Bridge Builder Motivations
Quick motivation, equipping leaders to advance diversity for the collective win! A weekly podcast hosted by the GRAMMY Nominated producer, recording artist, 40 Under 40 business leader, professional coach and community leader, David "Dae-Lee" Arrington.
Movements Begin In Everyday Moments.
In episode 52, Dae-Lee encourages you to make the most of every moment.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Be Forever Optimistic.
In episode 51, Dae-Lee reminds us that as a bridge-building leader optimism is a must.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Lead From Love, Not Fear.
In episode 50, Dae-Lee implores us to let love empower us as we lead.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
The More You Know, The More You Know You Don't Know.
In episode 49, Dae-Lee reminds us that learning is a forever journey.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Own Your Thoughts, Not The Other Way Around.
In episode 48, Dae-Lee dives into the impact our thoughts have on our impact.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
We Love What We Value And Value What We Love.
In episode 47, Dae-Lee challenges the legitimacy of what we say we love and value.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
It's What Makes Us Different That Makes A Difference.
In episode 46, Dae-Lee focuses on the role of difference in making a difference.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Hope For The Best And Prepare For It!
In episode 45, Dae-Lee shakes up a common quote and adds a little bit of optimism to how we hope.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Stop Wishing For A Better Day And Start Making The Best Of Today.
In episode 44, Dae-Lee encourages us all to choose to make today its best.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
You Can't Change People, But You Can Change Your Attitude Towards Them.
In episode 43, Dae-Lee emphasized the importance of understanding what we all have the power to change.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Don't Let Perfection Keep You From Progression
In episode 42, Dae-Lee encourages all of the perfectionists out there to focus on progression.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Justice Is A Product Of Love.
In episode 41, Dae-Lee challenges our love for others by measuring our desire to see them treated fairly.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Let Hope See You Through Pain
In episode 40, Dae-Lee emphasizes the importance of remaining focused on hope through pain.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
It Was All A Dream, Then I Woke Up And Got To Work.
In episode 39, Dae-Lee channels The Notorious BIG and emphasizes that dreams don't work unless people do.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
People Are People, Not Projects.
In episode 38, Dae-Lee reminds us that people are what's most important.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Forgive Fearlessly.
In episode 37, Dae-Lee implores us to move beyond our fears and forgive.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Communication Is The Key, Lock, Door And Hinges.
In episode 36, Dae-Lee reminds us of the key role communication plays in leading as a bridge-builder.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Build It. They Will Come Eventually.
In episode 35, Dae-Lee channels the 90's classic film Field of Dreams to remind us that many will be late to the party, but that shouldn't deter us from getting to work.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Be Consumed By Love
In episode 34, Dae-Lee emplores us as bridge-building leaders to be aware of the impact of what we consume.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Start Where You Are But Don’t Stop There
In episode 33, Dae-Lee reminds us that competence for a bridge builder is a continuous journey.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
The More You Grow The More You Have To Let Go.
In episode 32, Dae-Lee reminds us that release is a necessary part of growth.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Division Denotes The Possibility Of Unity.
In episode 31, Dae-Lee zooms in on the hope that exists because of the reality of division.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Do Your Best, Then Pass The Baton.
In episode 30, Dae-Lee reminds us that progress is a team effort.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
When You Know Your Value, There's No Need To De-Value Others.
In episode 29, Dae-Lee explores how knowing your own value impacts how you value others.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Create Space And Welcome Others.
In episode 28, Dae-Lee implores us all to welcome others as we create space.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Just Do Good.
In episode 27, Dae-Lee doesn't overcomplicate the simple importance of choosing to do good.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
The Greatest Opportunity You Will Ever Have Is To Love.
In episode 26, Dae-Lee reminds us of our opportunity to love.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Love Yourself.
In episode 25, Dae-Lee keeps it simple about the need to love oneself.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Every Mistake Is A Perfect Place For Grace
In episode 24, Dae-Lee reminds us that no one is perfect and could use some grace.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Overstand Until The Understand.
In episode 23, Dae-Lee challenges us to be the stopgap that others desperately need.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
In The Absence Of Love There Is Hate, Just Like In The Absence Of Light Is Darkness.
In episode 22, Dae-Lee encourages us to be love in an effort to create less space for hate.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Empathy Is Not About Right, Wrong Or You!
In episode 21, Dae-Lee reminds us what empathy is all about.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Enjoy The Journey; It’s So Underrated.
In episode 20, Dae-Lee reminds us that the journey has so much to offer.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
It Takes Bravery To Be Honest And Heart To Do So With Care.
In episode 19, Dae-Lee challenges us to take an extra step beyond just being honest or "keeping it real".Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Acknowledge How You Feel Then Just Do What’s Right.
In episode 18, Dae-Lee reminds us that feelings are important but should not deter us from doing what's right.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
With Every Action Or Inaction Comes A Reaction.
In episode 17, Dae-Lee reminds us that what we do as leaders will influence what happens around us.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Do The Little Things Today And Lighten The Load Of Tomorrow.
In episode 16, Dae-Lee encourages the stalled-out leader to tackle the small things.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon.
Be Thankful For The Little Things.
In episode 15, Dae-Lee challenges leaders to find the little opportunities to be thankful while working towards large visions. Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon.
The Front Lines Are In Front Of You. Be Present And Press On.
In episode 14, Dae-Lee challenges us all to be active on the frontlines we have been positioned for. Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Policy Change Without People Change Is Short-Lived.
In episode 13, Dae-Lee reminds us that change is not rooted in policies but in people.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Listen To Learn, Not To Respond.
In episode 12, Dae-Lee emphasizes the importance of listening to learn as we care for those around us.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Progress Requires Risk, Not The Approval Of Others.
In episode 11, Dae-Lee focuses on how we may allow the approval of others to keep us from taking the risks necessary to make progress.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
When You Don't Know What To Do -- Do What You Do Know.
In episode 10, Dae-Lee reflects on the importance of not allowing what you don't know to paralyze you.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
What's The Best That Could Happen?
In episode 9, Dae-Lee encourages leaders to shift how they approach their leadership decisions.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Acknowledge The Past, Don't Get Stuck There.
Do you ever want to ignore the past? In episode 8, Dae-Lee reminds us of the importance of acknowledging the past while remaining focused on what's ahead.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
When Things Get Hard, Remember Your Why.
In episode 7, Dae-Lee encourages leaders to remember their why as Bridge Builders in the midst of difficult circumstances.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Change Requires More Than Intent
In episode 6, Dae-Lee challenges leaders to move beyond intent, and into action.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Focus On What's Possible, Not The Obstacle.
In episode 5, Dae-Lee encourages us to be intentional with where we direct our focus.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Bridges Are Fixtures Of Hope.
In episode 4, Dae-Lee reminds us that we all have benefited from and can be bridges of hope for others.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Have The Audacity To Believe.
For episode 3, Dae-Lee encourages us all to never stop believing.Don't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Lean In; It's The First Step In Forward Movement.
For episode 2 Dae-Lee discusses the important first step in forward movement.â ââDon't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Be You. The World Needs That.
Happy New Year! For this inaugural episode, Dae-Lee discusses knowing your own valueâ,â as a prerequisite to valuing others.â ââDon't forget to subscribe!Join the Bridge Builder Email List and stay in the know.Connect On Social:InstagramFacebookLinkedInPatreon
Bridge Builder Motivations Podcast Trailer
Beginning January 2022, David "Dae-Lee" Arrington, the 40 Under 40 Business Journal Winner, and GRAMMY Nominated producer will share quick quotes and stories every week, inspired by his âcorner to the cul-de-sacâ journey, challenging leaders like yourself to cultivate authentic relationships across difference, moving you, your diverse organization and community towards its collective best.In times like these, the world needs true leaders that are willing to move beyond their silos,