Radio Misterioso
Greg Bishop
In-depth conversations on the paranormal alternating with weird music. Live on Sundays 8-10 PM PST @
Diana Walsh Pasulka – Encounters
Due to be released in November, Dr. Diana Walsh-Pasulka’s second book on the UFO subject is to me is a portrait of the UFO phenomenon as manifested personally among those who are interested in the subject. In this way, it … Continue reading →
Thea Wirsching – The Occult and American History
I have known Thea Wirsching for a few months and my respect for her intellect and deep knowledge of tarot and astrology and their place in American History continues to amaze. Her advice and her singular project entitled the American … Continue reading →
Morgan Knudsen – Making the Paranormal Normal
Morgan Knudsen is on a mission to normalize what is commonly referred to as the “paranormal.” For over 20 years she has researched, experienced, and lectured and taught classes on hauntings and psychic functioning. She founded Entityseeker Paranormal Research & … Continue reading →
Chris Aubeck – A History of Alien Artifacts
Chris Aubeck’s previous book, co-authored with Jacques Vallée, was entitled Wonders in the Sky, published in 2010. It was a comprehensive examination of aerial phenomena reports from antiquity to the year 1879. His new title is Alien Artifacts: From Antiquity … Continue reading →
Clas Svahn – Archiving The Unexplained
Clas Svahn is a journalist by profession, and also the Chairman of the Archives For The Unexplained, located in Norrköping Sweden. The AFU is dedicated to collecting materials about UFOs, ufology, Forteana, cryptozoology, paranormal phenomena and folklore. It is a … Continue reading →
Jeff Kripal – The Superhumanities
To me, Jeff Kripal’s new book, The Superhumanities is a call to action and a radical reassessment of not just the humanities, but what it means to be human and the potential of what it could mean. You cannot skim this book. It is one of those rare volumes where every sentence and every word is essential. Kripal also eschews the language of the academy for a style that is accessible to any interested reader. Jack London said that good writing is clear thinking written out. Jeff Kripal’s wr
Michael Masters – The Extratempestrial Model
Dr. Michael Masters is a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Tech in Butte, Montana. His 2019 book was Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon, which hypothesized that ‘UFOs’ and ‘Aliens’ are our human descendants … Continue reading →
Joshua Cutchin – The Ecology Of Souls
Joshua Cutchin’s new book Ecology of Souls: A New Mythology of Death & the Paranormal is a combination of “I knew that” and “How did I not know that?” for me. It seemed that rather than being a rare and … Continue reading →
Paul Smith – Remote Viewing: Insight and History
I met remote viewing pioneer Paul Smith at the recent Archives of the Impossible conference in Houston, TX in March. We hit it off immediately and I suggested he come on RM. Smith has been teaching remote viewing (RV) techniques … Continue reading →
The Tarot Part of the Ufology Tarot
The interviews so far for our card project have concentrated on the Ufology” part of the process and philosophy of creating these images. In this interview, our resident tarot and occult expert and team member Susan Demeter joined Miguel Romero … Continue reading →
Introducing the UFOLOGY TAROT!
A small group has been working for over a year to bring a project to light, and it has finally appeared this week as the Ufology Tarot. This stems from an idea I had a few years ago to encode … Continue reading →
Popup Show – Miguel Romero on “The Einstein of Consciousness”
Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum (1946-??) In 2019, I told my friend Miguel Romero about the little-known Mexican parapsychologist Dr. Jacobo Grinberg Zylberbaum, but we could find little about him online, except for a few sensationalized articles in Spanish. This year, a documentary … Continue reading →
Popup Show – Susan Demeter – The Cosmic Witch
It was suggested that I restart the “popup” idea in order to get back to posting shows more often. These programs are about 30 minutes in length and posted within a day of the interview. Susan‘s latest book is entitled … Continue reading →
Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner – Paranormal Bigfoot II
Hello. Nice to see you again.
In this interview with Tim Renner and Joshua Cutchin, we talk about the information and revelations in the second (and final) volume of their “Where the Footprints End” project examining the case for a non-biological Bigfoot. Cutchin and Renner contend that there is far too much evidence that the creature is more ethereal than physical. Tim remarked that anomalous occurrences associated with sightings are fairly common, and often include UFOs, strange lights, and
Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner – Paranormal Bigfoot
Josh Cutchin and Tim Renner have just released a book that is designed (and sure) to goose the Bigfoot research community out of its “flesh-and-blood-hypothesis” stupor (the theory that the creature is an undiscovered primate.) In Where the Footprints End, … Continue reading →
Stephen Finley – The Nation Of Islam as a UFO Religion
Religious studies scholar Dr. Stephen Finley (Louisiana State University) is almost singular in his academic study of the UFO origins of the belief system of the Nation of Islam (NOI.) In the late 1980s, Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the most popular offshoot of the group, announced that he had an encounter with space people on a mountaintop in Mexico, and was taken aboard what he referred to as the ”Mother Wheel,” where he claimed to have met with the deceased leaders of the religion and given
Kevin Day – Nimitz UFOs and Beyond
Kevin Day has been interviewed and scrutinized endlessly by the UFO community. He was the Aerial Defense Matter expert and radar operator on the guided missile cruiser Princeton in early November of 2004, when the so-called “Nimitz UFO encounters” occurred. … Continue reading →
Shannon Taggart – Séance
Shannon Taggart is an artist and photographer based in Brooklyn, New York. Her images have been exhibited and featured internationally, including in TIME, the New York Times Magazine, Discover, and Newsweek. We talked about the release of her photography book … Continue reading →
Michael Masters – Neoteny and Time Travel and UFOs
Michael Masters earned his doctorate in Anthropology in 2009 and is on the faculty of Montana Technological University. His specialty is in biological anthropology and evolutionary biology, specifically the study of fossil hominid skulls to trace trends in evolution as … Continue reading →
Miguel Romero – A Visit To Mexico City
From March 10th to the 17th, I visited my friend Miguel Romero in Mexico City. At the suggestion of our friend David Metcalfe, we decided to conduct a live show from the condo where we were staying. Most of the … Continue reading →
Whitley Strieber – A New World
I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Whitley Strieber for the second time in as many months. The occasion was the release of his new book, entitled A New World. The work may be the most important in Strieber’s … Continue reading →
Susan Demeter St. Clair and Dr. Massimo Teodorani – Science Weds Spirit
Susan and Massimo are amazing people. Both have been on the program before; Susan talking about her private research in parapsychological and UFO topics, and Dr. Massimo on his theories of possible sentient plasmas, which he has studied worldwide, including … Continue reading →
Deep Prasad – Contact and UAP Expeditions
Prasad and Michio Kaku I’ll admit that I was not impressed with Deep Prasad when he burst on the UFO scene earlier this year. On Thanksgiving Day (in the U.S.) he tweeted a narrative about a very strange, vivid daytime … Continue reading →
Christopher White – A History of Alternate Dimensions
Vassar College Religious Studies professor Christopher White’s book Other Worlds is a history of the western world’s search for extra dimensions and how it affected science, the arts, literature, and spirituality. Beginning with the relatively well-known 1884 book Flatland by … Continue reading →
2019 Halloween Music Special with Courtney O’Hearn
The tradition continues with more Halloween weirdness courtesy of the ear and research of my friend Courtney. This year, we had a few more long-form songs and another dramatic reading, as well as some detailed background on some of the … Continue reading →
Alan Stivelman – Witness Of Another World
Alan Stivelman has created a film that shows a new way to examine the UFO subject and more importantly, the witness. Witness of Another World tells the story of Juan Pérez, an Argentinian gaucho who in 1978 at the age … Continue reading →
Whitley Strieber – A Life of Contact
Anyone who listens to this show knows the work of Whitley Strieber. His 1987 book Communion was a watershed document that made millions aware of the phenomenon of UFO abductions. It defined and codified the experiences for thousands of people, … Continue reading →
Jeff Kripal – Meaning vs. Mechanism
Dr. Jeffrey J. Kripal holds the J. Newton Rayzor Chair in Philosophy and Religious Thought at Rice University. He is also the Associate Director of the Center for Theory and Research at the Esalen Institute. He has authored nine books … Continue reading →
Stanton Friedman – Recollections
Lifetime researcher Stanton T. Friedman passed away on May 13, 2019 after over 50 years of writing and lecturing. He was the public face of UFO study for those who knew little about the subject, and a mentor, inspiration, and … Continue reading →
Dr. Kevin Knuth – Relativistic Space Travel
Dr. Kevin Knuth is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at the University at Albany. He is a former NASA research scientist having worked for four years at Ames Research Center in the Intelligent Systems Division designing artificial … Continue reading →
Rich Hoffman – The Scientific Coalition for Ufology
Two weeks ago, I attended the very first Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU) conference in Huntsville, AL, just outside the gates of the historic Redstone Arsenal, one of the birthplaces of NASA. The SCU was formed in part to address … Continue reading →
Paul and Jim Kimball – Ghost Investigation for the Rest of Us
I have known Paul Kimball and his brother for over a decade. In that time, I have worked with both of these talented guys on a few projects. The most popular of the programs from their production company is the … Continue reading →
Eric Wargo – Time Loops and Retrocausality
Eric Wargo has written perhaps one of the most important popular science books in the last year. Time Loops proposes that future events can affect the past, and provides detailed descriptions of experimental findings that suggest (some would take it … Continue reading →
2018 Paranormal Year In Review with Tim Binnall
Binnall of America lives! This past Sunday, Tim and I continued the tradition and did a simulcast of our shows to examine and chew on all that has happened in the past 12 months. We spoke about how the TTSA … Continue reading →
2018 Weird Christmas Music Special with Courtney O’Hearn
The tradition continues! Courtney and I have scoured the history of Holiday music yet again to bring you the best of the strangest. Here’s the lineup for our 2018 extravaganza. Enjoy and have a great New Year! 1 – Billy … Continue reading →
David Perkins Pt. 2 – Cattle Mutilations as Gaia
Another visit to David Perkins’ home, another interview. Perkins has been studying the mutilation phenomenon longer than perhaps anyone in the world. Starting in the mid-1970s, he was performing field investigations and writing up his findings. Noted mutilation researcher and … Continue reading →
Massimo Teodorani – The Hyperspace of Consciousness
Dr. Massimo Teodorani is an astrophsyicist who uses his scientific expertise to examine issues of consciousness and its relation to the physical universe, as well as the implications of the observed properties of anomalous light phenomena (such as the Hessdalen lights) to the search for ways to create stable plasma states such as those found in fusion reactor research. He is involved in ongoing research about eruptive stars, extrasolar planets and SETI, and lectures regularly at the University o
Chris Lambright II – More On Paul Bennewitz, Secret Laser Research, and The Socorro Incident
Chris Lambright has written one of the only other books (besides mine and one by Greg Valdez) that deals with aspects of the Paul Bennewitz saga, which deal with issues of UFO researchers and what the military will do to … Continue reading →
2018 Halloween Music Special with Courtney O’Hearn
The annual Radio Misterioso Halloween shows are turning into quite the extravaganza. Courtney “The Ear” O’Hearn once again helped choose the cream of the strange crop for this year’s show. We packed over 100 years of the creepy and unusual … Continue reading →
Mike Clelland: The Owl Man
Over the past few years, by design or just by his continuous delving into the connection between anomalous experiences with apparent nonhuman entities and a certain nocturnal avian, Mike Clelland has become informally known in UFO circles as “The Owl … Continue reading →
Charles Topham: Psychic Questing and Apported Objects
Charles Topham has nothing to sell, no book to promote, not even a website. He simply has an interesting story with implications for all who look to the interactive relationship between human activity and consciousness and the vast subject we … Continue reading →
Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp: Hunt For the Skinwalker
Jeremy Corbell’s upcoming film based on George Knapp’s groundbreaking book of the same name was the subject of our interview for this edition of Radio Misterioso. The film has generated a great deal of buzz because of the controversial subject. … Continue reading →
Weird (and Not as Weird) Music with Joshua Cutchin
I’ve been getting requests for another music show and Josh was in town last weekend, so we recorded this one on my phone. Dropped the music in after the fact. A very fun show with one of my favorite guests, … Continue reading →
Chris Lambright – X Descending, Paul Bennewitz, and the Air Force
I finally met Chris Lambright at one of the Dulce Base conferences in New Mexico this year. Chris has been a researcher since the late 1970s, and is one of those people who do some of the most interesting and … Continue reading →
Joshua Cutchin – Thieves In The Night
Joshua Cutchin‘s new book is his best yet, and deeply examines the ancient folklore surrounding children who are supposedly taken from their homes and parents by denizens of the “fairy realm.” Don’t make the mistake that he believes in a … Continue reading →
David Perkins – The Long View of Mutilations
David Perkins (AKA “Izzy”) is known to many as Chris O’Brien’s longtime research partner (and “mentor” as O’Brien also refers to him.) Perkins began his interest in the cattle and livestock mutilation mystery from the beginnings of the phenomenon (ca. … Continue reading →
Chris O’Brien – Moving On
Chris was in Los Angeles last week after running video for the Contact In The Desert event over the previous weekend. I gave him a day to recover and then visited him where he was staying at a house on … Continue reading →
Aaron Gulyas – Living the Saucer Life
In this short but info-rich interview, Aaron and I started with a discussion about his excellent podcast “The Saucer Life,” which is one promising direction that podcasting seems to be heading: short, informative, and easy to understand for those not … Continue reading →
Shannon Taggart – Spiritualist Photography
Shannon Taggart is a professional photographer who also captures images of the ineffable world of spiritualism. A visit to the Spiritualist community of Lilydale in upstate New York and an incredibly specific psychic reading started her on a years-long quest … Continue reading →
George Hansen – The Trickster, the Paranormal, and Liminality
George Hansen is an almost mythical figure amongst those who have a deep interest in the issues discussed on this show. His groundbreaking book The Trickster and the Paranormal is required reading for anyone who wishes to tackle these subjects … Continue reading →
Miguel Romero – Catching Up With Red Pill Junkie
One day, we’ll get Miguel to write a book. He’s certainly heading in that direction as evidenced by this recent conversation on a variety of far-reaching subjects. As a writer for The Daily Grail, he searches out and reports/ comments … Continue reading →
Rosemary Ellen Guiley – Pan-Paranormal Issues
Rosemary Ellen Guiley thinks she “came out of the womb writing” and enjoys the process of producing books, which is probably the first time any author has told me this. Guiley is a highly-regarded paranormal researcher with 65 books to … Continue reading →
Dean Radin – Can Science Examine Magic?
I have been following the work of Dr. Dean Radin for over 20 years. In that time, I have been privileged to interview him twice. His new book Real Magic will be released just after this show posts and for … Continue reading →
Preston Dennett – The Life of a UFO Researcher
Preston Dennett has been looking at UFO cases and interviewing witnesses for almost 30 years. In that time, he has interviewed hundreds (and maybe even thousands) of witnesses, investigated OBEs and even had his own close encounters. We began (as … Continue reading →
Nick Redfern – The Slenderman Mysteries
Longtime friend Nick Redfern joined me to talk about his new volume, The Slenderman Mysteries: An Internet Urban Legend Comes to Life. We caught up a bit on recent news and then dove in. The “Slenderman” was the result of … Continue reading →
Peter Robbins – Not As Much UFOs
Researcher Peter Robbins is perhaps best known for his book Left At East Gate, which was enveloped in a controversy that led to a painful process that ended in Robbins disowning the work. He has discussed the issues surrounding this … Continue reading →
Susan Demeter-St.Clair – If We Normalize the Sacred, Will The (UFO) Phenomenon Change?
This was another fun and informative conversation with a researcher who has actually applied some of the methods we have talked about on this show for awhile now. We spent the first part of the program discussing witness-centered anomalies study, … Continue reading →
David Metcalfe – What Lies Beyond the Shining Saucer?
David Metcalfe is a researcher, writer and multimedia specialist focusing on the interrelationship of media, culture, and consciousness. We began the conversation with his deep study of the Santa Muerte belief and its role as an alternative to people who … Continue reading →
Anti-Valentine’s Day Music Show with Courtney O’Hearn
My longtime friend Courtney is becoming our resident weird music guru. Just in time for the holiday, we present our “anti-Valentine’s Day” show, featuring murder ballads, breakup songs, songs of frustration and unrequited love, and pure bitching about the opposite sex from all sides of the fence, as well as “answer songs” which poke fun at more well-known hits. Just to show we weren’t complete killjoys and full of unrepentant bitterness, Courtney chose to end the show on a hopeful note.
As usual
Skylaire Alfvegren – What Is A “Fortean?”
My long-time friend, amazing author, and Fortean Skylaire Alfvegren joined me in a very informal talk about subjects of mutual interest. The interview occurred right around the time of the most devastating fires around Los Angeles and Southern California. We … Continue reading →
Joshua Cutchin – A Trip To Fairyland
Joshua Cutchin has recently completed a manuscript with the working title Thieves In The Night: Paranormal Child Abduction From the Faerie Faith to the UFO Era, due for publication in the next few months. For some reason, we started with … Continue reading →
Adam Gorightly – Flying Saucer Contactees In Depth
(cover design by Red Pill Junkie) Gorightly and I are finishing up a detailed chronicle of UFO contact personalities and cults (entitled A Is For Adamski) which will be released in the next couple of months. It will be a … Continue reading →
2017 Year In Review with Tim Binnall
In what has become a tradition, longtime RM friend Tim Binnall joined me for a year-in-review simulcast. Tim gathers and writes some of the news for the Coast To Coast website, so he’s been on top of all the weirdness all year. For example, we started off talking about a supposed picture of lost aviator Amelia Earhart that surfaced early last year, but turned out to be a misidentification. The big MUFON scandal was next under the lens. The second hour was taken up with a discussion of the
Weird Holiday Music Special with Courtney O’Hearn
After our successful Halloween music show, Courtney and I planned this extravaganza. We both cannot take this holiday season seriously, and it shows in our selection of mostly disrespectful tunes. One is VERY disrespectful and very NSFW or mixed company … Continue reading →
Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka – American Cosmic
Dr. Diana Walsh-Pasulka has just finished what will likely be a groundbreaking book on the UFO subject, which will be released in the spring of 2018. American Cosmic tells the story of her journey from religious scholarship to a seat … Continue reading →
Paul Kimball and Dillon Garland: Producing a TV Show About Ghosts
After the successful run of the program Ghost Cases seven years ago, Paul Kimball was tapped to produce an entirely new series (Haunted) with the same co-host. Using what they learned in the last program, Paul and his ghost-hunting partner … Continue reading →
Richard Sarradet – Acting, Alchemy, and the Paranormal
As many of you may know, Rich and I have been friends for over 25 years. He recently went through a bout with cancer, and we thought a house visit while he recuperates was a good excuse for recording a … Continue reading →
Jeff Ritzmann – Calling Occupants
The last time Jeff Ritzmann was on the show, he briefly described how almost anyone could initiate their own paranormal (specifically UFO-related) encounter. I wanted him to get more specific, but we ran out of time. This time, he not … Continue reading →
Erica Lukes – Ufology: Egos, and Room For Improvement
Erica Lukes has had her own UFO experiences, been through the MUFON wringer as an official for the organization, and conducted original field research over many years, as well as hosting the UFO Classified interview program. On the day that … Continue reading →
Weird Halloween Music Special with Courtney O’Hearn
Courtney is a long-time friend who shares an interest in strange music, and we’ve been pushing each other to discover ever more wonderful and obscure sounds and ideas for many years. We gathered lists of our favorite out-there Halloween songs … Continue reading →
Kenn Thomas – The New JFK Files Release
Kenn Thomas was in town for the last few days, so we took an hour to make a short “pop-up” interview about the impending release on October 26th of the (supposedly) last secret government files on the JFK assassination. Kenn … Continue reading →
Susan Demeter St. Clair and Robert Brandstetter – Reframing the Debate II
Another in our occasional discussions of the book UFOs: Reframing the Debate was conducted at a park and in a pub in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I was visiting for a few days and both Susan and Robert were amazing hosts … Continue reading →
Royce Myers – The UFO Watchdog
When Royce Myers went to a UFO convention in the early 1990s, Mexican UFO promoter Jaime Maussan informed him that stars were parts of vast alien “motherships,” which were moving slowly across the sky every night. This (and other experiences) … Continue reading →
Catching Up With Tim Binnall
Time to catch up with Tim Binnall of Binnall of America and a long time friend and supporter of this show. This program was recorded in early August, before fugitive and itinerant psychic and scam artist Sean David Morton was … Continue reading →
Miles Lewis – The State of the Paranormal
My longtime friend Miles Lewis and I always have lots to talk about. This time, we started out with a story I read recently that dealt with people taking megadoses (meaning 1000x the normal amount) of LSD and how they … Continue reading →
UFOs and Ghosthunting – Post Paraconference 2017
What do ghosts and UFOs have in common? That’s not a setup to a joke, as we found out at the third annual East Coast Paraconference, which took place in the lovely town of Liverpool, Nova Scotia over the weekend of August 11-13. Organizer Linda Rafuse gathered an eclectic group of researchers from a variety of paranormal disciplines to present their newest findings to a crowd of open-minded attendees.
Micah Hanks, Ryan Sprague, and myself represented the U.S. and Paul Kimball and Chris Styles ap
James Clarkson – The End Of UFO Study as We Know It
This year during the Roswell festival, I was privileged to have dinner with James Clarkson and his wife Joanne. I found them charming and intelligent, and with a lot to say about the state of UFO research. Clarkson recently quit his post as Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) State Director for Washington. In this interview, we discussed what caused this break, and what might be done to reform the organization, if that is even possible at this point.
Clarkson believes that the board of directors is no lo
Roswell Roundtable 2017
Two weeks ago, I gathered together a group of friends in our hotel room at Roswell, where the 70th anniversary festivities had just concluded. I was joined by Peter Robbins, Jack Brewer, Nick Redfern, Miles Lewis, and Adam Sayne to discuss the events of the weekend, and other UFO-type issues.
To start off with a bang, Nick described his run-in with a neo-nazi, for which I was present. There was a small debate about the Travis Walton incident, with some insight from Peter on the background of the
Paul Kimball – Returning to Old Haunts
Last Sunday, I wasn’t planning to to record a live show, mainly because I was all the way out in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada attending researcher/ writer/ filmmaker and friend Paul Kimball’s wedding. Since he wasn’t leaving on a honeymoon right away, Paul actually suggested that we do the show live from his office. He’s dropping back into the UFO biz a little bit, so we got him up to speed, although it appears that he is already well on the way.
Recently off a provincial election, where he cam
Lon Strickler – MUFON Scandal, the Chicago Mothman, and Smelly Ghosts
During the upset in the ranks of MUFON a couple of weeks ago, I noticed that researcher Lon Strickler had taken the lead in exposing the strange and vicious racist comments of one of the organization’s inner circle. We started the show with a discussion of the issues surrounding this defining period.
Strickler is better known as an investigator and chronicler of all manner of strange crypto and paranormal phenomena though, and we launched into a discussion of the recent spate of “mothman”-like e