day thoughts on the episode! Today we're revisiting The King And W, an episode idea that our friend Michaela Joffe came to us with where we would do a little improv and interview Bowser, the King Koopa.It turned out extremely well, and we're very excited to bring it to you again! It was recorded only a couple years ago, and yet it feels like a whole different world. A lot can change in a short
Abnormal Mapping 65: The Second Soundtrack Spectacular
Hello friends, we're here again at the nearly-midpoint of the year for a celebration of music and magic and wonder. Everyone liked our December music episodes so much and they took so long to make we decided to split them into twice-yearly installments, so enjoy this long list of summer tunes based on what we've been playing since we last checked in.As always, check us out on iTunes, or watch this episode on YouTube if that's your speed. And be sure to support us on Patreon, to keep the good tim
Abnormal Mapping 64: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
A year ago this month we played Knights of the Old Republic, and today we complete the saga by taking on Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Jump in for a journey of discovery, as we experience one of the most heavily recommended subversions of all the aspects of Star Wars that we thought we didn't like, only to realize that without them our hearts feel empty and we feel lost. Maybe the Star Wars we loved was in our hearts all along.No, we will never do the MMO.We are joined by frien
Meta Mapping 1: DmC: Devil May Cry
Welcome to Meta Mapping, our first in a series of re-released episodes from the Abnormal Mapping archives with new content made possible by our Patreon subscribers.We figured it would be best to start with our very first episode, back when all our mics were bad and M used a different name. We didn't want to change any of that, so you get the raw reality of us four years ago for your listening ... pleasure? Pleasure seems like a strong word. We've come a long way, baby! And you can see those humb
Abnormal Mapping 63: Myst
The Mappers delve into the past for an examination of two pillars of 90s PC gaming, as we all tackle the mysteries of Myst together (with returning third chair Destiny), and then I take a moment to talk about Full Throttle Remastered with Kotaku's Heather Alexandra. It's a lot of clicking and a lot of puzzle solving in this wave of computer nostalgia.Note: we have a Patreon! Support us by going to patreon.com/abnormalmapping!You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download dir
Abnormal Mapping 62: Pikmin 3
Miyamoto, tending his garden, suddenly has a brilliant idea. What if he could recapture the feelings of his childhood in game form? What if it was possible to identify the essence of nature and replicate it on a simple disc. It would be overwhelming, yet familiar. Chaotic, yet calm. Hostile, yet intimate. He toiled with his team for years, until finally the public could join him in the garden.After the sun had set, he opened a laptop, and went to find what the public had said. He did not know if
Abnormal Mapping 61: Final Fantasy IX
Em and Jackson are here to say goodbye to the Final Fantasy of old and to look forward to new horizons, new podcast art, and a new podcast feed! Final Fantasy IX is a strange game to be approaching after so much time in the SNES Final Fantasies. Does it help to have such immediate context for the games FF9 is trying to reference? Hrm...Meanwhile, Em takes some time to sit in nature and think about the latest Zelda.Things Discussed: SquareSpace, Mothering Sunday, TypeShift, 7 Words, Metal Gear 2:
Abnormal Mapping 60: Katamari Damacy
Celebrate the shortest month with the shortest hero as Abnormal Mapping delves into the wide world of rolling up extremely tiny objects in Katamary Damacy. This includes the first game, We Love Katamari, and even some Katamari Forever. Plus, we dip into Keita Takahashi’s development history and philosophy of design. Come for the good conversation, stay for the incredible music. We’re 60 years young and still rolling strong!This Month’s Game Club: Katamari DamacyNext Month’s Game Club: Final Fant
Abnormal Mapping 59: The Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider Pentatology
Hello and welcome to 2017 where we’re getting right into the thick of it with a podcast covering five whole video games today. What happens when you take a decade to tell the story of two women equally dedicated to murdering, climbing, exploring, and looting, and pit them against each other? Today we look at two generations of design by a single company, and ask the question: what exactly is Lara Croft’s job? Because she sure isn’t selling these artifacts or writing papers.Things Discussed: Mode
Abnormal Mapping 58: The First Annual Soundtrack Showcase Part Deux
Welcome to the very end of the year, where we talk about the good, the bad, and the musical. Please enjoy over two hours of hot, banging audio content. Please enjoy the end of 2016. Please enjoy the end.Next Month’s Game Club: Tomb Raider Legend, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Tomb Raider Underworld, Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb RaiderYou can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking here.The Best Game Music Choices of 2016!Witcher 3 – Priscilla’s Song
Abnormal Mapping 57: The First Annual Soundtrack Showcase Part The First
We’re here at the end of the year with a very special Christmas episode, where we celebrate not just the best music of the year, but the best music of the games we played this year. That’s a big list, so this is only half of it. Have a merry Christmas and see you in two weeks!You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking here.Tales from the Borderlanes – Retrograde – James BlakeThe Witcher 2 – A Nearly Peaceful Place – Krzysztof WierzynkiewiczFable –
Abnormal Mapping 56: Final Fantasy VI
Today we’re rejoined by regular guest and former co-host Destiny Sturdivant for a romp through one of the most storied RPGs of all time. Please enjoy, have a good holiday if you celebrate it, and try to be kind and healthy in these trying times.You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking here.Things Discussed: Animal Crossing: New Leaf, The Witcher, Thumper, NBA2k17, Presbo, Sombra, Final Fantasy VI, the US FF6 commercial, the horniest character in
Abnormal Mapping 55: Jazzpunk
Polyblank, have a seat, we have much business to discuss.Right. Basically, we need you to listen to this here episode of Abnormal Mapping. They played this videogame Jazzpunk, recorded all manner of thoughts and opinions on it, and for reasons unknown uploaded it to the internet on a publically identifiable server. Your mission is to find any compromising information, ie, anything rude about me, and extract it from the file.As usual, here are your pills. Good luck, Polyblank.You can get our podc
Abnormal Mapping 54: Metroid Fusion
The Mappers bring you a short and sweet podcast this time covering a short and sweet game from Em’s past. We also talk anything but games, including the now regular comic book corner segment, where Jackson regales us with tales of the Marvel Ultimate Universe (RIP).You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking here.Things Discussed: Chameleon Run, Reigns, Roman Reigns, Comics Talk Round Two, Batman: Year One, The Ultimates, East of West, Attack on Ti
Abnormal Mapping 53: The Room Trilogy
The Mappers celebrate the long season of heat by refusing to turn their PCs on and instead delving into the wide world of mobile games. This is a secret place, full of dark mystery and a thousand alluring traps, but they will persevere. Teasing apart of a puzzle is just human nature. The soul of humanity abhors a secret. What could possibly go wrong?You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking here.Things Discussed: Comics, Atop The Fourth Wall, Ass
Abnormal Mapping 52: Binary Domain
We’re back with a new Abnormal Mapping, this time with the return (after four weeks) of the glorious Game Club! In the meantime, we deviate from Video Games to talk about all the things that aren’t, mostly TV and movies and our feelings about how episodic shows are broken and need rehabilitation. And then we talk about how games are broken and need rehabilitation. And then then we talk about how WE’RE broken and need rehabilitation. It’s a cycle that never ends, just like this podcast. Maybe.You
Abnormal Mapping 51: Ctrl+F Sadboys
We said we’d do it, and we weren’t lying. This is our first free form episode, where we just sit and talk about games. Please let us know if it’s okay or not! Neither of us had a lot of confidence in our ability to carry a podcast like this, so we really need validation or feedback. Emails to podcast@abnormalmapping.com!You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking here.Things Discussed: #BREXIT, Otome vs Tity RPGs, Mega Man, Tony Hawk’s Final 900, T
Abnormal Mapping 50: Knights of the Old Republic
The Abnormal Mapping podcast survives after its final episode to reach this, its milestone episode. It has been five decades since we began our humble journey, from our first game club of Space War through the Arcade Years and the Decade of Nintendo to this, our current configuration in our fiftieth annual episode. Blades will bleed. Shields will shatter. And we’ll travel back through our memories of a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, when the Younglings gathered around their vidscr
Abnormal Mapping 49: Hitman Blood Money
A dark day comes in the lives of any video games person. A day where the joy is gone, and the game pad falls to the floor in utter defeat. This is not true despair, though, for that instead can be found on the internet, where said intrepid gamespeople go when their play is through, only to find a cesspool of fear and hate and suffering. That is the true gauntlet of horrors, eroding all of us into shapeless forms of old dreams, spent energies, and a dim animal sense that the world shouldn’t so ea
Abnormal Mapping 48: Metal Gear Solid V
Just another day in a podcast without end…ABNORMAL MAPPINGAt last, the time has come. Just under a year ago, I started playing the Metal Gear games, and now, 42 articles and 5 podcasts later, the journey is complete. I hope you have enjoyed the ride, and if you’re new, then feel free to come along on this quest anytime. For this final episode, we’re discussing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, the honest-swear-to-god-for-real final game in the Metal Gear Solid Trilogy. Come on in for a chat
Abnormal Mapping 47: Lili Child Of Geos
The Mappers take a turn away from video games this spring to talk about M’s experiences watching bad super-hero movies and how many of the wrong things they have learned from video games. With Marvel’s Civil War nearly upon us, the question becomes: how much premium currency do I have to spend to unlock single-mecha-glove Tony Stark in Marvel Heroes/Future Fight/Conquest of Champions/Disney Infinity 3.0? We then talk about how weird and hard it is to write kids entertainment, which I guess could
Abnormal Mapping 46: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
War has changed. In the penultimate podcast, Jackson reaches the ultimate, final ending of the Metal Gear franchise, just over half-way through the number of Metal Gear games. Don’t worry if you don’t understand, we’re here to guide you through on this Nanomachine Odyssey!My guest for this episode is Austin Howe, Freelancer around the internet and found often on Critical Switch. They’re also on twitter!You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking he
Abnormal Mapping 45: Final Fantasy IV
Welcome to another fantastic edition in the internet’s favourite Tella fan club podcast. This month, we’re counting down our top ten Tella moments, and we’re asking our audience the million dollar question: what would you do… with that much MP? Tella all your friends, and rate comment and subscribe!EDITORS NOTE: we are not fans of Tella or his Moon Dwelling Counterpart and never shall be. The host responsible for implying such a thing has been reprimanded appropriately and regrets their words an
Abnormal Mapping 44: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Emerging from the wreckage of the Big Shell, Jackson travels through time to meet Cameron Kunzelman in the depths of the russian jungle, on a secret mission to stop a tank which can go really fast. In this third entry into the Metal Gear podcasts, Cameron and Jackson drill into the big questions: who does Snake kiss? Is it possible to make an anti-war War Game? And is Metal Gear even that ridiculous at all?This is a fantastic episode and I hope you can take the time to give it a listen! Big, big
Abnormal Mapping 43: Ninja Gaiden Black
do you know the nunchuck manthe nunchuck man, the nunchuck mando you know the nunchuck manwho lives on ninja laneAtop a transmission tower, a lone ninja stands and surveys his land. Once, he was a brutal man, a member of the Dragon Lineage who to whom death was second nature and who felt incomplete without a sword clasped in his hand. But with age, the man sought destruction no more, and looked to the future to build. One night, he met Isabelle, who gave him new purpose and – at last – a twinge
Abnormal Mapping 42: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
After conquering the base of Shadow Moses, Jackson continued on to Big Shell, accompanied this time by none other than the fantastic Heather Alexandra! This episode is an in-depth critical discussion on Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, where we talk about (among other things) the game’s commentary on player and player character agency, the societal implications of The Patriots, and the varying quality of the members of that poor Emmerich Family.I’m incredibly proud of this discussion, so if
Minimap: The Witness
In what will hopefully become a semi-regular fixture of short, impomptu podcasts, Em and Jackson sit down to have a chat about The Witness. There aren’t any spoilers for solutions here, and instead we get into our feelings on the cultural context of the game and its creator. Let us know if you enjoy the episode, and we’ll bring you some more when circumstances align!You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking here.Games DiscussedBraid, Not Myst, Th
Abnormal Mapping 41: Expand
The Mappers begin the new year with a new podcast about a new video game! There’s no such thing as too much new, as we delve deep into new characters, new shapes, and new possiblities with some new artwork and some new laughs. We also induct new things into the reading list. New. New new new. Please enjoy this new podcast, and maybe let friends (new ones, but old ones too I guess) know, so that they can be new listeners in this new era.Meatloaf, Pure Pool, The Witcher, Animal Crossing, Shaven Wo
Abnormal Mapping 40: Metal Gear Solid
With the completion of the Metal Gear diaries, Jackson is finally free from this franchise for the rest of time… or so they thought. Instead, they’ve pulled back in to a series of mid-month podcasts here on Abnormal Mapping where he talks to different guests about the various games in the series to highlight and explore multiple perspectives. For the first one, he’s joined by Corey Milne, an Irish Games Critic who wants nothing more than to hear Liquid Snake, with all the vocal might he can must
Abnormal Mapping 39: Earthbound
It’s the end of the year, and the Mappers have arrived a little late and a little weary to talk about the year that is now past and the year that lies ahead. 2015 was a mess of a year, like years often are, and in grand tradition we echew game of the year lists to bring you some memories, some japes, and some feelings. What lies ahead for the podcast? Within are the answers. Then, we turn to the games of yesteryear, for a deep conversation about one of the most highly regarded RPGs of all time,
Abnormal Mapping 38: Beeswing
No jokes today, but our second annual Thanksgiving spectacular as we talk about what we’re thankful for and the stories we tell ourselves both in video games and not. That’s followed up by one of our most intimate game club games yet, and a promise for memories to come with next month’s classic game club to round out the year. Hope everyone had a good holiday, if you’re in the part of the world that celebrates it!You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by
Abnormal Mapping 37: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
The Mappers take to the Halloween skies of a cursed night long long ago in a castle far far away to discuss the Greatest Video Game Ever Made … Super Bombad Racing.Items Discussed: Going to GAME in 2015; Bloodborne; Errant Signal’s “Peak Star Wars“; Star Wars in video games (Battlefront 2015 and 2003, Shadows of the Empire, Lego, etc); Castlevania: Symphony of the Night; Leigh Alexander’s writing on SotN; Eva Problem’s “your asshole dad’s castle is back again“; Mike Joffe’s writing on SotN; Vani
Abnormal Mapping 36: Framed
A dark night in the bright city. Jackson dashes down an alleyway, a shadow looming behind them. They clutches the attache case close to they chest as they squeeze past a dumpster and into a space that would generously be described as snug for even the overfed cats that dine on the garbage nearby. Em’s close behind, reaching into the tiny space up to their elbow to reach after Jackson, unable to go any further. Growling, they climb up the dumpster, leaping onto the lowest rungs of the fire escape
Abnormal Mapping 35: Paper Mario
Legends tell of a man, a quiet man, a man who jumps and a man who spins, a man who one day—this day—must rise and save us all. But that man was not available, and so it falls upon this paper plumber to embark upon a journey to the stars to save a princess oft and once more kidnapped. The Mappers embark upon this man’s journey through a twisted land of pun-laden characters and self-aware deconstruction, and arrive finally at the end of their quest with only the corpses of penguins to show for it*
Abnormal Mapping 34: I Don't Give ADAF
A few weeks back, Jackson participated in a panel for the Alternative Digital Arts Festival, run by Zolani Stewart, Austin Howe and Solon Scott. The folks behind ADAF have kindly given us permission to post the panel in our podcast feed for your enjoyment, if you missed it at the time!It’s a panel on Games & Mental Illnesss, featuring Heather Alexandra, Zeiya Speed and Austin Howe. We discuss representation of Mental Illness, how our own experiences with Mental Illness inform our readings of
Abnormal Mapping 33: Her Story
For the description please visit thebestgame.club
Abnormal Mapping 32: Final Fantasy VIII, Part Two
whenever we cast our podson the net, on our ownwhenever we say our wordswishing they would be heardwe saw you smiling at us threetalking about final fantasyso click the play button in the cornerof this tiny little barIt is a glorious day, a day of celebration, of reflection, of escape. The Mappers sit together, Final Fantasy VIII behind them, fading away, knowing that they are free. They had been on a journey together, a journey through time and love and a needlessly labyrinthine battle system.
Abnormal Mapping 31: Tony Hawk's Project 8
The Mappers celebrate the heat of summer with hot jams, hotter skating, and the blazing addition of a third host! The three of them get down to business with a long talk about the sun-drenched streets of sizzling pavement and blasting AC, cars in traffic and the endless parade of city construction. It’s open season on open worlds, a question of what open worlds mean for the formal structure of video games and level design. Then, we skitch behind a stunt car and grind our way through through the
Abnormal Mapping 30: Splatoon
A silent choice rode the winds that day, its currents bearing only two words, of which only one could remain. “Squid,” it said, “or Kid?” Em snapped awake in sweats, knowing only one thing. This choice would not consume them, this choice would not win. And with one press of the enter key, they recruited their friend into their cause. They drove to their shops, and plugged in their Wii Us, and strove for a third option that they knew did not exist. They would be neither Squid nor Kid, and yet the
Abnormal Mapping 29: Attack of the Friday Monsters
We’re joined by our erstwhile third chair for an adventure in the sun-drenched days of a childhood none of us can remember, tearing around 70s Japan with our friends, our backpack fresh and our faces fresher as we make new friends and go on adventures with Attack of the Friday Monsters. There’s more in this episode, but I promise you none of it has anything to do with video games. I’d apologize, but I’m pretty sure 2/3 of our podcast members like it that way.You can get our podcast on iTunes, on
Abnormal Mapping 28: The King And W
It’s a very special Abnormal Mapping as we transform the podcast set into a late night studio and invite two of gaming’s most infamous bad boys for a nice sit down chat. The King of the Koopas takes center stage to talk his new book, the geopolitics of the mushroom kingdom, and his complex family life that keeps even a democratically elected monarch on his toes. Then, surprise guest Wario offers us the dirt on Nintendo’s business practices, a new way to look at the history of small games, and wh
Abnormal Mapping 27: Final Fantasy VIII, Part One
Em stood by the grave, and looked upon the headstone. Time had withered the slate, there was no name left to mark a life long since lived. And all the people seemed to pass on by, catching the bus, going to work, eating chips and going to bed. He didn’t understand how they could walk here without hearing the warning, those deafening screams of the forgotten, keeping him awake night after night after night. One day he would be screaming too.“No,” they whispered to themself, turning away. He could
Abnormal Mapping 26: Elegy For A Dead World
The Mappers deal with the loss of technology and hope in the only way they know how: deep existential crisis and how it informed criticism. Good thing they’ve finally stumbled across a game that is willing to compete with them for who can be the most fatalistic, even if it means doubling down on prescriptive ideas of what educational/artistic games should be. Also, we talk about lore for almost a half an hour and nobody makes a Star Trek joke, so it’s all a minor miracle today in this post-compu
Abnormal Mapping 25: Grim Fandango
The Mappers take on a special guest in this very special episode, as Heather Alexandra comes onto the cast to join us on our journey through the path of the spirit. We brave forests, destroy ships, run nightclubs, and manage to recite a poem or two in remembrance of classic adventure game Grim Fandango! No fancy intro this time, just good old fashion podcasting about a classic game! I hope you enjoy!Art for this episode was done by Em, who themself himself an amateur artist when he’s not hosting
Abnormal Mapping 24: Yakuza 3
You can get our podcast on iTunes, on Stitcher, or you can download it directly by clicking here.Reading List Additions: History Respawned and Top ScoreGames Discussed: P.T., Paris Hallway, Sci Fi Corridor Maze Walkthrough, Gone Home, GTA 4, Burnout Paradise, Sleeping Dogs, Final Fantasy VII, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Skyrim, Minecraft, Interactive Fiction, Your Actions Do Not Effect The Ending, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, Dream.Sim, Mirror’s Edge, Tony Hawk, Prince Of Persia: Sands Of
Abnormal Mapping 23: Atelier Rorona: Alchemist of Arland
Today we bring you our most sleepy episode yet with our celebration of all things Valentine’s Day by talking about anime girls hitting on each other, as the RPG Explorer’s Club returns to talk about Atelier Rorona Plus! We’re joined with fellow role playing spelunker Destiny Sturdivant for a journey into the dark heart of time limits and item creation as we run afoul of all the problems with trying to play RPGs on a timetable. The only solution? More RPGs! Please enjoy this short episode on this
Abnormal Mapping 22: Offline
The Mappers are joined in this January episode by one of the few games writers they’re genuinely intimidated by, and they go on a heady adventure into lands untold. How does anyone understand the landscape of a culture whose history keeps disappearing? What does it mean to want to work in a field and criticize works when every aspect of that production is increasingly devalued in both money and regard? What does it mean to explore the murky issues of consent in games? And how long can you exist
Abnormal Mapping 21: The Winter of our Disk Content
The Mappers return from the holidays to a heaping helping of holiday ennui, an alliteration obliterating miasma from which there is no escape. They soldier on, in this dark era where the PS3 has not ascended, trying to put together the pieces of a now uncertain future. What is around the bend?It might be doom, it might be untold riches, but it’ll certainly be adventure. If only there were a … group? Of people who were dedicated to … exploring? Nah, that’d never work.You can get our podcast on iT
Abnormal Mapping 20: Minecraft
This final Abnormal Mapping of 2014 begins with a bit of introspection, as the Mappers go over the year that is quickly fading behind them, and look forward to the year to come. Then, joined by oft-guesting Destiny, they explore the endless realms of Minecraft, doing their best to stave off the expected and inevitable slide into existential terror as they look to the horizon and ponder just how many blocks one has to dig up to be alive. Join us on this, the Eve of the Year of the PS3, as we head
Abnormal Mapping 19: Michaela Joffe
Welcome, one and all, to another very special episode of Abnormal Mapping: our second Gameography! For those unfamiliar, a Gameography episode is where we take a close look at the work of a game maker, and approach it as a whole. This time, we chose to take a gander at the games of Michaela Joffe, who is here for an incredibly fun and interesting interview!Join us for talk of twine, trees and thanksgiving, as we dive into discussions of improvisational play, the function of anthropomorphism and
Abnormal Mapping 18: Final Fantasy VII, Part Two
Hope lies in ruins. The calamity hangs overhead. People look up, wishing that some savior will come. But nothing will save us from the inevitable: extended CGI anime movie sequels to games that didn’t need them. Alas, in this darkest hour, when all that is Holy is buried and the stigma of the planet taints even the bravest of us, the Abnormal Mappers are all that stand between the inevitable void and salvation. But worry not, this is just the last dream of all of us. The ultimate vision. One mig
Abnormal Mapping 17: Dishonored
We don the masks of the harvest reaper to stalk the dank halls of a far off land of clockwork intrigue and steam-powered assassination, perched on the balustrades of our own mental palaces, poised to strike in the blink of an eye. What are we waiting for? Only the final strike of the witching hour, when we will descend and offer up that vengeful mantra of horror that was granted to us by the great Machiavellian evil: Thnks fr th vidya gms. It’s enough to make a person’s blood run cold, robbing e
Abnormal Mapping 16: Final Fantasy VII, Part One
The Mappers are joined once again by Honorary Cartography Extraordinaire Destiny Sturdivant for the inaugural meeting of the RPG Explorers Club. Em leads them down the Mako-soaked lanes of his memory as they dig up that burning question for the ages: what exactly does happen to Aeris? It’s a long journey, full of pitfalls and pratfalls, and together they all learn to love again. Just like Cloud. Who learns to love a certain flower girl. Who dies. Oh right, Aeris dies.Destiny Sturdivant can be fo
Abnormal Mapping 15: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
Trans-media beings exist in a digital realm, transcending the archaic definitions of one art or another. Words become images, images become environments, narrative forms change shape in a strange alchemy of noble intent and desperate capitalism. The Mappers navigate this technoplane, where all things change and the nature of creation is itself in flux, and they find themselves gripped tight to their seats. How many Gs exist in cyberspace? Will the Mappers survive, or are they doomed to hurl thei
Abnormal Mapping 14: Meat Loaf's Butt Stuff
This month’s Coolsoge kicks off with a bang as the Mappers are joined by fellow David Cage veteran Destiny Sturdivant to talk a boatload of games and the very ridiculous task that we’re all going to undertake this fall. Also more than a little time is spent educating Jackson on just what Meatloaf wouldn’t do for love, because they has to learn somehow. The answer is potentially “collect multiple cows” or “descend into Rapture” or “select ninja dog.” But the smart money is on “keep his eyes dry w
Abnormal Mapping 13: Planescape Torment
The day they thought would never happen is finally here. The clockwork machinery of the gods themselves rolled away and revealed a blinding light, from which poured a host of a host of creatures both fair and foul. All of that number were beyond mortal understanding, but they all cried out with a single human voice: YOU WERE WRONG. And so it was, that as the seas boiled and the sun and moon reversed their paths through the firmament, did these two Mappers set out to admit this final damning trut
Abnormal Mapping 12: Captain Worf, Steak Afficianado
Em braves audio failure as Jackson drags them kicking and screaming through another Coolsoge adventure. After many many weeks between them, the Mappers have a pile of games they’ve finished and the dimmest of memories with which to recall them, but they do their best to talk about various driving and skating games, the terror of suplexing scorpions, and some Donkey Kong follow-up beef. Vows are made to cast the Coolsoge more often and they pour one out for the machete man gang, but eventually it
Abnormal Mapping 11: Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls
This month is a special month, as we’re joined by special guest Destiny Sturdivant of the Badland Girls for not only our first guest third chair but also our longest episode ever! Deciding to double our pleasure, double our fun, we take a dive into the duo of Quantic Dream games for the Playstation 3—Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. We go deep on both games, both mechanically and in their many storytelling successes and failures. It’s a doozy, but I can sincerely say this is our best episode ye
Abnormal Mapping 10: Beyond Good and Evil
The mappers take a journey to a world where anthropomorphic animals live alongside humans and a journey begins to acquire a number of magical orbs. No, it’s not Dragon Ball, it’s Beyond Good & Evil! In between all the stealth and shutterbugging, Em decides to take a single joke as far beyond its breaking point as they can, while Jackson tries their best to detangle the good and evil of game beginnings and how they relate to the games as a whole. Deep down, they mostly just look towards the f
Abnormal Mapping 9: Transistor
What was supposed to be a simple ‘let’s get our plans for the month nailed down’ chat between Em and Jackson turned out to be nothing but lies and deceit as Jackson fired up the recorders and started what would become the first Coolsoge Cast! Instead of the meticulous planning and structure of real Abnormal Mapping podcast, what you’ll instead get here is some free flowing talk about whatever we’ve been playing when we aren’t playing game club games. This is an every-once-in-a-while cast, but yo
Abnormal Mapping 8: Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Ace pilots Em “Cupcake” Marko and Jackson “Ginger” Tyler fly through the enormous Library of the Giants, where the giant tombs of Video Game Lore are stacked to the heavens. Whether they have been shrunk or the pillars of writing have grown is beyond the pay grade of these two intrepid wingmen, but as they juke around zines and loop through forests of critical theory they arrive at their destination: Fortress Games Podcasts. Their payloads are ready, a full tactical strike of thermonuclear cast,
Abnormal Mapping 7: Christine Love Gameography
Hey everyone, welcome to our first very special episode, of a hopefully long-running series called Gameography! If you need to know what Gameography is, take a look at this prior postexplaining it. If you insist on the tl;dr version, we picked a game maker we really liked and played through her entire history of games and talked about them as a whole body of work. In this case, our first subject was one of our favorites, Christine Love!I have to admit, we were very nervous going into this episod
Intro To Gameography
So April’s podcast is going to be something different than the usual. Instead of doing the typical game club and random segment 2, we’re going to do a special, potentially twice-yearly Very Special Episode that we’re calling Gameography. What is Gameography, you ask? Well, we recorded a very special bonus mini-podcast to try to explain our thinking. I’ll let that speak for itself.If you’d rather read than listen, I don’t blame you, so here’s the scoop: very early in Abnormal Mapping’s planning s
Abnormal Mapping 6: Crash Bandicoot
The Mappers dig into the ancient jungle tombs filled with the un-biodegradable legacy of dozens of one-off novelty music games and the shells of grimy controllers—trying to wrap their heads around wrapping their hands around these relics of a bygone era. Emerging from the tombs, they find a box-busting Bandicoot before them, challenging them to one final task in this three month sojourn through some of the most significant games of the 90s. What ever happened to the Bandicoot of tomorrow? All th
Abnormal Mapping 5: Doom
Hello and welcome to the first Abnormal Mapping episode from our new wordpress blog! This is (for now) going to be the home of Abnormal Mapping, but it’s still barely up and running. So please follow the blog, and share this episode if you like it! It’ll help a lot to getting the word out about what we’re doing with Abnormal Mapping!The mappers find themselves in a glitch world, where the insomnia madness encroaches and the very internet begins to disintegrate. Our intrepid heroes carry on, reve
Abnormal Mapping 4: The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
Abnormal Mapping Episode 4: Fo(u)r Podcast! A mountain of games, atop which sits the greatest of all video games: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. But are the mappers capable of scaling the video game mountain and in what frame of mind will they encounter their goal? In this episode both Em and Jackson have existential crises when they consider the deepest of all questions: WHAT IS GAME?Games discussed: Depression Quest, Ultra Business Tycoon III, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastN
Abnormal Mapping 3: Vanquish
Abnormal Mapping finishes off the year with our episode talking about 2013, 2014, and the future of video games. No, actually, we just talk about The Shivah and Vanquish and The Hobbit. But that kind of counts!Next month’s game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the PastThings mentioned in the podcast:A Buddhist’s Guide to Asura’s Wratha thematic review of The Binding of Isaacthe infamous philfishglass.jpgthat hot Christmas blockbuster, The Hobbit
Abnormal Mapping 2: Pokemon Y
In the second episode of Abnormal Mapping, Em and Jackson have breaking news about the new console generation, Em discovers a beloved franchise maybe isn’t as beloved as they thought it would be, and Jackson hears a question so profound it makes them drop his coffee cup.Here’s all the things we talk about!Games Discussed at Length: The Swapper and Pokemon X & YThat cool article about the development of Crash Bandicoot!How much the new Pokemon cards suck. No, really.Games for next month are a
Abnormal Mapping 1: DmC Devil May Cry
Welcome to the first episode of Abnormal Mapping, a new monthly podcast about video games! We’re not games press, so we’re not going to be talking about new releases or industry news, but instead looking at specific games with a critical eye. This means that we’ll be freely talking spoilers for any of the games listed in the description, rather than discussing them in a review context.This week we’re talking about DmC — Ninja Theory’s 2013 reboot of the franchise — how it mechanically relates to