Two friends get together every week to talk three topics across pop culture current events and whatever is on their minds
Episode 11 - Instant Karma
The boys are slurring words and talking nonsense in this episode of 3withZee. The discuss the 90's, what caused Christian to skip school, and a preview of a Christmas special. Christian also says so heinous shit about Anthony Bourdain
This weeks' topics are Death Note, Anthony Bourdain, and Solo: A Star Wars Story
Episode 10 - She Took It Bad Pretty Much
The guys return with special guest Sarkastic Desperado!
Is it ever a good time to make fun of your wife? What documentary puts the guys in a bad mood? Where are those jet engines?! Would you lie about a cat?
Questions and arguments abound in the longest episode yet when topics include Evil Genius, God of War and Top 5 Favorite Conspiracies
5:18 - John makes a joke
7:10 - The guys explain the name of this podcast
11:05 - Evil Genius
23:47 - Barry season finale
25:50 - God of War
Episode 9 - Disrespecting Moth Man
This week the guys gather to talk about the merits of Flat Earth vs Hollow Earth, the capture of the Golden State Killer (This gets pretty dark.)
At 58 minutes in, The guys talk about their reaction to Avengers: Infinity War. FULL BLOWN SPOILERS
Episode 8 - Hard To Get Through
The guys return to discuss three topics (and cover 30.) This week topics include Westworld, a News Roundup, and Infinity Wars predictions.
They end up talking about Zee's big date, Zee's dissatisfaction with drone technology, Nakamura's new music, a bad movie trailer, who should die in the MCU and adequate size for a TV. How do you like your Hot Sauce?
01:30 - Zee's Date
13:50 - West World
23:34 - First Sponser
25:25 - Round up
25:30 - WrestleMania
33:25 - Bill Cosby
34:50 - Trump
Episode 7 - Who is Lily?
It's episode 7 of 3withZee! This weeks topics are the new HBO show Barry, Fallout 4, and Geek War! Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. The guys go international discussing accents in sci fi, shopping addiction, and peculiar gaming habits. It's a riot.
11:17 HBO's Barry
21:23 Fallout 4
32:20 Zee tells a sad sad story
44:08 Nerdfight/Geek WAR! What is better: Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings
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Episode 6 - Hot Ants
Welcome to Episode 6, the most tangent filled episode yet! This week topics are Better: Book or Moive; Stormy Daniels, and the Marvel Universe. Tim joins the guys to talk Macho Man, Chivalry, and Zee's poor choices in love, tattoos and meeting celebrities.
5:30 Book or Movie
30:45 Spoilers for Murder on the Orient Express
33:10 Stormy Daniels
40:32 Marvel
41:22 Zee embarrasses himself in front of his favorite actor
44:42 Back to Marvel
Episode 5 - Asslicker
It's episode 5 of 3withZee! This week's topics are Zee's Top 5 video games, Amazon show The Tick, and Oscar reactions. The guys talk friendly barflies, sources of vitamin E, and what exactly Kobe Bryant did.
11:30 - Streaming instead of Rentals
14:14 - Zee's Top 5 at 5
29:01 - The Tick
38:33 - The Oscars
48:14 - Introducing people to technology is a mistake
Episode 4 - Unibomber, Che Guevara, Weeping Jesus
It's Episode 4!
This week is a TV extravaganza with topics Waco, Altered Carbon, and Manhunt: Unibomber. The guys also talk conspiracy, bowling and ranking the Rocky movies.
10:00 - Waco
19:35 - Altered Carbon
39:59 - Manhunt: Unibomber
Episode 3 - You Can't Pull My Hair
Episode 3 of 3 with Zee!
This weeks topics are, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump Whitehouse and Den of Thieves. The guys talk dating, pornstar girlfriends, and cheating etiquette. It's a real doozy.
09:40 - The Death Of
24:20 - Sex Acronym Game
28:10 - Fire And Fury
48:39 - Den of Thieves
Episode 2 - Working For The Weekend
Episode 2!
Topics for discussion include
Chance the Rapper's Coloring Book
Hersh, McCavoy or Sturgess
Death of the DCEU
Episode 1 - Bitches Did It for the Honey
Our first Episode!
The three topics include:
Netflix Series DARK