RE-VAMPED with Juliet Landau is the First BUFFY Podcast with a cast member as your guide! Buffy’s posse was called the Scooby Gang. Juliet’s character Drusilla was also known as Dru. RE-VAMPED co-hosts include “Scooby Dru” with her extremely, singular POV and hijinks, “Sire Rebecca” and “Watcher Dev.” RE-VAMPED is rife with never-heard-before behind-the-scenes tales, the definitive in-depth interviews with cast & crew, sequential rewatches, what’s new in the BUFFY-verse, the ultimate fan interactions and showcasing NEW content with the beloved characters. Filled with belly laughs and poignant emotion, listeners rollick, probe and reflect. RE-VAMPED With Juliet Landau takes the idea of the trad...