Faith and Sustainability
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Join Leonard Robinson, every week as we journey together to explore how faith and sustainability connect. Guests appearing in each episode include environmental experts and influential members of different faith traditions as we find out how we can better care for our common home. We look forward to meeting you at the corner of faith and sustainability!
Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley - Advocate and Activist
Rev. Dr. Durley shares his inspiring journey from the civil rights movement to his current work in environmental justice.
Nathaniel Smith - Partnership for Southern Equity
Nathaniel Smith joins the show to talk about advancing racial equity through sustainability initiatives.
Sister Joan Brown, OSF - Sisters of St. Francis
Sr. Joan Brown, OSF, is from the Sisters of St. Francis in Rochester, Minnesota, but she lives and works in New Mexico. The former Executive Director of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light grew up on a farm in Kansas and still uses lessons learned from that time in her work in New Mexico.
Drew Reynolds - Encounter Georgia
Co-founder of Encounter Georgia, Drew Reynolds, joins the show to talk about his non-partisan and faith-based Catholic advocacy organization.
Jalynn Webb - Imani Greenworks
Leonard & Kat are joined on the show by Jalynn Webb of Imani Village, a Trinity United Church of Christ subsidiary, to discuss Imani Greenworks.
Jaime Lanier - Ray C. Anderson Foundation
Jaime Lanier is a trustee of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation. Jaime discusses how his faith and the influence of his father-in-law, Ray C. Anderson led him to promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship through the foundation.
John Mundell - Laudato Si Action Platform
John Mundell is the director of the Laudato Si Action Platform. John was asked by the Vatican to lead the initiative by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, inspired by Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical Laudato Si.
Bishop Joel Konzen, S.M. - Archdiocese of Atlanta
Season 3 kicks off with Archdiocese of Atlanta Auxiliary Bishop Joel Konzen. Bishop Konzen is the chaplain for the Laudato Si Initiative and has a long history of love for the environment.
Francina Harrison - The Career Engineer
Joining the show this week is Francina Harrison, the founder of The Career Engineer. She talks about how important her faith is to her life and how it can inspire others in their career while also giving tips on how to find 'green jobs' that you've never thought about!After this episode, we will take a break for Advent and Christmas and will have new episodes starting in 2025!
Dr. Christina Slentz - Diocese of San Diego
Kat and Leonard are joined by Christina Slentz, PhD, the Associate Director for Creation Care at the Catholic Diocese of San Diego. Dr. Slentz talks about how she works with catechists at the diocese to promote their creation care programs and her time in the US Navy!
Dan Misleh - Catholic Climate Convenant
Leonard and Kat are joined by Dan Misleh, the founder and executive director of Catholic Climate Covenant. Dan talks about his organization but also his experience of living with the locals in Alaska!
Season Two Opener! Leonard Robinson
In the first episode of Season Two of Faith and Sustainability, we introduce our new co-host, although she's not new to the show, and turn the tables on Leonard Robinson, our OG host to learn more about his life of faith and sustainability.
Join Us for Season 2 of Faith and Sustainability!
Coming soon...season two of Faith and Sustainability!
Episode 10: Jack Groh
In this last episode of Season 1 of Faith and Sustainability, we are joined by Jack Groh. Jack is the director of the NFL environmental program and a principal of the consulting firm, US Green Sports. He has the unique job of making sure some of the biggest sporting events in the world are environmentally friendly.
Episode 9: Ashley Morris
Ashley Morris is the Director of Black Catholic Affairs in the Office of Intercultural Ministries at the Archdiocese of Atlanta. He challenges and helps us to look at embracing environmental justice and equity.
Episode 8: Commissioner Jerica Richardson
Jerica Richardson is a Cobb County (GA) Commissioner for district two. Her lifelong love of both the environment and politics brings a unique perspective of faith and sustainability in the government.
Episode 7: Rob Watson
Rob Watson is known as the founding father of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, aka LEED, the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Rob also brings us a Jewish perspective to sustainability.
Episode 6: Codi Norred
Codi Norred serves as Executive Director of Georgia Interfaith Power and Light, an organization that equips faith communities and congregations across the state of Georgia to address issues of environmental justice and climate change.
Episode 5: Rob McDowell
Rob McDowell is a professor at Georgia State University and was one of the experts that helped write the original Laudato Si Action Plan. He is an expert on water resources management.
Episode 4: Jay Bassett
Jay Bassett is a member of the Archdiocese of Atlanta Laudato Si Initiative program. He is an expert in how to purchase and recycle wisely.
Episode 3: Brian Savoie
Brian Savoie is the sustainability program coordinator for the Archdiocese of Atlanta Laudato Si initiative. He works with parishes and schools to implement and respond to the Laudato Si action plan.
Episode 2: Susan Varlamoff
Susan Varlamoff was a key influencer in the Archdiocese of Atlanta's Laudato Si Action Plan. This week we discuss that Laudato Si Action Plan and how it is sustainability roadmap.
Episode 1: Kat Doyle
Welcome to the premiere episode of Faith and Sustainability! Our guest this week is Kat Doyle, the director of the Justice and Peace Ministries for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, which includes Care for Creation. Care for Creation includes the team behind the Laudato Si Initiative, which we talk about in this podcast!
Faith and Sustainability Trailer
The Faith and Sustainability Podcast is coming soon! A project of the Archdiocese of Atlanta's Laudato Si Initiative, the Faith and Sustainability Podcast will be launching on the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, October 4, 2023!