The Overlooked Dark Knight: The New Adventures

The Overlooked Dark Knight: The New Adventures

Andrew Leyland and Michael Bailey

Hosted by life long Batman fans Andrew Leyland and Michael Bailey, The Overlooked Dark Knight shines a light on the Batman stories that hardly anyone talks about. Mostly. Sometimes the guys talk about Batman stories EVERYONE talks about, but they try to stick to a mandate of the overlooked stuff because the character is more than the sum of The Dark Knight Returns, Year One, Hush, and The Long Halloween.

Episode 84 - The Bat/Cat Holiday Special!

Episode 84 - The Bat/Cat Holiday Special!

Welcome back to The Overlooked Dark Knight, the podcast that shines a light on Batman stories hardly anyone talks about! This time out your hosts, Andy and Mike, look at a pair of Batman stories that are set at and around Christmas! After a discussion about what this episode was originally going to cover, they get into Batman/Catwoman Special #1. Written by Tom King with art by the late John Paul Leon, this story details where Selina Kyle was on various Christmas days throughout her life. Then,

Dec 24, 2024 • 1:58:57

Episode 83 - Steampunk Noir

Episode 83 - Steampunk Noir

Welcome back to The Overlooked Dark Knight, the podcast that shines a light on Batman stories hardly anyone talks about! This time out Andy and Mike take a look at a pair of Batman Elseworlds stories! Elseworlds is back as an imprint and the guys thought it would be fun to look at two of those stories that have flown under the radar. First up is the 2001 Ed Brubaker/Sean Phillips special called Batman: Gotham Noir. Andy and Mike will now allow you, dear reader/listener, a moment to get over the

Aug 13, 2024 • 1:00:09

Episode 82 - Her Name is...Poison Ivy

Episode 82 - Her Name is...Poison Ivy

Welcome back to The Overlooked Dark Knight, the podcast that shines a light on Batman stories hardly anyone talks about! This time out Andy and Mike cover two comics that have been released as facsimile editions over the past few years because the guys really love them. After a brief introduction where Andy and Mike blame each other for life decisions they dig into Batman #181, which was the first appearance of Poison Ivy. Then, after some podcast promos and vintage commercials and PSAs, they lo

May 31, 2024 • 1:16:42

Episode 81 - Happy Christmas 2023

Episode 81 - Happy Christmas 2023

Welcome back to The Overlooked Dark Knight, the podcast that shines a light on Batman stories hardly anyone talks about! It's Christmas time, so Andy and Mike thought it would be fun to look at not one but two Yuletide themed Batman stories. Or, at the very least, two stories that take place at Christmas. First up is Brave and the Bold #184, where the Huntress of Earth-2 crosses over to Earth-1 to spend the holidays with her Uncle Bruce and ends up helping Bruce through a crisis of faith when

Dec 24, 2023 • 1:07:57

Episode 80 - The Devil's Advocate or The People vs Jack Nailer

Episode 80 - The Devil's Advocate or The People vs Jack Nailer

Welcome back to The Overlooked Dark Knight, the podcast that shines a light on Batman stories hardly anyone talks about! This time out Andy and Mike take a look at the 1995 graphic novel Joker: The Devil's Advocate. Written by Chuck Dixon with art by Graham Nolan and Scott Hanna this story explores what happens when the Joker is finally put on trial for his crimes. The problem? Batman doesn't believe that the Joker is behind the murders he is being tried for. The hook? Batman's right. The guy

Dec 5, 2023 • 56:47

Episode 79: Please Hama Don't Hurt Em

Episode 79: Please Hama Don't Hurt Em

Welcome back to The Overlooked Dark Knight, the podcast that shines a light on Batman stories hardly anyone talks about! In this exciting episode Andy and Mike talk about the very brief seven issue Batman run written by Larry Hama. It was the dawn of a new age in Gotham. No Man's Land was over, a new century was beginning, and the Batman titles underwent a seismic creative shift with newer writers either taking on over taking over the exploits of the Dark Knight. Novelist Greg Rucka was writing

Nov 26, 2023 • 1:17:30

The Overlooked Dark Knight: The New Adventures 2023 Trailer!

The Overlooked Dark Knight: The New Adventures 2023 Trailer!

The "exciting" and "action packed" and "deemed necessary by Mike" trailer announcing the new downloading home for The Overlooked Dark Knight! That's it. That's the description.

Nov 26, 2023 • 1:25

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