Your Gay Best Friends

Your Gay Best Friends

Dwayne Anthony

Completely unfiltered, Dwayne Anthony is a father, husband, and professional.Dwayne is telling you his stories about love, life, shopping and sex.....And does not give one f*ck while doing it! He is the Gay Best Friend you want and need in your life.New Episodes will be here for your listening pleasure regularly. Don't miss out and tell him what you think.....Good, Bad and the Ugly!Email him your views at YourGayBestFriend@hotmail.comVery special Thanks to @JeffonYouTube (IG) for doing my intro!

ross is back podcast

ross is back podcast

We are back! Ross and I have weekly podcasts scheduled until.....well, forever! This week Ross and I discuss the movie, "Back to the Future", fitness, influencers and joining the chilling Air Fryer Cult. We cannot wait to hear from you!Check out our YouTube channel: come join the conversations here:Email: YourGayBestFriend@hotmail.comInstagram:

Sep 27, 2021 • 1:00:55

Inauguration = Unity

Inauguration = Unity

After many months of depression and the feeling of hopelessness we have moved on with a new outlook on life. And with a new outlook we have new episodes! Ross and Dwayne talk about the incoming President of the USA as well as the outgoing President. How Oreos are supporting the LGBTQ community? With the world's most known cookie of course! Come let us know what you think of what we have to say....Do you agree, disagree, or want to join us on the conversation? Below are some places referenced in

Jan 21, 2021 • 30:06

20 Questions with Ross

20 Questions with Ross

Welcome back! Hoping you are all staying safe. After coming back from a Quarantine hiatus, we have been able to reformat our show by adding a fresh new hot voice for your ears. Not only is his voice like a mental orgasm, but he has brains too!Getting to know our newest Gay Best Friend, Ross! Direct from Singapore, by way of Autralia and stopping many places along the way, come get to know him. We play a rousing game of 20 Questions where we touch upon everything from simple questions from his ag

May 25, 2020 • 43:45

Episode 29: Dwayne and Devin talk Environment

Episode 29: Dwayne and Devin talk Environment

Dwayne drags his son, Devin (18) into the recording studio to talk about the "Virus" as well as how it effects the environment today. Topics include Eco Anxiety, sustainable living as well as where the smell of rain comes from (random I know).Check out my new "Friend in my head", Shelbizleee's YourTube channel: out these links as references to what was discussed:Cruise Ship Pollution:

Apr 4, 2020 • 29:30

Episode 28: Corona can't get you down

Episode 28: Corona can't get you down

Story Time w/Dwayne Anthony! In the most raw and personal episode yet, Dwayne talks about his day job, depression and where he plans on moving forward during this horrific time in history. Listen for some inspiration and an outlet to be able to get out of your head.Contact Dwayne here:Email: YourGayBestFriend@Hotmail.comFacebook: @UrGBFInstagram: DwayneAnthony1977

Mar 31, 2020 • 34:02

Episode 27 Catfish, Addictions and Sanitizer, Oh My!

Episode 27 Catfish, Addictions and Sanitizer, Oh My!

I was finally Catfished! Find out how I knew, and how it ended. Also, I talk about my personal addiction and what why my friends watch episodes of My Strange Addiction, Catfish, and My 600 Lb. Life.I also touch upon handwashing due to the CoronaVirus spread and the CORRECT way to wash your hands! (It's different than what they are telling you)Contact me here:Instagram: @DwayneAnthony1977Facebook: @UrGBFEmail:

Mar 6, 2020 • 25:33

Episode 26: Customer Service Sucks

Episode 26: Customer Service Sucks

Do you ever feel as though you are being taken advantage of by Customer Service Reps? Does it bother you as much as it bothers me when you hear the words "As a one time exception...." Because in your heart of hearts you know that means they could have done it all along and not wasted your time, energy and hard earned money?This is what Your Gay Best Friend went through and wants to tell you all about it!Contact me at:Facebook: @UrBGFInstagram: @DwayneAnthonyEmail: YourGayBestFriend@hotmail.comxo

Mar 4, 2020 • 29:38

Episode 25 I Am A Poor White Hoarder

Episode 25 I Am A Poor White Hoarder

I get down right personal about my upbringing from Government Assistance to my obsession of shopping and keeping Tags on everything. Is this why I am so anxious today?Question for you: Do you have a scent that brings you back to a special place?Contact me here:Instagram: @DwayneAnthony1977Facebook: @UrGBFEmail:

Feb 27, 2020 • 16:59

Episode 24 Mutual Respect for Spoilers

Episode 24 Mutual Respect for Spoilers

What happens when I asked a Social Media "Friend" to stop talking spoilers on Facebook? Question for you: What shows do you have to watch when they first air?Contact me here:Instagram: @DwayneAnthony1977Facebook: @UrGBFEmail:

Feb 26, 2020 • 11:25

Episode 23 Celebrity Riders

Episode 23 Celebrity Riders

Breaking my own rules: Telling stories outside of class. Did you know Celebrities have something in their contracts called Riders for when they appear for professional appearances? I uncover several Gay Icons' Riders. And I ask the question: What would be in your Rider? Listen to end for a little Tea Spilling on Kelly Ripa! Source: me:Instagram: @DwayneAnthony1977Facebook: @UrGBFEmail:

Feb 23, 2020 • 26:47

Episode 22: Fuck em

Episode 22: Fuck em

Finally got a new studio space to record in! Dealing with internet trolls, and the two life lessons I have learned while perfecting this podcast. Also, when did we still start labeling again? I thought we were over this? Facebook: @UrGBFInstagram: @DwayneAnthony1977Email:

Feb 17, 2020 • 17:00

Episode 21: Should I hire Michael

Episode 21: Should I hire Michael

Should I hire Michael???? Listen to today's episode and let me know if you would hire him. Am I already too emotionally attached to a stranger whom I just met? Doing a remodel of my bathroom and need a local painter and shower door installer. HELP your GBF out! Instagram: @DwayneAnthony1977Facebook: @UrGBFEmail:

Feb 11, 2020 • 24:37

Episode 20: Back From NYC

Episode 20: Back From NYC

Finally back home in the Sunshine state! Here is a quick overview of what I did my 3 days in the Big Apple and the horrific flight home. Hint: I toured 30 Rock, saw and Broadway Musical and stole something from the Amazon Go store!Upcoming episodes will include each thing I did in depth. Let me know what you want to hear about first by contacting me here:Instagram: DwayneAnthony1977Facebook: @URGBFEmail:

Feb 8, 2020 • 18:07

Episode 19: Preparing For My Trip To The Big Apple

Episode 19: Preparing For My Trip To The Big Apple

By the time you hear this Dwayne will already be in New Jersey, but listen here for the real thoughts that go through his head as he gets ready to go on a plane in less than 6 hours!*If you could go anywhere for 3 days where would you go?*Talk to him here:Instagram: @DwayneAnthony1977Facebook: @UrGBFEmail:

Feb 4, 2020 • 16:01

Episode 18: If Your GBF Was a YouTuber

Episode 18: If Your GBF Was a YouTuber

Dwayne decided to take an Online Quiz on to find out who his YouTube GBF would be. Hmmmm..... and Chat with me here:Instagram: @DwayneAnthony1977Facebook: @UrGBFEmail:

Feb 3, 2020 • 14:29

Episode 17: Self Care

Episode 17: Self Care

What does your To Do List look like?Is your In Box full? And what do you do for Self Care? Just shooting the shit over coffee about "expectation vs reality" and how I can never Live in the Moment. Let me know how you Live in the Moment without your impending To Do List looming over your head by contacting me here:Facebook:@UrGBFEmail:YourGayBestFriend@hotmail.comInstagram:DwayneAnthony1977

Jan 29, 2020 • 20:42

Episode 16: Come Google With Me

Episode 16: Come Google With Me

Episode 16: Come Google With MeAfter lots of time being afraid to talk to you guys because of "Fear" I have decided to go back to Basics here. I spend 20 minutes just Googling whatever pure random crap enters my head. From 2020 Resolutions to what is most recently going on in my head. Completely Unedited ramblings for your enjoyment!Come talk to me at:Email:YourGayBestFriend@hotmail.comInstagram:DwayneAnthony1977Facebook:@UrGBF

Jan 29, 2020 • 20:19

Episode 15 Stripped Down and Raw

Episode 15 Stripped Down and Raw

WANTED: Everyday people tired of being sick and tired!In my most stripped down and raw episode to date, you won't find any music, outtakes, or editing here. I just talk about my past, why I think I am sick and how to get better, with help from my Gay Best Friends!Email: YourGayBestFriend@Hotmail.comMessenger: @URGBFInstagram: DwayneAnthony1977

Dec 9, 2019 • 16:08

Episode 14: Crushing on Male Trunk

Episode 14: Crushing on Male Trunk

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Black Friday, and Happy Small Business Saturday! I am thankful this year for the new friends I have made thanks to my new platform. I was sent a gift box from one of the nicest people on the planet, Michael Dean Roberts. I couldn't help but rip through his package (hee-hee) and tell you all about it. This is NOT sponsored and this is NOT an Ad. This is just my real feelings on a brand I look forward to supporting myself, and I hope you check them out as well!Credits:Web

Nov 30, 2019 • 26:16

Episode 13: Tutorial How to Measure your Penis

Episode 13: Tutorial How to Measure your Penis

Have you been doing it all wrong? Do you know the correct, medical way to measure your member? I am a giver.....and what I am giving you is information as we go into the holiday season: Do you measure up? I tell you what the average size is and how to gain an actual whole inch! When is the right time for penis enlargement? What a professional told me about how to do it.Email me your questions and comments: Message me on Instagram @DwayneAnthony1977Keep Up with me o

Nov 21, 2019 • 27:28

Episode 12: Where the F*ck have I been?

Episode 12: Where the F*ck have I been?

It has been 4 months since I have had the ability and will to record. But this time is different. With the help of my listeners, I have been able to sit my ass down and record my next episode. And as God is my witness, I will never give up again!

Nov 14, 2019 • 15:49

Episode 11: Expectation of Others

Episode 11: Expectation of Others

Dwayne has had enough with watching Jaclyn Hill YouTube videos about how bad she is at running a business. And after another disappointing experience at Mc Donald's he can't help but sound off about holding people accountable and not allowing yourself to just "take it"!

Jul 7, 2019 • 20:15

Episode 10: God Control Music Video Reaction

Episode 10: God Control Music Video Reaction

Dwayne got into his first social media war over Madonna's latest Video for the song God Control. Have you seen it? How did it make you feel? Pulse shooting survivors put in their thoughts and Dwayne tries to dissect it while on a sleep aid and his dog goes crazy in the background. Proves to be a great time! Email all of your hate mail to:

Jun 29, 2019 • 16:43

Episode 9: I'm Back!

Episode 9: I'm Back!

Dwayne's Back and he is being raw and emotional, letting you in on the last 12 days of craziness! Between talking about being a father on father's day, a promotion, his son's monumental milestone he sneaks in some positive energy and love to his Gay Best Friends out there. Don't forget to catch Dwayne on Jeff!'s Channel here: Check out Jeff!'s other videos and subscribe! Check out my friend, Cory Caesar's @chromatic_disto

Jun 22, 2019 • 11:55

Episode 8: Shut Up And Listen

Episode 8: Shut Up And Listen

In this Episode, Dwayne touchesz upon the hatred happening during the first 9 days of Gay Pride Month and quotes a post he saw from Liberal Backbone and discusses the simplicity of being kind to one another by listening when you speak and speaking instead of just listening. There will be many of you who do not agree with what Dwayne says, but that is why he is opening himself up to your responses via Instagram @DwayneAnthony197 and by email: So make sure you tell hi

Jun 10, 2019 • 7:19

Episode 7: Audience Participation

Episode 7: Audience Participation

In this Episode, Dwayne looks into the newest experience at Galaxy's Edge in Disneyland California and explains why this is not for him. Also touched upon is his expectations of what he thought his life would have been like if he had his own GBF.

Jun 7, 2019 • 8:39

Episode 6: Walking Billboards

Episode 6: Walking Billboards

Ever get caught staring at a hot guy because of what he looked like? Dwayne has, which got him thinking about how we are all walking advertisements. In this short life lesson, he drops long term thoughts. Don't forget to email him your thoughts at YourGayBestFriend@hotmail.comand follow him on IG @DwayneAnthony1977 to let him know what you think!

Jun 5, 2019 • 6:32

Episode 5: The Dark Place Tour*

Episode 5: The Dark Place Tour*

In this Episode Dwayne talks about his addiction to certain You Tubers, his conspiracy theory on plastic straws, and challenges everyone to ask him questions via e-mail:*If you or anyone you know are in a "dark place" please seek professional help. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255or Chat via www.suicidepreventionlifeline.orgxoxo,Dwayne Anthony

Jun 3, 2019 • 18:03

Episode 4: Gay Man on a Mission

Episode 4: Gay Man on a Mission

Did Dwayne really spend 6 hours shopping for skincare products?!?!?! You bet your ass he did. And not only that, he just might have walked away empty handed. Dwayne talks about his trip to a high end mall trying to figure out what the best skin care products would work for him and how sales people are only in it for themselves! E-mail him to tell your story

May 31, 2019 • 11:03

Episode 3: Top Tens Gay Movie List

Episode 3: Top Tens Gay Movie List

Dwayne breaks out the old "googler" to see what the current Top Ten Gay Movies are of all time. This list was current as of May 2019. See what he thinks about those Top Ten and is he as out of touch as people think? Has he even seen any of them? And what does he think of the ones that were chosen as well as the Honerable Mentions? Info received from

May 28, 2019 • 14:50

Episode 2: Public Service Announcement Moving Sidewalks

Episode 2: Public Service Announcement Moving Sidewalks

Dwayne let's expresses his concerns when it comes to the etiquette of moving sidewalks, the homeless and more. Welcome to 2019 people! If you have an opinion on this feel free to contact me and tell me how I am wrong (or right) @dwayneAnthony1977 (IG) or email at

May 28, 2019 • 9:08

Pilot: Introduction

Pilot: Introduction

This is my first ever Podcast....Several Months in the Making! Here about who I am and what to expect. New to the world of Podcasting, and editing, and tech in general, follow this 40-something year old dad, husband and overall opinionated gay who is looking to interact with you. I am looking to hear from you, the good, the bad, and the ugly! Email me your thoughts and suggestions at

May 28, 2019 • 7:59

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