Tech Barometer – From The Forecast by Nutanix
Tech Barometer – From The Forecast by Nutanix
Explore the cutting edge of enterprise cloud computing. Tech Barometer is the Podcast affiliate of The Forecast by Nutanix, which covers people and tech trends driving digital transformation. Business Ieaders, engineers and industry experts share insights and anecdotes about the quest to modernize IT.
DataRobot CEO Debanjan Saha Fuses Business Savvy with AI Expertise
In a video interview with The Forecast, DataRobot CEO Debanjan Saha discusses the need for finding value and building confidence to achieve enterprise AI success.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Transcript (edited for readability):
Debanjan Seha: I was in a Morgan Stanley investment conference in San Francisco, and of course every investor quizzed me about ChatGPT and GeneAI. On the way back, the Uber driver quizzed me for half an hour about ChatGP
IT Analysts Discuss the Search for VMware Alternatives After Broadcom Acquisition
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, technology analysts Simon Robinson, Natalya Yezhkova and Steve McDowell discuss the Broadcom acquisition of VMware and how it’s impacting CIOs and IT decision makers.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Transcript (edited for readability):
Simon Robinson: Clearly the market is in flux. It has been in a transitional phase for the past several years.
Natalya Yezhkova: Broadcom is a mature company. It has a certain
How to choose open source AI models
In this video interview, Taylor Linton of Hugging Face explains the thought process many IT decision makers go through as they select open source and proprietary AI software to run their businesses.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Taylor Linton: With open source. There’s really two categories of benefits with using open source models, and it’s really broken down into strategic and tactical reasons. To start off on the strategic side, it
Hugging Face Helps Find and Use Open Source AI Models
In this video interview, Hugging Face’s Taylor Linton explains how enterprises can use existing open source software instead of building AI applications from scratch.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Taylor Linton: Predating me joining Hugging Face. We started in 2016 to be a chatbot company. That’s where the fun hugging face name and emoji comes from, because it’s supposed to be a chatbot that’s your friend. So we wanted a friendly bran
University of Canberra’s Auspicious Shift Away from VMware
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, Justin Mason, associate director of vendor and operations at the University of Canberra, explains how moving to Nutanix software enabled their IT operations to run demanding AI and machine learning courses and keep students engaged in their online studies.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Justin Mason: We are all AHV now. We don’t have any VMware. We’ve been in that place now for a number of years,
Role of CIO Expands as Enterprises Embrace AI
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Northeastern University professor Dr. Norman Jacknis explains why IT leaders must concentrate on delivering business value while understanding essential and emerging innovations such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Dr. Norman Jacknis: Part of the reason why you need to get started is you are learning how to do this stuff well. So you have to get started. An
Skills CIO Need to Succeed in the AI Era
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Dr. Norman Jacknis explains how CIOs can adapt to rapid change driven by AI and the value it can bring to organizations.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Dr. Norman Jacknis: If I ask you to travel from New York to Boston, you pretty much know what your options are. You can fly, you can take a train, you can drive, you can get a map from Google, whatever. There’s a whole bunch of things. It’s pretty straigh
Cloud native technologies driving AI application development
In this video interview, Nutanix cloud native technology expert Dan Ciruli describes the trends and technologies powering an explosion in new applications, particularly those with AI capabilities.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Dan Ciruli: The more we realize the benefits, apps can do this, apps can do that, and the more use cases that over time we have more data, we’re gathering more video, audio data, they just enable more things. An
Enterprise IT Teams Jump Into AIOps
In this video interview, NAND Research Chief Analyst Steve McDowell explains how IT decision makers assess strategies and infrastructure needed to run artificial intelligence capabilities.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Steve McDowell: I think we’re all getting AI fatigue. Every product briefing I go to, if it doesn’t have the word AI in it, I’m in the wrong room. That’s all anybody wants to, whether it’s relevant or not. And I think a
Nutanix CEO Explains How Customers Deal with Changes from Broadcom VMware Acquisition
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, Nutanix President and CEO Rajiv Ramaswami talks to tech reporters about why IT leaders turn to Nutanix to counter changes they face after Broadcom acquired VMware.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Rajiv Ramaswami: We’ve been competing against VMware. Yeah, it’s a good company. We competed some. We won some. We lost some. Obviously, you can’t foresee what’s going to happen. Could we have foreseen th
Living Workflow of AI at the Edge
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, McDowell shares insights from his report Taming the AI-enabled Edge with HCI-based Cloud Architectures and explores the impact of extending IT resources to the edge and the driving force of AI.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Steve McDowell: The reason we push AI to the edge is because that’s where the data is, you know, we want to do the processing close to where the data is so that we don’t h
Migrating to Public Cloud Helps Scotland Better Manage Country’s Land and Natural Resources
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Nick Mahlitz, digital infrastructure manager at Forestry and Land Scotland, takes listeners to his homeland, where he helps the government use data and cloud technologies to manage natural resources and meet sustainability goals.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Nick Mahlitz: I learn new things every day as I talk to our staff members. Just recently, we’re using drones with lasers to map out the land. So t
Seeking Second Sources After Broadcom Acquired VMware
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, NAND Research Chief Analyst Steve McDowell describes how CIOs manage change and mitigate risk in the first year after Broadcom acquired VMware.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Steve McDowell: I think this year is a lot of, you know, resetting how we think about VMware and I think a little bit of resetting everything about Broadcom and what they do. There’s a lot of uncertainty. I don’t think my po
AI Cloud Native and Hybrid Cloud Work Together
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Tobi Knaup, general manager for Cloud Native at Nutanix, explains what’s accelerating cloud native application development and how enterprises run these apps across hybrid multicloud IT environments.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Transcript (AI generated):
Tobi Knaup: Cloud Native really is a concept that describes how to build and run modern applications. Those applications are typically microservice-oriented, the
Hypervisor Architect Makes Migration to Azure Easy
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Rene van den Bedem of Microsoft’s Cloud and AI division discusses the future of AI and how cloud computing is evolving to power more aspects of life.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Transcript (AI generated):
Rene van de Bedem: When I started, the personal computer was becoming more miniaturized.
Jason Lopez: Rene van den Bedem says when he started his career in computing it was 1994. The trend was smaller and more c
Role of Open Source in AI
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Red Hat’s Bev Gunn and Richard Harmon take listeners into the collaborative world of open source software and explain why it can lead to responsible AI.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Transcript (AI generated):
Richard Harmon: The fundamental principle that’s first is around a global community trying to innovate. So it’s not a single firm, but the global community collaborating. You have people with very different b
Assembling a Sustainable Data Center with HCI
In this video, Harmail Chatha shares how he helped build a state-of-the-art, efficient data center using software-defined capabilities from Nutanix.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Ken Kaplan: When you started building these early on, sustainability was definitely a part of it. You want to make them efficient, but it’s shifted.
Harmail Chatha: So when I first started, sustainability wasn’t even a thing in the industry, right? You heard
Building an IT Sustainability Framework
Experts in modern data center technologies and sustainability provide valuable insights for building IT sustainability strategies.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Mat Brown: There is a lot of regulation coming, a lot of legislation.
Andrea Osika: Between 2021 and 2022 there was an 80% increase in regs that encompass ESG.
Harmail Chatha: If you’re going to build a sustainability strategy, budget should be the starting point. By consolida
Data Center Efficiency Insights from Cloud Operations Director
In this video, learn how a cloud operations expert thinks about power efficiency, software-defined infrastructure and how to get more with less from data center innovation.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Ken Kaplan: What does the data center signify to you? What’s the role?
Harmail Chatha: So whether people know it or not, data centers are a very crucial part of everyone’s daily lives, right? All the applications that we have on our mo
4 Steps for Building an IT Sustainability Strategy
In this video interview, Mat Brown, senior technical marketing engineer at Nutanix, discusses the increasing importance of data center sustainability strategies and the challenges of managing carbon emissions from IT operations.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Mat Brown: Increasingly, our customers are asking us about sustainability issues and about ESG. They want to know about the carbon emissions related to their IT solutions, whet
Raising Ransomware Resistance
In this Tech Barometer podcast, explore how data management and security innovations are bringing resilience to escalating threats of data destruction and exfiltration.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
John Dodds: Data governance and regulatory frameworks are creating the impetus to involve ransomware. It’s like creating the external factor.
Tuhina Goel: Today it has really evolved into pure data destruction, data exfiltration. So that’s
Experts Discuss Top IT Sustainability Challenges
In this Tech Barometer podcast, four IT industry experts discuss trends and early best practices shaping IT sustainability strategies.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Jason Lopez: The sound you’re hearing is in the room at a press conference on IT sustainability, which was done at .NEXT in Chicago in 2023. You’re listening to the Tech Barometer podcast. This was a gathering of journalists in a round table setting, sitting elbow to elbow
Debo Dutta Speeding New Medicines with AI and Computational Biology
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, Debojyoti “Debo” Dutta, vice president of engineering, AI at Nutanix shares his passion for computational biology and how AI will dramatically change enterprises.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Debo Dutta: If you look at what’s happening today, it’s not just because of AI, but in general because of high throughput data that can be generated out of a biological system. And the amount of data that
Greg Diamos AI and ML software pioneer
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, Greg Diamos tells how an early passion for computing led him to a pioneering role Baidu’s Silicon Valley AI lab, where he discovered ways to scale deep learning systems, and went on to co-found MLCommons and AI company Lamini.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Greg Diamos: I think computing is a way to give people magical abilities, like superpowers. I like to live in a world where you can give it t
Hybrid Multicloud IT Teams Benefit from Cisco and Nutanix Partnership
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, explore how a partnership between data networking giant Cisco and hybrid multicloud software company...[…]
Experts Explore Risks after Broadcom Acquired VMware
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, IT industry analyst Steve McDowell and Lee Caswell from Nutanix discuss the challenges and risks IT operations leaders face in the wake of Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Steve McDowell: Broadcom announced quite a while ago that they’re acquiring VMware.
Lee Caswell: It’s not a light switch moment.
Steve McDowell: Because of regulatory hurdles and all sorts of ot
Merkel Insurance Simplifies IT with Nutanix
In this video, Ryan McBrearty, the senior IT infrastructure engineer at global specialty insurer Markle, tells how his team uses Nutanix software and customer services in their quest to cut costs and simplify IT operations.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Ryan McBrearty: We are an all-Nutanix shop on-prem. We do have some cloud as well. We have over close to 30 different Nutanix clusters with over 400-plus individual nodes within those
Healthcare CIO Isaiah Nathaniel IT Hybrid Multicloud Mindset
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, CIO of Delaware Valley Community Health, Isaiah Nathaniel describes his spiritual and purposeful approach to helping the healthcare provider leverage all the innovation IT can bring.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Isaiah Nathaniel: Never let anyone beat you giving. Never let anyone beat you loving. Never let anyone beat you at believing. And finally, never let anyone beat you serving.
Jason Lopez
Nutanix CEO Sees AI Impacting Enterprises
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Nutanix President and CEO Rajiv Ramaswami explains the challenges his hybrid multicloud customers are facing as they move their organizations into a future increasingly powered by artificial intelligence.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Rajiv Ramaswami: I am optimistic about technology and its role in the economy because regardless of where I think the economy is, I think companies are going to invest in
Nutanix CEO Talks Hybrid Multicloud Capabilities
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, Nutanix President and CEO Rajiv Ramaswami discusses the challenges driving more IT leaders to develop hybrid multicloud strategies for managing across private data centers, public cloud services, edge computing sites while enabling new application development and AI capabilities.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Rajiv Ramaswami: As customers here, all of you expect to have solutions that meet your
Alex Karargyris’s Path to Becoming a Pioneer of Medical AI
Alex Karargyris is helping a nonprofit called ML Commons develop open-source technologies that bring global standards to medical AI/ML initiatives.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Alex Karargyris:
Healthcare technology, what it used to be like 50 years ago, has changed dramatically. You go right now to some operating room or even a radiology department, and there’s so many sensors and gadgets everywhere. It’s natural for machines to be
Organic Valley Cooperative Modernizes IT
In this video, members from the IT team at Organic Valley explain the cost, time and performance benefits of modernizing their data operations with Nutanix.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Joshua Krzych VP of IT (00:00):
I am Joshua Krzych. I’m Vice President of IT operations at Organic Valley, so we have about 2000 small family farms at ebbs and flows from year to year. When I’m making a big decision, such as when we purchase Nutanix,
IT Decisions Differed During Tough Economy
In this video interview, Steve McDowell, principal analyst at NAND Research, talks about how the 2023 economy is impacting IT decision makers.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Related stories:
5 Hybrid Multicloud Cost Optimization Strategies
Ken Kaplan: It is a very strange economy. You know, there’s all these different indicators and mis-indicators, but in general, because you’ve been following this for a while, there’s a bit of, I don’
Testing healthcare AI and ML apps with the MedPerf Platform
In this special Tech Barometer podcast series, Alex Karagyris and Debojyoti “Debo” Dutta explain how the MedPerfs platform paves the way for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in healthcare.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Related stories:
Moving Healthcare IT Faster Into the Future
The Amalgamation of AI and Hybrid Cloud
Healthcare Technologies Paving the Way From Treatment to Prevention
How Digital Twin Technology Can Prope
Generative AI Moves Beyond Hype for IT Operations
In this video interview, Steve McDowell, principal analyst at NAND Research explains the challenges of onboarding artificial intelligence capabilities that require robust IT operations.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Related stories:
The Role of AI in Cloud Computing
Building Scalable, Sustainable Data Centers
Tool Estimates Data Center Carbon Emissions and Power Consumption
Green Data Centers: Designing an Eco-Smart Future
Solving Generative AI’
AI Impacting IT Operations Strategies
In this video interview, Harmail Chatha, senior director of cloud computing operations at Nutanix talks about sustainability factors and automation capabilities of AI shaping IT strategies.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Related stories:
The Role of AI in Cloud Computing
Building Scalable, Sustainable Data Centers
Tool Estimates Data Center Carbon Emissions and Power Consumption
Green Data Centers: Designing an Eco-Smart Future
Solving Generative
How Forestry and Land Scotland Uses Hybrid Cloud
In this video interview, learn how Forestry and Land Scotland discovered Nutanix Cloud Clusters (NC2) as their ticket to moving their IT operations to public cloud.
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Ken Kaplan: The forest needs technology?
Nick Mahlitz: Yes. The forests do yes, to manage your forests well and good, to use technology in a challenging environment like Scotland, where it’s very remote and the weather can be quite extreme som
Nutanix Carbon and Power Estimator Demo
In this video, see an early version of a modeling tool that estimates carbon emissions and power consumption of data center operations. This data can help shape strategies and inform decisions around IT sustainability.
Related: Building Scalable, Sustainable Data Centers
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Mat Brown: Cheers, Ken. I’m Mat Brown. I’m the technical lead for data center and Sustainability at Nutanix. We’re here today in Chicago
Trepid About Future of VMware Post-Acquisition
As Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware nears completion, IT leaders are hedging their investments, according to Steve McDowell, principal analyst at RAND Research.
Hedging Into Expected Broadcom Acquisition of VMware
Three Strategies to Help Manage Risk Arising from Broadcom’s VMware Acquisition
Assessing Broadcom’s Acquisition of VMware
Broadcom’s Acquisition of VMware Stirs Uncertainty
Find more enterprise cloud news, features stories and profiles at The Forecast.
Ken Kaplan:
Art and Science of Building a Hyper Dense, Hybrid Cloud Data Center
If cloud computing is the biggest infrastructure ever built by human hands, then data centers are the engines and building blocks that make it run. Building data centers is increasingly challenging as space, power, scalability and sustainability intertwine into priority number one. No one knows this better than Harmail Singh Chatha, senior director of hybrid cloud operations and ESG at Nutanix. In this third of a three-part podcast series, Chatha talks about building one of his company’s modern
Data Center Director with Sustainability Mindset
Explore the joys and challenges of leading data center operations with a sustainability mindset. In part two of a three-part podcast series, Harmail Singh Chatha explains what it’s like being director of Global Data Center Operations at Nutanix as the company embraces IT sustainability best practices. “The mindset is changing,” he said. “Everything is becoming more efficient. Compute is becoming more efficient. Data center providers are becoming more efficient. Everything is going to a software-
Architecting Sustainable Data Centers
In the first of a three-part Tech Barometer podcast series, go inside the mind of a data center architect as he helps lead Nutanix IT into a sustainable hybrid multicloud future. “We’re constantly and consistently using electricity, so the power and cooling have to be always available, every second,” said Harmail Singh Chatha, director of Global Data Center Operations for Nutanix. Server racks, networking cables, cooling systems and power sources all interconnect in a highly strategic and system
Microsoft and Nutanix Team Up to Simplify Hybrid Cloud
Innovations in public cloud services and private cloud technologies driving more organizations to build hybrid cloud operations that fit their particular business needs. Hybrid cloud strategies are allowing IT leaders to optimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) while meeting present and future business needs, according to Brett Tanzer, vice president of product management at Microsoft.
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Tanzer talks about how Azure’s customer needs have changed as they move to h
Moving End User Computing into a Hybrid Multicloud Future
One of the underlying technologies making remote and hybrid work possible is virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), which allows organizations to centrally manage essential business applications and stream them over the internet to employee computers. While this technology has been around for decades, it keeps evolving and improving, according to Sridhar Mullapudi, general manager of the Citrix business unit in the Cloud Software Group.
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Mullapudi talks about how
CMO Mandy Dhaliwal Points Way to Hybrid Multicloud
In this Tech Barometer podcast, Nutanix Chief Marketing Officer Mandy Dhaliwal explains why people-focused and data-driven marketing of hybrid multicloud software will help enterprises build their future on applications and data. Digital transformation is a business imperative, forcing enterprises to focus on a growing number of complexities, including application development, data management, security and sustainability. Dhaliwal is stepping in to clear the air and help IT leaders choose the ri
Cloud Tech Trends Shaping 2023
At the end of each year and the beginning of every new one, experts gaze into their crystal balls and share visions and predictions for the future. While some things may never change, this exercize becomes a zeitgeist for a world of iterative advancements. Sometimes a crystal clear vision of the future makes people realize they’re in the midst of a radical revolution, part of a pivotal time in history. To understand what cloud computing-related technology trends will drive business success in 20
Hybrid Work: Consumer Tech Experiences at Work
In this final segment of a five-part Tech Barometer podcast series on hybrid work, Nutanix CIO Wendy M. Pfeiffer talks about what inspired her to think differently about enabling worker productivity, using consumer technologies and experiences that allow employees to be their authentic selves.
Shift to Hybrid Work: How to Manage Constant Change
Shift to Hybrid Work: Asynchronous Productivity
Shift to Hybrid Work: Reduce Context Switching
Shift to Hybrid Work: Automation and Self Service
Shift to Hybrid Work: Automation and Self-Service
Nutanix CIO Wendy M. Pfeiffer explains how easy-to-create automation tools help hybrid workforces stay productive across different time zones and cultures, and improve machine learning that can benefit the whole company. In this fourth of a five-part Tech Barometer podcast series on hybrid work, Pfeiffer talks about the rise of personalization and self-service tools. “We need to enable our knowledge workers to manage and change and configure their own work,” she said.
Shift to Hybrid Wo
Hybrid Work: Shift to Hybrid Work: Reduce Context Switching
When people switch from one task to another unrelated task, it can have jarring, disruptive effects, resulting in wasted time, mistakes and stress. “You can’t just throw a bunch of varied tasks and environments at everybody and expect productivity to remain high,” said Wendy Pfeiffer, CIO at Nutanix. “The brain isn’t made to function like that.” In this third segment of a five-part podcast series on leading a hybrid-first work environment, Nutanix CIO Wendy M. Pfeiffer explains how to limit the
Shift to Hybrid Work: Asynchronous Productivity
Working remotely is liberating for many, but enabling a hybrid workforce to be as productive in the office as they are working outside the office is an ongoing challenge for IT leaders. “We need to make sure that anyone in any location, in any time zone, at any place or time, can get access to work in process and can contribute using all of their capabilities,” said Wendy M. Pfeiffer, CIO of Nutanix. In the second of a five-part Tech Barometer podcast series, Pfeiffer shares the wisdom she’s gai
Shift to Hybrid Work: How to Manage Constant Change
The word hybrid is proliferating across industries and people’s lives. There are more hybrid engine-powered cars. More companies are turning to hybrid cloud IT for the flexibility to run applications and data on premises or in public IT services. And there’s hybrid work, a major recent change in the workplace, where companies empower employees to work both inside and outside the office. How do companies manage change in the future of work?
“We have to be good at hybrid everything,” said Wendy Pf
Keck Medicine’s Simplified Hybrid Multicloud IT Keeps Focus on People
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment with Christian Aboujaoude, CTO of Keck Medicine at USC, learn how hyperconverged infrastructure and a roadmap for working across multiple clouds leads to better healthcare services.
Even if 85 to 90% of the applications added to healthcare are service-driven, IT teams still use on-prem resources to manage everything, according to Aboujaoude.
“So, you’re not building monolithic environments to support the application, but instead you’re transitioning to a c
Assessing Broadcom’s Acquisition of VMware
Many braced for what might happen next after Broadcom announced in May that it would acquire VMware for $61 billion. The deal drove experts to examine Broadcom’s past acquisitions.
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, Steve McDowell, senior analyst for data and storage at Moor Insights & Strategy explains why he sees two potential big beneficiaries of Broadcom’s VMware acquisition: Broadcom shareholders and VMware competitors.
“This is going to be huge for Broadcom stockholders,” he said. “I
Making Databases Easier and Invisible
Tobias Ternström leads a team that helps enterprises manage databases with less effort and risk across hybrid multicloud environments. In this Tech Barometer podcast segment, the vice president of engineering and product at Nutanix talks about the kinds of database-centered issues technology leaders are grappling with and shares how he learned to master the nuances of intricate database ecosystems. Then he points out new innovations that are helping databases to become almost invisible.
Find mor
Researchers Use AI to Finish Beethoven’s 10th Symphony
To show artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for humankind, Rutgers University professor Ahmed Elgammal explains how it helped his team complete an unfinished work by one of the most admired composers in the history of Western music. “Can we teach AI to learn from classical composers how to take a motif like that and develop it to a whole segment in a movement… and then with the second motif develop the second segment?” he posited. In this Tech Barometer podcast, learn why Elgammal bel
Next-Generation Computing Platforms Unshackling IT
In this Tech Barometer podcast segment: IT analyst Holger Mueller explains how new hybrid cloud platforms are opening the door for faster, easier and more agile IT operations that work across private data centers and public cloud services. He shares findings from his Constellation Research report about the Nutanix Cloud Platform, software that allows workloads to be deployed across multicloud and on-premise IT systems.
Three Pillars of Hybrid Multicloud Success
Constellation Research re
Cloud Computing Sparking an Economic Revolution
In this podcast, author Mark P. Mills says, “history doesn’t repeat, it rhymes.”
Consider what happened a century ago, when the world witnessed the convergence of the greatest technological leap in human history with innovations such as the automobile, airplane and radio; groundbreaking scientific discoveries in physics, chemistry and medicine; and a major jump in the standard of living because of electrification and indoor plumbing. Mills, an engineering scholar at Northwestern University, use
The Future of Electric Vehicles Plugs Into Cloud Computing
Electric vehicle (EV) adoption will take more than tax credits. Because of so-called “range anxiety” – motorists’ worry that EVs will leave them stranded when their batteries run out – it also will require a marked increase in the number of EV charging stations. Specifically, cloud-enabled smart charging stations. In this story by The Forecast writer Jean Thilmany, read by Tech Barometer executive producer Jason Lopez, learn how the power of the cloud is key to making electric vehicles as practi
ESG Analyst Tony Palmer: Businesses Accelerating Use of Hybrid Cloud
In this podcast segment, Tony Palmer, principal validation analyst at research firm ESG, goes beyond the metrics of testing and validating IT technologies, sharing insights on the emerging business model of a data-driven organization.
In an earlier segment with Palmer, it was evident he’s more than a numbers guy – doing analysis and validation of IT products is his calling card. He describes the big picture and how a confluence of innovations and trends is changing how businesses operate.
Validating Software for Moving Between Private Data Centers and Public Cloud
In this podcast segment, The Forecast’s editor Ken Kaplan talks to Tony Palmer, principal validation analyst at research firm ESG, who tested Nutanix Cloud Clusters on AWS, designed to reduce the operational complexity of migrating, extending or bursting business applications and data between on-premises and clouds.
Perhaps at the top of IT’s wish list is the desire to deploy new applications with no downtime, explained Palmer. That’s a challenge when managing infrastructure and applications wit
How Hybrid Cloud Helps Healthcare IT
U.S. healthcare expenditures are expected to reach $6.2 trillion by 2028. Still, many CIOs can’t shift their healthcare IT systems fast enough to modern technologies that are proving to benefit providers and patients, according to Geoffrey Bakeman, vice president of Healthcare Solutions at Comport Consulting Corp.
His firm works with providers to move the patient care needle forward through modern uses of healthcare IT solutions such as cloud and as-a-service technologies. He said what’s keepin