Today's Table
Samantha Smith & Lindsay Peoples
This podcast is here to get you excited about God and his Word, all in the context of community. At Today’s Table, we want to EEEAT - Equip, Encourage, and Engage Around the Table. We hope to offer practical tools, personal stories, and theological discussions that help you live into your joy by delighting in God and sharing Him with others.
Today we talk about the value of reading the Bible regularly, and share practical ways we have built this habit.Resources mentioned in this episode:Faithful Rhythms planner, for 20% off use code: TODAYSTABLE“The Whole Sweep of Scripture” by NT Wright Women of the Word, None Like Him, In His Image by Jen WilkinThe Songs of Jesus by Tim KellerThe Daily Bible (Chronological Bible)ReadScripture app (Bible Project)The Chosen app
Are You In?
Today we discuss the complex but sweet truth of our Union with Christ and how it can never be broken.Resources mentioned on this episode:Union with Christ by Rankin Wilbourne
Did God Die?
Today we talk through Christology - who Christ is and who he is not. We discuss common ways we may think incorrectly about Christ and how that impacts salvation.Resources mentioned in this episode:Knowing Christ by Mark JonesHypostatic Union by Shai LinneHypostatic union - the union of the divine Son and human natures in the one person (hypostasis) of Jesus Christ
I Will Remember You
Today we talk through the value of memorizing scripture and some practical steps to help you start!Resources mentioned on this episode:Bible Memory appHope’s Weed or Flower?
Now You See Me
Today we discuss how God has revealed Himself to us, and therefore how we can know Him.
Livin' on a Prayer
Today we talk through the value of prayer as a discipline and how to incorporate it into our daily lives.Resources mentioned on this episode:A Praying Life by Paul MillerValley of VisionThe Trinity and Christian Prayer by Sam Allberry
Who You Gonna Call?
Today we finish our conversation on God as Trinity, focusing on the third person of the Trinity, God the Spirit - a WHO not a WHAT.Resources for this episode:Communion with the Triune God by John OwenDelighting in the Trinity by Michael ReevesKnowing Faith Podcast
The G.O.A.T.
Today we continue our conversation about God as Trinity, focusing on the second person of the Trinity, God the Son. We talk through how to distinguish between the Father and the Son and what "eternally begotten" means. Whaaat??Resources for further study:Delighting in the Trinity by Michael ReevesKnowing Faith Podcast
Today we begin a series on God as Trinity. In this episode, we talk about the first person of the Trinity, the Father, as the source of all things. Hint: He is not Creator first.Resources mentioned on this episode:Delighting in the Trinity by Michael ReevesKnowing Faith Podcast
Today we share a realistic, practical way you and your community can better learn the story of scripture.Resources from this episode:Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) background (Bible Project) : Video & PodcastDwell app
True Story.
Today we talk through the true story of Scripture, and how to better immerse ourselves in it and combat our false stories.Resources mentioned to help learn the story of Scripture:The Daily Bible (Chronological Bible)ReadScripture app (Bible Project)Bible Recap podcastDrama of Scripture by Bartholomew & GoheenJesus Storybook Bible
I Can See Clearly Now
Today we talk about another often undetected influence on how we think - specifically on how we decide what is true.References from this episode:This Cultural Moment PodcastFabric of Theology by Richard LintsProlegomenon - a critical or discursive introduction to a bookEpistemology - how do we know what is true?Metaphysics - what is true?
What's Your Story?
Today we talk about the default way of life we each live into that we are often unaware of. Seeing this can help us better turn from our false story and toward the True story God is calling us into.Possible False Stories (not an exhaustive list) - these become our false stories when they are the PRIMARY way that we determine what is true:Rationalism - what is logical & makes sense is what is truePerfectionism - the truth is that my worth is my perfectionIndividualism - autonomy, my joy decid
Teaser Trailer
This podcast is here to get you excited about God and his Word, all in the context of community. At Today’s Table, we want to EEEAT - Equip, Encourage, and Engage Around the Table. We hope to offer practical tools, personal stories, and theological discussion that help you live into your joy by delighting in God and sharing him with others.