I Am a Marketer
Jerail Fennell
Hey - My name is Jerail, and for the past ten years, I’ve worked in the marketing and communications space, helping businesses and organizations tell their stories with my unique marketing tactics and strategies. And now, I’ve decided to share my secrets with you. So check out my new podcast on YouTube and everywhere else you listen to Podcasts. My name is Jerail Fennell, and I Am a Marketer!
Don’t Try To Fight it - It’s Everywhere
You can run and try to hide - but marketing is everywhere, and you can't avoid it.This week, Jerail talks about why it is essential for marketing to be a part of our daily lives. Jerail also highlights subtle ways businesses can promote their products. Remember to comment, like, and subscribe! #Marketing #Geofencing #Advertising #Marketers #businessideas www.notedjax.com
The Poor Man's Version of Geofencing
Whether you're trying to get butts into seats, increase sales of a product, or create awareness and buzz, geofencing is a great marketing tactic used to reach your target audience. But geofencing can be VERY EXPENSIVE. This week, Jerail talks about his "Poor Man's Method of Geofencing" as he gives examples and tactics to geofence on a budget. Remember to comment, like, and subscribe! #Marketing #Geofencing #Advertising #Marketerswww.notedjax.com
I Am a Marketer
My name is Jerail, and I am a marketer. Join me on my new podcast as I discuss some of the tactics and strategies that I've used to be successful in this space. You'll also get the opportunity to hear from other marketing professionals who are achieving great things in the marketing space. www.notedjax.com